Democratic elections need a well-informed public. With the media environment increasingly influenced by algorithms, science and society need new tools to evaluate such algorithmic influence. In this work in progress paper, we study search engine bias in the context of the German federal elections in 2021. We combine a representative survey (N = 1,641) focused on information strategies and large-scale automated retrieval of search results by agent-based testing (ABT; 293,474 searches with 2,498,764 search results) to introduce an audience-centered approach to algorithmic auditing. This approach allows us to study both how voters use search engines in the run-up to elections and the content of the results they are shown. Preliminary results point towards a strong influence of different information-seeking strategies (i.e., looking for specific party, candidate, or issue information, or more general election guidance) on the structural diversity of search results. We outline further analysis strategies based on our dataset to investigate potential effects of different individual pathways to information on the structural diversity of search results., The project and this paper were funded by the Bavarian Research Institure for Digital Transformation., {"references":["Atkin, C. (1973). Instrumental Utilities and Information Seeking. In P. Clarke (Ed.), New Models for Mass Communication (pp. 205–242). SAGE Publications.","Bandy, J. (2021). Problematic Machine Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review of Algorithm Audits. ArXiv:2102.04256 [Cs].","Bozdag, E., & van den Hoven, J. (2015). Breaking the filter bubble: Democracy and design. Ethics and Information Technology, 17(4), 249–265.","Campbell, A., Converse, P. E., Miller, W. E., & Stokes, D. E. (1960). The american voter. University of Chicago Press.","Dieter, P. (2021). Keine Vorteile mehr durch AMP: Google vollzieht Kehrtwende. t3n Magazin.","Dommett, K., & Verovšek, P. J. (2021). 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