The purpose of the study. To examine the relationship of severity of stenosis of carotid arteries and constitutional types in women with ischemic stroke Materials and methods. Patients evaluated the presence of cardiovascular disease, previous cardiovascular events, type, and subtype of stroke, neurological status was determined according to neurological scales. Anthropometric methods included the determination of constitutional types, different techniques. To assess the presence of atherosclerosis performed color duplex scanning of brachycephalic arteries and laboratory testing (estradiol, hCRP, lipid profile). Results. In the present study in women with ischemic stroke stenosis of carotid artery more than 50 % were found in 13.3 % of cases, less severe stenoses - in 36,0 % of cases. Differences in constitutional characteristics in groups with different severity of stenosis in the carotid arteria identified, although in separate subgroups revealed a weak but statistically significant correlation with certain constitutional types: in the group without stenosis KA - with asthenicmnarrow bone constitutional type (r=0,13) and endomorph constitutional type (r=-0,13); in the group of stenosis KA (to 49 %), asthenic (r=0,13), ectomorphy (r=0,13) and metaplasticity (r=0.14) constitutional types. At the same time, association of the severity of carotid stenosis with laboratory parameters such as the level of estradiol, CRP, the presence of dyslipidemia. Conclusion. In our study there were no differences in constitutional characteristics in groups with different severity of stenosis of the carotid arteries, although in separate subgroups revealed a weak but statistically significant correlation with certain constitutional types. It is advisable to continue the study of the constitutional characteristics, but with other clinical indicators (the relationship of genetic and constitutional factors).