1,632 results on '"VIAL J"'
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2. Explosive Events in the Quiet Sun Near and Beyond the Solar Limb Observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
- Author
Alissandrakis, C. E. and Vial, J. -C.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
We study point-like explosive events (EE), characterized by emission in the far wings of spectral lines, in a quiet region near the South Pole, using Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) spectra at two slit positions, slit-jaw (SJ) observations and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) images. The events were best visible in SiIV spectra; they were weak in SJs, occasionally visible in 1600 A and 304 A AIA images, and invisible in higher temperature AIA images. We identified EEs from position--time images in the far wings of the SiIV lines and measured their distance from the limb. A Gaussian model of the height distribution showed that EEs occur in a narrow (0.9") height range, centered at 3.2" above the continuum limb at 2832.0 A. On the disk, we found that they occur in network boundaries. Further, we studied the line profiles of two bright EEs above the limb and one on the disk. We found that what appears as broad-band emission, is actually a superposition of 2--3 narrow-band Gaussian components with well-separated line profiles, indicating that material is expelled towards and/or away from the observer in discrete episodes in time and in space. The expelled plasma accelerates quickly, reaching line-of-sight (LOS) velocities up to 90 km/s. Overall, the motion was practically along the LOS, as the velocity on the plane of sky was small. In some cases tilted spectra were observed that could be interpreted in terms of rotating motions of up to 30 km/s. We did not find any strong absorption features in the wing of the SiIV lines, although in one case a very weak absorption feature was detected. No motions, indicative of jets, were detected in SJ or AIA images. Reconnection in an asymmetric magnetic-field geometry, in the middle or near the top of small loops is a plausible explanation of their observational characteristics., Comment: Accepted, Solar Physics
- Published
- 2023
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3. Empirical relations between the intensities of Lyman lines of H and He$^+$
- Author
Gordino, M., Auchère, F., Vial, J. -C., Bocchialini, K., Hassler, D. M., Bando, T., Ishikawa, R., Kano, R., Kobayashi, K., Narukage, N., Bueno, J. Trujillo, and Winebarger, A.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
Empirical relations between major UV and extreme UV spectral lines are one of the inputs for models of chromospheric and coronal spectral radiances and irradiances. They are also needed for the interpretation of some of the observations of the Solar Orbiter mission. We aim to determine an empirical relation between the intensities of the HI 121.6 nm and HeII 30.4 nm Lyman $\alpha$ lines. Images at 121.6 nm from the Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectro Polarimeter (CLASP) and Multiple XUV Imager (MXUVI) sounding rockets were co-registered with simultaneous images at 30.4 nm from the EIT and AIA orbital telescopes in order to derive a spatially resolved relationship between the intensities. We have obtained a relationship between the HI 121.6 nm and HeII 30.4 nm intensities that is valid for a wide range of solar features, intensities, and activity levels. Additional SUMER data have allowed the derivation of another relation between the HI 102.5 nm (Ly$\beta$) and HeII 30.4 nm lines for quiet-Sun regions. We combined these two relationships to obtain a Ly$\alpha$/Ly$\beta$ intensity ratio that is comparable to the few previously published results. The relationship between the HI 121.6~nm and HeII 30.4 nm lines is consistent with the one previously obtained using irradiance data. We have also observed that this relation is stable in time but that its accuracy depends on the spatial resolution of the observations. The derived Ly$\alpha$/Ly$\beta$ intensity ratio is also compatible with previous results.
- Published
- 2022
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4. First light observations of the solar wind in the outer corona with the Metis coronagraph
- Author
Romoli, M., Antonucci, E., Andretta, V., Capuano, G. E., Da Deppo, V., De Leo, Y., Downs, C., Fineschi, S., Heinzel, P., Landini, F., Liberatore, A., Naletto, G., Nicolini, G., Pancrazzi, M., Sasso, C., Spadaro, D., Susino, R., Telloni, D., Teriaca, L., Uslenghi, M., Wang, Y. M., Bemporad, A., Capobianco, G., Casti, M., Fabi, M., Frassati, F., Frassetto, F., Giordano, S., Grimani, C., Jerse, G., Magli, E., Massone, G., Messerotti, M., Moses, D., Pelizzo, M. G., Romano, P., Schühle, U., Slemer, A., Stangalini, M., Straus, T., Volpicelli, C. A., Zangrilli, L., Zuppella, P., Abbo, L., Auchére, F., Cuadrado, R. Aznar, Berlicki, A., Bruno, R., Ciaravella, A., D'Amicis, R., Lamy, P., Lanzafame, A., Malvezzi, A. M., Nicolosi, P., Nisticò, G., Peter, H., Plainaki, C., Poletto, L., Reale, F., Solanki, S. K., Strachan, L., Tondello, G., Tsinganos, K., Velli, M., Ventura, R., Vial, J. C., Woch, J., and Zimbardo, G.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
The investigation of the wind in the solar corona initiated with the observations of the resonantly scattered UV emission of the coronal plasma obtained with UVCS-SOHO, designed to measure the wind outflow speed by applying the Doppler dimming diagnostics. Metis on Solar Orbiter complements the UVCS spectroscopic observations, performed during solar activity cycle 23, by simultaneously imaging the polarized visible light and the HI Ly-alpha corona in order to obtain high-spatial and temporal resolution maps of the outward velocity of the continuously expanding solar atmosphere. The Metis observations, on May 15, 2020, provide the first HI Ly-alpha images of the extended corona and the first instantaneous map of the speed of the coronal plasma outflows during the minimum of solar activity and allow us to identify the layer where the slow wind flow is observed. The polarized visible light (580-640 nm), and the UV HI Ly-alpha (121.6 nm) coronal emissions, obtained with the two Metis channels, are combined in order to measure the dimming of the UV emission relative to a static corona. This effect is caused by the outward motion of the coronal plasma along the direction of incidence of the chromospheric photons on the coronal neutral hydrogen. The plasma outflow velocity is then derived as a function of the measured Doppler dimming. The static corona UV emission is simulated on the basis of the plasma electron density inferred from the polarized visible light. This study leads to the identification, in the velocity maps of the solar corona, of the high-density layer about +/-10 deg wide, centered on the extension of a quiet equatorial streamer present at the East limb where the slowest wind flows at about (160 +/- 18) km/s from 4 Rs to 6 Rs. Beyond the boundaries of the high-density layer, the wind velocity rapidly increases, marking the transition between slow and fast wind in the corona.
- Published
- 2021
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5. Description of serum symmetric dimethylarginine concentration and of urinary SDS-AGE pattern in dogs with ACTH dependent hyperadrenocorticism
- Author
Menard, M., Kurtz, M., Duclos, A., Vial, J., Maurey, C., Canonne-Guibert, M., Fabrès, V., Rosenberg, D., Coyne, M., Murphy, R., Trumel, C., Lavoué, R., and Benchekroun, G.
- Published
- 2024
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6. Experimental investigation of an aggregate material behavior under confinement at high strain rate
- Author
Biessy M., Delvare F., Bailly P., Vial J., and Picart D.
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
Low velocity impacts can ignite explosives or energetic materials. Ignition depends on the mechanical behavior of the energetic material which needs to be characterized for both high pressure level and high strain rate. A technique based on the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bars system is proposed to reproduce these loading conditions. A cylindrical specimen is placed in a confining ring and is dynamically compressed. The ring prevents the radial extension and confines the specimen. Each ring is designed to plastify and to obtain a constant radial pressure during the test. Some experiments are carried out on an inert aggregate material and show the validity of this experimental device.
- Published
- 2010
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7. The Solar Orbiter SPICE instrument -- An extreme UV imaging spectrometer
- Author
Consortium, The SPICE, Anderson, M., Appourchaux, T., Auchère, F., Cuadrado, R. Aznar, Barbay, J., Baudin, F., Beardsley, S., Bocchialini, K., Borgo, B., Bruzzi, D., Buchlin, E., Burton, G., Blüchel, V., Caldwell, M., Caminade, S., Carlsson, M., Curdt, W., Davenne, J., Davila, J., DeForest, C. E., Del Zanna, G., Drummond, D., Dubau, J., Dumesnil, C., Dunn, G., Eccleston, P., Fludra, A., Fredvik, T., Gabriel, A., Giunta, A., Gottwald, A., Griffin, D., Grundy, T., Guest, S., Gyo, M., Haberreiter, M., Hansteen, V., Harrison, R., Hassler, D. M., Haugan, S. V. H., Howe, C., Janvier, M., Klein, R., Koller, S., Kucera, T. A., Kouliche, D., Marsch, E., Marshall, A., Marshall, G., Matthews, S. A., McQuirk, C., Meining, S., Mercier, C., Morris, N., Morse, T., Munro, G., Parenti, S., Pastor-Santos, C., Peter, H., Pfiffner, D., Phelan, P., Philippon, A., Richards, A., Rogers, K., Sawyer, C., Schlatter, P., Schmutz, W., Schühle, U., Shaughnessy, B., Sidher, S., Solanki, S. K., Speight, R., Spescha, M., Szwec, N., Tamiatto, C., Teriaca, L., Thompson, W., Tosh, I., Tustain, S., Vial, J. -C., Walls, B., Waltham, N., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Woodward, S., Young, P., De Groof, A., Pacros, A., Williams, D., and Müller, D.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
The Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) instrument is a high-resolution imaging spectrometer operating at extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths. In this paper, we present the concept, design, and pre-launch performance of this facility instrument on the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission. The goal of this paper is to give prospective users a better understanding of the possible types of observations, the data acquisition, and the sources that contribute to the instrument's signal. The paper discusses the science objectives, with a focus on the SPICE-specific aspects, before presenting the instrument's design, including optical, mechanical, thermal, and electronics aspects. This is followed by a characterisation and calibration of the instrument's performance. The paper concludes with descriptions of the operations concept and data processing. The performance measurements of the various instrument parameters meet the requirements derived from the mission's science objectives. The SPICE instrument is ready to perform measurements that will provide vital contributions to the scientific success of the Solar Orbiter mission., Comment: A&A, accepted 19 August 2019; 26 pages, 25 figures
- Published
- 2019
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8. Elemental composition in quiescent prominences
- Author
Parenti, S., Del Zanna, G., and Vial, J. -C.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
The first ionization potential (FIP) bias is currently used to trace the propagation of solar features ejected by the wind and solar eruptions (coronal mass ejections). The FIP bias also helps us to understand the formation of prominences, as it is a tracer for the solar origin of prominence plasma. This work aims to provide elemental composition and FIP bias in quiescent solar prominences. This is key information to link these features to remnants of solar eruptions measured in-situ within the heliosphere and to constrain the coronal or photospheric origin of prominence plasma. We used the differential emission measure technique to derive the FIP bias of two prominences. Quiet Sun chromospheric and transition region data were used to test the atomic data and lines formation processes. We used lines from low stage of ionization of \ion{Si}{}, \ion{S}{}, \ion{Fe}{}, \ion{C}{}, \ion{N}{}, \ion{O}{}, \ion{Ni}{}, \ion{Mg,}{} and \ion{Ne}{}, constraining the FIP bias in the range $4.2 \le \log T \le 5.8$. We adopted a density-dependent ionization equilibrium. We showed that the two prominences have photospheric composition. We confirmed a photospheric composition in the quiet Sun. We also identified opacity and/or radiative excitation contributions to the line formation of a few lines regularly observed in prominences. With our results we thus provide important elements for correctly interpreting the upcoming Solar Orbiter/SPICE spectroscopic data and to constrain prominence formation., Comment: in press
- Published
- 2019
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9. First high-resolution look at the quiet Sun with ALMA at 3 mm
- Author
Nindos, A., Alissandrakis, C. E., Bastian, T. S., Patsourakos, S., De Pontieu, B., Warren, H., Ayres, T., Hudson, H. S., Shimizu, T., Vial, J. -C., Wedemeyer, S., and Yurchyshyn, V.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
We present an overview of high resolution quiet Sun observations, from disk center to the limb, obtained with the Atacama Large mm and sub-mm Array (ALMA) at 3 mm. Seven quiet Sun regions were observed with resolution of up to 2.5" by 4.5". We produced both average and snapshot images by self-calibrating the ALMA visibilities and combining the interferometric images with full disk solar images. The images show well the chromospheric network, which, based on the unique segregation method we used, is brighter than the average over the fields of view of the observed regions by $\sim 305$ K while the intranetwork is less bright by $\sim 280$ K, with a slight decrease of the network/intranetwork contrast toward the limb. At 3 mm the network is very similar to the 1600 \AA\ images, with somewhat larger size. We detected for the first time spicular structures, rising up to 15" above the limb with a width down to the image resolution and brightness temperature of $\sim$ 1800 K above the local background. No trace of spicules, either in emission or absorption, was found on the disk. Our results highlight ALMA's potential for the study of the quiet chromosphere., Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics (Letters), in press
- Published
- 2018
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10. Invaginazione intestinale acuta nei neonati e nei bambini
- Author
Bouali, O., De Filippo, D., Mouttalib, S., and Vial, J.
- Published
- 2022
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11. IRIS Observations of Spicules and Structures Near the Solar Limb
- Author
Alissandrakis, C. E., Vial, J. -C., Koukras, A., Buchlin, E., and Chane-Yook, M.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
We have analyzed IRIS spectral and slit-jaw observations of a quiet region near the South Pole. In this article we present an overview of the observations, the corrections, and the absolute calibration of the intensity. We focus on the average profiles of strong (Mg ii h and k, C ii and Si iv), as well as of weak spectral lines in the near ultraviolet (NUV) and the far ultraviolet (FUV), including the Mg ii triplet, thus probing the solar atmosphere from the low chromosphere to the transition region. We give the radial variation of bulk spectral parameters as well as line ratios and turbulent velocities. We present measurements of the formation height in lines and in the NUV continuum, from which we find a linear relationship between the position of the limb and the intensity scale height. We also find that low forming lines, such as the Mg ii triplet, show no temporal variations above the limb associated with spicules, suggesting that such lines are formed in a homogeneous atmospheric layer and, possibly, that spicules are formed above the height of 2 arc sec. We discuss the spatio-temporal structure near the limb from images of intensity as a function of position and time. In these images, we identify p-mode oscillations in the cores of lines formed at low heights above the photosphere, slow moving bright features in O i and fast moving bright features in C ii. Finally, we compare the Mg ii k and h line profiles, together with intensity values of the Balmer lines from the literature, with computations from the PROM57Mg non-LTE model developed at the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale and estimated values of the physical parameters. We obtain electron temperatures in the range of $\sim8000$ K at small heights to $\sim20000$ K at large heights, electron densities from $1.1 \times 10^{11}$ to $4 \times 10^{10}$ cm$^{-3}$ and a turbulent velocity of $\sim24$km/s., Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physics
- Published
- 2018
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12. Liquid Chromatography Column Screening for the Analysis of Corrosion Inhibitor Molecules Using Derringer Desirability Functions.
- Author
Furno, L., Combès, A., Thiébaut, D., Méré, A., Passade‐Boupat, N., and Vial, J.
- Subjects
LIQUID chromatography ,COLUMN chromatography ,IMIDAZOLINES ,GAS industry ,PETROLEUM industry - Abstract
Corrosion inhibitors (CIs) are extensively employed in the oil and gas industry, yet their analysis remains a challenge. To develop a suitable liquid chromatography method for a wide array of CIs, a column screening was conducted. Nine different chromatographic conditions were tested across eight RPLC and mixed‐mode columns (Accucore C18, CORTECS Shield RP18, Acquity HSS T3, Acquity Premier HSS T3, Accucore 150‐C4, Accucore PFP, Synergi Polar RP, and Acclaim WCX‐1). Seven model mixtures representative of CIs, which included quaternary ammoniums, imidazolines, and phosphoric esters, were considered to probe the columns. Each column exhibited unique analytical performances, peak shape, and separation profiles. To find a compromise to analyze all the mixtures with one method, Derringer desirability functions were used. Shielding of residual silanols proved to be a critical factor. The trifunctional grafting of the Acquity HSS T3 columns appeared to be a promising strategy to minimize residual silanol effects. However, it was the Premier technology, which protects the column's inner walls and frits against parasitic adsorption, which delivered the best overall results. Based on the desirability study, the Acquity Premier HSS T3 column was selected and the gradient was optimized, which enabled the separation of the molecules present in the model mixtures. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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13. Scanner thoracique chez l’enfant atteint de mucoviscidose : intérêt d’un protocole en expiration séquentielle pour réduire la dose d’irradiation
- Author
Simon, S., Baunin, C., Vial, J., Mas, E., Roditis, L., Michelet, M., and Mittaine, M.
- Published
- 2020
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14. Description of serum symmetric dimethylarginine, creatinine concentrations and of urinary SDS-AGE pattern in ACTH-dependent hyperadrenocorticism dogs with and without proteinuria.
- Author
Menard, M., primary, Kurtz, M., additional, Duclos, A., additional, Vial, J., additional, Maurey, C., additional, Canonne-Guibert, M., additional, Fabres, V., additional, Rosenberg, D., additional, Coyne, M., additional, Murphy, R., additional, Trumel, C., additional, Lavoue, R., additional, and Benchekroun, G., additional
- Published
- 2024
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15. Solar source of energetic particles in interplanetary space during the 2006 December 13 event
- Author
Li, C., Dai, Y., Vial, J. -C., Owen, C. J., Matthews, S. A., Tang, Y. H., Fang, C., and Fazakerley, A. N.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
An X3.4 solar flare and a fast halo coronal mass ejection (CME) occurred on 2006 December 13, accompanied by a high flux of energetic particles recorded both in near-Earth space and at ground level. Our purpose is to provide evidence of flare acceleration in a major solar energetic particle (SEP) event. We first present observations from ACE/EPAM, GOES, and the Apatity neutron monitor. It is found that the initial particle release time coincides with the flare emission and that the spectrum becomes softer and the anisotropy becomes weaker during particle injection, indicating that the acceleration source changes from a confined coronal site to a widespread interplanetary CME-driven shock. We then describe a comprehensive study of the associated flare active region. By use of imaging data from HINODE/SOT and SOHO/MDI magnetogram, we infer the flare magnetic reconnection rate in the form of the magnetic flux change rate. This correlates in time with the microwave emission, indicating a physical link between the flare magnetic reconnection and the acceleration of nonthermal particles. Combining radio spectrograph data from Huairou/NOAC, Culgoora/IPS, Learmonth/RSTN, and WAVES/WIND leads to a continuous and longlasting radio burst extending from a few GHz down to several kHz. Based on the photospheric vector magnetogram from Huairou/NOAC and the nonlinear force free field (NFFF) reconstruction method, we derive the 3D magnetic field configuration shortly after the eruption. Furthermore, we also compute coronal field lines extending to a few solar radii using a potential-field source-surface (PFSS) model. Both the so-called type III-l burst and the magnetic field configuration suggest that open-field lines extend from the flare active region into interplanetary space, allowing the accelerated and charged particles escape.
- Published
- 2013
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16. Kinematics and helicity evolution of a loop-like eruptive prominence
- Author
Koleva, K., Madjarska, M. S., Duchlev, P., Schrijver, C. J., Vial, J. -C., Buchlin, E., and Dechev, M.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
We aim at investigating the morphology, kinematic and helicity evolution of a loop-like prominence during its eruption. We use multi-instrument observations from AIA/SDO, EUVI/STEREO and LASCO/SoHO. The kinematic, morphological, geometrical, and helicity evolution of a loop-like eruptive prominence are studied in the context of the magnetic flux rope model of solar prominences. The prominence eruption evolved as a height expanding twisted loop with both legs anchored in the chromosphere of a plage area. The eruption process consists of a prominence activation, acceleration, and a phase of constant velocity. The prominence body was composed of left-hand (counter-clockwise) twisted threads around the main prominence axis. The twist during the eruption was estimated at 6pi (3 turns). The prominence reached a maximum height of 526 Mm before contracting to its primary location and partially reformed in the same place two days after the eruption. This ejection, however, triggered a CME seen in LASCO C2. The prominence was located in the northern periphery of the CME magnetic field configuration and, therefore, the background magnetic field was asymmetric with respect to the filament position. The physical conditions of the falling plasma blobs were analysed with respect to the prominence kinematics. The same sign of the prominence body twist and writhe, as well as the amount of twisting above the critical value of 2pi after the activation phase indicate that possibly conditions for kink instability were present. No signature of magnetic reconnection was observed anywhere in the prominence body and its surroundings. The filament/prominence descent following the eruption and its partial reformation at the same place two days later suggest a confined type of eruption. The asymmetric background magnetic field possibly played an important role in the failed eruption., Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, in press in A&A
- Published
- 2012
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17. Urétrostomie périnéale modifiée chez le chat : résultats et complications chez 229 cas
- Author
Garnier, P., Gollain, F., Dekerle, B., Maurice, E., Vial, J., Godineau, T., Decambron, A., Viateau, V., Maurey, C., and Manassero, M.
- Published
- 2023
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18. Solar magnetism eXplorer (SolmeX)
- Author
Peter, H., Abbo, L., Andretta, V., Auchere, F., Bemporad, A., Berrilli, F., Bommier, V., Braukhane, A., Casini, R., Curdt, W., Davila, J., Dittus, H., Fineschi, S., Fludra, A., Gandorfer, A., Griffin, D., Inhester, B., Lagg, A., Degl'Innocenti, E. Landi, Maiwald, V., Sainz, R. Manso, Pillet, V. Martinez, Matthews, S., Moses, D., Parenti, S., Pietarila, A., Quantius, D., Raouafi, N. -E., Raymond, J., Rochus, P., Romberg, O., Schlotterer, M., Schuehle, U., Solanki, S., Spadaro, D., Teriaca, L., Tomczyk, S., Bueno, J. Trujillo, and Vial, J. -C.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics ,Physics - Plasma Physics ,Physics - Space Physics - Abstract
The magnetic field plays a pivotal role in many fields of Astrophysics. This is especially true for the physics of the solar atmosphere. Measuring the magnetic field in the upper solar atmosphere is crucial to understand the nature of the underlying physical processes that drive the violent dynamics of the solar corona -- that can also affect life on Earth. SolmeX, a fully equipped solar space observatory for remote-sensing observations, will provide the first comprehensive measurements of the strength and direction of the magnetic field in the upper solar atmosphere. The mission consists of two spacecraft, one carrying the instruments, and another one in formation flight at a distance of about 200m carrying the occulter to provide an artificial total solar eclipse. This will ensure high-quality coronagraphic observations above the solar limb. Solmex integrates two spectro-polarimetric coronagraphs for off-limb observations, one in the EUV and one in the IR, and three instruments for observations on the disk. The latter comprises one imaging polarimeter in the EUV for coronal studies, a spectro-polarimeter in the EUV to investigate the low corona, and an imaging spectro-polarimeter in the UV for chromospheric studies. SOHO and other existing missions have investigated the emission of the upper atmosphere in detail (not considering polarization), and as this will be the case also for missions planned for the near future. Therefore it is timely that SolmeX provides the final piece of the observational quest by measuring the magnetic field in the upper atmosphere through polarimetric observations., Comment: Submitted to Experimental Astronomy. 30 pages, 19 figures
- Published
- 2011
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19. Physics of Solar Prominences: I - Spectral Diagnostics and Non-LTE Modelling
- Author
Labrosse, N., Heinzel, P., Vial, J. -C., Kucera, T., Parenti, S., Gunar, S., Schmieder, B., and Kilper, G.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
This review paper outlines background information and covers recent advances made via the analysis of spectra and images of prominence plasma and the increased sophistication of non-LTE (ie when there is a departure from Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium) radiative transfer models. We first describe the spectral inversion techniques that have been used to infer the plasma parameters important for the general properties of the prominence plasma in both its cool core and the hotter prominence-corona transition region. We also review studies devoted to the observation of bulk motions of the prominence plasma and to the determination of prominence mass. However, a simple inversion of spectroscopic data usually fails when the lines become optically thick at certain wavelengths. Therefore, complex non-LTE models become necessary. We thus present the basics of non-LTE radiative transfer theory and the associated multi-level radiative transfer problems. The main results of one- and two-dimensional models of the prominences and their fine-structures are presented. We then discuss the energy balance in various prominence models. Finally, we outline the outstanding observational and theoretical questions, and the directions for future progress in our understanding of solar prominences., Comment: 96 pages, 37 figures, Space Science Reviews. Some figures may have a better resolution in the published version. New version reflects minor changes brought after proof editing
- Published
- 2010
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20. Hanle signatures of the coronal magnetic field in the linear polarization of the hydrogen LyAlpha line
- Author
Derouich, M., Auchere, F., Vial, J. C., and Zhang, M.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
This paper is dedicated to the assessment of the validity of future coronal spectro-polarimetric observations and to prepare their interpretation in terms of the magnetic field vector., Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. in press in Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Published
- 2009
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21. Electron density in the quiet solar coronal transition region from SoHO/SUMER measurements of S VI line radiance and opacity
- Author
Buchlin, E. and Vial, J. -C.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
Context: The sharp temperature and density gradients in the coronal transition region are a challenge for models and observations. Aims: We set out to get linearly- and quadratically-weighted average electron densities in the region emitting the S VI lines, using the observed opacity and the emission measure of these lines. Methods: We analyze SoHO/SUMER spectroscopic observations of the S VI lines, using the center-to-limb variations and radiance ratios to derive the opacity. We also use the Emission Measure derived from radiance at disk center. Results: We get an opacity at S VI line center of the order of 0.05. The resulting average electron density is 2.4 10^16 m^-3 at T = 2 10^5 K. This value is higher than the values obtained from radiance measurements. Conversely, taking a classical value for the density leads to a too high value of the thickness of the emitting layer. Conclusions: The pressure derived from the Emission Measure method compares well with previous determinations and implies a low opacity of 5 10^-3 to 10^-2. The fact that a direct derivation leads to a much higher opacity remains unexplained, despite tentative modeling of observational biases. Further measurements need to be done, and more realistic models of the transition region need to be used., Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures
- Published
- 2009
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22. Ultrafast carbon nanotubes growth on recycled carbon fibers and their evaluation on interfacial shear strength in reinforced composites
- Author
Salas, A., Medina, C., Vial, J. T., Flores, P., Canales, C., Tuninetti, V., Jaramillo, A. F., and Meléndrez, M. F.
- Published
- 2021
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23. Finney and Jaboulay pyloroplasties for the treatment of benign gastric outlet lesions in dogs and cats: technique and outcome in 13 cases (2015‐2024).
- Author
Maurice, E., Dekerle, B., Garnier, P., Fournet, A., Vial, J., Freiche, V., Viateau, V., and Manassero, M.
- Subjects
Objectives: To describe the use, complications and outcome of Finney or Jaboulay pyloroplasties for the treatment of benign gastric outlet lesions in dogs and cats. Materials and Methods: The medical records of dogs and cats surgically treated with Finney or Jaboulay pyloroplasty for benign gastric outflow tract disease in three institutions between January 1, 2015 and August 31, 2023 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Eight dogs and five cats were diagnosed with benign obstructive or perforating gastric outlet lesions, including chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy (n = 4), perforating pyloro‐duodenal peptic ulcer (4), sub‐obstructive pyloro‐duodenal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia (2) and antral or proximal duodenal obstructive mass (3). Nine cases were treated using hand‐sewn Finney pyloroplasty and four cases were treated using stapled Jaboulay pyloroplasty. No major complications were recorded. Cases were followed for a median of 16.1 [11 to 29.6] months. At the last follow‐up, the outcome was excellent in all cases, with no clinical signs recorded and no medical treatment required. Clinical Significance: This case series suggests that Finney and Jaboulay pyloroplasties were safe and effective procedures for the surgical treatment of benign obstructive or perforating gastric outlet lesions in dogs and cats. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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24. Ostéochondrite disséquante du genou
- Author
Accadbled, F., primary, Vial, J., additional, and Sales de gauzy, J., additional
- Published
- 2021
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25. The Ly<alpha> and Ly<beta> profiles in solar prominences and prominence fine structure
- Author
Vial, J. -C., Ebadi, H., and Ajabshirizadeh, A.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Abstract
We present the first combined Ly
and Ly profiles in solar prominences obtained by the SOHO/SUMER instrument and discuss their important spatial variability with respect to predictions from 1D and multithread models., Comment: Accepted in Solar Physics, 14 pages with 9 figures and 3 Tables - Published
- 2007
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26. Flare magnetic reconnection and relativistic particles in the 2003 October 28 event
- Author
Li, C., Tang, Y. H., Dai, Y., Fang, C., and Vial, J. -C.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Abstract
An X17.2 solar flare occurred on 2003 October 28, accompanied by multi-wavelength emissions and a high flux of relativistic particles observed at 1AU. We present the analytic results of the TRACE, SOHO, RHESSI, ACE, GOES, hard X-ray (INTEGRAL satellite), radio (Onderejov radio telescope), and neutron monitor data. It is found that the inferred magnetic reconnection electric field correlates well with the hard X-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron emission at the Sun. Thus the flare's magnetic reconnection probably makes a crucial contribution to the prompt relativistic particles, which could be detected at 1 AU. Since the neutrons were emitted a few minutes before the injection of protons and electrons, we propose a magnetic-field evolution configuration to explain this delay. We do not exclude the effect of CME-driven shock, which probably plays an important role in the delayed gradual phase of solar energetic particles., Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&A
- Published
- 2007
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27. Plasma diagnostic of a solar prominence from hydrogen and helium resonance lines
- Author
Labrosse, N., Vial, J. -C., and Gouttebroze, P.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Abstract
We present the first comparison of profiles of H et He resonance lines observed by SUMER with theoretical profiles computed with our non-LTE radiative transfer code. We use the H I Lyman-beta, H I Lyman-epsilon, and He I 584 A lines. Our code allows us to obtain the plasma parameters in prominences in conjunction with a multi-line, multi-element set of observations. The plasma temperature in the prominence core is ~ 8600 K and the pressure is 0.03 dyn/cm^2. The Ly-beta line is formed in a higher temperature region (more than 11000 K)., Comment: 2 pages, 2 color figures. Proceedings of SF2A, Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Journees de la SF2A 2006, Paris
- Published
- 2006
28. A statistical study of SUMER spectral images: events, turbulence, and intermittency
- Author
Buchlin, E., Vial, J. -C., and Lemaire, P.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Abstract
We analyze a series of full-Sun observations, which was performed with the SoHO/SUMER instrument between March and October 1996. Some parameters (radiance, shift and width) of the S VI 93.3 nm, S VI 94.4 nm, and Lyman Epsilon line profiles were computed on board. Radiances and line-of-sight velocities in a large central region of the Sun are studied statistically: distributions of solar structures, field Fourier spectra and structure functions are obtained. The structures have distributions with power-law tails, the Fourier spectra of the radiance fields also display power laws, and the normalized structure functions of the radiance and velocity fields increase at small scales. These results support the idea of the existence of small scales, created by turbulence, and of intermittency of the observed fields. These properties may provide insight into the processes needed for heating the transition region, or, if confirmed in the corona, the corona itself. The difficulties encountered in this analysis, especially for the velocity data, underline the needs for sensitive ultraviolet imaging spectrometers., Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press
- Published
- 2005
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29. A simplified numerical model of coronal energy dissipation based on reduced MHD
- Author
Buchlin, E., Aletti, V., Galtier, S., Velli, M., Einaudi, G., and Vial, J. -C.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Abstract
A 3D model intermediate between cellular automata (CA) models and the reduced magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) equations is presented to simulate solar impulsive events generated along a coronal magnetic loop. The model consists of a set of planes distributed along a magnetic loop between which the information propagates through Alfven waves. Statistical properties in terms of power-laws for energies and durations of dissipative events are obtained, and their agreement with X-ray and UV flares observations is discussed. The existence of observational biases is also discussed., Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Published
- 2002
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30. Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee
- Author
Accadbled, F., Vial, J., and Sales de Gauzy, J.
- Published
- 2018
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31. Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography for biogas and biomethane analysis
- Author
Hilaire, F., Basset, E., Bayard, R., Gallardo, M., Thiebaut, D., and Vial, J.
- Published
- 2017
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32. Exploración ginecológica y ecografía pélvica en niñas. Orientaciones diagnósticas principales
- Author
Pienkowski, C., Cartault, A., Lemasson, F., Vial, J., and Mouttalib, S.
- Published
- 2017
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33. Experimental Approach to Mimic and Study Degradation of Solvents Used for Post-combustion CO2 Capture
- Author
Bontemps, D., Cuccia, L., Awad, P., Louis-Louisy, M., Vial, J., Dugay, J., Carrette, P.L., Huard, T., and Morand, T.
- Published
- 2017
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34. Low expression of ANT1 confers oncogenic properties to rhabdomyosarcoma tumor cells by modulating metabolism and death pathways
- Author
Vial, J., Huchedé, P., Fagault, S., Basset, F., Rossi, M., Geoffray, J., Soldati, H., Bisaccia, J., Elsensohn, M. H., Creveaux, M., Neves, D., Blay, J. Y., Fauvelle, F., Bouquet, F., Streichenberger, N., Corradini, N., Bergeron, C., Maucort-Boulch, D., Castets, P., Carré, M., Weber, K., and Castets, M.
- Published
- 2020
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35. MRI of acute osteomyelitis in long bones of children: Pathophysiology study
- Author
Thévenin-Lemoine, C., Vial, J., Labbé, J.L., Lepage, B., Ilharreborde, B., and Accadbled, F.
- Published
- 2016
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36. IRM dans l’ostéomyélite aiguë des os longs de l’enfant : étude physiopathologique
- Author
Thévenin-Lemoine, C., Vial, J., Labbé, J.-L., Lepage, B., Ilharreborde, B., and Accadbled, F.
- Published
- 2016
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37. A small mission concept to the Sun–Earth Lagrangian L5 point for innovative solar, heliospheric and space weather science
- Author
Lavraud, B., Liu, Y., Segura, K., He, J., Qin, G., Temmer, M., Vial, J.-C., Xiong, M., Davies, J.A., Rouillard, A.P., Pinto, R., Auchère, F., Harrison, R.A., Eyles, C., Gan, W., Lamy, P., Xia, L., Eastwood, J.P., Kong, L., Wang, J., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.F., Zhang, S., Zong, Q., Soucek, J., An, J., Prech, L., Zhang, A., Rochus, P., Bothmer, V., Janvier, M., Maksimovic, M., Escoubet, C.P., Kilpua, E.K.J., Tappin, J., Vainio, R., Poedts, S., Dunlop, M.W., Savani, N., Gopalswamy, N., Bale, S.D., Li, G., Howard, T., DeForest, C., Webb, D., Lugaz, N., Fuselier, S.A., Dalmasse, K., Tallineau, J., Vranken, D., and Fernández, J.G.
- Published
- 2016
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38. Conduite à tenir devant une invagination intestinale aiguë du nourrisson et de l’enfant
- Author
Bouali, O., Mouttalib, S., Vial, J., and Galinier, P.
- Published
- 2015
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39. Transposition des vaisseaux polaires pour syndrome de la jonction pyélo-urétérale : expérience préliminaire
- Author
Abbo, O., Patard, P.-M., Mouttalib, S., Bouali, O., Vial, J., Garnier, A., and Galinier, P.
- Published
- 2015
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40. Nature and Variability of Plasmas Ejected by the Sun
- Author
Vial, J.-C., Rozelot, Jean-Pierre, editor, and Neiner, Coralie, editor
- Published
- 2013
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41. Evaluation of a small-bore needle arthroscope for diagnosis and treatment of medial coronoid disease in dogs: a pilot study with short-term assessment
- Author
Garnier, P, primary, Dekerle, B, additional, Vial, J, additional, Maurice, E, additional, Manassero, M, additional, and Viateau, V, additional
- Published
- 2023
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42. Explosive Events in the Quiet Sun Near and Beyond the Solar Limb Observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
- Author
Alissandrakis, C. E., primary and Vial, J.-C., additional
- Published
- 2023
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43. Amine degradation in CO2 capture. 3. New degradation products of MEA in liquid phase: Amides and nitrogenous heterocycles
- Author
Gouedard, C., Rey, A., Cuzuel, V., Brunet, J., Delfort, B., Picq, D., Dugay, J., Vial, J., Pichon, V., Launay, F., Assam, L., Ponthus, J., and Carrette, P.-L.
- Published
- 2014
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44. Robust Optimization for Environmental and Energy Planning
- Author
Babonneau, F., Vial, J.-P., Apparigliato, R., Filar, Jerzy A., editor, and Haurie, Alain, editor
- Published
- 2010
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45. Prognosis value of early diffusion MRI in Legg Perthes Calvé disease
- Author
Baunin, C., Sanmartin-Viron, D., Accadbled, F., Sans, N., Vial, J., Labarre, D., Domenech, C., and Sales de Gauzy, J.
- Published
- 2014
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- Author
Stevens, B, Bony, S, Farrell, D, Ament, F, Blyth, A, Fairall, C, Karstensen, J, Quinn, P, Speich, S, Acquistapace, C, Aemisegger, F, Albright, A, Bellenger, H, Bodenschatz, E, Caesar, K, Chewitt-Lucas, R, De Boer, G, Delanoe, J, Denby, L, Ewald, F, Fildier, B, Forde, M, George, G, Gross, S, Hagen, M, Hausold, A, Heywood, K, Hirsch, L, Jacob, M, Jansen, F, Kinne, S, Klocke, D, Kolling, T, Konow, H, Lothon, M, Mohr, W, Naumann, A, Nuijens, L, Olivier, L, Pincus, R, Pohlker, M, Reverdin, G, Roberts, G, Schnitt, S, Schulz, H, Pier Siebesma, A, Stephan, C, Sullivan, P, Touze-Peiffer, L, Vial, J, Vogel, R, Zuidema, P, Alexander, N, Alves, L, Arixi, S, Asmath, H, Bagheri, G, Baier, K, Bailey, A, Baranowski, D, Baron, A, Barrau, S, Barrett, P, Batier, F, Behrendt, A, Bendinger, A, Beucher, F, Bigorre, S, Blades, E, Blossey, P, Bock, O, Boing, S, Bosser, P, Bourras, D, Bouruet-Aubertot, P, Bower, K, Branellec, P, Branger, H, Brennek, M, Brewer, A, Brilouet, P, Brugmann, B, Buehler, S, Burke, E, Burton, R, Calmer, R, Canonici, J, Carton, X, Cato, G, Charles, J, Chazette, P, Chen, Y, Chilinski, M, Choularton, T, Chuang, P, Clarke, S, Coe, H, Cornet, C, Coutris, P, Couvreux, F, Crewell, S, Cronin, T, Cui, Z, Cuypers, Y, Daley, A, Damerell, G, Dauhut, T, Deneke, H, Desbios, J, Dorner, S, Donner, S, Douet, V, Drushka, K, Dutsch, M, Ehrlich, A, Emanuel, K, Emmanouilidis, A, Etienne, J, Etienne-Leblanc, S, Faure, G, Feingold, G, Ferrero, L, Fix, A, Flamant, C, Flatau, P, Foltz, G, Forster, L, Furtuna, I, Gadian, A, Galewsky, J, Gallagher, M, Gallimore, P, Gaston, C, Gentemann, C, Geyskens, N, Giez, A, Gollop, J, Gouirand, I, Gourbeyre, C, De Graaf, D, De Groot, G, Grosz, R, Guttler, J, Gutleben, M, Hall, K, Harris, G, Helfer, K, Henze, D, Herbert, C, Holanda, B, Ibanez-Landeta, A, Intrieri, J, Iyer, S, Julien, F, Kalesse, H, Kazil, J, Kellman, A, Kidane, A, Kirchner, U, Klingebiel, M, Korner, M, Kremper, L, Kretzschmar, J, Kruger, O, Kumala, W, Kurz, A, L'Hegaret, P, Labaste, M, Lachlan-Cope, T, Laing, A, Landschutzer, P, Lang, T, Lange, D, Lange, I, Laplace, C, Lavik, G, Laxenaire, R, Lebihan, C, Leandro, M, Lefevre, N, Lena, M, Lenschow, D, Li, Q, Lloyd, G, Los, S, Losi, N, Lovell, O, Luneau, C, Makuch, P, Malinowski, S, Manta, G, Marinou, E, Marsden, N, Masson, S, Maury, N, Mayer, B, Mayers-Als, M, Mazel, C, Mcgeary, W, Mcwilliams, J, Mech, M, Mehlmann, M, Meroni, A, Mieslinger, T, Minikin, A, Minnett, P, Moller, G, Avalos, Y, Muller, C, Musat, I, Napoli, A, Neuberger, A, Noisel, C, Noone, D, Nordsiek, F, Nowak, J, Oswald, L, Parker, D, Peck, C, Person, R, Philippi, M, Plueddemann, A, Pohlker, C, Portge, V, Poschl, U, Pologne, L, Posyniak, M, Prange, M, Melendez, E, Radtke, J, Ramage, K, Reimann, J, Renault, L, Reus, K, Reyes, A, Ribbe, J, Ringel, M, Ritschel, M, Rocha, C, Rochetin, N, Rottenbacher, J, Rollo, C, Royer, H, Sadoulet, P, Saffin, L, Sandiford, S, Sandu, I, Schafer, M, Schemann, V, Schirmacher, I, Schlenczek, O, Schmidt, J, Schroder, M, Schwarzenboeck, A, Sealy, A, Senff, C, Serikov, I, Shohan, S, Siddle, E, Smirnov, A, Spath, F, Spooner, B, Katharina Stolla, M, Szkolka, W, De Szoeke, S, Tarot, S, Tetoni, E, Thompson, E, Thomson, J, Tomassini, L, Totems, J, Ubele, A, Villiger, L, Von Arx, J, Wagner, T, Walther, A, Webber, B, Wendisch, M, Whitehall, S, Wiltshire, A, Wing, A, Wirth, M, Wiskandt, J, Wolf, K, Worbes, L, Wright, E, Wulfmeyer, V, Young, S, Zhang, C, Zhang, D, Ziemen, F, Zinner, T, Zoger, M, Stevens B., Bony S., Farrell D., Ament F., Blyth A., Fairall C., Karstensen J., Quinn P. K., Speich S., Acquistapace C., Aemisegger F., Albright A. L., Bellenger H., Bodenschatz E., Caesar K. -A., Chewitt-Lucas R., De Boer G., Delanoe J., Denby L., Ewald F., Fildier B., Forde M., George G., Gross S., Hagen M., Hausold A., Heywood K. J., Hirsch L., Jacob M., Jansen F., Kinne S., Klocke D., Kolling T., Konow H., Lothon M., Mohr W., Naumann A. K., Nuijens L., Olivier L., Pincus R., Pohlker M., Reverdin G., Roberts G., Schnitt S., Schulz H., Pier Siebesma A., Stephan C. C., Sullivan P., Touze-Peiffer L., Vial J., Vogel R., Zuidema P., Alexander N., Alves L., Arixi S., Asmath H., Bagheri G., Baier K., Bailey A., Baranowski D., Baron A., Barrau S., Barrett P. A., Batier F., Behrendt A., Bendinger A., Beucher F., Bigorre S., Blades E., Blossey P., Bock O., Boing S., Bosser P., Bourras D., Bouruet-Aubertot P., Bower K., Branellec P., Branger H., Brennek M., Brewer A., Brilouet P. -E., Brugmann B., Buehler S. A., Burke E., Burton R., Calmer R., Canonici J. -C., Carton X., Cato G., Charles J. A., Chazette P., Chen Y., Chilinski M. T., Choularton T., Chuang P., Clarke S., Coe H., Cornet C., Coutris P., Couvreux F., Crewell S., Cronin T., Cui Z., Cuypers Y., Daley A., Damerell G. M., Dauhut T., Deneke H., Desbios J. -P., Dorner S., Donner S., Douet V., Drushka K., Dutsch M., Ehrlich A., Emanuel K., Emmanouilidis A., Etienne J. -C., Etienne-Leblanc S., Faure G., Feingold G., Ferrero L., Fix A., Flamant C., Flatau P. J., Foltz G. R., Forster L., Furtuna I., Gadian A., Galewsky J., Gallagher M., Gallimore P., Gaston C., Gentemann C., Geyskens N., Giez A., Gollop J., Gouirand I., Gourbeyre C., De Graaf D., De Groot G. E., Grosz R., Guttler J., Gutleben M., Hall K., Harris G., Helfer K. C., Henze D., Herbert C., Holanda B., Ibanez-Landeta A., Intrieri J., Iyer S., Julien F., Kalesse H., Kazil J., Kellman A., Kidane A. T., Kirchner U., Klingebiel M., Korner M., Kremper L. A., Kretzschmar J., Kruger O., Kumala W., Kurz A., L'Hegaret P., Labaste M., Lachlan-Cope T., Laing A., Landschutzer P., Lang T., Lange D., Lange I., Laplace C., Lavik G., Laxenaire R., LeBihan C., Leandro M., Lefevre N., Lena M., Lenschow D., Li Q., Lloyd G., Los S., Losi N., Lovell O., Luneau C., Makuch P., Malinowski S., Manta G., Marinou E., Marsden N., Masson S., Maury N., Mayer B., Mayers-Als M., Mazel C., McGeary W., McWilliams J. C., Mech M., Mehlmann M., Meroni A. N., Mieslinger T., Minikin A., Minnett P., Moller G., Avalos Y. M., Muller C., Musat I., Napoli A., Neuberger A., Noisel C., Noone D., Nordsiek F., Nowak J. L., Oswald L., Parker D. J., Peck C., Person R., Philippi M., Plueddemann A., Pohlker C., Portge V., Poschl U., Pologne L., Posyniak M., Prange M., Melendez E. Q., Radtke J., Ramage K., Reimann J., Renault L., Reus K., Reyes A., Ribbe J., Ringel M., Ritschel M., Rocha C. B., Rochetin N., Rottenbacher J., Rollo C., Royer H., Sadoulet P., Saffin L., Sandiford S., Sandu I., Schafer M., Schemann V., Schirmacher I., Schlenczek O., Schmidt J., Schroder M., Schwarzenboeck A., Sealy A., Senff C. J., Serikov I., Shohan S., Siddle E., Smirnov A., Spath F., Spooner B., Katharina Stolla M., Szkolka W., De Szoeke S. P., Tarot S., Tetoni E., Thompson E., Thomson J., Tomassini L., Totems J., Ubele A. A., Villiger L., Von Arx J., Wagner T., Walther A., Webber B., Wendisch M., Whitehall S., Wiltshire A., Wing A. A., Wirth M., Wiskandt J., Wolf K., Worbes L., Wright E., Wulfmeyer V., Young S., Zhang C., Zhang D., Ziemen F., Zinner T., Zoger M., Stevens, B, Bony, S, Farrell, D, Ament, F, Blyth, A, Fairall, C, Karstensen, J, Quinn, P, Speich, S, Acquistapace, C, Aemisegger, F, Albright, A, Bellenger, H, Bodenschatz, E, Caesar, K, Chewitt-Lucas, R, De Boer, G, Delanoe, J, Denby, L, Ewald, F, Fildier, B, Forde, M, George, G, Gross, S, Hagen, M, Hausold, A, Heywood, K, Hirsch, L, Jacob, M, Jansen, F, Kinne, S, Klocke, D, Kolling, T, Konow, H, Lothon, M, Mohr, W, Naumann, A, Nuijens, L, Olivier, L, Pincus, R, Pohlker, M, Reverdin, G, Roberts, G, Schnitt, S, Schulz, H, Pier Siebesma, A, Stephan, C, Sullivan, P, Touze-Peiffer, L, Vial, J, Vogel, R, Zuidema, P, Alexander, N, Alves, L, Arixi, S, Asmath, H, Bagheri, G, Baier, K, Bailey, A, Baranowski, D, Baron, A, Barrau, S, Barrett, P, Batier, F, Behrendt, A, Bendinger, A, Beucher, F, Bigorre, S, Blades, E, Blossey, P, Bock, O, Boing, S, Bosser, P, Bourras, D, Bouruet-Aubertot, P, Bower, K, Branellec, P, Branger, H, Brennek, M, Brewer, A, Brilouet, P, Brugmann, B, Buehler, S, Burke, E, Burton, R, Calmer, R, Canonici, J, Carton, X, Cato, G, Charles, J, Chazette, P, Chen, Y, Chilinski, M, Choularton, T, Chuang, P, Clarke, S, Coe, H, Cornet, C, Coutris, P, Couvreux, F, Crewell, S, Cronin, T, Cui, Z, Cuypers, Y, Daley, A, Damerell, G, Dauhut, T, Deneke, H, Desbios, J, Dorner, S, Donner, S, Douet, V, Drushka, K, Dutsch, M, Ehrlich, A, Emanuel, K, Emmanouilidis, A, Etienne, J, Etienne-Leblanc, S, Faure, G, Feingold, G, Ferrero, L, Fix, A, Flamant, C, Flatau, P, Foltz, G, Forster, L, Furtuna, I, Gadian, A, Galewsky, J, Gallagher, M, Gallimore, P, Gaston, C, Gentemann, C, Geyskens, N, Giez, A, Gollop, J, Gouirand, I, Gourbeyre, C, De Graaf, D, De Groot, G, Grosz, R, Guttler, J, Gutleben, M, Hall, K, Harris, G, Helfer, K, Henze, D, Herbert, C, Holanda, B, Ibanez-Landeta, A, Intrieri, J, Iyer, S, Julien, F, Kalesse, H, Kazil, J, Kellman, A, Kidane, A, Kirchner, U, Klingebiel, M, Korner, M, Kremper, L, Kretzschmar, J, Kruger, O, Kumala, W, Kurz, A, L'Hegaret, P, Labaste, M, Lachlan-Cope, T, Laing, A, Landschutzer, P, Lang, T, Lange, D, Lange, I, Laplace, C, Lavik, G, Laxenaire, R, Lebihan, C, Leandro, M, Lefevre, N, Lena, M, Lenschow, D, Li, Q, Lloyd, G, Los, S, Losi, N, Lovell, O, Luneau, C, Makuch, P, Malinowski, S, Manta, G, Marinou, E, Marsden, N, Masson, S, Maury, N, Mayer, B, Mayers-Als, M, Mazel, C, Mcgeary, W, Mcwilliams, J, Mech, M, Mehlmann, M, Meroni, A, Mieslinger, T, Minikin, A, Minnett, P, Moller, G, Avalos, Y, Muller, C, Musat, I, Napoli, A, Neuberger, A, Noisel, C, Noone, D, Nordsiek, F, Nowak, J, Oswald, L, Parker, D, Peck, C, Person, R, Philippi, M, Plueddemann, A, Pohlker, C, Portge, V, Poschl, U, Pologne, L, Posyniak, M, Prange, M, Melendez, E, Radtke, J, Ramage, K, Reimann, J, Renault, L, Reus, K, Reyes, A, Ribbe, J, Ringel, M, Ritschel, M, Rocha, C, Rochetin, N, Rottenbacher, J, Rollo, C, Royer, H, Sadoulet, P, Saffin, L, Sandiford, S, Sandu, I, Schafer, M, Schemann, V, Schirmacher, I, Schlenczek, O, Schmidt, J, Schroder, M, Schwarzenboeck, A, Sealy, A, Senff, C, Serikov, I, Shohan, S, Siddle, E, Smirnov, A, Spath, F, Spooner, B, Katharina Stolla, M, Szkolka, W, De Szoeke, S, Tarot, S, Tetoni, E, Thompson, E, Thomson, J, Tomassini, L, Totems, J, Ubele, A, Villiger, L, Von Arx, J, Wagner, T, Walther, A, Webber, B, Wendisch, M, Whitehall, S, Wiltshire, A, Wing, A, Wirth, M, Wiskandt, J, Wolf, K, Worbes, L, Wright, E, Wulfmeyer, V, Young, S, Zhang, C, Zhang, D, Ziemen, F, Zinner, T, Zoger, M, Stevens B., Bony S., Farrell D., Ament F., Blyth A., Fairall C., Karstensen J., Quinn P. K., Speich S., Acquistapace C., Aemisegger F., Albright A. L., Bellenger H., Bodenschatz E., Caesar K. -A., Chewitt-Lucas R., De Boer G., Delanoe J., Denby L., Ewald F., Fildier B., Forde M., George G., Gross S., Hagen M., Hausold A., Heywood K. J., Hirsch L., Jacob M., Jansen F., Kinne S., Klocke D., Kolling T., Konow H., Lothon M., Mohr W., Naumann A. K., Nuijens L., Olivier L., Pincus R., Pohlker M., Reverdin G., Roberts G., Schnitt S., Schulz H., Pier Siebesma A., Stephan C. C., Sullivan P., Touze-Peiffer L., Vial J., Vogel R., Zuidema P., Alexander N., Alves L., Arixi S., Asmath H., Bagheri G., Baier K., Bailey A., Baranowski D., Baron A., Barrau S., Barrett P. A., Batier F., Behrendt A., Bendinger A., Beucher F., Bigorre S., Blades E., Blossey P., Bock O., Boing S., Bosser P., Bourras D., Bouruet-Aubertot P., Bower K., Branellec P., Branger H., Brennek M., Brewer A., Brilouet P. -E., Brugmann B., Buehler S. A., Burke E., Burton R., Calmer R., Canonici J. -C., Carton X., Cato G., Charles J. A., Chazette P., Chen Y., Chilinski M. T., Choularton T., Chuang P., Clarke S., Coe H., Cornet C., Coutris P., Couvreux F., Crewell S., Cronin T., Cui Z., Cuypers Y., Daley A., Damerell G. M., Dauhut T., Deneke H., Desbios J. -P., Dorner S., Donner S., Douet V., Drushka K., Dutsch M., Ehrlich A., Emanuel K., Emmanouilidis A., Etienne J. -C., Etienne-Leblanc S., Faure G., Feingold G., Ferrero L., Fix A., Flamant C., Flatau P. J., Foltz G. R., Forster L., Furtuna I., Gadian A., Galewsky J., Gallagher M., Gallimore P., Gaston C., Gentemann C., Geyskens N., Giez A., Gollop J., Gouirand I., Gourbeyre C., De Graaf D., De Groot G. E., Grosz R., Guttler J., Gutleben M., Hall K., Harris G., Helfer K. C., Henze D., Herbert C., Holanda B., Ibanez-Landeta A., Intrieri J., Iyer S., Julien F., Kalesse H., Kazil J., Kellman A., Kidane A. T., Kirchner U., Klingebiel M., Korner M., Kremper L. A., Kretzschmar J., Kruger O., Kumala W., Kurz A., L'Hegaret P., Labaste M., Lachlan-Cope T., Laing A., Landschutzer P., Lang T., Lange D., Lange I., Laplace C., Lavik G., Laxenaire R., LeBihan C., Leandro M., Lefevre N., Lena M., Lenschow D., Li Q., Lloyd G., Los S., Losi N., Lovell O., Luneau C., Makuch P., Malinowski S., Manta G., Marinou E., Marsden N., Masson S., Maury N., Mayer B., Mayers-Als M., Mazel C., McGeary W., McWilliams J. C., Mech M., Mehlmann M., Meroni A. N., Mieslinger T., Minikin A., Minnett P., Moller G., Avalos Y. M., Muller C., Musat I., Napoli A., Neuberger A., Noisel C., Noone D., Nordsiek F., Nowak J. L., Oswald L., Parker D. J., Peck C., Person R., Philippi M., Plueddemann A., Pohlker C., Portge V., Poschl U., Pologne L., Posyniak M., Prange M., Melendez E. Q., Radtke J., Ramage K., Reimann J., Renault L., Reus K., Reyes A., Ribbe J., Ringel M., Ritschel M., Rocha C. B., Rochetin N., Rottenbacher J., Rollo C., Royer H., Sadoulet P., Saffin L., Sandiford S., Sandu I., Schafer M., Schemann V., Schirmacher I., Schlenczek O., Schmidt J., Schroder M., Schwarzenboeck A., Sealy A., Senff C. J., Serikov I., Shohan S., Siddle E., Smirnov A., Spath F., Spooner B., Katharina Stolla M., Szkolka W., De Szoeke S. P., Tarot S., Tetoni E., Thompson E., Thomson J., Tomassini L., Totems J., Ubele A. A., Villiger L., Von Arx J., Wagner T., Walther A., Webber B., Wendisch M., Whitehall S., Wiltshire A., Wing A. A., Wirth M., Wiskandt J., Wolf K., Worbes L., Wright E., Wulfmeyer V., Young S., Zhang C., Zhang D., Ziemen F., Zinner T., and Zoger M.
- Abstract
The science guiding the EUREC4A campaign and its measurements is presented. EUREC4A comprised roughly 5 weeks of measurements in the downstream winter trades of the North Atlantic - eastward and southeastward of Barbados. Through its ability to characterize processes operating across a wide range of scales, EUREC4A marked a turning point in our ability to observationally study factors influencing clouds in the trades, how they will respond to warming, and their link to other components of the earth system, such as upper-ocean processes or the life cycle of particulate matter. This characterization was made possible by thousands (2500) of sondes distributed to measure circulations on meso- (200 km) and larger (500 km) scales, roughly 400 h of flight time by four heavily instrumented research aircraft; four global-class research vessels; an advanced ground-based cloud observatory; scores of autonomous observing platforms operating in the upper ocean (nearly 10 000 profiles), lower atmosphere (continuous profiling), and along the air-sea interface; a network of water stable isotopologue measurements; targeted tasking of satellite remote sensing; and modeling with a new generation of weather and climate models. In addition to providing an outline of the novel measurements and their composition into a unified and coordinated campaign, the six distinct scientific facets that EUREC4A explored - from North Brazil Current rings to turbulence-induced clustering of cloud droplets and its influence on warm-rain formation - are presented along with an overview of EUREC4A's outreach activities, environmental impact, and guidelines for scientific practice. Track data for all platforms are standardized and accessible at 10.25326/165 , and a film documenting the campaign is provided as a video supplement.
- Published
- 2021
47. Amine degradation in CO2 capture. 2. New degradation products of MEA. Pyrazine and alkylpyrazines: Analysis, mechanism of formation and toxicity
- Author
Rey, A., Gouedard, C., Ledirac, N., Cohen, M., Dugay, J., Vial, J., Pichon, V., Bertomeu, L., Picq, D., Bontemps, D., Chopin, F., and Carrette, P.-L.
- Published
- 2013
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48. IRM de diffusion du col fémoral dans la maladie de Legg-Perthes-Clavé : étude préliminaire
- Author
Boutault, J.-R., Baunin, C., Bérard, E., Vial, J., Labarre, D., Domenech, C., Sales de Gauzy, J., and Sans, N.
- Published
- 2013
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49. Diffusion MRI of the neck of the femur in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease: A preliminary study
- Author
Boutault, J.-R., Baunin, C., Bérard, E., Vial, J., Labarre, D., Domenech, C., Sales de Gauzy, J., and Sans, N.
- Published
- 2013
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50. Singularly Perturbed Hybrid Control Systems Approximated by Structured Linear Programs
- Author
Haurie, A., Moresino, F., Vial, J.-P., Hou, Zhenting, editor, Filar, Jerzy A., editor, and Chen, Anyue, editor
- Published
- 2002
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