37 results on '"Vasiljević, Đorđije"'
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2. Visitor motivation and perceived value of periurban parks - Case study of Kamenica park, Serbia
- Author
Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Vujičić, Miroslav D., Stankov, Uglješa, and Dragović, Nataša
- Published
- 2023
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3. Tourism at a crossroads – ignoring, adopting, or embracing alternative pathways for more sustainable post-pandemic tourism development
- Author
Vujičić, Miroslav D., primary, Stankov, Uglješa, additional, and Vasiljević, Đorđije A., additional
- Published
- 2022
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4. Keeping up with the drones! Techno-social dimensions of tourist drone videography
- Author
Vujičić, Miroslav D., Kennell, James, Stankov, Uglješa, Gretzel, Ulrike, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., and Morrison, Alastair M.
- Published
- 2022
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5. What will prevail within citybreak travel, motivation or demotivation?: Case study of Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia
- Author
Vujičić Miroslav D., Stamenković Igor, Stankov Uglješa, Kovačić Sanja, Vasiljević Đorđije A., and Popov-Locke Jasmina
- Subjects
analytic hierarchy process (ahp) ,motivation ,demotivation ,city break travel ,novi sad ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
The aim of this paper is to develop a new perspective on urban tourist motivations and demotivation's by applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model in order to better understand how tourists make decisions about which destinations to visit. Authors discovered that most important factor within city break travel is internal force, followed by the external force and least important is demotivation. The paper argues that the results indicate the value of applying the AHP model to understand the role and importance both of push and pull factors and demotivators in urban tourism destination choice.
- Published
- 2020
6. Trying to underline geotourist profile of National park visitors: Case study of NP Fruška Gora, Serbia (Typology of potential geotourists at NP Fruška Gora)
- Author
Vasiljević Đorđije A., Vujičić Miroslav D., Božić Sanja, Jovanović Tamara, Marković Slobodan B., Basarin Biljana, Lukić Tin, and Čarkadžić Jana
- Subjects
geotourism ,visitors ,typology ,statistics ,vojvodina ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
Geotourists, as visitors with a specific preference for geoheritage and attractive geodiversity, have been identified and typified by many authors worldwide. Considering that Serbia is recognized as an area of geotourism in its initiation phase, this type of research has not been conducted thus far. In spite of global trends, geotourism as a special interest form of travel does not exist in this region, and is principally related to speleotourism and pure admiration of aesthetic values of geodiversity. As one of the first studies of geotourism of such character in Serbia, the research presented within was conducted to reveal whether there is a certain level of interest for geoheritage amongst the general public. The questionnaire was conducted in 2015 on the territory of Vojvodina Province (North Serbia), counting a total of 198 respondents. Bearing in mind the lack of geotourism terminology within the study area, the general public is not familiar with the existence, attractiveness and even degradation of geodiversity. Hence, questions aimed to discover respondents’ habits and tendencies during travel, their attitude in everyday life, particularly towards nature (including the abiotic component). Last of all, the goal of the presented study is also to reveal whether there are certain types of potential geoheritage lovers - geotourists depending on their social-demographic characteristics. With specific profiles identified, results could be later used for geotourism planning, education, promotion and management in the Vojvodina region and wider.
- Published
- 2018
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7. Geosite Assessment Using Three Different Methods; a Comparative Study of the Krupaja and the Žagubica Springs – Hydrological Heritage of Serbia
- Author
Miljković Ðurđa, Božić Sanja, Miljković Ljupče, Marković Slobodan B., Lukić Tin, Jovanović Mlađen, Bjelajac Dajana, Vasiljević Đorđije A., Vujičić Miroslav D., and Ristanović Branko
- Subjects
hydrological heritage ,geotourism ,m-gam ,analytical-hierarchy process ,descriptive statistics ,the krupaja spring ,the žagubica spring ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
Hydrological heritage is a relatively new concept in the field of geosite assessment. The principal aim of this study is to apply M-GAM (Modified geosite assessment model) for comparative analysis of the Krupaja spring and the Žagubica (Mlava) spring, located in Homolje area, in Eastern Serbia. According to the classification of geosites of Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, these sites are on the list of protected sites (“hydro(geo)logical” heritage sites) of extraordinary national importance; however, they still have not gained necessary recognition in Serbia. Thus, their assessment according to different target groups should provide a clearer picture of their current condition. As M-GAM considers that not all indicators for evaluation of geosites are of the same importance, this paper applies two methods for comparing and determining the importance of indicators and subindicators in the model (Analytical-hierarchy process (AHP) and descriptive statistics conducted by SPSS). Also, it is assumed that different target groups will give different importance to some indicators in the model, which would result in various evaluation scores for the same geosites. The paper also provides a comparative analysis of the assessment carried out by two different target groups – potential geotourists and geoexperts. The results obtained by AHP and descriptive statistics are quite similar, which confirms the reliability of respondents’ answers and the results gained. The analyzed sites are differently positioned in the evaluation matrix, and implications are further discussed in the paper.
- Published
- 2018
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8. Digital Skills and Behaviours of Youth That Are Relevant for Digital Culture
- Author
Vujičić, Miroslav D., primary, Stankov, Uglješa, additional, Kovačić, Sanja, additional, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., additional, Pivac, Tatjana, additional, Čarkadžić, Jana, additional, Mujkić, Dino, additional, and Cimbaljević, Marija, additional
- Published
- 2020
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9. Одрживи развој туризма у Резервату биосфере „Бачко Подунавље“
- Author
Stojanović, Vladimir, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Vujičić, Miroslav, Pantelić, Milana, Jovičić, Dobrica, Обрадовић, Сања, Stojanović, Vladimir, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Vujičić, Miroslav, Pantelić, Milana, Jovičić, Dobrica, and Обрадовић, Сања
- Abstract
Туризам у резерватима биосфере је препознат као метод пружања начина за развој малог и локално усидреног туризма који се базира на природним вредностима, са амбицијом минимизирања негативних утицаја на животну средину, као начин подстицања ангажовања природе и локалне одрживости. У раду је дат преглед литературе о одрживом туризму и резерватима биосфере. Дефинисане су основне карактеристике овог вида туризма. Приказане су природне и друштвене карактеристике истраживаног простора, описана је студија случаја, промет и смештајни капaцитети Бачког Подунавља. Затим су објашњене све три функције Резервата биосфере „Бачко Подунавље“. У методолошком делу приказани су инструменти, процедура и узорак истраживања, а постављене су и хипотезе рада које се односе на примарно истраживање - ставове локалног становништва, а затим и методе истраживања за секундардно истраживање - анализа квалитета воде Дунава. Кроз резултате и дискусију, хипотезе су потврђене, делимично потврђене или оповргнуте, уз помоћ статистичких прорачуна и других метода провере, док су у закључку рада представљени научни и практични допринос истраживања, као и ограничења истраживања. Такође, изложене су идеје и предлози за будућа истраживања и практични савети који имају за циљ да сугеришу и мотивишу покретање промена које могу довести до одрживог развоја туризма Резервата биосфере „Бачко Подунавље“., Turizam u rezervatima biosfere je prepoznat kao metod pružanja načina za razvoj malog i lokalno usidrenog turizma koji se bazira na prirodnim vrednostima, sa ambicijom minimiziranja negativnih uticaja na životnu sredinu, kao način podsticanja angažovanja prirode i lokalne održivosti. U radu je dat pregled literature o održivom turizmu i rezervatima biosfere. Definisane su osnovne karakteristike ovog vida turizma. Prikazane su prirodne i društvene karakteristike istraživanog prostora, opisana je studija slučaja, promet i smeštajni kapaciteti Bačkog Podunavlja. Zatim su objašnjene sve tri funkcije Rezervata biosfere „Bačko Podunavlje“. U metodološkom delu prikazani su instrumenti, procedura i uzorak istraživanja, a postavljene su i hipoteze rada koje se odnose na primarno istraživanje - stavove lokalnog stanovništva, a zatim i metode istraživanja za sekundardno istraživanje - analiza kvaliteta vode Dunava. Kroz rezultate i diskusiju, hipoteze su potvrđene, delimično potvrđene ili opovrgnute, uz pomoć statističkih proračuna i drugih metoda provere, dok su u zaključku rada predstavljeni naučni i praktični doprinos istraživanja, kao i ograničenja istraživanja. Takođe, izložene su ideje i predlozi za buduća istraživanja i praktični saveti koji imaju za cilj da sugerišu i motivišu pokretanje promena koje mogu dovesti do održivog razvoja turizma Rezervata biosfere „Bačko Podunavlje“., Tourism in biosphere reserves is recognized as a method of providing a way to develop small and locally anchored tourism based on natural values, with the ambition to inimize negative environmental impacts, as a way to encourage nature and local community engagement in sustainable ways and enable learning to achieve sustainability. This thesis represents the literature review on sustainable tourism. It defines the term biosphere reserves and the basic characteristics of sustainable tourism. The natural and social characteristics of the researched area are presented, the case study, a number of visitors and accommodation capacities of Bačko Podunavlje are described. Then, all three functions of the "Backo Podunavlje" Biosphere Reserve have been explained. In the methodological part, the tools, procedures, and sample surveys, together with working hypotheses related to primary research - attitudes of the local population, and then research methods for secondary research - analysis of Danube water quality, are presented. Throughout the results and discussion, the hypotheses are confirmed, partially confirmed or refuted, using statistical calculations and other methods of testing. On the other hand, in the conclusion of the paper, a scientific and practical contribution to the theory and field studies, as well as the limitations of the research have been shown. Also, ideas and proposals for future research and practical advice are presented, which aim to suggest and motivate the initiation of changes that can lead to the sustainable tourism development of the Bačko Podunavlje Biosphere Reserve.
- Published
- 2021
10. Rookie Tourism Destinations—The Effects of Attractiveness Factors on Destination Image and Revisit Intention with the Satisfaction Mediation Effect
- Author
Ćulić, Milan, primary, Vujičić, Miroslav D., additional, Kalinić, Časlav, additional, Dunjić, Milosav, additional, Stankov, Uglješa, additional, Kovačić, Sanja, additional, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., additional, and Anđelković, Željko, additional
- Published
- 2021
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11. Проблеми конзервације и могућности интерпретације геодиверзитета кањона и клисура југоисточне Србије
- Author
Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Marković, Slobodan, Đurović, Predrag, Jovanović, Mlađen, Беган, Милица, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Marković, Slobodan, Đurović, Predrag, Jovanović, Mlađen, and Беган, Милица
- Abstract
Део геонаслеђа југоисточне Србије ИЗ препознат је као такав и тиме заштићен од стране надлежних институција, али без обзира на ову врсту заштите, објекти геонаслеђа трпе и одређене типове деградације. Ова студија бави се препознавањем геонаслеђа и ван његовог институционалног оквира и истражује проблеме конзервације истог, а нарочито проблеме и ниво интерпретације заступљене на овим објектима. За потребе ове студије уређено је неколико научних истраживања и обиман теренски рад., Deo geonasleđa jugoistočne Srbije IZ prepoznat je kao takav i time zaštićen od strane nadležnih institucija, ali bez obzira na ovu vrstu zaštite, objekti geonasleđa trpe i određene tipove degradacije. Ova studija bavi se prepoznavanjem geonasleđa i van njegovog institucionalnog okvira i istražuje probleme konzervacije istog, a naročito probleme i nivo interpretacije zastupljene na ovim objektima. Za potrebe ove studije uređeno je nekoliko naučnih istraživanja i obiman terenski rad., A part of South-eastern Serbia’s geoheritage is already recognized as such and protected by the institutions in charge. But no matter to this type of protection, geoheritage sites endure certain types of degradation. This study shows a research of geoheritage outside of its instutional frame and finds problems of geoheritage conservation and interpretation connected to these geosites. For the purpose of this study several scientific researches have been conducted along with extensive fieldwork.
- Published
- 2019
12. Does geosite interpretation lead to conservation? A case study of the Sićevo Gorge (Serbia).
- Author
Vasiljević, Đorđije, Began, Milica, Vujičić, Miroslav, Hose, Thomas, and Stankov, Uglješa
- Subjects
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NATURAL landscaping , *PARKS , *ANALYTIC hierarchy process , *VISITORS' centers - Abstract
People have appreciated the beauty of natural landscapes, the result of the interplay of different natural processes, for at least three hundred years in Europe. Many have been inspired by this beauty to promote such places for visits by others. Some have understood the importance of individual places visited within the local or regional environmental system. This has led to definitions and the establishment of protected areas with special visitor rules and regulations. This article presents a case study of Sićevo Gorge Nature Park in Serbia and an opportunity to transform it into a geoheritage site, underpinned by developing its interpretation based on the results of a study using the analytical-hierarchy process (AHP) method. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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13. Contactless Technology as a Factor of Tourism Industry Development - A Review of Current Practices and Future Directions
- Author
Dragović, Nataša, primary, Stankov, Uglješa, additional, and Vasiljević, Đorđije, additional
- Published
- 2018
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14. Geosite Assessment Using Three Different Methods; a Comparative Study of the Krupaja and the Zagubica Springs - Hydrological Heritage of Serbia
- Author
Miljković, Đurđa, Miljković, Đurđa, Bozić, Sanja, Miljković, Ljupče, Marković, Slobodan B., Lukić, Tin, Jovanović, Mladen, Bjelajac, Dajana, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Vujičić, Miroslav D., Ristanović, Branko, Miljković, Đurđa, Miljković, Đurđa, Bozić, Sanja, Miljković, Ljupče, Marković, Slobodan B., Lukić, Tin, Jovanović, Mladen, Bjelajac, Dajana, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Vujičić, Miroslav D., and Ristanović, Branko
- Abstract
Hydrological heritage is a relatively new concept in the field of geosite assessment. The principal aim of this study is to apply M-GAM (Modified geosite assessment model) for comparative analysis of the Krupaja spring and the Zagubica (Mlava) spring, located in Homolje area, in Eastern Serbia. According to the classification of geosites of Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, these sites are on the list of protected sites ("hydro(geo)logical" heritage sites) of extraordinary national importance; however, they still have not gained necessary recognition in Serbia. Thus, their assessment according to different target groups should provide a clearer picture of their current condition. As M-GAM considers that not all indicators for evaluation of geosites are of the same importance, this paper applies two methods for comparing and determining the importance of indicators and subindicators in the model (Analytical-hierarchy process (AHP) and descriptive statistics conducted by SPSS). Also, it is assumed that different target groups will give different importance to some indicators in the model, which would result in various evaluation scores for the same geosites. The paper also provides a comparative analysis of the assessment carried out by two different target groups - potential geotourists and geoexperts. The results obtained by AHP and descriptive statistics are quite similar, which confirms the reliability of respondents' answers and the results gained. The analyzed sites are differently positioned in the evaluation matrix, and implications are further discussed in the paper.
- Published
- 2018
15. Innovation in protected area governance: competing models and their impact in different places
- Author
Beunen, R., Vasiljević, Đorđije, RS-Research Line Innovation (part of LIRS program), and Department Science
- Published
- 2016
16. Former Yugoslav national parks are going social?: An exploratory study on Facebook
- Author
Dragović, Nataša, primary, Cimbaljević, Marija, additional, Stankov, Uglješa, additional, Vasiljević, Đorđije, additional, Vujičić, Miroslav, additional, and Pavluković, Vanja, additional
- Published
- 2018
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17. Geodiverzitet i geonasleđe Vojvodine u funkciji zaštite i turizma
- Author
Vasiljević, Đorđije, Marković, Slobodan, Lazić, Lazar, Stojanović, Vladimir, and Jovičić, Dobrica
- Subjects
geonasleđe ,geoheritage ,geoconservation ,geodivezitet, geonasleđe, geoturizam, geokonzervacija, Vojvodina ,geokonzervacija ,Vojvodina ,geoturizam ,geodiversity ,geodiversity, geoheritage, geotourism, geoconservation, Vojvodina ,geodivezitet ,geotourism - Abstract
Poslednjih godina pojam geodiverziteta i geonasleđa dobija sve značajniju ulogu u oblasti fundamentalnihistraživanja, zaštite prirode i turizma. Iako uglavnom ravničarskog karaktera, geodiverzitet Vojvodine pre dstavljaznačajnu komponentu geonasleđa čitave Srbije. Njene geološke, pedološke, pa čak i geomorfološke vrednostipredstavljaju potencijalno područje za razvoj geoturizma. Ova studija daće detaljan prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja ikonceptualizacije svih relevantnih pojmova vezanih za geodiverzitet i geonasleđe. Takođe će ovom studijom bitipredložen detaljan inventar postojećeg i potencijalnog geonasleđa Vojvodine kao i model evaluacije geolokaliteta.Ukazaće se na vrednosti i pretnje po ovaj prirodni segment, a potom i nedostatke i mogućnosti aktivne zaštitegeonasleđa kroz turizam. Pored toga, anketnim isrtaživanjem će se pokušati utvrditi socio -demografski profil, ali ipredložiti moderan vid promocije., In recent years the concept of geoheritage gains more important role in the field of fundamental researches,nature conservation and tourism. Although mostly characterized by flat landscape, geodiversity of Vojvodinarepresents significant part of Serbian geoheritage. Its geological, pedological, and even geomorphologicalcharacteristics, with implementation of certain geoconservation tools, present potential areas for developinggeotourism. This study will provide detailed insight into research in this field, with determination andconceptualization of all relevant and related terminology which is done for the first time in our country on this level.Also, author will propose detailed inventory of existing and potential geoheritage of Vojvodina, with addition ofpreliminary evaluation model of geosites. Furthermore, it will elaborate all values and threats of and for this naturalsegment, and thus point out all weaknesses and possibilities of active conservation of geoheritage through tourism.Finally, conducted survey will determine some statistical indications of possible geotourists in Vojvodina region andpropose contemporary and efficient form of its promotion.
- Published
- 2015
18. Determinante promena kompetencija ljudskih resursa u turističkim agencijama u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Nešić, Milan, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Jegdić, Vaso, Mišković, Ivana, Nešić, Milan, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Jegdić, Vaso, and Mišković, Ivana
- Abstract
Promene na turističkom tržištu nastale kao tekovina informatičke revolucije uslovile su pojavu novih oblika turističkog posredovanja, novih oblika zapošljavanja i inoviranje strukture upravljanja i organizacije uobičajenih radnih procesa. Kada je u pitanju agencijsko poslovanje u Republici Srbiji, uočena je potreba za adekvatnijom edukacijom kadrova za rad u novonastalim tržišnim uslovima. Stoga, primarni istraživački zadatak doktorske disertacije predstavlja detaljno ispitivanje strukture i ključnih kompetencija kadrova zaposlenih u turističkim agencijama u Srbiji. Takođe, istraživanjem su identifikovana i novonastala zanimanja i radne pozicije u agencijama, novi oblici zapošljavanja i radnog angažovanja, te znanja i veštine koje se očekuju od mladih kadrova. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena i analiza kurikuluma fakulteta turističkog smera, kako bi se identifikovalo koja su to znanja i veštine za kojima postoji potražnja na tržištu rada, a nisu obuhvaćena postojećim akademskim studijskim programima. Istraživanje je po metodološkoj prirodi realizovano kao sistemska neeksperimentalna studija. Empirijska građa je prikupljena primenom tehnike polu-strukturisanog intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja omogućavaju sticanje jasnije slike o tome koje kadrove će turističke agencije zapošljavati poslujući u savremenom tehnološkom okruženju i u kom pravcu će se kretati procesi dalje transformacije poslovanja i strukture ljudkih resursa. Takođe, rezultati intervjua su dovedeni u vezu sa postojećim sistemom školovanja kadrova u turzimu, kako u okviru formalnog, tako i u okviru neformalnog obrazovanja.
- Published
- 2017
19. Геонаслеђе Средњег и Доњег Подунавља у Србији: инвентар, геоконзервација и геотуризам
- Author
Marković, Slobodan, Gavrilov, Milivoj, Košić-Pavlica, Kristina, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Jovičić, Dobrica, Томић, Немања, Marković, Slobodan, Gavrilov, Milivoj, Košić-Pavlica, Kristina, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Jovičić, Dobrica, and Томић, Немања
- Abstract
Геотуризам представља релативно нов феномен у свету и често се помиње као туризам специјалних интересовања, који подржава и промовише објекте природног али и културног наслеђа. На територији Подунавља у Србији налазе се бројни геолошки и геоморфолошки облици као и палеонтолошки остаци мамута који представљају јединствено богатсво и као такви представљају идеалне ресурсе за развој туризма. У оквиру ове студије биће предложен инвентар геолокалитета овог простора са посебним освртом на мере геоконзервације. Један од главних циљева је такође и модификација постојећих и креирање нових метода за туристичко вредновање геолокалитета. Помоћу ових метода и уз анкетно истраживање, главни циљ јесте утврђивање најатрактивнијих подручја и геолокалитета за развој геотуризма Средњег и Доњег Подунавља у Србији као и утврђивање основних карактеристика и преференција потенцијалног тржишта геотуризма Србије., Geoturizam predstavlja relativno nov fenomen u svetu i često se pominje kao turizam specijalnih interesovanja, koji podržava i promoviše objekte prirodnog ali i kulturnog nasleđa. Na teritoriji Podunavlja u Srbiji nalaze se brojni geološki i geomorfološki oblici kao i paleontološki ostaci mamuta koji predstavljaju jedinstveno bogatsvo i kao takvi predstavljaju idealne resurse za razvoj turizma. U okviru ove studije biće predložen inventar geolokaliteta ovog prostora sa posebnim osvrtom na mere geokonzervacije. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva je takođe i modifikacija postojećih i kreiranje novih metoda za turističko vrednovanje geolokaliteta. Pomoću ovih metoda i uz anketno istraživanje, glavni cilj jeste utvrđivanje najatraktivnijih područja i geolokaliteta za razvoj geoturizma Srednjeg i Donjeg Podunavlja u Srbiji kao i utvrđivanje osnovnih karakteristika i preferencija potencijalnog tržišta geoturizma Srbije., Geotourism represents a relatively new phenomena in the world and it is often referred to as special interest tourism which enhances and promotes natural and cultural heritage. The Danube River territory in Serbia has many geological and geomorphological features and sites as well as paleontological remains of mammoths which represent unique values and as such, they are ideal for tourism development. This study will suggest an inventory of geosites in this area with a special focus on geoconservation measures. One of the main goals is also the modification of existing and the creation of new methods for geosite evaluation. By using these methods, along with a detailed survey research and analysis, the main goal is to determine the most attractive areas and geosites for geotourism development on the territory of the Middle and Lower Danube in Serbia and also to determine the basic characteristics and preferences of the potential geotourism market of Serbia
- Published
- 2016
20. Foresight outdoor recreation - A discussion based on monitoring experiences in the Nordic context
- Author
Vasiljević, Đorđije, Sievänen, Tuija, Fredman, Peter, Jensen, Frank Søndergaard, Lexhagen, Marie, Lundberg, Christine, Sandell, Klas, Reinius, Sandra Wall, Wolf-Watz, Daniel, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Sievänen, Tuija, Fredman, Peter, Jensen, Frank Søndergaard, Lexhagen, Marie, Lundberg, Christine, Sandell, Klas, Reinius, Sandra Wall, and Wolf-Watz, Daniel
- Published
- 2016
21. Global Geopark and Candidate – Comparative Analysis of Papuk Mountain Geopark (Croatia) and Fruška Gora Mountain (Serbia) by using GAM Model
- Author
Petrović, Marko D., Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Vujičić, Miroslav D., Hose, Thomas A., Marković, Slobodan B., and Lukić, Tin
- Subjects
geoheritage ,GAM Model ,geotourism ,geopark ,Papuk Mt ,Fruška Gora Mt - Abstract
We examined the comparison of geoheritage resources of two natural protected areas: National park Fruška Gora in Serbia and Nature Park Papuk in Croatia. The first one has applied for UNESCO geopark recognition in 2007, while the second one was proclaimed as one the same year. The general hypothesis is that these two geologically similar areas possess comparable geo-resources, which should clarify the causes because of which Fruška Gora still has not been included in geopark network. For their comparison, authors applied previously created Geosite Assessment Model (GAM). GAM consists of two key indicators: Main and Additional Values, which are further divided into 12 and 15 indicators respectively, each individually marked from 0 to 1. This division is made due to two general kinds of values: Main - that are mostly generated by geosite’s natural characteristics; and Additional - that are mostly human-induced and generated by modifications for its use by visitors. The study revealed that the Main Values are similar to both, Fruška Gora and Papuk. However, Papuk Mountain, as a well developed global geopark, has higher Additional Values, with significant international recognition. As these two investigated areas are less than 200 km away from each other, one of the development options could be collaboration of these complementary geotourism destinations through an international and mutual offer that could initiate new geo-destinations and further improve and develop conservation and promotion of geoheritage in a much wider region.
- Published
- 2013
22. Zagajica hills as an archive of paleoclimatic and paleoecological characteristics and possibilities for geoconservation
- Author
Lukić, Tin, Hrnjak, Ivana, Marković, Slobodan B., Vasiljević, Đorđije L., Vujičić, Miroslav D., Basarin, Biljana, Gavrilov, Milivoj B., Jovanović, Mlađen, and Pavić, Dragoslav
- Subjects
geoconservation ,Vojvodina ,geodiversity ,Zagajica hills ,loess-palaeosol sequences ,GAM - Abstract
Loess-palaeosol sequences represent a unique archive of paleoclimatic and paleoecological changes indicating the dynamics of aeolian accumulation and level of environmental change. Loess plateau of Dumača with Zagajica hills as an integral part of the Banat loess plateau remained relatively unknown up to now, although it represents one of the most distinctive elements of the Vojvodina relief. This paper represents preliminary investigations of the paleoclimatic and paleoecological characteristics of the loess-palaeosol sequences of the Zagajica hills, reflecting a typical variability as recorded in previously investigated sites in the Vojvodina region. Also, presence of the fluvio-denudational relief forms such as dry valleys suggest that investigated area possess distinctive geomorphical values. All the above mentioned features indicate that loess plateau of Dumača with Zagajica hills represents an area of highly pronounced geodiversity values. Thus, GAM was applied in order to evaluate possibility for geotourism development.
- Published
- 2013
23. Geodiverzitet i geonasleđe Vojvodine u funkciji zaštite i turizma
- Author
Marković, Slobodan, Lazić, Lazar, Stojanović, Vladimir, Jovičić, Dobrica, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Marković, Slobodan, Lazić, Lazar, Stojanović, Vladimir, Jovičić, Dobrica, and Vasiljević, Đorđije
- Abstract
Poslednjih godina pojam geodiverziteta i geonasleđa dobija sve značajniju ulogu u oblasti fundamentalnih istraživanja, zaštite prirode i turizma. Iako uglavnom ravničarskog karaktera, geodiverzitet Vojvodine pre dstavlja značajnu komponentu geonasleđa čitave Srbije. Njene geološke, pedološke, pa čak i geomorfološke vrednosti predstavljaju potencijalno područje za razvoj geoturizma. Ova studija daće detaljan prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja i konceptualizacije svih relevantnih pojmova vezanih za geodiverzitet i geonasleđe. Takođe će ovom studijom biti predložen detaljan inventar postojećeg i potencijalnog geonasleđa Vojvodine kao i model evaluacije geolokaliteta. Ukazaće se na vrednosti i pretnje po ovaj prirodni segment, a potom i nedostatke i mogućnosti aktivne zaštite geonasleđa kroz turizam. Pored toga, anketnim isrtaživanjem će se pokušati utvrditi socio -demografski profil, ali i predložiti moderan vid promocije., In recent years the concept of geoheritage gains more important role in the field of fundamental researches, nature conservation and tourism. Although mostly characterized by flat landscape, geodiversity of Vojvodina represents significant part of Serbian geoheritage. Its geological, pedological, and even geomorphological characteristics, with implementation of certain geoconservation tools, present potential areas for developing geotourism. This study will provide detailed insight into research in this field, with determination and conceptualization of all relevant and related terminology which is done for the first time in our country on this level. Also, author will propose detailed inventory of existing and potential geoheritage of Vojvodina, with addition of preliminary evaluation model of geosites. Furthermore, it will elaborate all values and threats of and for this natural segment, and thus point out all weaknesses and possibilities of active conservation of geoheritage through tourism. Finally, conducted survey will determine some statistical indications of possible geotourists in Vojvodina region and propose contemporary and efficient form of its promotion.
- Published
- 2015
24. Exposing mammoths: From loess research discovery to public palaeontological park
- Author
Tomić, Nemanja, Markovic, Slobodan B., Korać, Miomir, Mrđić, Nemanja, Hose, Thomas A., Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Jovičić, Mladen, Gavrilov, Milivoj B., Tomić, Nemanja, Markovic, Slobodan B., Korać, Miomir, Mrđić, Nemanja, Hose, Thomas A., Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Jovičić, Mladen, and Gavrilov, Milivoj B.
- Abstract
This paper is dedicated to the palaeontological and geoheritage potential and conservation values of recently discovered mammoth fossils in the Drmno open-cast mine area. These palaeontological resources provide an excellent basis for the establishment of the first ever palaeontological park in Serbia. In addition, the paper also proposes possible interpretation methods and to determine the current state and tourism potential of the Drmno mammoth fossils, by using the M-GAM model for geosite assessment and comparing this site with two similar world famous sites, the Mammoth Site of Hot Springs and the La Brea Tar Pits in the USA. Results of the assessment indicate that the fossils from the Drmno open mine have similar scientific and educational values as the fossils from two other analysed sites, whereas scenic and tourist values are much lower in comparison with those sites. This means that the Drmno site possesses great potential and resources which should be used and managed in a better way. Hopefully, the newly constructed palaeontological park with all of its supporting infrastructure and newly employed people will eliminate the currently existing gap between the Drmno fossil site and other similar world famous fossil sites.
- Published
- 2015
25. Palaeoenvironment and geoconservation of mammoths from the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence (Drmno, northeastern Serbia): Initial results and perspectives
- Author
Markovic, Slobodan B., Korać, Miomir, Mrđić, Nemanja, Buylaert, Jan-Pieter, Thiel, Christine, McLaren, Sue J., Stevens, Thomas, Tomić, Nemanja, Petić, Nikola, Jovanović, Mlađen, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Suemegi, Pal, Gavrilov, Milivoj B., Obreht, Igor, Markovic, Slobodan B., Korać, Miomir, Mrđić, Nemanja, Buylaert, Jan-Pieter, Thiel, Christine, McLaren, Sue J., Stevens, Thomas, Tomić, Nemanja, Petić, Nikola, Jovanović, Mlađen, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Suemegi, Pal, Gavrilov, Milivoj B., and Obreht, Igor
- Abstract
A Quaternary site at Drmno (comprising of Middle and Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences) near Kostolac, northeast Serbia, attracted attention from the general public and scientists, when several steppe mammoth and other mammal skeletons from Middle Pleistocene fluvial deposits were discovered in 2009 and 2012. This paper presents the combination of malacological and enviromagnetic analyses, preliminary luminescence dating, litho-pedostratigraphic and palaeo-relief investigations that were applied to the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence for the 2012 findings. The results confirm and emphasize the antiquity of the sediments preserved in the Nosak section and demonstrate the significance of the detailed and relatively complete palaeoenvironmental record they contain. These discoveries can significantly contribute to setting the background towards an improved understanding of the evolution of mammoths on the European continent.
- Published
- 2014
26. Classification of natural disasters between the legislation and application: experience of the Republic of Serbia
- Author
Lukić, Tin, Lukić, Tin, Gavrilov, Milivoj B., Marković, Slobodan B., Komac, Blaz, Zorn, Matija, Mladjan, Dragan, Dordević, Jasmina, Milanović, Miško, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Vujičić, Miroslav D., Kuzmanović, Bogdan, Prentović, Risto, Lukić, Tin, Lukić, Tin, Gavrilov, Milivoj B., Marković, Slobodan B., Komac, Blaz, Zorn, Matija, Mladjan, Dragan, Dordević, Jasmina, Milanović, Miško, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Vujičić, Miroslav D., Kuzmanović, Bogdan, and Prentović, Risto
- Abstract
The paper discusses the definitions of natural disasters and recommends the implementation of definitions and classifications of natural disasters in accordance with those decreed at the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) and Munich Re insurance Company (Munich RE) for administrative use in the Republic of Serbia. For the Republic of Serbia, the issue of natural disasters is presented both through government documents (e.g. the Law on Emergencies and the National Strategy of the Protection and Rescue in Emergencies) and the survey of the frequency and typology of disasters. Significant discrepancies exist between older and more contemporary classifications of disasters in Serbia. They are especially emphasized in comparison to the CRED and Munich RE classifications and databases. This causes problems in the monitoring, recording and assessment of the effects of natural disasters. It is proposed that definitions be adapted and implemented into legislative and other documents.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Davidović, Nemanja, Marković, Vladimir, Vasiljević, Đorđije, and Stankov, Uglješa
- Subjects
- *
GEOGRAPHIC information systems , *ENVIRONMENTAL impact analysis , *TOURISM & the environment , *NATIONAL parks & reserves - Abstract
This paper examines and reflects on GIS approach in management of environmental impacts of tourism. We stress that the focus is on National park Berchtesgaden as a case study for this research, and accept at the outset that the approaches discussed are necessarily partial and would only form part of a wider sustainability assessment. However, we argue that the selected approaches are useful in assisting with the different organizational challenges and questions facing nature protected area managers who wish to understand the environmental consequences of tourism. Environmental impacts are analyzed through their indicators. The paper shows how GIS has been used to assess the environmental impacts of tourism in the National park Berchtesgaden, and then examines overlapping of layers and input of environmental indicators to provide useful insights into understanding the environmental effects of tourism within the nature protected area. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
28. Development of a Mobile Application for Identifying Tourist Attractions Appropriate for People with Disabilities
- Author
Panić, Aleksa, Čičin-Šain, Marko, Milojica, Vedran, Pavkov Hrvojević, Milica, Lazić, Lazar, Pivac, Tatjana, Stamenković, Igor, Kovačić, Sanja, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Vujičić, Miroslav, and Kalenjuk Pivarski, Bojana
- Subjects
Inclusive tourism ,tourists with disabilities ,mobile applications ,accessible tourism - Abstract
Tourism has become as one of the most significant economic areas for emerging economies such as Serbia and Croatia. Modern tourism, on the other hand, delivers contemporary tourism demand, including travellers with refined desires and expectations. As a result, tourism stakeholders on the supply side must adapt to the new modern state in order to compete in the dynamic tourism market. A share of the global population planning to travel has certain disabilities. On the other hand, the development of digital platforms, particularly at the level of mobile devices, opens many opportunities to be explored and utilized in order to assist people with different types of disabilities in selecting a destination and planning their time more qualitatively while on destination. The purpose of this paper is to explore the demands of visitors with various types of disabilities stated throughout the travel preparation and stay at a tourism destination. The goal is to create a model based on the analysis of the collected responses, which would lead to the development of a mobile application that would allow tourists with disabilities to share their experiences and opinions about the accessibility of tourist attractions and other forms of tourist infrastructure and superstructure. The survey was conducted in Croatia and Serbia among travellers with disabilities. The responses helped to build a clear framework of the most significant indicators for this type of tourist, that is, which will assist tourist destination management in raising the level of inclusivity and accessibility for all visitors.
- Published
- 2022
29. Održivi razvoj turizma u Rezervatu biosfere 'Bačko Podunavlje'
- Author
Obradović, Sanja, Stojanović, Vladimir, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Vujičić, Miroslav, Pantelić, Milana, and Jovičić, Dobrica
- Subjects
Održivi turizam, rezervati biosfere, stavovi lokalnog stanovništva, kvalitet vode, Bačko Podunavlje ,Одрживи туризам, резервати биосфере, ставови локалног становништва, квалитет воде, Бачко Подунавље ,sustainable tourism, residents’ attitudes, biosphere reserve, water quality, Bačko Podunavlje - Abstract
Туризам у резерватима биосфере је препознат као метод пружања начина за развој малог и локално усидреног туризма који се базира на природним вредностима, са амбицијом минимизирања негативних утицаја на животну средину, као начин подстицања ангажовања природе и локалне одрживости. У раду је дат преглед литературе о одрживом туризму и резерватима биосфере. Дефинисане су основне карактеристике овог вида туризма. Приказане су природне и друштвене карактеристике истраживаног простора, описана је студија случаја, промет и смештајни капaцитети Бачког Подунавља. Затим су објашњене све три функције Резервата биосфере „Бачко Подунавље“. У методолошком делу приказани су инструменти, процедура и узорак истраживања, а постављене су и хипотезе рада које се односе на примарно истраживање - ставове локалног становништва, а затим и методе истраживања за секундардно истраживање - анализа квалитета воде Дунава. Кроз резултате и дискусију, хипотезе су потврђене, делимично потврђене или оповргнуте, уз помоћ статистичких прорачуна и других метода провере, док су у закључку рада представљени научни и практични допринос истраживања, као и ограничења истраживања. Такође, изложене су идеје и предлози за будућа истраживања и практични савети који имају за циљ да сугеришу и мотивишу покретање промена које могу довести до одрживог развоја туризма Резервата биосфере „Бачко Подунавље“., Turizam u rezervatima biosfere je prepoznat kao metod pružanja načina za razvoj malog i lokalno usidrenog turizma koji se bazira na prirodnim vrednostima, sa ambicijom minimiziranja negativnih uticaja na životnu sredinu, kao način podsticanja angažovanja prirode i lokalne održivosti. U radu je dat pregled literature o održivom turizmu i rezervatima biosfere. Definisane su osnovne karakteristike ovog vida turizma. Prikazane su prirodne i društvene karakteristike istraživanog prostora, opisana je studija slučaja, promet i smeštajni kapaciteti Bačkog Podunavlja. Zatim su objašnjene sve tri funkcije Rezervata biosfere „Bačko Podunavlje“. U metodološkom delu prikazani su instrumenti, procedura i uzorak istraživanja, a postavljene su i hipoteze rada koje se odnose na primarno istraživanje - stavove lokalnog stanovništva, a zatim i metode istraživanja za sekundardno istraživanje - analiza kvaliteta vode Dunava. Kroz rezultate i diskusiju, hipoteze su potvrđene, delimično potvrđene ili opovrgnute, uz pomoć statističkih proračuna i drugih metoda provere, dok su u zaključku rada predstavljeni naučni i praktični doprinos istraživanja, kao i ograničenja istraživanja. Takođe, izložene su ideje i predlozi za buduća istraživanja i praktični saveti koji imaju za cilj da sugerišu i motivišu pokretanje promena koje mogu dovesti do održivog razvoja turizma Rezervata biosfere „Bačko Podunavlje“., Tourism in biosphere reserves is recognized as a method of providing a way to develop small and locally anchored tourism based on natural values, with the ambition to inimize negative environmental impacts, as a way to encourage nature and local community engagement in sustainable ways and enable learning to achieve sustainability. This thesis represents the literature review on sustainable tourism. It defines the term biosphere reserves and the basic characteristics of sustainable tourism. The natural and social characteristics of the researched area are presented, the case study, a number of visitors and accommodation capacities of Bačko Podunavlje are described. Then, all three functions of the "Backo Podunavlje" Biosphere Reserve have been explained. In the methodological part, the tools, procedures, and sample surveys, together with working hypotheses related to primary research - attitudes of the local population, and then research methods for secondary research - analysis of Danube water quality, are presented. Throughout the results and discussion, the hypotheses are confirmed, partially confirmed or refuted, using statistical calculations and other methods of testing. On the other hand, in the conclusion of the paper, a scientific and practical contribution to the theory and field studies, as well as the limitations of the research have been shown. Also, ideas and proposals for future research and practical advice are presented, which aim to suggest and motivate the initiation of changes that can lead to thesustainable tourism development of the Bačko Podunavlje Biosphere Reserve.
- Published
- 2021
30. Sustainable tourism development in the Bačko Podunavlje Biosphere Reserve
- Author
Stojanović, Vladimir, Vasiljević, Đorđije, Vujičić, Miroslav, Pantelić, Milana, and Jovičić, Dobrica
- Subjects
Održivi turizam, rezervati biosfere, stavovi lokalnog stanovništva, kvalitet vode, Bačko Podunavlje ,Одрживи туризам, резервати биосфере, ставови локалног становништва, квалитет воде, Бачко Подунавље ,sustainable tourism, residents’ attitudes, biosphere reserve, water quality, Bačko Podunavlje - Abstract
Туризам у резерватима биосфере је препознат као метод пружања начина за развој малог и локално усидреног туризма који се базира на природним вредностима, са амбицијом минимизирања негативних утицаја на животну средину, као начин подстицања ангажовања природе и локалне одрживости. У раду је дат преглед литературе о одрживом туризму и резерватима биосфере. Дефинисане су основне карактеристике овог вида туризма. Приказане су природне и друштвене карактеристике истраживаног простора, описана је студија случаја, промет и смештајни капaцитети Бачког Подунавља. Затим су објашњене све три функције Резервата биосфере „Бачко Подунавље“. У методолошком делу приказани су инструменти, процедура и узорак истраживања, а постављене су и хипотезе рада које се односе на примарно истраживање - ставове локалног становништва, а затим и методе истраживања за секундардно истраживање - анализа квалитета воде Дунава. Кроз резултате и дискусију, хипотезе су потврђене, делимично потврђене или оповргнуте, уз помоћ статистичких прорачуна и других метода провере, док су у закључку рада представљени научни и практични допринос истраживања, као и ограничења истраживања. Такође, изложене су идеје и предлози за будућа истраживања и практични савети који имају за циљ да сугеришу и мотивишу покретање промена које могу довести до одрживог развоја туризма Резервата биосфере „Бачко Подунавље“. Turizam u rezervatima biosfere je prepoznat kao metod pružanja načina za razvoj malog i lokalno usidrenog turizma koji se bazira na prirodnim vrednostima, sa ambicijom minimiziranja negativnih uticaja na životnu sredinu, kao način podsticanja angažovanja prirode i lokalne održivosti. U radu je dat pregled literature o održivom turizmu i rezervatima biosfere. Definisane su osnovne karakteristike ovog vida turizma. Prikazane su prirodne i društvene karakteristike istraživanog prostora, opisana je studija slučaja, promet i smeštajni kapaciteti Bačkog Podunavlja. Zatim su objašnjene sve tri funkcije Rezervata biosfere „Bačko Podunavlje“. U metodološkom delu prikazani su instrumenti, procedura i uzorak istraživanja, a postavljene su i hipoteze rada koje se odnose na primarno istraživanje - stavove lokalnog stanovništva, a zatim i metode istraživanja za sekundardno istraživanje - analiza kvaliteta vode Dunava. Kroz rezultate i diskusiju, hipoteze su potvrđene, delimično potvrđene ili opovrgnute, uz pomoć statističkih proračuna i drugih metoda provere, dok su u zaključku rada predstavljeni naučni i praktični doprinos istraživanja, kao i ograničenja istraživanja. Takođe, izložene su ideje i predlozi za buduća istraživanja i praktični saveti koji imaju za cilj da sugerišu i motivišu pokretanje promena koje mogu dovesti do održivog razvoja turizma Rezervata biosfere „Bačko Podunavlje“. Tourism in biosphere reserves is recognized as a method of providing a way to develop small and locally anchored tourism based on natural values, with the ambition to inimize negative environmental impacts, as a way to encourage nature and local community engagement in sustainable ways and enable learning to achieve sustainability. This thesis represents the literature review on sustainable tourism. It defines the term biosphere reserves and the basic characteristics of sustainable tourism. The natural and social characteristics of the researched area are presented, the case study, a number of visitors and accommodation capacities of Bačko Podunavlje are described. Then, all three functions of the "Backo Podunavlje" Biosphere Reserve have been explained. In the methodological part, the tools, procedures, and sample surveys, together with working hypotheses related to primary research - attitudes of the local population, and then research methods for secondary research - analysis of Danube water quality, are presented. Throughout the results and discussion, the hypotheses are confirmed, partially confirmed or refuted, using statistical calculations and other methods of testing. On the other hand, in the conclusion of the paper, a scientific and practical contribution to the theory and field studies, as well as the limitations of the research have been shown. Also, ideas and proposals for future research and practical advice are presented, which aim to suggest and motivate the initiation of changes that can lead to the sustainable tourism development of the Bačko Podunavlje Biosphere Reserve.
- Published
- 2021
31. Problemi konzervacije i mogućnosti interpretacije geodiverziteta kanjona i klisura jugoistočne Srbije
- Author
Began, Milica, Vasiljević, Đorđije A., Marković, Slobodan, Đurović, Predrag, and Jovanović, Mlađen
- Subjects
Геонаслеђе, геоедукација, геозаштита, интерпретација, клисуре, кањони ,Geoheritage, geoeducation, geoprotection,interpretation, gorges, canyons ,Geonasleđe, geoedukacija, geozaštita, interpretacija, klisure, kanjoni - Abstract
Део геонаслеђа југоисточне Србије ИЗ препознат је као такав и тиме заштићенод стране надлежних институција, али без обзира на ову врсту заштите, објектигеонаслеђа трпе и одређене типове деградације. Ова студија бави се препознавањем геонаслеђа и ван његовог институционалног оквира и истражује проблеме конзервације истог, а нарочито проблеме и ниво интерпретације заступљене на овим објектима. За потребе ове студије уређено је неколико научних истраживања и обиман теренски рад., Deo geonasleđa jugoistočne Srbije IZ prepoznat je kao takav i time zaštićenod strane nadležnih institucija, ali bez obzira na ovu vrstu zaštite, objektigeonasleđa trpe i određene tipove degradacije. Ova studija bavi se prepoznavanjem geonasleđa i van njegovog institucionalnog okvira i istražuje probleme konzervacije istog, a naročito probleme i nivo interpretacije zastupljene na ovim objektima. Za potrebe ove studije uređeno je nekoliko naučnih istraživanja i obiman terenski rad., A part of South-eastern Serbia’s geoheritage is already recognized as such and protected by the institutions in charge. But no matter to this type of protection,geoheritage sites endure certain types of degradation. This study shows a research of geoheritage outside of its instutional frame and finds problems of geoheritageconservation and interpretation connected to these geosites. For the purpose of this study several scientific researches have been conducted along with extensive fieldwork.
- Published
- 2019
32. Determinante promena kompetencija ljudskih resursa u turističkim agencijama u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Mišković, Ivana, Nešić, Milan, Vasiljević, Đorđije, and Jegdić, Vaso
- Subjects
ljudski resursi ,Društveno-humanističke nauke ,turizam ,Savremene tendencije ,kompetencije ,obrazovanje ,turističke agencije - Abstract
Promene na turističkom tržištu nastale kao tekovina informatičke revolucije uslovile su pojavu novih oblika turističkog posredovanja, novih oblika zapošljavanja i inoviranje strukture upravljanja i organizacije uobičajenih radnih procesa. Kada je u pitanju agencijsko poslovanje u Republici Srbiji, uočena je potreba za adekvatnijom edukacijom kadrova za rad u novonastalim tržišnim uslovima. Stoga, primarni istraživački zadatak doktorske disertacije predstavlja detaljno ispitivanje strukture i ključnih kompetencija kadrova zaposlenih u turističkim agencijama u Srbiji. Takođe, istraživanjem su identifikovana i novonastala zanimanja i radne pozicije u agencijama, novi oblici zapošljavanja i radnog angažovanja, te znanja i veštine koje se očekuju od mladih kadrova. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena i analiza kurikuluma fakulteta turističkog smera, kako bi se identifikovalo koja su to znanja i veštine za kojima postoji potražnja na tržištu rada, a nisu obuhvaćena postojećim akademskim studijskim programima. Istraživanje je po metodološkoj prirodi realizovano kao sistemska neeksperimentalna studija. Empirijska građa je prikupljena primenom tehnike polu-strukturisanog intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja omogućavaju sticanje jasnije slike o tome koje kadrove će turističke agencije zapošljavati poslujući u savremenom tehnološkom okruženju i u kom pravcu će se kretati procesi dalje transformacije poslovanja i strukture ljudkih resursa. Takođe, rezultati intervjua su dovedeni u vezu sa postojećim sistemom školovanja kadrova u turzimu, kako u okviru formalnog, tako i u okviru neformalnog obrazovanja.
- Published
- 2017
33. Geonasleđe Srednjeg i Donjeg Podunavlja u Srbiji: inventar, geokonzervacija i geoturizam
- Author
Tomić, Nemanja, Marković, Slobodan, Gavrilov, Milivoj, Košić, (Pavlica) Kristina, Vasiljević, Đorđije, and Jovičić, Dobrica
- Subjects
Геонаслеђе, геотуризам, геоконзервација, Подунавље ,Geonasleđe, geoturizam, geokonzervacija, Podunavlje ,Geoheritage, geotourism, geoconservation, Danube - Abstract
Геотуризам представља релативно нов феномен у свету и често се помињекао туризам специјалних интересовања, који подржава и промовише објектеприродног али и културног наслеђа. На територији Подунавља у Србији налазе себројни геолошки и геоморфолошки облици као и палеонтолошки остаци мамута који представљају јединствено богатсво и као такви представљају идеалне ресурсе за развој туризма. У оквиру ове студије биће предложен инвентар геолокалитета овог простора са посебним освртом на мере геоконзервације. Један од главних циљева је такође и модификација постојећих и креирање нових метода за туристичко вредновање геолокалитета. Помоћу ових метода и уз анкетно истраживање, главни циљ јесте утврђивање најатрактивнијих подручја и геолокалитета за развој геотуризма Средњег и Доњег Подунавља у Србији каои утврђивање основних карактеристика и преференција потенцијалног тржиштагеотуризма Србије., Geoturizam predstavlja relativno nov fenomen u svetu i često se pominjekao turizam specijalnih interesovanja, koji podržava i promoviše objekteprirodnog ali i kulturnog nasleđa. Na teritoriji Podunavlja u Srbiji nalaze sebrojni geološki i geomorfološki oblici kao i paleontološki ostaci mamuta koji predstavljaju jedinstveno bogatsvo i kao takvi predstavljaju idealne resurse za razvoj turizma. U okviru ove studije biće predložen inventar geolokaliteta ovog prostora sa posebnim osvrtom na mere geokonzervacije. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva je takođe i modifikacija postojećih i kreiranje novih metoda za turističko vrednovanje geolokaliteta. Pomoću ovih metoda i uz anketno istraživanje, glavni cilj jeste utvrđivanje najatraktivnijih područja i geolokaliteta za razvoj geoturizma Srednjeg i Donjeg Podunavlja u Srbiji kaoi utvrđivanje osnovnih karakteristika i preferencija potencijalnog tržištageoturizma Srbije., Geotourism represents a relatively new phenomena in the world and it is often referred to as special interest tourism which enhances and promotes natural and cultural heritage. The Danube River territory in Serbia has many geological and geomorphological features and sites as well as paleontological remains of mammoths which represent unique values and as such, they are ideal for tourism development. This study will suggest an inventory of geosites in this area with a special focus on geoconservation measures. One of the main goals is also the modification of existing and the creation of new methods for geosite evaluation. By using these methods, along with a detailed survey research and analysis, the main goal is to determine the most attractive areas and geosites for geotourism development on the territory of the Middle and Lower Danube in Serbia and also to determine the basic characteristics and preferences of the potential geotourism market of Serbia
- Published
- 2016
34. Geoheritage of the Middle and Lower Danube in Serbia: inventory, geoconservation and geotourism
- Author
Marković, Slobodan, Gavrilov, Milivoj, Košić (Pavlica), Kristina, Vasiljević, Đorđije, and Jovičić, Dobrica
- Subjects
геоконзервација ,Геонаслеђе ,Podunavlje ,geoconservation ,Geonasleđe ,геотуризам ,geokonzervacija ,Geoheritage ,Подунавље ,geoturizam ,Danube ,geotourism - Abstract
Геотуризам представља релативно нов феномен у свету и често се помиње као туризам специјалних интересовања, који подржава и промовише објекте природног али и културног наслеђа. На територији Подунавља у Србији налазе се бројни геолошки и геоморфолошки облици као и палеонтолошки остаци мамута који представљају јединствено богатсво и као такви представљају идеалне ресурсе за развој туризма. У оквиру ове студије биће предложен инвентар геолокалитета овог простора са посебним освртом на мере геоконзервације. Један од главних циљева је такође и модификација постојећих и креирање нових метода за туристичко вредновање геолокалитета. Помоћу ових метода и уз анкетно истраживање, главни циљ јесте утврђивање најатрактивнијих подручја и геолокалитета за развој геотуризма Средњег и Доњег Подунавља у Србији као и утврђивање основних карактеристика и преференција потенцијалног тржишта геотуризма Србије. Geoturizam predstavlja relativno nov fenomen u svetu i često se pominje kao turizam specijalnih interesovanja, koji podržava i promoviše objekte prirodnog ali i kulturnog nasleđa. Na teritoriji Podunavlja u Srbiji nalaze se brojni geološki i geomorfološki oblici kao i paleontološki ostaci mamuta koji predstavljaju jedinstveno bogatsvo i kao takvi predstavljaju idealne resurse za razvoj turizma. U okviru ove studije biće predložen inventar geolokaliteta ovog prostora sa posebnim osvrtom na mere geokonzervacije. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva je takođe i modifikacija postojećih i kreiranje novih metoda za turističko vrednovanje geolokaliteta. Pomoću ovih metoda i uz anketno istraživanje, glavni cilj jeste utvrđivanje najatraktivnijih područja i geolokaliteta za razvoj geoturizma Srednjeg i Donjeg Podunavlja u Srbiji kao i utvrđivanje osnovnih karakteristika i preferencija potencijalnog tržišta geoturizma Srbije. Geotourism represents a relatively new phenomena in the world and it is often referred to as special interest tourism which enhances and promotes natural and cultural heritage. The Danube River territory in Serbia has many geological and geomorphological features and sites as well as paleontological remains of mammoths which represent unique values and as such, they are ideal for tourism development. This study will suggest an inventory of geosites in this area with a special focus on geoconservation measures. One of the main goals is also the modification of existing and the creation of new methods for geosite evaluation. By using these methods, along with a detailed survey research and analysis, the main goal is to determine the most attractive areas and geosites for geotourism development on the territory of the Middle and Lower Danube in Serbia and also to determine the basic characteristics and preferences of the potential geotourism market of Serbia
- Published
- 2016
35. ) Landscape Diversity of the National Park Paklenica as Paradigm of Tourism Development
- Author
Vrsaljko, Anđelko, Trošelj, Ivana, Marković, Nataša, and Vasiljević, Đorđije
- Subjects
Paklenica National Park, tourism in natural areas, visitors, landscape, ecology - Abstract
Paklenica National Park was established in 1949. The Park territory forms a part of Dinaric karst, one of the most impressive karst units in the world, marked by distinctive geological, geomorphological and hydrological features. The tourist offer of the National Park is extraordinarily interesting to foreign visitors, the number of whom is, according to the research included in this final paper, 77%. The types of tourism such as adventure ecotourism, wildlife tourism and nature based tourism are well implemented in the Park. For that reason, this paper dealt with the visitors’/ tourists’ perceptions on valorisation of the landscape particularities as the paradigms of the development of specific types of tourism. Landscape particularities of the Park The Park abounds in numerous types of karst reliefs such as karrens, sinkholes, cliffs, groves, rocky areas, karst wells and icicles, and in speleological structures it contains caves and pits. The Park area dominates in carbonate rocks limestones and dolomites. The majority of the Park territory, including its peaks, is built from the Jurassic carbonate sediments, while the lower southwest slopes are made of Cretaceous and Paleogene carbonate deposits. Clastic sediments pride themselves in impermeability and thus enable the existence of several permanent or occasional torrent-flows and numerous permanent springs. The most powerful spring of Velika Paklenica is CrnoVrloat 780 m.a.s.l., followed by Kontinovovrilo at 870 m.a.s.l., Jukićavrilo at 600 m.a.s.l. and Ivine vodice at analtitudeof around 1200 m. In the Park area there are several types of soils such as brown soil on limestone, red clay soil and rockery. In hydrological terms, the stream Velika Paklenica stands out because, during the rain season, it flows into the seain its full length. Another significant watercourse is situated in the Mala Paklenica canyon. The aim of the research and the methodology The aim of this research is to explore the extent to which landscape diversity influences the the Park’s attendance and the development of the specific types of tourism in the Park’s area. In order to test the influence of landscape diversity as the paradigm of the tourism development, it is necessary to analyse all the Paklenica NP landscape factors and explore the visitors’ views and the way in which the landscape diversity of the Park influences the development of different forms of tourism. In doing so, a survey was used as a primary form of the empirical research of this paper. A survey research has been conducted by using a structured survey questionnaire on a sample of 359 respondents (N=359).Based on the structured questionnaire which included set of closed and openended questions, face-to-face interview was used as the method of data collection. The survey consists of a total of 31 questions. The fist 11 questions are close-ended and relate to socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The second part of the survey questionnaire concerns the park’s landscape diversity. It consists of 20 claims followed by a 7-item Likert scale according to which the respondents express their level of agreement or disagreement with a certainclaim. A 7-item scale was used to obtain more possibility of the response differentiation. Survey on the landscape diversity of the Park The survey contains 20 claims regarding the Park’s landscape diversity, and the answers range from 1 (Strongly agree) to 7 (Strongly disagree). The answers are expressed in percentages (Table 1.). In this survey, 28% of respondents strongly agree, 31% agree, and 23% somewhat agree with the claim that the Park boasts with the exceptional landscape diversity. The majority of respondents strongly agree with the claim that the landscape diversity of the Park represents the foundation of the biological variety and should be protected, preserved and improved, which pinpoints to a high level of visitors’ knowledge concerning the ecological problems. Around one-fifth of the survey respondents absolutely agree regarding the following questions: “Geomorphology is the main motive of my visit to the park (according to some authors Velebitmountain has about 8, 000 geomorphological phenomena). It is necessary to further develop and promote the landscape tours. It is necessary to bring the tourists closer to specific habitats for individual plant or animal species.” Considering these questions, one must assume that the problem should be confronted in a simpler, more convenient and comprehensive way. Furthermore, it is interesting that only a few of the respondents strongly agree with perceiving the Adventure Tourism and the Nature Based Tourism as the future of the Park. A rather small percentage of the respondents consider speleological structures of the Park represent an extremely valuable hydrological asset. Taking into consideration that the park, as a part of the Velebit mountain, abounds in water springs (over 4000 different springs) and geomorphological phenomena (around 8000), that and these claims confirm the hypothesis: “The landscape diversity of Paklenica National Park has not been adequately validated as a paradigm of the alternative tourism development.” The tasks that impose themselves include a systematic enhancement of the promotion of these natural assets as a prerequisite for the development of those specific forms of tourism that are based on these assets/attractions.
- Published
- 2016
36. Initial Research on Human Perception of Loess Landscapes in Baranya, Eastern Croatia
- Author
Stober, Dina, Lončar-Vicković, Sanja, Dolaček-Alduk, Zlata, Mimica-Dukić, Neda, Marković, Slobodan B., Lazić, Lazar, Lukić, Tin, A. Vasiljević, Đorđije, Vujičić, Miroslav D., and Basarin, Biljana
- Subjects
gator ,loess ,Baranya ,risk perception - Abstract
Landscape has an objective nature, which is of material structure and measurable, and, at the same time, it has a subjective nature within a value structure, both qualitative and aesthetic. Significant visual phenomena of the Slavonia and Baranya planes in Eastern Croatia are the vertical surfaces of loess deposits. Physical characteristic of loess have enabled men to perforate it and create spatial structures in it, called gators that have served for residential and economic purposes throughout the history of this area. The continued decay and disappearance of the gator’s residential function has pointed to a problem of today’s perception and evaluation of these structures, now mostly empty and abandoned. The main dilemma lies in the interpretation of gator’s potential as spatial and phenomenological resources in the context of local natural values and problems arising from limited structural features of loess. The article presents physical characteristics of gators from and around the village of Batina in Croatian Baranya as well as their role in a holistic review of the Baranya loess landscape. At this stage, authors are proposing and defining a methodology of researching loess structures from different theoretical and methodological perspectives. We discuss various issues that are highlighted in a comparative framework, relating to distinctions between experts’ and local population’s attitudes on loess and its natural and human features. The proposed methodology is based on risk perception related to place-identity and landscape values. The article investigates the use of visual instruments (photographs) in quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative methods include evaluation of loess deposits in comparison to other natural phenomena of the region, recognition of gators as a part of its architectural and economic heritage and ranking of gators’ (via visual presentation-photographs) as suitable for different functions (habitation, storage, wine cellars, museums, tourism). Qualitative methods follow, again via visual presentation, emotional associations and suggestions on the same subject of gators’ past and present use and possible re-use. Described methods will be realized through a survey of a sample of local experts and region’s population.
- Published
- 2012
37. Innovation in protected area governance: competing models and their impact in different places
- Author
Raoul Beunen and Vasiljević, Đorđije
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