28 results on '"Vestin, Alexander"'
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2. Smart Manufacturing in the Wooden Single-Family House Industry – Status of Industry 4.0
- Author
Vestin, Alexander and Säfsten, Kristina
- Published
- 2021
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3. Smart factories for single-family wooden houses – a practitioner’s perspective
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, and Löfving, Malin
- Published
- 2021
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4. Mitigating product data management challenges in the wooden single-family house industry
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, primary, Säfsten, Kristina, additional, and Popovic, Djordje, additional
- Published
- 2023
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5. Revealing the Content of Industry 4.0: A Review of Literature
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, primary, Säfsten, Kristina, additional, and Löfving, Malin, additional
- Published
- 2020
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6. On the way to a smart factory for single-family wooden house builders in Sweden
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, and Löfving, Malin
- Published
- 2018
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7. Att introducera skapandet av spel somexaminationsuppgift : möjligheter till motivation för att 'knäcka koden' i en programmeringskurs
- Author
Bellström, Peter, Vestin, Alexander, Sjöberg, Pierre, Bellström, Peter, Vestin, Alexander, and Sjöberg, Pierre
- Abstract
Vi upplever att många studenter har svårigheter med att ”knäckakoden” (läs: lära sig programmera) och då inte bara i introducerandekurser utan också i fortsättningskurser i programmering. Som ettförsta steg till att motivera studenterna till att lära programmering harvi för kursen JavaScript för webbutveckling introducerat skapandet avspel som examinationsuppgift. I kapitlet beskriver och diskuterar vivarför och hur vi introducerat skapandet av tre-i-rad somexaminationsuppgift och vilka erfarenheter vi tar med oss för vidarekursutveckling. Som huvudargument för att introducera spel lyfter viatt motivera studenterna till att lära sig programmering. Vidarediskuterar vi att detta kan vara möjligt genom att öka ”kulfaktorn” ochdå samtidigt ta avstamp i något studenterna känner till och kanreferera till. Vi upplever att spel som examinationsuppgift är något sommottagits som positivt av studenterna men att ett flertal utmaningarkvarstår. Bland annat upplever vi att flertalet studenter har svårt medatt ”sy ihop” delarna till en helhet (att gå från ”ax till limpa”) samt attdet är mycket stor spridning på kvalitén på inlämnade lösningar.
- Published
- 2023
8. Supporting smart manufacturing in industrialized house building through product data management
- Author
Vestin, Alexander and Vestin, Alexander
- Abstract
Industrialized house building (IHB) needs to improve efficiency and reduce costs to be able to meet the demand of future building requirements. The discrete manufacturing industry has already begun its transformation with concepts such as Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. The focus of these concepts is on systems integration and utilizing different design principles and technologies to improve productivity and competitiveness. So far, smart manufacturing has not been discussed to any significant extent in the context of the IHB industry, even though it might be a way for this industry to improve efficiency and reduce costs. The purpose of this thesis is to support smart manufacturing realization in the IHB industry through improved systems integration capability. The objective is to develop a support system that helps to mitigate current product data management challenges in the IHB industry. The research presented here followed the design research methodology (DRM), and three research studies were conducted within the IHB industry, specifically within the context of the wooden single-family house industry. The findings emphasized that integrated information and communication technology (ICT) tools are a precondition for realizing smart manufacturing in IHB. A pilot product lifecycle management (PLM) system was developed as a support system to mitigate the challenges encountered in product data management. The support system was developed based on five requirements (integrate product data between ICT tools, extract product data to purchasing items, adaptable to the product realization process, organize product data in different views, and trace revisions on building information modeling (BIM) projects and BIM families) and six functions (extract and interpret product data from the BIM project, property mapping, revision management, different types of document structures, from document structure to item structure, and complete bill of materials). The pilot PLM sy
- Published
- 2023
9. Mitigating product data management challenges in the wooden single-family house industry
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, Popovic, Djordje, Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, and Popovic, Djordje
- Abstract
The housing industry faces challenges in product data management, resulting in negative effects on productivity, efficiency, and quality. The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to elaborate on requirements and functions of a support system to mitigate challenges with product data management in the wooden single-family house industry. As a support system, a pilot product lifecycle management (PLM) system was developed with functions to fulfill the requirements. The support system was installed and tested in a real-world setting, a wooden single-family house company, Company T. The paper contributes with the insights that a PLM system for industrialized house building can be developed, fulfilling the requirements in this specific industry. The functions developed were perceived to have value and could, for Company T, mitigate their challenges with product data management. The support system facilitate integration between the pilot PLM system, the building information modeling tool and the enterprise resource planning system at Company T. Based on the study carried out, the paper concludes that a PLM system is feasible, and that it might be a way to mitigate challenges with product data management in the wooden single-family house industry.
- Published
- 2023
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10. Enablers for PLM implementation in the Wooden Single-Family House Industry
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, Popovic, Djordje, Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, and Popovic, Djordje
- Abstract
Included in doctoral thesis in manuscript form.
- Published
- 2023
11. Systemintegration med hjälp av PLM-system i småhusindustrin : Problembild och pilot
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Heikkinen, Tim, Vestin, Alexander, and Heikkinen, Tim
- Abstract
I det här projektet har problembilden med informationsflöden kartlagts för två företag inom småhusindustrin, Trivselhus och Eksjöhus. Tillsammans med PLM-utvecklarna YaPlm har en pilot av ett PLM-system utvecklats för att kunna hantera den problembild som kartlagts. Problembilden är att det finns mer eller mindre specialiserade men isolerade system som används i processen. Det ger upphov till många källor av produktinformation och manuell överföring. Problembilden medför konsekvenser som; tidskrävande, resurskrävande, och kvalitetsproblematisk administration. Projektet har tagit fram en generell pilot av ett PLM-system som fungerar mot ett centralt sådant problematiskt system, kallat Revit®. Med funktionerna i piloten kan projektet konstatera att ett PLM-system kan användas och hur det kan användas, givet de förutsättningar som råder för småhusindustrin, för att behandla en del av de utmaningarna som finns med systemintegration. PLM-system har potential att öka effektiviteten av informationsflödena hos företag i småhusindustrin.
- Published
- 2022
12. Distribuerad och synkron laborationshandledning i Zoom : Möjligheter för återkoppling i en programmeringskurs
- Author
Bellström, Peter, Sjöberg, Pierre, Vestin, Alexander, Bellström, Peter, Sjöberg, Pierre, and Vestin, Alexander
- Abstract
Att använda Zoom för distribuerad och synkron laborations-handledning inom programmeringskurser, kan vid en första anblick ses som ett tillvägagångssätt utan några större utmaningar och problem. Men vid en andra anblick har flera utmaningar och problem identifierats. I föreliggande kapitel beskriver författarna därför hur de använt Zoom som plattform för distribuerad och synkron handledning på kursen Serverprogrammering i JavaScript. I huvudsak har två övergripande erfarenheter utkristalliserat sig ur denna användning vilka i föreliggande kapitel benämns som: 1) Notifikationer för co-host och endast en plats i kön, och 2) Avsaknad av återkoppling. I kapitlet behandlas dessa två erfarenheter utifrån utmaning och implementation. Som ett förslag på lösning för dessa två utmaningar föreslår författarna att ett kösystem implementeras. En kösystemsprototyp har också utvecklats och beskrivs i detalj i kapitlet. Författarna ser en hög potential i kösystemsprototypen både som den är utvecklad i dag och för framtida förbättringar med ny funktionalitet. För framtida utvecklingsarbete kommer därför också kösystemsprototypen att utvärderas både vad det gäller användbarhet och funktionalitet.
- Published
- 2022
13. Information Management in the Wooden Single-Family House Industry-Challenges and Potential Solutions
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, Popovic, Djordje, Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, and Popovic, Djordje
- Abstract
In this paper, focus is on information management in the wooden single-family house industry i.e., one segment of the construction industry. So far, there is lack of research that investigates possible paths for information management in the wooden single-family house industry. The purpose of this paper is to overcome this limitation, and to increase the knowledge on how to mitigate the challenges of information management in the wooden single-family house industry. Two research questions were formulated: RQ1 What are the challenges with information management in the wooden single-family house industry? RQ2 What are the potentials of traditional BIM, BIM for OFC, and PLM to respectively mitigate the information management challenges? The results presented in this paper are based on a case study at a wooden single-family house company and a literature review on information management. In total, eight empirical information management challenges were identified at the case company, categorized into technology-related, process-related, or people-related challenges. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that a PLM-system has larger potential to mitigate the information management challenges in the wooden single-family house industry than traditional BIM and BIM for OFC. This paper contributes with insights on challenges of information management in the wooden single-family house industry and the potentials of traditional BIM, BIM for OFC, and PLM to mitigate these challenges. The results from this paper can support managers in the house building industry with understanding the potentials of traditional BIM, BIM for OFC and PLM for specific information challenges and facilitate decision making on what actions to take to improve their information management.
- Published
- 2022
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14. Smart factories for single-family wooden houses – a practitioner’s perspective
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, primary, Säfsten, Kristina, additional, and Löfving, Malin, additional
- Published
- 2020
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15. Smart manufacturing for the wooden single-family house industry
- Author
Vestin, Alexander
- Subjects
industrialized house building ,smart factory ,smart wooden house manufacturing ,Byggproduktion ,smart manufacturing ,Industry 4.0 ,Construction Management - Abstract
To meet the demand of future building requirements, and to improve productivity and competitiveness, there is a need to modernize and revise the current practices in the wooden single-family house industry. In several other sectors, intensive work is being done to adapt to the anticipated fourth industrial revolution. The manufacturing industry has already begun its transformation with concepts such as smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0. So far, smart manufacturing has not been discussed to any significant extent for the wooden single-family house industry, even though it might be a way for this industry to improve productivity and competitiveness. The research presented in this thesis aims at increased knowledge about what smart manufacturing means for the wooden single-family house industry. This requires investigating what smart wooden house manufacturingis, what challenges that might be associated with it, and how smart wooden house manufacturing can be realized. At the core of this thesis is the conceptualization of smart wooden house manufacturing—when realized, it is expected to contribute to improve the competitiveness of the wooden single family house industry. The findings presented here are based on three Research Studies. Two studies were case studies within the wooden single-family house industry. The third study was a traditional literature review. The findings revealed two definitions and 26 components of smart wooden house manufacturing. At large, smart wooden house manufacturing emphasizes digital transformation with a focus on digital information flow, how to add information, information compilation, and information distribution between systems/programs and departments. Some of the challenges associated with smart wooden house manufacturing are, e.g. culture, competence and manual transfer of information between systems. The findings indicate similarities of smart wooden house manufacturing within certain components of industrialized house building and Industry 4.0, these components could enable the realization of smart wooden house manufacturing. För att möta efterfrågan på framtida byggkrav och för att förbättra produktiviteten och konkurrenskraften finns det ett behov av att modernisera och revidera nuvarande tillvägagångssätt inom träsmåhusindustrin. I flera andra sektorer arbetas det intensivt med att anpassa sig till den förväntade fjärde industriella revolutionen. Tillverkningsindustrin har redan påbörjat sin omvandling med koncept som smart manufacturing och Industry 4.0. Hittills har smart manufacturing inte diskuterats i någon större utsträckning för träsmåhusindustrin, även om det kan vara ett sätt för denna industri att förbättra produktiviteten och konkurrenskraften. Forskningen som presenteras i denna avhandling syftar till ökad kunskap om vad smart manufacturing innebär för träsmåhusindustrin. Detta kräver undersökning av vad smart trähustillverkning är, vilka utmaningar som kan vara förknippade med det och hur smart trähustillverkning kan realiseras. Kärnan i denna uppsats är begreppsframställningen av smart trähustillverkning—när det realiserats förväntas det bidra till att förbättra konkurrenskraften för träsmåhusindustrin. Resultaten som presenteras här är baserat på tre forskningsstudier. Två studier var fallstudier inom träsmåhusindustrin. Den tredje studien var en traditionell litteraturstudie. Resultaten avslöjade två definitioner och 26 komponenter av smart träshustillverkning. Sammanfattningsvis betonar smart trähustillverkning digital transformation med fokus på digitalt informationsflöde, hur man lägger till information, sammanställning av information och informationsfördelning mellan system / program och avdelningar. Några av utmaningarna associerade med smart trähustillverkning är t.ex. kultur, kompetens och manuell överföring av information mellan system. Resultaten indikerar likheter mellan smart träshustillverkning inom vissa komponenter av industriellt husbyggande och Industry 4.0, dessa komponenter skulle kunna möjliggöra realiseringen av smart trähustillverkning.
- Published
- 2020
16. Revealing the content of Industry 4.0 : A review of literature
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, Löfving, Malin, Vestin, Alexander, Säfsten, Kristina, and Löfving, Malin
- Abstract
A fourth industrial revolution is prophesied, and there is a potential for the industrialized world to proactively adapt suitable practices. Despite the large interest from both industry and academia, a drawback with the vast literature on initiatives that tap into the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 and alike, is the fuzziness when it comes to terminology and content. The terms are mixed up, and sometimes used interchangeable and the constituent parts are not fully described. The purpose of this paper is to present the content of initiatives related to the fourth industrial revolution in a structured manner. This is expected to support understanding for the content of the fourth industrial revolution and thereby facilitate the transformation. The results presented in this paper is based on a traditional literature review. In total 13 relevant review papers were identified. The identified papers were analyzed, and a framework was developed including technologies and design principles. In total, eleven technologies and twelve design principles were identified for Industry 4.0. The most frequently occurring technologies were Cyber physical systems, Internet of Things, and Big data. The most frequently occurring design principles were Smart factory, Service orientation and Sustainability and resource efficiency. A categorization of the content into technologies and design principles clarify and structures the content of Industry 4.0. The developed framework can support academics in identifying, describing, and selecting Industry 4.0 scenarios for further investigations. For practitioners, the framework can give a basic understanding and some guidance in their implementation journey of Industry 4.0., The symposium was held online on 7 & 8 October 2020 because of restrictions due to the Corona virus pandemic.
- Published
- 2020
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17. Productivity of Firms in the Swedish Industry for Wooden Single-Family Houses
- Author
Schauerte, Tobias and Vestin, Alexander
- Subjects
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics ,Activity Ratios ,Wooden Single-Family Houses ,Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi ,Byggproduktion ,Efficiency ,Productivity ,Construction Management - Abstract
In Sweden, wooden single-family houses have been prefabricated for a long time, instead of being built on-site. However, it was mentioned that in several firms, many working tasks just were brought from outside into a manufacturing hall, yet the tasks were not adjusted to utilize potential benefits that prefabrication offers. Production development was not prioritized and thus, the firms’ productivity and efficiency were on a second-rate level, with profitability numbers following accordingly. In the past years, however, and especially related to the rapid development within the areas of digitalization and automation, several firms have been investing into different types of development. As the production of wooden single-family houses is very unstable in the past decade, yet, production costs per m2 more than doubled since 2002 and the industry is characterized of a very high degree of competition, productivity is a key performance indicator (KPI) in this industry.The aim of this study is to investigate in the productivity of Swedish firms producing wooden single-family houses in the past ten years. This is done by using the activity ratio Total Asset Turnover ratio, measuring a firm’s operational efficiency from 2008 to 2017, i.e. the latest data available. For 47 firms, data from annual reports were collected and analyzed.Data shows a productivity loss by 4.7%, aggregated for all firms in the industry. Further, the productivity for individual firms developed very different, varying from +141.7% to -68.4% and it can be concluded that a change in fixed assets affects productivity.
- Published
- 2019
18. Web application for self-reporting of personal health data to electronic health records
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Lantz, David, Norrestam Held, Erik, Olsson Kaalhus, Matilda, Salo, Mattias, Hellman, Noah, and Liljedahl, Sofie
- Subjects
webbapplikation ,Datavetenskap (datalogi) ,Computer Sciences ,Angular ,Google Fit ,sjukvård ,openEHR ,webb - Abstract
Denna rapport behandlar ett arbete sju studenter som läste kursen TDDD96: Kandidatprojekt i programutveckling utförde under vårterminen 2019. Arbetets syfte var att utforska möjligheten att skicka in personlig hälsodata till Region Östergötland via en hemsida. För att åstadkomma detta utvecklades en webbapplikation, samt utfördes en utredning av openEHR:s datastrukturer och API för att kunna koppla applikationen till Region Östergötlands journalsystem. Resultatet blev en fungerande webbapplikation som hämtar data från hälsoplattformen Google Fit och skickar därefter in det till en journal via openEHR:s REST-API. Hälsodata som hämtats från Google Fit är data som samlats in med sensorer från mobiler och smartklockor såsom puls och antal steg. Denna rapport avser att ge en inblick i utvecklingsprocessen, beskriva de bakomliggande besluten, de problem som uppstått under projektets gång och dess lösningar, samt diskutera resultatet. Med i rapporten finns även de individuella kandidatrapporter medlemmarna i gruppen har skrivit, dessa hittas sist i dokumentet.
- Published
- 2019
19. Smart Manufacturing Support to Product Platforms in Industrialized House Building
- Author
Popovic, Djordje, primary, Thajudeen, Shamnath, additional, and Vestin, Alexander, additional
- Published
- 2019
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20. Webbapplikation för inrapportering av hälsodata till digitala journalsystem
- Author
Vestin, Alexander, Lantz, David, Norrestam Held, Erik, Olsson Kaalhus, Matilda, Salo, Mattias, Hellman, Noah, Liljedahl, Sofie, Vestin, Alexander, Lantz, David, Norrestam Held, Erik, Olsson Kaalhus, Matilda, Salo, Mattias, Hellman, Noah, and Liljedahl, Sofie
- Abstract
Denna rapport behandlar ett arbete sju studenter som läste kursen TDDD96: Kandidatprojekt i programutveckling utförde under vårterminen 2019. Arbetets syfte var att utforska möjligheten att skicka in personlig hälsodata till Region Östergötland via en hemsida. För att åstadkomma detta utvecklades en webbapplikation, samt utfördes en utredning av openEHR:s datastrukturer och API för att kunna koppla applikationen till Region Östergötlands journalsystem. Resultatet blev en fungerande webbapplikation som hämtar data från hälsoplattformen Google Fit och skickar därefter in det till en journal via openEHR:s REST-API. Hälsodata som hämtats från Google Fit är data som samlats in med sensorer från mobiler och smartklockor såsom puls och antal steg. Denna rapport avser att ge en inblick i utvecklingsprocessen, beskriva de bakomliggande besluten, de problem som uppstått under projektets gång och dess lösningar, samt diskutera resultatet. Med i rapporten finns även de individuella kandidatrapporter medlemmarna i gruppen har skrivit, dessa hittas sist i dokumentet.
- Published
- 2019
21. Smart manufacturing support to product platforms in industrialized house building
- Author
Popovic, Djordje, Thajudeen, Shamnath, Vestin, Alexander, Popovic, Djordje, Thajudeen, Shamnath, and Vestin, Alexander
- Abstract
Swedish house building companies currently face many challenges in terms of fluctuating market demand, need for flexible product offering, non-uniform governmental regulations, high costs, and long lead times. These challenges affect both internal and external efficiency of companies. Product platforms have been used for more than a decade in this industry to improve both internal and external efficiency. However, the industry is still criticized for its inefficient and costly process. Smart manufacturing has emerged as means to improve the efficiency of internal processes and the question is if and how smart manufacturing can complement and support product platforms in industrialized house building. The aim of this study is to explore the potential of smart manufacturing to complement and support product platforms in theory and practice in the context of industrialized house building. A literature review and a multiple case study were chosen to fulfill the study objective. In total fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted in two timber house building companies. The data was analyzed within and across cases using four platform assets for categorization: components, processes, knowledge and relationships. The results show that the smart manufacturing technologies are in both theory and practice mainly supporting the process platform asset through developing vertical and horizontal IT systems integration, definition and digitalization of flexible building systems, and transferring explicit drafting and engineering knowledge into parametric modelling tools.
- Published
- 2019
22. Comparison of development in WordPress and In-house development : A case study comparing five criteria: documentation, security, codequality, development time and difference in code size
- Author
Vestin, Alexander
- Subjects
jämförelse ,kodkvalitet ,Datorsystem ,intern utveckling ,Computer Systems ,systemutveckling ,Communication Systems ,dokumentation ,säkerhet ,utvecklingstid ,Kommunikationssystem ,WordPress ,skillnad i kodstorlek - Abstract
Valet mellan att utveckla ett system eller att köpa ett komplett är inte det lättaste för många organisationer. CriseIT har efterfrågat nya funktioner till sin övningsplattform som är byggd i WordPress. Ett problem inom systemutveckling är att utvecklarna väljer en utvecklingsmetod där alla av kundens krav inte kan realiseras. Kan man realisera alla CriseITs krav med WordPress eller är det bättre att utveckla ett eget system för att möta dessa? Syftet med uppsatsen är att informera CriseIT-projektet om ”kostnaden” i olika bemärkelser av att anpassa ett CMS respektive ett egenutvecklat webbsystem. Uppsatsen jämför dessa utvecklingsmetoder med fem olika kriterier: dokumentation, säkerhet, kodkvalitet, utvecklingstid och skillnad i kodstorlek. För att jämföra systemets utvecklingsprocess används dokumentanalys för att få data om kriterierna inom andra projekt om systemutveckling. Uppsatsen använder också koden av komponenterna för att jämföra kodkvalitet, utvecklingstiden och skillnaden i kodstorlek. Resultatet av undersökningen visar data om varje kriterium från WordPress och den egenutvecklade komponenten. Slutsatsen av uppsatsen är att organisationer kan köpa färdiga system och utveckla mindre samt lättare krav. Men om systemet inte stödjer den funktionalitet de behöver är det bra om organisationen bygger ett system internt för att realisera alla kraven. För CriseIT borde de ompröva utvecklingsmetoden för sitt informationssystem om fler krav behöver blir utvecklade än de som nu finns implementerade.
- Published
- 2018
23. Jämförelse mellan utveckling i WordPress och intern utveckling : En fallstudie med jämförelse av fem kriterier: dokumentation, säkerhet, kodkvalitet, utvecklingstid och skillnad i kodstorlek
- Author
Vestin, Alexander and Vestin, Alexander
- Abstract
Valet mellan att utveckla ett system eller att köpa ett komplett är inte det lättaste för många organisationer. CriseIT har efterfrågat nya funktioner till sin övningsplattform som är byggd i WordPress. Ett problem inom systemutveckling är att utvecklarna väljer en utvecklingsmetod där alla av kundens krav inte kan realiseras. Kan man realisera alla CriseITs krav med WordPress eller är det bättre att utveckla ett eget system för att möta dessa? Syftet med uppsatsen är att informera CriseIT-projektet om ”kostnaden” i olika bemärkelser av att anpassa ett CMS respektive ett egenutvecklat webbsystem. Uppsatsen jämför dessa utvecklingsmetoder med fem olika kriterier: dokumentation, säkerhet, kodkvalitet, utvecklingstid och skillnad i kodstorlek. För att jämföra systemets utvecklingsprocess används dokumentanalys för att få data om kriterierna inom andra projekt om systemutveckling. Uppsatsen använder också koden av komponenterna för att jämföra kodkvalitet, utvecklingstiden och skillnaden i kodstorlek. Resultatet av undersökningen visar data om varje kriterium från WordPress och den egenutvecklade komponenten. Slutsatsen av uppsatsen är att organisationer kan köpa färdiga system och utveckla mindre samt lättare krav. Men om systemet inte stödjer den funktionalitet de behöver är det bra om organisationen bygger ett system internt för att realisera alla kraven. För CriseIT borde de ompröva utvecklingsmetoden för sitt informationssystem om fler krav behöver blir utvecklade än de som nu finns implementerade.
- Published
- 2018
24. Expected and Achieved Outcomes of Reshoring: A Swedish Perspective
- Author
Vestin, Alexander and Sequeira Frank, Movin
- Subjects
Transportteknik och logistik ,manufacturing ,Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics ,achieved outcomes ,reshoring ,Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi ,expected outcomes ,Transport Systems and Logistics - Abstract
Purpose: Over the last couple of decades, globalization has impacted market competition. This results in that companies heavily offshore to low-wage countries to enhance its competitiveness through lower costs. Offshoring constitutes relocation of manufacturing activities to other existing manufacturing sites in foreign countries. In recent years, low-wage countries have grown and developed. Studies show that low cost environments are increasing in cost, eliminating the benefits of offshoring. This phenomenon has sparked a new trend, ‘reshoring’- to bring back manufacturing to the home country, which has been acknowledged by both researchers and practitioners. The trend has become more distinct due to the increasing numbers of cases where companies that previously offshored manufacturing activities are returning them to the home country. The research done on reshoring focuses mainly on a “why” perspective, with drivers that cause reshoring and barriers that prevent them. However, research concerning the outcomes of what a company expected from reshoring and what they achieved afterwards is limited, especially in the high cost environment of Sweden. The purpose of this study is to explore the expected and achieved outcomes of the reshoring process through a multiple case study including four companies from Sweden that have reshored manufacturing back to Sweden. Method: The method used in this thesis was a systematic literature review to gain knowledge of the phenomenon. With the help of the systematic literature review an interview guide was created to assist in the data collection. This thesis used a multiple case study, the data was collected through semi-structured interviews and documents. The findings were analyzed within each case, cross-case, and in comparison to literature. Findings: To analyze the outcomes on the same premises, the researcher had to create a framework. All the outcomes from the literature were categorized based on firms’ operational and competitive capabilities namely cost, quality, delivery, flexibility, service, innovation, environment, culture, risk mitigation, reputation and trust, and government legislations. It was found that all the case companies had a successful reshoring process and all their expected outcomes were achieved. However, in comparison to the expected outcomes found in the literature, the companies expected less from reshoring. The companies were unaware of the full extent of reshoring, since their expectations were limited. The most expected outcome of reshoring, found in all the cases and in theory were: to decrease total cost, increase delivery speed, increase reputation and trust, and use the comfort of the home culture. A thorough analysis of achieved outcomes, in case and in literature, showed that all the case companies have achieved lower total cost, increased delivery speeds and higher reputation and trust. On comparing all the achieved outcomes in case and in literature it is evident that researchers have studied the process of reshoring from a why and theoretical perspective, aside from the effects after the reshoring, which this thesis has accomplished. A comparison between expected and achieved outcomes of all the case companies collectively, showed that they have achieved lower costs, higher quality, better service and higher reputation and trust, beyond what they expected. Implications: Reshoring back to Sweden would bring back more manufacturing jobs and encourage further local sourcing within the country. Strategical collaboration within the supply chain in the home country would make companies more responsive to customer demand. Geographically, the literature lacks case studies from Sweden, therefore, this thesis will contribute to theory by presenting successful reshoring case studies from Sweden
- Published
- 2017
25. A Comprehensive Literature Review of Green Supply Chain Management
- Author
Neramballi, Abhijna, primary, Sequeira, Movin, additional, Rydell, Martin, additional, Vestin, Alexander, additional, and Ibarra, Maria, additional
- Published
- 2017
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26. A comprehensive literature review of green supply chain management
- Author
Neramballi, Abhijna, Sequeira, Movin, Rydell, Martin, Vestin, Alexander, Ibarra, Maria, Neramballi, Abhijna, Sequeira, Movin, Rydell, Martin, Vestin, Alexander, and Ibarra, Maria
- Abstract
In a competitive market, organizations expand their supply chain on a global scale. Pressure from customers, stakeholders, legislation and environmental organizations have pushed companies to be more considerate of the environmental impacts of their supply chain. This development has put focus on sustainability within supply chains, leading to the rise of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). The purpose of this research is to create a conceptual model to present the vastly varied literature within the area of GSCM in a structured way, in order to promote environmental and in turn, overall supply chain performance. The research methodology includes a literature review using 125 peer-reviewed journal articles from 2013 to 2016 published in 19 journals. Out of the 125, 10 journalarticles were selected based on their focus in regard to the subject. The articles were chosen to attain a vantage point in view of critical factors within environmentally sustainable supply chains with a focus on optimizing performance. This paper contributes to theory by presenting a conceptual model for optimizing performance in green supply chains. Drivers, which promote Green Supply Chain (GSC) are classified as re-active and pro-active, and the main methods used for optimizing performance are concluded to be collaboration, metrics to monitor performance and practices such as green purchasing, ecodesign, reverse logistics and legislation. The review may be of use to both academics and companies as it outlines proven ways to implement green supply chain with high performance., Paper No. ICESDP 176
- Published
- 2017
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27. Automation and standardization
- Author
Vestin, Alexander
- Published
- 2015
28. Automation och Standardisering
- Author
Vestin, Alexander and Vestin, Alexander
- Published
- 2015
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