The paper presents a robust P&C system based on IEC 61850-9-2 process bus for distributed protection, metering and control and reports on a pilot installation for a 345kV transmission line application. In particular the solution: • Targets copper wiring as a major cost, labour and time factor, and replaces copper wiring for protection and control purposes in the switchyard and the control room with connectorized fiber-based communication. • Introduces rugged merging units that solve practical problems such as connectivity in harsh conditions, commissioning, maintenance, and expandability. • Uses merging units designed to interface all process interface measuring and control points at a given switchyard location using a common device conforming to IEC 61850 and working with a standard I/O structure: status inputs, binary output commands, transducers and sensors, and instrument transformers. • Uses an optimized communication framework that mirrors the topology of the primary equipment and recognizes the exact data flow patterns, origins and destinations required to accomplish a practical zone-based approach to protection. • Solves the data synchronization problem without reliance on external clocks, and their associated communication-based or hard-wired distribution. • Solves the data-sharing bottleneck for substations of any size without relying on impractical throughputs, in a simple, robust, scalable and maintainable communication framework. • Increases reliability by a novel concept of redundancy and optimized communication architecture. • Eliminates cyber security concerns by using a non-routed communication scheme. • Eliminates the need for extra software tools for setting up the process bus data. • Preserves all major protection principles successfully practiced for decades: ○ separation of protection zones, ○ determinism, ○ independence of devices, ○ simplicity, ○ ability to augment a single protection zone without the danger of affecting adjacent zones, and other potentially problematic aspects. The work presented in this paper reflects the actual development of a complete system encompassing all major protection application types, now available for purchase under GE Multilin HardFiber brand.