Hayato Takahashi, Davide Bedognetti, Kazuhiko Igarashi, Kambiz Mousavi, Yuka Kanno, Vittorio Sartorelli, David Clever, Mahadev Rao, Golnaz Vahedi, Kiyoshi Hirahara, Juan Rivera, Francesco M. Marincola, Atsushi Nakamura, Akihiko Muto, Hossein Zare, Rahul Roychoudhuri, Joseph G. Crompton, George A. Punkosdy, Christopher A. Klebanoff, Michael Bonelli, John J. O'Shea, Ena Wang, Hui Liu, Giuseppe Sciumè, Zhiya Yu, Pawel Muranski, Luca Gattinoni, Nicholas P. Restifo, Victoria Hoffmann, and Barbara Dema
Diverse autoimmune and allergic diseases are associated with polymorphisms in a locus encoding the transcription factor BACH2; here, BACH2 is shown to be a broad regulator of immune activation that stabilizes the differentiation of Treg cells by repressing commitment of CD4+ T cells to alternate cell fates. Polymorphisms within a locus encoding the transcription factor BACH2 are associated with a number of allergic and autoimmune diseases including asthma, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, coeliac disease and type 1 diabetes. This paper identifies a mechanism by which BACH2 might contribute to autoimmunity. Roychoudhuri et al. show how BACH2 limits autoimmunity by repressing alternative cell fates through the stabilization of the differentiation of regulatory T cells. These findings suggest a role for BACH2 as a regulator of CD4+ T-cell differentiation, preventing inflammatory disease by controlling the balance between tolerance and immunity. Through their functional diversification, distinct lineages of CD4+ T cells can act to either drive or constrain immune-mediated pathology. Transcription factors are critical in the generation of cellular diversity, and negative regulators antagonistic to alternate fates often act in conjunction with positive regulators to stabilize lineage commitment1. Genetic polymorphisms within a single locus encoding the transcription factor BACH2 are associated with numerous autoimmune and allergic diseases including asthma2, Crohn’s disease3,4, coeliac disease5, vitiligo6, multiple sclerosis7 and type 1 diabetes8. Although these associations point to a shared mechanism underlying susceptibility to diverse immune-mediated diseases, a function for BACH2 in the maintenance of immune homeostasis has not been established. Here, by studying mice in which the Bach2 gene is disrupted, we define BACH2 as a broad regulator of immune activation that stabilizes immunoregulatory capacity while repressing the differentiation programs of multiple effector lineages in CD4+ T cells. BACH2 was required for efficient formation of regulatory (Treg) cells and consequently for suppression of lethal inflammation in a manner that was Treg-cell-dependent. Assessment of the genome-wide function of BACH2, however, revealed that it represses genes associated with effector cell differentiation. Consequently, its absence during Treg polarization resulted in inappropriate diversion to effector lineages. In addition, BACH2 constrained full effector differentiation within TH1, TH2 and TH17 cell lineages. These findings identify BACH2 as a key regulator of CD4+ T-cell differentiation that prevents inflammatory disease by controlling the balance between tolerance and immunity.