Given a graph $H$ and a set of graphs $\mathcal F$, let $ex(n,H,\mathcal F)$ denote the maximum possible number of copies of $H$ in an $\mathcal F$-free graph on $n$ vertices. We investigate the function $ex(n,H,\mathcal F)$, when $H$ and members of $\mathcal F$ are cycles. Let $C_k$ denote the cycle of length $k$ and let $\mathscr C_k=\{C_3,C_4,\ldots,C_k\}$. Some of our main results are the following. (i) We show that $ex(n, C_{2l}, C_{2k}) = \Theta(n^l)$ for any $l, k \ge 2$. Moreover, we determine it asymptotically in the following cases: We show that $ex(n,C_4,C_{2k}) = (1+o(1)) \frac{(k-1)(k-2)}{4} n^2$ and that the maximum possible number of $C_6$'s in a $C_8$-free bipartite graph is $n^3 + O(n^{5/2})$. (ii) Solymosi and Wong proved that if Erd\H{o}s's Girth Conjecture holds, then for any $l \ge 3$ we have $ex(n,C_{2l},\mathscr C_{2l-1})=\Theta(n^{2l/(l-1)})$. We prove that forbidding any other even cycle decreases the number of $C_{2l}$'s significantly: For any $k > l$, we have $ex(n,C_{2l},\mathscr C_{2l-1} \cup \{C_{2k}\})=\Theta(n^2).$ More generally, we show that for any $k > l$ and $m \ge 2$ such that $2k \neq ml$, we have $ex(n,C_{ml},\mathscr C_{2l-1} \cup \{C_{2k}\})=\Theta(n^m).$ (iii) We prove $ex(n,C_{2l+1},\mathscr C_{2l})=\Theta(n^{2+1/l}),$ provided a strong version of Erd\H{o}s's Girth Conjecture holds (which is known to be true when $l = 2, 3, 5$). Moreover, forbidding one more cycle decreases the number of $C_{2l+1}$'s significantly: More precisely, we have $ex(n, C_{2l+1}, \mathscr C_{2l} \cup \{C_{2k}\}) = O(n^{2-\frac{1}{l+1}}),$ and $ex(n, C_{2l+1}, \mathscr C_{2l} \cup \{C_{2k+1}\}) = O(n^2)$ for $l > k \ge 2$. (iv) We also study the maximum number of paths of given length in a $C_k$-free graph, and prove asymptotically sharp bounds in some cases., Comment: 37 Pages; Substantially revised, contains several new results. Mistakes corrected based on the suggestions of a referee