Klinika za psihijatriju Vrapče (nazvana „Zavod za umobolne Stenjevec“) sagrađena je 1878./79. Osim za smještaj i liječenje bolesnika, njoj je od samog osnutka namijenjena i uloga ustanove u kojoj će se provoditi edukacija. Naime, tijekom priprema gradnje, naglašeno je da „pošto ludnica nije samo lječilište i opskrbilište, već mora da je i učilištem, to se ima kraj Zagreba graditi, gdje se ustrojava sveučilište“…). Prvi programi edukacije bili su oni namijenjeni prvim zaposlenicima bolnice koje je osmislio i provodio prvi ravnatelj bolnice dr. Ivan Rohaček. Kasnije se edukacijski programi usmjeravaju prema drugim zaposlenicima, u prvom redu liječnicima, a vrlo brzo i prema onima koji se u svom radu susreću s duševnim bolesnicima, a nisu zaposlenici bolnice. Prvo je u Bolnici organizirana nastava iz psihijatrije za studente Medicinskog fakulteta, a kasnije i drugih fakulteta Zagrebačkog sveučilišta (Pravnog, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog, Filozofskog i Farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta te Hrvatskih studija) i Zdravstvenog veleučilišta. Posebno visoka razina edukacijskih programa je ona namijenjena studentima postdiplomskih studija (iz pojedinih grana psihijatrije, psihologije i farmacije) i specijalizantima iz psihijatrije te subspecijalizantima iz forenzičke (i drugih grana) psihijatrije. Poseban vid edukacije provodi se kroz organizaciju raznih predavanja, savjetovanja, simpozija i okruglih stolova. U provođenje svih tih edukacijskih programa, odnosno u edukaciji svih onih kojima su ti programi namijenjeni bio je, i sada je, uključen veliki broj istaknutih vrapčanskih stručnjaka (27 stručnjaka bolnice „Vrapče“ dobilo je znanstveno nastavna zvanja; devet je bivših zaposlenika Bolnice, na temeljima onoga što su ponijeli iz „Vrapča“, akademska zvanja ostvarilo u drugim nastavnim bazama). Bolnica ima izvrsnu infrastrukturu za provođenje svih tih edukacijskih programa (Edukacijski centar s dvoranom za 250 sudionika koja se pregrađuje u dvije dvorane od po 100 mjesta, pet dvorana s pedesetak i sedam dvorana s 20 do 30 mjesta)., The University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče (under the name „Stenjevec Department for the Mentally Ill“) was built in 1878 and 1879. In addition to housing and treatment of patients, it was also intended to perform the role of an educational institution from its inception. During construction, it was emphasized that „since the madhouse is not only for treatment and storage, but has to also be a place of learning, it must be built near Zagreb, where the university is being formed“…. The inital educational programs were intended for the first employees of the hospital and were developed and conducted by the first Director of the hospital, Dr. Ivan Rohaček. Later, the educational programs were directed towards other employees, and soon towards those who encounter persons with mental illness in their work but are not employed at the hospital. Initially, psychiatry classes were organized in the hospital for Medical School students, and later also for students of other branches of the University of Zagreb (the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry and the Centre for Croatian Studies) and the University of Applied Health Sciences. A particularly high level of educational programs is provided for postgraduate students (from individual branches of psychiatry, psychology, and pharmacy) and psychiatry specialists and subspecialists in forensic psychiatry (and other branches). Another aspect of education is the organization of various lectures, consulting, symposiums and round tables. A large number of prominent Vrapče Hospital professionals have been taking part in all of these education programs, i.e. in the education of those for whom the programs are intended (27 professionals from the Vrapče Hospital received teaching or research positions at the university; nine former employees of the hospital, based on the knowledge that was imparted to them at Vrapče Hospital, achieved positions in other educational fields). The hospital has an excellent infrastructure for conducting all these education programs (an Education Center with a lecture hall for 250 participants that can be divided into two halls with 100 seats each, five halls with around fifty and seven halls with 20 to 30 seats).