Prvič v zgodovini sodobne delovne sile zaposleni iz različnih generacij sodelujejo z ljudmi, ki so tako mladi kot njihovi otroci in stari kor njihovi starši. Vsaka generacija delavcev ima edinstvena pričakovanja, izkušnje, generacijsko zgodovino, življenjski slog in vrednote, ki pa brez medgeneracijskega sodelovanja ne dosežejo popolnega učinka. Okolje, v katerem posamezniki določene generacije odraščajo vpliva na njihov pogled na svet, njihova pričakovanja in vedenjske norme ter posledično na to, kako posameznik kategorizira in si razlaga vedenje drugih. Družina je prvo okolje, v katerem se posameznik razvija in začne sodelovati z drugimi. Rečemo lahko, da so starši prvi, ki otroku prenesejo vrednote. Ko so otroci še zelo zelo mladi, je edina potrditev, ki jo potrebujejo, potrditev staršev. V obdobju odraščanja pa pride do tranzicije, ko otrok potrebuje potrditev sovrstnikov, torej novega okolja oziroma družbe. Vsak zaposleni ni edinstven zgolj zaradi svojih spretnosti, izobrazbe, potreb, vrednot in pričakovanj, ampak tudi zaradi svoje starosti ter znanja. Današnji trg delovne sile je sestavljen iz zaposlenih, ki pripadajo generaciji otrok blaginje ali povojni generaciji, generaciji X in generaciji Y. Ti zaposleni se na današnjih delovnih mestih gibljejo skupaj iz ene življenjske faze v drugo. Generacija otrok blaginje ali povojna generacija velja za vodstveno skupino na trgu delovne sile za prihodnost trga velja generacija Y, medtem ko generacija X kljub svoji majhnosti predstavlja trden most med njima. Obstajajo trije cilji raziskave magistrskega dela. Prvi je ugotoviti, ali pripadniki generacije X ter generacije Y trenutno rajši iščejo zaposlitve v multikulturnih organizacijah v tujini. Drugi je ugotoviti, ali pripadniki generacije X ter Y veliko rajši delajo v okoljih, kjer so večinoma zaposleni tujci kot pripadniki generacije otrok blaginje ali povojne generacije. Zadnji pa je poiskati odgovor na to, kako so vse tri generacije med seboj povezane na področjih osredotočenosti na delo, samoobčudovanja ter sodelovanja. Teoretični del magistrskega dela je bil sestavljen iz študij upravljanja raznolikosti in upravljanja s človeškimi viri s poudarkom na generacijskih skupinah. Informacije so bile zbrane iz literature, knjig, člankov, zapiskov s predavanj in internetnih virov. V praksi so bili primarni podatki te raziskave pridobljeni z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika. First time in the history of the modern working force, the employees from different generations cooperate with people who are as young as their children and old as their parents. Every generation of workers has unique expectations, experiences, generational history, lifestyle, and values which, however, are not fully effective without intergenerational cooperation. An environment in which individuals of a certain generation grow up influences their view of the world, their expectations, behavioral norms, and, consequently, that how an individual categorizes and explains the behavior of others. The family is the first environment where an individual grows and starts to cooperate with others. We can say that the parents are the first who transfer values to a child. When children are still very young, the only validation they need is a confirmation of their parents. In the period of growing up, however, there is a transition when a child needs the validation of his peers, i.e. the new environment or the society. Every employee is not unique only because of his skills, education, needs, values, and expectations but also because of his age and knowledge. Today’s market of the working force is composed of employees who are a part of the baby boom generation, generation X, and generation Y. These employees move together on today’s working positions from one living phase to another. The baby boom generation is believed to be the leading group on the top of the working force. Generation Y is believed as the future of the market, while generation X represents a firm connecting link in spite of being few in numbers. There are three goals of the research of the master’s thesis. The first one is to discover whether the members of generation X and generation Y are momentarily fond of searching the employments in multicultural organizations abroad. The other goal is to ascertain whether the members of generations X and Y prefer to work in environments where mostly the foreigners as members of the generation baby boom are employed. The last goal is to find the answer to that how all three generations connected to each other in the fields of being focused on work, self-admiration, and cooperation. The theoretical part of the master’s thesis was constructed from the studies of the diversity management and the management of human resources with the emphasis on generational groups. The information was collected from the literature, books, articles, scriptures from the lectures, and Internet sources. In practice, primary data of this research were gained by using the survey questionnaire.