Arancha Rodríguez-Caballero, Marcos González, Miguel Alcoceba, Santiago Muñoz-Criado, Wendy G. Nieto, Alberto Orfao, Paulino Fernández-Navarro, Alfonso Romero, Teresa Contreras, Julia Almeida, Ignacio Criado, Junta de Castilla y León, European Commission, Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (España), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and Fundación Memoria de D. Samuel Solorzano Barruso
Primary Health Care Group of Salamanca for the study of MBL: list of members (alphabetical order): Alonso Martín, María Monserrat (C.S. Fuentes de Oñoro); Asensio Oliva, María Carmen (C.S. Santa Marta de Tormes), Bárez Hernández, Pilar (C.S. Garrido Sur); Cabo Sastre, Luis (C.S. Ledesma); Carreño Luengo, María Teresa (C.S. Ledesma); Casado Romo, José María (C.S. Alba de Tormes); Cubino Luis, Rocio (C.S. Sancti Spiritus); De Vega Parra, José (C.S. Peñaranda); Franco Esteban, Eloy (C.S. Pizarrales-Vidal); García García, María Concepción (C.S. Guijuelo); García Rodríguez, Bernardo Lucio (C.S. La Alberca); Garzón Martín, Agustín (C.S. Peñaranda); Goenaga Andrés, Rosario (C.S. Ledesma); Gómez Cabrera, Rosalia (C.S. Garrido Sur); Gómez Sánchez, Francisco (C.S. Periurbana Norte); González Moreno, Josefa (C.S. Guijuelo); González Vicente, Ángel Carlos (C.S. Aldeadávila de la Ribera); Guarido Mateos, José Manuel (C.S. Vitigudino); Hernández Sánchez, María Jesús (C.S. Vitigudino); Herraes Martín, Ricardo (C.S. La Alberca); Herrero Sánchez, Amparo (C.S. Fuentes de Oñoro); Jiménez Ruano, María Josefa (C.S. Garrido Norte); Jimeno Cascón, Teresa Basa (C.S. Elena Ginel Díez); Macías Kuhn, Francisco (C.S. Ledesma); Mateos Rubio, Pablo (C.S. Ledesma); Márquez Velasco, María Salud (C.S. Sancti Spiritus); Merino Palazuelo, Miguel (C.S. Fuentes de Oñoro); Miguel Lozano, Rubén (C.S. Garrido Norte); Montero Luengo, Juan (C.S. San Juan); Muriel Díaz, María Paz (C.S. Miguel Armijo); Pablos Regueiro, Araceli (C.S. Vitigudino); Pascual Martín, J. Antonio (C.S. Fuentes de Oñoro); Pastor Alcalá, Luis (C.S. Vitigudino); Pedraza García, Jesús (C.S. Vitigudino); Pérez Díaz, Manuel (C.S. Pizarrales-Vidal); Pérez García, Manuel (C.S. Alba de Tormes); Prieto Gutiérrez, María Teresa (C.S. Peñaranda); Ramos Arranz, Manuel (C.S. Ledesma); Ramos Mongue, Aurora Esther (C.S. Ledesma); Rodríguez Medina, Ana María (C.S. Alba de Tormes); Rodríguez Vegas, Margarita (C.S. Ledesma); Romo Cortina, Javier (C.S. Elena Ginel Díez); Roselló Carmen, Elena (C.S. Vitigudino); Sánchez Alonso, Begoña (C.S. Aldeadávila de la Ribera); Sánchez Bazo, Begoña (C.S. Aldeadávila de la Ribera), Sánchez White, Nicolás (C.S. Sancti Spiritus); Sandín Pérez, Rafael (C.S. San José); Sanz Santa-Cruz; Fernando (C.S. Capuchinos); Soto Jiménez, Francisco (C.S. Santa Marta de Tormes); Velasco Marcos, María Auxiliadora (C.S. Elena Ginel Díez); Vicente López, Horacio Marcos (C.S. Aldeadávila de la Ribera); Vicente Santos, M. Sebastián (C.S. Aldeadávila de la Ribera)., Patients diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) display a high incidence of infections due to an associated immunodeficiency that includes hypogammaglobulinemia. A higher risk of infections has also been recently reported for high-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis, while no information is available in low-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis. Here, we evaluated the status of the humoral immune system in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (n=58), as well as in low- (n=71) and high- (n=29) count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis versus healthy donors (n=91). Total free plasma immunoglobulin titers and specific levels of antibodies against cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, influenza and S.pneumoniae were measured by nephelometry and ELISA-based techniques, respectively. Overall, our results show that both CLL and high-count monoclonal Bcell lymphocytosis patients, but not low-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis subjects, present with relatively high levels of antibodies specific for the latent viruses investigated, associated with progressively lower levels of S.pneumoniae-specific immunoglobulins. These findings probably reflect asymptomatic chronic reactivation of humoral immune responses against host viruses associated with expanded virus-specific antibody levels and progressively decreased protection against other micro-organisms, denoting a severe humoral immunodeficiency state not reflected by the overall plasma immunoglobulin levels. Alternatively, these results could reflect a potential role of ubiquitous viruses in the pathogenesis of the disease. Further analyses are necessary to establish the relevance of such asymptomatic humoral immune responses against host viruses in the expansion of the tumor B-cell clone and progression from monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis to CLL., This work was supported by the: RD06/0020/0035 and RD12/0036/0048 grants from Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, (Madrid, Spain and FONDOS FEDER); CB16/12/00400 grant (CIBER-ONC, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid, Spain and FONDOS FEDER); the FIS PI06/0824-FEDER, PS09/02430-FEDER, PI12/00905-FEDER and DTS15/00119-FEDER grants, from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria of Instituto de Salud Carlos III; the GRS206/A/08 grant, (Ayuda al Grupo GR37 de Excelencia, SAN/1778/2009) from the Gerencia Regional de Salud, (Consejería de Educación and Consejería de Sanidad of Castilla y León, Valladolid, Spain); FS/1-2010 and FS/19-2013 grants, from the Fundación Memoria D. Samuel Solórzano, (University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain).