Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients that have evidence of bronchiectasis demonstrate greater symptom severity, more frequent bronchial infections and exacerbations, lower lung function and increased mortality.1 While the association has been recognized, it is not clear if there is any causal relationship between having COPD and developing bronchiectasis. Certainly, the fact that COPD is associated with a high risk for lower respiratory infection2 and/or dysbiosis3 may be part of the explanation but not all patients with COPD develop bronchiectasis.Bronchiectasis has been defined as a dilation of the airways that persists beyond the acute responses to various insults such as infections, aspiration and toxic inhalations. The most accepted criteria as defined by Naidich include direct signs of a bronchial-arterial ratio >1, lack of bronchial tapering, visualization of peripheral bronchi within 1 cm of the costal pleura or in contact with the mediastinal pleura and indirect signs such as peribronchial thickening, mucus plugging, mosaic pattern, central lobular nodules, tree in bud nodules, focal areas of air trapping and atelectasis/consolidation).4 Bronchiectasis is known to develop and progressively worsen over time secondary to a number of conditions including cystic fibrosis, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, primary ciliary dyskinesia, allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis, immunoglobulin deficiencies and post obstructive pneumonia secondary to tumors, foreign bodies and lymphadenopathy. Other less common causes include rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren's disease, connective tissue disorders such as tracheobronchomegaly (Mounier Kuhn), Marfan's disease, cartilage deficiency (Williams Campbell syndrome), inflammatory bowel disease, HIV, Job's syndrome, and malignancies such as, chronic lymphocytic lymphoma and graft-versus-host disease, as well as yellow nail syndrome and Young's syndrome.5 It has been proposed that bronchiectasis develops as a result of these various disorders leading to structural and functional changes in the airways that increase susceptibility to chronic bronchial infections secondary to potentially pathogenic microorganisms. The persistent presence of these organisms causes chronic inflammation, airway remodeling and further damage to local defense mechanisms further enabling these potentially pathogenic microorganisms to persist in the airways despite the repeated administration of antibiotics thus creating a vicious cycle as proposed by Cole et al.6 With this backdrop it is not surprising that there has been recognition of a high prevalence of bronchiectasis in the COPD population with rates ranging from 4% to 72%.7 The broad prevalence range reported is likely a result of several factors including differences in patient characteristics, evaluations during times of exacerbation versus clinical stability, and whether the prevalence of bronchiectasis was part of a primary or secondary analysis of data. Suffice it to say that the true prevalence of bronchiectasis/COPD overlap remains unknown. Regardless, similar associations have also been noted in asthma8,9 and it has also been recognized that up to 75% of bronchiectasis patients demonstrate signs of upper airway disease and report severe daily symptoms of nasal congestion, facial pain and/or loss of smell.10 Considering the various combinations and permutations of these overlaps, several COPD phenotypes could be generated but it is debatable as to whether defining such overlap syndromes will lead to particularly unique treatment paradigms. Rather, it may be best to simply look at the various components as treatable traits and optimize treatment for each component as outlined by Polverino and colleagues in an excellent review recently published.1 Polverino and colleagues also point to many questions that need to be addressed regarding the COPD/bronchiectasis overlap. We need a set of updated consensus criteria for defining radiological and clinical bronchiectasis in patients with COPD to better establish prevalence and the potential prognostic value of identifying bronchiectasis in COPD patients. New methods to diagnose bronchiectasis independent of vessel diameter are needed, as the classic definition, airway diameter/blood vessel diameter ratio greater than 1, can be misleading as cardiovascular comorbidities can cause increases in blood vessel diameter. There are also no specific biomarkers linking COPD to bronchiectasis such as possible genetic and epigenetic phenomena that may influence susceptibility to infections and response to treatment that renders only a subgroup of COPD patients to develop bronchiectasis. Other questions remain with regard to alterations of the microbiome, so called dysbiosis,3 that may be related to microaspiration11 and/or the potential impacts of inhaled corticosteroid use and frequent antibiotic use.12-15 Inhaled corticosteroids are often recommended for COPD patients with frequent exacerbations whereas recent guidelines in the Cochrane review have concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of inhaled steroids in adults with stable bronchiectasis except in specific conditions where the possible benefits in exacerbation reduction outweigh the risks.16 Other areas for study include interventions that may help prevent progression of disease and exacerbations, including the role of other anti-inflammatory molecules such as phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitors or prophylactic antibiotic treatment either systemically or by inhalation.1 These are important questions to address in the overlap population because treatment recommendations are often conflicting in guideline recommendations for COPD patients versus pure bronchiectasis patients. Conversely, macrolide antibiotics have appeared to be effective in patients with bronchiectasis and frequent exacerbations however there continue to be some concerns about the possible use of macrolides and their ability to induce significant cardiovascular adverse effects,17 particularly in COPD patients who are already at risk of higher cardiovascular comorbidity. Furthermore, there is the concern about the development of multi-antibiotic resistance particularly given the reported prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections in COPD patients.18 In this Journal club we review some recent papers that have addressed some of these issues. Suffice it to say that additional prospective trial research is much required. Note: Abstracts are presented in their original, published format and have not been edited to match JCOPDF style.