153 results on '"Y. Lajat"'
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2. Place de l’acupuncteur et du thérapeute manuel dans la prise en charge pluridisciplinaire des douloureux chroniques
- Author
Y. Lajat, Y. Rouxeville, J. Nizard, and Y. Meas
- Subjects
Alternative methods ,Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Medicine ,business - Abstract
La douleur est l’expression d’une lesion et/ou d’une souffrance. Il importe de prendre en charge a la fois le corps et l’esprit de chaque patient, notamment son systeme sensitivo-moteur, neurovegetatif, en tenant compte de ses comportements et coggnitions, et de l’environnement professionnel et familial. Les therapies alternatives: acupuncture (medecine traditionnelle chinoise MTC), therapies manuelles—osteopathie (MMO), stimulations electriques transcutanee (TENS), developpees au CHU de Nantes, permettent une approche et une reponse complementaires a la prise en charge de la douleur. Elles s’inscrivent, a cote des therapies medicales classiques, dans une pratique d’equipe avec les memes objectifs. Nous rapportons par ailleurs les resultats d’une enquete de satisfaction effectuee aupres de 114 patients pris en charge au Centre de la Douleur du CHU de Nantes.
- Published
- 2003
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3. Place du psychiatre dans un Centre de Traitement de la Douleur
- Author
Y. Lajat, F. Gélugne, B. Robin, J. Nizard, R. Bocher, and C. Houart
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Abstract
L’ecoute des patients douloureux chroniques, retrouve chez nombre d’entre eux une biographie marquee par des carences affectives precoces voire des traumatismes. Les tentatives de «compensation» du sujet dans un hyperactivisme, ou autre equivalent addictif a valeur de lutte antidepressive, peuvent alors trouver leur point de rupture a travers un incident plus ou moins signifiant qui vient destabiliser un equilibre individuel et relationnel precaire, auquel succede parfois un hyperinvestissement «toxicophilique» du phenomene douloureux qui tend a proteger (partiellement) le sujet de l’effondrement narcissique.
- Published
- 2003
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4. Pourquoi et comment intégrer le Médecin du Travail à l’équipe du Centre de Traitement de la Douleur
- Author
Y. Lajat, J. Nizard, G. Geraut, and F. Chatelier
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Abstract
L’abord socio-professionnel des douloureux chroniques constitue un des aspects prioritaires de leur prise en charge globale. Cet article est le fruit de quatre annees de collaboration d’un medecin du travail dans un centre de la douleur et relate notre pratique. Cette intervention doit etre precoce et articulee avec les autres acteurs de la prise en charge. Sont evoques: l’origine de la demande et le moment choisi pour le recours au medecin du travail; le type de bilan effectue, et les multiples facteurs a prendre en compte; la communication en reseau avec les soignants, mais aussi les medecins conseils et le medecin du travail du patient; les actions qui peuvent etre initiees; les circuits mis en œuvre, avec les organismes de reinsertion. Le role du patient est, dans ce cadre, primordial: mieux informe, accompagne, il pourra se reconstruire progressivement, et s’impliquer dans un avenir professionnel mieux adapte. A defaut, une reflexion peut etre menee sur un projet de vie, temporaire ou definitif.
- Published
- 2003
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5. Evaluation de l’efficacité de la prise en charge à un an de 46 lombalgiques chroniques rebelles, par un Centre de Traitement de la Douleur
- Author
B. Robin, J. Nizard, G. Potel, Y. Meas, P. Lombrail, J. M. Nguyen, Y. Lajat, and J. M. Lanoiselée
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Medicine ,business ,Teaching hospital - Abstract
Nous decrivons les caracteristiques et les modalites de prise en charge d’une cohorte de 46 patients lombalgiques chroniques rebelles hospitalises sur une periode de 13 mois dans le Centre de Traitement de la Douleur d’un Centre Hospitalier Universitaire francais, et evaluons les resultats obtenus a un an grâce a une batterie d’indicateurs reconnus. Nous avons inclus 26 femmes et 20 hommes d’âge 50.8±13.9 ans, lombalgiques chroniques depuis plus de 6 mois (la duree des lombalgies etait de 130±91 mois), sans distinction d’âge, rebelles aux therapeutiques anterieures, ayant eu plus de 3 mois d’arret de travail la derniere annee chez les patients en activite. Dix-neuf patients (41%) avaient ete operes du rachis, 5 avaient ete victimes d’un accident du travail. Vingt-neuf patients (63%) presentaient des diagnostics associes douloureux a d’autres sites. Les patients ont beneficie d’une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire medicale, fonctionnelle, psychologique, et socio-professionnelle, avec une hospitalisation initiale de 10 jours, et un suivi a 3, 6 et 12 mois. A 12 mois, une amelioration significative a ete observee pour l’ensemble des criteres de jugement: l’echelle visuelle de la douleur (sur 10), cotee a 7.2±1.5 avant traitement est passee a 4.1±1.9 a 12 mois (p
- Published
- 2003
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6. Thérapies stratégiques et développement des activités socialisantes chez le douloureux chronique au Centre d’Evaluation et de Traitement de la Douleur
- Author
B. Robin, J. Artagnan, C. Chiffoleau, Y. Lajat, and J. Nizard
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Abstract
Un therapeute comportemental et strategique intervenant dans un Centre de Traitement de la Douleur s’attache a developper avec le patient doulKE3KEoureux chronique, initialement polarise sur la sensation douloureuse exclusive, d’autres sensations et emotions generant de l’activite, du plaisir et du contact social afin de l’aider a reformuler un projet socio-familial et professionnel. II evalue d’abord les repercussions affectives et environnementales de la maladie douloureuse, en insistant sur l’aspect emotionnel d’experiences anciennes marquantes que le patient a pu gerer favorablement, puis il inventorie avec le patient ses ressources propres, encourage le patient a s’approprier certaines adaptations cognitives, notamment en favorisant le reperage des progres meme minimes. Differentes techniques peuvent etre utilisees en complement de l’approche strategique, a mediation sensorielle et/ou corporelle: hypnose, relaxation, musicotherapie, sophrologie, etc. Le therapeute encourage enfin la mise en place d’activites extra-professionnelles et socialisantes, qui ont pour but de decentrer le patient de sa plainte douloureuse et permettre sa reappropriation d’une place et d’un projet social. Les patients sont encourages a developper leur perseverance afin d’etre mieux a meme de gerer leur pathologie douloureuse au long cours et les rechutes eventuelles.
- Published
- 2003
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7. Place du masseur-kinésithérapeute dans la prise en charge pluridisciplinaire des douloureux chroniques en Centre de Traitement de la Douleur
- Author
A. Jadaud, J. Nizard, Cl. Danglot, M. Fourneau, and Y. Lajat
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Political science ,Humanities - Abstract
Le kinesitherapeute participe a l’elaboration d’objectifs personnalises lors de la prise en charge du douloureux chornique, centres non exclusivement sur l’amelioration des phenomenes douloureux, mais aussi sur celles de ses performances fonctionnelles, contribuant a l’amelioration de sa qualite de vie. Les differentes methodes proposees dans ce cadre par le dinesitherapeute sont passees en revue: celles-ci ne doivent pas se limiter aux techniques antalgiques, meme si elles peuvent parfois avoir des resultats interessants, notamment pour les TENS, sous reserve que les techniques employees soient correctes. Le travail reeducatif comprend souvent une composante de reentrainement a l’effort, le travail de la souplesse, et des elements d’ergotherapie. L’action du kinesitherapeute doit idealement etre integree a la demarche de l’equipe pluridisciplinaire, ce qui favorise l’investissement du patient dans sa prise en charge sur la duree, et ameliore la qualite des resultats fonctionnels obtenus.
- Published
- 2003
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8. Accompagner les patients douloureux chroniques
- Author
I. Vigot, Y. Lajat, M. P. Bizet, and J. Nizard
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Abstract
Accompagner les patients douloureux chroniques hospitalises, au sein d’une equipe pluridisciplinaire, telle est la mission des soignants de notre Centre de Traitement de la Douleur. Un projet de soins comportant differentes etapes est propose au patient: preparation au temps d’hospitalisation permettant d’obtenir une adhesion a la demarche, accueil et entretiens assurant une mise en confiance et une connaissance approfondie de la personne et de son parcours douloureux. La determination d’objectifs adaptes et realisables precedera la mise en oeuvre du projet personnel, soutenu par les moyens medicamenteux, et non medicamenteux. La relation etablie avec le patient reste l’element moteur de son accompagnement, pour l’amelioration de sa qualite de vie et l’elaboration d’un projet de reinsertion socio-professionnelle.
- Published
- 2003
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9. [Untitled]
- Author
S. Thibaut, S Eleouet, T. Patrice, L. Bourré, N Rousset, and Y Lajat
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Cancer Research ,Protoporphyrin IX ,Chemistry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Biochemistry (medical) ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Pharmaceutical Science ,Photodynamic therapy ,Endogeny ,Cell Biology ,Molecular biology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Cell killing ,Biochemistry ,Cell culture ,Apoptosis ,medicine ,DNA fragmentation ,Phototoxicity - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to estimate the efficacy of an endogenous sensitizer (delta-aminolevulinic acid (or ALA) induced protoporphyrin IX (or PpIX)) and an exogenous sensitizer (meta(tetrahydroxyphenyl)chlorin or m-THPC) on two different cell lines, rat colon adenocarcinoma PROb cells and murine melanoma B16A45 (B16) cells, in apoptosis production. After sensitizer incubation, cells were irradiated with an argon dye laser. LD(50) with m-THPC was 2.8 microg/ml and 4.7 microg/ml under irradiation of 25 J/cm(2) respectively for PROb and B16 cells. With ALA, LD(50) was 150 microg/ml and 175 microg/ml under 25 J/cm(2) respectively for PROb and B16 cells. Apoptosis induction by m-THPC or ALA-PDT was detected by DNA gel electrophoresis and quantified using an ELISA assay 24 h after PDT. The maximal apoptosis enrichment factor (MAEF) was reached for 6 microg/ml m-THPC at 10 J/cm(2) for PROb and B16 cells and for 50 microg/ml ALA at 25 J/cm(2) for PROb or B16 cells. Both m-THPC and PpIX are efficient photosensitizers and apoptosis inducers. However, MAEF is obtained by sensitizer or laser doses inducing very different phototoxic effects: MAEF was obtained after m-THPC-PDT with LD(78) for PROb cells and LD(30) for B16 cells and after ALA-PDT with LD(22) for PROb cells and LD(18) for B16 cells. However the overall m-THPC/PDT apoptotic induction (under the curve surface analysis) was not different whatever the cell line for 10 and 25 J/cm(2). On the contrary, ALA-PpIX/PDT apoptotic induction was twice for 25 J/cm(2) as compared to 50 J/cm(2) (p < 0.01) for both the PROb and B16 cells. These results indicate that the apoptosis rate in PDT cell killing varies considerably according to cell type and sensitizer.
- Published
- 2002
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10. [Untitled]
- Author
T. Patrice, S. Thibaut, D. Hernot, N Rousset, Y Lajat, and L. Bourré
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Cancer Research ,Forskolin ,Necrosis ,biology ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Biochemistry (medical) ,Clinical Biochemistry ,Pharmaceutical Science ,Photodynamic therapy ,Cell Biology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,UVB-induced apoptosis ,Apoptosis ,Immunology ,Toxicity ,Cancer research ,biology.protein ,medicine ,medicine.symptom ,Phototoxicity ,Caspase - Abstract
As many types of cells exposed to photodynamic therapy (PDT) appear to undergo apoptosis, various apoptosis inhibitors have already been used in studies of PDT-induced apoptosis. Although these inhibitors decrease apoptosis, their real effect on the phototoxic efficacy of photosensitisers is unclear. The good phototoxicity of m-THPC was confirmed on murine melanoma B16-A45 cells. Toxicity and phototoxicity studies were then carried out using four apoptosis inhibitors: BAPTA-AM, Forskolin, DSF, and Z.VAD.fmk. Although all inhibitors tested blocked PDT-induced apoptosis, none produced a significant modification of the phototoxic effect of m-THPC on B16 cells. It has been suggested that apoptosis and necrosis share common initiation pathways and that the final outcome is determined by the presence of an active caspase. This implies that apoptosis inhibition reorients cells to necrosis, i.e. those cells sufficiently damaged by PDT appear to be killed, regardless of the mechanism involved.
- Published
- 2002
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11. La DREZotomie microchirurgicale pour Douleurs après traumatisme radicello-médullaire—Plexique ou tronculaire du membre supérieur: A propos de 11 cas opérés versus 8 cas non opérés
- Author
J. Nizard, Y. Lajat, and D. Heyman
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Drug induced headache ,Medicine ,business - Abstract
Sur une serie de dix neuf patients souffrant de douleur par desafferentation du membre superieur d’origine traumatique, pris en charge dans le cadre du Centre d’Evaluation de la Douleur. Onze patients ont ete operes par DREZotomie Microchirurgicale (DMC) et les huit autres ont eu une prise en charge medicale et/ou cognitivo-comportementale. Cette etude tend a confirmer l’efficacite de la DMC dans le traitement des douleurs neurogenes par traumatisme de la jonction radiculomedullaire cervico-thoracique, particulierement dans leur composante paroxystique, permenttand d’arreter le plus souvent la consommation medicamenteuse antalgique et ameliorer notamment le statut psychologique des patients. Ces donnees sont verifiees de maniere eloquente lorsqu’on les etudie en comparant les patients operes aux patients non-operes. Les resultats post-operatoires sont exposes et compares a ceux de la litterature recente. II est par ailleurs pose le probleme de l’indication de la DMC lorque les lesions neurologiques initiales sont situees uniquement a distance et en peripherie par rapport a la jonction radiculo-medullaire.
- Published
- 2000
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12. Données actuelles pour une prise en charge optimisée des patients arthrosiques
- Author
Y. Lajat, J. Nizard, and G. Potel
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Medical treatment ,business.industry ,medicine ,business - Abstract
Pendant tres longtemps,les therapeutiques de l’arthrose ont ete relativement negligees: les patients comme souvent leurs medecins estimaient qu’il n’y avait «pas de traitement serieux» se limitant a un traitement antalgique associe ou non a des anti-inflammatoires non stereoidiens. A la lumiere des avancees therapeutiques recentes, cette attitude merite d’etre reconsideree. II faut insister, d’une part, sur l’importance d’undepistage precoce, par les techniques modernes d’imagerie permettant d’instaurer un traitement adapte avant que la destruction cartilagineuse ne devienne trop importante et, d’autre part, sur la necessite d’une prise en charge medicamenteuse et non medicamenteuse adaptee, ainsi que sur unsuivi rigoureux clinique et paraclinique de l’evolution. Les traitements antalgiques, sans activite antiinflammatoire, (particulierement le paracetamol, utilise a dose efficace de 3 voire 4g/j) meritent d’etre proposes, en premiere intention en cas d’arthrose symptomatique. Les anti-inflammatoires non steroidiens sont d’autant plus indiques qu’il existe des signes evocateurs depoussee congestive d’arthrose uniquement pour une duree breve. L’avenement des nouveaux anti-inflammatoires inhibiteurs specifiques de la cyclo-oxygenase de type II permettra de limiter les consequences digestives de cette classe therapeutique. Les traitements locaux de la gonarthrose sont complementaires et se potentialisent: les infiltrations de corticoides et le lavage articulaire sont indiques dans le traitement de la poussee congestive, associes a la mise en decharge de l’articulation. Les infections d’acide hyaluronique meritent d’etre tentees en traitement de fond des gonarthroses avec peu ou pas d’epanchement, radiologiquement moderees. Compte tenu de son importance medico-economique, l’arthrose continue de generer des recherches therapeutiques importantes, notamment vers une limitation de la degradation du cartilage (inhibition des cytokines et/ou proteases) et vers la mise au point de molecules favorisant la cicatrisation tissulaire du cartilage.
- Published
- 2000
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13. Heterogeneity of 6-aminolevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX fluorescence in human glioma cells and leukemic lymphocytes
- Author
S Eleouet, J Carre, C Vilatte, C Louët, Y Lajat, V Vonarx, T Patrice, and N Rousset
- Subjects
education.field_of_study ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Protoporphyrin IX ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Population ,Cell ,Photodynamic therapy ,General Medicine ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,Molecular biology ,In vitro ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Neurology ,chemistry ,Glioma ,medicine ,Systemic administration ,Neurology (clinical) ,education ,Ex vivo - Abstract
Delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-PDT efficacy is particularly dependent on the quality of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX)-induced synthesis. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of cells from two human cancer types to synthesise PpIX after ALA administration. Biopsies of glioma cells have been obtained from patients with glioblastomas that have or have not been given ALA IV (ex vivo incubation). Peripheral blood lymphocytes, obtained from leukemic patients, have also been ALA-incubated in vitro. In glioma cells, fluorescence heterogeneity was extensive either in ALA infused patients or in ex vivo ALA incubated cells. Mean intensities after 3 h were 110 cts (range 0-340) and 1000 cts (range 0-3600). Similar results were found in leukemic lymphocytes where cell fluorescence varied from 0 to 480 cts with a percentage of fluorescent cells varying with time and from one patient to another. Furthermore, PpIX was not detectable in two patients with CLL. These observations suggest that a marked heterogeneity of ALA uptake and/or PpIX synthesis exists in a given human cancer cell population particularly after systemic administration. Improvements for ALA transformation into PpIX are strongly recommended to ensure the efficacy of ALA/PpIX-PDT.
- Published
- 2000
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14. Photodynamic effect on the specific antitumor immune activity
- Author
T Patrice, L. Anasagasti, Y. Lajat, V. Vonarx, Laurent Morlet, and M.T. Foultier
- Subjects
Antigens, Differentiation, T-Lymphocyte ,Cytotoxicity, Immunologic ,Lymphocyte ,Immunology ,Mast-Cell Sarcoma ,In Vitro Techniques ,Pharmacology ,Biology ,Mice ,Immune system ,Antigen ,Antigens, Neoplasm ,Tumor Cells, Cultured ,medicine ,Animals ,Hematoporphyrin Derivative ,Porfimer sodium ,Cytotoxicity ,Photosensitizing Agents ,food and beverages ,Mastocytoma ,T lymphocyte ,medicine.disease ,In vitro ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Photochemotherapy ,Mice, Inbred DBA ,Spleen ,T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Photofrin is a potent sensitizer which localizes, among other sites in membranes of malignant cells. To evaluate the effect of photodymanic therapy (PDT) on specific antitumoral immunological response, we used a chromium release assay to compare the specific cytolytic activity (CLA) of primed mouse spleen T lymphocytes sensitized against syngeneic mastocytoma P511 cells. P511 cells or lymphocytes or both were treated or not with Photofrin and/or light (514 nm). Photofrin alone (1 microg/ml, 2 h) reduced CLA by 59% when P511 cells were treated although this decrease was not drug dose dependent. Photofrin (1 microg/ml, 2 h) followed by light (25 J/cm2) reduced CLA by 35% in a drug dose dependent manner. Longer incubation times led to reduced CLA inhibition (10% for 3 h incubation) after Photofrin followed by light. The light dose (25, 37, 50 J/cm2) did not influence CLA for a given Photofrin concentration. Photofrin alone (0.5 microg/ml, followed by light (25 J/cm2 for 2 h) reduced CLA respectively by 8 and 45% only when lymphocytes were treated. When lymphocytes and P511 cells were treated with Photofrin alone or followed by light (25 J/cm2), CLA was also reduced (by 19 and 41% respectively). This type of damage can be evaluated in terms of antigen expression on the target cells, on the lymphocyte T receptor, on H-2 (histocompatibility major complex), or on lymphocyte activity after PDT.
- Published
- 1997
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15. Adaptations of the Talairach Technique to the Evolution of Medical Imaging
- Author
D. Menegalli-Boggelli, D. Heyman, and Y. Lajat
- Subjects
Diagnostic Imaging ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Teleradiology ,Computer science ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Image registration ,Radiosurgery ,law.invention ,Stereotaxic Techniques ,law ,medicine ,Medical imaging ,Humans ,Medical physics ,Computer vision ,Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted ,Brain Mapping ,business.industry ,Angiography ,food and beverages ,Stereotaxis ,Image Enhancement ,Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,Calculator ,Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,Artificial intelligence ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,business - Abstract
We present an integrated imaging system which enables CT and MRI data to blend with angiographic or ventriculographic films obtained by teleradiography and digitized. From all the data fed to the calculator, orthogonal, frontal, lateral, simple or double-obliquity trajectories can be determined easily and rapidly.
- Published
- 1997
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16. Stereotactic and Image-Guided Surgery: Abstracts
- Author
Stefan Kunze, J.H. Song, Catherine Fischer, D. Hellwig, Andrey V. Oblyapin, H. Bertalanffy, Juriy Z. Polonskiy, M. Wallace, Dennis E. Bullard, In Ki Mun, Volker M. Tronnier, Grégoire Malandain, W.R. Niendorf, C. Vial, Matthew A. Howard, Mario M. Bonsanto, Franck Sturtz, Andrey D. Anichkov, François Mauguière, Friedrich K. Albert, Jacques Favre, J. Mukawa, Y. Muragaki, Igor O. Volkov, D.S. Casolino, R.R. Tasker, D. Heyman, E. Emery, Bernard Laurent, Jin Woo Chang, K. Yamashiro, Joseph A. Maldjian, B. Abdennebi, Peter McL. Black, R. Andrews, Audun Stubhaug, Michael L. Levy, E. Franchin, A. Perneczky, Jacques Feldmar, Thomas M. Moriarty, Luis Garcia-Larrea, K. Roessler, Roman Mirsky, A. Cavaggioni, C.W. Dempsey, Joon Hyong Cho, A. Ishida, J.R. Schvarcz, T. Taira, L. Benes, M. Iwahara, Wen-Ching Liu, Y. Yoshii, Frédéric Bonnefoi, T. Nedjahi, H.W.S. Schroeder, William T. O'Connor, M. Daniel Noh, Andreas Staubert, J.C. Acevedo, G. Antoniadis, Yong Gou Park, L. Mahfouf, Eben Alexander, M.R. Gaab, F. Lavenne, Märta Segerdahl, Arcady V. Korzenev, R. Papasin, Luc Picard, Vadim Yakhnitsa, Per Kristian Eide, Serge Bracard, Y. Masutani, Björn A. Meyerson, K. Ericson, N.L. Dorward, Y. Terada, Peter W. Carmel, C. Manelfe, Jeffrey Labuz, Ch. Matula, Nicholas Ayache, P. Shamsgovara, I. Berry, Ron Kikinis, D. Albe-Fessard, Kazuhiro Katada, T. Dohi, P. Charles Garell, N.D. Kitchen, A.T. Bergenheim, Kim J. Burchiel, Xiaozhuo Chen, Olof Flodmark, D.E. Richardson, Marshall Devor, Th. Czech, M. Aichholzer, N. Hopf, Vladimir B. Nizkovolos, Janine Shulok, Chul-Won Park, L. Casentini, Laurent Launay, J. Sabatier, Marc Sindou, G. Palù, Ruth Govrin-Lippmann, W. Wagner, Sang Sup Chung, Karen Waddell, P. Calvi, P. Grunert, Y. Lajat, Kirk Moffitt, Vladimir A. Shoustin, A. Galvagni, Ferenc M. Jolesz, Patrick Mertens, C.R. Wirtz, W.Th. Koos, H.-P. Richter, W. Dietrich, Michael Knauth, Yong Ko, Margareta B. Møller, P.-Å. Ridderheim, H. Ralph Snodgrass, Mark A. Granner, Bengt Linderoth, R. Deinsberger, J.F. Kahamba, Carl-Olav Stiller, Jamal M. Taha, N. Tomiyama, Joseph C.T. Chen, Kazuhiko Nonomura, Philip L. Gildenberg, K. Boulanouar, K. Ungersboeck, M. Tremoulet, S.A. Rath, G. Lanner, H. Goerzer, Blaine S. Nashold, R. Mah, Marie-Claude Gregoire, Krupa Shanker, Eric Maurincomme, Kyung Hoe Lee, J. Winters, Z. Harry Rappaport, F.E. Roux, E. Blondet, Michael Söderman, Doros Platika, M.C. Spendel, C. Giorgi, Michael Schulder, B.L. Bauer, T. Tanikawa, René Anxionnat, D.G.T. Thomas, M. Guerrero, M. Zanusso, K. Seitz, W. Tschiltschke, O. Alberti, Alf Sollevi, H. Iseki, F. Colombo, Erwan Kerrien, N. Soliman, K. Takakura, Jian-Guo Cui, Tetsuo Kanno, J.P. Ranjeva, Roland Peyron, and D. Menegalli-Boggelli
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medicine.medical_specialty ,Image-guided surgery ,business.industry ,medicine ,Surgery ,Medical physics ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Published
- 1997
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17. Pourquoi un accueil transculturel au sein des centres de traitement de la douleur?
- Author
S. Dutertre, Y. Lajat, Gearoid O’Crualaoich, C. Mestre, B. Robin, A. Sankale-Delga, P. Lombrail, J. Nizard, C. Chiffoleau, C. Amourous, and M. Marjolet
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Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Political science ,Humanities - Abstract
La culture est un element determinant de la perception de la douleur et de sa prise en charge. II est neanmoins difficile, pour plusieurs ordres de raisons, de lui faire toute sa place dans les demarches de soins. Ces difficultes, plutot que de decourager les acteurs du soin, peuvent conduire a un enrichissement de la prise en charge, tant il est vrai que les questions soulevees ont des repercussions ethiques et epistemologiques pour tous les patients, independamment de leur nationalite. Alros, en continuite plutot qu’en rupture de part et d’autre des frontieres, il devient possible de traiter chacune des difficultes rencontrees.
- Published
- 2004
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18. Pratique de l’abord pluridisciplinaire du douloureux chronique
- Author
Y. Lajat and J. Nizard
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Pain medicine ,General surgery ,Anesthesiology ,Medicine ,business - Published
- 2003
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19. Rôle du médecin-conseil hospitalier dans la prise en charge pluridisciplinaire du douloureux chronique en Centre de Traitement de la douleur
- Author
Y. Lajat, A. Sankale-Delga, F. Benkara, and J. Nizard
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Abstract
Depuis 2000, le medecin-conseil, affecte aux services de court sejour du CHU de Nantes, participe a l’equipe du Centre d’Evaluation et de Traitement de la Douleur (CETD). II remplit une fonction d’interface entre les objectifs de soins de la structure hospitaliere et les modalites de la protection sociale de l’assurance maladie. Le patient ayant l’initiative de la rencontre, il ne demande ici que des informations. Celles-ci peuvent participer a l’elaboration de ses perspectives d’avenir. Elles entrent, en complement des autres composantes, dans les donnees sur lesquelles s’appuiera l’alliance therapeutique proposee par l’equipe du CETD.
- Published
- 2003
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20. Fourth meeting of the European Neurological Society 25–29 June 1994 Barcelona, Spain
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H. Hattig, C. Delli Pizzi, M. C. Addonizio, Michelle Davis, A. R. Giovagnoli, L. Florensa, M. Roth, J. de Kruijk, Francisco Lacruz, Ph. Dewailly, A. Toygar, C. Avendano, P.P. De Deyn, J. F. Hurtevent, F. Lomeila, T. W. Wong, Gordon T. Plant, M. Bud, H. J. Willison, DH Miller, D. W. Langdon, R. Cioni, J. Servan, A. Kaygisiz, E. Racadot, D. B. Schens, E. Picciola, L. Falip, C. Bouchard, J. Jotova, A. Jorge-Santamaria, P. Misra, A. Dufour, C. P. Panagopoulos, A. Venneri, B. Sredni, B. Angelard, M. Janelidze, M. Carreno, J. Obenberger, J. Pouget, H. W. Moser, R. Kaufmann, J. A. Molina, D. Linden, A. Martin Urda, E. Uvestad, A. Krone, J. P. Cochin, J. Mallecourt, A. Cambon-Thomsen, K. Violleau, P. Osschmann, A. M. Durocher, E. Bussaglia, D. M. Danielle, H. Efendi, C. Van Broeckhoven, K. G. Jordan, W. Rautenberg, C. Iniguez, J. M. Delgado, Graham Watson, M. Lawden, Gareth J. Barker, K. Stiasny, James T. Becker, G. Campanella, E. Peghi, A. Poli, A. Haddad, T. Yamawaki, Giacomo P. Comi, S. Sotgiu, B. Ersmark, A. Pomes, M. Ziegler, P. Ferrante, P. Ruppi, H. KuÇukoglu, R. Bouton, U. K. Rinne, P. Vieregge, M. Dary, P. Giunti, Peter J. Goadsby, S. Jung, E. Secor, A. Steinberg, N. Vila, M. A. Hernandez, M. Cursi, A. Enqelhardt, A. Engelhardt, J. Veitch, F. Di Silverio, F. Arnaud, B. Neundörfer, R. Brucher, Dominique Caparros-Lefebvre, B. Meyer, Marianne Dieterich, M. H. Snidaro, R. Gomez, R. Cerbo, M. Ragno, J. M. Vance, S. Nemni, A. Caliskan, F. Barros, I. Velcheva, D. Ceballos-Baumann, V. Barak, A. Avila, N. Antonova, F. Resche, S. Pappata, L. Varela, S. R. Silveira Santos, A. Cammarota, L. Naccache, Y. Nara, E. Tournier-Lasserves, R. Mobner, T. Chase, A. Ensenyat, J. Ulrich, G. Giegerich, M. Rother, M. Revilla, N. Nitschke, K. Honczarenko, E. Basart Tarrats, J. Blin, B. Jacob, J. Santamaria, S. Knezevic, J. L. Castillo, M. Antem, J. Colomer, O. Busse, Didier Hannequin, S. Carrier, J. B. Ruidavets, C. Rozman, J. Bogoussslavsky, J. Pascual Calvet, E. Monros, J. M. Polo, M. Zucconl, Javier Muruzabal, R. R. Allen, R. Rivolta, K. Haugaard, A. Nespolo, K. Hoang-Xuang, G. Bussone, T. Avramidis, E. Corsini, Christiana Franke, T. Vinogradova, H. Boot, K. Vestergaard, G. H. Jansen, N. Argentino, M. Raltzig, W. Linssen, Mark B. Pepys, P. Roblot, L. Lauritzen, E. Fainardi, D. Morin, T. X. Arbizu Urdiain, J. Wollenhaupt, S. Bostantjopoulou, G. Pavesi, A. D. Forman, Giovanni Fabbrini, D. Jean, J. J. Archelos, M. I. Blanchs, M. Del Gobbo, Anna Carla Turconi, Ch. Derouesné, Elio Scarpini, A. Visbeck, P. Castejon, J. P. Renou, F. Mounier-Vehier, G. Potagas, Ch. Duyckaerts, A. Filla, R. Schneider, G. Ronen, K. Nagata, J. P. Vedel, A. Henneberg, G. van Melle, C. Baratti, H. Knott, M. C. Prevett, A. Bes, B. Metin, Jos V. Reempts, L. Martorell, Mefkure Eraksoy, H. O. Handwerker, D. S. Younger, O. Oktem, D. Frongillo, C. Soriano-Soriano, L. Niehaus, F. Zipp, A. Tartaro, S Newman, R. H. Browne, P. Davous, R. Sanchez, M. Muros, M. E. Kornhuber, A. Lavarone, M. Mohr, M. R. Garcia, S. Russell, H. Kellar-Wood, M. R. Tola, B. Ostermeyer, Ch. Tzekov, K. Sartor, E. B. Ringelstein, P. P. Gazzaniga, Paul Krack, H. Fidaner, H. Rico, T. Dbaiss, F. Alameda, E. Torchiana, L. Rumbach, I. Charques, J. M. Bogaard, C. D. Frith, L. J. Rappelle, R. Brenner, A. Joutel, K. Fuxe, G. HÄcker, M. J. Blaser, J. Valls-SolÇ, G. Ulm, M. Alberdi, A. Bock, F. W. Bertelsmann, U. Wieshmann, J. Visa, J. R. Lupski, D. D'Amico, L. M. P. Ramos, A. A. Vanderbark, R. Horn, M. Warmuth, Dietmar Kühne, Mark S. Palmer, C. Ehrenheim, E. Canga, S. Viola, O. Scarpino, P. Naldi, R. Almeida, A. A. Raymond, J. Gamez, Stephan Arnold, A. DiGiovanni, J. Dalmau, C. C. Chari, H. F. Beer, J. C. Koetsier, J. Iriarte, E. Yunis, J. Casadevall, E. Le Guern, E. Stenager, S. R. Benbadis, J. M. Warter, F. Burklin, I. Theodorou, L. Johannesen, G. A. Graveland, X. Leclerc, I. Vecchio, L. Ozelius, G. Nicoletti, R. K. Gherardi, E. Esperet, M. L. Delodovici, F. Cattin, F. Paiau, Giorgio Sacilotto, C. A. J. Broere, D. Chavdarov, J. P. Willmer, C. H. Hawkes, Th. Naegele, E. Ellie, E. Dartigues, M. J. Guardiola, S. Hesse, Z. Levic, Marco Rovaris, P. Saugeir-Veber, B. A. Yaqub, H. F. Durwen, R. Larumbe, J. Ballabrina, M. Sendtner, J. Röther, M. Horstink, C. Kluglein, M.P. Montesi, H. Apaydin, J. Montoya, E. Waubant, Ch. Verellen-Dunoulin, A. Nicolai, J. Lopez-Delval, R. Lemon, G. Cantinho, E. Granieri, A. Zeviani, Wolfgang H. Oertel, U. Ficola, V. Di Piero, V. Fragola, K. Sabev, M. V. Guitera, I. Turki, F. Bolgert, P. Ingrand, J. M. Gobernado, L. M. E. Grimaldi, S. Baybas, B. Eymard, Y. Rolland, Y. Robitaille, Ta. Pampols, P. J. Koehler, A. Carroacedo, J. Vilchez, S. Di Vittorio, I. R. Rise, T. Nagy, M. Kuffner, E. Palazzini, A. Ott, J. Pruim, T. X. Arbizu, E. Manetti, C. Cervera, S. Felber, G. Gursoy, J. Scholz, G. A. Buscaino, M. S. Chen, A. Pascual, J. Hazan, J. U. Gajda, J. G. Cea, G. Bottini, G. Damalik, F. Le Doze, G. Bonaldi, J. M. Hew, C. Messina, A. M. Kennedy, J. M. Carney, N. M. F. Murray, M. Parent, M. Koepp, V. Dimova, D. De Leo, K. Jellinger, G. Salemi, S. Mientus, M. L. Hansen, F. Mazzucchelli, J. Vieth, M. Mauri, E. Bartels, L. Johannsen, C. Humphreys, J. Emile, D. N. Landon, E. Kansu, R. Sanchez-Pernaute, Rsj Frackowiak, M. Gonzalez Torres, L. Oller, C. Machedo, J. Kother, M. Billiard, H. Durak, T. Schindler, A. Frank, A. Uncini, A. Sbriccoli, C. Farinas, D. W. Paty, N. Fast, A. T. Zangaladze, A. Kerkhofs, J. M. Pino Garcia, I. De la Fuente, B. Marini, L. Gomez, I. Rubio, Alessandra Bardoni, C. Brodie, P. Acin, U. Sliwka, S. A. Hawkins, S. Tardieu, F. Vitullo, J. M. Pereira Monteino, R. Gagliardi, T. Jezewski, A. Cano, T. Lempert, F. Abad Alegria, G. Rotondo, D. Ince, C. Martinez Parra, Y. Huang, H. Luders, Y. Steinvil, F. G. A. Van Der Meche, R. Bianchi, A. Sanchez, T. Sevilla, J. M. Ketelslegers, A. Domzal-Stryga, M. Pandolfo, M. O. Josse, K. W. Neff, I. Blanco, G. W. Bruyn, O. W. Witte, J. L. Thibault, G. Andersen, J. Pariset, A. Marcone, R. J. M. Lane, A. Hofman, M. Verin, T. Matilla, P. Bedoucha, J. Roche, M. Lai, M. Collard, A. Ugarte, F. Gallecho, D. Silbersweig, C. Kennard, J. P. Azulay, T. W. Ho, P. L. I. Dellemijn, R. Girardello, F. Baas, B. Voss, F. Rozenberg, E. M. Brocker, V. Stanev, A. A. J. Soeterboek, A. Marra, A. Rey, E. Ertem, M. Sawradewicz-Rybak, J. De Keyser, P. Cavallari, F. Proust, Y. Chevalier, H. C. Hansen, D. Leys, C. A. Davie, K. Hoang-Xuan, C. Bairati, H. van Crevel, Thomas T. Warner, B. Bompais, A. Dobbeleir, T Campbell, C. Macko, C. J. M. Klijn, M. Dussallant, T. P. Berlit, W. Rozenbaum, M. J. van den Bent, W. A. Rocca, M. Muller, H. Hundemer, U. Zifko, M. Campera, F. Drislane, D. Ranoux, T. M. Kloss, Anil Kumar, I. Ruolt, C. Bargnani, B. Marescau, N. A. Losseff, S. Notermans, B. Kint, E. T. Burke, C. Aykut, J. Matias Guiu, P. Maquet, T. Drogendijk, M. Leone, K. von Ammon, M. Pepeliarska, C. Prados, L. DiGiamberardino, T. Logtenberg, G. Lenoir, I. Castaldo, Damhaut, M. Radionova, G. Sirabian, R. Navon, Giovanni Antonini, K. Al Moutaery, E. Chamas, R. Schönhuber, M. Giannini, B. Debilly, I. Labatut, H. Henon, J. A. Egido, M. Baudrimont, J. N. Lorenzo, J. E. C. Bromberg, R. Antonacci, J. J. Vilchez, T. Moulin, B. Rautenstrauss, Giovanni Meola, J. Noth, S Mammi, P. Laforet, F. Lopez, C. Gehring, S. Bort, G. Rancurel, D. Decamps, S. Kostadinova, Y. Shapira, B. Neundoerfer, D. Chavrot, M. Solimena, J. P. Salier, W. Deberdt, R. Hoff-Jörgensen, A. Messina, S. Meairs, G. Rosoklija, E. Nelis, I. Bertran, C. Ertekin, J. Lohmeyer, Mitermayer Galvao dos Reis, L. Calo, E. Maccagnano, A. P. Hays, J. Verlooy, M. G. Forno, T. Blanco, L. Bail, Gabriella Silvestri, J. Montero, F. Bertrand, R. T. Ghnassia, C. Besses, T. Sereghy, F. Shalit, G. Bogliun, S. Braghi, St. Baykouchev, C. Franke, A. Lasa, L. C. Archard, J. Kriebel, S. Shaunak, M. Nocito, Alexander Tsiskaridze, E. Manfredini, T. Seigal, David G. Gadian, M. Barlas, J. D. Degos, C. Seeber, J. Caemert, J. L. Mas, R. B. Pepinsky, M. G. D'Angelo, N. Baumann, S. Yorifuji, H. P. Endtz, M. A. Cassatella, R. A. C. Hughes, V. Golzi, A. Bittencourt, A. Ferreira, M. Sanson, C. Alper, M. Vermeulen, M. A. A. van Walderveen, E. Alexiou, C. H. Lucas, M. Fiorelli, Y. N. Debbink, R. Gil, S. Congia, T. Banerjee, J. M. Bouchard, A. N. Pinto, A. Ceballos-Baumann, G. Grollier, P. I. M. Schmitz, M. D. Catata, N. Lahat, N. S. Rao, P. Papathanasopoulos, J. Valls-Solé, D. Claus, G. Schroter, A. Castro, C. Videbaek, R. Martinez Dreke, A. D. Platts, M. Hermesl, A. C. PeÇanha-Martins, M. Cardoso Silva, P. Masnou, M. J. A. Tanner, Ch. Confavreux, B. Mishu, H. Rasmussen, L. Valenciano, Carlo Pozzilli, S. W. Li, V. Salzman, Y. Vashtang, Massimo Franceschi, M. Severo, G. Deuschl, S. Setien, G. Mariani, A. Protti, J. Castillo, M. J. B. Taphoorn, M. Frontali, I. Milonas, D. Decoq, J. A. Navarro, S. Castellvi-Pel, C. Ertikin, M. Urtasun, Y. Lajat, B. E. Kendall, E. Verdu, B. Gueguen, E. Boisen, R. Couderc, A Danek, JM Stevens, F. Nicoli, L. Feltri, M. L. Vazquez-Andre, J. A. Morgan-Hughes, L. D'Angelo, F. Y. Liew, L. F. Pascual, J. Patrignani Ochoa, Vittorio Martinelli, J. Cophignon, L. Zhang, S. Martin, J. F. Meder, H. C. Buschmann, L. Bertin, J. van Gijn, A. Barreiro, A. Cools, C. Leon, A. Berod, E. A. Anllo, E. Zanette, L. Petrov, R. Barona, B. Gallicchio, P. J. Cozzone, N. Diederich, G. Cancel, L. Schelosky, P. Orizaola, K. Yulug, S. Ozer, Valeria A. Sansone, B. Guiraud-Chaumeil, K. Voigt, P. Labauge, M. Eoli, J. Zhu, J. Aguirre, M. Ferrarini, B. Zyluk, E. Planas, A. Cadilha, C. Tortorella, H. Bismuth, C. E. Counsell, A. Laun, A. Ferlini, Rio J. Montalban, N. Biary, L. Becker, M. Fardeau, M. Poloni, V. M. S. de Bruin, C. Fornada, J. Barros, E. Ganzmann, E. Touze, D. Wallach, J. Peila, H. Fujimura, M. T. Iba-Zizen, G. Macchi, C. Villoslada, R. Gouider, Ph. Rondepierre, P. Grummich, P. Chiodi, C. Conte, M. Michels, P. Annunziata, G. Semana, C. Sommer, J. Vajsar, D. Zekin, J. Kulisevsky, David G. Munoz, B. Jacotot, M. Magoni, A. Luxen, T. Garcia-Silva, S. Di Cesare, Christophe Tzourio, M. Gomori, I. Picomell, L. Santoro, F. Villa, Giovanni Pennisi, T. Ribalta, J. M. Molto, L. Marzorati, P. Loiseau, F. Gemignani, A. Gironell, J. Wissel, A. Prusinski, F. Cailloux, P. Villanueva-Hemandez, P. Cozzone, T. Del Ser, J. Sans-Sabrafen, M. Zappia, P. W. A. Willems, G. Tchernia, D. Gardeur, R. Bauer, F. Palomo, H. Metz, S. Lamoureux, C. Chastang, I. Reinhard, A. Goldfarb, S. Harder, Jordi Río, C. Ozkara, E. Tekinsoy, P. Vontobell, J. De Recondo, M. Rabasa, L. Lacomblez, F. Boon, Dgt Thomas, V. Palma, Renato Mantegazza, A. Dervis, M. Nueckel, B. YalÇinerner, I. Duran, G. Dalla Volta, A. Zubimendi, J. Pinheiro, A. Marbini, Xavier Montalban, H. Wekerle, X. Pereira Monteino, F. Crespo, F. Koskas, N. Battistini, C. Ruiz, H. Offner, J. de Pommery, P. Kanovsky, J. Y. Barnett, J. Pardo, G. Tomei, R. Rene, H. M. Lokhorst, P. Thajeb, H. Bilgin, D. McGehee, R. Fahsold, L. Morgante, Katie Sidle, C. Delwaide, M. N. Diaye, P. H. Rice, A. Creange, C. Sabev, K. Stephan, K. WeilBenborn, G. Magnani, L. Grymonprez, F. Cardellach, M. Kaps, N. G. Meco, F. Vega, V. Bonifati, A. Desomer, M. Baldy-Moulinier, G. Kvale, F. J. Authier, B. Yegen, T. Ho, J. M. Rozet, E. A. Cabanis, L. Bruce, L. Ambrosoli, M. A. Petrella, M. Hernandez, P. Timmings, H. B. van der Worp, F. Mahieux, A. Urbano-Marquez, D. A. Krendel, A. A. Garcia, R. Divari, R. Michalowicz, M. R. Piedmonte, M. Bondavalli, M. Zanca, P. F. Ippel, Onofre Combarros, B. Tavitian, E. Hirsch, I. Anastasopoulos, A. Roses, A. Köhler, P. Vienna, V. Timmerman, P. Sergi, F. Cornelio, A. Di Pasquale, R. Verleger, S. Castellvirel, J. Proano, B. van Moll, F. Rubio, W. Hacke, I. Lavenu, L. Zetta, M. W. Tas, N. Bittmann, M. Bonamini, O. R. Hommes, V. Dousset, N. Afsar, S. Belal, R. R. Myers, J. Goes, Giuseppe Vita, E. Clementi, V. G. Karepov, M. Jueptner, A Vincent, P. Emmrich, Th. Heb, A. Caballo, J. Gallego, T. Mokrusch, C. Perla, L. Gebuhrer, O. Titlbach, Alessandro Prelle, A. Czlonkowska, M. Russo, D. Hadjiev, T. S. Chkhikvishvili, M. Oehlschlager, G. Becker, I. Günther, E. N. Stenager, J. Garcia Agundez, J. Casademont, J. Batlle, S. Podobnik-Sarkanji, C. Alonso-Villaverde, B. Delaguillaume, B. Genc, B. Mazoyer, A. Rodriguez-Al-barino, Ch. Hilger, B. Ferrero, R. Price, W. Grisold, L. Fuhry, D. Oulbani, D. Ewing, A. Petkov, W. Walther, A. Gokyigit, John Newsom-Davis, J. Tayot, D. Seliak, G. Pelliccioni, D. Campagne, K. Kessler, F. Boureau, D. Perani, J. P. N'Guyen, N. Tchalucova, B. A. Antin-Ozerkis, C. Lacroix, B. D. Aronovich, I. H. Jenkins, E. A. dos Reis, M. Hortells, H. M. Meinck, H. Ch. Buschmann, S. C. J. M. Jacobs, T. Wetter, P. Creissard, N. Martinez, J. Weidenfeldl, H. J. Sturenburg, G. Damlacik, V. Gracia, J. C. Turpin, A. Pou-Serradell, J. P. Vincent, T. Gagoshidze, U. Ozkutlu, M. McLeod, K. Siegfried, I. Tchaoussoglou, J. Hildebrand, S. Kowalska, M. C. Picot, G. Galardin, L. Crevits, F. Andreetta, S. Larumbe-Lobalde, G. de la Sierra, J. C. Alvarez-Cermeno, R. J. Seitz, P. L. Oey, L. Ptacek, A. M. J. Paans, A. Wirrwar, A. Schmied, J. Uilchez, H. Tounsi, D. Hipola, V. Avoledo, Y. Hirata, P. Vermersch, T. M. Aisonobe, J. Valls-SoIè, H. Staunton, J. Dichgans, R. Karabudak, I. Dones, G. Porta, E. Janssens, Maria Martinez, J. M. Fernandez-Real, R. Villagra, Y. Yoshino, C. Kabus, K. Schimrigk, I. Girard-Buttaz, F. Piccoli, F. Aichner, P. Zuchegna, S. M. Al Deeb, F. Bono, N. Busquets, A. Jobert, Patrizia Ciscato, M. Martin, L. Polman, S. Darbra, V. Le Cam-Duchez, F. Baldissera, B. Baykan-Kurt, D. Guez, M. Bratoeva, H. Matsui, M. Mila, H. Perron, L. Bjorge, G. Husby, Steven T. DeKosky, D. R. Cornblath, J. M. Gabriel, J. J. Poza, Y. Wu, A. Toscano, R. P. Kleyweg, J. Kuhnen, S. O. Confort-Gouny, A. Barcelo, A. M. Conti, C. Fiol, C. Steichen-Wiehn, J. Rodes, M. Cavenaile, C. Vedeler, M. Drlicek, C. Argentino, M. L. Peris, A. Cervello, A. Z. GinaÏ, S. Yancheva, D. Passingham, S. Aoba, D. L. Lopez, T. Rechlin, K. Sonka, L. Grazzi, V. Folnegovic-Smalc, Maurizio Moggio, S. Rivaud, F. G. I. Jennekens, C. H. Hartard, H. Meierkord, G. Stocklin, M. D. Catala, W. C. McKay, E. Salmon, C. Navarro, I. Pastor, L. Canafoglia, M. De Braekeleer, P. K. Thomas, C. Mocellini, C. Pierre-Jerome, M. C. Dalakas, P. Pollak, M. Levivier, Niall Quinn, G. E. Rivolta, Z. Tunca, H. Zeumer, J. Garcia Tena, St. Guily, P. Gaudray, Johannes Kornhuber, V. Petrunjashev, R. Montesanti, R. J. Abbott, H. Petit, G. Kiteva-Trencevska, F. Carletto, C. Ramo, I. M. Pino, P. Beau, G. F. Mennuni, F. Moschian, F. Meneghini, B. Zdziarska, B. Fontaine, C. Stephens, G. Meco, K. Reiners, G. Badlan, M. Sessa, I. Degaey, S. M. Hassan, C. Albani, F. Caroeller, M. Schroeder, G. Savettieri, A. Novelletto, R. Kurita, P. Oschmann, I. Plaza, M. Oliveres, Simone Spuler, A. Molins, M. Schwab, J. R. Kalden, C. P. Gennaula, Y. Baklan, O. Picard, J. M. Léger, B. Mokri, E. Ghidoni, M. Jacob, D. Deplanque, W. JÄnisch, C. De Andres, P. De Deyn, G. Guomundsson, B. Herron, J. Barado, J. L. Gastaut, Guglielmo Scarlato, F. Poron, Nicola Jones, H. Teisserenc, C. P. Hawkins, A. J. Steck, H. C. Chandler, S. Blanc, J. H. Faiss, Jm. Soler Insa, I. Sarova-Ponchas, M. Malberin, A. Sackmann, G. De Vuono, K. Kaiser-Rub, K. Badhia, E. Szwabowska-Orzeszko, S. Ramm, C. Jodice, G. Franck, J. Marta-Moreno, R. Sciolla, C. Fritz, A. Attaccalite, F. Weber, E. Neuman, M. Cannata, A. Rodriguez, I. Nachainkin, R. Raffaele, T. S. Yu, N. Losseff, E. Fabrizio, C. Khati, M. Keipes, M. P. Ortega, M. Ramos-Alvarez, E. Brambilla, A. Tarasov, K. H. Wollinsky, O. B. Paulson, F. Boller, G. Bozzato, H. Wagnur, R. Canton, D. Testa, E. Kutluaye, M. Calopa, D. Smadja, G. Malatesta, F. Baggi, A. Stracciari, G. Daral, G. Avanzini, J. Perret, J. Arenas, P. Boon, I. Gomes, A. Vortmeyer, P. Cesaro, S. Venz, E. Bernd Ringelstein, N. Milani, D. Laplane, P. Seibel, E. Tournier-Lasserve, Alexis Brice, L. Motti, E. Wascher, R. J. Abbot, F. Miralles, A. Turon, P. De Camilli, G. Luz, G. C. Guazzi, S. Tekin, F. Lesoin, T. Kryst, N. Lannoy, F. Gerstenbrand, S. Ballivet, H. A. M. van Diemen, J. Lopez-ArLandis, P. Bell, A. Silvani, M. A. Garcia, S. Vorstrup, D. Langdon, S. Ueno, B. Sander, V. Ozurk, C. Gurses, P. Berlit, J. M. Martinez-Lage, M. Treacy, S. O. Rodiek, S. Cherninkova, J. Grimaud, P. Marozzi, K. Hasert, S. Goldman, S. H. Ingwersen, A. Taghavy, T. Roig, R. Harper, I. Sarova-Pinchas, Anthony H.V. Schapira, R. Lebtahi, A. Vidaller, B. Stankov, D. Link, J. p. Malin, V. Petrova, Ludwig Kappos, J. L. Ochoa, T. Torbergsen, M. Carpo, M. Donato, Simon Shorvon, J. Mieszkowski, J. Perez-Serra, Raymond Voltz, G. Comi, S. Rafique, A. Perez-Sempere, N. Khalfallah, S. Bailleul, M. Borgers, S. Banfi, S. Mossman, A. Laihinen, G. Filippini, R. A. Grunewald, E. Stern, H. D. Herrmann, A. G. Droogan, P. Xue, A. Grilo, L. La Mantia, J. H. J. Wokke, S. Pizzul, Kie Kian Ang, S. Rapaport, W. Szaplyko, B. Romero, P. Brunet, A. Albanese, C. Davie, V. Crespi, F. Birklein, H. Sharif, L. Jose, D. Auer, N. Heye, Martin N. Rossor, C. E. Henderson, M. J. Koepp, J. Rubio, P. L. Baron, S. Mahal, Juha O. Rinne, J. I. Emparanza, S. E. C. Davies, Frederik Barkhof, M. Riva, R. E. Brenner, B. A. Pope, Lemaire, E. Dupont, D. Ulbricht, G. C. Pastorino, R. Retska, E. Chroni, A. Danielli, V. Malashkhia, T. Canet, J. C. Garcia-Valdecasas, J. Serena, R. A. Pfeiffer, B. Wirk, B. Muzzetto, V. Caruso, M. L. Giros, A. Ming Wang, E. L. E. Guern, F. Bille-Turg, Y. Satoh, C. H. Franke, M. Ait-Kaci-Ahmed, D. Genis, T. Pasierski, D. Riva, M. Panisset, A. Chamorro, P.A. van Doorn, S. Schellong, H. Hamer, F. Durif, P. Krauseneck, Y. Bahou, B. A. Pickut, M. Rijnites, H. Nyland, G. Jager, L. L. Serra, A. Rohl, X. P. Li, O. Arena, Hubert Kwieciński, N. Milpied, M. C. Bourdel, S. Assami, L. Law, J. Moszkowski, J. W. Thorpe, M. Aguennouz, R. Martin, D. Hoffmann, P. Morris, A. Destée, D. J. Charron, U. Senin, A. P. SempereE, M. Dreyfus, A. L. Benabid, M. Gomez, S. Heindle, M. C. Morel-Kopp, M. Hennerici, A. I. Santos, M. Djannelidze, N. Artemis, John Collinge, T. Rundek, M. Y. Voloshin, P. de Castro, Th. Wiethege, D. A. S. Compston, D. Schiffer, A. J. Hughes, D. Jimenez, V. Parlato, A. Papadimitriou, J. M. Gergaud, R. Sterzi, J. Arpa, G. de Pinieux, F. Buggle, P. Gimbergues, H. Ruottinen, R. Marzella, W. Koehler, Y. Yurekli, A. Haase, Z. Privorkin, G. K. Harvey, B. Chave, A. J. Grau, E. M. Stadlan, J. List, C. Zorzi, B.W. van Oosten, P. Derkinderen, B. Casati, J. M. Maloteaux, K. Vahedi, W. L. J. van Putten, J. C. Sabourin, D. Lorenzetti, Plenevaux, J. W. B. Moll, A. Morento Fernandez, M. Lema, M. A. Horsfleld, P. De Jongh, S. Gikova, K. Kutluk, Monique M.B. Breteler, P. Saddier, A. Berbinschi, R. E. Cull, P. Echaniz, H. Kober, C. Minault, V. Kramer, A. L. Edal, S. Passero, T. Eckardt, K. E. Davies, A. Salmaggi, R. Kaiser, A. A. Grasso, Claudio Mariani, G. Egersbach, Hakan Gurvit, O. Dereeper, C. Vital, L. Wrabetz, A. Vecino, M. Aguilar, G. Bielicki, H. Becher, J. Castro, S. Iotti, M. G. Natali-Sora, E. Berta, S. Carlomagno, L. Ayuso-Peralta, P. H. Rondepierre, I. Bonaventura, B. V. Deuren, N. Van Blercom, M. Sciaky, J. Faber, M. Alberoni, M. Nieto, F. Sellal, C. Stelmasiak, M. Takao, J. Bradley, D. Zegers de Beyl, H. Porsche, G. Goi, H. Pongratz, F. Chapon, S. Happe, Robin S. Howard, B. Weder, S. Vlaski-Jekic, J. M. Ferro, R. Nemni, A. Daif, Herbert Budka, W. Van Paesschen, B. Waldecker, F. Carceller, J. Lacau, F. Soga, J. Peres Serra, E. Timmerman, A. M. vd Vliet, J. L. Emparanza, N. Vanacore, A. Pizzuti, N. Marti, A. Davalos, N. Ayraud, U. Zettl, J. Vivancos, Z. Katsarou, H. M. Mehdorn, G. Geraud, M. Merlini, M. Schröter, A. Ebner, M. Lanteri-Minet, R. Soler, G. P. Anzola, S. L. Hauser, L. Cahalon, S. DiDonato, R. Cantello, M. Marchau, J. Gioanni, F. Heidenreich, J. Manuel Martinez Lage, P. Descoins, F. Woimant, J. F. Campo, M. H. Verdier-taillefer, M. S. F. Barkhof, G. J. Kemp, A. O. Ceballos-Baumann, J. Berciano, M. Guidi, Tarek A. Yousry, B. Chandra, A. Rapoport, P. Canhao, A. Spitzer, T. Maeda, J. M. Pereira Monteiro, V. Paquis, Th. Mokrusch, F. J. Arrieta, I. Sangla, F. Canizares-Liebana, Lang Chr, André Delacourte, V. Fetoni, P. Kovachev, D. Kidd, L. Ferini-Strambi, E. Donati, E. Idman, A. Chio, C. Queiros, D. Michaelis, S. Boyacigil, A. Rodrigo, S. M. Yelamos, B. Chassande, P. Louwen, C. Tranchant, E. Ciafalon, A. Lombardo, A. Twijnstra, A. L. Fernandez, H. Kott, A. Cannas, N. Zsurger, T. Zileli, E. Metin, P. C. Bain, G. Fromont, B. Tedesi, A. Liberani, X. Navarro, M. C. Rowbotham, V. Hachinski, F. Cavalcanti, W. Rostene, R. M. Gardiner, F. Gonzalez, B. Köster, E. A. van der Veen, J. P. Lefaucheur, C. Marescaux, D. Boucquey, E. Parati, S. Yamaguchi, A. S. Orb, R. Grant, G. D. P. Smith, P. Goethals, M. Haguenau, G. Georgiev, I. N. van Schaik, Guy A. Rouleau, E. Iceman, G. Fayet, M. G. Kaplitt, C. Baracchini, H. Magnusson, G. Meneghetti, N. Malichard, M. L. Subira, D. Mancia, A. Berenguer, D. Navarrete Palau, H. Franssen, G. Kiziltan, M. P. Lopez, J. Montalt, S. Norby, R. Piedra Crespo, T. L. Rothstein, R. Falip, B. YalÇiner, F. Chedru, I. W. Thorpe, F. W. Heatley, D. S. C. Ochoa, C. Labaune, M. Devoti, O. Lider, Jakob Korf, N. Suzuki, E. A. Maguire, A. Moulignier, J. C. van Swieten, F. Monaco, J. Cartron, A. Steck, B. Uludag, M. Alexandra, H. Reichmann, T. Rossi, L. E. Claveria, A. M. Crouzel, M. A. Mena, J. Gasnault, J. W. Kowalski, S. I. Mellgren, V. Feigin, L. Demisch, J. Montalban, J. Renato, J. Mathieu, N. Goebels, L. Bava, K. Kunre, M. Pulik, S. Di Donato, C. Tzekov, H. Veldman, S. Giménez-Roldan, B. Lechevalier, L. Redondo, B. Pillon, M. Gugenheim, E. Roullet, J. M. Valdueza, C. Gori, H. J. Friedrich, L. de Saint Martin, F. Block, E. Basart, M. Heilmann, B. Becq Giraudon, C. Rodolico, G. Stevanin, Elizabeth K. Warrington, A. T. M. Willemsen, K. Kunze, C. Ben Hamida, M. Alam, J. R. ùther, A. Battistel, G. Della Marca, Richard S. J. Frackowiak, F. Palau, T. Brandt, Chicoutimi, L. Bove, L. Callea, A. Jaspert, T. Klopstock, K. Fassbender, Alan J. Thomas, A. Ferbert, V. Nunes, Douglas Russell, P. Garancini, C. Sanz-Sebastian, O. Santiag, G. Dhaenens, G. Seidel, I. Savic, A. Florea-Strat, M. Rousseaux, N. Catala, E. O'Sullivan, M. J. Manifacier, H. Kurtel, T. Mendel, P. Chariot, M. Salas, D. Brenton, R. Lopez, J. Thorpe, Jimmy D. Bell, E. Hofmann, E. Botia, J. Pacquereau, A. Struppler, C. d'Aniello, D. Conway, A. Garcia-Merino, K. Toyooka, S. Hodgkinson, E. Ciusani, Stefano Bastianello, A. Andrade Filho, M. Zaffaroni, G. Pleiffer, F. Coria, A. Schwartz, D. Baltadjiev, I. Rother, K. Joussen, J. Touchon, K. Kutlul, P. Praamstra, H. Sirin, S. Richard, C. Mariottu, L. Frattola, S. T. Dekesky, G. Wieneke, M. Chatel, O. Godefroy, C. Desnuelle, S. OzckmekÇi, C. H. Zielinski, P. van Deventer, S. Jozwiak, I. Galan, J. M. Grau, V. Vieira, T. A. Treves, S. Ertan, A. Pujol, S. Blecic, E. M. Zanette, F. Ceriani, W. Camu, L. Aquilone, A. Benomar, F. Greco, A. Pascual-Leone Pascual, T. Yanagihara, F. A. Delfino, R. Damels, S. Merkelbach, J. Beltran, A. Barrientos, S. Brugge, B. Hildebrandt-Müller, M. H. Nascimento, M. Rocchi, F. Cervantes, E. Castelli, R. M. Pressler, S. Yeil, A. del Olmo, J. L. Herranz, L. J. Kappelle, Y. Demir, N. Inoue, R. Hershkoviz, A. Luengo, S. Bien, F. Viallet, P. Malaspina, G. De Michele, G. Nolfe, P. Adeleine, T. Liehr, G. Fenelon, H. Masson, Kailash P. Bhatia, W. Haberbosch, S. Mederer, R. S. J. Frackowiak, Tanya Stojkovic, S. Previtali, A. E. Harding, W. Kohler, N. P. Quin, T. R. Marra, J. P. Moisan, A. Melchor, M. L. Viguera, Mary G. Sweeney, G. L. Romani, J. Hezel, R. A. Dierckx, R. Torta, A. Kratzer, T. Pauwels, D. Decoo, Adriana Campi, Neil Kitchen, J. Haas, U. Neubauer, J. J. Merland, A. Yagiz, A. Antonuzzo, A. Zangaladze, J. Parra, Pablo Martinez-Lage, D. J. Brooks, S. Hauser, R. Di Pierri, M. Campero, R. Caldarelli-Stefano, A. M. Colangelo, J. L. Pozo, C. Estol, F. Picard, A. Palmieri, J. Massons, JT Phillips, G. B. Groozman, R. Pentore, L. M. Ossege, C. Bayon, Hans-Peter Hartung, R. Konyalioglu, R. Lampis, D. Ancri, M. Miletta, F. J. Claramonte, W. Retz, F. Hentges, JM Cooper, M. Cordes, M. Limburg, M. Brock, G. R. Coulton, K. Helmke, Rosa Larumbe, A. Ohly, F. Landgraf, A. M. Drewes, Claudia Trenkwalder, M. Keidel, T. Segura, C. Scholz, J. HÄgele, D. Baudoin-Martin, P. Manganelli, J. Valdueza, M. Farinotti, U. Zwiener, M. P. Schiavalla, Y. P. Young, O. Barlas, G. Hertel, E. H. Weiss, M. Eiselt, A. Lossos, M. Bartoli, L. Krolicki, W. Villafana, W. Peterson, Nicoletta Meucci, C. Agbo, R. Luksch, F. Fiacco, G. Ponsot, M. Lopez, Howard L. Weiner, M. D. Alonso, K. Petry, Sanjay M. Sisodiya, P. Giustini, S. Tyrdal, R. Poupon, J. Blanke, P. Oubary, A. A. Kruize, H. Trabucchi, R. R. C. Stewart, H. Grehl, B. M. Kulig, V. Vinhas, D. Spagnoli, B. Mahe, J. Tatay, C. Hess, M. D. Albadalejo, G. Birbamer, M. Alonso, F. Valldeoriola, J. Figols, I. Wirguin, E. Diez Tejedor, C. S. Weiller, L.H. van den Berg, P. Barreiro, L. Pianese, S. Cocozza, R. Kohnen, E. Redolfi, F. Faralli, G. Gosztonyl, A. J. Gur, A. Keyser, V. Fichter-Gagnepain, B. Wildemann, E. Omodeo-Zorini, Gregoire, J. Schopohl, F. Fraschini, G. Wunderlich, B. Jakubowska, F. P. Serra, N. B. Jensen, O. Delattre, C. Leno, A. Dario, P. Grafe, F. Graus, M. C. Vigliani, J. L. Dobato, Philip N. Hawkins, R. Marés, A. Rimola, N. Meussi, G. Aimard, W. Hospers, A. M. Robertson, C. Kaplan, W. Lamadé, Karen E. Morrison, Amadio, E. Kieffer, F. Dromer, P. Bernasconi, M. Repeto, Davide Pareyson, Jeremy Rees, A. Guarneri, P. Odin, P. Bouche, L. Nogueira, J. Munoz, L. Leocani, M. J. Arcusa, R. S. J. Frackowiack, John S. Duncan, D. Karacostas, D. Edwin, I. Costa, M. Menetrey, P. Grieb, A. M. Salvan, S. Cunha, P. Merel, P. Pfeiffer, A. Astier, F. Federico, A. Mrabet, M. G. Buzzi, L. Knudsen, I. F. Pye, L. Falqui, C. R. Hornig, C. E. Shaw, C. Brigel, T. C. Britton, R. Codoceo, T. Pampols, Vincent J. Cunningham, N. Archidiacono, G. Chazot, J. B. Posner, L. L. O. Befalo, M. Monclus, C. Cabezas, H. Moser, H. Stodal, J. Ley-Pozo, L. Brusa, R. Di Mascio, P. Giannini, J. Fernandez, R. Santiago Luis, J. Garcia Tigera, J. Wilmink, P. Pignatelli, M. El Amrani, V. Lucivero, M. Baiget, R. Lodi, P. H. Cabre, L. Grande, A. Korczyn, R. Fahlbusch, C. Milanese, W. Huber, J. Susseve, H. C. Nahser, K. Mondrup, X. O. Breakefield, J. Sarria, T. H. Vogt, A. Alessandri, M. Daffertshofer, I. Nelson, M. L. Monticelli, O. Dammann, G. G. Farnarier, G. Felisari, A. Quattrini, A. Boiardi, P. Mazetti, H. Liu, J. Duarte, M. E. Gaunt, H. Strik, N. Yulug, A. Urman, J. Posner, Aida Suarez Gonzalez, Ma. L. Giros, Z. Matkovic, D. Kompf, A. D. Korczyn, A. Steinbrecher, R. Wenzel, M. C. de Rijk, R. Doronzo, J. Julien, O. Hasegawa, M. Kramer, V. Collado-Scidel, M. Alonso de Lecinana, L. Dell'Arciprete, S. Rapuzzi, S. Bahar, H. Willison, M. T. Ramacci, J.J. Martin, Lopez-Bresnahan, C. Malapani, R. Haaxma, T. Rosenberg, J. Patrignani, R. Vichi, Martin R. Farlow, J. Roquer, L. Krols, M. Pimenta, C. Bucka, U. Klose, M. Roberts, J. Salas-Puig, R. Ghnassia, A. Mercuri, C. Maltempo, I. Tournev, P. Homeyer, D. Caparros-Lefevre, E. P. O. Sullivan, T. Vashadze, Ph. Lyrer, A. Deltoro, H. Kondo, M. Steinling, A. Graham, G. C. Miescher, A. Pace, D. Branca, G. Avello, H. H. Kornhuber, D. Fernandes, H. Friedrich, R. Chorao, H. O. Lüders, R. T. Bax, J. A. Macias, N. Yilmaz, J. Veroust, M. Miller, S. Confort-Gouny, J. L. Sastre, D. Servello, G. Boysen, S. Koeppen, V. Planté-Bordeneuve, H. Albrecht, R. H. M. King, G. Orkodashili, R. Doornbos, H. Toyooka, V. Larrue, M. Sabatelli, K. Williams, M. Stevens, V. Maria, M. Comabella, C. Lammers, R. M. L. Poublon, E. Tizzano, P. Pazzaglia, F. Zoeller, M. B. Delisle, J. P. Goument, J. M. Minderhoud, A. Sghirlanzoni, V. Meininger, M. Al Deeb, C. Bertelt, A. Cagni, A. Algra, F. Morales, K. A. Flugel, M. Maidani, M. Noya, Z. Seidl, U. Roelcke, D. Cannata, E. Katiane EmbiruÇu, E. M. Wicklein, K. Willmes, L. Hanoglu, J. F. Pellissier, Yves Agid, E. Cuadrado, S. Brock, D. Maimone, Z. G. Nadareishvili, E. Matta, S. Hilmi, V. Assuerus, F. Lomena, R. Springer, F. Cabrera-Valdivia, Oscar L. Lopez, M. Casazza, F. Vivancos, Ralf Gold, T. Crawford, B. Moulard, M. Poisson, W. l. McDonald, D. E. Grobbe, Alan Connelly, H. Ozcan, S. Abeta, H. Severo Ochoa, A. C. van Loenen, E. Libson, M. J. Marti, B. George, C. Ferrarese, B. Jacobs, L. Divano, T. Ben-Hur, A. L. Bootsma, V. Martinez, A. Conti, R. P. Maguire, B. Schmidt, D. M. Campos, D. A. Guzman, E. Meary, C. Richart, P. B. Christensen, T. Schroeder, Massimo Zeviani, K. Jensen, R. Aliaga, S. Seitz-Dertinger, J. W. Griffin, C. Fryze, H. Baas, S. Braun, A. M. Porrini, B. Yemez, M. J. Sedano, C. Creisson, A. Del Santo, A. Mainz, R. Kay, S. Livraghi, R. de Waal, D. Macgregor, H. Hefter, R. Garghentino, U. Ruotsalainen, M. Matsumoto, M. G. Beaudry, P. M. Morrison, J. C. Petit, C. Walon, Ph. Chemouilli, F. Henderson, R. Massa, A. Cruz Martinez, U. Liska, F. Hecht, Ernst Holler, V. S. de Bruin, B. B. Sheitman, S. M. Bentzen, C. Bayindir, F. Pallesta, P. E. Roland, J. Parrilla, P. Zunker, L. F. Burchinskaya, G. Mellino, S. Ben Ayed, D. Bonneau, P. Nowacki, M. Goncalves, P. Riederer, N. Mavroudakis, J. Togores, L. Rozewicz, S. Robeck, Y. Perez Gilabert, L. Rampello, A. Rogopoulos, S. Martinez, F. Schildermans, C. Radder, P. B. Hedlund, J. Cambier, M. Aabed, G. D. Jackson, P. Gasparini, P. Santacruz, J. Vandevivere, H. Dural, A. Mantel, W. Dorndorf, N. Ediboglu, A. Lofgren, J. Bogousslavsky, P. Thierauf, L. Goullard, R. Maserati, B. Moering, M. Ryba, J. Serra, G. G. Govan, A. Pascual-Leone, S. Schaeffer, M. R. Rosenfeld, A. P. Correia, K. Ray Chaudhuri, L. Campbell, R. Spreafico, B. Genetet, A. M. Tantot, R. A. G. Hughes, J. A. Vidal, G. Erkol, J. Y. Delattre, B. Yaqub, B. K. Hecht, E. Mayayo, Ph. Scheltens, J. Corral, M. Calaf, L. Henderson, C. Y. Li, U. Bogdahn, R. Sanchez-Roy, M. Navasa, J. Ballabriga, G. Broggi, T. Gudeva, C. Rose, J. Vion-Dury, J. A. Gastaut, J. Pniewski, Nicola J. Robertson, G. Kohncke, M. Billot, S. Gok, E. Castellli, F. Denktas, P. Bazzi, F. Spinelli, I. F. Moseley, C. D. Mardsen, B. Barbiroli, O. M. Koriech, A. Miller, Hiroaki Yoshikawa, F. X. Borruat, J. Zielasek, P. Le Coz, J. Pascual, A. Drouet, L. T. Giron, F. Schondube, R. Midgard, M. Alizadeh, M. Liguori, Lionel Ginsberg, L. Harms, C. Tilgner, G. Tognoni, F. Molteni, Mar Tintoré, M. Psylla, C. Goulon-Goeau, M. V. Aguilar, Massimo Filippi, K. H. Mauritz, Thomas V. Fernandez, C. Basset, S. Rossi, P. Meneses, B. Jandolo, T. Locatelli, D. Shechtcr, C. Magnani, R. Ferri, Bruno Dubois, J. M. Warier, S. Berges, F. Idiman, M. Schabet, R. R. Diehl, P. D'aurelio, M. Musior, Reinhard Hohlfeld, P. Smeyers, M. Olivé, A. Riva, C. A. Broere, N. Egund, S. Franceschetti, V. Bonavita, Nicola Canal, E. Timmermans, M. Ruiz, S. Barrandon, G. Vasilaski, B. Deweer, L. Galiano, S. F. T. M. de Bruijn, L. Masana, A. Goossens, B. Heye, K. Lauer, Heinz Gregor Wieser, Stephen R. Williams, B. Garavaglia, A. P. Sempere, F. Grigoletto, P. Poindron, R. Lopez-Pajares, I. Leite, T. A. McNell, C. Caucheteur, J. M. Giron, A. D. Collins, P. Freger, J. Sanhez Del Rio, D. A. Harn, K. Lindner, S. S. Scherer, G. Serve, M. Juncadella, X. Estivill, R. Binkhorst, M. Anderson, B. Tekinsoy, C. Sagan, T. Anastopoulos, G. Japaridze, S. Guillou, F. Erminio, Jon Sussman, P. G. Oomes, D. S. Rust, S. Mascheroni, O. Berger, M. Peresson, K. V. Toyka, T. W. Polder, M. Huberman, B. Arpaci, H. Ramtami, I. Martinez, Ph. Violon, P. P. Gazzaniga Pozzill, R. Ruda, P. Auzou, J. Parker, S. P. Morrissey, Jiahong Zhu, F. Rotondi, P. Baron, W. Schmid, P. Doneda, M. Spadaro, M. C. Nargeot, I. Banchs, J.S.P. van den Berg, R. Ferrai, M. Robotti, M. Fredj, Pedro M. Rodríguez Cruz, B. Erne, D. G. Piepgras, M. C. Arne-Bes, J. Escudero, C. Goetz, A. R. Naylor, M. Hallett, O. Abramsky, E. Bonifacio, L. E. Larsson, R. Pellikka, P. Valalentino, D. Guidetti, B. Buchwald, C. H. Lücking, D. Gauvreau, F. Pfaff, A. Ben Younes-Chennoufi, R. Kiefer, R. Massot, K. A. Hossmann, L. Werdelin, P. J. Baxter, U. Ziflo, S. Allaria, C. D. Marsden, M. Cabaret, S. P. Mueller, E. Calabrese, R. Colao, S. I. Bekkelund, M. Yilmaz, O. Oktem-Tanor, R. Gine, M. E. Scheulen, J. Beuuer, A. Melo, Z. Gulay, M. D. Have, C. Frith, D. Liberati, J. Gozlan, P. Rondot, Ch. Brunholzl, M. Pocchiari, J. Pena, L. Moiola, C. Salvadori, A. Cabello, T. Catarci, S. Webb, C. Dettmers, N. A. Gregson, Alexandra Durr, F. Iglesias, U. Knorr, L. Ferrini-Strambi, F. Kruggel, P. Allard, A. Coquerel, P. Genet, F. Vinuels, C. Oberwittler, A. Torbicki, P. Leffers, B. Renault, B. Fauser, C. Ciano, G. Uziel, J. M. Gibson, F. Anaya, C. Derouesné, C. N. Anagnostou, M. Kaido, W. Eickhoff, G. Talerico, M. L. Berthier, A. Capdevila, M. Alons, D. Rezek, E. Wondrusch, U. Kauerz, D. Mateo, M. A. Chornet, Holon, N. Pinsard, I. Doganer, E. Paoino, H. Strenge, C. Diaz, J. R. Brasic, W. Heide, I. Santilli, W. M. Korn, D. Selcuki, M. J. Barrett, D. Krieger, T. Leon, T. Houallah, M. Tournilhac, C. Nos, D. Chavot, F. Barbieri, F. J. Jimenez-Jimenez, J. Muruzabal, K. Poeck, A. Sennlaub, L. M. Iriarte, L. G. Lazzarino, C. Sanz, P. A. Fischer, S. D. Shorvon, R. Hoermann, F. Delecluse, M. Krams, O. Corabianu, F. H. Hochberg, Christopher J. Mathias, B. Debachy, C. M. Poser, L. Delodovici, A. Jimenez-Escrig, F. Baruzzi, F. Godenberg, D. Cucinotta, P. J. Garcia Ruiz, K. Maier-Hauff, P. R. Bar, R. Mezt, R. Jochens, S. Karakaneva, C. Roberti, E. Caballero, Joseph E. Parisi, M. Zamboni, T. Lacasa, B. Baklan, J. C. Gautier, J. A. Martinez-Matos, W. Pollmann, G. Thomas, L. Verze, E. Chleide, R. Alvarez Sala, I. Noel, E. Albuisson, O. Kastrup, S. I. Rapoport, H. J. Braune, H. Lörler, M. Le Merrer, A. Biraben, S. Soler, S. J. Taagholt, U. Meyding-Lamadé, K. Bleasdale-Barr, Isabella Moroni, Y. Campos, J. Matias-Guiu, G. Edan, M. G. Bousser, John B. Clark, J. Garcia de Yebenes, N. K. Olsen, P. Hitzenberger, S. Einius, Aj Thompson, Ch. J. Vecht, T. Crepin-Leblond, Klaus L. Leenders, A. Di Muzio, L. Georgieva, René Spiegel, K. Sabey, D. Ménégalli, J. Meulstee, U. Liszka, P. Giral, C. Sunol, J. M. Espadaler, A. D. Crockar, K. Varli, G. Giraud, P. J. Hülser, A. Benazzouz, A. Reggio, M. Salvatore, K. Genc, M. Kushnir, S. Barbieri, J. Ph. Azulay, M. Gianelli, N. Bathien, A. AlMemar, F. Hentati, I. Ragueneau, F. Chiarotti, R. C. F. Smits, A. K. Asbury, F. Lacruz, B. Muller, Alan J. Thompson, Gordon Smith, K. Schmidt, C. Daems Monpeun, Juergen Weber, A. Arboix, G. R. Fink, A. M. Cobo, M. Ait Kaci Ahmed, E. Gencheva, Israel-Biet, G. Schlaug, P. De Jonghe, Philip Scheltens, K. Toyka, P. Gonzalez-Porque, A. Cila, J. M. Fernandez, P. Augustin, J. Siclia, S. Medaglini, D. E. Ziogas, A. Feve, L. Kater, G. J. E. Rinkel, D. Leppert, Rüdiger J. Seitz, S. Ried, C. Turc-Carel, G. Smeyers, F. Godinho, M. Czygan, M. Rijntjes, E. Aversa, M. Frigo, Leif Østergaard, J. L. Munoz Blanco, A. Cruz-Matinez, J. De Reuck, C. Theillet, T. Barroso, V. Oikonen, Florence Lebert, M. Kilinc, C. Cordon-Cardon, G. Stoll, E. Thiery, F. Pulcinelli, J. Solski, M. Schmiegelow, L. J. Polman, P. Fernandez-Calle, C. Wikkelso, M. Ben Hamida, M. Laska, E. Kott, W. Sulkowski, C. Lucas, N. M. Bornstein, D. Schmitz, M. W. Lammers, A. de Louw, R. J. S. Wise, P. A. van Darn, C. Antozzi, P. Villanueva, P. H. E. Hilkens, C. Constantin, W. Ricart, A. Wolf, M. Gamba, P. Maguire, Alessandro Padovani, B. M. Patten, Marie Sarazin, H. Ackermann, L. Durelli, S. Timsit, Sebastian Jander, B. W. Scheithauer, G. Demir, J. P. Neau, P. Barbanti, A. Brand, N. AraÇ, V. Fischer-Gagnepain, R. Marchioli, G. Serratrice, C. Maugard-Louboutin, G. T. Spencer, D. Lücke, G. Mainardi, K. Harmant Van Rijckevorsel, G. B. Creel, R. Manzanares, Francesco Fortunato, A. May, J. Workman, K. Johkura, E. Fernandez, Carlo Colosimo, L. Calliauw, L. Bet, Félix F. Cruz-Sánchez, M. Dhib, H. Meinardi, F. Carrara, J. Kuehnen, C. Peiro, H. Lassmann, K. Skovgaard Olsen, A. McDonald, L. Sciulli, A. Cobo, A. Monticelli, B. Conrad, J. Bagunya, J. Benitez, V. Desnizza, B. Dupont, O. Delrieu, D. Moraes, J. J. Heimans, F. Garcia Rio, M. Matsumto, A. Fernandez, R. Nermni, R. Chalmers, M. J. Marchau, F. Aguado, P. Velupillai, P. J. Martin, P. Tassan, V. Demarin, A. Engelien, T. Gerriets, Comar, J. L. Carrasco, J. P. Pruvo, A. Lopez de Munain, D. Pavitt, J. Alarcon, Chris H. Polman, B. Guldin, N. Yeni, Hartmut Brückmann, N. Wilczak, H. Szwed, R. Causaran, G. Kyriazis, M. E. Westarp, M. Gasparini, N. Pecora, J. M. Roda, E. Lang, V. Scaioli, David R. Fish, D. Caputo, O. Gratzl, R. Mercelis, A. Perretti, G. Steimetz, I. Link, C. Rigoletto, A. Catafau, G. Lucotte, M. Buti, G. Fagiolari, A. Piqueras, C. Godinot, J. C. Meurice, Erodriguez J. Dominigo, F. Lionnet, H. Grzelec, David J. Brooks, P. M. G. Munro, F. X. Weilbach, M. Maiwald, W. Split, B. Widjaja-Cramer, V. Ozturk, J. Colas, E. Brizioli, J. Calleja, L. Publio, M. Desi, R. Soffietti, P. Cortinovis-Tourniaire, E. F. Gonano, G. Cavaletti, S. Uselli, K. Westerlind, H. Betuel, C. O. Dhiver, H. Guggenheim, M. Hamon, R. Fazio, P. Lehikoinen, A. Esser, B. Sadzot, G. Fink, Angelo Antonini, D. Bendahan, V. Di Carlo, G. Galardi, A. F. Boller, M. Aksenova, Del Fiore, V. de la Sayette, H. Chabriat, A. Nicoletti, A. Dilouya, M. L. Harpin, E. Rouillet, J. Stam, A. Wolters, M. R. Delgado, Eduardo Tolosa, G. Said, A. J. Lees, L. Rinaldi, A. Schulze-Bonhage, MA Ron, C. Lefebvre, E. W. Radü, R. Alvarez, M. L. Bots, P. Reganati, S. Palazzi, A. Poggi, N. J. Scolding, V. Sazdovitch, T. Moreau, E. Maes, M. A. Estelies, P. Petkova, Jose-Felix Marti-Masso, G De La Meilleure, N. Mullatti, M. Rodegher, N. C. Notermans, T. A. T. Warner, S. Aktan, J. P. Louboutin, L. Volpe, C. Scheidt, W. Aust, C. M. Wiles, U. Schneider, S. K. Braekken, W. R. Willems, K. Usuku, Peter M. Rothwell, C. Talamon, M. L. Sacchetti, A. Codina, M. H. Marion, A. Santoro, J. Roda, A. Bordoni, D. J. Taylor, S. Ertas, H. H. Emmen, J. Vichez, V. BesanÇon, R. E. Passingham, M. L. Malosio, A. Vérier, M. Bamberg, A. W. Hansen, E. Mostacero, G. Gaudriault, Marie Vidailhet, B. Birebent, K. Strijckmans, F. Giannini, T. Kammer, I. Araujo, J. Nowicki, E. Nikolov, A. Hutzelmann, R. Gherardi, J. Verroust, L. Austoni, A. Scheller, A. Vazquez, S. Matheron, H. Holthausen, J. M. Gerard, M. Bataillard, S. Dethy, V. H. Patterson, V. Ivanez, N. P. Hirsch, F. Ozer, M. Sutter, C. Jacomet, M. Mora, Bruno Colombo, A. Sarropoulos, T. H. Papapetropoulos, M. Schwarz, D. S. Dinner, N. Acarin, B. Iandolo, J. O. Riis, P. R. J. Barnes, F. Taroni, J. Kazenwadel, L. Torre, A. Lugaresi, I. L. Henriques, S. Pauli, S. Alfonso, Pedro Quesada, A. S. T. Planting, J. M. Castilla, Thomas Gasser, M. Van der Linden, A. Alfaro, E. Nobile-Orazio, G. Popova, W. Vaalburg, F. G. A. van der Mech, L. Williams, F. Medina, J. P. Vernant, J. Yaouanq, B. Storch-Hagenlocher, A. Potemkowski, R. Riva, M. H. Mahagne, M. Ozturk, Ve. Drory, N. Konic, C. Jungreis, A. Pou Serradell, J. L. Gauvrit, G. J. Chelune, S. Hermandez, T. Dingus, L. Hewer, Ch. Koch, M. N. Metz-Lutz, G. Parlato, M. Sinaki, Charles Pierrot-Deseilligny, H. C. Diener, J. Broeckx, J. Weill-Fulazza, M. L. Villar, M. Rizzo, O. Ganslandt, C. Duran, N. A. Fletcher, G. Di Giovacchino, Susan T. Iannaccone, C. Kolig, N. Fabre, H. A. Crockard, Rita Bella, M. Tazir, E. Papagiannuli, K. Overgaard, Emma Ciafaloni, I. Lorenzetti, F. Viader, P. A. H. Millac, I. Montiel, L. H. Visser, M. Palomar, P. L. Murgia, H. Pedersen, Rafael Blesa, S. Seddigh, W. O. Renier, I. Lemahieu, H. M. L. Jansen, L. Rosin, J. Galofre, K. Mattos, M. Pondal, G. M. Hadjigeorgiou, D. Francis, L. Cantin, D. Stegeman, M. Rango, A. B. M. F. Karim, S. Schraff, B. Castellotti, I. Iriarte, E. Laborde, T. J. Tjan, R. Mutani, D. Toni, B. Bergaasco, J. G. Young, C. Klotzsch, A. Zincone, X. Ducrocq, M. Uchuya, O. J. Kolar, A. Quattrone, T. Bauermann, Nereo Bresolin, J. Vallée, B. C. Jacobs, A. Campos, Werner Poewe, J. A. Villanueva, A. W. Kornhuber, A. Malafosse, E. Diez-Tejedor, G. Jungreia, M. J. A. Puchner, A. Komiyama, O. Saribas, V. Volpini, L. Geremia, S. Bressi, A. Nibbio, Timothy E. Bates, T. z. Tzonev, E. Ideman, G. A. Damlacik, G. Martino, G. Crepaldi, T. Martino, Kjell Någren, E. Idiman, D. Samuel, J. M. Perez Trullen, Y. van der Graaf, J. O. Thorell, M. J. M. Dupuis, E. Sieber, R. D'Alessandro, C. Cazzaniga, J. Faiss, A. Tanguy, A. Schick, I. Hoksergen, A. Cardozo, R. Shakarishvili, G. K. Wennlng, J. L. Marti-Vilalta, J. Weissenbach, I. L. Simone, Amalia C. Bruni, Darius J. Adams, C. Weiller, A. Pietrangeli, F. Croria, C. Vigo-Pelfrey, Patricia Limousin, A. Ducros, G. Conti, O. Lindvall, E. Richter, M. Zuffi, A. Nappo, T. Riise, J. Wijdenes, M. J. Fernandez, J. Rosell, P. Vermersh, S. Servidei, M. S. C. Verdugo, F. Gouttiere, W. Solbach, M. Malbezin, I. S. Watanabe, A. Tumac, W. I. McDonald, D. A. Butterfield, P. P. Costa, F. deRino, F. Bamonti, J. M. Cesar, C. H. Lahoz, I. Mosely, M. Starck, M. H. Lemaitre, K. M. Stephan, S. Tex, R. Bokonjic, I. Mollee, L. Pastena, M. Gutierrez, F. Boiler, M. C. Martinez-Para, M. Velicogna, O. Obuz, A. Grinspan, M. Guarino, L. M. Cartier, E. Ruiz, D. Gambi, S. Messina, M. Villa, Michael G. Hanna, J. Valk, Leone Pascual, M. Clanet, Z. Argov, B. Ryniewicz, E. Magni, B. Berlanga, K. S. Wong, C. Gellera, C. Prevost, F. Gonzalez-Huix, R. Petraroli, J. E. G. Benedikz, I. Kojder, C. Bommelaer, L. Perusse, M. R. Bangioanni, Guy M. McKhann, A. Molina, C. Fresquet, E. Sindern, Florence Pasquier, M. J. Rosas, M. Altieri, O. Simoncini, M. Koutroumanidis, C. A. F. Tulleken, M. Dary-Auriol, S. Oueslati, H. Kruyer, I. Nishisho, C. R. Horning, A. Vital, G. V. Czettritz, J. Ph. Neau, B. Mihout, A. Ameri, M. Francis, S. Quasthoff, D. Taussig, S. Blunt, P. Valentin, C. Y. Gao, O. Heinzlef, H. d'Allens, C. Coudero, M. Erfas, G. Borghero, P. J. Modrego Pardo, M. C. Patrosso, N. L. Gershfeld, P. A. J. M. Boon, O. Sabouraud, M. Lara, J. Svennevig, G. L. Lenzi, A. Barrio, H. Villaroya, JosÇ M. Manubens, O. Boespflug-Tanguy, M. Carreras, D. A. Costiga, J. P. Breux, S. Lynn, C. Oliveras Ley, A. G. Herbaut, J. Nos, C. Tornali, Y. A. Hekster, J. L. Chopard, J. M. Manubens, P. Chemouilli, A. Jovicic, F. Dworzak, S. Smirne, S. E. Soudain, B. Gallano, D. Lubach, G. Masullo, G. Izquierdo, A. Pascual Leone Pascual, A. Sessa, V. Freitas, O. Crambes, L. Ouss, G. W. Van Dijk, P. Marchettini, P. Confalonieri, M. Donaghy, A. Munnich, M. Corbo, and M. E. L. van der Burg
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Neurology ,business.industry ,Media studies ,Library science ,Medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Published
- 1994
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J. M. Derlon, M. C. Petit-taboué, F. Dauphin, P. Courtheoux, F. Chapon, P. Creissard, F. Darcel, J. P. Houtteville, B. Kaschten, B. Sadzot, A. Stevenaert, Juri G. Tjuvajev, Homer A. Macapinlac, Farhad Daghighian, James Z. Ginos, Ronald D. Finn, M. S. Jiaju Zhang, Bradley Beattie, Martin Graham, Steven M. Larson, Ronald G. Blasberg, M. Levivier, S. Goldman, B. Pirotte, J. M. Brucher, D. Balériaux, A. Luxen, J. Hildebrand, J. Brotchi, K. G. Go, R. L. Kamman, E. L. Mooyaart, M. A. A. M. Heesters, P. E. Sijens, M. Oudksrk, P. van Dijk, P. C. Levendag, Ch. J. Vecht, R. J. Metz, D. N. Kennedy, B. R. Rosen, F. H. Hochberg, A. J. Fishman, P. A. Filipek, V. S. Caviness, M. W. Gross, F. X. Weinzierl, A. E. Trappe, W. E. Goebel, A. M. Frank, Georg Becker, Andreas Krone, Karsten Schmidt, Erich Hofmann, Ulrich Bogdahn, H. Bencsch, S. Fclber, G. Finkenstedt, C. Kremser, G. Sfockhammer, F. Aichner, U. Bogdahn, T. Fröhlich, G. Becker, A. Krone, R. Schlief, J. Schürmann, P. Jachimczak, E. Hofmann, W. Roggendorf, K. Roosen, C. M. Carapella, G. Carpinelli, R. Passalacqua, L. Raus, M. Giannini, R. Mastrostefano, F. Podo, A. Tofani, R. Maslrostefano, M. Mottoles, A. Ferraironi, M. G. Scelsa, P. Oppido, A. Riccio, C. L. Maini, L. Collombier, L. Taillandier, M. Dcbouverie, M. H. Laurens, P. Thouvenot, M. Weber, A. Bertrand, G. S. Cruickshank, J. Patterson, D. Hadley, Olivier De Witte, Jerzy Hildebrand, André Luxen, Serge Goldman, R. -I. Ernestus, K. Bockhorst, M. Eis, T. Els, M. Hoehn-Berlage, M. Gliese, R. Fründ, A. Geissler, C. Woertgen, M. Holzschuh, O. Hausmann, A. Merlo, E. Jerrnann, J. Uirich, R. Chiquet-Ehrismann, J. Müller, H. Mäcke, O. Gratzl, K. Herholz, M. Ghaemi, M. Würker, U. Pietrzyk, W. -D. Heiss, K. Kotitschke, M. Brandl, J. C. Tonn, A. Haase, S. Muigg, S. Felber, M. Woydt, Heinrich Lanfermann, Walter Heindel, Harald Kugel, Ralf -Ingo Erneslus, Gabricle Röhn, Klaus Lackner, F. S. Pardo, S. Kutke, A. G. Sorensen, L. L. Mechtler, S. Withiam-Lench, K. Shin, W. R. Klnkel, M. Patel, B. Truax, P. Kinkel, L. Mechtler, M. Ricci, P. Pantano, A. Maleci, S. Pierallini, D. Di Stefano, L. Bozzao, G. P. Cantore, Gabriele Röhn, R. Schröder, R. Ruda, C. Mocellini, R. Soffietti, M. Campana, R. Ropolo, A. Riva, P. G. de Filippi, D. Schiffer, D. Salgado, M. Rodrigues, L. Salgado, A. T. Fonseca, M. R. Vieira, J. M. Bravo Marques, H. Satoh, T. Uozumi, K. Kiya, K. Kurisu, K. Arita, M. Sumida, F. Ikawa, Tz. Tzuk-Shina, J. M. Gomori, R. Rubinstein, A. Lossos, T. Siegal, W. Vaalburg, A. M. J. Paans, A. T. M. Willemsen, A. van Waarde, J. Pruim, G. M. Visser, S. Valentini, Y. L. T. Ting, R. De Rose, G. Chidichimo, G. Corricro, Karin van Lcycn-Pilgram, Ralf -Ingo Erncslus, Norfried Klug, K. van Leyen-Pilgram, N. Klug, U. Neumann, Karl H. Plate, Georg Breier, Birgit Millaucr, Herbert A. Weich, Axel Ullrich, Werner Risau, N. Roosen, R. K. Chopra, T. Mikkelsen, S. D. Rosenblum, P. S. Yan, R. Knight, J. Windham, M. L. Rosenblum, A. Attanasio, P. Cavalla, A. Chio, M. T. Giordana, A. Migheli, V. Amberger, T. Hensel, M. E. Schwab, Luigi Cervoni, Paolo Celli, Roberto Tarantino, C. Huettner, U. Berweiler, I. Salmon, S. Rorive, K. Rombaut, J. Haot, R. Kiss, C. Maugard-Louboutin, J. Charrier, G. Fayet, C. Sagan, P. Cuillioere, G. Ricolleau, S. Martin, D. Menegalli-Bogeelli, Y. Lajat, F. Resche, Péter Molnàr, Helga Bárdos, Róza Ádány, J. P. Rogers, G. J. Pilkington, B. Pollo, G. Giaccone, A. Allegranza, O. Bugiani, J. Prim, J. Badia, E. Ribas, F. Coello, E. Shezen, O. Abramsky, M. Scerrati, R. Roselli, M. Iacoangeli, A. Pompucci, G. F. Rossi, Saleh M. Al. Deeb, Osama Koreich, Basim Yaqub, Khalaf R. Al. Moutaery, S. Marino, M. C. Vigliani, V. Deburghgraeve, D. Gedouin, M. Ben Hassel, Y. Guegan, B. Jeremic, D. Grujicic, V. Antunovic, M. Matovic, Y. Shibamoto, Merja Kallio, Helena Huhmar, Ch. Kudoh, A. Detta, K. Sugiura, E. R. Hitchcock, R. Di Russo, M. Cipriani§, E. M. Occhipinti, E. M. S. Conti, A. Clowegeser, M. Ortler, M. Seiwald, H. Kostron, B. Rajan, G. Ross, C. Lim, S. Ashlcy, D. Goode, D. Traish, M. Brada, G. A. C. vd Sanden, L. J. Schouten, J. W. W. Coebergh, P. P. A. Razenberg, A. Twijnstra, A. Snilders-Keilholz, J. H. C. Voormolen, J. Hermans, J. W. H. Leer, F. Baylac, M. Dcbouvcrie, R. Anxionnal, S. Bracard, J. M. Vignand, A. Duprcz, M. Winking, D. K. Böker, T. Simmet, David Rothbart, John Strugar, Jeroen Balledux, Gregory R. Criscuolo, Piotr Jachimczak, Armin Blesch, Birgit Heβdörfer, Ralf -Ingo Ernestus, Roland Schröder, Norfrid Klug, H. G. J. Krouwer, S. G. v. Duinen, A. Algra, J. Zentner, H. K. Wolf, B. Ostertun, A. Hufnagel, M. G. Campos, L. Solymosi, J. Schramm, E. S. Newlands, S. M. O'Reilly, M. Brampton, R. Sciolla, D. Seliak, R. Henriksson, A. T. Bergenheim, P. Björk, P. -O. Gunnarsson, Ml. Hariz, R. Grant, D. Collie, A. Gregor, K. P. Ebmeier, G. Jarvis, F. Lander, A. Cull, R. Sellar, C. Thomas, S. Elyan, F. Hines, S. Ashley, S. Stenning, J. J. Bernstein, W. J. Goldberg, U. Roelcke, K. Von Ammon, E. W. Radu, D. Kaech, K. L. Leenders, M. M. Fitzek, J. Efird Aronen, F. Hochberg, M. Gruber, E. Schmidt, B. Rosen, A. Flschman, P. Pardo, U. M. U. Afra, L. Sipos, F. Slouik, A. Boiardi, A. Salmaggi, A. Pozzi, L. Farinotti, L. Fariselli, A. Silvani, A. Brandes, E. Scelzi, A. Rigon, P. Zampieri, M. Pignataro, P. D'. Amanzo, P. Amista, A. Rotilio, M. V. Fiorentino, R. Thomas, L. Brazil, A. M. O'Connor, Maurizio Salvati, Fabrizio Puzzilli, Michele Raguso, R. Duckworth, R. Rumpling, M. Rottuci, G. Broggi, N. G. Plrint, E. Sabattini, V. Manetto, H. Gambacorta, S. Poggi, S. Pileri, R. Ferracini, D. V. Plev, N. J. Hopf, E. Knosp, J. Bohl, A. Perncczky, I. Catnby, O. Dewitte, J. L. Pasteels, I. Camby, F. Darro, A. Danguy, M. C. Kiu, G. M. Lai, T. S. Yang, K. T. Ng, J. S. Chen, C. N. Chang, W. M. Leung, Y. S. Ho, M. Deblec Rychter, A. Klimek, P. P. Liberski, A. Karpinaka, P. Krauseneck, V. Schöffel, B. Müller, F. W. Kreth, M. Faist, P. C. Warnke, C. B. Ostertag, K. M. B. v. Nielen, M. C. Visscr, C. Lebrun, M. Lonjon, T. Desjardin, J. F. Michiels, Sa. Lagrange J. L. Chanalet, J. L. Roche, M. Chatel, L. Mastronardi, F. Puzzilli, Farah J. Osman, P. Lunardi, M. Matsutani, Y. Ushio, K. Takakura, Johan Menten, Han Hamers, Jacques Ribot, René Dom, Hans Tcepen, N. Weidner, G. Naujocks, D. van Roost, O. D. Wiestler, A. Kuncz, C. Nieder, M. Setzel-Sesterhein, M. Niewald, I. Schnabel, K. S. O'Neill, N. D. Kitchen, P. R. Wilkins, H. T. Marsh, E. Pierce, R. Doshi, R. Deane, S. Previtali, A. Quattrini, R. Nemni, A. Ducati, L. Wrabetz, N. Canal, C. J. A. Punt, L. Stamatakis, B. Giroux, E. Rutten, Matthew R. Quigley, P. A. -C. Beth Sargent, Nicholas Flores, Sheryl Simon, Joseph C. Maroon, A. A. Rocca, C. Gervasoni, A. Castagna, P. Picozzi, E. Giugni, G. P. Tonnarelli, F. Mangili, G. Truci, M. Giovanelli, W. Sachsenheimer, T. Bimmler, H. Rhomberg W. Eiter, A. Obwegesser, H. Steilen, W. Henn, J. R. Moringlane, H. Kolles, W. Feiden, K. D. Zang, W. I. Sleudel, Andreas Steinbrecher, Martin Schabet, Clemens Heb, Michael Bamberg, Johannes Dichgans, G. Stragliotto, J. Y. Delattre, M. Poisson, L. Tosatto, P. D'Amanzo, N. Menicucci, S. Mingrino, W. I. Steudel, R. Feld, J. Ph. Maire, M. Caudry, J. Guerin, D. Celerier, N. Salem, H. Demeaux, J. F. Fahregat, M. E. Kusak, A. Bucno, J. Albisua, P. Jerez, J. L. Sarasa, R. Garefa, J. M. de Campos, A. Bueno, R. García-Delgado, R. García-Sola, A. A. Lantsov, T. I. Shustova, D. Lcnartz, R. Wellenreuther, A. von Deirnling, W. Köning, J. Menzel, S. Scarpa, A. Manna, M. G. Reale, P. A. Oppido, L. Frati, C. A. Valery, M. Ichen, J. P. Foncin, C. Soubrane, D. Khayat, J. Philippon, R. Vaz, C. Cruz, S. Weis, D. Protopapa, R. März, P. A. Winkler, H. J. Reulen, K. Bise, E. Beuls, J. Berg, W. Deinsberger, M. Samii, V. Darrouzet, J. Guérin, R. Trouette, N. Causse, J. P. Bébéar, F. Parker, J. N. Vallee, R. Carlier, M. Zerah, C. Lacroix-Jousselin, Joseph M. Piepmeier, John Kveton, Agnes Czibulka, G. S. Tigliev, M. P. Chernov, L. N. Maslova, José M. Valdueza, Werner Jänisch, Alexander Bock, Lutz Harms, E. M. Bessell, F. Graus, J. Punt, J. Firth, T. Hope, Osama Koriech, Saleh Al Deeb, Khalaf Al Moutaery, B. Yaqub, A. Franzini, R. Goldbrunner, M. Warmuth-Metz, W. Paulus, J. -Ch. Tonn, I. I. Strik, C. Markert, K. -W. Pflughaupt, B. P. O'Neill, R. P. Dinapoli, J. Voges, V. Sturm, U. Deuß, C. Traud, H. Treuer, R. Lehrke, D. G. Kim, R. P. Müller, Yu. S. Alexandrov, K. Moutaery, M. Aabed, O. Koreich, G. M. Ross, D. Ford, I. L. O. Schmeets, J. J. Jager, M. A. G. Pannebakker, J. M. A. de Jong, E. van Lindert, K. Kitz, S. Blond, F. Dubois, R. Assaker, M. C. Baranzelli, M. Sleiman, J. P. Pruvo, B. Coche-Dequeant, K. Sano, G. PetriČ-Grabnar, B. Jereb, N. Župančič, M. Koršič, N. G. Rainov, W. Burkert, Yukitaka Ushio, Masato Kochi, Youichi Itoyama, R. García, L. Ferrando, K. Hoang-Xuan, M. Sanson, P. Merel, O. Delattre, G. Thomas, D. Haritz, B. Obersen, F. Grochulla, D. Gabel, K. Haselsberger, H. Radner, G. Pendl, R. W. Laing, A. P. Warrington, P. J. C. M. Nowak, I. K. K. Kolkman-Deurloo, A. G. Visser, Hv. d. Berge, C. G. J. H. Niël, P. Bergström, M. Hariz, P. -O. Löfroth, T. Bergenheim, C. Cortet-rudelli, D. Dewailly, B. Coche-dequeant, B. Castelain, R. Dinapoli, E. Shaw, R. Coffey, J. Earle, R. Foote, P. Schomberg, D. Gorman, N. Girard, M. N. Courel, B. Delpech, G. M. Friehs, O. Schröttner, R. Pötter, R. hawliczek, P. Sperveslage, F. J. Prott, S. Wachter, K. Dieckmann, B. Bauer, R. Jund, F. Zimmermann, H. J. Feldmann, P. Kneschaurek, M. Molls, G. Lederman, J. Lowry, S. Wertheim, L. Voulsinas, M. Fine, I. Voutsinas, G. Qian, H. Rashid, P. Montemaggi, R. Trignani, C. West, W. Grand, C. Sibata, D. Guerrero, N. James, R. Bramer, H. Pahlke, N. Banik, M. Hövels, H. J. J. A. Bernsen, P. F. J. W. Rijken, B. P. J. Van der Sanden, N. E. M. Hagemeier, A. J. Van der Kogel, P. J. Koehler, H. Verbiest, J. Jager, A. McIlwrath, R. Brown, C. Mottolesb, A. Pierre'Kahn, M. Croux, J. Marchai, P. Delhemes, M. Tremoulet, B. Stilhart, J. Chazai, P. Caillaud, R. Ravon, J. Passacha, E. Bouffet, C. M. F. Dirven, J. J. A. Mooy, W. M. Molenaar, G. M. Lewandowicz, N. Grant, W. Harkness, R. Hayward, D. G. T. Thomas, J. L. Darling, N. Delepine, I. I. Subovici, B. Cornille, S. Markowska, JC. Desbois Alkallaf, J. KühI, D. Niethammer, H. J. Spaar, A. Gnekow, W. Havers, F. Berthold, N. Graf, F. Lampert, E. Maass, R. Mertens, V. Schöck, A. Aguzzi, A. Boukhny, S. Smirtukov, A. Prityko, B. Hoiodov, O. Geludkova, A. Nikanorov, P. Levin, B. D'haen, F. Van Calenbergh, P. Casaer, R. Dom, J. Menten, J. Goffin, C. Plets, A. Hertel, P. Hernaiz, C. Seipp, K. Siegler, R. P. Baum, F. D. Maul, D. Schwabe, G. Jacobi, B. Kornhuber, G. Hör, A. Merzak, H. K. Rooprai, P. Bullock, P. H. M. F. van Domburg, P. Wesseling, H. O. M. Thijssen, J. E. A. Wolff, J. Boos, K. H. Krähling, V. Gressner-Brocks, H. Jürgens, J. Schlegel, H. Scherthan, N. Arens, Gabi Stumm, Marika Kiessling, S. Koochekpour, G. Reifenberger, J. Reifenberger, L. Liu, C. D. James, W. Wechsler, V. P. Collins, Klaus Fabel-Schulte, Plotr Jachimczak, Birgitt Heßdörfer, Inge Baur, Karl -Hermann Schlingensiepen, Wolgang Brysch, A. Blesch, A. K. Bosserhoff, R. Apfel, F. Lottspeich, R. Büttner, R. Cece, I. Barajon, S. Tazzari, G. Cavaletti, L. Torri-Tarelli, G. Tredici, B. Hecht, C. Turc-Carel, R. Atllas, P. Gaudray, J. Gioanni, F. Hecht, J. A. Rey, M. J. Bello, M. Parent, P. Gosselin, J. L. Christiaens, J. R. Schaudies, M. Janka, U. Fischer, E. Meese, M. Remmelink, P. Cras, R. J. Bensadoun, M. Frenay, J. L. Formento, G. Milano, J. L. Lagrange, P. Grellier, J. -Y. Lee, H. -H. Riese, J. Cervós-Navarro, W. Reutter, B. Lippitz, C. Scheitinger, M. Scholz, J. Weis, J. M. Gilsbach, L. Füzesi, Y. J. Li, R. Hamelin, Erik Van de Kelft, Erna Dams, Jean -Jacques Martin, Patrick Willems, J. Erdmann, R. E. Wurm, S. Sardell, J. D. Graham, Jun -ichi Kuratsu, M. Aichholzer, K. Rössler, F. Alesch, A. Ertl, P. S. Sorensen, S. Helweg-Larsen, H. Mourldsen, H. H. Hansen, S. Y. El Sharoum, M. W. Berfelo, P. H. M. H. Theunissen, I. Fedorcsák, I. Nyáry, É. Osztie, Á. Horvath, G. Kontra, J. Burgoni-chuzel, P. Paquis, SW. Hansen, PS. Sørensen, M. Morche, F. J. Lagerwaard, W. M. H. Eijkenboom, P. I. M. Schmilz, S. Lentzsch, F. Weber, J. Franke, B. Dörken, G. Schettini, R. Qasho, D. Garabello, S. Sales, R. De Lucchi, E. Vasario, X. Muracciole, J. Régis, L. Manera, J. C. Peragut, P. Juin, R. Sedan, K. Walter, K. Schnabel, N. Niewald, U. Nestle, W. Berberich, P. Oschmann, R. D. Theißen, K. H. Reuner, M. Kaps, W. Dorndorf, K. K. Martin, J. Akinwunmi, A. Kennedy, A. Linke, N. Ognjenovic, A. I. Svadovsky, V. V. Peresedov, A. A. Bulakov, M. Y. Butyalko, I. G. Zhirnova, D. A. Labunsky, V. V. Gnazdizky, I. V. Gannushkina, M. J. B. Taphoorn, R. Potman, F. Barkhof, J. G. Weerts, A. B. M. F. Karim, J. J. Heimans, M. van de Pol, V. C. van Aalst, J. T. Wilmink, J. J. van der Sande, W. Boogerd, R. Kröger, A. Jäger, C. Wismeth, A. Dekant, W. Brysch, K. H. Schlingensiepen, B. Pirolte, V. Cool, C. Gérard, J. L. Dargent, T. Velu, U. Herrlinger, M. Schabet, P. Ohneseit, R. Buchholz, Jianhong Zhu, Regina Reszka, Friedrich Weber, Wolfgang Walther, L. I. Zhang, Mario Brock, J. P. Rock, H. Zeng, J. Feng, J. D. Fenstermacher, A. Gabizon, M. Beljanski, S. Crochet, B. Zackrisson, J. Elfverson, G. Butti, R. Baetta, L. Magrassi, M. R. De Renzis, M. R. Soma, C. Davegna, S. Pezzotta, R. Paoletti, R. Fumagalli, L. Infuso, A. A. Sankar, G. -L. Defer, P. Brugières, F. Gray, C. Chomienne, J. Poirier, L. Degos, J. D. Degos, Bruno M. Colombo, Stefano DiDonato, Gaetano Finocchiaro, K. M. Hebeda, H. J. C. M. Sterenborg, A. E. Saarnak, J. G. Wolbers, M. J. C. van Gemert, P. Kaaijk, D. Troost, S. Leenstra, P. K. Das, D. A. Bosch, B. W. Hochleitner, A. Obwegeser, W. Vooys, G. C. de Gast, J. J. M. Marx, T. Menovsky, J. F. Beek, V. Schirrmacher, A. Schmitz, A. M. Eis-Hübinger, p. h. Piepmeier, Patricia Pedersen, Charles Greer, Tommy Shih, Amr Elrifal, William Rothfus, L. Rohertson, R. Rampling, T. L. Whoteley, J. A. Piumb, D. J. Kerr, P. A. Falina, I. M. Crossan, K. L. Ho, M. M. Ruchoux, S. Vincent, F. Jonca, J. Plouet, M. Lecomte, D. Samid, A. Thibault, Z. Ram, E. H. Oldfield, C. E. Myers, E. Reed, Y. Shoshan, Tz. Siegal, G. Stockhammer, M. Rosenblum, F. Lieberman, A. J. A. Terzis, R. Bjerkvig, O. D. Laerum, H. Arnold, W. D. Figg, G. Flux, S. Chittenden, P. Doshi, D. Bignor, M. Zalutsky, Juri Tjuvajev, Michael Kaplitt, Revathi Desai, M. S. Bradley, B. S. Bettie, Bernd Gansbacher, Ronald Blasberg, H. K. Haugland, J. Saraste, K. Rooseni, A. J. P. E. Vincent, C. J. J. Avezaat, A. Bout, J. L. Noteboom, C. h. Vecht, D. Valerio, P. M. Hoogerbrugge, R. Reszka, J. Zhu, W. Walther, J. List, W. Schulz, I. I. J. C. M. Sterenborg, W. Kamphorst, H. A. M. van Alplien, P. Salander, R. Laing, B. Schmidt, G. Grau, T. Bohnstedt, A. Frydrych, K. Franz, R. Lorenz, F. Berti, A. Paccagnella, P. L. van Deventer, P. L. I. Dellemijn, M. J. van den Bent, P. J. Kansen, N. G. Petruccioli, E. Cavalletti, B. Kiburg, L. J. Müller, C. M. Moorer-van Delft, H. H. Boer, A. Pace, L. Bove, A. Pietrangeli, P. Innocenti, A. Aloe, M. Nardi, B. Jandolo, S. J. Kellie, S. S. N. De Graaf, H. Bloemhof, D. Roebuck, Pozza L. Dalla, D. D. R. Uges, I. Johnston, M. Besser, R. A. Chaseling, S. Koeppen, S. Gründemann, M. Nitschke, P. Vieregge, E. Reusche, P. Rob, D. Kömpf, T. J. Postma, J. B. Vermorken, R. P. Rampling, D. J. Dunlop, M. S. Steward, S. M. Campbell, S. Roy, P. H. E. Hilkens, J. Verweij, W. L. J. van Putten, J. W. B. Moll, M. E. L. van der Burg, A. S. T. Planting, E. Wondrusch, U. Zifko, M. Drlicek, U. Liszka, W. Grisold, B. Fazeny, Ch. Dittrich, Jan J. Verschuuren, Patricio I. Meneses, Myrna R. Rosenfeld, Michael G. Kaplitt, Jerome B. Posner, Josep Dalmau, P. A. E. Sillevis Smitt, G. Manley, J. B. Posner, G. Bogliun, L. Margorati, G. Bianchi, U. Liska, B. Casati, C. Kolig, H. Grisold, R. Reñe, M. Uchuya, F. Valldeoriola, C. Benedetti de Cosentiro, D. Ortale, R. Martinez, J. Lambre, S. Cagnolati, C. Vinai, M. G. Forno, R. Luksch, P. Confalonieri, J. Scholz, G. Pfeiffer, J. Netzer, Ch. Hansen, Ch. Eggers, Ch. Hagel, K. Kunze, Marc K. Rosenblum, and Frank S. Lieberman
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,Neurology ,Oncology ,Neurology (clinical) - Published
- 1994
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22. Indications de la morphinothérapie intrathécale dans les douleurs chroniques
- Author
D. Menegalli-Boggelli, M. Bensignor-Le Henaff, Y. Lajat, and F. Resche
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Medicine ,business - Abstract
La morphinotherapie constitue un apport certain dans le controle des douleurs cancereuses. L’utilisation parallele des voies intra-veineuses ou sous-cutanees a la seringue electrique, l’apparition des seringues automatiques asservies a un ordinateur (P.C.A.), et des voies trans-dermiques font reposer aujourd’hui la place des voies intra-rachidiennes ou intracerebrales en Oncologie.
- Published
- 1993
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23. La névralgie du glossopharyngien
- Author
J. Mantoura, S. Martin, and Y. Lajat
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,medicine ,business ,Glossopharyngeal neuralgia - Abstract
La nevralgie du glossopharyngien est une pathologie rare et encore mal connue. Ses caracteristiques cliniques, physiopathologiques et therapeutiques sont superposables a celles de la nevralgie trigeminale si bien que cette affection a constamment beneficie des progres realises dans le cadre de la nevralgie trigeminale. Nous avons juge utile de revoir la litterature concernant la nevralgie du glossopharyngien et de realiser une synthese a partir de 145 publications totalisant 603 cas. Deux cent dix-sept patients proviennent de la serie de Rushton et coll. de la Mayo Clinic. La nevralgie du glossopharyngien est 75 fois moins frequente que la nevralgie trigeminale. L’âge de revelation se situerait a la 6e decade. La symptomatologie est surtout nevralgique se compliquant quelquefois de perte de conscience. Les etiologies sont multiples et divisees en deux groupes: les nevralgies essentielles et les nevralgies symptomatiques. La physiopathologie reste encore controversee entre le mecanisme central et le mecanisme peripherique. Enfin, les modalites therapeutiques sont discutees.
- Published
- 1991
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24. Algodystrophies et syndromes apparentés. Diagnostic, physiopathologie, traitement
- Author
Y. Lajat and M. Bensignor Le Henaff
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Sympathetically maintained pain ,Medicine ,business - Abstract
Les signes cliniques, les criteres du diagnostic, les donnees actuelles concernant la physiopathologie et le traitement des algodystrophies et syndromes apparentes sont decrits et discutes a la lumiere d'une revue de la litterature. Le role du systeme sympathique et les possibilites d'intervention a ce niveau sont soulignes.
- Published
- 1991
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25. Methods for in vivo haematoporphyrin derivative quantification: a review
- Author
F. Resche, F. Maloisel, T. Patrice, Mt. Foultier, S. Laniepce, Y. Lajat, T. Le Penven, and G. Stephan
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Singlet oxygen ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Photodynamic therapy ,Dermatology ,Surgery ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Nuclear magnetic resonance ,chemistry ,In vivo ,medicine ,Dosimetry ,Derivative (chemistry) - Abstract
Photodynamic therapy is a new treatment for early carcinomas. Although undergoing phase 1/2 clinical assays, clinical indications for this therapy remain rare mainly because of the approximate dosimetry of HPD uptake by tumour tissues in human beings.
- Published
- 1990
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26. [Malignant pleural mesothelioma. Physical and moral pain]
- Author
Y, Lajat, F, Natali, M, Derzelle, and G, Dabouis
- Subjects
Analgesics, Opioid ,Mesothelioma ,Pleural Neoplasms ,Humans ,Pain ,Pain Management - Published
- 2007
27. Anatomie de l'Espace Epidural et ses implications dans le traitement de la douleur
- Author
D. Mitard, D. Heyman, D. Menegalli-Boggelli, M. Bensignor Le Henaff, F. Resche, and Y. Lajat
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Extradural space ,business ,Epidural space - Abstract
L'Espace Epidural constitue une voie de passage frequemment utilisee en therapeutique de la douleur; une meilleure connaissance de cet espace permet de mieux comprendre les problemes lies a une meconnaissance de ses particularites.
- Published
- 1994
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28. PDT effects of m-THPC and ALA, phototoxicity and apoptosis
- Author
L, Bourré, N, Rousset, S, Thibaut, S, Eléouet, Y, Lajat, and T, Patrice
- Subjects
Microscopy, Confocal ,Photosensitizing Agents ,Light ,Cell Survival ,Protoporphyrins ,Apoptosis ,Aminolevulinic Acid ,DNA Fragmentation ,Rats ,Mice ,Mesoporphyrins ,Photochemotherapy ,Tumor Cells, Cultured ,Animals - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to estimate the efficacy of an endogenous sensitizer (delta-aminolevulinic acid (or ALA) induced protoporphyrin IX (or PpIX)) and an exogenous sensitizer (meta(tetrahydroxyphenyl)chlorin or m-THPC) on two different cell lines, rat colon adenocarcinoma PROb cells and murine melanoma B16A45 (B16) cells, in apoptosis production. After sensitizer incubation, cells were irradiated with an argon dye laser. LD(50) with m-THPC was 2.8 microg/ml and 4.7 microg/ml under irradiation of 25 J/cm(2) respectively for PROb and B16 cells. With ALA, LD(50) was 150 microg/ml and 175 microg/ml under 25 J/cm(2) respectively for PROb and B16 cells. Apoptosis induction by m-THPC or ALA-PDT was detected by DNA gel electrophoresis and quantified using an ELISA assay 24 h after PDT. The maximal apoptosis enrichment factor (MAEF) was reached for 6 microg/ml m-THPC at 10 J/cm(2) for PROb and B16 cells and for 50 microg/ml ALA at 25 J/cm(2) for PROb or B16 cells. Both m-THPC and PpIX are efficient photosensitizers and apoptosis inducers. However, MAEF is obtained by sensitizer or laser doses inducing very different phototoxic effects: MAEF was obtained after m-THPC-PDT with LD(78) for PROb cells and LD(30) for B16 cells and after ALA-PDT with LD(22) for PROb cells and LD(18) for B16 cells. However the overall m-THPC/PDT apoptotic induction (under the curve surface analysis) was not different whatever the cell line for 10 and 25 J/cm(2). On the contrary, ALA-PpIX/PDT apoptotic induction was twice for 25 J/cm(2) as compared to 50 J/cm(2) (p0.01) for both the PROb and B16 cells. These results indicate that the apoptosis rate in PDT cell killing varies considerably according to cell type and sensitizer.
- Published
- 2002
29. Effects of BAPTA-AM, Forskolin, DSF and Z.VAD.fmk on PDT-induced apoptosis and m-THPC phototoxicity on B16 cells
- Author
S, Thibaut, L, Bourré, D, Hernot, N, Rousset, Y, Lajat, and T, Patrice
- Subjects
Dose-Response Relationship, Drug ,Cell Survival ,Colforsin ,Melanoma, Experimental ,Apoptosis ,Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay ,Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitors ,Models, Biological ,Amino Acid Chloromethyl Ketones ,Mice ,Mesoporphyrins ,Photochemotherapy ,Disulfiram ,Tumor Cells, Cultured ,Animals ,Enzyme Inhibitors ,Egtazic Acid ,Melanoma ,Chelating Agents - Abstract
As many types of cells exposed to photodynamic therapy (PDT) appear to undergo apoptosis, various apoptosis inhibitors have already been used in studies of PDT-induced apoptosis. Although these inhibitors decrease apoptosis, their real effect on the phototoxic efficacy of photosensitisers is unclear. The good phototoxicity of m-THPC was confirmed on murine melanoma B16-A45 cells. Toxicity and phototoxicity studies were then carried out using four apoptosis inhibitors: BAPTA-AM, Forskolin, DSF, and Z.VAD.fmk. Although all inhibitors tested blocked PDT-induced apoptosis, none produced a significant modification of the phototoxic effect of m-THPC on B16 cells. It has been suggested that apoptosis and necrosis share common initiation pathways and that the final outcome is determined by the presence of an active caspase. This implies that apoptosis inhibition reorients cells to necrosis, i.e. those cells sufficiently damaged by PDT appear to be killed, regardless of the mechanism involved.
- Published
- 2002
30. Heterogeneity of delta-aminolevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX fluorescence in human glioma cells and leukemic lymphocytes
- Author
S, Eléouet, N, Rousset, J, Carré, V, Vonarx, C, Vilatte, C, Louët, Y, Lajat, and T, Patrice
- Subjects
Adult ,Aged, 80 and over ,Male ,Microscopy, Confocal ,Brain Neoplasms ,Photochemistry ,Biopsy ,Protoporphyrins ,Aminolevulinic Acid ,Middle Aged ,Phototherapy ,Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell ,Kinetics ,Microscopy, Fluorescence ,Leukemia, Myelogenous, Chronic, BCR-ABL Positive ,Tumor Cells, Cultured ,Humans ,Female ,Lymphocytes ,Glioblastoma ,Aged - Abstract
Delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-PDT efficacy is particularly dependent on the quality of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX)-induced synthesis. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of cells from two human cancer types to synthesise PpIX after ALA administration. Biopsies of glioma cells have been obtained from patients with glioblastomas that have or have not been given ALA IV (ex vivo incubation). Peripheral blood lymphocytes, obtained from leukemic patients, have also been ALA-incubated in vitro. In glioma cells, fluorescence heterogeneity was extensive either in ALA infused patients or in ex vivo ALA incubated cells. Mean intensities after 3 h were 110 cts (range 0-340) and 1000 cts (range 0-3600). Similar results were found in leukemic lymphocytes where cell fluorescence varied from 0 to 480 cts with a percentage of fluorescent cells varying with time and from one patient to another. Furthermore, PpIX was not detectable in two patients with CLL. These observations suggest that a marked heterogeneity of ALA uptake and/or PpIX synthesis exists in a given human cancer cell population particularly after systemic administration. Improvements for ALA transformation into PpIX are strongly recommended to ensure the efficacy of ALA/PpIX-PDT.
- Published
- 2000
31. In vitro fluorescence, toxicity and phototoxicity induced by delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) or ALA-esters
- Author
S, Eléouet, N, Rousset, J, Carré, L, Bourré, V, Vonarx, Y, Lajat, G M, Beijersbergen van Henegouwen, and T, Patrice
- Subjects
Photosensitizing Agents ,Tumor Cells, Cultured ,Animals ,Humans ,Esters ,Aminolevulinic Acid ,Fluorescence ,Rats - Abstract
Synthesis of delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) derivatives is a promising way to improve the therapeutic properties of ALA, particularly cell uptake or homogeneity of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) synthesis. The fluorescence emission kinetics and phototoxic properties of ALA-n-pentyl ester (E1) and R,S-ALA-2-(hydroxymethyl) tetrahydrofuranyl ester (E2) were compared with those of ALA and assessed on C6 glioma cells. ALA (100 micrograms/mL), E1 and E2 (10 micrograms/mL) induced similar PpIX-fluorescence kinetics (maximum between 5 and 7 h incubation), fluorescence being limited to the cytoplasm. The 50% lethal dose occurred after 6 h with 45, 4 and 8 micrograms/mL of ALA, E1 and E2, respectively. ALA, E1 and E2 induced no dark toxicity when drugs were removed after 5 min of incubation. However, light (25 J/cm2) applied 6 h after 5 min incubation with 168 micrograms/mL of each compound induced 85% survival with ALA, 27% with E1 and 41% with E2. Increasing the incubation time with ALA, E1 and E2 before washing increased the phototoxicity, but E1 and E2 remained more efficient than ALA, regardless of incubation time. ALA-esters were more efficient than ALA in inducing phototoxicity after short incubation times, probably through an increase of the amount of PpIX synthesized by C6 cells.
- Published
- 2000
32. Cellular Effects of Photodynamic Therapy with Clinical Relevance
- Author
J Carre, Y. Lajat, V Vonarx, S Eleouet, N Rousset, and T. Patrice
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Pathology ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Internal medicine ,Medicine ,Photodynamic therapy ,Clinical significance ,business - Published
- 2000
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- Author
Sylvie Raoul, C. Deligny, Marc Vérin, Y. Lajat, Sophie Drapier, and P. Damier
- Subjects
Male ,Reoperation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Deep brain stimulation ,Deep Brain Stimulation ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Brain Abscess ,Dysarthria ,Drug treatment ,Subthalamic Nucleus ,Device related infection ,medicine ,Humans ,Abscess ,Severe disability ,business.industry ,Parkinson Disease ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,nervous system diseases ,Surgery ,Subthalamic nucleus ,surgical procedures, operative ,nervous system ,Delirium ,Neurology (clinical) ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
Bilateral deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a widely used surgical option for patients with severe levodopa-responsive Parkinson disease (PD).1,2 Hardware-related infection is one of the most burdensome complications of such treatment.3 Despite antiobiotherapy, the hardware usually needs to be removed, and the device with new leads cannot be reimplanted for several months. During this period, patients lose the clinical benefit of DBS and often have increased disability despite the adjustment of drug treatment. We report a patient in whom we performed a bilateral subthalamotomy in 2 steps through the DBS electrodes before removing them because of infection. ### Methods. Bilateral DBS electrodes were implanted in the STN of a 60-year-old man with a 19-year history of PD with severe disability despite optimized drug treatment (table). After adjustment of the DBS parameters and a progressive reduction of drug treatment, there was a clear improvement of PD symptoms with almost no residual motor fluctuations or dyskinesias (table). The patient complained only of a mild dysarthria. View this table: Table Clinical evolution of the patient before DBS, with DBS, and after bilateral subthalamotomy Forty days after lead implantation, he was readmitted with delirium and pyrexia (39°C). The CT scan revealed an abscess (diameter ∼0.6 …
- Published
- 2009
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34. Protoporphyrin IX fluorescence kinetics in C6 glioblastoma cells after delta-aminolevulinic acid incubation: effect of a protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor
- Author
J, Carre, S, Eleouet, N, Rousset, V, Vonarx, D, Heyman, Y, Lajat, and T, Patrice
- Subjects
Oxidoreductases Acting on CH-CH Group Donors ,Sulfonamides ,Photosensitizing Agents ,Protoporphyrins ,Aminolevulinic Acid ,Triazoles ,Fluorescence ,Rats ,Kinetics ,Tumor Cells, Cultured ,Animals ,Humans ,Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase ,Enzyme Inhibitors ,Glioblastoma ,Oxidoreductases - Abstract
PpIX synthesis after incubation with delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is highly variable from one cell to another within a single cell population and in human glioblastomas in vivo. To improve PpIX synthesis, we attempted to modify the PpIX synthesis pathway in a C6 glioma cell model. To perform this experiment we used confocal microspectrofluorometry to analyse the effects of a highly purified form of sulfentrazone (FP846) on the kinetics of PpIX synthesis after ALA administration to living C6 cells. Our results show that PpIX fluorescence was maximal (seven-fold higher than basal values) 3 to 4 hrs. after the beginning of incubation with ALA. FP846 depressed this increase in fluorescence nearly to basal levels not only in C6 cells but also in HT29 and HepG2 cells. Fluorescence spectra shape were not affected by FP846, except for intensity. ALA/PpIX-induced photocytoxicity was perfectly correlated with fluorescence intensity recorded in cell cytoplasm. ALA alone (100 microg/ml) did not induce a significant decrease in cell survival, but irradiation of 25 J/cm2 leading to an overall cell death of 60%. FP846 added together with ALA suppressed ALA/PpIX-induced phototoxicity. The fact that the FP846-induced decrease in PpIX synthesis was not the same in animal and plant cells suggests that the porphyrin metabolic pathway differs due to the relative amounts of substrate or the effect of inhibitor and that another chemical would be needed alone or in combination with FP846 to improve PpIX synthesis.
- Published
- 1999
35. Douleur périnéale et souffrance des nerfs honteux internes
- Author
Labat Jj, M. Bensignor-Le Henaff, J. M. Papon, Y. Lajat, and R. Robert
- Subjects
Gynecology ,Perineal pain ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Regional anesthesia ,business.industry ,medicine ,business - Abstract
Certaines douleurs perineales chroniques peuvent etre rapportees a une souffrance des nerfs honteux internes (NHI): la constance de la symptomatologie clinique d'un patient a l'autre et au cours du temps chez un meme patient, les alterations revelees par les etudes electro-physiologiques, la positivite des blocs diagnostiques, les donnees de l'etude anatomique realisee, les resultats preliminaires des therapeutiques medicale et chirurgicale mises en œuvre apportent des arguments convergents en faveur d'une possible atteinte organique des NHI.
- Published
- 1990
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36. Potential efficacy of a delta 5-aminolevulinic acid bioadhesive gel formulation for the photodynamic treatment of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in mice
- Author
A. M. Leray, S Eleouet, A. Gouyette, T. Patrice, Y. Lajat, P Ioss, V Vonarx, C. Merle, and J Carre
- Subjects
Male ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Bioadhesive ,Pharmaceutical Science ,Protoporphyrins ,Biocompatible Materials ,In Vitro Techniques ,Dosage form ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Barrett Esophagus ,Mice ,Pharmacokinetics ,In vivo ,Stomach Neoplasms ,Gastric mucosa ,Medicine ,Animals ,Fiber Optic Technology ,Pharmacology ,Chromatography ,Photosensitizing Agents ,Protoporphyrin IX ,business.industry ,Gallbladder ,Aminolevulinic Acid ,Disease Models, Animal ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Spectrometry, Fluorescence ,chemistry ,Liver ,Photochemotherapy ,Gastric Mucosa ,Protoporphyrin ,Tissue Adhesives ,Drug carrier ,business ,Gels - Abstract
A delta 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) bioadhesive gel has been developed and evaluated in an in-vivo mouse model for photodynamic treatment of gastric cancer or Barrett's oesophagus. Four gels were tested: noveon AA-1, keltrol T, lutrol and blanose. An initial in-vitro study of gel adhesion showed that noveon and keltrol had longer polyethylene transit times than lutrol and blanose. In-vivo assays indicated that protoporphyrin IX was synthesized by gastric mucosa when ALA-noveon and ALA-lutrol were used (preferable results for noveon). Keltrol was eliminated from the study after these investigations. Only ALA-noveon gel was retained for studies of the relationship between ALA dose and fluorescence. Fluorescence measurements in-vivo showed that ALA concentration and application time had an influence on protoporphyrin IX synthesis. Maximum intensity (2091 counts s−) was found with 2 mg mL− ALA, and fluorescence intensities differed with application time, reaching 1805 counts s− after 240 min. ALA-noveon, showing good adhesion and enabling efficient diffusion of ALA at a pH < 6, was considered the best formulation for maintaining ALA stability.
- Published
- 1997
37. Haemangioblastoma, haemangioblastomatosis, and von Hippel-Lindau disease
- Author
F, Resche, J P, Moisan, J, Mantoura, A, de Kersaint-Gilly, M J, Andre, I, Perrin-Resche, D, Menegalli-Boggelli, Y, Lajat, and S, Richard
- Subjects
Diagnostic Imaging ,Postoperative Complications ,von Hippel-Lindau Disease ,Spinal Cord ,Brain Neoplasms ,Biomarkers, Tumor ,Brain ,Humans ,Spinal Cord Neoplasms ,Prognosis ,Hemangioblastoma - Published
- 1993
38. [Perineal pain and lesions of the internal pudendal nerves]
- Author
M, Bensignor-Le Henaff, J J, Labat, T, Robert, and Y, Lajat
- Subjects
Male ,Humans ,Pain ,Female ,Nervous System Diseases ,Perineum - Abstract
A number of chronic pain syndromes in the perineal area can be related to pudendal nerves suffering. The constancy of symptoms among various patients, and in duration for a particular one, alterations revealed by electrophysiologic studies, pain relief by diagnostic blocks, data from anatomic studies, preliminary results of medical and surgical applied therapies, give consistent arguments for possible organic lesions of pudendal nerves.
- Published
- 1993
39. [Photodynamic therapy]
- Author
F, Guillemin, T, Patrice, D, Brault, M A, D'Hallewin, Y, Lajat, M, Leroy, A, Meunier, and D, Lignon
- Subjects
Lung Neoplasms ,Urinary Bladder Neoplasms ,Brain Neoplasms ,Head and Neck Neoplasms ,Neoplasms ,Humans ,Phototherapy ,Digestive System Neoplasms - Published
- 1993
40. [Intracerebral morphine therapy in cancer patients]
- Author
Y, Lajat, D, Menegalli-Boggelli, M, Bensignor Le Henaff, and F, Resche
- Subjects
Morphine ,Neoplasms ,Humans ,Pain ,Injections, Intraventricular - Abstract
An overview of recent studies concerning opioids and their pharmacokinetics is presented. In the light of these findings it is shown that intracerebral administration may be justified. The authors experience with 63 cases is detailed: all cancer patients in the final stage. Initial dosage by the intraventricular route was 500 to 700 microgram-day but in one case twice daily injections of 1.200 microgram were needed. The dosage needed doubled over the observation period of 2 to 3 months. The mean length of survival was 75 days. Among complications nausea and vomiting were observed in 15 to 35% of the cases, sweating and pruritus in 15%, urinary retention in 15 to 20%. In some cases euphoria, motor excitement and hallucinations occurred. Chronic constipation was present in all cases. Two cases of meningitis were successfully treated by antibiotics. Pain relief was judged excellent or good in 75% of the cases. In 20% other analgesics had to be added to the treatment. In 5% the method failed.
- Published
- 1992
41. [Perineal pain and involvement of the internal pudendal nerves]
- Author
M, Bensignor-Le Henaff, J J, Labat, R, Robert, Y, Lajat, and M, Papon
- Subjects
Electrophysiology ,Male ,Chronic Disease ,Lumbosacral Plexus ,Humans ,Neuralgia ,Pain ,Pain Management ,Female ,Nerve Block ,Perineum - Abstract
A number of chronic pain syndromes in the perineal area can be related to pudental nerves suffering. The constancy of symptoms among various patients, and in duration for a particular one, alterations revealed by electrophysiologic studies, pain relief by diagnostic blocks, data from anatomic studies, preliminary results of medical and surgical applied therapies, give consistent arguments for possible organic lesions of pudental nerves.
- Published
- 1991
42. Editorial
- Author
Y. Lajat
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Published
- 1997
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43. Transplantation and Gene Therapy: Abstract
- Author
Jacques Favre, D. Albe-Fessard, Frédéric Bonnefoi, T. Nedjahi, D.S. Casolino, Märta Segerdahl, Michael Schulder, Arcady V. Korzenev, R. Papasin, Dennis E. Bullard, E. Emery, William T. O'Connor, A. Galvagni, H. Goerzer, Th. Czech, Janine Shulok, K. Boulanouar, L. Mahfouf, Chul-Won Park, P. Grunert, Nicholas Ayache, P. Charles Garell, Ferenc M. Jolesz, F. Lavenne, F. Colombo, Erwan Kerrien, N. Hopf, J. Winters, Bernard Laurent, C.R. Wirtz, F.E. Roux, Yong Ko, Margareta B. Møller, Xiaozhuo Chen, Bengt Linderoth, N.D. Kitchen, A.T. Bergenheim, T. Dohi, D.E. Richardson, M. Aichholzer, H. Iseki, H. Ralph Snodgrass, Marshall Devor, W.R. Niendorf, M.C. Spendel, Marc Sindou, Y. Muragaki, N.L. Dorward, Y. Terada, N. Soliman, K. Takakura, Kyung Hoe Lee, Thomas M. Moriarty, Andrey D. Anichkov, Blaine S. Nashold, Roman Mirsky, Jeffrey Labuz, François Mauguière, H.-P. Richter, R.R. Tasker, D. Heyman, B.L. Bauer, T. Tanikawa, R. Mah, Z. Harry Rappaport, D.G.T. Thomas, Joseph C.T. Chen, Michael J. Levy, K. Ungersboeck, Andrey V. Oblyapin, Audun Stubhaug, L. Casentini, B. Abdennebi, Krupa Shanker, E. Franchin, Jacques Feldmar, René Anxionnat, Catherine Fischer, Kirk Moffitt, Wen-Ching Liu, M. Zanusso, In Ki Mun, Volker M. Tronnier, K. Roessler, K. Seitz, Luc Picard, Eric Maurincomme, Grégoire Malandain, Vadim Yakhnitsa, Andreas Staubert, Peter W. Carmel, C. Manelfe, E. Blondet, T. Taira, M. Guerrero, Mario M. Bonsanto, Kazuhiro Katada, Y. Masutani, Kim J. Burchiel, Tetsuo Kanno, G. Palù, Michael Söderman, J.C. Acevedo, Matthew A. Howard, Laurent Launay, G. Antoniadis, Karen Waddell, Y. Lajat, Patrick Mertens, Jin Woo Chang, Ch. Matula, Franck Sturtz, Luis Garcia-Larrea, K. Yamashiro, Igor O. Volkov, Carl-Olav Stiller, Y. Yoshii, D. Hellwig, Olof Flodmark, Jian-Guo Cui, Ruth Govrin-Lippmann, Mark A. Granner, Philip L. Gildenberg, W. Wagner, Joon Hyong Cho, G. Lanner, A. Cavaggioni, L. Benes, P. Calvi, I. Berry, A. Perneczky, R. Andrews, Michael Knauth, M.R. Gaab, H. Bertalanffy, M. Iwahara, J.R. Schvarcz, P. Shamsgovara, W.Th. Koos, W. Dietrich, Peter McL. Black, Juriy Z. Polonskiy, M. Wallace, C. Vial, Friedrich K. Albert, Serge Bracard, Björn A. Meyerson, Joseph A. Maldjian, Vladimir A. Shoustin, J.P. Ranjeva, P.-Å. Ridderheim, N. Tomiyama, M. Tremoulet, S.A. Rath, Roland Peyron, D. Menegalli-Boggelli, Sang Sup Chung, Jamal M. Taha, Kazuhiko Nonomura, C. Giorgi, Marie-Claude Gregoire, Stefan Kunze, Doros Platika, A. Ishida, M. Daniel Noh, Yong Gou Park, J.H. Song, Vladimir B. Nizkovolos, J. Mukawa, H.W.S. Schroeder, K. Ericson, J. Sabatier, J.F. Kahamba, W. Tschiltschke, O. Alberti, Alf Sollevi, Per Kristian Eide, C.W. Dempsey, Eben Alexander, Ron Kikinis, and R. Deinsberger
- Subjects
Transplantation ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Genetic enhancement ,Medicine ,Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,Bioinformatics - Published
- 1997
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44. Subject Index Vol. 68, 1997
- Author
Nicholas Ayache, Thomas M. Moriarty, G. Antoniadis, Bengt Linderoth, F. Lavenne, Roman Mirsky, Jacques Feldmar, C. Giorgi, Y. Muragaki, Ch. Matula, Michael J. Levy, J.R. Schvarcz, H. Goerzer, T. Taira, K. Ungersboeck, Serge Bracard, Björn A. Meyerson, D.E. Richardson, P. Charles Garell, Marc Sindou, Andrey V. Oblyapin, Audun Stubhaug, N. Hopf, F.E. Roux, E. Blondet, K. Roessler, Sang Sup Chung, Jamal M. Taha, Kazuhiko Nonomura, Igor O. Volkov, C.W. Dempsey, L. Mahfouf, Olof Flodmark, In Ki Mun, Tetsuo Kanno, C.R. Wirtz, Volker M. Tronnier, N. Tomiyama, Grégoire Malandain, W. Tschiltschke, N.L. Dorward, Jin Woo Chang, O. Alberti, Y. Terada, Matthew A. Howard, A. Ishida, D. Hellwig, Alf Sollevi, Per Kristian Eide, Andrey D. Anichkov, François Mauguière, Karen Waddell, M. Tremoulet, R. Andrews, Jeffrey Labuz, N.D. Kitchen, Eben Alexander, N. Soliman, A.T. Bergenheim, K. Takakura, Kirk Moffitt, J.H. Song, L. Casentini, M. Daniel Noh, Yong Gou Park, Catherine Fischer, Jacques Favre, Xiaozhuo Chen, Juriy Z. Polonskiy, M. Wallace, C. Vial, Yong Ko, Marshall Devor, Margareta B. Møller, G. Lanner, Blaine S. Nashold, R. Mah, Joseph A. Maldjian, J. Mukawa, D. Albe-Fessard, Kyung Hoe Lee, B. Abdennebi, Ron Kikinis, D.S. Casolino, E. Emery, Peter W. Carmel, C. Manelfe, Ruth Govrin-Lippmann, W. Wagner, Z. Harry Rappaport, P. Calvi, Luis Garcia-Larrea, Krupa Shanker, Eric Maurincomme, H.W.S. Schroeder, A. Perneczky, Y. Yoshii, J. Winters, K. Ericson, Joseph C.T. Chen, Luc Picard, Vadim Yakhnitsa, Mario M. Bonsanto, Michael Söderman, Vladimir B. Nizkovolos, Bernard Laurent, Vladimir A. Shoustin, J. Sabatier, I. Berry, Michael Schulder, H. Iseki, P.-Å. Ridderheim, Andreas Staubert, J.F. Kahamba, M.C. Spendel, Wen-Ching Liu, Erwan Kerrien, F. Colombo, K. Yamashiro, S.A. Rath, H. Bertalanffy, D.G.T. Thomas, A. Cavaggioni, R. Deinsberger, W.Th. Koos, P. Shamsgovara, J.P. Ranjeva, K. Seitz, Michael Knauth, Y. Lajat, Franck Sturtz, M. Zanusso, W. Dietrich, Friedrich K. Albert, L. Benes, Marie-Claude Gregoire, Stefan Kunze, William T. O'Connor, Peter McL. Black, René Anxionnat, Roland Peyron, D. Menegalli-Boggelli, Kazuhiro Katada, Joon Hyong Cho, Märta Segerdahl, M. Iwahara, Arcady V. Korzenev, M. Guerrero, Dennis E. Bullard, Doros Platika, Ferenc M. Jolesz, Laurent Launay, Kim J. Burchiel, H.-P. Richter, Th. Czech, Janine Shulok, Chul-Won Park, P. Grunert, Y. Masutani, Carl-Olav Stiller, A. Galvagni, Philip L. Gildenberg, M.R. Gaab, Mark A. Granner, K. Boulanouar, T. Dohi, M. Aichholzer, B.L. Bauer, T. Tanikawa, Jian-Guo Cui, Frédéric Bonnefoi, T. Nedjahi, W.R. Niendorf, R.R. Tasker, D. Heyman, J.C. Acevedo, E. Franchin, G. Palù, H. Ralph Snodgrass, Patrick Mertens, and R. Papasin
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Index (economics) ,business.industry ,Medicine ,Surgery ,Subject (documents) ,Medical physics ,Neurology (clinical) ,business - Published
- 1997
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45. TO49 - Éfficacité comparative de l’infiltration par voie latérale de C1-C2 et de la thermolyse de C2 chez 27 patients porteurs de névralgie d’Arnold rebelle
- Author
L. Abgrall, Y. Meas, S. Raoul, Julien Nizard, G. Potel, and Y. Lajat
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,Neurology (clinical) - Abstract
But Evaluer l’efficacite comparative de l’infiltration par voie laterale de C1-C2 et de la thermolyse d e C2 chez 27 patients porteurs de nevralgie d’Arnold chronique superieure a 3 mois, rebelle aux therapeutiques anterieures. Patients L’ensemble des 27 patients (14 femmes et 13 hommes) porteurs d’une nevralgie d’Arnold rebelle et ayant consulte dans le service de neurochirurgie et/ou au Centre de Traitement de la Douleur entre 1994 et 2000, ont ete inclus. L’âge moyen etait de 56 ans ; l’atteinte etait bilaterale chez 7 patients (26 %) ; 6 patients (22 %) avaient ete victimes d’un traumatisme cervical ; 25 patients (93 %) presentaient d’autres signes douloureux ; 5 presentaient un syndrome depressif. Les traitements anterieurs qui n’avaient pas donne de resultat etaient : des antalgiques et/ou des anti inflammatoires chez l’ensemble des patients ; des antidepresseurs 7 fois, des anti-epileptiques 4 fois ; des anxiolotiques 3 fois ; des infiltrations par voie posterieure de l’Arnold 4 fois ; de la kinesitherapie 8 fois et un abord psychotherapique 2 fois. Methodes Seize patients ont beneficie d’une infiltration par voie laterale sous scopie au bloc de neurochirurgie et 11 patients ont beneficie d’une thermolyse. Resultats Dans le groupe infiltration laterale : Efficacite bons et tres bons resultats (69 %), amelioration de la douleur (54 %), duree moyenne de l’amelioration de la douleur de 4 mois et des recidives douloureuses (73%). Tolerance douleur lors du geste (44 %), angoisse lors du geste (31 %), acceptation d’un nouveau geste (69 %), effets secondaires (31 %). Dans le groupe thermolyse : Efficacite : bons et tres bons resultats (69 %), amelioration de la douleur (51 %), duree moyenne de l’amelioration de la douleur : 39 mois, recidives douloureuses (62%). Tolerance : douleur lors du geste (27 %), angoisse lors du geste (18 %), acceptation d’un nouveau geste (54 %), effets secondaires (36 %), sequelles sensitives : gene (73 %), douleur (36 %). Conclusion En fonction des resultats de la litterature, nous proposons actuellement pour le traitement de la nevralgie d’Arnold rebelle au traitement medical et fonctionnel apres 3 mois d’evolution: – une infiltration atloido-axoidienne laterale de C2 sous scopie ; – en cas d’efficacite temporaire d’une duree inferieure a 1 mois : une seconde infiltration atloido-axoidienne laterale ; – en cas d’efficacite temporaire d’une duree inferieure a 1 mois ou d’inefficacite : thermolyse de C2 ou radicotomie chirurgicale selective du nerf d’Arnold.
- Published
- 2004
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46. Mise en évidence de l’activation du récepteur EGF dans les méningiomes atypiques : étude sur tissue microarrays
- Author
Y. Lajat, S. Martin, Delphine Loussouarn, Jean-François Mosnier, and Mario Campone
- Subjects
Pathology and Forensic Medicine - Abstract
Introduction Les nouvelles therapeutiques ciblees contre des recepteurs specifiques dont le recepteur EGF (EGFR) n’ont d’interet que si leur cible est accessible et active. Buts du travail Etude de l’expression de EGFR, EGFR phosphoryle et de l’amplification du gene EGFR de 25 meningiomes sur Tissue microarrays (TMA) par technique d’immunohistochimie (IHC) et hybridation in situ chromogenique (CISH). Materiel et methodes Des puces tissulaires ont ete realisees a partir de blocs d’inclusion en paraffine de 25 meningiomes (3 cylindres par tumeur) : 20 meningiomes atypiques dont 7 ont recidive ; 5 meningiomes classiques ayant servi de controle. Le couple tumeur initiale/tumeur recidivante a ete examine dans 5 cas. L’IHC a ete realisee a l’aide des anticorps diriges contre l’EGFR (dilution 1/50, Dako ® ) et la phosphotyrosine 992 (dilution 1/50, Cell Signaling ® ). L’amplification du gene EGFR a ete recherchee par CISH (polymer detection kit Zymed). Resultats Il existait une expression de EGFR dans 100 % des meningiomes atypiques et recidivants. L’immunomarquage etait membranaire, +/- cytoplasmique, homogene et de forte intensite. L’EGFR etait phosphoryle dans tous les cas. Les 5 meningiomes classiques exprimaient egalement l’EGFR phosphoryle. Aucune amplification genique n’etait observee. Conclusions L’EGFR est fortement exprime dans les meningiomes. Il est phosphoryle, suggerant qu’il puisse activer le signal mitogene par la voie MAPKinase. Cette phosphorylation n’est pas due a une amplification genique. La phosphotyrosine 992 pourrait constituer une cible therapeutique.
- Published
- 2004
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47. Editorial
- Author
Y. Lajat
- Subjects
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Published
- 2000
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48. Preliminary phase II trial of oxaliplatin (L-OHP) in malignant astrocytomas
- Author
C. Maugard-Louboutin, D. Menegalli-Boggelli, Y. Lajat, Pierre Fumoleau, N. Ibrabim, J. Gastiaburu, F. Resche, S. Brienza, and S. Bourdin
- Subjects
Cancer Research ,Oncology ,business.industry ,Phase (matter) ,Cancer research ,Medicine ,business ,Oxaliplatin ,medicine.drug - Published
- 1993
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49. Arrêt circulatoire per-opératoire insolite
- Author
D. Crochet, R. Souron, Debashis Roy, Pinaud M, J.F. Godin, and Y. Lajat
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,Circulatory system ,medicine ,Cardiology ,Mitral valve prolapse ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,business - Published
- 1982
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50. Title Page / Table of Contents / Abstracts
- Author
A. David, A.V. Ciurea, Carmine M. Carapella, A. Sahar, Dale G. Johnson, Y. Lajat, Michael E. Matlak, A. Riccio, Fabrizio Caroli, A. Tenembaum, Gary S. Olson, Thorn Mayer, Alfredo Pompili, Z. Weizman, M. Perlman, Dudley C.E. Halpe, Allen M. Kaplan, Joseph Spataro, Constantin Arseni, Emanuele Occhipinti, Marion L. Walker, Itzhak Shasha, D. Mitard, Jules Cohen, Roberto Mastrostefano, and R. Lebatard-Sartre
- Subjects
Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,medicine ,Library science ,Surgery ,Table of contents ,Neurology (clinical) ,General Medicine ,business ,Title page - Published
- 1981
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