espanolEl articulo tiene como objetivo analizar el fenomeno luminico presente en la Catedral San Jose de Cucuta en horario de 16 horas a 16:45 horas desde los imaginarios colectivos de la comunidad catolica que habita San Jose de Cucuta y desde la incidencia luminica, ubicacion de la catedral y radiacion solar. La investigacion sigue un enfoque cualitativo desde el analisis de contenido, apoyado en analisis cuantitativo y uso de instrumentos como la entrevista y herramientas de simulacion. Resultados muestran categorias emergentes asociados a la fe, como la imagen de la virgen Maria, Jesus redentor, juan el discipulo, resurreccion, asuncion, angeles, alma inmaculada, y frente a explicaciones desde la fisica y elementos como reflectores, luz incidente; se concluye que se constituye el vitral “Jeremias”, en un elemento de la envolvente arquitectonica en la cara oeste que se vincula con los efectos luminicos internos en la zona del presbitero, y ubica de forma estrategica entre el sol y el fenomeno captado, cuya iluminancia podra surgir del fenomeno de la luz a traves solo, de los cristales de forma excepcionalmente blanca como escasas figuras de las columnas, capiteles y el papiro de dicho vitral, sin embargo, la forma de la figura con aspecto humano no corresponde al diseno del cristal con el que se perfila, donde significados, creencias y, la coherencia entre la fidelidad de la representacion, vida de Maria y de Cristo, asociadas a necesidades y creencias de los fieles y su entorno, conmueve, perdura en el imaginario colectivo como simbolo y senal de salvacion. EnglishThe article aims to analyze the light phenomenon present in the Cathedral of San Jose de Cucuta from 16 hours to 16:45 hours from the collective imagination of the Catholic community living in San Jose de Cucuta and from the incidence of light, location of the cathedral and solar radiation. The research follows a qualitative approach from the analysis of content, supported by quantitative analysis and the use of instruments such as the interview and simulation tools. Results show emerging categories associated with faith, such as the image of the Virgin Mary, Jesus the Redeemer, John the Disciple, Resurrection, Assumption, Angels, Immaculate Soul, and facing explanations from physics and elements such as reflectors, incident light; it is concluded that the stained glass window "Jeremiah" is constituted, in an element of the architectonic surrounding in the west face that is related with the internal luminous effects in the zone of the presbyter, and it is located of strategic form between the sun and the captured phenomenon, whose illuminance will be able to arise from the phenomenon of the light through alone, of the crystals of exceptionally white form like scarce figures of the columns, capitals and the papyrus of this stained glass, however, the shape of the figure with human aspect does not correspond to the design of the crystal with which it is outlined, where meanings, beliefs and, the coherence between the fidelity of the representation, life of Mary and Christ, associated to needs and beliefs of the faithful and their environment, moves, lasts in the collective imaginary as a symbol and sign of salvation.