34 results on '"Zečević, Iva"'
Search Results
2. Association between Exposure to Leptospira spp. and Abortion in Mares in Croatia
- Author
Zečević, Iva, primary, Picardeau, Mathieu, additional, Vince, Silvijo, additional, Hađina, Suzana, additional, Perharić, Matko, additional, Štritof, Zrinka, additional, Stevanović, Vladimir, additional, Benvin, Iva, additional, Turk, Nenad, additional, Lohman Janković, Ivana, additional, and Habuš, Josipa, additional
- Published
- 2024
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3. Herpes simplex virus type 1 infection in pet marmoset – case report
- Author
Habuš, Josipa, Stevanović, Vladimir, Huber, Dorotea, Štritof, Zrinka, Boras, Jadranko, Martinković, Krešimir, Perharić, Matko, Zečević, Iva, Hađina, Suzana, Habuš, Josipa, Stevanović, Vladimir, Huber, Dorotea, Štritof, Zrinka, Boras, Jadranko, Martinković, Krešimir, Perharić, Matko, Zečević, Iva, and Hađina, Suzana
- Abstract
A 19-month-old female common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) was presented with a 4-day history of anorexia and behavioral changes. At presentation, a combination of neurological signs, erosions, and ulcerations of the mucous membranes of the oral mucosa and mucocutaneous junction of the lips were observed, suggesting herpesvirus infection. Although etiological and symptomatic therapy was initiated immediately, the animal died the next day. A necropsy was performed, and gross pathology and pathohistology findings indicated a systemic viral infection. Definitive diagnosis was based on the results of molecular testing that demonstrated the presence of human herpes simplex virus type 1. In conclusion, marmosets are a highly susceptible host for human herpes simplex virus. To reduce the risk of infection and prevent this highly lethal disease in monkeys, contact with humans who have symptomatic or asymptomatic forms of HSV-1 should be limited and accompanied by appropriate hygiene measures., Ženka običnog marmozeta (Callithrix jacchus) u dobi od 19 mjeseci dovedena je na Kliniku za zarazne bolesti Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu zbog gubitka apetita i promijenjena ponašanja. Pri zaprimanju uočeni su neurološki znakovi, erozije i ulceracije sluznice usta, jezika i sluznično-kožnih spojeva na temelju čega je postavljena sumnja na infekciju herpesvirusom. Iako je odmah započeta etiološka i simptomatska terapija, životinja je već idući dan uginula. Nakon uginuća obavljena je obdukcija, a dobiveni makroskopski i patohistološki nalazi upućivali su na sistemsku virusnu infekciju. Konačna je dijagnoza postavljena na temelju rezultata molekularnih pretraga kojima je dokazana prisutnost humanog herpes simplex virusa tipa 1. Marmozeti su vrlo osjetljivi na infekciju herpes simplex virusom tipa 1 koji je široko rasprostranjen u ljudskoj populaciji. Kako bi se smanjio rizik od prijenosa infekcije i spriječila ova bolest, koja je za majmune većinom smrtonosna, kontakt HSV-1 inficiranih ljudi, bez obzira na to je li riječ o klinički manifestnoj ili latentnoj infekciji, i majmuna treba biti ograničen i popraćen odgovarajućim higijenskim mjerama.
- Published
- 2024
4. Serological surveillance of equine leptospirosis in Croatia in the period from 2012 to 2022 - a key insight into the changing epizootiology
- Author
Benvin, Iva, primary, Perko, Vesna Mojčec, additional, Maljković, Maja Maurić, additional, Habuš, Josipa, additional, Štritof, Zrinka, additional, Hađina, Suzana, additional, Perharić, Matko, additional, Zečević, Iva, additional, Cvetnić, Marija, additional, and Turk, Nenad, additional
- Published
- 2023
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5. Seroprevalence of canine respiratory coronavirus in breeding kennels in Croatia
- Author
Stevanović, Vladimir, Maurić Maljković, Maja, Gracin, Koraljka, Benvin, Iva, Starešina, Vilim, Kovač, Snježana, Škrinjarić, Alenka, Hađina, Suzana, Zečević, Iva, Martinković, Krešimir, Habuš, Josipa, Štritof, Zrinka, Perharić, Matko, Cvetnić, Marija, Barbić, Ljubo, Stevanović, Vladimir, Maurić Maljković, Maja, Gracin, Koraljka, Benvin, Iva, Starešina, Vilim, Kovač, Snježana, Škrinjarić, Alenka, Hađina, Suzana, Zečević, Iva, Martinković, Krešimir, Habuš, Josipa, Štritof, Zrinka, Perharić, Matko, Cvetnić, Marija, and Barbić, Ljubo
- Abstract
Canine respiratory coronavirus is a relatively new addition to the list of pathogens causing canine infectious disease complex. The virus is highly contagious, with a high prevalence in the dog population worldwide, especially in shelters. This study aimed to establish the presence and risk factors associated with infection in privately owned dogs and breeding colonies. This study was the first to demonstrate the presence of canine respiratory coronavirus in Croatia. Out of the 257 serum samples, 35.03% of dogs from breeding kennels and 43% of pet dogs tested enzyme-linked immunoassay positive, but the difference was not statistically significant. Sex was not an important risk factor, but the seropositivity rate increased with age. Mixing of dogs during hunting, training and dog shows was not associated with a higher seroprevalence in the breeding colonies. Daily cleaning and disinfection showed little effect on the infection spread. The study was done on a limited sample. However, it still provides evidence that the epizootiology of this disease is complex. There is no available vaccine for canine respiratory coronavirus, and further studies on environmental and risk factors will give the valuable data needed to prevent this disease., Pseći respiratorni koronavirus nedavno je dodan na listu patogena koji uzrokuju zarazni kašalj legla. Zbog svoje izrazite kontagioznosti proširio se diljem svijeta, a osobito je čest u pasa u skloništima za nezbrinute životinje. Osnovni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio ispitati proširenost infekcije u pasa u privatnom vlasništvu i uzgajivačnicama te ustanoviti čimbenike rizika koji pogoduju infekciji. Ovo je bilo prvo istraživanje koje je dokazalo prisutnost psećeg respiratornog koronavirusa u Hrvatskoj. Od 257 pretraženih uzoraka seruma 35,03 % uzoraka pasa privatnih vlasnika i 43 % uzoraka pasa iz uzgajivačnica dalo je pozitivan rezultat imunoenzimnog testa. Važno je napomenuti da razlika u seroprevalenciji između ovih dviju populacije nije bila statistički znakovita. Spol također nije bio znakovit čimbenik rizika, ali je seroprevalencija rasla s porastom dobi životinja. Miješanje životinja iz različitih uzgoja, prilikom lova, dresure ili izložbi pasa, nije dovelo do porasta seroprevalencije u uzgajivačnicama. Ni provođenje dnevne dezinfekcije nije znakovito utjecalo na seroprevalenciju. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno na ograničenom broju uzoraka, ali ipak dokazuje složenost epizootiologije infekcije psećim respiratornim koronavirusom. Kako cjepivo još uvijek nije dostupno, dodatna istraživanja čimbenika okoliša i domaćina, važnih za epizootiologiju ove bolesti, dat će važne podatke nužne za provođenje mjera prevencije.
- Published
- 2023
6. Integration of tripartite and cognitive model of anxiety and depression in early adolescence
- Author
Zečević, Iva and Jokić-Begić, Nataša
- Subjects
early adolescence ,tripartitni model ,fiziološka pobuđenost ,Psihologija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Psihologija ,anksioznost ,pozitivni afekt ,depresija ,rana adolescencija ,negative affect ,cognitive model ,anxiety ,udc:159.9(043.3) ,kognitivni model ,tripartite model ,depression ,negativni afekt ,Psychology ,positive affect ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Psychology ,physiological hyperarousal - Abstract
Anksiozni i depresivni poremećaji jedni su od najraširenijih zdravstvenih problema današnjeg doba. Prema tripartitnom modelu anksioznosti i depresivnosti, anksioznost i depresivnost imaju zajednički faktor negativni afekt, dok je nizak pozitivni afekt karakterističan za depresivnost, a visoka fiziološka pobuđenost karakteristična za anksioznost. Temeljna pretpostavka kognitivnog modela je da su emocije i ponašanje osobe u velikoj mjeri određeni načinom na koji osoba misli. Tripartitni i kognitivni model provjeravani su u Hrvatskoj na zdravoj populaciji učenika, no ne i na kliničkoj skupini – djeci koja već imaju razvijen psihički poremećaj. Cilj rada bio je proširiti teorijski model koji objašnjava anksioznost i depresivnost integracijom tripartitnog i kognitivnog modela. Provjereni su tripartitni i kognitivni model te hipotetski integrirana ova dva modela. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 306 djece: 150 učenika osnovnih škola u Zagrebu i 156-ero djece u kliničkoj skupini, koja su se javila u Psihijatrijsku bolnicu za djecu i mladež zbog anksioznog ili depresivnog poremećaja. Korišteni su: Upitnik dječjih misli (CTQ), Skala pozitivnog i negativnog afekta za djecu (PANAS-C), Skala fiziološke pobuđenosti za djecu (PH-C) te Dječja skala depresije (CDI) i Upitnik anksioznosti kao osobine ličnosti za djecu (STAIC). Postavljene hipoteze testirane su usporedbom među skupinama, korištenjem složene analize varijance, regresijske analize i analize traga. Nalazi istraživanja potvrđuju tripartitni model kod djece koja su psihički zdrava, dok je za djecu koja imaju razvijen poremećaj karakteristično da negativni afekt doprinosi objašnjenju depresije, no ne i anksioznosti. Negativne i pozitivne kognicije kod obje skupine objašnjavaju dodatni dio varijance depresivnosti, odnosno anksioznosti. Integrirani tripartitni i kognitivni model, prema kojem pozitivni i negativni afekt te fiziološka pobuđenost posreduju povezanost između kognicija i internaliziranih simptoma, jednako dobro pristaje svim skupinama bez obzira na spol ili klinički status. Dane su smjernice za preventivne programe i terapijske intervencije kod anksioznosti i depresivnosti. Background: Clark and Watson proposed a tripartite model in which symptoms of anxiety and depression in adults are viewed along three broad dimensions. The first, general affective distress or negative affect (NA), is associated with both depression and anxiety; the second, physiological hyperarousal (PH), is specific to anxiety; and the third, a lack of positive affect (PA), is specifically associated with depression. Nonspecific shared symptoms of NA are thought to explain the strong association between measures of anxiety and depression. Negative Affect reflects the extent to which a person is experiencing negative mood states such as fear, sadness, anger, and guilt, whereas Positive Affect reflects the extent to which one reports positive feelings such as joy, enthusiasm, energy, and alertness. Physiological hyperarousal includes somatic tension and hyperarousal (e.g. shortness of breath, dizziness and light headedness, dry mouth) Although formulated with adults, the tripartite model also has important implications for the nature, classification, assessment, and treatment of anxiety and depression in children. A limitation of Clark and Watson's model is that it focuses primarily on affective and physiological symptoms, to the relative neglect of cognitive aspects of anxiety and depression. Fuller incorporation of cognitive phenomena into the tripartite model has important potential benefits. Because several theories of anxiety and depression emphasize the importance of cognitions, identifying cognitive features common and specific to each would enhance our understanding of and ability to differentiate between them. In addition, given the prominence of cognitive approaches to the treatment of anxiety and depression, identifying cognitions associated with each would aid in development and refinement of effective interventions. Thus, our study examined aspects of cognition common and specific to anxiety and depression. According to the Cognitive Model cognitions determine individual’s emotions and behaviour. Tripartite and Cognitive Model have limitations that emanate from their focus on only one aspect of disorders, whether emotional as a basis of the Tripartite Model or cognitions as a foundation of the Cognitive Model. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to improve differentiation between anxiety and depression through combining both models. Aim: The aim of this study is to verify the compatibility between the Tripartite and Cognitive Model through their integration, while observing the specificities related to gender and severity of disorder. Method: The aim of this study is to verify the compatibility between the Tripartite and Cognitive Model through their integration, while observing the specificities related to gender and severity of disorder. Method: Participants In non-clinical sample participants were sixth-grade elementary school students at the age of 12 years from three schools selected for their socioeconomic and geographic diversity in Zagreb. Only children who returned affirmatively signed parental consent forms were allowed to participate in the study. Parent consent and child assent were obtained for 350 children. 33 students failed to complete four or more items and their data were not included in the analyses. The final sample included 317 children (154 boys, 163 girls). The control group criteria was that the child achieved result of M or lower on the depression or anxiety questionnaire. A sample of 150 children were randomly selected according to this criteria, 70 boys and 80 girls. Testing in clinical groups was conducted at Psychiatric hospital for children and youth during a preriod of two years, on a conventional sample of participants divided into two groups: one consisting of clinically depresed subjects and other consisting of clinically anxious subjects. All children were early adolescents. In total, 110 children were selected from the patients of the Psychiatric hospital for children and adolescents, and additional 46 children were recruited from the sample of 350 children, which have participated in the study conducted during the academic year 2008/09. The inclusion criteria for the children in the clinical group was that the child achieved result of M+1SD or greater on the depression or anxiety questionnaire. A total of 156 children were included in the clinical group. Anxiety clinical group consisted of a total of 80 children, 37 boys and 43 girls, while the depression clinical group consisted of 76 children, 40 boys and 36 girls. Procedure Research was conducted in accordance with the Ethical code for research involving children.Investigator visited classrooms to invite students to participate in "a study of children's thoughts and feelings about everyday situations" and to distribute consent forms for students to take home to their parents. Only children who returned affirmatively signed parental consent forms were allowed to participate in the study. Group testing lasted 45 minutes (one school period). Children in clinical group were invited to take part in the study as a part of pychological examinationm, psyhciatrical examination or at the begining of a psychiatrical treatment. Parents who agreed to their child taking part in the study signed a consent form. In the Psychiatric hospital for children and youth the testing was performed individually. As in examination in control group, the examiner read the instructions and children noted their answers and asked for clarification if needed. On each questionaire childen noted their age and sex, and after conclusion the examiner noted into which clinical group the child belongs (anxiety or depression). The diagnosis was made by a psychiatrist based on diagnostic criteria cited in the MKB-10. In the selection of participants care was taken that comorbidity of anxiety and depression disorder was not present. Measures State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) The trait scale of the STAIC was used as a measure of general anxiety (Spielberger, 1973). This scale has been reliably used with children ranging in age from 6 to 16 years. Each of 20 items is scored from 1 (Hardly ever) to 3 (Often true), with higher scores indicating greater anxiety. Coefficient alphas of .81 and .78 along with test–retest reliabilities of .71 and .68 have been reported for girls and boys, respectively. Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) The CDI was used to assess symptoms of depressed mood (Kovacs, 1980/81, 1992). This 27- item self-report measure has acceptable reliability (α = .86) and 1-month test–retest reliability (r = .72), and is suitable for use with children and adolescents aged 7–17 years. A variety of symptoms of depression are assessed (e.g., sleep disturbance, suicidal thoughts, and general dysphoria). Each item consists of three brief statements that describe a range of responses scored as 0, 1, or 2, with higher scores indicating increasing severity (0 denotes an absence of symptom, 1 denotes a mild symptom, and 2 denotes a definite symptom). Respondents rate the degree to which each group of statements describes their mood during the previous 2 weeks. Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C) The PANAS-C is a 27-item scale designed to assess NA and PA in children (Laurent et al.,1999). It includes 12 items on the PA scale and 15 items on the NA scale. Children are asked to rate the degree to which different words (e.g., “interested,” “sad”) describe how they have felt during the past few weeks, on a scale of 1 (Very slightly or not at all) to 5 (Extremely). Laurent et al. (1999) reported acceptable alpha coefficients (.94 and .92 for NA, and .90 and .89 for PA) for the scale development and replication samples, respectively. Good convergent and discriminant validity were also reported, with the NA scale correlating positively with self-reports of depression (r = .60) and anxiety (r = .68), and the PA scale correlating negatively with depression (r = −.55) and to a lesser extent with anxiety (r = −.30). Physiological Hyperarousal Scale for Children (PH-C) The PH-C was developed to complement the PANAS-C, thereby assessing all three components of the tripartite model (Laurent, Catanzaro, & Joiner, 2000). It is an 18-item measure of PH, defined as bodily manifestations of autonomic arousal. Respondents are asked to rate the degree to which different words (e.g., “dry mouth,” “sweaty palms”) describe how they have felt during the past 2 weeks, on a scale of 1 (Very slightly or not at all) to 5 (Extremely). The measure was developed with a nonclinical sample of students in grades 6 through 12. A coefficient alpha of .86 was reported by Laurent et al. (2000). Children's Thought Questionnaire (CTQ) CTQ was used to assess children's self-reported anxious, depressive, and positive thoughts (Marien i Bell, 2004). Ten vignettes, each followed by a series of corresponding thought and mood rating items, were presented in the same order to all children. Vignettes were written to reflect common experiences that are challenging to middle school age children in general, including those with a tendency to worry or experience of anxiety or depression. Vignettes addressed school (e.g., tests, grades), social evaluation (e.g., being criticized or rejected by peers, being called on in class), and health issues. Each vignette is followed by a series of six thought items that were designed to represent anxious (two items), depressive (two items), and positive (two items) cognitive content. Authors wrote items to be consistent with theoretical and empirical literature on cognitive content characteristic of anxiety versus depression. Positive thought items reflect the expectation of a positive outcome, interest or pleasure, or positive self-reference (e.g., "I'm good at this subject"). Using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (not at all like I would think) to 5 (exactly like I would think), children rate the similarity of each cognition to thoughts they would have if they were in the hypothetical situation. A coefficient alpha in our study was .835. Results: Girls reported more anxiety, more negative cognitions and negative affectivity less positive cognitions than boys. No gender differences were found in depression, positive and and symptoms of physiological hyperarousal. Negative affectivity is a significant predictor of anxiety and depression in non-clinical sample. In clinical sample negative affectivity is specific to depression. Lack of positive affect was a significant predictor of depression in both non-clinical and clnical samples. Contrary to the tripartite model, in clinical sample our results showed that negative affect is specific to depression. Physiological hyperarousal was a significant predictor of depression in both non-clinical and clnical samples. Negative and positive cognitions explain additional share of variance in anxiety and depression. Correlation between positive cognitions and depression is partly mediated with positive affect, correlation between negative cognitions and depression is partly mediated with negative affect, correlation between negative cognitions and anxiety is partly mediated with negative affect and physiological hyperarousal. Unexpected finding in this study was that physiological hyperarousal is also predicted by a positive cognitions. Based on these results, we can conclude that the theoretical model explaining anxiety and depression may be expanded to integrate the tripartite and cognitive models. The integrated model described fits equally well to all groups, regardless of sex, health or clinical group. Conclusion: The scientific contribution of this research is improved differentiation between anxiety and depression in early adolescence through a clearer insight into the relationship between emotions, physiological symptoms and cognitions related to the two disorders. Aldough the results do not show differences in how the model fits in regards to sex or presence of psychopathology, age- and gender-specific models to better account for the shared and unique aspects of depression and anxiety in children need to be further explored.
- Published
- 2023
7. Dermatophytosis in dogs and cats
- Author
Štritof, Zrinka, Martinković, Krešimir, Habuš, Josipa, Perharić, Matko, Stevanović, Vladimir, Zečević, Iva, Benvin, Iva, Pintarić, Selma, Cvetnić, Marija, and Hađina, Suzana
- Subjects
Dermatophytosis ,dermatophytes ,dog ,cat ,dermatofitoza ,dermatofiti ,pas ,mačka - Abstract
Dermatofitoze su zarazne bolesti kože i kožnih tvorevina. Uzrokuju ih različite vrste dermatofita, plijesni koje uzrokuju infekcije keratiniziranih tkiva mnogih vrsta životinja i ljudi. Zoonoze su i najčešće se klinički očituju alopecijama. Dijagnostika se provodi dokazom prisutnosti dermatofita u keratiniziranim tkivima. Liječe se topikalnom i sistemskom primjenom antimikotika. Osim liječenja, u sprečavanju širenja na druge životinje i ljude pomaže dekontaminacija okoliša. Dermatofitoze pasa i mačaka proširene su u većem dijelu svijeta, a osnovna znanja o njima potrebna su zbog sve intenzivnijeg kontakta ljudi i kućnih ljubimaca., Dermatophytoses are infectious diseases of the skin and skin structures. They are caused by various species of dermatophytes, molds that cause infections of the keratinized tissues of many animal species and humans. The disease mostly clinically manifests as alopecia. Diagnosis is made by detecting dermatophytes in keratinized tissues. Treatment includes topical and systemic application of antifungal agents. In addition to treatment, prevention of transmission to other animals and humans is enhanced by environment decontamination. Dermatophytoses in dogs and cats are widespread in most parts of the world, and due to the increasingly intense contact between humans and pets, a basic knowledge of these diseases is necessary.
- Published
- 2023
8. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolated from dogs with pyoderma and otitis externa
- Author
Zečević, Iva, Perharić, Matko, Štritof, Zrinka, Hađina, Suzana, Benvin, Iva, Smolec, Ozren, Habuš, Josipa, Ružić, Zoran, and Galić, Ivan
- Subjects
otitis externa, pyoderma, S. pseudintermedius, MRSP, antimicrobial susceptibility - Abstract
Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is an opportunistic pathogen associated with numerous, localized and systemic, infections in dogs. The external auditory canals and skin are the most common sites of S. pseudintermedius isolation. Antimicrobial resistance in obtained isolates is rising steadily for those antimicrobials that are frequently used. The high prevalence of methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius (MRSP) in such infections is of concern and calls for action. The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of isolation of S. pseudintermedius in canine otitis externa or pyoderma and to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates. From January 2021 to May 2022, clinical specimens were collected from 122 dogs with clinical signs of otitis externa and pyoderma. Bacterial growth was detected in 77 (63.1%) dogs. Among the isolated bacteria, a high prevalence of S. pseudintermedius (54.5%) and significant resistance to antimicrobial agents were detected. Only 30.7% of isolates were susceptible to erythromycin and clindamycin, 33.3% to ampicillin, and 42.9% to doxycycline. Higher susceptible rates were observed for amoxycillin/clavulanic acid (69.2%), gentamicin (72.5%), cefalexin (75%), marbofloxacin (76.4%), enrofloxacin (76.6%), and neomycin (76%). A total of 21.4% of the isolated S. pseudintermedius strains were methicillin- resistant (MRSP), with 77.7% of these isolates also described as multidrug-resistant (MDR). According to the increased population of companion animals, these results highlight the importance of MRSP-positive dogs in public health. Implementation of effective AMR control strategies, development of standardized EU antimicrobial treatment guidelines, and national surveillance systems for MRSP in companion animals are urgently needed.
- Published
- 2022
9. The Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates of Suicide Attempts Among Inpatient Adolescent Offspring of Croatian PTSD Male War Veterans
- Author
Boričević Maršanić, Vlatka, Margetić, Branka Aukst, Zečević, Iva, and Herceg, Miroslav
- Published
- 2014
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10. Vesikularni stomatitis
- Author
Starešina, Vilim, primary, Perharić, Matko, additional, Zečević, Iva, additional, Benvin, Iva, additional, Martinković, Krešimir, additional, and Milas, Zoran, additional
- Published
- 2022
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11. Therapeutic potential of faecal microbiota transplantation in dogs
- Author
Zečević, Iva, Štritof, Zrinka, Hađina, Suzana, Stevanović, Vladimir, Perharić, Matko, Benvin, Iva, Cvetnić, Marija, Martinković, Krešimir, Habuš, Josipa, Brkljača Bottegaro, Nika, Lukač, Maja, Zdolec, Nevijo, and Vrbanac, Zoran
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inestinal dysbiosis, FMT, parvovirosis - Abstract
Intestinal dysbiosis is a disruption of microbiota homeostasis caused by an imbalance in the complex ecosystem of intestinal microflora. Restoration of the microbiome has been a promising addition to treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders. Its modulation can be achieved by faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), from a healthy donor into the gastrointestinal tract of an ill recipient. The aim of this study was to investigate efficacy of FMT on the clinical recovery of puppies with parvovirosis. A total of 20 puppies (2–5 mo) where distributed into 2 equal groups: first group received a standard protocol treatment for parvoviral infections (STD) and the other group received FMT in addition to the standard therapy (STD+FMT). Faeces for the FMT procedure were obtained by spontaneous defecation from healthy donors. They had no history of gastrointestinal disorders or administration of antimicrobials in the last year and underwent detailed clinical and laboratory diagnostic procedures. Donor faeces were divided into 10-g aliquots diluted in ringer lactate solution with the addition of glycerol. Transplants were administered into the proximal rectum every other day until improvement of faecal consistency. In the group that received FMT+STD as a treatment protocol, resolution of diarrhoea was significantly faster (p < 0.01) compared to the STD group (median, 3.00 ; range, 1–7 ; mean, 3.8 ; SD, 1.69 days in the FMT group ; median, 6.00 ; range, 5–15 ; mean, 7.5 ; SD, 3.1 days in the STD group). The average number of FMT applications needed for the improvement of the faecal consistency was 2.4 (range 1–4). The FMT procedure of the puppies in the STD+FMT group was not linked to any clinical abnormalities and therefore is considered safe. In conclusion, faecal microbiota transplantation contributed to faster resolution of diarrhoea in puppies with parvoviral infection. Further large-scale studies of FMT therapeutical potential in treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders are needed.
- Published
- 2021
12. The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 virus among dogs in households with confirmed human infection
- Author
Benvin, Iva, Barbić, Ljubo, Kovač, Snježana, Miletić, Gorana, Tabain, Irena, Vilibić-Čavlek, Tatjana, Maurić-Maljković, Maja, Hruškar, Željka, Starešina, Vilim, Habuš, Josipa, Štritof, Zrinka, Martinković, Krešimir, Perharić, Matko, Zečević, Iva, Jurkić, Gabrijela, Stevanović, Vladimir, and Petrović, Tamaš
- Subjects
SARS-CoV-2 ,dogs ,ELISA ,VN test ,seroprevalence ,anthropozoonosis - Abstract
At the end of 2019, a new zoonotic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 appeared, which caused a global pandemic and represents the world most important public health challenge. Initially, sporadic cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been reported in dogs, but with the increased number of disease outbreaks in humans, the number of recorded infections of dogs worldwide is increasing. The primary source of infection in dogs is humans, but dogs' role in the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 is still insufficiently investigated. At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, a study is being conducted about the impact of living in COVID-19 positive households on pet animals' health. Owners who had recovered from COVID-19 were invited to sign their dogs for physical examination and serological testing for SARS-CoV-2. Based on epidemiological and epizootiological parameters, 78 dogs were selected for the serosurvey. Serum samples were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and microneutralisation test (MNT) as a confirmatory method. Both used methods were developed and validated in the Virology Unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb. Of the total number of dogs tested, IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 were confirmed by ELISA in 43.59%, while neutralisation antibodies were confirmed in 25.64% of dog serum samples. Seroprevalence in this study was significantly higher than studies in the United States, Italy and France. In later studies, neutralisation antibodies were detected in between 11.9% and 15.4% of tested dogs. In the general population of dogs in Zagreb, whose owners have an unknown status for COVID-19, the seroprevalence determined by ELISA during the first wave of the pandemic was 7.45%. In comparison, during the second wave, the percentage of infected increased to 14.69%. Compared to the above, the seroprevalence determined by this study is significantly higher, which confirms the increased risk of SARS-CoV- 2 virus infections in dogs from COVID-19 positive households and confirms that COVID-19 is a reverse zoonosis. The high percentage of infections in dogs and the fact that COVID-19 is an asymptomatic infection in a certain number of people also raises the question of the possible use of dogs as sentinel animals, but this needs further investigation.
- Published
- 2021
13. Molecular identification of animal – derived Candida species and their susceptibility to miconazole determined by the broth microdilution method
- Author
Mohorović, Nikola, Mojčec Perko, Vesna, Pinter, Ljiljana, Štritof, Zrinka, Benvin, Iva, Habuš, Josipa, Stevanović, Vladimir, Perharić, Matko, Martinković, Krešimir, Zečević, Iva, Cvetnić, Marija, Hađina, Suzana, Brkljača Bottegaro, Nika, Lukač, Maja, Zdolec, Nevijo, and Vrbanac, Zoran
- Subjects
Candida species, susceptibility, miconazole, broth microdilution method - Abstract
Miconazole (MCZ) is an antifungal drug very often used in topical treatment of local yeast infections in animals. Azole resistance in Candida isolates in human medicine is a well-known fact for decades. Although Candida infections are not so frequently reported in animals, there is growing evidence of resistance to both C. albicans and some nonalbicans Candida species such as C. tropicalis. In this study, we identified thirteen Candida species isolated from healthy and diseased animals to the species level and evaluated their susceptibility to miconazole using the broth microdilution method. Species identification was performed using phenotypic and molecular methods. Polymerase chain reaction was performed with ITS-1 and ITS-4 primers for the amplification of ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8S rDNA region followed with phylogenetic analysis. Susceptibility testing against MCZ was determined according to the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing guidelines for yeasts. The range of tested MCZ concentrations were from 0.0625 to 32 µg/mL. Testing was performed in triplicate on three separate microplates for each sample. The most commonly isolated species was C. albicans with six isolates, followed with two isolates of C. tropicalis and C. palmioleophila, and one isolate of C. krusei, C. lusitaniae and C. zeylanoides. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) values were in the range from < 0.06 to 2 µg/mL. The activity of C. krusei was the highest (2 µg/mL) followed with C. zeylanoides (1 µg/mL) in comparison with the rest of the isolates. In conclusion, C. albicans was dominant species isolated from animal samples. The obtained range of MIC values indicate various susceptibility of tested Candida species. Further investigation of a number of Candida isolates from animal species is needed to identify susceptibility patterns of this yeast in veterinary settings.
- Published
- 2021
14. Antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter upsaliensis isolated from dog feces
- Author
Cvetnić, Marija, Mojčec Perko, Vesna, Brozić, Diana, Pintarić, Selma, Hađina, Suzana, Habuš, Josipa, Stevanović, Vladimir, Perharić, Matko, Martinković, Krešimir, Zečević, Iva, Benvin, Iva, and Štritof, Zrinka
- Subjects
Campylobacter ,Resistance ,Dog - Abstract
Increasing antimicrobial resistance in both human and veterinary medicine is recognized as a major public health problem. Since 2005, campylobacteriosis has been the most commonly reported zoonotic disease in humans (European Union). Dogs have been identified as carriers of Campylobacter species, and their role as a source of infection for humans has been established. Dog feces were plated on mCCDA agar. Campylobacter species were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI TOF). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion method according to EUCAST recommendations using ciprofloxacin (5 μg), erythromycin (15 μg), tetracycline (10 μg) and azithromycin (15 μg). Forty-two isolates of Campylobacter spp. were included in the study, 25 of Campylobacter jejuni and 17 of Campylobacter upsaliensis. Resistance to ciprofloxacin was found in 64.3% of the isolates, to tetracycline in 14.3% of the isolates, to erythromycin in 4.8% of the isolates and to azythromycin in 2.4% of the isolates. In this study, Campylobacter spp. were found to be resistant to one (47.6%) or two (14.3%) classes of antimicrobial agents. The highest resistance values were observed for ciprofloxacin and the lowest for macrolides. The ciprofloxacin resistance observed in this study is among the highest resistance levels reported in human and veterinary isolates. As dogs live in very close contact with humans, this finding may pose a major public health challenge.
- Published
- 2021
15. Značaj kućnih ljubimaca u epidemijologiji COVID-19: što danas znamo?
- Author
Stevanović, Vladimir, Maurić Maljković, Maja, Benvin, Iva, Tabain, Irena, Vilibić-Čavlek, Tatjana, Kovač, Snježana, Hruškar, Željka, Starešina, Vilim, Šmit, Iva, Radin, Lada, Brkljačić, Mirna, Hađina, Suzana, Vrbanac, Zoran, Škrlin, Branimir, Plichta, Valentina, Cvetnić, Marija, Habuš, Josipa, Štritof, Zrinka, Martinković, Krešimir, Perharić, Matko, Zečević, Iva, Jurkić, Gabrijela, Bucić, Lovro, Barbić, Ljubo, Vilibić-Čavlek, Tatjana, Barbić, Ljubo, Savić, Vladimir, Tabain, Irena, and Kaić, Bernard
- Subjects
SARS-COV-2 ,kućni ljubimci ,Hrvatska - Abstract
Više od godinu dana od početka COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) pandemije sve je više dokaza da je učestalost infekcija SARS-CoV-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) u kućnih ljubimaca daleko viša nego se prvotno smatralo. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je od 1. srpnja do 31. prosinca 2020. godine te je obuhvaćalo 78 pasa koji žive u kućanstvima s potvrđenim slučajem infekcije SARS-CoV-2 u ljudi. Pretraženo je i 1069 ostatnih uzoraka seruma pasa zaprimljenih u istom razdoblju na klinike Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a koji su s područja grada Zagreba. Prikupljenih uzorci seruma pretraženi su imunoenzimnim testom (ELISA) koji je za potrebe ovog istraživanja razvijen i validiran. Svi ELISA pozitivni uzorci pretraženi su i mikrotitracijskim neutralizacijskim testom (MNT). Od ukupnog broja pretraženih seruma pasa iz COVID-19 pozitivnih kućanstava, ELISA testom su IgG protutijela dokazana u 43, 59% uzoraka, dok su neutralizirajuća protutijela dokazana u 25, 64% seruma. Vjerojatnost infekcije pasa koji borave u domaćinstvu s inficiranom osobom se nije razlikovala od one ranije utvrđene u ljudi. U pasa zaprimljenih na klinike Veterinarskog fakulteta, 14, 69% uzoraka je bilo ELISA pozitivno. Ovo je gotovo dvostruko viša seroprevalencija nego što je bila zabilježena krajem prvog vala pandemije, kada je iznosila 7, 45%. Značajno je napomenuti da je na kraju istraživanja, u prosincu 2020. godine, gotovo svaki peti uzorak seruma pasa koji su zaprimljeni na klinike Veterinarskog fakulteta bio ELISA pozitivan. Razmjer proširenosti infekcije u populaciji pasa najbolje pokazuje usporedba sa seroprevalencijom SARS-CoV-2 infekcije u ljudi. Tijekom prosinca 2020. godine prikupljeni su ostatni uzorci seruma ljudi koji žive na području grada Zagreba. Serološkom pretragom provedenom u Hrvatskom zavodu za javno zdravstvo, protutijela za SARS-CoV-2 su dokazana u 20, 52% uzoraka. U istom mjesecu seroprevalencija u pasa je bila 18, 56% te nije postojala statistički značajna razlika. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da je infekcija SARS-CoV-2 učestala u populaciji pasa. Pokusne infekcije su dokazale značajno veću prijemljivost mačaka na infekciju. U prirodnim uvjetima, vjerojatno zbog razlike u načinu držanja, psi budu podjednako često ili čak češće inficirani. Sa stanovišta javnog zdravstva, ovajje podatak izrazito značajan. Visoki postotak infekcija u pasa, uz činjenicu da je COVID-19 u određenog broja ljudi asimptomatska infekcija, otvara mogućnost korištenja pasa kao sentinel životinja što je potrebno dodatno istražiti. Po drugoj strani, za sada nema indicija da psi imaju značajnu ulogu u epidemiologiji COVID-19 u ljudskoj populaciji, međutim zbog nastanka novih varijanti virusa te smanjenom prijenosu SARS-CoV-2 s čovjeka na čovjeka, ulogu pasa, i domaćih životinja uopće, u epidemiologiji SARS-CoV-2 infekcije je potrebno nastaviti pratiti.
- Published
- 2021
16. Aetiology of viral gastroenteritis in dogs - prevalence and risk factors
- Author
Benvin, Iva, Stevanović, Vladimir, Kovač, Snježana, Škrinjarić, Alenka, Starešina, Vilim, Martinković, Krešimir, Zečević, Iva, Hađina, Suzana, Habuš, Josipa, Štritof, Zrinka, Perharić, Matko, Cvetnić, Marija, Turk, Nenad, Milas, Zoran, and Barbić, Ljubo
- Subjects
viral gastroenteritis ,dog ,canine parvovirus type 2 ,canine distemper virus ,canine coronavirus ,canine adenovirus ,canine bocavirus ,animal diseases ,viruses - Abstract
Viral gastroenteritis is a common disease in dogs. Causative agents of canine viral gastroenteritis include canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2), canine distemper virus (CDV), canine coronavirus (CCoV), canine adenovirus (CAV) and canine bocavirus (CBoV). A total of 97 dog rectal swabs, admitted for molecular diagnostics at the Virology Unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the University of Zagreb, from January 2017 to August 2021. These samples were tested for the presence of five viral pathogens (CPV-2, CDV, CCoV, CAV and CBoV) by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). For statistical analysis, available signalment and medical history data were used. Data were analysed using the two-tailed Chi-square test or Fishers' exact test, and p
- Published
- 2021
17. Disk diffusion susceptibility testing of Malassezia pachydermatis and Candida spp. isolated from animals against the three most commonly used antifungal drugs
- Author
Hađina1, Suzana, Mojčec Perko, Vesna , Čičmak, Ana, Štritof, Zrinka, Habuš, Josipa, Starešina, Vilim, Benvin, Iva, Stevanović, Vladimir, Perharić, Matko, Martinković, Krešimir, Zečević, Iva, and Pinter, Ljiljana
- Subjects
Malassezia pachydermatis, Candida spp., disk diffusion susceptibility testing, animals - Abstract
Objectives: Malassezia yeasts are considered to be the inhabitants of skin microbiota of healthy animals and humans accompanied by Candida. Under certain conditions, they could become opportunistic pathogens where the most frequently isolated species is M. pachydermatis, causing otitis and dermatitis, mainly in dogs. Candida species might occasionally cause not only ear or skin infections, but also systemic infections in cats, dogs, horses, cattle, pigs, parrots and other animal species. In the past decade there is an increase in the number of reports of Candida spp. resistance and reduced susceptibility of M. pachydermatis in veterinary medicine. In addition, several case reports documented zoonotic transmission of M. pachydermatis to immunocompromised individuals. Taken together, these facts point to growing concerns about fungal resistance in human and veterinary medicine and suggest the need of regular antifungal susceptibility testing of human and animal isolates. The aim of this study was to examine the antifungal susceptibility of M. pachydermatis and Candida isolates originating from different animal samples submitted to Mycology laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Croatia. Disk diffusion test was used for screening of susceptibility of isolated species against most commonly used antifungal drugs in clinical settings: miconazole (MCZ) and clotrimazole (CTZ) for topical treatment and itraconazole (ITZ) for systemic therapy. Methods: Swab samples were plated on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) with the addition of chloramphenicol. M. pachydermatis strains were identified by conventional laboratory methods and their ability to grow on SDA without lipid supplementation. The identification of Candida isolates was based on their phenotypic characterization and molecular methods using the universal ITS-1 and ITS-4 primers for amplification of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), ITS2 regions and the 5.8S ribosomal DNA region followed by sequence-based identification. Susceptibility of Candida isolates was determined as described by the CLSI M44-A2 method using MCZ, CTZ and ITZ disks (10 µg, Neo-Sensitabs, Rosco, Denmark). Because the standard procedure for Candida susceptibility testing cannot be applied to M. pachydermatis, recommended modified protocol was used. The results were interpreted according to manufacturer’s guidelines. Results: A total of 175 M. pacyhdermatis and 10 Candida species (four C. albicans, two C. tropicalis, two C. palmioleophila, one C krusei and one C. lusitaniae) were recovered from different animal species. Using modified disk diffusion test one isolate of M. pachydermatis showed reduced susceptibility to all three antifungal drugs tested. In addition, one isolate showed reduced susceptibility to CTZ, and three isolates to MCZ. All Candida isolates were susceptible to CTZ, five showed simultaneously resistance to MCZ and ITZ, and two isolates to ITZ alone. In both yeast species, the highest susceptibility was detected to CTZ. Despite the small sample size, the fungal antifungal susceptibility pattern showed that Candida isolates were more frequently resistant to tested antifungal drugs. Conclusion: Results of this study showed the presence of potentially resistant yeast isolates from animals. In order to obtain a detailed insight into their resistance pattern and the appropriate choice of antifungal treatment, further tests using broth microdilution method need to be performed.
- Published
- 2021
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18. High carriage rate of methicillin-resistant staphylococci in small animal veterinary clinicians – indirect evidence of zoonotic transmission
- Author
Kajmić, Ana, Jutriša, Anja, Mojčec Perko, Vesna, Habuš, Josipa, Hađina, Suzana, Pintarić, Selma, Stevanović, Vladimir, Perharić, Matko, Martinković, Krešimir, Zečević, Iva, Cvetnić, Marija, Benvin, Iva, and Štritof, Zrinka
- Subjects
CoPS ,MRCoNS ,Staphylococcus - Abstract
The increase in bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents that has been observed worldwide in recent decades is one of the most serious public health problems of today. One way to combat this problem is to adhere to biosafety measures in clinical work to prevent the spread of infection, overuse of antibiotics, and selection of resistant bacteria. The use and effectiveness of biosecurity measures in veterinary clinics is often evaluated by monitoring mucosal colonization of clinicians with methicillin-resistant staphylococci (MRS). Studies of the incidence of MRS in various populations have in many cases shown a higher incidence of infection and mucosal colonization by MRS in occupationally exposed individuals, such as veterinarians. This study included 79 veterinary professionals from five different clinics, whose nasal and buccal mucosa swabs were self-collected. Methicillin-resistant staphylococci were isolated by selective isolation procedures. Staphylococci were identified by cultural, morphological and biochemical characteristics. Furthermore, methicillin resistance was assessed by a disk diffusion phenotype assay according to EUCAST and confirmed by detection of the mecA gene by polymerase chain reaction as previously described. Methicillin-resistant staphylococci were isolated from 93.7% study participants. From 84.3% of them, more than one MRS isolate was isolated. In 73.0% of them, MRS was isolated from both nasal and buccal mucosa. Out of 144 MRS isolates, 4 (2.8%) were coagulase-positive staphylococci (CoPS) of the Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) species. The majority of isolates (97.2%) were methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCoNS). In all 144 isolates, the presence mecA gene was detected by PCR, thus confirming methicillin resistance of isolates. The high incidence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcal colonization is of concern because of the potential for opportunistic and nosocomial infections and transmission of genes responsible for methicillin resistance to coagulase-positive staphylococci. This is the first study on colonization of veterinary professionals in the Republic of Croatia. The results of this study may contribute to an even better implementation of biosecurity measures in everyday work.
- Published
- 2021
19. Trapped neutrophil syndrome – a case report
- Author
Zečević, Iva, Štritof, Zrinka, Hađina, Suzana, Stevanović, Vladimir, Martinković, Krešimir, Perharić, Matko, and Radmanić, Luka, Habuš, Josipa
- Subjects
TNS, border collie, case report - Abstract
Trapped neutrophil syndrome (TNS) in Border Collies is an autosomal recessive inherited condition. This disease is poorly described in the scientific literature, but it is suggested that observed problems are primarily related to recurrent infections due to inherited neutropenic immunodeficiency. A 3-month-old Border Collie was referred to the Clinic for Infectious Diseases with a history of unilateral ocular discharge, diarrhoea, occasional weakness and incoordination of the hind limbs. A clinical examination revealed a persistent pupillary membrane, pain in the temporomandibular joint, ataxia and weakness in the hind limbs. Signs of occasional aggression and mood changes were also noted. The initial complete blood count (CBC) showed slight anaemia, leukopenia and neutropenia. Biochemistry revealed elevated levels of serum globulins, alanine aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl transferase. Hypoglycaemia was present despite an increased appetite. A partial improvement in the clinical condition was noted after the empirical use of ceftriaxone. The repeated CBCs revealed a normal neutrophil count, but, as all other tests (PCR for distemper, ANA-test, liver function tests, etc.) were negative, a blood sample was submitted for genetic testing. The obtained results revealed that the puppy was a homozygous carrier of a mutation in the VPS13B gene, with both gene copies in the shape of the defective gene responsible for the TNS (mutation). A significant clinical improvement was observed after initiation of oral prednisolone (1 mg/kg BID). During the ensuing three months, the puppy was presented with a relapse of the clinical symptoms on two occasions ; when prednisolone dosage reduction was attempted, and then again after six weeks, when the owner missed one day of therapy. On both occasions, despite an obvious clinical deterioration, neutrophil counts were within the reference range. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first described case of TNS without persistent neutropenia. The obtained findings suggest that genetic testing should be considered for all Border collie puppies presented with cases of unclear aetiology.
- Published
- 2019
20. Molecular diagnostics and phylogenetic analysis of feline immunodeficiency virus env gene in naturally infected cats in Croatia
- Author
2. Kunić, Valentina, Mojčec Perko, Vesna, Štritof, Zrinka, Hađina, Suzana, Habuš, Josipa, Stevanović, Vladimir, Martinković, Krešimir, Radmanić, Luka, Zečević, Iva, and Perharić, Matko
- Subjects
viruses ,virus diseases ,molecular, env gene, FIV, Croatia - Abstract
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is an important viral infection of domestic cats, which occurs worldwide. Like other members of the genus Lentivirus, FIV causes a lifelong infection after the integration of provirus into host cell genome. The virus is mainly transmitted by parenteral inoculation of the virus present in saliva and blood through bites and fight wounds. The aim of this study was to determine persistent FIV infection by proving the specific nucleotide sequences of the provirus env gene as well as to determine the phylogenetic relationships of FIV sequences identified in Croatia. The research was conducted on 14 FIV-positive cats. The infection was confirmed by using the commercially available IDEXX SNAP Combo Plus test. The test detected a FIVspecific antibody to viral antigen gp40 in the blood samples. Prior to molecular testing, DNA was extracted from EDTA-treated cat whole blood using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit. The proviral env gene was amplified with primers FIV-7316F (5ʹ - ATA CCA AAA TGT GGA TGG TG - 3ʹ) and FIV-7868R (5ʹ - TGC AAG ACC AAT TTC CAG CA - 3ʹ). An agarose gel electrophoresis was performed to visualise PCR product. All 14 positive PCR products were sequenced in both directions by using Macrogen Europe. A persistent infection was proved in 14 FIV serologically positive cats by using the stated molecular method. Phylogenetic analyses of the multiplied sequence of FIV proviral env gene, along with the sequences of the env gene from the gene bank, identified the phylogenetic affiliation of all 14 isolates from the territory of the Republic of Croatia to the viral subtype B. In addition to belonging to the viral B subtype, the isolates were phylogenetically shown to correlate with other isolates from the nearest geographic region. The majority of the nucleotide sequences obtained within this research show the highest resemblance with the isolates from Austria. Although phylogenetically all 14 nucleotide sequences of the proviral env gene belong to the B subtype, their mutual heterogeneity was also observed.
- Published
- 2019
21. Motivational Interviewing with Children and Adolescents: Developmental Perspective and a Case Report
- Author
Boričević Maršanić, Vlatka, Zečević, Iva, Kordić, Ana, Flander, Mia, Karapetrić Bolfan, Ljiljana, and Paradžik, Ljubica
- Subjects
Motivational interview ,Ambivalence ,Behavior change ,Children and adolescents ,Motivacijski intervju ,Ambivalencija ,Promjena ponašanja ,Djeca i adolescenti - Abstract
Motivacijski intervju (MI) je na dokazima temeljena, prema klijentu usmjerena, kolaborativna terapijska tehnika za povećanje motivacije za promjenu razrješenjem ambivalencije. MI je razvijen u području ovisnosti i prerastao je u široko korištenu bihevioralnu intervenciju. MI naglašava autonomiju, empatiju te uvažavanje vjerovanja i misli o promjeni pacijenta. Iako može biti samostalna intervencija, MI se koristi i za povećanje motivacije prije početka ili kod gubitka motivacije tijekom zdravstvenog tretmana. Istraživanja MI su primarno bila usmjerena na odraslu populaciju te studije učinkovitosti za mlađu populaciju fokusirane na adolescente i preadolescente, a ne djecu predškolske i školske dobi. Izostanak direktnih istraživanja na djeci mlađe dobi nastao je zbog zahtjeva za određenim stupnjem apstraktnog mišljenja za provođenje MI. Međutim, novija istraživanja pokazuju da je moguće prilagoditi MI teoriju i primjenu na jezik razumljiv i svrsishodan djeci. Korištenje MI materijala specifičnih za mlade s prikladnim i fleksibilnim adaptacijama aktivnosti omogućuje postizanje pozitivnih ishoda kod djece. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati glavne principe MI te suvremene spoznaje o razvojnoj primjerenosti i učinkovitosti MI u djece i adolescenata., Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidenced-based, client-centered collaborative therapeutic method of enhancing motivation for change through the resolution of ambivalence. MI was developed in the field of addictions and has grown into a widely applied behavioural intervention. While it can be a stand-alone intervention, MI may also be used as a springboard for motivation before starting health treatment or to address dips in motivation throughout treatment. MI research have primarily centered on the study of adults, with studies of its effectiveness for youth and children focusing on adolescent and pre-adolescent youth rather than preschool or elementary aged children. The lack of direct study with young children was due to the requirement for some degree of abstract reasoning to conduct MI. However, recent evidence shows that it is possible to translate MI theory and practice into childfriendly language which is understandable and meaningful to younger children. Using MI-based materials specifically aimed at young people and making appropriate and flexible adaptations to the activities help to enable positive outcomes for the children. The purpose of this paper was to provide core principles of MI and the current knowledge on its developmental appropriateness and effectiveness for children and adolescents.
- Published
- 2018
22. Probir i rana detekcija psihičkih odstupanja/poremećaja kod djece u predškolskim ustanovama i adolescenata u osnovnim školama Grada Zagreba Σ rezultati probnog projekta
- Author
Boričević Maršanić, Vlatka, Zečević, Iva, Paradžik, Ljubica, and Karapetrić Bolfan, Ljiljana
- Subjects
Mentalno zdravlje ,Psihički poremećaji ,Djeca i adolescenti ,Primarna i sekundarna prevencija ,Probit - Abstract
Prema podatcima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) 10-20 % djece do 18 godina ima neki poremećaj mentalnog zdravlja, a 50 % psihijatrijskih bolesti razvije se i progredira već u vrijeme djetinjstva i adolescencije. SZO preporuča provođenje javnozdravstvenih edukativnih aktivnosti, programa rane detekcije i intervencije te unaprjeđenje kvalitete zdravstvene skrbi za djecu s mentalnim poremećajima sa ciljem povećanja prevalencije liječenih, smanjenja latencije od početka poremećaja do početka liječenja i unaprjeđenja kvalitete života djece i njihovih obitelji. Poremećaji mentalnog zdravlja djece i mladih zbog visoke prevalencije, značajnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta te mogućnosti liječenja temeljenih na dokazima zadovoljavaju kriterije za provođenje probira. Sveobuhvatni probir prvi je korak u ranoj intervenciji za probleme mentalnog zdravlja djece i adolescenata. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati provedbu i rezultate probnog projekta „Probir i rana detekcija psihičkih odstupanja/ poremećaja kod djece u predškolskim ustanovama i adolescenata u osnovnim školama grada Zagreba“ koji je proveden tijekom 2016. godine.
- Published
- 2017
23. Sva lica dječje depresije - heterogenost kliničke slike depresije u djece i adolescenata
- Author
Boričević Maršanić, Vlatka, Zečević, Iva, Ercegović, Nela, Paradžik, Ljubica, and Grgić, Vesna
- Subjects
depresija ,djeca ,adolescenti ,klinička slika - Abstract
Dječja depresija je heterogeni poremećaj s različitim kliničkim manifestacijama. De - presiju, kao i ostale psihičke poremećaje u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji nužno je promatrati u kontekstu maturacijskih i razvojnih procesa. U kliničkoj slici prisutne su dobno uvjetovane specifičnosti, uz češće iritabilno raspoloženje, somatizacije, odstupanja u ponašanju, agre - siju, hiperaktivnost, školski neuspjeh, konzumiranje droga i alkohola. Rana identifikacija i efikasan tretman nužni su kako bi se smanjio negativan utjecaj depresije na socijalno, obra - zovno i obiteljsko funkcioniranje mladih, rizik za suicida, zlouporabu psihoaktivnih tvari i perzistiranje depresivnih poremećaja u odrasloj dobi. U radu su prikazane karakteristične manifestacije depresije obzirom na dob djece i različite kliničke slike u djece i adolescenata.
- Published
- 2016
24. Uloga humora u medicini i djelovanje klaunova- doktora
- Author
Boričević Maršanić, Vlatka, Zečević, Iva, Vukić, Zoran, Franić, Tomislav, Karapetrić Bolfan, Ljiljana, and Javornik, Svebor
- Subjects
humor ,tjelesna i emocionalna bol ,hospitalizacija ,klaunovi-doktori ,djeca ,roditelji ,medicinsko osoblje - Abstract
Humor ima povoljne učinke na zdravlje jer štiti od negativnih utjecaja stresa i ublažava tjelesnu i emocionalnu bol. Djeluje relaksirajuće, umanjuje strah, tugu i anksioznost te poboljšava imunološki sustav, respiratorni i kardiovaskularni sustav. Omogućuje realniju procjenu situacije i distanciranje od stresa. U bolničkom okruženju korisna je metoda za smanjenje stresa i boli te za postizanje bolje suradnje pacijenata tijekom invazivnih pretraga. Djelovanje klaunova- doktora predstavlja jedinstven način primjene humora u bolničkom okruženju. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da intervencije klaunova-doktora ublažavaju neke negativne učinke hospitalizacije na bolesnike, naročito djecu, jer donose zabavu i smijeh, mijenjaju raspoloženje i percepciju bolesti i liječenja te psihološki osnažuju osobu. Potvrđen je i pozitivan učinak klaunova- doktora na roditelje i članove obitelji bolesne djece, te bolničko osoblje. U radu su prikazane novije spoznaje o učinku humora na tjelesno i mentalno zdravlje te djelovanje klaunova-doktora u svijetu i Hrvatskoj.
- Published
- 2016
25. Usredotočena svjesnost-Mindfulness: Primjena u djece i adolescenata
- Author
Boričević Maršanić, Vlatka, Paradžik, Ljubica, Zečević, Iva, and Karapetrić-Bolfan, Ljiljana
- Subjects
Usredotočena svjesnost ,terapije temeljene na usredotočenoj svjesnosti ,djeca i adolescenti - Abstract
Pojam usredotočena svjesnost (engl. mindfulness) odnosi se na stanje svijesti s pažnjom usmjerenom prema vlastitim iskustvima (tjelesne senzacije, misli, osjećaji) ili prema okolini u sadašnjem trenutku sa stavom neprosuđivanja i prihvaćanja. Iako je usredotočena svjesnost prisutna u tradiciji meditacije religija Istoka i Zapada već više od 2500 godina, terapije bazirane na usredotočenoj svjesnosti (engl. mindfulness based therapy – MBT) uvedene su u suvremenu medicinsku primjenu tek krajem 1970-tih godina. MBT uključuju različite tehnike i intervencije od sjedeće meditacije, vježbi disanja, do meditacije pokreta i primjene usredotočene svjesnosti u svakodnevnom životu i aktivnostima. Istraživanja potvrđuju da MBT imaju pozitivne učinke kod mentalnih poremećaja kao što su depresija, anksiozni poremećaji, poremećaji hranjenja, ovisnosti u odraslih te djece i adolescenata, iako je kod djece i mladih učinak nešto manji nego kod odraslih. MBT dovode i do poboljšanja depresivnih simptoma, anksioznosti, stresa i kvalitete života u bolesnika s malignim i kardiovaskularnim bolestima, kroničnom boli, kroničnim somatskim bolestima. Usredotočena svjesnost smanjuje stres kod odraslih i djece, te je korisna i u prevenciji mentalnog zdravlja (škole, obrazovanje, roditeljstvo, radna mjesta, trudnoća, zatvori), jer poučavanje kako se nositi s frustrativnim situacijama primjenjujući tehnike usredotočene svjesnosti pomaže u suočavanju sa stresom u sadašnjem i budućem životu.
- Published
- 2015
26. New aspects on the laryngeal anatomy of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
- Author
Brzica, Hrvoje, Špiranec, Katarina, Zečević, Iva, Lucić, Hrvoje, Gomerčić, Tomislav, and Đuras Martina
- Subjects
bottlenose dolphin ,Tursiops truncatus ,larynx ,vocal folds ,laryngeal ligaments ,laryngeal cavity - Abstract
The mammalian larynx is an organ which serves as a barrier to prevent food from entering the respiratory system, and in most mammals it is used to produce sound. Although the general morphology of the cetacean larynx has been known for a long time, its detailed anatomy has been poorly studied, which has resulted in many inconsistencies in the available literature, particularly regarding the nature of the dorsal paired cartilages of the arytenoepiglottic tube, and the mucosal folds found in laryngeal cavity. The aim of this paper is to give a comprehensive description of the structures associated with the larynx of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu, 1821), using the well-known laryngeal morphology of humans and various domestic mammals as guidelines. The structure of the larynx was studied in 7 bottlenose dolphins of both sexes, using the classical dissection method on fresh specimens and some conserved with 4 % water diluted formaldehyde. Although careful dissection showed distinct morphological differences between the laryngeal cartilages of the bottlenose dolphin and terrestrial mammals, most of the muscles attached to them were consistent with that of terrestrial mammals. We present structures characteristic to the larynx of the bottlenose dolphin, such as two ligaments which are not present in domestic mammals and humans. Furthermore, based on the comparison with human and animal laryngeal anatomy, we conclude that the dorsal paired cartilages of the arytenoepiglottic tube in the bottlenose dolphin most likely correspond to the cuneiform process of terrestrial mammals, and that the median and lateral folds found in the laryngeal cavity should not be identified as vocal and ventricular folds.
- Published
- 2015
27. Sekundarna traumatizacija djece veterana oboljelih od od Posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja
- Author
Boričević Maršanić, Vlatka, Paradžik, Ljubica, Karapetrić-Bolfan, Ljiljana, Zečević, Iva, and Grgić, Vesna
- Subjects
posttraumatski stresni poremećaj ,veterani ,sekundarna traumatizacija ,djeca ,adolescenti - Abstract
Pojam sekundarna traumatizacija obuhvaća različite psihopatološke simptome koji se javljaju u osoba koje žive uz pojedinca koji je doživio traumu i boluje od posttraumatskog stresnog poremećaja (PTSP). Ratni PTSP naročito negativno utječe na funkcioniranje i odnose u obiteljima veterana, a simptomi izbjegavanja, povlačenja, iritabilnosti, hostilnosti i agresivnosti u okviru ratnog PTSP-a su odgovorni za nastanak simptoma u članova obitelji. Djeca ratnih veterana oboljelih od PTSP-a imaju oko dva puta veći rizik za razvoj psihopatoloških simptoma u odnosu na djecu veterana bez PTSP-a te mogu iskazivati probleme u jednom ili više područja funkcioniranja uključujući simptome somatizacije, depresije, anksioznosti, hiperaktivnosti, slabe socijalizacije, delinkventnog ponašanja, agresije, školskog neuspjeha i PTSP-a. Psihopatološki simptomi u djece veterana oboljelih od PTSP-a nastaju kao rezultat interakcije različitih bioloških, psiholoških i okolinskih čimbenika, pri čemu naročito značajnu ulogu imaju obiteljska disfunkcija i neadekvatni oblici roditeljskog ponašanja oba roditelja. U liječenju psihičkih smetnji djece veterana s PTSP-om potrebno je primjenjivati individualizirani (klinička slika, težina poremećaja, stupanj disfunkcionalnosti, prisutnost rizičnih i protektivnih čimbenika u djeteta, roditelja i obitelji), multidisciplinaran (psihijatar, psiholog, defektolog, radni terapeut, socijalni radnik) i multimodalan pristup (individualna psihoterapija, obiteljska terapija, medikamentna terapija).
- Published
- 2014
28. Posttraumatski stresni poremećaj i somatizacije u hrvatskih veterana
- Author
Nemčić Moro, Iva, Frančišković, Tanja, Britvić, Dolores, Koić, Elvira, Zečević, Iva, and Jukić, Vlado
- Subjects
PTSP ,somatizacije ,ratna trauma ,veterani - Abstract
Dosadašnja istraživanja s ratnim veteranima dosljedno pokazuju da su borbene stresne reakcije i PTSP povezani s povećanim brojem somatskih pritužbi.Istraživanja sa žrtvama katastrofa pokazala su da oni koji su razvili PTSP imaju više fizičkih simptoma nego oni bez PTSP-a.Budući da somatsizacije znatno utječu na oporavak, funkcionalnost i korištenje zdravsene skrbi, ovo istraživanje ukazuje na to da se ne bi smjelo isto zanemariti u planiranju terapije bolesnika.
- Published
- 2014
29. Provjera tripartitnog i kognitivnog modela anksioznosti i depresivnosti u dječjoj dobi
- Author
Zečević, Iva
- Subjects
tripartitni model ,kognitivni model ,anksioznost ,depresija ,djeca - Abstract
Prema tripartitnom modelu anksioznosti i depresivnosti, anksioznost i depresivnost imaju zajednički faktor negativni afekt, dok je nizak pozitivni afekt specifičan za depresivnost, a visoka fiziološka pobuđenost specifična za anksioznost. Kognitivni model pretpostavlja da su u osnovi anksioznosti i depresivnosti kognicije. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti tripartitni i kognitivni model anksioznosti i depresivnosti u dječjoj dobi, a osnovni problem bio je ispitati pojedinačni i međusobni doprinos kognicija, afekta i fiziološkog uzbuđenja u objašnjenju anksioznosti i depresivnosti, te provjeriti postoje li specifični rodni obrasci. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 340 učenika šestih razreda osnovne škole. Korišteni su: Upitnik dječjih misli (CTQ), Skalu pozitivnog i negativnog afekta za djecu (PANAS-C), Skalu fiziološke pobuđenosti za djecu (PH-C) te Dječju skalu depresije (CDI) i Upitnik anksioznosti kao osobine ličnosti za djecu (STAIC). Rezultati su pokazali da nije potvrđen tripartitni model kod djece jer se fiziološka pobuđenost pokazala zajedničkim faktorom i anksioznosti i depresivnosti, kao i pozitivni afekt kod djevojčica. Negativne kognicije pokazale su se zajedničkim faktorom anksioznosti i depresivnosti dok su za ulogu pozitivnih kognicija i pozitivnog afekta nađeni specifični rodni obrasci. Kod dječaka kognicije djeluju izravno na anksioznost i depresivnost, a kod djevojčica preko afekta. Pokazalo se i da su djevojčice anksioznije od dječaka, imaju više negativnog afektiviteta, negativnih kognicija i simptoma fiziološke pobuđenosti. Nisu nađene spolne razlike u izraženosti depresivnosti, pozitivnih kognicija ni pozitivnog afekta.
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Tripković, Mara, Bakija, Ivana, Sindik, Joško, Marlais, Matko, and Zečević, Iva
- Published
- 2017
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31. The Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates of Suicide Attempts Among Inpatient Adolescent Offspring of Croatian PTSD Male War Veterans
- Author
Boričević Maršanić, Vlatka, primary, Margetić, Branka Aukst, additional, Zečević, Iva, additional, and Herceg, Miroslav, additional
- Published
- 2013
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32. Disorder of extreme stress not otherwise specified (DESNOS) in Croatian war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: case-control study
- Author
Nemčić-Moro, Iva, primary, Frančišković, Tanja, additional, Britvić, Dolores, additional, Klarić, Miro, additional, and Zečević, Iva, additional
- Published
- 2011
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33. Family Factors Associated with Auto-aggressiveness in Adolescents in Croatia.
- Author
Tripković, Mara, Frančišković, Tanja, Grgić, Neda, Ercegović, Nela, Graovac, Mirjana, and Zečević, Iva
- Subjects
AGGRESSION (Psychology) ,COHESION ,ANXIETY ,GENDER differences (Psychology) ,SOCIAL factors ,SELF-mutilation - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
34. Animal Assisted Therapy and Perception of Loneliness in Geriatric Nursing Home Residents.
- Author
Vrbanac, Zoran, Zečević, Iva, Ljubić, Marijana, Belić, Maja, Stanin, Damir, Bottegaro, Nika Brkljača, Jurkić, Gabrijela, Skrlin, Branimir, Bedrica, Ljiljana, and Zubčić, Damir
- Subjects
PET therapy ,LONELINESS ,NURSING home patients ,GERIATRIC nursing ,QUALITY of life ,MENTAL health - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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