Zorotypus caudelli Karny (Figs. 1, 2, 5) ��� Zorotypus aus Wai Lima���; Karny, 1922: 14���29. Zorotypus caudelli Karny, 1927: 1 ���5; New, 2000: 77���82; Mashimo et al., 2011: 230���237; Dallai et al., 2011: 531���547; Dallai et al., 2012 a: 51���63. Zorotypus sp. MY 1: Yoshizawa & Johnson, 2005: 579; Yoshizawa, 2011: 384. Zorotypus. 325: Yoshizawa, 2010: Supplementary data. Revised description. Apteron male. Body length ca. 2 mm (exclusive of antennae), color glossy brown except membranous regions and yellowish white cercus; head subtriangular, slightly wider than pronotum, with whitish area in posterolateral corner; cephalic chaetotaxy as depicted in Figure 1 A; compound eyes and ocelli absent; antennae 9 -segmented, distal three antennomeres paler (Fig. 5 A), antennomere I slightly curved outward, antennomere II faintly curved, short, about one-half length of antennomere III, antennomeres III���IX longer than wide, length of each subequal to that of antennomere I (Fig. 5 A); both mandibles with five apical teeth and welldeveloped molar region (Figs. 5 B, B���). Pronotum subrectangular, slightly narrowed posteriorly; mesonotum trapezoidal, slightly shorter than pronotum; metanotum trapezoidal, distinctly wider than long, shorter than mesonotum; thorax sparsely setose as depicted in Figure 1 C. Legs with setae of moderate length; tibiae and tarsi of all legs paler in color; posterior surface of profemur broadly setose, anterior and dorsal surfaces covered with setae of moderate length only distally; protibia covered with setae of moderate length, bristles arranged like a comb in distal half along ventral surface, two apical spurs; mesofemur slightly narrower than profemur, anterior surface broadly setose, posterior and dorsal surfaces covered with setae of moderate length on distal half and several short setae on proximal half; mesotibia covered with setae of moderate length, two apical spurs; metafemur broader than profemur, more swollen proximally than distally (Fig. 5 D), anterior surface broadly setose, posterior and dorsal surfaces covered with setae of moderate length on distal half and several short setae on proximal half, ventral surface with four long stout bristles (Fig. 5 D); metatibia covered with setae of moderate length, with two apical spurs. Abdominal terga 1 to 6 (T 1���6) with a single transverse row of four to six setae of moderate length and a few lateral, short setae on each side of midline (Fig. 2 A); T 7 with a single transverse row of one long erect seta and three moderate-length setae, and a few short setae laterally on each side of midline (Fig. 2 A); T 8 with a single transverse row of one short seta, two long erect setae, and four moderate-length setae on each side of midline (Fig. 2 A); T 9 short, with anterior trapezoidal expansion extending beneath T 8 (Figs. 2 A, B); T 10 posteromedially incised, with several moderate-length setae on each side of midline, one pair of stout setae near incision (Fig. 2 B); T 11 with small median upcurved projection (= male mating hook) and two lateral, subtriangular sclerites, several moderate-length setae on each sclerite (Fig. 2 B); epiproct and paraproct unsclerotized; cercus unsegmented, oval, with one long apical seta, three or four subapical moderate-length setae, several short setae, and very long, fine setae (Fig. 2 A); surface covered with numerous minute spicules except at base and apex (too minute to be included in drawing); sternum 1 (S 1) scarcely sclerotized; S 2 weakly sclerotized (Fig. 2 D); S 3 with a single transverse row of several moderate-length setae (Fig. 2 D); S 4���5 with a single transverse row of four to six moderate-length setae on each side of midline (Fig. 2 D); S 6���7 with two transverse rows of moderate-length setae, anterior row with several setae, posterior row with five or six setae on each side of midline (Fig. 2 D); S 8 wider than long, with evenly scattered, moderate-length setae, two longer setae on posterior margin on each side of midline (Fig. 2 D); S 9 trapezoidal, with small, fine setae; posterior margin with two moderate-length setae on each side of midline (Fig. 2 D); S 10 invaginated beneath S 9, not visible externally; S 11 with two lateral sclerites, each with small setae (Fig. 2 B). Genitalia symmetrical (Fig. 5 E); basal plate well sclerotized, posteriorly bifurcate, with long, anterior tonguelike process; flagellum long, sclerotized, coiled; aedeagus with hook (Fig. 5 E). Apteron female. General features corresponding to those of males, except for the following: T 10 not posteromedially incised, with three or four setae of moderate length on each side of midline (Fig. 2 C); T 11 evenly sclerotized, not divided into two halves (hemitergites), with small scattered setae and a pair of paramedian setae of moderate length apically (Fig. 2 C); S 2 well sclerotized, with a pair of small setae apically (Fig. 2 E); S 3 with a single transverse row of six moderately long and short setae of on each side of midline (Fig. 2 E); S 8 extensive, sparsely covered with setae of moderate length, posteromedially with irregular round membranous region; S 9 short and roughly trapezoidal; basad, bifurcate projection extending beneath S 8 (Fig. 2 F), several small setae and two pairs of setae of moderate length along posterior margin (Figs. 2 C, E). Alate. General features as with those of apteron except for the following: body glossy, blackish brown; compound eyes and three black ocelli present (Fig. 1 B). Mesonotum indistinctly divided into slightly pointed prescutum, large mesoscutum and smaller mesoscutellum (Fig. 1 D). Wings as shown in Figure 5 C. Materials examined. Two apteron males, 2 apteron females, 1 de��late male, 1 de��late female, Selangor, Ul Gombak (elevation ca. 200���400 m) and Rawang (elevation ca. 100 m), 10���12 April 2011, coll. Y. Mashimo & R. Machida. Two apteron males, 2 apteron females, 1 alate female, 1 de��late male, Perak, Tapha (elevation ca. 400��� 900 m), 13 April 2011, coll. Y. Mashimo & R. Machida. Four apteron males, 2 apteron females, Pahan, Bukit Fraser, 6 March 2003, coll. K. Yoshizawa. 1 apteron male, 4 apteron females, Pahan, Endau, 9 July 2003, coll. K. Yoshizawa. Apteron and alate specimens were collected under the bark of rotting wood. Zorotypus magnicaudelli Mashimo, Engel, Dallai, Beutel & Machida, sp. n. (Fig. 6) Type series. Holotype, apteron male, MALAYSIA: Cameron Highland, Gunung Brinchang (elevation ca. 1,800 m), 13 April 2011, coll. Y. Mashimo & R. Machida (UKM). Paratypes, 7 apteron males, 6 apteron females, 1 alate female, 1 de��late male, same data as holotype (UKM, SMRC, SEHU). Apteron and alate specimens were collected under the bark of rotting wood. Diagnosis. This species closely resembles Z. caudelli but can be distinguished from that species by the following features: body size approximately 1.5 times larger; six to eight long, stout bristles on ventral surface of metafemur vs. only four in Z. caudelli (Figs. 5 D, 6 D); and basal plate of male genitalia much more robust than in Z. caudelli (cf. Figs. 5 E, 6 E). Etymology. The specific epithet is combination of the Latin term magnus (meaning, ���great���) and caudelli, and is a reference to its larger relative size. Apteron male. Body length ca. 3.5 mm (exclusive of antennae), color glossy brown except for membranous regions and yellowish white cercus; head subtriangular, slightly wider than pronotum, with whitish area in posterolateral corner, with evenly scattered moderate-length setae; compound eyes and ocelli absent; antennae 9 - segmented, distal three antennomeres paler (Fig. 6 A), antennomere I slightly curved outward, antennomere II weakly curved, short, about one-half length of antennomere III, antennomeres III���IX longer than wide, length of each subequal to that antennomere I (Fig. 6 A); both mandibles with five apical teeth and well-developed molar region (Figs. 6 B, B���). Pronotum subrectangular, slightly narrowed posteriorly; mesonotum trapezoidal, slightly shorter than pronotum; metanotum trapezoidal, distinctly wider than long, shorter than mesonotum; thorax with evenly scattered, moderate-length setae. Legs with moderately-long setae; tibiae and tarsi of all legs paler in color; posterior surface of profemur broadly setose, anterior and dorsal surfaces covered with moderately-long setae distally; protibia with moderate-length setae, bristles arranged as comb in distal half along ventral surface, two stout setae ventroapically; mesofemur slightly narrower than profemur, anterior surface with broad setose area, posterior and dorsal surfaces with setae of moderate length on distal half and several short setae on proximal half; mesotibia with setae of moderate length and two apical spurs; metafemur broader than profemur, more swollen proximally than distally as in figure 6 D, anterior surface broadly setose, posterior and dorsal surfaces with setae of moderate length on distal half and several short setae on proximal half, ventral surface with six to eight long, strong bristles (Fig. 6 D); metatibia with setae of moderate length and two apical spurs. Abdominal T 1���6 with a single transverse row of four to six moderate-length setae and a few short lateral setae on each side of midline; T 7 with a single transverse row of one long erect seta and three moderate-length setae, and a few short lateral setae on each side of midline; T 8 with a single transverse row of one short seta, two long erect setae, and four moderate-length setae on each side of midline; T 9 short, with anterior trapezoidal expansion extending beneath T 8; T 10 posteromedially incised, with several moderate-length setae on each side of midline, one pair of stout setae near incision; T 11 with small median upcurved projection (= male mating hook) and two lateral, subtriangular sclerites, several moderate-length setae on each sclerite; epiproct and paraproct unsclerotized; cercus unsegmented, oval, with one long apical seta, three or four subapical moderate-length setae, several short setae, and very long and fine setae; surface covered with numerous minute spicules except base and apex (too minute to be included in drawing); S 1 scarcely sclerotized; S 2 weakly sclerotized; S 3 with a single transverse row of several moderate-length setae; S 4���5 with a single transverse row of four to six moderate-length setae on each side of midline; S 6���7 with two transverse rows of moderate-length setae, anterior row composed of several setae, posterior row of five or six setae on each side of midline; S 8 wider than long, with moderate-length setae evenly scattered and two longer setae on posterior margin on each side of midline; S 9 trapezoidal, with small, fine setae; posterior margin with two moderate-length setae on each side of midline; S 10 invaginated beneath S 9, not visible externally; S 11 with two lateral sclerites, each with small setae. Genitalia symmetrical (Fig. 6 E); basal plate well sclerotized, with broad, robust, anterior tongue-like process, and posteriorly bifurcated; with long, sclerotized, coiled flagellum; aedeagus hooked (Fig. 6 E). Apteron female. General features as in male except as follows: Abdominal T 10 not posteromedially incised, with three or four moderate-length setae on each side of midline; T 11 uniformly sclerotized, not divided into halves (i.e., not divided into hemitergites), with small setae and a pair of moderate-length setae; S 2 well sclerotized with a pair of small setae; S 3 with a single transverse row of six short or moderately long setae on each side of midline; S 8 extensive, sparsely covered with moderate-length setae, posteromedially with round membranous region; S 9 short trapezoidal; bifurcated basad projection present extending beneath S 8, several small setae and two pairs of moderate-length setae along posterior margin. Alate. General features as in apteron except for the following: body glossy with blackish brown coloration. Compound eyes and three black ocelli present. Mesonotum indistinctly divided into slightly pointed prescutum, large mesoscutum, and smaller mesoscutellum. Wings as in Figure 6 C, C���. Zorotypus cervicornis Mashimo, Yoshizawa & Engel, sp. n. (Fig. 7) Zorotypus sp. MY 2: Yoshizawa & Johnson, 2005: 579. Zorotypus. 328: Yoshizawa, 2010: Supplementary data. Type series. Holotype, apteron male, MALAYSIA: Pahang, Endau, 9 July 2003, coll. K. Yoshizawa (UKM). Paratypes, 8 apteron males, 11 apteron females, same data as holotype (UKM, SEHU, SMRC). Diagnosis. This species resembles Z. caudelli and Z. magnicaudelli but can be distinguished from both by the following features: paler body color, six long stout bristles on ventral surface of metafemur (versus different number in the other two species); antler-shaped basal plate of male genitalia; female anteromedian projection of S 9 not bifurcated. Etymology. The specific epithet is combination of the Latin terms cervis (deer) and cornis (horn), and is a reference to the antler-shaped basal plate of the male genitalia. Description. Apteron male. Body length ca. 2.5 mm (exclusive of antennae), color glossy, yellowish brown except membranous regions and yellowish white cercus; head subtriangular, slightly wider than pronotum, with whitish area in posterolateral corner; with moderate-length setae evenly scattered; compound eyes and ocelli absent; antennae 9 -segmented, distal three antennomeres paler (Fig. 7 A), antennomere I slightly curved outward, antennomere II faintly curved, short, about one-half length of antennomere III, antennomeres III���IX longer than wide, length of each subequal to that antennomere I (Fig. 7 A); both mandibles with five apical teeth and welldeveloped molar region (Figs. 7 B, 7 B���). Pronotum subrectangular, slightly narrowed posteriorly; mesonotum trapezoidal, slightly shorter than pronotum; metanotum trapezoidal, distinctly wider than long, shorter than mesonotum; thorax with moderate-length setae evenly scattered. Legs with moderate-length setae; tibiae and tarsi of all legs paler in color; posterior surface of profemur broadly setose, anterior and dorsal surfaces covered with moderate-length setae only distally; protibia with moderately long setae, bristles arranged as comb in distal half along ventral surface, with two apical spurs; mesofemur slightly narrower than profemur, anterior surface broadly setose, posterior and dorsal surfaces with moderate-length setae on distal half and several short setae on proximal half; mesotibia with moderate-length setae and two apical spurs; metafemur broader than profemur, more swollen proximally than distally as in Figure 7 C, anterior surface with broad setose area, posterior and dorsal surfaces covered with moderate-length setae on distal half and several short setae on proximal half, ventral surface with five or six long stout bristles (Fig. 7 C); metatibia with moderate-length setae and two apical spurs. Abdominal T 1���6 with a single transverse row of four to six moderate-length setae and a few short lateral setae on each side of midline; T 7 with a single transverse row of one long erect seta and three moderately long setae, and a few short lateral setae on each side of midline; T 8 with a single transverse row of one short seta, two long erect setae, and four moderate-length setae on each side of midline; T 9 short, with anterior trapezoidal expansion beneath T 8; T 10 posteromedially incised, with several moderate-length setae on each side of midline and one pair of stout setae near incision; T 11 with small median upcurved projection (male mating hook) and two lateral, subtriangular sclerites each with several moderately long setae; epiproct and paraproct unsclerotized; cercus unsegmented, oval, with one long apical seta, three or four subapical setae of moderate length, several short setae, and very long and fine setae; surface covered with numerous minute spicules except base and apex (too minute to be included in drawing); S 1 scarcely sclerotized; S 2 weakly sclerotized; S 3 with a single transverse row of several moderately long setae; S 4���5 with a single transverse row of four to six moderate-length setae on each side of midline; S 6���7 with two transverse rows of moderate-length setae, anterior row with several setae, posterior one with five or six setae on each side of midline; S 8 wider than long, with moderate-length setae evenly scattered, and two longer setae on posterior margin on each side of midline; S 9 trapezoidal, with small, fine setae; posterior margin with two pairs of moderately long setae; S 10 invaginated beneath S 9, not visible externally; S 11 with two lateral sclerites (hemitergites), each with small setae. Genitalia symmetrical (Fig. 7 D); basal plate well sclerotized with short, broad anterior tongue-like process, posterior region bifurcated into long, paired branches, each bearing two small projections; long, sclerotized, coiled flagellum present; aedeagus hooked (Fig. 7 D). Apteron female. General features as in male except as follows: abdominal T 10 posteromedially not incised, with three or four pairs of moderate-length setae; T 11 uniformly sclerotized, not divided into hemitergites, with several small setae and a pair of moderate-length setae; S 2 well sclerotized, with a pair of small setae; S 3 with a single transverse row of six moderately long or short setae on each side; S 8 extensive, sparsely covered with moderate-length setae, posteromedially with round membranous region; S 9 short and trapezoidal, anteromedian part extended anteriorly, not bifurcated, several small setae and two pairs of moderate-length setae along posterior margin (Fig. 7 E)., Published as part of Mashimo, Yuta, Yoshizawa, Kazunori, Engel, Michael S., Abd, Idris, Dallai, Romano, Beutel, Rolf G. & Machida, Ryuichiro, 2013, Zorotypus in Peninsular Malaysia (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae), with the description of three new species, pp. 498-514 in Zootaxa 3717 (4) on pages 499-507, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3717.4.4, http://zenodo.org/record/219646