S pojavom covida-19 se niso spremenile samo naše vsakdanje navade, spremembe so se zgodile tudi na trgu dela. Podjetja so, da so preprečila širjenje okužbe med zaposlenimi, kjer je narava dela to dopuščala, uvedla delo od doma. V magistrskem delu smo proučevali vpliv dela od doma na delovno uspešnost zaposlenih v treh podjetjih, ki delujejo na področju informacijske tehnologije. Na podlagi rezultatov intervjujev smo ugotovili, da, krovno gledano, delo od doma pozitivno vpliva na delovno uspešnost zaposlenih. Večjega odstopanja ni bilo opaziti, saj so vsa tri podjetja delo od doma v manjši in neformalni obliki omogočala že pred pandemijo. Izkazalo se je, da je ravno možnost izbire, ali bo zaposleni delal od doma ali iz pisarne, tista, ki pozitivno vpliva na delovno uspešnost zaposlenih. Dejavniki, ki k temu pripomorejo, pa so še: avtonomnost zaposlenih pri organizaciji svojega dela, organizacijska podpora in dodatna delovna oprema. Podjetja se z večjimi izzivi v času covida-19 in pri prehodu z dela iz pisarne na delo od doma niso srečevala, so pa opazila, da se je oslabila kultura podjetja. S hibridno obliko dela, ki jo omogočajo svojim zaposlenim sedaj in jo bodo tudi v prihodnje, so okrepila kulturo podjetja, zaposlenim pa so s tem pokazala dodatno zaupanje. Tovrstna oblika dela zadosti potrebam vseh posameznikov, tako tistim, ki raje delajo od doma, kot tistim, ki raje delajo iz pisarne svojega delodajalca. Because of Covid-19, not only our daily habits have changed, but also the labor market. To prevent the spread of infection among employees, companies implemented working from home where the nature of the work allowed it. In this master thesis, we researched the impact of working from home on the performance of employees in three IT companies. Based on the results of interviews conducted in the three selected companies, we found that, overall, working from home has a positive impact on employee performance. There was no major deviation, as all three companies already allowed working from home in a small and informal way before the pandemic. It turns out that it is the choice of working from home or from the office that has a positive impact on employees' performance. Other contributing factors are the autonomy of employees to organize their work, organizational support, and additional work equipment. The companies did not face any major challenges during the period of Covid-19 and the transition from office to home working, but they did notice that the company culture was decreasing. The hybrid working arrangements that they are now and will continue to offer to their employees have restored the company culture and shown additional trust to their employees. This type of work meets the needs of all individuals, both those who prefer to work from home and those who prefer to work from their employer's office.