1. Preparation and characterization of poly(ethylene oxide)/phenyl hepta isobutyl polyhedral silsesquioxane (PEO/phenyl hib-POSS) nanocomposite : diploma thesis
- Author
Defterdarović, Haris and Stipanelov-Vrandečić, Nataša
- Subjects
nanokompoziti ,toplinska svojstva polimera ,FT-IR spektroskopija ,punila ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Kemijsko inženjerstvo ,fillers ,polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes ,thermal properties of poymers ,PEO/fenil hib-POSS ,polihedralni oligomerni silseskvioksani ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Chemical Engineering ,nanocomposites ,FT-IR spectroscopy ,diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija u inertu(DSC) ,differential scanning calorimetry in inert(DSC) - Abstract
Nanokompoziti su novi materijali u kojima punilo nanometarskih dimenzija pridonosi novim, poboljšanim svojstvima polimerne matrice. U ovome radu ispitana je priprava nanokompozita poli(etilen- oksid)/fenil hepta izobutil polihedralni oligomerni silseskvioksan (PEO/fenil hib-POSS) miješanjem polimerne matrice poli(etilen-oksida) (PEO) i nanopunila fenil hepta izobutil polihedralni oligomerni silseskvioksan (fenil hib-POSS) u otopini (voda/etanol i kloroform) i u taljevini, u masenim postotcima PEO/fenil hib-POSS od 99/1, 97/3 i 95/5. Uzorci PEO/fenil hib-POSS nanokompozita dobiveni iz otopine i taljevine istraživani su diferencijalnom pretražnom kalorimetrijom u inertu. PEO je djelomično kristalni polimer s približno 70% kristalne faze. Dodatak fenil hib-POSS-a ne utječe na karakteristike DSC krivulja, odnosno na fazne prijelaze PEO-a, niti na udio kristalne faze polimera. FT-IR spektroskopijom također nije uočen utjecaj dodatka fenil hib-POSS-a na svojstva PEO-a. Nanocomposites are new materials in which fillers with nanometric dimensions contribute to the new improved characteristics of polymer matrix. In this thesis, nanocomposite preparation of poly(ethylene oxide)/phenyl hepta isobutyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (PEO/phenyl hib-POSS) by mixing of polymer matrix poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) with nanometric filler phenyl hepta isobutyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (phenyl hib-POSS), was studied. The preparation was carried out in the solution (water/ethanol and chloroform, respectively) and in the melt, where PEO/phenyl hib-POSS mass ratio were 99/1, 97/3 and 95/5. The samples of PEO/phenyl hib-POSS obtained from the solution and from the melt were examined by differential scanning calorimetry in inert. PEO is partly crystalline polymer with approximately 70% of crystalline phase. Addition of phenyl hib-POSS does not affect on characteristics of DSC curves, respectively PEO phase transition nor share of polymer crystalline phase. No influence of phenyl hib-POSS addition on the PEO characteristics was observed by the mean of FT-IR spectroscopy, as well.
- Published
- 2018