Nenehne spremembe v poslovnem okolju silijo podjetja k pravočasnim ukrepom prilagajanja poslovne politike k obvladovanju razvojne krize. Skozi delovanje samega podjetja sta potrebna določeno znanje ter izkušnje usposobljenega najvišjega managementa za dosego konkurenčne prednosti, katera je povezana s prepoznavanjem poslovnih priložnosti. Da bi lahko dosegli pričakovano rast in razvoj podjetja, je pomembno prepoznati stanje podjetja. Torej v kateri fazi razvoja življenjskega cikla je, saj na podlagi te ocene lahko uporabimo ustrezno politiko, ki pomaga k sprejemanju premišljenih odločitev za izboljšanje strukture in dogajanja v podjetju. Podjetja, ki želijo dosegati dolgoročno uspešnost skupaj s kombinacijo lastnosti pionirskega in rastočega podjetja, dosežejo dinamičnost. Dinamična podjetja aktivno spremljajo dogajanja na trgu ter tako s tehtanimi odločitvami vodstvenih delavcev z iskanjem profitnega motiva ustvarjajo novo vrednost in nova delovna mesta. Lahko bi rekli, da so vedno v koraku pred konkurenco, ter da njihov cilj ni preživeti, ampak uspeti. V analitičnem delu magistrske naloge smo tako za izbrano podjetje izvedli diagnozo razvojne stopnje podjetja, kjer smo s pomočjo Pümpin in Prangejeve (1995) metode ugotovili, v kateri fazi življenjskega cikla se proučevano podjetje nahaja. Nato smo na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov raziskali, ali je mogoče v življenjskem ciklu obravnavanega podjetja zaznati tipično razvojno krizo, kot sta jo opredelila Pümpin in Prange (1995) ter opredelitev faz podjetniških kriz po Kropfbergerju (2003). S sintezo spoznanj o kriznem stanju obravnavanega podjetja smo podali nadaljnje ukrepe, ki so pomembni za razvoj podjetja. Zadnji del raziskave smo sklenili z analizo odstopanja dejanskega stanja podjetja od ciljnega stanja dinamičnosti in podali predloge ukrepov za dinamizacijo podjetja. Constant changes in the business environment force companies to take timely measures to adjust business policy to cope with the development crisis. Through the operation of the company itself, it requires certain knowledge and experience of qualified top management to achieve competitive advantage, which is related to recognizing business opportunities. In order to achieve the expected growth and development of the company, it is important to recognize the state of the company. This means recognizing at what stage of the life cycle it is, as we can implement the appropriate politics, that help making informed decisions to improve the structure and happenings in the company. Companies that want to achieve long-term success along with the combination of characteristics of a pioneering and growing company achieve dynamism. Dynamic companies are actively monitoring market developments and thus, with the weighted decisions of managers, they create new value and new jobs by finding a profit motive. We could say that they are always one step ahead of the competition and that their goal is not to survive but to succeed. In the analytical part of the master's thesis, we carried out a diagnosis of the developmental stage of the company for the selected company, where we determined at what stage of the life cycle the study company is located with the help of Pümpin and Prange (1995) method. On the basis of the obtained results, we examined whether it is possible during the life cycle of the company in question to perceive typical developmental crises as identified by Pümpin and Prange (1995) and the definition of the stages of corporate crises according to Kropfberger (2003). With the synthesis of knowledge about the crisis situation of the company, we introduced further measures that are important for the development of the company. The last part of the research was concluded by analysing the deviation of the company's actual state from the target state of dynamics and proposing measures for the dynamization of the company.