Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay and conventional microbiological methods were used to detect bacterial contamination of egg shells and egg content in different commercial housing systems, open house system and evaporative cooling system. A PCR assay was developed for direct detection using a set of primers specific for the invasion by A gene (invA) of Salmonella spp. PCR detected the presence of Salmonella in 2 samples of shell egg from the evaporative cooling system, while conventional cultural methods detected no Salmonella from the same samples., {"references":["V.K. Sharma, S.A. Carlson, Simultaneous detection of Salmonella\nstrains and Escherichia coli O157:H7 with fluorogenic PCR and singleenrichment-\nbroth culture, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, Vol. 66, pp. 5472-\n5476, Sep, 2000.","W.A. Gebreyes, P.R. Davies, W.E.M. Morrow, J.A. Funk, C. Altier,\nAntimicrobial resistance of Salmonella isolates from swine, J. Clin.\nMicrobiol, Vol. 38, pp. 4633-4636, Sep, 2000.","G. 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