2,438 results on '"filosofie"'
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Copyright of Studii de Ştiintă şi Cultură is the property of Studii de Stiinta si Cultura and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
3. Drumurile Savantului, Pedagogului, CetĂțeanului: Grigore Vasilescu, Doctor Habilitat în Filosofie, Profesor Universitar, la 70 de Ani
- Author
Alexandru Rosca
- Subjects
filosofie ,estetică ,știință politică ,procese și probleme globale ,studii europene și regionale ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Nu întâmplător există o vorbă că o persoană, dacă este talentată, este talentată în toate. Această afirmație se referă în întregime doctorului habilitat în filosofie, profesorului universitar Grigore Vasilescu, care a ajuns la jubileul frumos de viață și activitate cu realizări semnificative pe multiple planuri. Despre drumurile Dlui în ascensiunea profesională și cetățenească vorbesc mult și frumos articolele științifice, monografiile editate, culegerile coordonate, conferințele organizate, proiectele internaționale de cercetare, activitățile sociale și civice implementate, doctoranzi care au susținut teze de doctor și sunt acum colegi de breaslă, discipoli, care lucrează sub conducerea Dlui Profesor în domeniul cercetărilor științifice, masteranzi și licențiați, care descoperă sub aceeași coordonare intelectuală tainele cele mai atractive ale profesiei ”relații internaționale” și orizonturi de cercetare în domeniul științelor politice, studiilor proceselor și problemelor globale, studiilor europene, pro ceselor regionale. În toate aceste domenii pe parcursul deceniilor ce s-au scurs s-a evidențiat și s-a remarcat Pedagogul de vocație, Savantul, Omul, Cetățeanul și Patriotul, doctorul habilitat în filozofie, profesorul universitar Grigore VASILESCU, încântat fiind toată viața sa de tot ce e frumos, de poezie, muzică, pictură, de dragoste față de oameni.
- Published
- 2021
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4. Arta de a avea întotdeauna dreptate.
- Author
DINU, Mihail
- Abstract
Copyright of Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor is the property of Wolters Kluwer Romania and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Ştefan Alexandru BĂIŞANU
- Subjects
auguste comte ,sociologie ,istoria sociologiei ,educație ,filosofie ,evoluționism social. ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Acest articol prezintă o scurtă privire de ansamblu asupra fundamentelor sociologiei ca știință. Auguste Comte este considerat primul filosof al științei, în sensul modern al termenului. Influențat de socialistul utopic Henri Saint-Simon, Comte a dezvoltat o filozofie pozitivă în încercarea de a media starea generală a răului social în timpul Revoluției Franceze, creând o nouă doctrină socială bazată pe știință. Comte a avut o influență majoră asupra modului de gândire al unor filozofi reprezentativi în secolul al XIX-lea. Conceptul său de sociologie și evoluționism social a dat tonul primilor teoreticieni sociali, antropologi. Teoriile sociale ale lui Comte au culminat cu „religia umanității”, care prefigurează dezvoltarea non-teistică, umanist-religioasă și secular-umanistă a organizațiilor din secolul al XIX-lea. Comte pare să fi inventat cuvântul altruism. Sociologia devine, în timp, un fel de psihologie, dar o psihologie care nu se bazează pe analiza introspectivă a individului, ci pe analiza subiectului universal, a umanității și a istoriei sale. Sociologia este astfel o filozofie a istoriei sau știința umanității luată în considerare în evoluția sa. Sociologia este punctul culminant și rezumatul tuturor științelor care au precedat-o. Sociologia devine astfel o știință unică. Știința umanității este centrul în jurul căruia sunt ordonate toate celelalte științe.
- Published
- 2021
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sociologie ,istoria sociologiei ,educație ,filosofie ,culturi. ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Concepțiile despre sociologia generală sunt atât de variate încât cititorul poate deveni foarte confuz în timp ce citește o carte de sociologie. Unii sociologi se ocupă de anumite probleme, în timp ce alții nu se ocupă deloc de ele. Sau, de foarte multe ori, se ocupă doar de un singur aspect al problemelor. În prezentul articol am încercat să explicăm diferitele probleme de interes pentru cititor; în plus, nu am neglijat aspectul istoric al problemelor, deoarece am considerat că ar fi util să arătăm cititorilor modul în care au fost analizate în trecut și modul în care sunt analizate în zilele noastre, prin indicarea soluțiilor sugerate. Nu am dezvoltat nici o problemă de sociologie specială: ne-am ocupat doar de principiile sociologiei generale ca știință și de problemele societății în general, fără a insista asupra unui anumit tip de societate.
- Published
- 2021
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7. Morele vorming en filosofie opnieuw met elkaar verbinden.
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Tilburg University in The Netherlands is distinct from other Dutch universities because it is intent on character formation as an educational goal and offers general philosophy classes to support such character formation. However, these courses focus more on theoretical knowledge than on actual practical competencies and actions. Both these components can be seen as "moral education". My core argument is that moral education should be taught in philosophy classes and my aim is to offer tools as to how to teach both components. In section 2, building on Martha Nussbaum, I will place moral education in a context of different ways of learning ethics. There is more than one way of learning ethics, in which an ordering can be seen from theory to practice. Learning ethics ranges from cognitive learning, through reflection and through judgments, to moral action and moral education: - learning ethics as knowledge-oriented - learning ethics as reflection-oriented - learning ethics as moral judgement-oriented - learning ethics as competence/action-oriented. The latter ways of learning ethics receive less attention in education and these are precisely the ways Nussbaum focuses on. I will argue that moral education has two components: a cognitive and skills component, and an attitude component. For the cognitive and skills component, we discuss the task of the philosophy teacher as well as characteristics of effective philosophy lessons derived from empirical research. Thus, I reconnect moral education and philosophy. Reconnect, in the sense that here I make a (new) connection via empiricism. In section 3, I will outline the teacher's pedagogical task. Teaching scaffolds are important in guiding students through the learning process. Feedback involves the direct evaluation of students' behaviour, whereas hints entail providing clues regarding a given topic (and the deliberate withholding of a complete solution); instructing encompasses requesting a specific action or supplying information so that students understand what to do and how. Likewise, explaining involves providing information concerning how and why. Modelling encompasses demonstrating a behaviour for the purpose of imitation; questioning entails prompting students to think, or to request a specific reaction. In research on the above guiding skills, it has been found within religious and worldview lessons (where moral education also takes place) that in addition to the aforementioned scaffolds, the specific contribution of an effective teacher is to show understanding, give space, and listen. In doing so, it is ensured that learners can form their own opinions. To do this, students will need to be encouraged to think. Of course, moral education does not aim to realise, let alone impose, a unitary view in students, because moral action is always partly dependent on the individual situation and the social context. In section 4, building on John Dewey and Hannah Arendt, I will provide characteristics of effective philosophy lessons derived from empirical research. In How we think, Dewey explains what he means by the thinking that he believes should be trained in education. He defines reflective thought as "active, persistent and careful consideration of any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it, and the further conclusions to which it tends". This kind of thinking corresponds to the notion of producing criticism and reflecting in my own research on doing philosophy effectively. There I argue that doing philosophy occurs in phases during a lesson. To qualify such a moment, we propose the Pearl Model. Pearls have different layers and these layers of pearls represent five philosophical activities: rationalising, analysing, testing, producing criticism, and reflecting. These activities are ordered hierarchically and conditionally. This indicates, for example, that while rationalising exists at a lower level than reflecting, reaching the level of reflection assumes that rationalising also has taken place. Therefore, the higher the level that a pearl reaches and the more layers have been achieved, the more thorough the philosophical understanding, and the more effectiveness of doing philosophy are acknowledged. Metaphorically, a pearl "shines" if the level of reflection has been reached while doing philosophy. A quantitative correspondence analysis yielded a scale that contrasts more from less effective lessons. In particular, we have found students to produce a higher level of doing philosophy with teachers who chose to organize a philosophical discussion with shared guidance, i.e. guidance by the teacher and the students. Here we find the answer to Arendt's initial question whether the activity of thinking could be the condition that makes men abstain from evil-doing: from this thinking, and dialogue, conscience and the ability to judge are effected. Earlier in this paper I indicated that learning ethics ranges from learning ethics as knowledge-oriented, through learning ethics as reflectionoriented and through learning ethics as moral judgment-oriented, to learning ethics as competence/action-oriented. I arrive at the following position here: doing philosophy effectively can be classified as learning ethics as moral judgement-oriented. This is the first component of moral education, focusing on cognition and skills. In section 5, building on Pierre Hadot, I will propose the good as exercise that shapes character: doing good can be classified as learning ethics as competence/action-oriented. This is the second component of moral education, focusing on attitudes. This brings us to another dimension of philosophy, which has to do with the question whether philosophy is something theoretical or rather an attitude. Hadot shows that while Aristotle makes a distinction between theoretical and practical wisdom, this certainly does not imply a separation between the two. That is to say, theoretical wisdom is not completely separated from human life; similarly, practical wisdom is not merely and solely an application of theoretical insights to practice. Moral action and philosophy thus require action in addition to thought: an amalgamation of knowledge, insight, skills, and attitudes. In conclusion, I offer some tools that enable learning ethics in different ways. Supported by research from faculties where character formation is core business, philosophy and theology, we can work on the moral education of students. Not only will students and their teachers benefit, but also the community around the students (e.g., peers and family) and their professional practices (pastoral care, justice, defense, spiritual care, and education) will share in such achievement. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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LIQUID modernity ,ISLAMIC theology ,MYSTICISM ,ISLAMIC law ,SUFISM ,ISLAM - Abstract
Copyright of Scientific Annals of the 'Al. I. Cuza' University, Iasi. Sociology & Social Work / Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii 'Al. I. Cuza' Iasi Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala is the property of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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9. Safety profile of plasma for fractionation donated in the United Kingdom, with respect to variant <scp>Creutzfeldt–Jakob</scp> disease
- Author
Stephen Thomas, Barnaby Roberts, Dragoslav Domanović, Koen Kramer, Denis Klochkov, Sujan Sivasubramaniyam, Dana Miloslavich, Jean‐Philippe Plançon, Françoise Rossi, Dominika Misztela, Lauren Kirkpatrick, Gail Miflin, Janet Birchall, Lorna McLintock, and Richard Knight
- Subjects
Philosophy ,plasma fractionation ,blood safety ,vCJD ,Hematology ,General Medicine ,prions ,Filosofie - Abstract
Plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs) are life-saving and life-improving therapies, but the raw material is in short supply: Europe depends on importation from countries including the United States. Plasma from donors resident in the United Kingdom has not been fractionated since 1999 when a precautionary measure was introduced in response to the outbreak of variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD). Cases of vCJD have been far fewer than originally predicted in the 1990s. Since the introduction of leucodepletion in 1999, and accounting for the incubation period, more than 40 million UK-derived blood components have been issued with no reports of TT vCJD. In February 2021, the UK Government authorized manufacture of immunoglobulin from UK plasma. Following separate reviews concluding no significant difference in the risk posed, the United States, Australia, Ireland and Hong Kong also lifted their deferrals of blood donors with a history of living in the United Kingdom. Other countries are actively reviewing their position. Demand is rising for PDMPs, and Europe faces a threat of supply shortages. Industry and patient groups are clear that using UK plasma would bring significant immediate benefits to patients and to the resilience of the European supply chain. From this scientific review, we conclude that UK plasma is safe for fractionation and urge blood regulators and operators to take account of this safety profile when considering fractionation of UK plasma, and to revise their guidelines on the deferral of donors who have lived in, or received a transfusion in, the United Kingdom.
- Published
- 2023
10. Důležitost kontextu při používání judikatury
- Author
Linda Tvrdíková
- Subjects
Kontext ,význam ,interpretace ,filosofie ,kognitivní vědy. ,Law - Abstract
Při interpretaci právních norem dochází k tomu, že interpreti pracují s judikaturou a odkazují na vybrané části soudních rozhodnutí, nebo konkrétně pak na právní věty. To se může jevit jako zcela neproblematické a dokonce jako vhodný prostředek k zajištění právní jistoty, a tedy toho, aby soudní rozhodování nebylo nepředvídatelné. Tím by se mohlo zdát, že to vede k větší míře spravedlnosti, kdy stejné, nebo podobné případy jsou rozhodovány stejně. V tomto článku bude poukázáno na to, že pokud dochází k tomuto používání judikatury a právních vět bez ohledu na kontext, může to naopak vést k tomu, že může docházet k nespravedlnostem. Tento článek si klade za cíl poukázat na to, že kontext je při interpretaci a v důsledku toho i při následném užívání judikatury a právních vět velice důležitým aspektem, který nesmí být opomíjen.
- Published
- 2020
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Copyright of Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Theologia Catholica is the property of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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12. Earth Becomes World? Scientific Objects, Nonmodern Worlds, and the Metaphysics of the Anthropocene
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Anthropocene ,metaphysics ,modernity ,Earth system science ,Filosofie - Abstract
In coming to grips with the advent of the Anthropocene, contemporary philosophers have recently pushed beyond its many physical implications (e.g., global warming, reduced biodiversity) and social significance (e.g., climate justice, economics, migration) to interpret the Anthropocene metaphysically. According to such interpretations, the Anthropocene imposes nothing less than a wholly new understanding of the world. This raises the question regarding the character of such an imposition. To develop this question, this article discusses three metaphysical interpretations of the Anthropocene: Clive Hamilton's, Timothy Morton's, and Bruno Latour's. Among many voices today, these authors are specifically relevant because they predominantly correlate the imposition of a new, nonmodern world with the scientific object "Earth"as it is developed in Earth system science. The purpose here is to elucidate the ways in which this correlation is made, and to inquire after the role of science-a modern activity par excellence-in the advent of the world of the Anthropocene. The critical question is how this role could be legitimated in the proclaimed absence of a modern framework ensuring science's status as a beacon of certainty and truth.
- Published
- 2023
13. Farming futures : Perspectives of Irish agricultural stakeholders on data sharing and data governance
- Author
Claire Brown, Áine Regan, and Simone van der Burg
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Big data ,Critical data studies ,Farming ,Values ,Data governance ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Filosofie - Abstract
The current research examines the emergent literature of Critical Data Studies, and particularly aligns with Michael and Lupton’s (2016) manifesto calling for researchers to study the Public Understanding of Big Data. The aim of this paper is to explore Irish stakeholders’ narratives on data sharing in agriculture, and the ways in which their attitudes towards different data sharing governance models reflect their understandings of data, the impact that data hold in their lives and in the farming sector, as well as their preferences for how data should be governed within agriculture. Seven focus groups were held in 2019 with Irish stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds, including agri-researchers, those working in SMEs, and farmers of varying ages and sectors. The primary activities carried out during these focus groups centred upon asking participants to discuss four different data sharing governance models, and to work their way through a set of value cards relating to these models. Focus group results are studied using an inductive, data-driven form of thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke 2006). Five primary themes cross-cut these focus groups: 1) Desire for a data intermediary, 2) Reversing the value chain, 3) Categorisation of data, 4) The common good, and 5) Potential danger in data sharing. These themes are explored in the paper through a detailed discussion of the focus group results, in which the authors track the manifestation of these themes across focus groups, and the ways they sometimes morphed or changed depending upon the participating stakeholder group.
- Published
- 2023
14. Die liefdestema in Tristia van NP van Wyk Louw en sy "Groot ode" as liefdeselegie.
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- Abstract
NP van Wyk Louw's Tristia was lauded as an exceptional and significant book of poetry when it was first published in 1962. Over the past more than five decades, the poems in Tristia have steadily gained in stature. The first reviews all agreed that the poems were thematically and technically complex and quite daunting to interpret, but Louw was praised for the ingenious and innovative quality of his writing. Prominent aspects of the poetry included the elegiac tone, the awareness of human fallibility and the juxtaposition of a series of motifs, such as the individual versus the masses, reality versus beauty, life versus death, the solidity of the earth versus living human flesh, intellect versus soul, mind versus body, humanity versus God. The last poem in the book, "Groot ode" ("Great ode"), has been described as the climax and the ultimate culmination of the ideas in the preceding poems. In most cases the poem has been interpreted as the poet's struggle to come to terms with his relationship to God, with human fallibility and with the limits of human existence. PG du Plessis was not only a well-known Afrikaans writer in his own right but also, for many years, a close friend of Louw. From their frequent discussions and conversations Du Plessis gained inside knowledge of Van Wyk Louw's poetry and, more specifically, of his poetical ideas. On one such occasion Louw remarked that "Groot ode" was not a metaphysical poem only, but in actual fact a lament about an imminent parting of two lovers. Du Plessis shared this knowledge with the author of this article. Rereading Tristia and "Groot ode" with this observation in mind and tracing the thematic development of especially the love motif in the poems in the first part of the volume, confirmed the prevalence of the theme of love in the volume as a whole and in "Groot ode" in particular. It seems that there are more love poems in the selection than is apparent at first sight, not only because the theme of lost love is hidden in a variety of metaphorical guises, but also because the arrangement of the poems in the volume as a whole does not foreground the love poems as a distinct category. Louw very specifically chose the title Tristia for his book of poetry and also had a quotation from Ovid's Tristia reproduced on the dust cover of the book. This undoubtedly calls forth a whole series of classical allusions. Though Ovid's Tristia does not contain love poetry but is a lamentation about his exile in Tomis at the Black Sea, he is, along with Gallus, Tibullus and Propertius, considered to be one of the great Roman love elegists. Ovid's reputation as a poet of love elegies is mainly due to his earlier work, the Amores. Apart from the technical structure of elegiac poetry in Roman times (poetry written in couplets consisting of one hexameter and one pentameter - Cupid apparently stole one foot from every second line, turning the hexameter into a pentameter), Roman love poetry is characterised by writing in the first person and addressing a beloved by a specific name or poetic pseudonym. It is mostly about a love affair that is fraught with difficulties and ends badly. Furthermore, these poems are inward-focused and centre on the poet himself, while the poet has the freedom to introduce whichever diverse material he likes into the poem. The Roman love elegy is, moreover, quite a hybrid form and has in fact taken many forms, also in the poems that, following this genre and style, were written in subsequent centuries. Various examples of poetry interacting with the Roman love elegy are referred to in the article. The article then presents a reading of "Groot ode" in which characteristics of the Roman love elegy are used as a point of departure in order to indicate that the dominant theme in the poem is that of the loss of love. The poet knows that he will have to live more soberly and that his quality of life will be sorely diminished, but he willingly carries the burden of guilt resulting from this realisation. He speaks on behalf of himself and his beloved, using the plural pronoun "we", but he still remains the central figure and determines the fields of reference and the variety of ideas in the poem. The words are his. Although all the other juxtapositions associated with Louw's oeuvre appear in "Groot ode", and the wider problematic of humankind's struggle to cope with the limitations of human existence is yet again prominent, it does seem more than likely that it is the trauma of an illicit but overwhelming love that prompts and inspires the philosophical and ethical questions in the poem. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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15. Generation trouble: over white invisibility en een eigentijds Hammertown mechanisme
- Author
Have, M.A.H.A., Have, M.A.H.A., Have, M.A.H.A., and Have, M.A.H.A.
- Published
- 2023
16. Populisme; een bedreiging of een weerspiegeling van de democratie
- Author
Meijenfeldt, D.E. von, Meijenfeldt, D.E. von, Meijenfeldt, D.E. von, and Meijenfeldt, D.E. von
- Published
- 2023
17. Het juiste doen of de beste consequenties : zijn alle handelingen van individuen altijd te veroordelen?
- Author
Eijkelenberg, G.H.G., Eijkelenberg, G.H.G., Eijkelenberg, G.H.G., and Eijkelenberg, G.H.G.
- Published
- 2023
18. Fake news in de post-truth samenleving : evaluatiecriteria voor het publieke debat vanuit het filosofisch perspectief van Habermas en Foucault
- Author
Hoeben, K., Hoeben, K., Hoeben, K., and Hoeben, K.
- Published
- 2023
19. Een deugd-ethische kijk op re-integratie door middel van ondernemerschap
- Author
Ghysbrecht, F.C.G., Ghysbrecht, F.C.G., Ghysbrecht, F.C.G., and Ghysbrecht, F.C.G.
- Published
- 2023
20. Van materie tot mens in heerlijkheid : het antropocentrisme van ‘actieve zelftranscendentie’ in Karl Rahners kosmische eschatologie
- Author
Hekman, R.N., Hekman, R.N., Hekman, R.N., and Hekman, R.N.
- Published
- 2023
21. Internal outset: Exploring empirical and philosophical implications of the free-energy principle
- Author
Boonstra, Evert Alexander and Boonstra, Evert Alexander
- Abstract
The present dissertation took the free-energy principle (FEP) as its starting point, from which we tried to draw both philosophical and empirical consequences. Both chapter 2 and 3 departed from the idea that conscious perception depends on global amplification of sensory input, and that the basal ganglia (BG) and its irrigation by dopamine play a crucial role in gating information, conscious access, and the selection of a relevant internal model given available sensory data. The BG are thought to play this role due to their modulatory influence on thalamocortical connectivity. Because much of the evidence implicating the BG in these processes in humans is correlational, we explored two ways of manipulating BG activity experimentally. Chapter 4 investigates the philosophical heritage implicitly touched on by the FEP, which provides an alternative philosophical and historical background for present-day research in cognitive neuroscience. Friston’s FEP has been received with great enthusiasm. With good reason: it not only makes the bold claim to a unifying theory of the brain, but it is presented as an a priori principle applicable to living systems in general. In this paper, we set out to show how the breadth of scope of Friston’s framework converges with the dialectics of Georg Hegel. Through an appeal to the work of Catherine Malabou, we aimed to demonstrate how Friston not only reinvigorates Hegelian dialectics from the perspective of neuroscience, but that the implicit alignment with Hegel necessitates a reading of the FEP from the perspective of Hegel’s speculative philosophy. It is this reading that moves beyond the discussion between cognitivism and enactivism surrounding Friston’s framework; beyond the question whether the organism is a secluded entity separated from its surroundings, or whether it is a dynamical system characterized by perpetual openness and mutual exchange. From a Hegelian perspective, it is the tension between both positions itself that is
- Published
- 2023
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22. Het filosofische denken tussen mystiek en logica
- Author
Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, Roshnee and Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, Roshnee
- Published
- 2023
23. The Structure of the World : Metaphysics and Representation
- Author
Steven French and Steven French
- Subjects
- Science--Philosophy, Structuralism, Realism, Filosofie, Structuralisme, Realisme (filosofie), Science
- Abstract
In The Structure of the World, Steven French articulates and defends the bold claim that there are no objects. At the most fundamental level, modern physics presents us with a world of structures and making sense of that view is the central aim of the increasingly widespread position known as structural realism. Drawing on contemporary work in metaphysics and philosophy of science, as well as the'forgotten'history of structural realism itself, French attempts to further ground and develop this position. He argues that structural realism offers the best way of balancing our need to accommodate the results of modern science with our desire to arrive at an appropriately informed understanding of the world that science presents to us. Covering not only the realism-antirealism debate, the nature of representation, and the relationship between metaphysics and science, The Structure of the World defends a form of eliminativism about objects that sets laws and symmetry principles at the heart of ontology. In place of a world of microscopic objects banging into one another and governed by the laws of physics, it offers a world of laws and symmetries, on which determinate physical properties are dependent. In presenting this account, French also tackles the distinction between mathematical and physical structures, the nature of laws, and causality in the context of modern physics, and he concludes by exploring the extent to which structural realism can be extended into chemistry and biology.
- Published
- 2014
24. The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century
- Author
W. J. Mander and W. J. Mander
- Subjects
- Aufsatzsammlung, Philosophy, British--19th century, Filosofie, Philosophy
- Abstract
This volume contains thirty new essays by leading experts on British philosophy in the nineteenth century, and provides a comprehensive and unrivalled resource for advanced students and scholars. As well as the most celebrated figures, such as Mill, Spencer, Sidgwick, and Bradley, the Handbook discusses many other less well-known names and debates from the period, such as Whewell, Shadworth Hodgson, and Martineau. The Handbook contains six parts: Part I examines logic and scientific method from Whately through to the advent of modern formal logic; Part II discusses some of the century's most famous metaphysical systems such as those of the Scottish Common Sense school, J. F. Ferrier and F. H. Bradley; Part III covers science and philosophy, paying particular attention to positivism and the impact of Darwin's evolutionary theory; Part IV explores ethical, social, and political thought, including the lesser known themes of feminism and British Socialism; Part V concerns religious philosophy; and Part VI examines the changes which took place in the practice of philosophy itself during the nineteenth-century. Prefaced by an introductory article which contextualises and relates the various themes and controversies of the century, each chapter provides an overview of the topic under consideration and surveys of the state of current research, while at the same time offering new ideas and suggestions for future interpretation.
- Published
- 2014
25. The (Un)fairness of Vaccination Freeriding
- Author
Marcel Verweij
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Issues, ethics and legal aspects ,Health Policy ,Life Science ,WASS ,Filosofie - Abstract
For contagious diseases like measles a successful immunization program can result in herd protection. Small outbreaks may still occur but fade out soon, because the possibilities for the pathogen to spread in the ‘herd’ are very small. This implies that people who refuse to participate in such a program will still benefit from the protection it offers, but they don’t do their part in maintaining protection. Isn’t that a case of freeriding—and isn’t that unfair towards all the people who do collaborate? If so, that might be considered an additional ground for making vaccination mandatory or compulsory. In this paper I argue that vaccination refusal can be considered as freeriding, but that this might not be unfair. The public good of herd protection is a peculiar public good because it supervenes on private benefits that are enjoyed by all who do opt for vaccination. For vaccinated individuals, the additional benefit of herd protection comes about, as it were, for free, and hence they can’t complain that others benefit without sharing in the burdens. There are however still other grounds for making vaccination compulsory or at least for seeing refusal as a morally wrong choice.
- Published
- 2022
26. Health Equity: A Case for Ethical Placemaking
- Author
Haverkamp, Beatrijs and Eckenwiler, Lisa
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Life Science ,Filosofie - Published
- 2022
27. Facing difficult but unavoidable choices: Donor blood safety and the deferral of men who have sex with men
- Author
Pierik, Roland, Verweij, Marcel, van de Laar, Thijs, Zaaijer, Hans, LS Wijsgerige Ethiek, OFR - non-affiliated publications, LS Wijsgerige Ethiek, OFR - non-affiliated publications, AII - Infectious diseases, and PSC (FdR)
- Subjects
Male ,Health (social science) ,Sexual Behavior ,Blood Donors ,HIV Infections ,WASS ,human rights ,Filosofie ,Health(social science) ,human-immunodeficiency-virus ,Sexual and Gender Minorities ,sexual orientation ,blood safety ,Humans ,equal treatment ,Homosexuality, Male ,law ,RISK ,criteria ,Health Policy ,donation ,POLICY ,ethics ,Philosophy ,blood donation ,Female - Abstract
Blood service organizations employ various ways to ensure transfusion blood safety, including the testing of all donations for transfusion-transmissible infections (TTI) and the exclusion of donors who are at increased risk of a recent infection. As some TTIs are more common among men who have sex with men (MSM), many jurisdictions (temporarily) defer the donation of blood by sexually active MSM. This boils down to a categorical exclusion of a large group solely on the basis of their sexual orientation, which is seen as unduly discriminatory and stigmatizing. Blood service organizations in the U.K. and the Netherlands have recently changed their deferral policies for MSM. The problem of the MSM deferral involves a conflict between fundamental rights: the right of MSM to equal treatment and the right to health of the recipients of blood and blood products. We distinguish and discuss three broad alternative options to the current categorical deferral of MSM donations: (1) completely abandoning donor selection on the basis of sexual behavior, (2) individual risk assessment of the sexual activities of each potential donor, and (3) individual risk assessment of the sexual activities of MSM only. The new U.K. policy falls within the second category, and the new Dutch policy is in the third category. We argue that each approach comes with moral costs but that the most reasonable option is different from the policies of both the U.K. and the Netherlands.
- Published
- 2022
28. Conspiracism as a Litmus Test for Responsible Innovation
- Author
Eugen Octav Popa, Vincent Blok, and Science, Technology & Policy Studies
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Life Science ,WASS ,Filosofie - Abstract
The inclusion of stakeholders in science is one of the core ideas in the field of responsible innovation. Conspiracists, however, are not your garden-variety stakeholders. As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, the conflict between conspiracists and science is deep and intractable. In this paper, we ask how the game of responsible innovation can be played with those who believe that the game is rigged. Understanding the relationship between conspiracism and responsible innovation is necessary in order to understand the unvisited corners of the science-society interface in the post-pandemic future. We claim that pluralism, already part of the philosophical background that spurred responsible innovation, can offer insights into how conspiracism can be approached. As a case in point, we develop these insights starting from the policy on conspiracism developed in 2021 by the European Commission. We show that the ideal of inclusion can only be extended to conspiracists by accepting a pluralist framework, and we explain this pluralist response.
- Published
- 2022
29. Toevallige ontmoetingen
- Author
Hens, Kristien
- Subjects
bio-ethiek ,filosofie ,wetenschappelijk onderzoek ,ethisch ,interdisciplinaire projecten ,bio-ethics - Abstract
In dit rigoureuze en noodzakelijke boek brengt Kristien Hens bio-ethiek en filosofie van de biologie bij elkaar, met het argument dat het ethisch noodzakelijk is om in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek een plaatsje vrij te houden voor de filosofen. Hun rol is behalve ethisch ook conceptueel: zij kunnen de kwaliteit en de coherentie van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek verbeteren door erop toe te zien dat specifieke concepten op een consistente en doordachte manier worden gebruik binnen interdisciplinaire projecten. Hens argumenteert dat toeval en onzekerheid een centrale rol spelen in de bio-ethiek, maar dat die in een spanningsrelatie kunnen raken met de pogingen om bepaalde theorieën ingang te doen vinden als wetenschappelijke kennis: bij het beschrijven van organismen en praktijken creëren we op een bepaalde manier de wereld. Hens stelt dat dit noodzakelijk een ethische activiteit betreft. Doorheen de verkenning van genetisch onderzoek, biomedische ethiek, autismeonderzoek en het concept ‘risico’ toont Hens aan dat er niet zoiets bestaat als ‘universeel’ of ‘neutraal’ wetenschappelijk of klinisch weten. Integendeel, uitgaan van de gesitueerdheid van individuele ervaringen is essentieel om de wereld rondom ons te begrijpen, om er de beperkingen van in te zien (en die van onszelf) en om een ethische toekomst vorm te geven. Toevallige ontmoetingen is gericht op een breed publiek van geïnteresseerden in bio-ethiek, filosofie, antropologie en sociologie, en op onderzoekers in biomedische en milieuwetenschappen. Daarnaast is het ook relevant voor beleidsmakers. De artistieke bijdrage van Christina Stadlbauer en Bartaku zal inspirerend zijn voor kunstenaars en schrijvers die zich op het snijvlak bewegen van kunst en wetenschappen.
- Published
- 2023
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30. Responsible innovation at work: gamification, public engagement, and privacy by design
- Author
Sitzia, A., Ruggiu, D., Blok, V., Coenen, C., Kalloniatis, C., Kitsiou, A., Mavroeidi, A. -G., and Milani, S.
- Subjects
Technology ,Information Systems and Management ,Strategy and Management ,responsible research and innovation ,WASS ,human rights ,Gamification ,workplace innovation ,Filosofie ,public engagement ,Philosophy ,Management of Technology and Innovation ,Gamification, responsible research and innovation, public engagement, privacy by design, workplace innovation, human rights ,privacy by design ,ddc:600 - Abstract
Public engagement is crucial to strengthen responsibility frameworks in highly innovative contexts, including as part of business organisations. One particular innovation that calls for public engagement is gamification. Gamification fosters changes in working practices to improve the organisation, efficiency and productivity of a business by introducing gratification and engagement mechanisms in non-gaming contexts. Gamification modifies the workforce’s perception of constraints and stimulates the voluntary assumption of best practices to the benefit of employees and enterprises alike. Here, we broadly discuss the use of gamification at work. Indeed, gamification raises several concerns about privacy, due to the massive collection, storage and processing of data, and about the freedom of employees: as the level of data protection decreases, so too does workers’ self-determination. We argue that the implementation of privacy by design can not only strengthen autonomy via data protection but also develop more viable instances of RRI in accordance with human rights.
- Published
- 2022
31. Relația dintre teorie și realitate la Eugeniu Coșeriu și José Ortega y Gasset
- Author
Cristinel Munteanu
- Subjects
lingvistică ,filosofie ,teorie ,realitate ,studiu empiric ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Folosind ca pretext un citat despre teorie atribuit lui José Ortega y Gasset (1883– 1955), citat pe care Eugeniu Coșeriu (1921–2002) l-a reprodus deformat într-o prelegere ținută în limba română (în 1992), îmi propun—dincolo de identificarea lucrării filosofului spaniol din care a fost extras citatul în cauză—să fac o prezentare a concepțiilor celor doi savanți cu privire la raportul dintre teorie și realitate sau, altfel spus, dintre teorie și faptele investigate. La prima vedere, cele două concepții par similare, cu atît mai mult cu cît cei doi gînditori dau frecvent impresia că aparțin aceleiași mari familii de gîndire. Voi încerca să arăt aici în ce puncte sînt convergente, respectiv divergente cele două viziuni, evidențiind, totodată, unele consecințe care derivă din ele, de interes și pentru filosofia limbajului.
- Published
- 2019
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32. FILOSOFIE OP POTCHEFSTROOM DIE AFGELOPE EEU (1917-2017) Deel 4: Op die tweesprong?
- Author
Bennie van der Walt
- Subjects
Christelik-Reformatoriese denke ,filosofie ,ontologiese monisme en dualisme ,Noord-Wes Universiteit ,postmodernisme ,Potchefstroomkampus ,Practical Theology ,BV1-5099 ,Moral theology ,BV4625-4780 - Abstract
Three previous articles in this journal reviewed the history of philosophy at Potchefstroom from the beginning of the previous century up to about 2009. In this and the next contribution the writer, acting again as a fly on the wall, provides a peephole on the current situation at the end of 2017. As the subtitle suggests, it seems that Christian philosophy at Potchefstroom has arrived at the cross-roads. Different reasons, like the on-going secularisation of the North West University have contributed to the situation. A cause for differences within the School of Philosophy may also be that lecturers from outside the tradition of a Reformational approach are critical about the traditional Christian philosophical approach of more than a century. Since his viewpoint is one clear example of such an alternative approach the academic training, publications and viewpoint of Prof. Anné H. Verhoef will investigated in detail in a last (fifth) contribution. The present article about the main contours of a Reformational approach in philosophy serves as a necessary background from which the philosophical theology of Verhoef will be analysed and evaluated in the conclusion of this series. SAMEVATTING In drie vorige artikels in hierdie tydskrif is die geskiedenis van filosofie op Potchefstroom vanaf die begin van die vorige eeu tot ongeveer 2009 behandel. In hierdie en die volgende bydrae bied die skrywer, weer ʼn vlieg teen die muur, ʼn volgende kyk op die huidige situasie teen die einde van 2017. Soos die subtitel van die huidige artikel aandui, wil dit voorkom asof die Potchefstroomse Christelike filosofie tans voor ʼn tweesprong te staan gekom het. Verskillende redes kan daarvoor aangevoer word, soos die voortgaande sekularisering van die Noord-Wes Universiteit (NWU). ʼn Oorsaak vir die verskille binne die Skool vir Filosofie, kan moontlik ook daarin gesoek word dat dosente van buite die tradisionele Christelik-Reformatoriese tradisie bygekom het en die denkgemeenskap van meer as ʼn eeu nie deel nie. As een voorbeeld van so ʼn alternatiewe visie sal die akademiese agtergrond, publikasies en standpunt van prof. A.H. Verhoef in ʼn laaste (vyfde) bydrae in besonderhede nagegaan word. Die huidige artikel oor die hoofkontoere van ʼn Reformatoriese wysbegeerte dien as agtergrond waarteen die filosofiese teologie van Verhoef in die slotartikel analiseer en evalueer sal word. https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.84.1.2454
- Published
- 2019
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33. Gene Drives as Interventions into Nature: the Coproduction of Ontology and Morality in the Gene Drive Debate
- Author
Keje Boersma, Bernice Bovenkerk, and David Ludwig
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Interventionism ,WASS ,Filosofie ,Philosophy ,History and Philosophy of Science ,Gene drives ,Management of Technology and Innovation ,Technologie and Innovatie ,Knowledge Technology and Innovation ,Kennis ,Coproduction ,Human-nature relations ,Kennis, Technologie and Innovatie ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Gene drives are potentially ontologically and morally disruptive technologies. The potential to shape evolutionary processes and to eradicate (e.g. malaria-transmitting or invasive) populations raises ontological questions about evolution, nature, and wilderness. The transformative promises and perils of gene drives also raise pressing ethical and political concerns. The aim of this article is to arrive at a better understanding of the gene drive debate by analysing how ontological and moral assumptions are coproduced in this debate. Combining philosophical analysis with a critical reading of the gene drive literature and an ethnographic study of two leading research groups, the article explores the hypothesis that the development of and debate about gene drives are characterized by a particular intervention-oriented mode of coproduction. Based on the results of this exploration, we highlight the need for a broadening of the perspective on gene drives in which empirical, moral, and ontological concerns are addressed explicitly in their interplay rather than in (disciplinary) isolation from each other.
- Published
- 2023
34. Internal outset
- Subjects
dialectiek ,free-energy principle ,computational modelling ,conscious perception ,dialectics ,filosofie ,bewuste waarneming ,cognitive neuroscience ,computationeel modelleren ,basal ganglia ,dopamine ,basale ganglia ,cognitieve neurowetenschap ,Hegel - Abstract
The present dissertation took the free-energy principle (FEP) as its starting point, from which we tried to draw both philosophical and empirical consequences. Both chapter 2 and 3 departed from the idea that conscious perception depends on global amplification of sensory input, and that the basal ganglia (BG) and its irrigation by dopamine play a crucial role in gating information, conscious access, and the selection of a relevant internal model given available sensory data. The BG are thought to play this role due to their modulatory influence on thalamocortical connectivity. Because much of the evidence implicating the BG in these processes in humans is correlational, we explored two ways of manipulating BG activity experimentally. Chapter 4 investigates the philosophical heritage implicitly touched on by the FEP, which provides an alternative philosophical and historical background for present-day research in cognitive neuroscience. Friston’s FEP has been received with great enthusiasm. With good reason: it not only makes the bold claim to a unifying theory of the brain, but it is presented as an a priori principle applicable to living systems in general. In this paper, we set out to show how the breadth of scope of Friston’s framework converges with the dialectics of Georg Hegel. Through an appeal to the work of Catherine Malabou, we aimed to demonstrate how Friston not only reinvigorates Hegelian dialectics from the perspective of neuroscience, but that the implicit alignment with Hegel necessitates a reading of the FEP from the perspective of Hegel’s speculative philosophy. It is this reading that moves beyond the discussion between cognitivism and enactivism surrounding Friston’s framework; beyond the question whether the organism is a secluded entity separated from its surroundings, or whether it is a dynamical system characterized by perpetual openness and mutual exchange. From a Hegelian perspective, it is the tension between both positions itself that is operative at the level of the organism; as a contradiction the organism sustains over the course of its life. Not only does the organism’s secluded existence depend on a perpetual relation with its surroundings, but the condition for there to be such a relation is the existence of a secluded entity. We intended to show how this contradiction – tension internalized – is at the center of Friston’s anticipatory organism; how it is this contradiction that grounds the perpetual process of free energy minimization. Chapter 5 is the report of a study attempting to contrast the FEP’s perspective with that of traditional cognitive neuroscience. While the FEP casts the brain as an organism’s predictive model of how its world works and will continue to work in the future in which action is afforded a central place, research on the brain’s predictive capacities remains beholden to traditional research practices in which participants are passively shown stimuli without their active involvement (as we also did in Chapters 2 and 3). The current study is an investigation into ways in which self-generated predictions may differ from externally induced predictions. Participants completed a volatile spatial attention task under both conditions (externally/cue-induced, internally/action-induced) on different days. We used the Hierarchical Gaussian Filter, an approximate Bayesian inference model, to determine subject-specific parameters of belief-updating and inferred volatility. We found preliminary evidence in support of self-generated predictions incurring a larger reaction time cost when violated compared to predictions induced by sensory cue, which translated to participants’ increased sensitivity to changes in environmental volatility. Our results suggest that internally generated predictions may be afforded more weight, but these results are complicated by session order and duration effects, as well as a lack of statistical power.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Chaloupská, Pavlína
- Abstract
Copyright of Topical Issues of Tourism: Tourism & Its Impacts on Society is the property of College of Polytechnics Jihlava and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
36. Relația dintre teorie și realitate la Eugeniu Coșeriu și José Ortega y Gasset.
- Author
Munteanu, Cristinel
- Abstract
Copyright of Diacronia is the property of Revista Diacronia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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37. The Akashic Records: Origins and Relation to Western Concepts.
- Author
Nash, Alex
- Subjects
AKASHIC records ,PREDESTINATION ,THEOSOPHY doctrines - Abstract
Copyright of Central European Journal for Contemporary Religion is the property of Charles University Prague, Karolinum Press and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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38. Theologische bijdragen voor leraarschap.
- Author
- Abstract
A secondary school curriculum is not only about the content and the learning of the students, but also about the teacher behavior. I assess which contributions theological teacher models can make to education. To investigate this, I first study whether and how theological teacher models can be placed within recent scientific educational literature. Subsequently, I elaborate on the theological teacher models by considering the effectiveness of a discussion, as well as typical theological teacher guidance skills. The book Teacher models from Isaiah to Bioshock by Bart Koet and Archibald van Wieringen discusses, amongst others, the following theological teacher models: the book of Isaiah as a teacher, Socrates as a teacher, Ben Sira as a prime example of an interpreter of biblical wisdom, Jesus asking questions, the Torah against the background of family relationships, Augustine's vision on the transfer of knowledge and skills, The Dutch Cardinal Willebrands's learning through dialogue,1 and the game Bioshock as a teacher of virtues. I studied whether and how these theological teacher models can be placed within Pratt's five perspectives on teaching (transmission perspective, apprenticeship perspective, developmental perspective, nurturing perspective, and social reform). The five perspectives are used as ideal types, which are heuristic instruments that show how my observations exemplify a certain fixed pattern of thinking, understanding and action. The analysis below makes use of these five perspectives, where I do not intervene in the debate as to whether they exclude each other or overlap and what would be the most effective, best or any correct form of teacher or teaching. Transmission perspective: Ben Sira and the book of Isaiah With the Jewish teacher Ben Sira and in the book of Isaiah there is mainly a transmission of knowledge. Ben Sira with his writings can be seen as a memorable presenter of content in educating young people in the spirit of Jewish wisdom traditions. The Isaiah book shows two processes of learning: the first process gradually develops the material to be learned for the student, where the other confronts the student from the beginning with no introduction or summary, but with an open end. Especially the first, a more deductive learning process, can be understood from the perspective of knowledge transmission. Apprenticeship perspective: Augustine As a teacher and preacher Augustine not only wanted to transmit knowledge, but he also wanted to contribute to a more existential (re)formation of his audience: for beginners he explains briefly and clearly matters of faith, to the advanced he speaks about the details, the ambiguities and open questions associated with the doctrine of faith. Therefore, with Augustine we find mainly the apprenticeship perspective. Nurturing perspective: the Talmud and the Dutch cardinal Willebrands In the Talmud there is much attention for teaching. The book deepens the teacher's appreciation against the background of family relationships. This is where the perspective of nurturing comes in. Cardinal Willebrands's approach was characterised by language awareness. He searched for "the language of the other". Willebrands wanted to listen to the others, to learn from the other and to enter into conversation without leaving behind his own identity. Social reform perspective: the Bioshock game In games like Bioshock the game is the teacher. This teacher stimulates the player to reflect on his/her moral choices and educates the player to practice virtuous behavior. This teacher model is mainly one of social reform. Developmental perspective: Jesus and Socrates For Jesus, asking questions is a central activity. When students are asked questions about more complex forms of thinking, it is mainly the developmental perspective. Teacher is one of the most important titles of Jesus. Socrates is also known as a teacher who asks questions. In this questioning elenchus (refutation) and maieutiek (formation) are distinguished: the first is the destructive, critical part of thinking, aimed at undermining an incorrect opinion or thought; the second is constructive, aimed at forming a correct true opinion or a correct true judgment. Furthermore, I studied how to elaborate these theological teacher models by considering the effectiveness of a discussion, as well as typical theological teacher guidance skills. A more effective discussion In earlier research, doing philosophy at a higher level was found, first, in the presence of shared guidance of the discussion by the teacher and the students, and second, rather in a philosophical dialogue in the form of a discussion than in the form of classroom talk. Showing understanding, giving space and listening Earlier research also showed that the specific contribution of a more effective religious education and/or world view teacher is to show understanding, give space and listen. I conclude that this is close to Pratt's perspective of nurturing. This perspective of nurturing, trust, challenging and achievable goals, encouragement and clear expectations is for the time being the most extensive theological teacher model. Possibly this is in the heart of the matter of religious education and/or world view teachers. Witness and witnessing As Pollefeyt stated, a religious education and/or world view teacher is a witness, specialist and moderator. The teacher is a committed witness to his or her own world view, which has been obtained by himself or herself. However, the teacher is also a committed witness to the students' world view, where the students' world view will be obtained by the students themselves. I conclude that reflections about theological teacher models are worthwhile to present in education. It is important that teachers, partly thanks to these models, can show appropriate domain-specific teacher behavior at the right time, and with the right goal in mind. The value of the above elaboration does not have to be limited to secondary education, but is also valuable for lecturers at university level. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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39. FILOSOFIE OP POTCHEFSTROOM DIE AFGELOPE EEU (1917-2017) Deel 4: Op die tweesprong?
- Author
van der Walt, Barend
- Subjects
- *
CHRISTIAN philosophy , *EDUCATION , *PHILOSOPHICAL theology ,HISTORY of philosophy of education - Abstract
Three previous articles in this journal reviewed the history of philosophy at Potchefstroom from the beginning of the previous century up to about 2009. In this and the next contribution the writer, acting again as a fly on the wall, provides a peephole on the current situation at the end of 2017. As the subtitle suggests, it seems that Christian philosophy at Potchefstroom has arrived at the cross-roads. Different reasons, like the on-going secularisation of the North-West University have contributed to the situation. A cause for differences within the School of Philosophy may also be that lecturers from outside the tradition of a Reformational approach are critical about the traditional Christian philosophical approach of more than a century. Since his viewpoint is one clear example of such an alternative approach the academic training, publications and viewpoint of Prof Anné H. Verhoef will be investigated in detail in a last (fifth) contribution. The present article about the main contours of a Reformational approach in philosophy serves as a necessary background from which the philosophical theology of Verhoef will be analysed and evaluated in the conclusion of this series. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
- Subjects
Copyright of Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Philologia is the property of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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41. Scrutinizing environmental governance in a digital age: New ways of seeing, participating, and intervening
- Author
Sanneke Kloppenburg, Aarti Gupta, Sake R.L. Kruk, Stavros Makris, Robert Bergsvik, Paulan Korenhof, Helena Solman, and Hilde M. Toonen
- Subjects
digital technologies ,Milieubeleid ,WIMEK ,Postdoc Directie - ENP ,WASS ,environmental governance ,artificial intelligence ,sensors ,sustainability ,digital twins ,Environmental Policy ,Filosofie ,Philosophy ,climate change ,satellites ,fisheries ,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) ,deforestation ,environmental data ,participation ,Departement Beleidsruimte ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Digital technologies play an increasingly important role in addressing environmental challenges, such as climate change and resource depletion. Yet, the characteristics and implications of digitalized environmental governance are still under-conceptualized. In this perspective, we distinguish three dimensions of governance: (1) seeing and knowing, (2) participation and engagement, and (3) interventions and actions. For each dimension, we provide a critical perspective on the shifts that digital technologies generate in governance. We argue against the assumption that the use of digital technologies automatically results in improved outcomes or in more democratic decision-making. Instead, attention needs to be paid to the wider political and normative context in which digital technologies are proposed, designed, and used as environmental governance tools. We conclude with key questions for academics and policymakers to broaden the debate on responsible design and use of digital technologies in environmental governance.
- Published
- 2022
42. Regenerative agriculture as a biomimetic technology
- Author
Bart Gremmen
- Subjects
Philosophy ,biomimicry ,Ecology ,mimesis ,Nature-based solutions ,natural systems agriculture ,WASS ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Filosofie ,natural principles - Abstract
As populations increase and economic affluence expand, conventional farmers will be unable to meet the demand for food. Two main scenarios offer different solutions. The first scenario aims to further intensify scientific- and technology-driven agriculture research. The second scenario aims to radically switch to nature-based solutions in agricultural systems. There seem to be two interpretations of the nature-based solutions scenario: on the one hand, the interpretation of the IUCN regards nature-based solutions, such as regenerative agriculture, as using nature and denies a link with biomimicry; and on the other hand, the interpretation of the EU regards regenerative agriculture as an example of biomimicry. This raises the question: is regenerative agriculture a prime example of biomimicry or is it only a very important way to use nature in agriculture? To answer this question, we take a step back and philosophically reflect on biomimicry. Based on two definitions of mimesis, we distinguish between two concepts of biomimicry, a ‘strong’ concept which emphasizes natural principles and copying natural models, and a ‘weak’ concept, which emphasizes inspiration by nature and creative invention. Secondly, we describe and analyze regenerative agriculture as part of the nature-based solutions scenario and interpret regenerative agriculture first as ‘weak’ and then as ‘strong’ biomimicry. Both interpretations have their problems. To address these, we propose a new concept of biomimicry based on a new definition of mimesis. This enable us to differentiate between biomimicry, strict imitation of nature, and nature-inspired invention. We argue that our conceptualization of biomimicry helps to operationalize regenerative agriculture as a biomimetic technology.
- Published
- 2022
43. From Value Sensitive Design to values absorption–building an instrument to analyze organizational capabilities for value-sensitive innovation
- Author
Jilde Garst, Vincent Blok, Léon Jansen, Onno S. W. F. Omta, and Business Economics
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Information Systems and Management ,Management of Technology and Innovation ,Strategy and Management ,Business Management & Organisation ,Life Science ,WASS ,Filosofie - Abstract
Previous Responsible Innovation (RI) research has provided valuable insights on the value conflicts inherent to societally desirable innovation. By observing the responses of firms to these conflicts, Value-sensitive Absorptive Capacity (VAC) captures the organizational capabilities to become sensitive to these value conflicts and thus, innovate more responsibly. In this article, we construct a survey instrument to assess VAC, based on previous work by CSR and RI scholars. The construct and concurrent validity of the instrument were tested in an empirical study, including 109 employees of 30 food manufacturing firms. The results from the survey were then compared with the conceptual VAC dimensions. With this comparison, we do not only contribute to the substantiation of the VAC construct, but we also show how inductive and deductive approaches can be combined to build theory regarding RI in a transdisciplinary manner.
- Published
- 2022
44. Kunstmatige intelligentie en het gevaar van reductionisme
- Subjects
Philosophy ,WASS ,Filosofie - Abstract
Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) is een sterk opkomende techniek met legio nuttige toepassingsmogelijkheden. Tegelijkertijd maakt AI commerciële en politieke beïnvloeding van grote groepen mensen mogelijk. Daarnaast dreigen de beperkingen van AI over het hoofd te worden gezien. Informatie is nog geen kennis en zonder context is er nog geen werkelijk inzicht. Met behulp van inzichten uit de filosofie van Herman Dooyeweerd wordt uiteengezet dat het gebruik van AI zonder nader inzicht in de betekenisan onderliggende data leidt tot een reductie van de werkelijkheid.
- Published
- 2022
45. How to support equal standing in local health equity?
- Author
Beatrijs Haverkamp
- Subjects
Value (ethics) ,Health (social science) ,Health Equity ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Health Policy ,Public policy ,Public Policy ,health equity policy ,Health equity ,Filosofie ,Scarcity ,Philosophy ,Pluralism (political theory) ,Social Justice ,Capability approach ,relational equality ,Normative ,Humans ,capabilities ,Sociology ,Positive economics ,Distributive justice ,media_common - Abstract
Attempts to decrease socioeconomic health disparities face various challenges, which include ethical questions about prioritization and value-conflicts. To deal with these questions in a way that takes equal standing as a central value, this paper explores the potential of a relational egalitarian capability approach to local health equity policies. Especially for local health equity policies, a relational egalitarian capability approach seems promising as it offers more perspectives for action and evaluation additional to considerations of distributive justice. To scrutinize if this approach can offer an adequate normative basis for health equity policies and be a helpful ethical guide in practice, five desiderata are identified that a relational egalitarian capability approach to local health equity should fulfil. These desiderata stem from a consideration of political-ethical pluralism and scarcity of time and resources as non-ideal conditions characterizing public policy practice, as well as of three questions that any capability approach should answer to be applicable in practice. For each of the five desiderata, a brief outline is given of what relational egalitarian theories and the capability approach offer in response to the questions implied by these desiderata. Ultimately, these questions need to be answered in relation to specific policies in particular contexts.
- Published
- 2022
46. The Anthropocene as the End of Nature? Why Recognizing Interventionism Is Key in Coming to Terms with the Anthropocene
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Strategic Communication ,WASS ,Strategische Communicatie ,Filosofie - Abstract
In this article, I address and argue against the tendency to understand the anthropocene as inaugurating the end of nature. I conduct two key moves. First, by way of an engagement with the concept of anthropocene technology I explain how understanding the anthropocene as the end of nature prevents us from recognizing what the anthropocene is all about: interventionism. Secondly, I illustrate how a nondualist understanding of the human-nature relation allows us to recognize interventionism as the hallmark of the anthropocene without falling back into the hierarchical human-nature conceptions that underlie interventionism. A nondualist framework that conserves the human-nature distinction helps us in our ability to relate critically to contemporary science and technology in the anthropocene. I illustrate the conceptual narrative of the article through the specific case of gene drive technology development.
- Published
- 2022
47. Capability Approach and Inclusion: Developing a Context Sensitive Design for Biobased Value Chains
- Author
Lotte Asveld, Zoë Houda Robaey, Sara Francke, and Patricia Osseweijer
- Subjects
Inclusion ,Philosophy ,History ,Context sensitive design ,Biobased value chains ,Life Science ,Environmental Chemistry ,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) ,Filosofie ,Capability approach ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Biomass such as crops and agricultural waste is increasingly used as the primary resource for products like bioplastics and biofuels. Incorporating the needs, knowledge, skills and values of biomass producers in the design of global value chains – the steps involved in creating any finished product from design to delivery – can contribute to sustainability, reliability and fairness. However, how to involve biomass producers, especially if they are resource poor, remains a challenge. To make sure that inclusion in global biobased value chains is both fair and effective, the capabilities of relevant actors need to be taken into account, especially of those producing biomass. Access to resources determines to what extent a specific actor can participate in a global value chain. Therefore, differences in capabilities should be a central consideration when new (biobased) value chains are designed. Using the capability approach as an ethical framework to realize inclusion, we discern three complementary strategies for setting up inclusive value chains. Firstly, designing for local conversion factors second, providing adaptive design for new capabilities, and third, investing in local conversion factors. Applying these strategies can lead to context-sensitive design of biorefineries that allow for true inclusion of local stakeholders. We support these claims with reference to case-studies of sugarcane production in Jamaica, modified tobacco in South Africa and the non-edible parts of corn (stover) in the US.
- Published
- 2023
48. Ficino's conception of intellectual life and melancholy
- Author
Žáková, Karolína, Rybák, David, and Hauser, Michael
- Subjects
melancholy ,black bile ,lifestyle ,melancholie ,science ,carnal spirit ,černá žluč ,intellectual ,intelektuál ,věda ,filosofie ,životospráva ,tělesný duch ,philosophy - Abstract
Marsilio Ficino was one of the leading exponents of Florentine humanism, which in the following centuries influenced great thinkers such as Galileo Galilei, Paracelsus and John Amos Comenius. The main subject of my interest is the problem of melancholy in relation to the intellectual life, as captured in Ficino's De libri tres, especially the De vita sana. The methodological framework of the history of philosophy will correspond to this topic. Melancholy has an ambivalent nature, in general it has been perceived as a benign disease, but in the case of intellectuals it is not merely a blight, but also their gift and a means by which they can devote themselves to their studies. The thesis will first set the main issue in the broader context of Ficino's Neo-Platonism and then turn to a comprehensive interpretation of the concepts of intellectual life and melancholy as perceived by Ficino, including the individual advice that Marsilio gave to scholars to improve their performance in their studies. At the same time, my aim is to show that the thoughts of a man who lived and worked in 15th century are still alive today, despite the marked difference between the times of humanism and modern science, influenced in particular by the philosophy of René Descartes. KEY WORDS melancholy, black bile,...
- Published
- 2023
49. Not All Puppies and Sunshine: How Dog Keepers Cope with Dog-Related Problems in Dutch Society
- Author
Susan Ophorst, Noelle Aarts, Bernice Bovenkerk, and Hans Hopster
- Subjects
Diergedrag ,Philosophy and Science Studies ,Philosophy ,General Veterinary ,Life Science ,Animal Science and Zoology ,WASS ,human–animal relationship ,behavior change ,coping strategies ,Honden ,Mens-dier relatie ,Filosofie - Abstract
Zoonoses, biting incidents, hereditary problems, and other issues can threaten the welfare of both humans and dogs. The Dutch government and animal welfare organizations seem to have little effect in their campaigns to influence the behavior of (potential) dog keepers, who can experience dissonance when faced with these campaigns and use coping strategies to relieve the dissonance instead of changing their behavior. In this study, in focus group discussions, dog keepers with pedigree dogs, high-risk dogs, foreign shelter dogs, and dogs purchased at puppy farms shared their experiences with opinions on dogs and were confronted with negative opinions on their dogs. The data were analyzed using a coping strategies framework. Most coping strategies were found in all groups, but were used in response to different dilemmas, with different manifestations. These differences should be kept in mind when behavior change in dog keepers is opportune. Special attention should be given to differentiating target groups, as use of the detachment coping strategy suggests that boundaries might be set differently than expected. Broad attention on problems with and for dogs can address perceived dissonance and prompt behavior change. In dialogue with dog keepers, in influential campaigns and in policy formulation, the chances of success are greater if initiators are aware of the strategies that they may encounter.
- Published
- 2023
50. Modern Biotechnology, Agriculture, and Ethics
- Author
Per Sandin and Zoë Robaey
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Life Science ,Filosofie - Published
- 2023
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