2,048 results on '"géographie humaine"'
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2. Ecogubernamentalidad, áreas de conservación y autonomía indígena. Perspectiva Quillasinga en la laguna de La Cocha, Colombia.
- Author
Pantoja, Carlos Daniel Santacruz and De Los Ríos Cardona, Juan Camilo
- Subjects
LAND cover ,PROTECTED areas ,CLIMATE change ,FOREST reserves ,ENVIRONMENTAL protection - Abstract
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- Published
- 2024
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3. Guide québécois d’application de l’Indice de Qualité Morphologique (IQM) des cours d’eau.
- Author
Pouliot, Louis-Gabriel, Boivin, Maxime, Demers, Sylvio, Pouliot, Louis-Gabriel, Boivin, Maxime, and Demers, Sylvio
- Abstract
L’atteinte de l’objectif d’aucune perte nette des milieux hydriques au Québec nécessite de revoir les pratiques de gestion des cours d’eau. Pour ce faire, les caractéristiques définissant ce qu’est un cours d’eau naturel, intègre et fonctionnel doivent d’abord faire consensus et s’organiser au sein d’un langage commun. Il nous faut collectivement une méthode pour prendre la mesure des pertes et des gains écologiques. Il s’agit de se doter des outils pour faire le bilan de la dégradation historique des cours d’eau et minimiser les dégradations à venir, mais aussi et surtout pour bien définir ce qui doit être préservé ou restauré. Ce langage commun est fourni par l’Indice de Qualité Morphologique (IQM). Il se compose de 28 indicateurs, répartis en trois catégories, qui permettent l’obtention d’un score synthétique sur une échelle entre 0 et 1. De plus en plus utilisé au Québec, cet indice constitue une approche prometteuse pour une priorisation de sites d’interventions de restauration dans les cours d’eau ou pour prioriser des secteurs à protéger par exemple. Son emphase sur les formes et processus à l’échelle du paysage lui confère l’avantage de permettre l’évaluation de l’état des milieux hydriques à une échelle qui ne serait pas réaliste par l’entremise d’indices biotiques. Cependant, l’IQM classique (Rinaldi et al., 2013, 2016a) a été développé et réfléchi pour un contexte alpin – Italie –, incluant par exemple des cours d’eau à énergie élevée et à chenaux multiples (tresses). La majorité des 28 indicateurs de l’IQM et le guide d’accompagnement (en anglais) sont axés sur ce type d’environnement (Rinaldi et al., 2013, 2015, 2016a, 2016b). Avec l’utilisation de plus en plus fréquente de cet indice par les acteurs de l’eau au Québec, il est nécessaire et pertinent d’adapter l’indice et le guide pour une application optimale dans le contexte du territoire québécois et de ses spécificités physiographiques, hydroclimatiques et écosystémiques. C’est ici qu’intervient le
- Published
- 2024
4. Religion et développement durable en Haïti dans le contexte de la crise sécuritaire de 2023 : le cas de l’Église Méthodiste libre à l’intérieur d’Haïti
- Author
Alexandre, Jimmy and Alexandre, Jimmy
- Abstract
En Haïti, la religion occupe de plus en plus une place indiscutable dans la vie des citoyens. Et la sphère religieuse haïtienne couvre une multitude de confessions et croyances, qu’il devient impossible de les étudiés toutes ensemble. C’est pourquoi, dans notre mémoire qui s’intéresse à l’influence des croyances religieuses sur le développement durable (DD), on a décidé de se focaliser sur une Église, l’Église méthodiste libre à l’intérieur d’Haïti qu’on confie souvent à l’Église Méthodiste en Haïti. L’Église méthodiste libre à l’intérieur de l’avenue Poupelard nous a servi comme base pour réaliser des entrevues nous permettant de répondre à nos interrogations. Des entrevues sont réalisées avec neuf membres de cette Église et les informations qui se trouvent dans le Livre Discipline, livre officiel de l’Église méthodiste libre, nous permettent de mener à bien cette étude. Les données recueillies nous permettent de comprendre que croyants de l’Église méthodiste libre sont grandement influencés par les croyances et les doctrines. Contrairement aux idées que projettent les églises protestantes en Haïti, l’Église méthodiste libre à l’intérieur de l’avenue Poupelard et par extension l’Église méthodiste libre à l’intérieur d’Haïti de façon générale, semble sortir du lot. Le social est pris en compte, l’éducation, le travail, la poursuite de l’amélioration des conditions de vie et même la politique ne sont pas négligés. Et tout cela, en dépit que la vie sur cette terre est considérée comme passagère. Si les données ont prouvé que dans des conditions favorables et généralisées, les croyances de cette Église peuvent pousser et faciliter le développement économique du pays. Développement que le pays ne cesse de viser depuis après l’indépendance de 1804. Cependant, en tenant compte des exigences propres au DD, les croyances et doctrines de l’Église méthodiste libre à l’intérieur d’Haïti semble ne pas capable de le favoriser parce que plusieurs des objectifs du DD comme la prot
- Published
- 2024
5. Polarisation économique et trajectoires d’occupation territoriale en périphérie : le cas du Québec
- Author
Gauthier, Simon and Gauthier, Simon
- Abstract
Il apparait dans cette thèse que les périphéries méritent une analyse spatiale distincte. Contrairement à ce que l’on observe en Europe, aux États-Unis, au Moyen-Orient et ailleurs en Asie, l’occupation du territoire dans les régions périphériques du Québec ne correspond pas au modèle classique des places centrales hiérarchisées. Dans ces territoires éloignés de la métropole Montréal, la mise en culture des plaines fertiles ne précède pas ou peu à l’émergence de lieux localisés pour les échanges, le culte, la socialité, la protection des rentes et les services spécialisés. En réalité, ces territoires truffés de bassins de ressources naturelles à la fois variés, inégaux et dispersés, connaissent plutôt un mode de développement qui repose sur l’accessibilité aux matières premières. Les centres de population tendent ainsi généralement à se structurer soit sur des points bien dotés en ressources naturelles, soit en des points stratégiques pour le transbordement des marchandises, dessinant des corridors de pénétration qui connectent l’hinterland périphérique au vaste réseau d’échange globalisé. Aussi, en périphérie du Québec, les agglomérations stagnent rapidement après leur établissement, en dépit du caractère massif des immobilisations initiales et des matières premières extraites et livrées sur le marché. Nous détaillons avec nuances ce modèle de localisation et de développement des lieux en périphérie, à la lumière des dynamiques de peuplement. Les différentes trajectoires démographiques locales bien classifiées et analysées nous permettent d’éclairer les conditions variées et changeantes du développement des territoires en milieu périphérique québécois. Dans un contexte où la mondialisation a modifié profondément le kaléidoscope des forces géoéconomiques planétaires par le déplacement du centre de gravité économique mondial vers l’Asie du Sud-Est – et où l’intensification technologique des procédés d’extraction, la tertiarisation des économies locales et l’hypermobi
- Published
- 2024
6. L’émergence d’un nouveau narratif de la transition socio-écologique, au Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, à travers le discours d’acteurs
- Author
Trotobas, Emmanuel and Trotobas, Emmanuel
- Abstract
Cette recherche portait sur l’éventualité de l’émergence d’un nouveau narratif de la transition socio-écologique (TSE) au Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean (SLSJ) à travers le discours d’acteurs. Nous avons d’abord contextualisé cette recherche dans les échelles de temps et d’espaces, traitant des visions de développement ainsi que des représentations que les individus et sociétés se font d’eux-mêmes. Nous avons pu réviser ce qu’implique les notions de transition et constaté la coexistence de phénomènes au SLSJ : le changement social, la transition socio-écologique, l’activisme, le régionalisme et la mondialisation, etc. Afin d’atteindre les objectifs de notre recherche, nous avons observé des éléments de changement social à travers des entretiens semi-dirigés auprès de 12 acteurs régionaux impliqués dans la transition socio-écologique, avec l’approche de récits de vie et de pratiques. Il s’agit donc d’une recherche qualitative, de nature exploratoire et phénoménologique. Les participants ont souvent questionné leur environnement social, ces structures auxquelles ils étaient confrontés. Ils ont aussi parlé de leur engagement qui s’est concrétisé dans des gestes et initiatives. Celles-ci peuvent représenter un événement qui peut aller jusqu’à marquer la mémoire dans la culture régionale. Les participants ont fait part de leurs élans, de leurs contributions, de prises de conscience d’apports dans l’organisme, la communauté, l’environnement socio-culturel. Ils ont également livré des témoignages sur ce qui les a rejoints pour créer ou co-créer une initiative. Parmi les éléments déclencheurs de leur implication, on note la recherche de sens, la considération pour le paysage, le cadre de vie, la qualité de vie, l’écotourisme, la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE), la participation citoyenne qui amène ici la gouvernance démocratique. Ce sont des marqueurs positifs du narratif de la TSE. Nous avons aussi présenté une typologie des organismes présents. Le changement dans la
- Published
- 2024
7. Patterns of Mangrove Resource Uses within the Transboundary Conservation Area of Kenya and Tanzania
- Author
Kamau, Anne Wanjiru, Shauri, Halimu, Huge, Jean, Van Puyvelde, Karolien, Koedam, Nico, Kairo, James Gitundu, Kamau, Anne Wanjiru, Shauri, Halimu, Huge, Jean, Van Puyvelde, Karolien, Koedam, Nico, and Kairo, James Gitundu
- Abstract
Mangrove forests provide a wide range of goods and services that sustain communities around the world. This paper explores utilization patterns of extractable mangrove resources by communities within the proposed Kenya–Tanzania transboundary conservation area (TBCA). Some 152 household surveys and 12 nominal group technique discussions were carried out. At least 16 direct-use products were reported to be extracted from the mangroves, with 90% of households found to use mangrove products. Changing patterns of mangrove use in the areas and accessibility point towards unsustainable utilization and promote illegal activities. Mangrove use patterns also show a high level of mangrove dependence by communities for their livelihood. Overharvesting of mangrove wood products is reported to be the major threat facing the forests. There is a need to address the problems of open access through capacity building and awareness creation, development and implementation of harvest plans, and introduction of alternative livelihood options. The results of this study can be used to inform development of the proposed TBCA as well as the establishment of a conservation policy in order to contribute to sustainable utilization of mangroves. These findings are important within the TBCA as well as similar environments around the world., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
8. Cités-jardins et logement social à Bruxelles. L’exemple du Logis-Floréal à Watermael-Boitsfort
- Author
Vandermotten, Christian, Istaz, Dominique, Vandermotten, Christian, and Istaz, Dominique
- Abstract
Social housing experienced an exceptional boom between 1921 and 1923 in Belgium, and in Brussels in particular, under the leadership of the first government including socialist ministers. The involvement of modernist architects and town planners in this development led to the creation of a belt of garden cities of great architectural value around Brussels, outside the urbanised area of the time. Some of these garden cities were built by tenants’ cooperatives, which led to the formation of very homogenous social complexes, bringing together people from the lower middle classes rather than the most disadvantaged strata. Since the regionalisation of responsibility for housing in 1989, the Brussels-Capital Region has uniformised the rules for access to social housing, which is gradually changing the social composition of these garden cities that grew out of the cooperative movement. These developments are taking place in a general context characterised by a strong dualisation and impoverishment of the Brussels population and a glaring lack of social housing., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
9. Public transport for all? Assessing the STIB-MIVB stops in Brussels
- Author
Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grandjean, Martin, Nihoul, Arthur, Descamps, Julien, Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grandjean, Martin, Nihoul, Arthur, and Descamps, Julien
- Abstract
This paper analyses the state of public transport (PT) stops in Brussels through the lens of inclusiveness for disabled persons. The approach mixes qualitative perspectives (including talks and field trips with numerous NGOs, disabled individuals using PT and public authorities) and a comprehensive quantitative analysis of 2 487 stops across the STIB-MIVB network. The study found that the production of PT stops depends on a wide range of stakeholders. The degree of stops’ inclusiveness has been inherited largely from times when little attention was paid to travellers with specific needs. Despite significant efforts over the past years, a notable share of PT stops is still not inclusive, although shares vary subject to the travel constraints considered. There is no clear geographical pattern of inclusiveness, except at the scale of specific PT modes (underground stations vs surface stops) and several homogeneous bus or tram corridors., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
10. Making Urban Slum Population Visible: Citizens and Satellites to Reinforce Slum Censuses
- Author
Abascal, Angela, Georganos, Stefanos, Kuffer, Monika MK, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Thomson, Dana, Wang, Jon, Manyasi, Lawrence, Otunga, Daniel Manyasi, Ochieng, Brighton, Ochieng, Treva, Klinnert, Jorge, Wolff, Eléonore, Abascal, Angela, Georganos, Stefanos, Kuffer, Monika MK, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Thomson, Dana, Wang, Jon, Manyasi, Lawrence, Otunga, Daniel Manyasi, Ochieng, Brighton, Ochieng, Treva, Klinnert, Jorge, and Wolff, Eléonore
- Abstract
In response to the “Leave No One Behind" principle (the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development), reliable estimate of the total number of citizens living in slums is urgently needed but not available for some of the most vulnerable communities. Not having a reliable estimate of the number of poor urban dwellers limits evidence-based decision-making for proper resource allocation in the fight against urban inequalities. From a geographical perspective, urban population distribution maps in many low- and middle-income cities are most often derived from outdated or unreliable census data disaggregated by coarse administrative units. Moreover, slum populations are presented as aggregated within bigger administrative areas, leading to a large diffuse in the estimates. Existing global and open population databases provide homogeneously disaggregated information (i.e. in a spatial grid), but they mostly rely on census data to generate their estimates, so they do not provide additional information on the slum population. While a few studies have focused on bottom-up geospatial models for slum population mapping using survey data, geospatial covariates, and earth observation imagery, there is still a significant gap in methodological approaches for producing precise estimates within slums. To address this issue, we designed a pilot experiment to explore new avenues. We conducted this study in the slums of Nairobi, where we collected in situ data together with slum dwellers using a novel data collection protocol. Our results show that the combination of satellite imagery with in situ data collected by citizen science paves the way for generalisable, gridded estimates of slum populations. Furthermore, we find that the urban physiognomy of slums and population distribution patterns are related, which allows for highlighting the diversity of such patterns using earth observation within and between slums of the same city., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
11. Atlas des paysages de Wallonie :Tome 8 :Les Côtes lorraines -- Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial, Service Public de Wallonie, Namur
- Author
Bruggeman, Derek, Castiau, Etienne, Descamps, Julien, Goffin, France, Queriat, Stéphanie, Tauvel, Camille, Decroly, Jean-Michel, Godart, Marie-Françoise, Bruggeman, Derek, Castiau, Etienne, Descamps, Julien, Goffin, France, Queriat, Stéphanie, Tauvel, Camille, Decroly, Jean-Michel, and Godart, Marie-Françoise
- Abstract
L’ensemble paysager des Côtes lorraines couvre l’extrême sud de la Wallonie (883 km², soit 5% de la Wallonie), de la bordure ardennaise aux frontières française et luxembourgeoise. Le relief y est caractérisé par une alternance de côtes ou cuestas, allongées d’est en ouest. Au pied de chacune s’étend une dépression parcourue par un cours d’eau important au tracé souvent méandreux, tel la Semois qui occupe la dépression la plus large au nord de l’ensemble.Le paysage des Côtes lorraines est essentiellement rural. Les espaces agricoles y sont dominés par des herbages parsemés de formations arborées (haies, bosquets.), tandis que la forêt occupe des sols sableux au centre de l’ensemble et de nombreux versants pentus. D’apparence stable, le paysage évolue toutefois petit à petit. Deux de ces évolutions sont notamment à encadrer :le développement spontané de la végétation ligneuse masquant les vues et le remplacement des peuplements d’épicéas touchés par les scolytes.A part quelques villes (Arlon, Virton et l’agglomération d’Athus-Aubange), l’essentiel du bâti est groupé en villages et hameaux selon un mode de peuplement ancien toujours lisible :le village-rue. Cette organisation du bâti se matérialise par un noyau d’habitat dont les constructions mitoyennes se succèdent de part et d'autre d'une rue unique, voire de deux rues parallèles. La densité et l’étirement linéaire qui en résultent constituent des particularités à prendre en compte vis-à-vis de l’intégration paysagère des nouveaux développements bâtis alimentés par le voisinage du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.Les atlas sont conçus comme des outils de connaissance, de sensibilisation et de gestion à destination d’un très large public, allant du décideur public ou privé jusqu’au citoyen avide de mieux connaître les différentes facettes de la Wallonie. La collection décrypte les paysages dans lesquels nous vivons à travers des analyses descriptives, une approche historique et prospective et une approche sociologique. Une, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
12. Putting the Invisible on the Map: Low-Cost Earth Observation for Mapping and Characterizing Deprived Urban Areas (Slums)
- Author
Vanhuysse, Sabine and Vanhuysse, Sabine
- Abstract
It is estimated that more than half of city dwellers in sub-Saharan Africa currently live in deprived urban areas, often called slums or informal settlements, although these terms cover different urban realities. While the first target of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 is “to ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums," there is a huge gap in timely spatial data to support evidence-based policies and monitor progress toward that objective. In this study, we document the potential of Earth Observation (EO) for mapping and characterizing deprived urban areas (DUAs) to narrow this gap. First, we provide a synthesis of user requirements that can be met without resorting to ancillary sources such as censuses and socioeconomic surveys, and we propose a list of cost criteria that should be minimized in EO workflows. Next, we present the city-scale and DUA-scale workflows that we developed based on three case studies and an assessment of their suitability for supporting pro-poor policies, in light of the cost criteria. We also share the main lessons learned and propose some avenues for future research., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
13. The longer the better? Revisiting high-speed rail coverage worldwide
- Author
Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Moyano, Amparo, Dobruszkes, Frédéric, and Moyano, Amparo
- Abstract
While high-speed rail networks involve significant public expenditure in the name of the whole nation, scholars have paid little attention to the share of the population served by this modern transport mode. Studies have favoured perspectives that either neglect population volumes or include them but cannot offer a worldwide assessment. Public authorities favour passionate statements about network length and cruising speed but at the same time they neglect the populations served. In contrast, this paper offers a worldwide comparison of populations served by high-speed rail services in 15 countries. We found the range is wide (7%−94%) and depends on several factors beyond network length, including network design, urbanisation patterns, technical characteristics and domestic vs. international purposes., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
14. Addressing Local Water Security through Green Infrastructure Implementation: A Review of Urban Plans in Monterrey, Mexico, and Brussels, Belgium
- Author
Khodadad, Mina, Aguilar-Barajas, Ismael, Cárdenas-Barrón, Leopoldo Eduardo, Ramírez-Orozco, Aldo Iván, Sanei, Mohsen, Khan, Ahmed Z., Khodadad, Mina, Aguilar-Barajas, Ismael, Cárdenas-Barrón, Leopoldo Eduardo, Ramírez-Orozco, Aldo Iván, Sanei, Mohsen, and Khan, Ahmed Z.
- Abstract
Green infrastructure (GI) is increasingly linked to urban water management and can contribute to achieving water security in communities. This research uses a variation-finding comparative approach to recognize how far GI solutions are currently used to address water security in the urban developments of Monterrey City, Mexico, and Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium. A comparative content analysis of seven related urban development/sectoral plans is conducted using ATLAS.ti 9 software. The results depict the overall distribution of GI implementations, their typologies and spatial scales, water-security aspects that are addressed by GI, and the related definitions in the plans. In general, our analysis does not present a promising situation for the Monterrey case, although it reveals that policymakers have started to use GI in urban plans to address water security. Considering Brussels’ conditions, although GI solutions are much more frequent and advanced than in Monterrey plans, the region cannot be considered a frontrunner of GI policies. Comparing these two remarkably diverse areas is beneficial to illuminate universal aspects of planning, as the method provides an opportunity to gain insight from a multi-city perspective, whether developed or developing, showing the potential areas to advance urban policies., SCOPUS: re.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
15. Le coliving bruxellois. Un marché financiarisé où se cot̂oient bailleurs particuliers, investisseurs institutionnels et entreprises de gestion
- Author
Casier, Charlotte and Casier, Charlotte
- Abstract
This contribution examines the profiles of the players involved in the financialization of the private rental residential sector, in terms of ownership and management. It takes as a case study Brussels coliving, a real estate niche of high-standard furnished shared accommodation targetting young expatriates. This sector is run by coliving companies, which either manage properties owned by private landlords, or acquire buildings by raising capital from wealthy individuals, funds or listed companies. These two funding models give rise to different investment geographies. The contribution illustrates the variety of players involved in the financialization of real estate, confirming the plural nature of this process. It also highlights the key role of property managers as intermediaries between tenants and investors. Finally, it highlights the main contribution of local players in the financialization of an area., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
16. Future Projections of Global Plastic Pollution: Scenario Analyses and Policy Implications
- Author
Yan, Huijie, Cordier, Mateo, Uehara, Takuro, Yan, Huijie, Cordier, Mateo, and Uehara, Takuro
- Abstract
Plastic pollution has attracted the attention of the media, public, and government worldwide. Analysis of the inverted U-shaped environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) relationship between economic development and plastic pollution is crucial because economic growth is a critical driver of plastic pollution. In this study, for the first time, we (i) used the stochastic impacts of regression on population, affluence, and technology (STIRPAT) model to investigate the EKC relationship; (ii) performed a comprehensive analysis of the effects of sociodemographic factors on plastic pollution; and (iii) used a panel dataset of 128 countries for empirical analyses. The STIRPAT model was used to conduct scenario analyses to explore the impacts of sociodemographic driving forces on future plastic pollution by 2050 on a national (217 countries) and global scale. The empirical results confirmed the EKC relationship and revealed that changes in population structure and urbanization could substantially affect plastic pollution. Global plastic pollution was projected to reach 66.1 MT/y by 2050 under the business-as-usual scenario. Low-income countries and sub-Saharan Africa are projected to become major contributors to plastic pollution, leading to a global trend of increasing plastic pollution. These findings will help policymakers identify targets to effectively reduce future global plastic pollution., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
17. Public Transport as Contested Public Space: Fare Policies and Daily Mobilities in Brussels and Tallinn
- Author
Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Tuvikene, Tauri, Keblowski, Wojciech, Decroly, Jean-Michel, Verlinghieri, Ersilia, Nikolaeva, Anna, Monticelli, Daniele, Sträuli, Louise, Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Tuvikene, Tauri, Keblowski, Wojciech, Decroly, Jean-Michel, Verlinghieri, Ersilia, Nikolaeva, Anna, Monticelli, Daniele, and Sträuli, Louise
- Abstract
Public Transport as Contested Public Space: Fare Policies and Daily Mobilities in Brussels and TallinnThis dissertation explores the social and political dimensions of public transport and examines its implications as a public space in cities such as Brussels and Tallinn. By examining the tensions between planned and lived public spaces through four case studies, this research sheds light on the structuring devices of mobility regimes and their impact on everyday mobilities.Using a variety of qualitative methods, including interviews with different passengers and stakeholders, observational research and travel diaries, this dissertation explores the role of fare policies on mobility behaviour, the transformative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on public transport atmospheres and behaviour, and the establishment of social rules of behaviour and their impact on deviant experiences. Through analyses of fare evasion in the Brussels metro and the effects of the free public transport policy in Tallinn, the author outlines the interplay between policy decisions, infrastructure and social control mechanisms. Incorporating feminist perspectives on the body and embodiment in urban spaces, the dissertation sets out at the micro level to explore users' everyday experiences and practices, to reveal how marginalised mobility needs intersect with societal norms and socio-cultural constructions of space, and to highlight the importance of practical knowledge and 'lived expertise' in understanding the realities of diverse urban citizens. This research contributes to the existing literature on urban theory and public transport by highlighting the political, social and communal functions of public transport. It makes empirical contributions to the literature on fare policy and fare evasion, and to frameworks of mobility justice, by examining urban inequalities manifested in public transport and identifying deviant practices as avenues for wider access and publicness. By illuminating, Le transport public en tant qu'espace public contesté :Politiques tarifaires et mobilités quotidiennes à Bruxelles et à TallinnCette thèse est née dans le but de comprendre ce qui constitue le "public" se trouvant à la fois dans les "transports publics" et dans l'"espace public". Ce n'est que récemment que les transports publics ont été inclus dans la littérature sur l'espace public qui, depuis des décennies, avait déjà discuté de leur rôle dans la vie sociale, culturelle, économique et politique des villes. En outre, la recherche sur les transports, qui s'est généralement concentrée sur une approche fonctionnaliste, ainsi que sur les besoins des navetteurs et les objectifs de planification urbaine axés sur la croissance, a négligé les différents besoins des usagers et la mobilité en tant que phénomène complexe au-delà du mouvement physique. Pour combler ces lacunes, je m'appuie sur la littérature des études sur la mobilité, de l'espace public et des approches féministes de la justice sociale. Ainsi, je souhaite étendre l'approche conventionnelle des transports publics à un éventail plus large d'expériences, en les examinant en tant qu'espace public à travers une étude empirique des expériences et des pratiques quotidiennes de mobilité au niveau individuel. La recherche a été menée à Tallinn (Estonie) et à Bruxelles (Belgique). Ces deux villes sont confrontées à des défis similaires, tels qu'un taux de motorisation élevé et un étalement urbain croissant, la diversité de la population et la ségrégation socio-spatiale. Les principales données pour Bruxelles sont 27 entretiens avec des passagers fraudeurs, des observations ethnographiques dans les stations de métro et sur les médias sociaux, ainsi qu'une enquête en ligne et 33 entretiens semi-structurés avec des passagers pendant la pandémie COVID-19. À Tallinn, 22 personnes ont été interrogées lors de deux entretiens et ont rempli un journal de voyage de sept jours.Les quatre publications présentées dans cette thèse a, Doctorat en Sciences, info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2024
18. Les expulsions de logement à Bruxelles :un problème de loyers impayés ou impayables ?
- Author
Godart, Pernelle, Van Criekingen, Mathieu, Godart, Pernelle, and Van Criekingen, Mathieu
- Abstract
- Published
- 2024
19. Examining the role of the diaspora in addressing the interconnections between human health and environmental change: The case of northern Senegalese communities
- Author
Lietaer, Samuel, Dieng, Djibril Mbaldy, Van Praag, Lore, Lietaer, Samuel, Dieng, Djibril Mbaldy, and Van Praag, Lore
- Abstract
Diaspora communities are a growing source of external assistance and resources to meet unmet needs and to strengthen existing health systems in their home countries. Although a growing number of articles have been published in this realm, very few have looked at diaspora communities’ role and the place translocal communities give to health (care) in the various remittance dynamics, whilst including power relationships and environmental change. This article examines the motivations and practices through which Senegalese diasporas engage with the health system in their origin country and what barriers they face in their interventions. The results of the migration-environment-health nexus are critically discussed with a political ecology approach. We found that households and villages with a critical number of members abroad, and with strong political and/or international networks, are better off and less exposed to health risks in the face of adverse extreme climate impacts., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
20. The atlas of local jurisdictions of Ancien Régime France
- Author
Gay, Victor, Gobbi, Paula Eugenia, Goñi, Marc, Gay, Victor, Gobbi, Paula Eugenia, and Goñi, Marc
- Abstract
This article describes the construction and content of an atlas of local jurisdictions of Ancien Régime France: bailliages. Bailliages were at the center of the Ancien Régime's jurisdictional apparatus: they administered the ordinary royal justice, delineated the area of influence of heterogeneous customary laws, and served as electoral constituencies for the Estates General of 1614 and 1789. Yet, their territorial extent was relatively unknown to the royal authority, leading early scholars to assert the impossibility of mapping the geography of bailliages. Based on Armand Brette's Atlas des bailliages et juridictions assimilées published in 1904, we develop a historical geographic information system containing shapefiles and associated data files of bailliage courts at the time of the convocation of the Estates General of 1789. This new source has many potential applications, including mapping the different legal systems that coexisted in France, such as Roman law in pays de droit écrit and customary law in pays de droit coutumier, and studying elections to the Estates General of 1789., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2024
21. Approcher les réclamations des territoires ancestraux à travers la fluidité : le cas d’Apitipik, Abitibi Sakaikan
- Author
Trycia Bazinet
- Subjects
colonialisme ,géographie humaine ,réclamation ,Abitibi-Témiscamingue ,patrimoine ,settler-colonialism ,human geography ,reclamation ,heritage ,colonialismo ,geografía humana ,reivindicación ,patrimonio ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Cet article examine les pratiques contemporaines de réclamation en lien avec la pointe Apitipik sur le lac Abitibi, située sur Abitibiwinni Aki, territoire Anicinape non cédé. Basé sur une approche ethnographique alliant les résultats de mes entrevues formelles de doctorat et mes constats des dernières années passées sur le territoire avec des Autochtones et Non-Autochtones locaux, je propose que, contrairement à l’idée largement répandue selon laquelle le site historique du lac Abitibi serait abandonné, la relation avec le site soit activement maintenue par les Anicinapek, quoique de manière inattendue ou parfois invisible dans une vision dominante du monde. Même s’il peut paraître autrement à l’oeil nu, un territoire ancestral ne peut être abandonné. L’abandon et la réclamation autochtone du territoire dans le cas du lac Abitibi sont repensés avec l’eau. La méthodologie de « penser avec l’eau » nous permet de prendre en considération la présence et les formes de ces pratiques de réclamation informelle. Ces réclamations, que je qualifie de « fluides », diffèrent du paradigme moderne de mise en valeur des sites historiques, qui s’appuie parfois sur l’extension des logiques de propriété privée et qui, en contexte colonial, favorise des valeurs culturelles et institutionnelles de la société dominante. Je propose de démontrer comment les pratiques de réclamation courantes des Abitibiwinnik, au lieu d’être assurément tangibles et solides, sont fluides, flexibles et donc irrégulièrement valides selon des normes entourant la conservation du patrimoine, mais surtout aux yeux des gens locaux.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Psicopolítica, diferenciación sexual del espacio urbano y ocio.: Fraccionamientos privados al oriente de Guadalajara.
- Author
Sevilla Villalobos, Salvador
- Subjects
METROPOLITAN areas ,CITIES & towns ,SELF-promotion ,SOCIAL mobility ,EVERYDAY life ,SPACE - Abstract
Copyright of Bitácora Urbano/Territorial is the property of Bitacora Urbano/Territorial and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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23. Urbanismo de implicación feminista. El derecho al territorio.
- Author
Larreche, José Ignacio and Cobo Quintero, Lucía Alejandra
- Subjects
CITIES & towns ,HUMAN geography ,CITIZENSHIP ,PROCLAMATIONS ,URBAN ecology (Sociology) - Abstract
Copyright of Bitácora Urbano/Territorial is the property of Bitacora Urbano/Territorial and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Saiz Linares, Ángela and Ceballos López, Noelia
- Subjects
TEACHER training ,ADULT students ,SCHOOL year ,CARTOGRAPHY ,EARLY childhood education ,CLASSROOMS ,SCHOOL children - Abstract
Copyright of Cadernos de Pesquisa is the property of Fundacao Carlos Chagas and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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25. El origen español del término geografía humana. Una Programación Docente para opositar a Cátedras (1872).
- Author
Reguera Rodríguez, Antonio Teodoro
- Abstract
Copyright of Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense is the property of Universidad Complutense de Madrid and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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26. Every Bus Stop a Tomb: Decolonial Cartographic Readings against Literary, Visual, and Virtual Colonial Claims to Space.
- Author
Hunt, Dallas
- Subjects
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BUS stops , *ORAL interpretation , *INSTALLATION art , *PUBLIC spaces , *TOMBS , *BUS transportation , *TRUCK stops - Abstract
This article offers a decolonial reading of digital counter-mapping processes through an engagement with settler artist Sylvia Borda's art installation, "Every Bus Stop in Surrey, BC." By putting the theories of Michel de Certeau and Walter Benjamin into conversation with the research and insights of Indigenous feminist theorists Audra Simpson and Mishuana Goeman, I examine how counter-mapping efforts may contribute to and normalize the (settler) colonization of everyday life. I analyze Borda's cartographic art project in order to illuminate the dispersal and (dis)placement of peoples in and across (virtual) urban spaces and examine how the experiences of these population distributions contribute to resistive artistic projects, and simultaneously how these art installations can reproduce settler colonial erasures, with Borda's installation being an illustrative example. Using Borda's text as a representative case, I advocate for the cultivation of a decolonial sensibility when engaging with digital cartography. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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27. How public policies and other events can shape spatial distribution of local activities over time? : an investigation based on spatial micro-data
- Author
Dubé, Jean, Dieng, El Hadji Ousmane, Lévesque, Mathieu, Racine, Antoine, Roberge, Olivier, Trapé, Thibaut, Dubé, Jean, Dieng, El Hadji Ousmane, Lévesque, Mathieu, Racine, Antoine, Roberge, Olivier, and Trapé, Thibaut
- Abstract
The aim of the paper is to propose a methodological framework to explore how urban planning policies, such as the construction of highways, and other major events, such as opening/closure of major plants, affect the spatial distribution of residential and economic activities within a specific location over time. To do so, the paper proposes to use statistics related to the spatial distribution of individual buildings based on centrographic analysis, and to explore the statistical relations between the changes that occur over time with a vector autoregressive (VAR) model. From a land use policy perspective, this framework allows to investigate the causal impact of public action and other events on the local spatial distribution of the activities to see if (and how) it shapes spatial footprints and the distribution of residential and economic activities. The framework is applied to a small Canadian city case but can easily be implemented to any other cases.
- Published
- 2023
28. Des espaces communs face à l’imposition de l’espace public: La résistance organisée de Technopolice contre la vidéosurveillance
- Author
Anonyme, Anonyme and Anonyme, Anonyme
- Abstract
La résistance organisée face à la vidéosurveillance publique signifie plus qu’une opposition à la surveillance, elle ouvre la possibilité d’une critique de l’espace public et de son dépassement par la notion d’« espace commun ». La thèse défendue dans cet article s’appuie sur une recherche de terrain menée auprès de collectifs actifs dans la campagne Technopolice, dédiée à la résistance à la surveillance urbaine (entretiens, observations et participations à leurs activités). Après avoir fait le constat de l’algorithmisation croissante du contrôle de l’espace public, l’article se penche sur la structure organisationnelle décentralisée de Technopolice, reliant des groupes locaux autonomes via une plateforme centralisant des informations et favorisant la participation des habitant·es pour contester la légalité de la surveillance. L’enjeu est de démontrer que l’organisation de Technopolice reflète une autodétermination collective qui génère un espace politique alternatif remettant en question l’ordre établi de l’espace public et ses fondements philosophiques., https://journals.openedition.org/geocarrefour/22513, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
29. Contributing the recognition of urban resurgences through ethnographic fieldwork.
- Author
9th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference (Panel 24. Social sciences and ethnographic disciplines applied to the territories: June 7-10, 2023: University of Trento), Wei, Allan-Lee, 9th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference (Panel 24. Social sciences and ethnographic disciplines applied to the territories: June 7-10, 2023: University of Trento), and Wei, Allan-Lee
- Abstract
The contribution will present the conditions of possibility of an ethnographic approach to urban resurgences (A.Tsing, 2022) based on two case studies in Brussels, i.e. two wastelands that the regional authorities wish to re-urbanize., info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2023
30. Female migrant workers in the home care sector in Brussels: the construction of a hierarchy of desirability of workers based on colonial legacies and representations
- Author
IMISCOE Spring Conference (Nice), Giordano, Chiara, IMISCOE Spring Conference (Nice), and Giordano, Chiara
- Abstract
- Published
- 2023
31. The divided city: Assessing the gap in urban public transport accessibility suffered by travellers in a wheelchair
- Author
CIVIS workshop on Making visible the invisibles (27 Sept 2023: Brussels), Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grandjean, Martin, Nihoul, Arthur, Peeters, Didier, CIVIS workshop on Making visible the invisibles (27 Sept 2023: Brussels), Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grandjean, Martin, Nihoul, Arthur, and Peeters, Didier
- Abstract
- Published
- 2023
32. Des transports publics pour tous ?Une évaluation de l'accessibilité intra-urbaine pour les personnes en fauteuil roulant
- Author
Workshop on 'Comment concilier enjeux de mobilité, transition écologique et équité sociale ?' (27 June 2023: Brussels), Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grandjean, Martin, Nihoul, Arthur, Peeters, Didier, Workshop on 'Comment concilier enjeux de mobilité, transition écologique et équité sociale ?' (27 June 2023: Brussels), Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grandjean, Martin, Nihoul, Arthur, and Peeters, Didier
- Abstract
- Published
- 2023
33. Géographie des transports
- Author
Dobruszkes, Frédéric and Dobruszkes, Frédéric
- Abstract
info:eu-repo/semantics/published, 5
- Published
- 2023
34. New and Emerging Pathways for Transport Geography
- Author
Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Chen, Chia-Lin, Cidell, Julie, Condeço-Melhorado, Ana, Goetz, Andrew, Ryley, Tim, Thévenin, Thomas, Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Chen, Chia-Lin, Cidell, Julie, Condeço-Melhorado, Ana, Goetz, Andrew, Ryley, Tim, and Thévenin, Thomas
- Abstract
Transport geography has become more diverse in terms of research themes, methods, and sources considered. New pathways for transport research have been initiated not only within the field but also by scholars from other disciplines, for instance, sociology and environmental science. In addition, the advent of the big data era has offered new research opportunities while also raising new methodological concerns. These new directions have sometimes shaken up transport geographers and forced them to change their perspective. In this context, this chapter considers advances, opportunities, and, sometimes, risks and disappointments induced by the following topics to transport geography: epistemology and social theories; urban transport; long-distance travel and the environment; the relationships between transport and spatial planning; linking spaces, places, and time; new (big) data sources; and visualising transport geography., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
35. Is high-speed rail key for future green mobilities?
- Author
University of Huddersfield's Future Mobility Lab Series (19 Nov 2023: Online), Dobruszkes, Frédéric, University of Huddersfield's Future Mobility Lab Series (19 Nov 2023: Online), and Dobruszkes, Frédéric
- Abstract
- Published
- 2023
36. The divided city: Assessing the gap in urban public transport accessibility suffered by disabled people in Brussels, Belgium
- Author
27th International Conference of HKSTS (11-12 Dec 2023: Hong Kong), Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grandjean, Martin, Nihoul, Arthur, Peeters, Didier, 27th International Conference of HKSTS (11-12 Dec 2023: Hong Kong), Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grandjean, Martin, Nihoul, Arthur, and Peeters, Didier
- Abstract
- Published
- 2023
37. Boundaries of the built environment: Defining the significance of the material presence of spatial morphology in social life
- Author
Vis, Benjamin and Vis, Benjamin
- Abstract
Settled societies inhabit environments shaped by building activity. Geographic data in social scientific and geographical research are generally composed of architectural and social categories derived from commonplace lived experience and societal knowledge, thus carrying socio-culturally specific meaning. The mundane pragmatism of such categories conflate spaces and buildings with their use and may obstruct effective comparison. Here I introduce a formal redescriptive ontology for built environments that operates on the basis of how differentiation and subdivision constitute distinct occupiable spaces through boundaries. The ontology consists of formally redescriptive socio-spatial and material concepts called ‘Boundary Line Types’ (BLT). I present and photographically illustrate the definitions of the BLTs, which are formulated on a critical realist basis and rooted in a multidisciplinary body of theory concerning the development and inhabitation of built space. Considering inhabited built environments through this ontology foregrounds the emergent logic by which spaces are divided and connected, creating configurations of boundaries as material frames that afford everyday social life. Since BLTs offer transferrable empirical principles from which these material frames emerge, they also enable diachronic and cross-cultural comparative social research. My proposition to approach social scientific built environment research through constitutive material boundaries offers a comparative complement to commonplace and socio-culturally specific spatial categories that compose most geographic data, enabling formal thick redescriptions and the potential for quantitative spatial analysis., Note that at the time of publication (24 Oct 2023) the article is awaiting peer review as per the policies of Open Research Europe. Open peer reviews have been requested, but this version will remain published. A revised version may also be published if warranted by peer review., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
38. The impact of virtual reality (VR) tour experience on tourists’ intention to visit
- Author
Ouerghemmi, Chourouk, Ertz, Myriam, Bouslama, Néji, Tandon, Urvashi, Ouerghemmi, Chourouk, Ertz, Myriam, Bouslama, Néji, and Tandon, Urvashi
- Abstract
Drawing on media richness theory, this study investigates the effect of rich media, such as virtual reality (VR), on visit intentions for a specific destination. Specifically, this research employs a mixed-method approach, using abductive theorization to explore and confirm the dimensions of the VR visit experience, notably those related to telepresence, a key concept in tourism through VR. Furthermore, the study aims to elucidate how telepresence influences mental imagery, attitudes towards tourist destinations, and actual visit intentions. To do this, qualitative data were gathered between February and June 2022 from 34 semi-structured interviews with respondents who viewed a VR video of the destination. A second study collected quantitative data from 400 participants through face-to-face questionnaires after a VR video view between June and August 2022. The findings reveal that telepresence comprises three dimensions: realism of the virtual environment, immersion, and the sense of presence in the virtual environment. Telepresence, in turn, both directly and indirectly affects actual visit intentions, with mental imagery and attitude toward tourist destinations partially mediating those relationships. This study provides methodological, theoretical, and tourism management implications to enhance our comprehension of telepresence’s facets, its measurement, and the process by which VR influences real visit intentions.
- Published
- 2023
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39. Data and Urban Poverty: Detecting and Characterising Slums and Deprived Urban Areas in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
- Author
Kuffer, Monika MK, Abascal, Angela, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Georganos, Stefanos, Wang, Jon, Thomson, Dana R., Boanada, Anthony, Roca, Pere, Kuffer, Monika MK, Abascal, Angela, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Georganos, Stefanos, Wang, Jon, Thomson, Dana R., Boanada, Anthony, and Roca, Pere
- Abstract
A multidimensional characterisation of urban areas is essential to provide relevant data for monitoring deprived urban areas (urban poverty) beyond the dollar threshold (World Bank) or household characterisation (UN-Habitat). We present a holistic characterisation of deprivation through a framework composed of domains and indicators for measuring urban poverty. It includes socio-economic and household characterisation (household-level) as well as the characterisation of physical and environmental conditions (area-level). In this chapter, we showcase the use of Earth Observation techniques to extract area-level data. The combination of Earth Observation and open geospatial data allows routine mapping and characterising essential aspects of urban deprivation related to the urban environment (e.g. contamination such as waste accumulations), urban morphology (e.g. unplanned urbanisation defined by built-up densities, street geometry, open/green spaces), and connectivity (e.g. the presence of infrastructures such as streetlights or road access). Such a mapping system provides meaningful information for classifying deprivation levels and discovering differences between and within deprived areas. Results are provided as an online tool for users to access information at the city and settlement scale in sub-Saharan African cities. The tool allows users to tailor information to support the improvement of living conditions for the rapidly growing number of urban inhabitants., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
40. Mapping urban deprivation from Sentinel 1/2 using artificial intelligence and weakly labelled data
- Author
Govoorts, Julien, Grippa, Taïs, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Wolff, Eléonore, Govoorts, Julien, Grippa, Taïs, Vanhuysse, Sabine, and Wolff, Eléonore
- Abstract
This research aims at assessing the potential of an semi-unsupervised approach to create labeled samples for predicting deprivation probability at 100x100m. We compare Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning approaches (DL) with a combination of Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) data. Our results confirm that the propose approach for creating labelled samples using semi-supervised method works. The best performance is achieve by the ML approach combining S2 and S1 data and reach an overall accuracy of 95.34%., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
41. Extraction de la rente dans le secteur de la location de logements
- Author
Decroly, Jean-Michel, Van Criekingen, Mathieu, Van Hamme, Gilles, Casanova, Laure, Kesteloot, Christian, Vignal, Cécile C., Perilleux, Hugo, Decroly, Jean-Michel, Van Criekingen, Mathieu, Van Hamme, Gilles, Casanova, Laure, Kesteloot, Christian, Vignal, Cécile C., and Perilleux, Hugo
- Abstract
À Bruxelles, comme dans d’autres villes européennes, la question des loyers et de leurs conséquences sociales pose de plus en plus problème. Pourtant, la question du logement est souvent abordée par le biais des locataires, laissant notre connaissance sur les propriétaires relativement partielle. Au travers de cette thèse, divisée en quatre chapitres, je me chargerai de répondre à la question : « comment la rente structure-t-elle le marché de la location ? » La première partie traite de la théorie de la rente et vise à répondre à la sous-question suivante : « Qu’est-ce que la rente ? ». D’abord, j’y présente ce qu’est la rente pour les Physiocrates, les classiques, les marxistes et les néoclassiques. Ensuite, je m’attarde sur les différences d’interprétation au sujet des trois catégories de rente – différentielle, absolue et de monopole – chez K. Marx ainsi que sur leur transposition au contexte urbain.La seconde partie de la thèse porte sur le profil des bailleurs et est guidée par cette question : « Qui perçoit la rente dans le secteur de la location de logements ? ». Elle se base sur des données administratives individuelles de la documentation patrimoniale. Une partie de la littérature insiste sur la financiarisation du logement. Pourtant, il ressort de cette analyse que les logements loués sont surtout possédés par des propriétaires individuels de petite ou moyenne envergure. Ces bailleurs sont plutôt issus des classes intermédiaires et supérieures même si l’existence de bailleurs populaires n’est pas négligeable. Enfin, bien qu'elle représente une part significative des ménages bruxellois, l’extraction de rentes est le fait d’une minorité, et porte sur des logements pour la plupart anciens et déjà amortis.Dans la troisième partie, j’étudie les stratégies de maximisation de la rente et je documente le cas de la conversion de logements en hébergements touristiques par le biais des plateformes du type Airbnb et HomeAway. Dans ce chapitre, je m’attarde d’abord à c, Doctorat en Sciences, info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2023
42. Engagement with Urban Soils Part I: Applying Maya Soil Connectivity Practices to Intergenerational Planning for Urban Sustainability
- Author
Vis, Benjamin, Evans, Daniel L., Graham, Elizabeth, Vis, Benjamin, Evans, Daniel L., and Graham, Elizabeth
- Abstract
Urban soil security depends on the means and social practices that enable multiple generations to maintain and improve soil resources. Soils are pivotal to urban sustainability yet seem absent from international planning advisories for sustainable urban development. Subsuming soils under broad and unspecific categories (ecosystem, environment, land, etc.) leaves soil interests indeterminate and largely ignored in urban planning. The absence of soils in sustainable urban planning advice permits planning guidelines that cause increasing land-use conversions which seal soils. Urban patterns of sealed and distanced soils, preventing access to and direct enjoyment of soil benefits, generate disengagement from soils. Despite fierce land-use competition, urban areas offer the greatest potential for soil connectivity exactly because people concentrate there. Based on previous work we accept that everyday opportunities to encounter and directly engage with soils in Pre-Columbian lowland Maya urban life rendered soil connectivity commonplace. Here, we review how the two original routes towards soil connectivity, knowledge exchange and producer–consumer relationships, reinforced and supported regular soil engagement in Maya urban practice. We frame our interpretation of Maya cultural values and urban practices in terms of leading insights from environmental psychology on pro-environmental behaviour and stakeholder attitudes and the principles of building resilience. This allows us to recognise that Maya urban soil connectivity functions thanks to the structural involvement of the largest societal stakeholder group, while imparting soil knowledge is entangled in shared socio-cultural activities rather than a task for a minority of soil specialists. The emerging Maya model for a socially engaged soil-aware urban society combines bottom-up practices and top-down social–ecological cultural values to increase resilience, to diminish reliance on long-distance supply chains, and to m, SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
43. Engagement with Urban Soils Part II: Starting Points for Sustainable Urban Planning Guidelines Derived from Maya Soil Connectivity
- Author
Vis, Benjamin, Evans, Daniel L., Graham, Elizabeth, Vis, Benjamin, Evans, Daniel L., and Graham, Elizabeth
- Abstract
Using the Precolumbian lowland Maya model of urban soil connectivity discussed in Part I, we review how soil connectivity can transition into urban planning policy and, by extension, could ultimately become codified as vantages and guidelines for urban design. In Maya agro-urban landscapes, the interspersion of open and green space with construction and paving provides edges (or interfaces) between sealed and unsealed soils at which the potential for soil connectivity manifests. These edges create an undeniable opportunity for urban planning to determine methods, guidelines, and conditions that can enhance soil connectivity. We argue that adequate attention to soils in urban sustainability goals would counteract misconceptions about the compact city paradigm and compensation for soil sealing in urban practice. Through preserving and increasing urban soil availability, proximity, and accessibility, advisory policies can stimulate shared values and everyday behaviours that reinforce the responsible and productive use of urban soils. Such urban planning can enable and encourage widespread participation in urban soil management. To promote policymaking on urban soils, we assess the importance and challenges of using urban green space as a proxy for the presence of urban soils. Our review suggests that urban green space offers high potential for use in urban planning to develop habit architectures that nurture soil-oriented pro-environmental behaviour. However, we also acknowledge the need for consistent and systematic data on urban soils that match sustainable urban development concepts to assist the effective transition of soil connectivity into urban planning codifications. Formulating adequate soil-oriented planning guidelines will require translating empirical insights into policy applications. To this end, we propose methods for enhancing our understanding and ability to monitor urban soil connectivity, including onsite surveys of land-use and bottom-up experience, SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
44. Fine-scale mapping of urban malaria exposure under data scarcity: an approach centred on vector ecology
- Author
Vanhuysse, Sabine, Diédhiou, Seynabou Mocote, Grippa, Taïs, Georganos, Stefanos, Konaté, Lassana, Niang, El Hadji Amadou, Wolff, Eléonore, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Diédhiou, Seynabou Mocote, Grippa, Taïs, Georganos, Stefanos, Konaté, Lassana, Niang, El Hadji Amadou, and Wolff, Eléonore
- Abstract
Background Although malaria transmission has experienced an overall decline in sub-Saharan Africa, urban malaria is now considered an emerging health issue due to rapid and uncontrolled urbanization and the adaptation of vectors to urban environments. Fine-scale hazard and exposure maps are required to support evidence-based policies and targeted interventions, but data-driven predictive spatial modelling is hindered by gaps in epidemiological and entomological data. A knowledge-based geospatial framework is proposed for mapping the heterogeneity of urban malaria hazard and exposure under data scarcity. It builds on proven geospatial methods, implements open-source algorithms, and relies heavily on vector ecology knowledge and the involvement of local experts. Methods A workflow for producing fine-scale maps was systematized, and most processing steps were automated. The method was evaluated through its application to the metropolitan area of Dakar, Senegal, where urban transmission has long been confirmed. Urban malaria exposure was defined as the contact risk between adult Anopheles vectors (the hazard) and urban population and accounted for socioeconomic vulnerability by including the dimension of urban deprivation that is reflected in the morphology of the built-up fabric. Larval habitat suitability was mapped through a deductive geospatial approach involving the participation of experts with a strong background in vector ecology and validated with existing geolocated entomological data. Adult vector habitat suitability was derived through a similar process, based on dispersal from suitable breeding site locations. The resulting hazard map was combined with a population density map to generate a gridded urban malaria exposure map at a spatial resolution of 100 m. Results The identification of key criteria influencing vector habitat suitability, their translation into geospatial layers, and the assessment of their relative importance are major outcomes o, SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
45. Using Sentinel-1 and Google Earth Engine cloud computing for detecting historical flood hazards in tropical urban regions: a case of Dar es Salaam
- Author
Demissie, Biadgilgn, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Grippa, Taïs, Flasse, Charlotte, Wolff, Eléonore, Demissie, Biadgilgn, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Grippa, Taïs, Flasse, Charlotte, and Wolff, Eléonore
- Abstract
This study investigates the potential of freely available Sentinel-1 imagery coupled with Google Earth Engine (GEE) for mapping and monitoring flooding in Dar es Salaam. Sentinel-1 images (n = 55) available during the rainy season (March–May) since 2016 were used and processed in GEE. For separating water and land surfaces, we used a histogram-based automatic thresholding method. The binarization accuracy was assessed using confusion matrix based on 1064 randomly generated points in GEE. Overall accuracy of 95% (Kappa = 0.90) were achieved. Dar es Salaam has experienced flood inundation per flood event on average over an area of 50 km2 in March 2019 and 2021. Territories located along the Ocean and inland water shores, built and bare ground were subject to flooding compared to other land cover types. Flooding inundations have been difficult to detect in the city center. With the current temporal and spatial resolution of Sentinel-1, flood detection in city centers remains a challenge yet. However, Sentinel-1 images, coupled with GEE cloud computing simplified flood mapping and monitoring in a large urban region and this approach can be applied in other large cities and their surroundings for countries where data gap and lack of processing tools are critical challenges., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
46. Les grands projets et leurs impacts sociaux en contexte africain : le vécu du programme de relocalisation de villages lié au port de Kribi (Cameroun).
- Author
Ntyam, Christine Louise and Ntyam, Christine Louise
- Abstract
Le projet de port de Kribi au Cameroun est un exemple de grand projet d’infrastructures initié par un État africain pour moderniser son économie, dans ce cas-ci, à travers son insertion dans le trafic maritime des conteneurs. Ce grand projet est planifié de longue date mais sa réalisation s’est faite entre 2012 et 2017. La région de Kribi, qui est située au sud-ouest du Cameroun, a ainsi été affectée par de grands travaux dans une zone rurale localisée en bordure du Golfe de Guinée. Cette recherche vise à mieux comprendre les différents impacts des travaux reliés au port (installations portuaires, routes d’accès, autoroute régionale, zones d’entrepôts, etc.), en particulier les effets du programme de relocalisation de villages qui a notamment touché deux localités, soit Lalobé et Nlendé-Dibé. Nous avons effectué une série d’entrevues individuelles et des groupes de discussions en 2021 afin de saisir, selon une approche culturaliste, comment les résidents ciblés par ce programme de relocalisation ont vécu les bouleversements de leur cadre de vie et de leurs conditions de vie. Nos résultats démontrent que le programme de relocalisation des populations peut être globalement qualifié d’échec. Les consultations ont été limitées, les indemnisations ont été entachées de nombreuses irrégularités, la pêche et l’agriculture ont subi les contrecoups de l’aménagement d’infrastructures portuaires et routières et les nouveaux sites villageois n’ont pas encore été construits et habités.
- Published
- 2023
47. Seasonality of flights in China: Spatial heterogeneity and its determinants
- Author
Wang, Jiaoe, Xiao, Fan, Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Wang, Wei, Wang, Jiaoe, Xiao, Fan, Dobruszkes, Frédéric, and Wang, Wei
- Abstract
Seasonality is an essential issue for service industries but lacks the attention of most transport scholars. To close this gap, this study explored the spatial heterogeneity and determinants of flight seasonality from a supply-side perspective, using the monthly flights of 222 airports in China during 2018 as a sample. The following conclusions were drawn. First, domestic flights in China face seasonality due to the country's vast territory and diverse natural environment. Second, from an airport perspective, seasonality is high in small airports serving remote places and in cities that are tourism destinations. Third, from a route perspective, feeder routes in the air transport network of China face higher seasonality when compared to trunk routes. Finally, airport size and a mix of natural landscape factors shape domestic flight seasonality at the national level. At the local level, most factors (e.g. airport size and temperature) are more evident in the northwest region., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
48. You’re Surrounded! Measuring the Enclosure of Airports in Urban Areas
- Author
Grippa, Taïs, Dobruszkes, Frédéric, Grippa, Taïs, and Dobruszkes, Frédéric
- Abstract
Airport location is a well-known planning issue that can have a significant impact on a city’s accessibility, economy, noise pollution, and residents’ well-being. In this article, we leverage existing open-source geoinformation and geographical information system (GIS) software to compute statistical indicators that allow us to characterize worldwide the extent to which airports are enclosed in their surrounding urban environment, considering both human overcrowding and actual land use around airports. A so-called enclosure index is developed based on the number of residents and their distance from the airport. A significant number of airports face a high enclosure index, but no clear relationships with air traffic volumes are found. This study also investigates actual land use around airports through a principal component analysis, which unveils interesting contrasts across airports’ surroundings and suggests that, on average, airports with more traffic tend to be located close to—or within—densely built districts. All the original materials produced for this research, including the indicators, the computational code, and the visualization of the context of airports globally through atlas, are provided in open access for future research on the topic., info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
49. A digital principal? Substantive representation in the case of the Italian Five Star Movement
- Author
Mosca, Lorenzo, Vittori, Davide, Mosca, Lorenzo, and Vittori, Davide
- Abstract
One of the main ‘promises’ that populist parties seek to deliver is to bring politics closer to the ‘people’. While the literature focused mainly on the relationship between voters and those parties, less attention has been given to the role of members’ priorities in shaping parties’ legislative activity. In this paper, we focus on a paradigmatic technopopulist case, the Italian Five Star Movement (FSM): one of the founding trademarks of the party was the involvement of the members in the party activities via a digital platform. FSM’s digital platform included participative digital law-making features, which matched member priorities and élite policymaking. We built an original dataset which comprises the law-making activities of members and parliamentarians from 2013 to 2019. We analysed 2000 law proposals and found that FSM elected representatives’ agenda, albeit partly diverging from that of members, still changed in the direction of member priorities through time., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
50. Theorising repeated displacement: The role of anticipation and precedent. The case of Burundi
- Author
Purdeková, Andrea, Birantamije, Gérard, Purdeková, Andrea, and Birantamije, Gérard
- Abstract
What drives mass displacement in the context of cyclical violence and repeated refugee flows? We take the context of Burundi and the Great Lakes region in Africa to show the limitations of available causal models, which are typically focused on war-related displacement, struggle to connect war and post-war displacement and where mass displacement is understood as a response to acute violence. Burundi is an excellent case study to problematise episodic, reactive and war-related causal models of displacement as this is a context with cyclical mass displacements spanning both war and peace and interconnected through dynamics such as people's anticipation of worsening and reading of precedent. Taking the 2015 third-term contestation in Burundi as a starting point, we argue for a longue-durée approach to displacement and for complicating the dominant causality framework by bringing in three dynamics: anticipation, endogeneity and entrenchment. Anticipation considers how longer-term (violent) pasts rather than immediate events inform displacement. In Burundi, people drew on past experiences as well as rumours in an attempt to anticipate a deterioration. Endogeneity questions easy separations between displacement, violence and political crisis and rather sees them as co-constitutive. In Burundi, mass displacement cleared the opposition from domestic space and disenfranchised large populations in subsequent elections. It also drew increased transnational repression and triggered security fears on behalf of the regime. Finally, as the case of Burundi shows, redisplacement does not represent a ‘repeat’ or replication of past experience, but rather a new form of relation to exile and home. Against a long past of repeated displacements, many Burundians are entrenching in exile., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2023
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