197 results on '"gospodarski rast"'
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2. The impact of ICT capital growth on economic growth: the case of Egypt.
- Author
Mansour, Hoda
- Published
- 2022
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3. International trade and economic growth in Croatia.
- Author
Srdelić, Leonarda and Dávila-Fernández, Marwil J.
- Subjects
INTERNATIONAL trade ,ECONOMIC development ,CROATS ,BAYESIAN analysis ,ECONOMIC competition - Abstract
Copyright of Working Papers (Croatian National Bank) is the property of Croatian National Bank and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
4. The interdependence between stock market development and economic growth: a multicountry examination.
- Author
Bawazir, Hana, Kumar, Mukesh, Celik, Saban, Abdulla, Khadija Abdulredha, and Aktan, Bora
- Published
- 2020
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5. Does digitalization affect the contribution of entrepreneurship to economic growth?
- Author
Ivanović-Đukić, Maja, Stevanović, Tatjana, and Rađenović, Tamara
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Marija Logarušić and Irena Raguž Krištić
- Subjects
zombie companies ,panel model ,productivity ,profit per employee ,economic sentiment indicator ,zombi poduzeća ,panel ,performanse poduzeća ,gospodarski rast ,indeks ekonomskog sentimenta ,zombie companies, panel model, productivity, profit per employee, economic sentiment indicator ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Abstract
The main goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of zombie companies on the performance of healthy companies, economies, and economic sentiment (ESI) in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe between 2008 and 2016. Zombie companies are companies whose sustainability is uncertain and whose competitiveness is very limited, and such companies can potentially transfer losses to the companies they are associated with. In this paper, they are defined as companies with negative return on assets, negative net investments and interest rates coverage below 1.5. The results of the panel model with fixed effects show that the market congestion by zombie companies has a negative effect on productivity and profit per employee, a positive impact on investments and no impact on employment growth of healthy companies. Dynamic panel model results suggest that market congestion by zombie companies does not have a significant impact on the GDP of selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe while there is a positive relation with ESI. By analyzing the zombie companies issue in the Central and Eastern Europe countries, and their impact on ESI in general this paper contributes to the existing body of literature., Cilj ovog rada je analizirati utjecaj zombi poduzeća na performanse zdravih poduzeća te gospodarstava i ekonomskog sentimenta (ESI) odabranih zemalja srednje i istočne Europe od 2008. do 2016. godine. Zombi poduzeća su poduzeća čija je održivost neizvjesna i konkurentnost vrlo ograničena te potencijalno mogu prenijeti gubitke poduzećima s kojima su povezana. U radu su definirana kao poduzeća s negativnim povratom na imovinu, negativnim neto investicijama te pokrivenošću kamatnih stopa nižom od 1,5. Rezultati panel modela s fiksnim efektima pokazuju kako zagušenost tržišta zombi poduzećima negativno utječe na produktivnost i profit po zaposlenome, a pozitivno na investicije dok na rast zaposlenosti zdravih poduzeća nema utjecaja. Rezultati dinamičke panel analize sugeriraju da zagušenost tržišta zombi poduzećima nema značajan utjecaj na BDP odabranih zemalja srednje i istočne Europe, dok postoji pozitivna veza s ESI. Istraživanjem problematike zombi poduzeća u zemljama srednje i istočne Europe te analizom njihova utjecaja na ESI općenito, rad doprinosi postojećoj literaturi.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Analiza postupaka uvođenja eura kao službene valute u Republiku Hrvatsku
- Author
Sinjeri, Marina and Vuković, Josip
- Subjects
kuna ,euro ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,inflacija ,Republika Slovenija ,strategija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija ,gospodarski rast ,Europska unija - Abstract
Uvođenje nove valute u državu predstavlja veoma kompleksan proces koji treba ozbiljno shvatiti te zadovoljiti sve kriterije kako bi implementacija bila što uspješnija. Promjena valute jest dugotrajan proces koji zahtjeva dobro razrađenu strategiju, pripremu s izraženim jasnim ciljevima, analizu prednosti te nedostataka kao i promatranje na dugoročnoj razini. Bitno je uključiti mišljenja građana te utjecaj na samo gospodarstvo države čiji rast i napredak karakterizira državu. Republika Hrvatska je ušla u proces uvođenja nove valute, odnosno zamjene trenutne nacionalne valute kune za euro. Ovaj rad razrađuje postupak uvođenja eura u Republiku Hrvatsku te utjecaj inflacije na sam proces. Kako bi do promjene valute došlo potrebno je zadovoljiti određene kriterije, uvjete koji su zahtjevani od strane Europske unije. Od Hrvatske se očekuje da uvede euro s obzirom na to da je članica Europske unije kao što se očekivalo i od ostalih članica. Kao primjer uspješnog uvođenja eura navedena je nama susjedna država, Republika Slovenija, koja je tečajnom mehanizmu pristupila 2007. godine te već ima dugu povijest korištenja eura.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Jurčić, Ljubo and Časni, Anita Čeh
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2018
9. Monetary freedom and economic growth in New European Union Member States.
- Author
Ivanović, Vladan and Stanišić, Nenad
- Subjects
MONETARY policy ,ECONOMIC development ,GROSS domestic product ,EUROPEAN Union membership ,FINANCIAL crises ,RECESSIONS - Abstract
Copyright of Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja is the property of Taylor & Francis Ltd and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Stipković, Paola and Bogdan, Željko
- Abstract
Copyright of Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb / Zbornik Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Zagrebu is the property of Ekonomski Fakultet u Zagrebu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Vidović, Ivana
- Subjects
telekomunikacijska industrija ,digitalna tehnologija ,gospodarski rast ,strategija ,organizacija poslovanja ,globalizacija ,inovacije ,operacijski menadžment - Abstract
Telekomunikacije danas predstavljaju globalni sustav zbog svoje važnosti unutar gospodarskih aktivnosti. Digitalna tehnologija i tehnološke promjene imaju ključnu ulogu u razvoju telekomunikacijske industrije. Industrija, razvijanjem svojih usluga, snažno je povećala svoju važnost i sudjelovanje u svim sektorima, a posebno u gospodarskom sektoru. Time se reflektirala na cjelokupan digitalno – tehnološki proces koji je potaknuo sve veći globalni gospodarski rast. Širenje digitalne tehnologije kreiralo je nove mogućnosti života, obrazovanja i poslovanja. Napredak i inovacije u telekomunikacijskoj industriji potakle su poduzeća na stvaranje nove strategije i organizacije poslovanja, a stvorile su se mogućnosti za napredak i poboljšanje. Umreženost svih uređaja unutar naših domova, na radnim mjestima te pojava novih generacija mobilne mreže označavaju ključ uspjeha. S druge strane, rast globalizacije potaknuo je poduzeća na konstantno ulaganje u inovacije te učenje novih digitalnih vještina koje će implementirati u svoje poslovanje kako bi bile što uspješnije na tržištu. Telekomunikacije omogućavaju stvaranje, uporabu i razmjenu informacija na bilo kojem mjestu i u bilo koje vrijeme i to je najvažniji čimbenik telekomunikacijske industrije. Ona je pokretač novog doba, pokretač globalizacije. U ovom diplomskom radu se prikazuje utjecaj telekomunikacijske tehnologije u svim uvjetima globalizacije, opisuje se važnost strategija i operacijskog menadžmenta kako bi poduzeća imala što veću uspješnost te se iznose bitne karakteristike poslovanja najvećeg pružatelja telekomunikacijskih usluga u Republici Hrvatskoj, a riječ je o Hrvatskom Telekomu. Prije početka samog pisanja rada postavljena je hipoteza , , Globalizacija pomaže širenju telekomunikacijskih industrija čime pozitivno utječe na svjetsku ekonomiju“ koja je na kraju rada i prihvaćena. Zaključuje se da telekomunikacijska tehnologija predstavlja ključan faktor za što uspješnije poslovanje uz što veću proaktivnost i inovativnost.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Ćućić, Dražen, Lisak, Mladen, Božinović, Ina, Sudarić, Željko, and Belaj, Ivan, Stojanović, Slobodan
- Subjects
Gospodarski rast ,Energija ,Energetsko siromaštvo ,Potencijal - Abstract
Cilj ovog rada je definirati što je energetska politika, koje su njezine karakteristike i kako provoditi energetsku učinkovitost. Autor(i) u ovome radu istražuju prednosti i nedostatke energetske politike EU, energetsku politiku i strategiju Republike Hrvatske, te izazove i potencijale Republike Hrvatske u energetskom sektoru. Također, autor(i) istražuju polazne točke Europskog zelenog plana, njegove definirane mjere i ciljeve u budućnosti, a u skladu sa zakonodavnim i institucionalnim okvirom Republike Hrvatske. Autor(i) u ovome radu koristite sljedeće metode: deskriptivnu metodu istraživanja, deduktivnu metodu istraživanja, metodu analize i metodu kompilacije. Autor(i) koriste sekundarne podatke za potrebe ovog rada. Dugoročni energetski razvoj ostavlja utjecaj na cjelokupnu industriju, pa je i to jedan od razloga zašto je opskrba energijom preduvjet cjelokupnog gospodarskog razvoja, ali i standarda stanovništva. Važnost energije za gospodarsku aktivnost i gospodarski rast je neupitna. Hrvatska ima mnogo mogućnosti u energetskom sektoru, ali je njihova iskorištenost vrlo niska ili nedovoljno iskorištena. Stoga je u ovom području važno formulirati kvalitetnu energetsku strategiju za povećanje korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije za smanjenje uvoza ili izvoza energije u budućnosti, što će utjecati na gospodarski rast zemlje.
- Published
- 2022
13. Otvorenost gospodarstva Hrvatske u kontekstu monetarne i fiskalne politike
- Author
- Subjects
otvorenost gospodarstva, trgovinska otvorenost, monetarne varijable, fiskalne varijable, gospodarski rast ,General Medicine ,otvorenost gospodarstva ,trgovinska otvorenost ,monetarne varijable ,fiskalne varijable ,gospodarski rast - Abstract
Ovim radom ispituje se utjecaj odabranih monetarnih i fiskalnih varijabli na trgovinsku otvorenost gospodarstva Hrvatske. Otvorenost gospodarstva u teoriji se smatra jednim od faktora gospodarskog rasta. S obzirom na to da su monetarna i fiskalna politika ključne sastavnice ekonomske politike, u radu se istražuje utjecaj monetarnih i fiskalnih varijabli na razinu otvorenosti gospodarstva. Monetarne varijable uključuju novčanu masu, tečaj i inflaciju, dok fiskalne varijable uključuju udio proračunskih prihoda i rashoda u BDP-u te kamate na trezorske zapise ministarstva financija. Trgovinska otvorenost kao endogena varijabla definirana je udjelom zbroja izvoza i uvoza u BDP-u kao ukupna otvorenost, te udjela izvoza i uvoza pojedinačno u BDP-u kao izvozna i uvozna otvorenost. U tri modela višestruke linearne regresijske analize pokazalo se kako u određivanju smjera i veličine otvorenosti dominiraju signifikantne fiskalne varijable za razliku od monetarnih. Jedna monetarna varijabla signifikantna je samo u slučaju uvozne otvorenosti. U radu je kao sekundarni cilj provedena i analiza utjecaja trgovinske otvorenosti na gospodarski rast preko BDP-a per capita koja se pokazala nesignifikantnom za gospodarski rast Hrvatske.
- Published
- 2022
14. Prikaz knjige The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations
- Author
Bejaković and Predrag
- Subjects
Kreativno uništavanje ,Tehnološke promjene ,Gospodarski rast ,Tržište rada - Abstract
U ekonomskoj teoriji nije baš bilo posve jasno zbog čega je toliko važan utjecaj kreativnog uništavanja. Pojašnjenju mnogih nepoznanica o toj temi više nego uspješno postiže nova publikacija The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations (Moć kreativnog uništavanju: Ekonomski preokret i bogatstvo naroda). Knjigu su pripremili francuski istraživači Philippe Aghio, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunelm a objavio the Belknap Press iz Cambridgea. Osim uvoda i zaključka, knjiga ima 15 poglavlja u kojima autori podrobno istražuju široki spektar različitih tema, ponajviše vezanih uz uspješan inovacijski razvoj i važnost kreativnog uništavanja. Vrlo argumentirano razmatraju mnogobrojne teme poput potrebe povećane konkurencije na tržištu, pravednosti, dohodovne nejednakosti i oporezivanja, povezanosti kreativnog uništavanja i sreće, kako istodobno zazeleniti gospodarstvo i osigurati inovativni napredak i mnogo toga drugog. Autori si zadaju jako zahtjevnu zadaću, a to je pružiti odgovore na mnoga složena pitanja, poput kako ostvariti uspješan industrijski uzlet ; kako osigurati lakše prihvaćanje velikih tehnoloških promjena ; koji su preduvjeti za uspješnu konvergenciju zemalja na različitoj razini gospodarskog rasta ; kako uspješno izaći iz zamke srednjeg dohotka ; i kako osigurati uspješno provođenje strukturnih promjena. Nadalje, razmatraju mogu li se potaknuti inovacije i kreativno uništenje, a da se istodobno zaštititi okoliš i smanje dohodovne nejednakosti? U svemu navedenome, nužno je ponovno razmislite o ulozi države i civilnog društva, odnosno, koju ulogu svaki od njih može odigrati u poticanju inovacija i kreativnog uništenja, te tako povećati nacionalno bogatstvo. Posljednja poglavlja ove zanimljive i vrijedne knjige - Poglavlja 14, 15 i Zaključak - posvećena su opisu problema koji obilježavaju suvremeni kapitalizam u svijetu i mogućnostima njihovog rješavanja.
- Published
- 2022
15. Pazite što želite, jer bi Vam se moglo ostvariti!: Bilješka u povodu godišnjice referenduma o Brexitu.
- Author
Švaljek, Sandra
- Abstract
Copyright of Economic Trends & Economic Policy is the property of Institute of Economics, Zagreb and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Kurnoga, Nataša, Šimurina, Nika, and Miloš, Željka
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
- Author
Tomljanović, Marko
- Abstract
Copyright of Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb / Zbornik Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Zagrebu is the property of Ekonomski Fakultet u Zagrebu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Bušelić, Marija and Pavlišić, Patricija
- Subjects
TECHNOLOGICAL innovations ,LABOR productivity ,MANUFACTURING industries - Abstract
Copyright of Ekonomski Vjesnik is the property of Ekonomski Vjesnik and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Bosanac, Siniša and Požega, Željko
- Subjects
FOREIGN investments ,ECONOMIC development ,TRANSITION economies ,ECONOMICS - Abstract
Copyright of Ekonomski Vjesnik is the property of Ekonomski Vjesnik and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Ilić, Miroslav
- Abstract
Copyright of Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb / Zbornik Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Zagrebu is the property of Ekonomski Fakultet u Zagrebu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Vedriš, Mladen and Drvenkar, Nataša
- Abstract
Copyright of Economics / Ekonomija is the property of Rifin d.o.o. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Novak, Dunja Horvat and Hunjet, Anica
- Abstract
Copyright of Technical Journal / Tehnički Glasnik is the property of Polytechnic of Varazdin and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Pupavac, Drago
- Abstract
Copyright of Socijalna Ekologija is the property of Croatian Sociological Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Biuk, Karmen and Mihaljević Kosor, Maja
- Subjects
inequality ,visoko obrazovanje ,higher education ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,panel analysis ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,panel analiza ,EU ,gospodarski rast ,economic growth ,nejednakost - Abstract
Obzirom na turbulentna vremena kojima svjedočimo zadnjih 10ak i više godina, cilj ovoga rada je izvršiti analizu utjecaja visokog obrazovanja kao i nejednakosti na gospodarski rast u zemljama EU. Teorijski smo prikazali relevantna istraživanja vezana uz obrazovanje i nejednakost kao i probleme i izazove s kojima se mladi susreću. Shodno tome, rad se nastavlja formiranjem te procjenom modela pomoću panel analize. Pretpostavka je bila da će državna izdvajanja za visoko obrazovanje imati pozitivan utjecaj na gospodarski rast. Rezultati analize, unutar uzorka od 27 zemalja EU u periodu od 2004. do 2019., dokazuju prethodno navedenu pretpostavku kako državna izdvajanja za visoko obrazovanje vode gospodarskom rastu. Druga pretpostavka o negativnom utjecaju nejednakosti na gospodarski rast ne može se prihvatiti obzirom da varijabla nije statistički značajna. Given the turbulent times we have witnessed over the last 10 or more years, the aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of higher education as well as inequalities on economic growth in EU countries. We have theoretically presented relevant research related to education and inequality as well as the problems and challenges that young people face. Accordingly, the work continues with the formation and evaluation of the model using panel analysis. The assumption was that government allocations for higher education would have a positive impact on economic growth. The results of the analysis, within a sample of 27 EU countries in the period from 2004. to 2019., prove the aforementioned assumption that government allocations for higher education lead to economic growth. The second assumption about the negative impact of inequality on economic growth cannot be accepted since the variable is not statistically significant.
- Published
- 2021
25. Transport u vrtlogu izgubljenog desetljeća
- Author
Pupavac, Drago, Knežević, Josip, Ćurguz, Zoran, Marić, Bojan, Stojčić, Mirko, and Malčić, Vladimir
- Subjects
transport ,kriza ,pokazatelji rada ,COVID-19 ,gospodarski rast - Abstract
U ovome radu istražuje se kretanje osnovnih pokazatelja rada u transportnom sustavu Republike Hrvatske (HR) za razdoblju od 2008. do 2020. godine. Radi se o razdoblju duboke krize hrvatske ekonomije i razdoblju preživljavanja. Globalna financijska kriza, a potom i COVID-19 kriza svojim su intenzitetom snažno i negativno utjecale na opću razinu ekonomskih aktivnosti sprječavajući veći doprinos transporta gospodarskom rastu i izlasku na dobri krug razvoja. Predmet ovoga rada usmjeren je na kvantitativne pokazatelje rada u transportu, ali i na međuodnos transporta i gospodarstva u uvjetima krize. Radna hipoteza ovoga rada glasi: U promatranom razdoblju, posebno u specifičnim uvjetima izazvanim COVID-19 krizom, izostaje uloga transporta kao aktivnog promotora gospodarskog rasta. Glavni nalaz ovoga rada upućuje na zaključak da je transport u desetljeću krize u većoj mjeri ublažavao recesiju nego što je poticao gospodarski oporavak. Rezultati istraživanja temelje se na metodama analize i sinteze te metodama deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Savić, Zvonimir
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2015
- Author
Vedriš, Mladen
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2015
28. Regional competitiveness, economic growth and stages of development.
- Author
Huggins, Robert, Izushi, Hiro, Prokop, Daniel, and Thompson, Piers
- Published
- 2014
29. Makroekonomska pozicija Hrvatske na jugoistoku Europe : trgovinski, investicijski i razvojni učinci
- Author
Vlahinić-Dizdarević, Nela
- Subjects
Hrvatska ,jugoistočna Europa ,trgovina ,investicije ,gospodarski rast - Abstract
Knjiga analizira makroekonomsku poziciju Hrvatske u okruženju jugoistočne Europe s trgovinskog, investicijskog i razvojnog aspekta. Istraživanje polazi od teorijskog pristupa konkurentnosti malih zemalja, čije su pretpostavke uključivanja u međunarodne trgovinske i kapitalne tijekove bitno različite u odnosu na velike ekonomije. Knjiga daje zaključke o prihvatljivosti i koristima pojedinih trgovinskih i razvojnih strategija, što predstavlja podlogu za daljnju makroekonomsku analizu hrvatskog i ostalih gospodarstava u ovoj regiji. Knjiga također istražuje dosadašnje učinke međusobne trgovine unutar ove regije te analizom statičkih i dinamičkih učinaka ocjenjuje potencijalne koristi i troškove stvaranja zone slobodne trgovine na jugoistoku Europe.
- Published
- 2020
30. Uloga javnih financija u kreiranju gospodarstva s osvrtom na Hrvatsku
- Author
Brižić, Jure and Bolfek, Berislav
- Subjects
javne financije ,fiscal decentralization ,budget deficit ,public revenues ,proračun ,proračunski deficit ,public finances ,public expenditures ,economic growth ,javni rashodi ,fiskalna decentralizacija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management ,javni prihodi ,gospodarski rast ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment ,budget - Abstract
Javne financije temelj su uspješnog ostvarenja makroekonomskih ciljeva i uspješnog zadovoljavanja javnih potreba u suvremenim državama ili „državama blagostanja“. Javne financije temelje se na prikupljanju javnih prihoda porezne i neporezne prirode kao i na prodaji nefinancijske državne imovine. Javni prihodi prikupljaju se kako bi se kroz javne rashode ispunila alokacijska funkcija, funkcija preraspodjele i stabilizacijska funkcija javnih financija. Svrhovito i učinkovito alociranje javnih prihoda u produktivne svrhe ima značajan potencijal u izravnom ili neizravnom poticanju gospodarskog rasta. U suvremenim javnim financijama je vrlo važna uloga fiskalne decentralizacije i fiskalnog izravnanja u slučaju da jedinice regionalne i lokalne samouprave nisu u mogućnosti samostalno financirat prošireni opseg poslova. Analiza javnih financija u RH pokazala je da je Hrvatska bila iznimno uspješna u procesu smanjenja proračunskog deficita i javnog duga, ali ne i u poticanju gospodarskog rasta jer se značajan udio proračuna usmjerava na mirovinsko osiguranje i servisiranje javnog duga, a to nisu rashodi koji imaju potencijal generiranja rasta. Public finances are the basis for the successful achievement of macroeconomic goals and the successful fulfilment of public needs in modern or "welfare states". Public finances are based on the collection of public taxes and non-tax revenues as well as the sale of non-financial government assets. Public revenues are collected in order to fulfil the allocation function, the redistribution function and the stabilization function of public finances through public expenditure. Purposeful and efficient allocation of public revenues for productive purposes has significant potential in stimulating economic growth, directly or indirectly. The role of fiscal decentralization and fiscal equalization is very important in the case that regional and local self-government units are not able to finance the expanded scope of work independently. The analysis of public finances in the Republic of Croatia has showed that Croatia was extremely successful in the process of reducing the budget deficit and public debt, but not in stimulating economic growth, since a significant share of the budget focuses on pension insurance and public debt servicing, which are not expenditures that have the potential to generate growth.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Parađina, Petar and Šimić, Vladimir
- Subjects
tranzicija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,inozemna izravna ulaganja ,foreign direct investment ,transition ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,gospodarski rast ,economic growth - Abstract
Tijekom prošlog stoljeća mogu se primijetiti velike promjene u svjetskoj ekonomiji gdje vrlo značajnu ulogu zauzimaju različiti oblici kretanja kapitala među državama. Jedan od takvih oblika su izravna strana ulaganja (FDI). Priljev izravnih stranih ulaganja smatra se vrlo važnim kanalom za širenje novih ideja, tehnologija, poslovnih vještina te pristupa novim tržištima, što pridonosi ostvarenju većeg životnog standarda i ekonomskog rasta povećanjem ukupne razine kapitalnih ulaganja. Nakon brojnih ekonomskih istraživanja na temu utjecaja izravnih stranih ulaganja na gospodarski rast i dalje nije dat odgovor donose li izravne strane investicije pozitivan ili negativan utjecaj na gospodarski rast, dakle mišljenja su podijeljena. U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj izravnih stranih ulaganja na gospodarski rast zemalja srednje i istočne Europe koja su vrlo zanimljiv uzorak zbog svog tranzicijskog perioda u 1990-im godinama. Nakon pregleda literature i izrade empirijskog dijela rada, donosi se zaključak da je utjecaj izravnih stranih ulaganja na gospodarski rast zemalja srednje i istočne Europe pozitivan no ne i značajan. Over the past century, there have been major changes in the world economy, where various forms of capital movements between countries are very important. One such form is foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI inflows are considered to be a very important channel for the dissemination of new ideas, technologies, business skills and access to new markets, which contributes to a higher standard of living and economic growth by increasing the overall level of capital investment. After numerous economic studies on the impact of FDI on economic growth, no answer has yet been given as to whether FDI has a positive or negative impact on economic growth, so opinions are divided. This paper explores the impact of FDI on the economic growth of Central and Eastern European countries, which is a very interesting pattern due to its transition period in the 1990s. After reviewing the literature and developing the empirical part of the paper, it is concluded that the impact of FDI on the economic growth of Central and Eastern European countries is positive but not significant.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Andrej Grbin and Danijela Rabar
- Subjects
fiskalni pokazatelji, gospodarski rast, (ne)efikasnost, hrvatske županije, analiza omeđivanja podataka, analiza prozora ,fiskalni pokazatelji ,gospodarski rast ,(ne)efikasnost ,hrvatske županije ,analiza omeđivanja podataka ,analiza prozora ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance ,fiscal indicators ,economic growth ,(in)efficiency ,Croatian counties ,data envelopment analysis ,window analysis - Abstract
Neravnomjeran gospodarski rast hrvatskih županija ukazuje na potrebu analize njihove usporedne (relativne) efikasnosti. Pritom bi, između ostaloga, istraživanje bilo zanimljivo usmjeriti na pokazatelje pod dominantnim utjecajem fi skalne politike. Upravo je to tema ovoga rada, a istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno razdoblje od 2002. do 2015. godine i uključeno šest pokazatelja u većem ili manjem opsegu povezanih s mjerama fiskalne politike. Dinamička je analiza provedena empirijski, korištenjem neparametarske metode analize omeđivanja podataka (AOMP), i to na županijskoj razini na kojoj su dane i smjernice za potrebna poboljšanja, što predstavlja novinu u odnosu na dosadašnje radove. Dobiveni rezultati efikasnosti 21 županije potvrdili su postavljene hipoteze o značajnim međužupanijskim nejednakostima i vodećoj poziciji Grada Zagreba u svjetlu odabranih pokazatelja, ukazujući ujedno na generatore neefikasnosti, među kojima je najizraženiji broj zaposlenih u jedinicama lokalnih i područnih samouprava. Rezultati bi trebali poslužiti kreatorima ekonomske politike u nastojanjima unapređenja fiskalnih odluka s ciljem smanjenja regionalnih razlika., The uneven economic growth of Croatian counties points to the need for an analysis of their relative efficiency. Among other things, it would be interesting to focus the research on indicators under the dominant influence of fiscal policy. This is exactly the subject of this paper, and the research covers the period from 2002 to 2015 and includes six indicators which are to a greater or lesser extent related to fiscal policy measures. The dynamic analysis is conducted empirically, using the nonparametric method of data envelopment analysis (DEA), at the county level at which are also given the guidelines for necessary improvements, which is novel in comparison to previous literature. The obtained results of 21 counties’ efficiency confirmed the hypothesis of significant inter-county disparities and the leading position of the City of Zagreb in the sense of selected indicators, also pointing to inefficiency sources among which the most prominent is the number of employees of local and regional self-government units. The results should serve the economic policy makers in the efforts to improve fiscal decisions with the aim of reducing regional differences.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Ferhat Ćejvanović, Adnan Kamerić, and Dragovan Miličević
- Subjects
foreign trade ,gravity model ,evaluation ,CEFTA agreement 2006 ,economic growth ,Gravity model of trade ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Economics ,International trade ,business ,Montenegro ,vanjska trgovina ,model gravitacije ,procjena ,Sporazum CEFTA 2006 ,gospodarski rast ,Agreement ,media_common - Abstract
The analysis of foreign trade in global trading of today requires the usage of macro-analytical activities which are based on contemporary and classical evaluation methods, trading measurements and macroeconomic indicators of economic stability and growth. This paper starts from the idea and the need to evaluate the influence of foreign trade between Bosnia and Herzegovina using the gravity model. The aim of this paper has been set based on this idea and is reflected in the advantages and disadvantages of using the gravity model in evaluating foreign trade between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The gravity method in foreign trade evaluates the potentials between some countries taking into consideration real trade value. It also takes into account the potential and costs of trading, as well as the distance of the analysed market. This paper starts accordingly from the assumption that the usage of the gravity model can evaluate the potential of import and export between two countries and in this way make assumptions about how to increase competitiveness among trading companies. The paper presents the potential for import and export from Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the results of the research. Sources of the data used in this paper are primarily the statistical publications of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, as well as data available on the internet., Analiza vanjske trgovine u današnjoj globalnoj trgovini zahtijeva upotrebu makro analitičkih aktivnosti utemeljenih na suvremenim i klasičnim metodama procjene, mjerenju trgovine i makroekonomskim pokazateljima gospodarske stabilnosti i rasta. Ovaj rad polazi od ideje i potrebe za procjenom utjecaja vanjske trgovine Bosne i Hercegovine upotrebom modela gravitacije. Cilj rada temelji se na ovoj ideji i reflektira se u prednostima i nedostacima korištenja modela gravitacije prilikom procjene vanjske trgovine između Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore. Model gravitacije u vanjskoj trgovini procjenjuje potencijal među određenim zemljama uzimajući u obzir stvarnu vrijednost trgovanja. Također uzima u obzir potencijal i troškove trgovanja, kao i udaljenost analiziranog tržišta. Ovaj rad polazi od pretpostavke da upotreba modela gravitacije može procijeniti potencijal uvoza i izvoza između dvije zemlje te je na taj način moguće dati pretpostavke o načinima povećanja konkurentnosti među trgovačkim društvima. Rad predstavlja potencijal za uvoz u i izvoz iz Bosne i Hercegovine na temelju rezultata istraživanja. Izvori podataka koji su korišteni u ovom radu prvenstveno su statističke publikacije Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore, kao i podaci dostupni na internetu.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Halebić, Jasmin
- Subjects
ECONOMIC development ,ECONOMIC equilibrium ,PRICES ,BUSINESS enterprises ,ECONOMIC shock ,FINANCIAL liberalization - Abstract
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- Published
- 2013
- Author
Vedriš, Mladen
- Subjects
ECONOMIC reform ,ECONOMIC structure ,ECONOMIC research ,ECONOMIC development ,ECONOMIC equilibrium ,FINANCIAL crises - Abstract
Copyright of Economics / Ekonomija is the property of Rifin d.o.o. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Tadin, Hrvoje
- Subjects
Copyright of Economics / Ekonomija is the property of Rifin d.o.o. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Milić Beran, Ivona, Munitić, Ante, and Krželj Čolović, Zorica
- Subjects
ECONOMIC development research ,GLOBALIZATION ,INTERNATIONAL relations ,TECHNOLOGICAL innovations ,CAPITAL - Abstract
Copyright of Ekonomski Vjesnik is the property of Ekonomski Vjesnik and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Zbašnik, Dušan
- Subjects
MONETARY policy ,FISCAL policy ,ECONOMIC development ,FOREIGN exchange rates ,ECONOMIC demand ,TAXATION ,CONSUMPTION (Economics) ,DEBT - Abstract
Copyright of Economics / Ekonomija is the property of Rifin d.o.o. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Vedriš, Mladen and Šimić, Ružica
- Subjects
ECONOMIC development ,ECONOMIC models ,ECONOMIC policy ,EXTERNAL debts ,FINANCIAL crises ,ECONOMIC history - Abstract
Copyright of Economics / Ekonomija is the property of Rifin d.o.o. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Nekić, Danijel
- Subjects
ECONOMIC development ,TRADE routes ,WORLD history ,RAW materials ,ECONOMIC indicators - Abstract
Copyright of Polemos is the property of Croatian Sociological Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
- Subjects
- *
SOCIAL problems , *ECONOMIC development , *ECONOMIC policy , *STATICS & dynamics (Social sciences) - Abstract
The European Commission report that was outlined by President José Barroso at the 2005. Spring European Council, addresses European economic and social issues in the context of the expiration of the first half of the ambitious Lisbon strategy. With that strategy, the heads of states and governments stated their commitment to make the European Union the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy, capable of achieving sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs, stronger social cohesion, and respect for environment. However, the results to date have not matched the aspirations of growth and high employment, so the process has frequently stalled, and was dispersed in the sphere of implementation and legislation. Therefore this report was intended as a new start for the Lisbon strategy that would provide a sharper focus and more transparent mechanisms in achieving the common goal. The main guidelines are: to make Europe a more attractive place to invest and work, to encourage knowledge and innovation for growth, and to create more and better jobs. The emphasis lies primarily on giving a boost to technological development, infrastructure, services, enterprise and competitiveness -- as a path that would lead to more and better jobs. In terms of social policy measures, the document stresses the necessity of development and accessibility of higher education and lifelong learning, as well as the adjustment of work and family obligations in the context of new demographic patterns in Europe. In achieving these targets, the Commission is counting on the partnership of all participants, from the regional and national governments, through the business sector to civil society. During 2005. these guidelines have been embodied in a number of European documents. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
42. Osam različitih priča: posljedice korona virusa na tržište rada i porast nezaposlenosti
- Author
Bejaković, Predrag
- Subjects
koronavirus ,gospodarski rast ,tržište rada ,nezaposlenost - Abstract
U cijelom svijetu povećava se broj izgubljenih radnih mjesta zbog epidemije korona virusa te jako raste broj nezaposlenih. U prošlim gospodarskim krizama najčešće su više bile pogođene muške grane, kao što su graditeljstvo i proizvodnja, dok su sada čini se više izloženi oni sektori u kojima prevladavaju žene. Teško je procijeniti kakav će biti ukupni učinak pandemije na tržište rada, ali gotovo je sigurno kako će biti krajnje nepovoljan i s dugotrajnim posljedicama. Stanje se značajno razlikuje od zemlje do zemlje, pa se u tekstu iznosi stanje u 8 međusobno jako različitih zemalja: Austriji, Francuskoj, Danskoj, Italiji, Njemačkoj, Republici Fidži, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Velikoj Britaniji.
- Published
- 2020
43. The Transformation from National to Market State Demands a New Approach to the Regulation of the Relationship between the Central Authority and the Local Authorities
- Author
Guste Santini
- Subjects
Physics ,Multidisciplinary ,History and Philosophy of Science ,gospodarski rast ,nacionalna država ,otkrivanje preferencija ,porezni kapacitet ,susretno planiranje ,porezni sustav ,tržišna država ,Theology ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) ,National state ,economic growth ,national state ,discovering preferences ,tax capacity ,polycentric planning ,tax system ,market state - Abstract
Cilj rada jest da se ukaže na širi kontekst koji je potrebno imati u vidu prilikom reformiranja postojećeg sustava odnosa lokalne vlasti i centralnih vlasti. U radu se identificiraju ograničenja i mogućnosti koje stoje na raspolaganju nositeljima reforme odnosa lokalne i centralne vlasti. Posebno se naglašava nužnost poštivanja odnosa sustava i njegovih podsustava te elemenata kao nužnog polazišta uspostave novog sustava zadovoljavajuće razine entropije. Udio javnih prihoda premašuje porezni kapacitet hrvatskog gospodarstva. Postojeću poreznu presiju nije moguće održati, s jedne strane, i nužno je, s druge strane, znatno povećati udio lokalne uprave i samouprave u prikupljenim poreznim prihodima. Hrvatska je, postavši punopravna članica Europske unije, prepustila dio svojeg nacionalnog suvereniteta. Napuštanje nacionalnog suvereniteta općenito redefinira sustav i politiku, što, sa svoje strane, čini postojeći odnos centralne i lokalne vlasti kontraproduktivnim. Da bi se smanjile razlike u razvijenosti između pojedinih županija i da bi se osigurao minimalni standard javnih dobara svim građanima, potrebno je uspostaviti novi sustav polazeći od tržišne države. Postojeći sustav odnosa između centralne vlasti i lokalnih vlasti nije bio zadovoljavajući u uvjetima nacionalne države. U tržišnoj državi on je neodrživ. U tržišnoj državi županije moraju preuzeti odgovornost za razvoj gospodarstva na svojem području kako bi se 1) povećao porezni kapacitet koji 2) omogućuje veću količinu i raznovrsnost javnih dobara. Uvođenje ekonomskih principa u preciziranju odnosa između centralne vlasti i lokalnih vlasti ne znači napuštanje interregionalne, interpersonalne i intergeneracijske solidarnosti, ali je njihov odnos nužno zasnovati na principima rasta konkurentnosti koja je temelj opstojnosti i razvoja svake tržišne države. U radu se predlaže, u vektorskom pogledu, promjena pristupa sagledavanja problema i načina rješavanja gospodarskih problema na razini zemlje, te se iz tako određenog odnosa sagledavaju, deriviraju, moguća rješenja odnosa između centralne vlasti i lokalnih vlasti radi ostvarivanja potrebnih javnih dobara demokratskim procesima, a da pri tome javni sektor ne ugrozi konkurentnost gospodarstva. U radu se naglašava potreba definiranja minimalnog standarda javnih dobara na razini zemlje, koju osigurava centralna vlast, uz stimulativne poticaje (uključivo intervencionističke) koje kreira županija, koji će ubrzati razvoj te predstavlja polazište ravnopravnosti svih građana Hrvatske., The objective of the paper is to indicate the wider context that should be taken into consideration when conducting a reform of the existing system of relationship between the local authorities and the central authority. The paper identifies not only the limitations, but also the possibilities available to the holders of the reform of the relationship between the local authorities and the central authority. Furthermore, the paper particularly stresses the necessity of respecting the relationship of the system towards the subsystems and the elements thereof as a necessary prerequisite for the introduction of a new system of satisfactory entropy level. The share of public income exceeds the tax capacity of the Croatian economy. Since, on the one hand, the existing tax pressure is unsustainable, it is, on the other hand, necessary to considerably increase the share of the local administration and self-administration in the income collected from taxes. By becoming a member state of the European Union, Croatia has waived one part of its national sovereignty. Abandoning national sovereignty in general redefines the system and the politics, which for its part makes the existing relationship between the central authority and the local authorities counterproductive. In order to reduce development-related differences among counties, and to secure the minimal standard of public goods for all citizens, it is necessary to establish a new system starting from the market state. The existing system regarding the relationship between the central authority and the local authorities was unsatisfactory in the circumstances of the national state. In a market state, it is unsustainable as such. In a market state, counties ought to take over the responsibility for the development of economy in their areas in order to 1) increase tax capacity that 2) enables a larger quantity and diversity of public goods. Though introducing economic principles into specifying the relationship between the central authority and the local authorities does not mean giving up interregional, interpersonal and intergenerational solidarity, their relationship ought to be based on the principles of competitiveness growth, as a foundation of the survival and development of any market state. The paper proposes a change in the approach to observing the problems, and the manner of solving economic issues at state level; possible solutions regarding the relationship between the central authority and the local authorities may thereby be observed and derived in order to actualise the necessary public goods within democratic processes, whereby the public sector should not jeopardize the competitiveness of the economy. The paper furthermore stresses the need to define the minimal standard of public goods at state level ensured by the central authority, accompanied by stimuli (including the intervention-related ones) granted by the counties, which are meant to accelerate the development and present the starting point for the equality of all the citizens of Croatia.
- Published
- 2020
44. Inovacije i tehnološki napredak u poslovanju morskih luka i njihov utjecaj na gospodarstvo
- Author
Mudronja, Gorana and Skala, Karolj
- Subjects
Istraživanje i razvoj ,tehnološki napredak ,morske luke ,gospodarski rast - Abstract
Ulaganje u istraživanje i razvoj te poticanje primjene novih tehnologija važan su segment poslovanja morskih luka budući da utječu na održavanje konkurentske pozicije te samo napredovanje poslovanja morskih luka. Inovacije stvaraju poticaje za dugoročni rast jer stvaraju mogućnosti za poboljšanje produktivnosti. Razvoj novih tehnologija i procesa može rezultirati većom zaradom i potencijalnim ekonomskim rastom gradskog ili regionalnog gospodarstva. Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati inovacije koje se primjenjuju u poslovanju morskih luka te definirati razvojne mogućnosti poslovanja morskih luka u budućnosti iz aspekta tehnološkog napretka. Nadalje, u radu se analizira i utjecaj primjene novih tehnologija u morskim lukama na gospodarski rast. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se većina inovacija u pomorskoj industriji vezuje uz inovacije u dizajnu i izradi plovila, inovacije na području goriva te inovacije u razvoju luka i lučke infrastrukture. No, morske luke imaju također značajne mogućnosti implementacije suvremenih tehnologija u poslovanju u budućnosti kao što su implementacija oblaka (eng. cloud), implementacija blockchain tehnologije te primjena dronova. Primjena novih tehnologija utječe na ekonomski rast gospodarstva, no istovremeno da bi se nove tehnologije mogle implementirati, gospodarstvo mora imati određene predispozicije kao što su obrazovano stanovništvo, niska stopa nezaposlenosti i usmjerenost na industrijalizaciju.
- Published
- 2020
45. Rad ne sadrži naslov na drugom jeziku
- Author
Horvatin, Darko and Derado, Dražen
- Subjects
tehnologija ,FDI ,Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,greenfield investment ,economic growth ,innovation ,M&A investment ,greenfield ulaganja ,M&A ulaganja ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,inovacije ,technology ,Economics. Economic science ,EU ,gospodarski rast ,udc:330(043.3) - Abstract
Gospodarski rast predstavlja nesporni privredni fenomen i konačni politički cilj, bez obzira na prevladavajuću ekonomsku doktrinu. Omogućuje da zemlje postignu viši stupanj razvoja i da pojedinci unaprijede svoj ekonomski položaj na održiv način. Kao takav, ekonomski rast obično se temelji na interakciji rada, kapitala i tehnologije. U tom kontekstu inozemna direktna ulaganja (FDI) imaju višestruki učinak na gospodarski rast. S jedne strane priljev inozemnog kapitala povećava domaću kapitalnu bazu i zaposlenost, dok s druge strane osigurava prijenos suvremene tehnologije i know-how te unapređuje vještine domaćih zaposlenika, što se u konačnici može identificirati u rastu produktivnosti. Na razini poduzeća FDI odmah pokazuje utjecaj na poslovanje (direktni kratkoročni učinci), a s vremenom dolazi i do unutarsektorskog i međusektorskog prelijevanja pozitivnih učinaka. Ti se učinci mogu identificirati kroz rast produktivnosti, kao i u općoj učinkovitosti gospodarstva (neizravni dugoročni učinci). Međutim, empirijski nalazi o utjecaju FDI-a na gospodarski rast nisu jednoznačni. Potencijalni razlozi nejedinstvenih rezultata su: korištenje ukupnih iznosa FDI-a i izostanak diferencijacije između suštinski različitih načina ulaska FDI-a u zemlju primateljicu kapitala – greenfield-ulaganja, s jedne strane, te spajanja i akvizicije (M&A-ulaganja), s druge strane; većina istraživanja provedena je na prevelikom, a ponekad i heterogenom uzorku zemalja; empirijska analiza često je provođena na relativno kratkim vremenskim serijama; nedostatak odgovarajuće diferencijacije između kratkoročnih i dugoročnih učinaka. Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja, temeljem teorija gospodarskog rasta i teorija inozemnih direktnih ulaganja, a uzimajući u obzir različite empirijske doprinose ranijih istraživanja ispitati i znanstveno objasniti utjecaj FDI-a na gospodarski rast i produktivnost rada zemlje primateljice kapitala, uzimajući u obzir razlike u obilježjima različitih oblika inozemnih direktnih ulaganja (greenfield- i M&A-ulaganja) i stupnja tehnološkog razvoja zemlje primateljice kapitala. Empirijska analiza zemalja članica Europske unije grupiranih prema Indeksu inovativnosti pokazala je da M&A-ulaganja imaju snažniji utjecaj na produktivnost i gospodarski rast kod zemalja na višoj tehnološkoj razini, dok su se greenfield-ulaganja pokazala važnijima u slučaju tehnološki manje razvijenih zemalja. Konačno, prelijevanje tehnologije putem FDI u najvećoj se mjeri ostvaruje kroz interakciju M&A-ulaganja i ljudskog kapitala. Economic growth represents an undisputed economic phenomenon and an ultimate policy objective irrespective of the prevailing economic doctrine. It makes possible for countries to achieve higher level of development and for individuals to improve their economic status on a sustainable manner. As such, economic growth is usually modelled as a result of the interaction of labour, capital, and technology. In this context, FDI has a multiplying effect on economic growth. On the one hand the inflow of foreign capital increases local capital base and employment, while on the other hand it ensures transfer of modern technology, know-how, and improves local labour skills, what can be ultimately identified in higher productivity growth. At the company level FDI shows an immediate effect on business performance (direct short-term effects), while later it creates the spillover effects, which spread across sectors and time spans. These effects can be identified in the improved productivity level, as well as in the general efficiency of the economy (indirect long-term effects). However, empirical findings regarding the growth effects of FDI are not so unanimous. Potential reasons for such ambiguous findings are: the use of total FDI flows and lack of differentiation between the fundamentally different ways of entering the host economy, i.e. greenfield investment and mergers and acquisition (M&A); a bulk of researches has been done on a too big, and sometimes even heterogeneous sample of countries; empirical analysis are often done on relatively short time series; lack of proper differentiation between short- and long-term effects. The main objective of this research is to establish the relationship between research variables, and to examine and scientifically explain the impact of FDI on economic growth and labour productivity through the effects of the recipient countries, taking into account the differences in the features of various forms of FDI (greenfield and M&A) and level of host country technological development. The research is based on the theory of economic growth and the theory of foreign direct investment, taking into account the various empirical contributions of earlier studies. Empirical analysis of EU members grouped according to the Innovation Union Scoreboard, showed that M&A has a stronger impact on productivity and economic growth for countries on higher technological level, whereas greenfield is more important for technologically less developed countries. Spillover of FDI technology are mostly realised through interaction of M&A and human capital.
- Published
- 2020
46. Utjecaj plaća na tržište rada u Republici Hrvatskoj
- Author
Stela Prvonožec
- Subjects
value of wages ,labour market ,economic growth ,standard ,Republic of Croatia ,vrijednost plaća ,tržište rada ,gospodarski rast ,Republika Hrvatska - Abstract
Labour market, value of wages and standard of living are inextricably linked determinants of economic development. Croatian GDP, living standards and purchasing power of the population are among the lowest in Europe. Wage growth in Croatia is present, but, as in most Central and Eastern European countries, it is not accompanied by an increase in labour productivity. The majority of the income of the Croatian population is spent on food, which is associated with low productivity of the economy. There is a significant dependence on social transfers in the structure of the household income, which, for a significant share of the population, represent the difference between poverty and relatively normal life. Croatia has failed to create economic models that enable economic growth through technological progress and strengthening of labour productivity. In order to improve the standard of living in the Republic of Croatia, it is necessary to solve the structural problems present in the labour market and create economic policies that encourage economic growth. This paper analyses the relationship between the value of wages, labour market and standard of living in the Republic of Croatia. The hypothesis is that structural problems in the Croatian labour market affect the value of wages, and consequently the standard of living of Croatian citizens. The aim of this paper is to analyse the structural problems on the labour market in Croatia and their impact on the value of wages. The purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of an efficient labour market in the national economy of the Republic of Croatia., Tržište rada, vrijednost plaća i životni standard neraskidivo su povezane odrednice gospodarskog razvoja. Hrvatski BDP, životni standard i kupovna moć stanovništva među najnižima su u Europi. Rast plaća u Republici Hrvatskoj postoji, ali, kao i u većini zemalja srednje i istočne Europe, nije popraćen porastom produktivnosti radne snage. Glavnina dohotka hrvatskoga stanovništva otpada na prehranu, što se povezuje sa slabom produktivnošću gospodarstva. U strukturi dohotka stanovništva primjećuje se i znatna ovisnost o socijalnim transferima koji, za znatan udio stanovništva, predstavljaju razliku između siromaštva i relativno normalnog života. Republika Hrvatska je podbacila u kreiranju ekonomskih modela koji omogućuju gospodarski rast kroz tehnološki napredak i jačanje produktivnosti radne snage. Kako bi se poboljšao životni standard u Republici Hrvatskoj, nužno je riješiti strukturne probleme prisutne na tržištu rada i kreirati ekonomske politike koje potiču gospodarski rast. U ovome radu analizira se veza između vrijednosti plaća, tržišta rada i životnog standarda u Republici Hrvatskoj. Postavljena hipoteza glasi: strukturni problemi na hrvatskom tržištu rada utječu na vrijednost plaća, a posljedično i na životni standard hrvatskih građana. Cilj rada jest analizirati strukturne probleme na tržištu rada u Republici Hrvatskoj i njihov utjecaj na vrijednost plaća. Svrha rada je ukazati na važnost efikasnog tržišta rada u nacionalnom gospodarstvu Republike Hrvatske.
- Published
- 2020
47. The interdependence between stock market development and economic growth: a multi-country examination
- Author
Hana Bawazir, Mukesh Kumar, Saban Celik, Khadija Abdulredha Abdulla, and Bora Aktan
- Subjects
stock market development ,economic growth ,financial market ,causality ,razvoj burze ,gospodarski rast ,financijsko tržište ,kauzalnost - Abstract
U ovom radu istražuje se veza između gospodarskog rasta i razvoja tržišta dionica u regiji GCC, a to je Vijeće za suradnju arapskih država Zaljeva, odnosno Saudijske Arabije, Bahreina, Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata, Omana, Kuvajta i Katara u razdoblju od 2000. do 2017. godine. Generalizirani linearni mješoviti model (GLMM) primjenjuje se kako bi se utvrdila povezanost i priroda odnosa. U usporedbi s konvencionalnim regresijskim modelima, GLMM pruža pouzdanije rezultate uzimajući u obzir podatke koji nedostaju i uklanja razlike specifične za pojedine zemlje. Ovim istraživanjem se potvrđuje značajna pozitivna povezanost između likvidnosti na burzi (SML) i realnog bruto domaćeg proizvoda (BDP) po stanovniku, kao i da je negativna povezanost između tržišne kapitalizacije (SMC) i BDP-a dugoročno beznačajna. Rezultati također ukazuju da su SML i SMC značajno i pozitivno povezani. Uzimajući u obzir da uspješne burze mogu povećati nacionalno bogatstvo, smanjiti preveliku ovisnost o nafti kao glavnom faktoru gospodarskog rasta, rezultati sugeriraju da bi kreatori politike u regiji trebali imati aktivniju ulogu u stimuliranju svojih tržišta dionica uključujući i globalnu integraciju., This paper attempts to test the relationship between economic growth and equity market development in GCC region which is the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, namely, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar over the period of 2000 and 2017. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) is adopted to find the nexus and the nature of the relationship. Compared to the conventional regression models, GLMM provides a more reliable conclusion accounting for the missing data and eliminate the country specific differences. The study finds a significant positive association between stock market liquidity (SML) and per capita real gross domestic product (GDP) but insignificant negative association between stock market capitalization (SMC) and GDP in the long run. The results also indicate that SML and SMC are significantly and positively correlated. Considering well-performing stock markets can enhance the nation’s wealth, reduce the over-dependence on oil as a major contributor to the economic growth, the results suggest that policy makers in the region ought to play more active role to stimulate their equity markets together with global integration.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Pavlišić, Patricija and Bušelić, Marija
- Subjects
income distribution ,European Union countries (EU-28) ,Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,ekonomska nejednakost ,distribucija raspodjele dohotka ,economic growth ,factors of economic inequalities ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,čimbenici ekonomskih nejednakosti ,Economics. Economic science ,gospodarski rast ,zemlje Europske unije (EU-28) ,globalization ,udc:330(043.3) ,globalizacija ,economic inequality - Abstract
Suvremeno globalno okruženje dovodi pitanje ekonomskih nejednakosti i njihovih implikacija u središte mnogobrojnih znanstvenih rasprava i ekonomskih promišljanja o budućem održivom gospodarskom rastu i razvoju. Unatoč općem blagostanju većina stanovništva ne živi u izobilju, već su često ekonomske koristi od gospodarskog napretka izrazito neravnomjerno raspoređene. Iako su se pristupi nejednakosti povijesno mijenjali, ovisno o prevladavajućoj ideologiji i teorijskom okviru, a i danas postoje različita neusuglašena stajališta, većina znanstvenika zagovara pristup da velike nejednakosti u društvu narušavaju ishod opće ravnoteže i ugrožavaju gospodarsku, socijalnu i političku stabilnost, što ostavlja posljedice na gospodarski rast i cjelokupnu kvalitetu života u zajednici. Rastuća i neumjerena ekonomska nejednakost koja se više ne može zanemariti, postaje novi globalni izazov suvremenog doba. Polazeći od značajnosti ove problematike i pretpostavke da u suvremenom društvu 21. stoljeća rastuće ekonomske nejednakosti negativno utječu na gospodarski rast, istraživanje u ovome doktorskom radu usmjereno je na analizu međuovisnosti između ekonomskih nejednakosti u raspodjeli raspoloživog dohotka kućanstva, mjerenih Ginijevim koeficijentom i gospodarskog rasta, mjerenog realnim BDP-om. Nadalje, s obzirom da je ekonomska nejednakost složena pojava i posljedica mnogobrojnih čimbenika, u okviru rada analiziraju se uzročni čimbenici ekonomskih nejednakosti. Empirijsko istraživanje provodi se za razdoblje od 1995. do 2015. godine, na primjerima 28 zemalja Europske unije, koje su grupirane u četiri klastera pomoću klaster analize k-sredina, prema kriteriju sličnosti u pogledu pokazatelja gospodarskog i socijalnog razvoja. Temeljem rezultata provedene ekonometrijske panel regresijske analize i ispitivanja kointegracije putem VECM modela, može se zaključiti da postoji međuovisnost između ekonomskih nejednakosti u raspodjeli dohotka kućanstva i gospodarskog rasta, koja je negativna i dugoročnog karaktera. Istraživanje pokazuje da ekonomske nejednakosti negativno utječu na gospodarska kretanja (realni BDP) i potencijale gospodarskog rasta. Stoga daljnje povećanje nejednakosti treba spriječiti, prvenstveno putem ulaganja u obrazovanje. Nadalje, može se zaključiti da ne postoje jednoznačni uzročni čimbenici ekonomskih nejednakosti, već oni ovise o stupnju gospodarske i socijalne razvijenosti pojedine skupine zemalja. Unatoč tome, u gotovo svim analiziranim klasterima, ističe se utjecaj porasta udjela dohotka kojeg prisvaja 10% najimućnijih u raspodjeli dohotka, tzv. deseti decil, na rast ekonomskih nejednakosti. In our modern global surroundings, the issue of economic inequalities and their implications is the focus of scientific debate and economic contemplation on the future sustainable development and growth. Despite a general wellbeing, the majority of the population lives in poverty and quite often all the benefits of economic growth are extremely unequally distributed. Even though the attitude to inequality has changed throughout history, depending on the prevailing ideology and theoretical framework, and there are still some differing standpoints today, most scientists claim that deep inequalities in society infringe the outcome of general balance and jeopardize the economic, social and political stability, which has consequences on economic growth and the entire quality of life in a community. The growing and excessive economic inequality which cannot be ignored any more, is becoming the new global challenge of the modern age. Starting from the importance of this topic and the assumption that the growing economic inequalities are affecting economic growth in the modern world, the research in this paper is focused on the analysis of the interdependence of economic inequalities in the distribution of the household income and economic growth. Furthermore, considering the fact that economic inequality is the consequence of a multitude of factors from the economic, social, institutional, cultural and many other dimensions of social development, this paper also analyzes the causative factors that exacerbated economic inequalities in the researched countries. The purpose and goals of the research are relative to the cognition on the direction of the trend of interdependence of economic inequalities in the distribution of income and economic growth, and to the identification of important causative factors of economic inequality. The set goals of the research are realized by comparing the economic and social development of the researched countries, through the analysis of statistical data on the level and trend of economic inequalities measured with different indicators and the empirical research conducted in two main parts focusing on the testing and proving of the following stated research hypotheses: H1: There is an interdependence of economic inequalities in the distribution of household income and economic growth. H1a: The increase of economic inequalities has a negative impact on economic growth. III H1b: There is a long-term connection between economic inequalities and economic growth. H2: Globalization and technological advancement are important causal factors of economic inequalities. The empirical research is conducted for the period between 1995 and 2015, on examples of twenty-eight countries of the European Union (EU-28), marked by a conspicuous diversity in terms of economic and social development, standard of living and quality of life, which leaves consequences on the stability and prosperity of the European Union. Considering the strong heterogeneity of development, which makes it impossible to put all the researched countries in the same panel model, for the needs of this research the EU countries were grouped in four clusters (K1, K2, K3 and K4) using a k-means cluster analysis. Grouping was made according to the criterion of similarity regarding the following six indicators of economic and social development: (1) economic success expressed through the height of the realized real GDP per capita, (2) economic dynamics expressed through the real GDP growth rate, (3) the effectiveness of the labour market expressed through the employment rate, (4) economic inequality in the distribution of household income expressed with the Gini coefficient, (5) at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate and (6) material deprivation rate. In keeping with the conducted cluster analysis, the K1 cluster includes the most developed EU countries having an above average economic growth and a below average level of economic inequalities. The K2 cluster is made up of only one country with a high standard of living, Luxembourg, which was put into a separate cluster due to its peculiarities, mainly the height of its GDP per capita. The K3 cluster mainly includes the Mediterranean EU countries which are not the most developed EU countries according to the analysed indicators but rather average with lower results than K1 cluster countries, and on average better than the K4 cluster countries. The K4 cluster includes most Central European and Baltic countries which are on average on the lowest level of economic and social development in the European Union. These are countries that used to have the so-called planned economy, which went through numerous structural changes in the 1990s affecting their growth and development. The K4 cluster includes Croatia which does not have an enviable position in terms of economic and social development indicators. The first part of the empirical study, directed to the analysis of the interdependence of economic inequalities, measured by means of the Gini coefficient of the equivalent available household IV income and economic growth measured by means of the real GDP, tested and confirmed the first research hypothesis. The empirical research conducted in order to prove the first research hypothesis includes four parts of the analysis, namely: (1) individual regression analysis of the researched countries, (2) panel regression analysis of the countries grouped in clusters, (3) panel and cointegration analysis and (4) cointegration analysis of the EU founder countries. Research on individual regressions for EU countries confirmed that it is not possible to reach a general conclusion on the interdependence of economic inequalities and economic growth on the basis a single regression analysis of the researched countries. However, it can be concluded that the lower the level of economic and social development of single countries, the more negative the trend will be in the interrelationship of economic inequalities and economic growth and vice versa. On the basis the said conclusions, further research was done based on panel data for EU countries (EU-28), grouped into clusters K1, K2, K3 and K4. Despite the differences between EU-28 countries, grouped in clusters, empirical research has shown certain similarities in trends of the analyzed economic variables, which can lead to the conclusion that there are certain common features typical in all researched clusters that can serve as grounds for fundamental conclusions. Common to all clusters are the research results showing that economic inequalities have a negative impact on economic growth trends, only the strength of the effect differs among the clusters. It is lowest in K1 cluster countries, that is, the most developed EU countries, while it is the highest in less developed K4 cluster countries. After it was established on the grounds of a panel regression analysis that there is a negative interdependence between economic inequalities and economic growth in almost all obtained research results, further research tried to establish whether the said interdependence has a long-term character, that is, whether there is a long-term connection between the research variables. Using a panel cointegration analysis, on the basis of formulated panel VECM models, it was established that in the research period (1995-2015) in all analysed clusters (K1, K3, K4) there is a long-term connection between economic growth and economic inequalities, but there are differences in the strength of the connection and the speed of adaptability of the variables to a long-term connection. The K4 cluster countries stand out according to the strength of the long-term connection, therefore, in less developed countries there is a stronger long-term interdependence between economic inequalities and economic growth. V Further empirical analysis was done on examples of EU founder countries, with a special dedication in the research of this paper, since these countries are important starters of economic growth and advancement of the European Union and have an important impact on economic and social trends in other parts of Europe. An empirical analysis and an econometric cointegration approach found a long-term interdependence between economic inequalities and economic growth in all EU founder countries, except the Netherlands. It can thus be concluded that even in the oldest EU member states and countries with a high living standard, an excessive level of economic inequality in society can jeopardize economic growth. The results of the empirical analysis show that the first basic research hypothesis and its side hypotheses may be accepted. We can conclude that there is an interdependence between economic inequalities in the household income distribution and economic growth, which is negative and has a long-term character. Research shows that economic inequalities have a negative effect on economic trends (real GDP) and economic growth potentials. For that reason we need to prevent a further increase of inequality in society. Furthermore, at the level of the European Union (EU-28), observing the average of all clusters, we can conclude that in the research period (1995-2015) there is a growing trend of economic inequalities and that the tenth (highest) decile, that is the share of income belonging to the top 10% of people with the highest income, dominates in the distribution of the available equivalent household income and this is one of the causes for the growth of inequality. In the second part of the empirical research in this paper, relative to the analysis of the causal factors of economic inequalities measured with a Gini coefficient, on the basis the panel regression analysis we tested the second basic hypothesis. In the analysis we started from the assumption that globalization and the closely connected technological advancement beginning in the most developed countries of the world and spilling over into all other economies by means of international exchange and the process of globalization, were important factors of economic inequalities. The empirical analysis found that the second basic hypothesis may be accepted only partially. The hypothesis stating that the degree of globalization is an important causal factor of economic inequalities, in the case when it is expressed through the KOF globalization index, was confirmed only in the K4 cluster, that is, among less developed EU countries. In the example of the cluster K1 which includes highly developed countries, we can draw the opposite conclusion, that is, that the increase of the level of globalization expressed with a KOF globalization index, leads to a decrease of economic inequalities. The second assumption that the degree of technological advancement is an important causal factor of economic inequalities VI can be confirmed only partially, in the example of highly developed countries, meaning clusters K1 and K2. Economic inequality is the consequence of numerous factors arising from the economic, social, institutional, cultural and many other dimensions of social development. Based on this research, we can conclude that there are no univocal causal factors of economic inequalities. Factors differ between the analysed clusters and depend on the level of economic and social development of a certain group of countries. The prevailing causal factors in the most developed countries stem from the degree of technological advancement and the implementation of social policy, meaning that a higher degree of technological advancement increases economic inequality while an increase in social contributions decreases it. Less developed countries are defined by causal factors arising from the level of globalization, labour market and fiscal policy, that is, a higher level of globalization, higher unemployment and higher income tax rates will increase economic inequality. In spite of that, in almost all analysed clusters, what stands out is the effect of the increase of the rate of income gained by the 10% of the wealthiest in the income distribution, the so-called tenth decile, on the growth of economic inequalities. Out of all analysed inequality factors (level of globalization, technological advancement, social welfare cost per capita, income tax rate, unemployment rate and real GDP) the effect of the share of income at the top of the income distribution scale is the most prominent. This can lead to the conclusion that the increase of the share of the tenth decile is, in the majority of the EU countries, an important factor in the economic inequalities trend, meaning that the growth of inequalities is largely the consequence of change in the upper part of income distribution. Considering the fact that the statistical image of economic inequalities among EU countries points to growing and rather felt inequalities which, according to the research results, have a negative impact on economic growth, it is necessary to undertake certain measures so as to alleviate inequalities and turn around the trends towards their decrease. There is no simple and fast solution to the problem of growing economic inequalities since this is a complex phenomenon that is the consequence of numerous factors and the environment we live in. However, it is necessary to develop new concepts in order to decrease the inequality in the future. The guidelines for the decrease of inequality are mainly directed towards the policy of public finances and the redistribution of income and increasingly also to investments in education and skills development, which is becoming a key instrument of the policy for a long-term decrease of inequality and the promotion of equal opportunities. VII Modern cognitions point out that the key factor of economic growth is human capital which is becoming the most important source of competitive advantage. Therefore, everybody should be offered the same opportunities for a successful life because everybody’s potential is valuable and contributes to the whole community. It is also pointed out that social cohesion is becoming a new value in the research of the quality of living, also appearing as a concept in the new paradigm of a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and development of the European Union. However, despite the proclaimed goals of the creation of a common space of solidarity, prosperity and equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, the European Union is still fractured by sharp inequalities in income distribution, quality of life, access to education, employment opportunities and access to healthcare and other social welfare services. It is becoming increasingly clear that without achieving a higher level of economic equality and social justice in society, enabling all individuals in a community to realize their full potential (human resources), it will not be possible to realize the ever more demanding goals of modern economy, exposed to a growingly stronger and more complex international competition. With this in mind, there is ample room at the level of the European Union for further development and the implementation of strategies directed to an inclusive economic growth and development. In today’s global surrounding conditions in which economic inequalities are becoming one of the most important global challenges, there should be no conflict of what used to be opposing goals: the achievement of a higher level of equality in society and economic growth. In the 21st century global economy, economic equality and the efficiency of the economy are not conflicting categories, quite the contrary, we can conclude that sharp and growing economic inequalities result in a poor efficiency of the economy and a slowdown of economic growth. The research results also support this conclusion indicating that growing economic inequalities in income distribution result in a decrease of economic activity, expressed through real GDP, at which this impact is felt most in less developed European countries. It follows that without achieving a higher level of economic equality in society, it shall not be possible to realize a long-term economic growth and competitiveness on the global market. Today we cannot continue speaking of a socio-economic compromise between equality and growth because these two goals should complement each other within a well-planned sustainable economic and social policy.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Jujnović, Alen and Burnać, Paško
- Subjects
automatic stabilizers ,fiskalni deficit ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,automatski stabilizatori ,fiscal deficit ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Financije ,gospodarski rast ,economic growth - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je prikazati utjecaj fiskalnog deficita na gospodarski rast Republike Hrvatske i utjecaj automatskih stabilizatora na kretanje javnih rashoda i prihoda. Nakon teorijskog pregleda fiskalne politike i fiskalnog deficita izneseni su rezultati empirijskog istraživanja. Dvije postavljene hipoteze su u konačnici prihvaćene, a istraživanje se provodi regresijskom analizom gdje se statistička značajnost modela testirala ANOVA testom. Analizom je donesen zaključak da smanjenje fiskalnog deficita utječe na povećanje gospodarskog rasta te da automatski stabilizatori nemaju značajan utjecaj na kretanje ukupnih javnih prihoda i rashoda. Podaci za istraživanje su prikupljeni za razdoblje od 2003. do 2018. godine. Kao jedan od doprinosa ovog rada mogu poslužiti predložene preporuke i smjernice nositeljima fiskalne politike u Republici Hrvatskoj koje su dane na kraju ovog rada. The aim of this paper was to present the impact of the fiscal deficit on the economic growth of the Republic of Croatia and the impact of automatic stabilizers on the movement of public expenditures and revenues. After a theoretical review of fiscal policy and fiscal deficit, we presented the results of empirical research. Two hypotheses were ultimately accepted and the study is performed by regression analysis where the statistical significance of the model was tested by ANOVA test. A conclusion that the fiscal deficit influences the increase in economic growth and Automatic stabilizers have no significant effect on the movement of total public revenue and expenditure. Data for the study were collected in the period from 2003 to 2018. One of the contributions of this paper is the proposed recommendations and guidelines for fiscal policy makers in the Republic of Croatia, which are given at the end of this paper.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Grebenar, Lucija and Burnać, Paško
- Subjects
economic growth ,javni rashodi ,gospodarski rast ,state budget ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Finance ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Financije ,public expenditures ,državni proračun - Abstract
Problem istraživanja ovog rada je analiza generalnog trenda kretanja javnih rashoda Republike Hrvatske od 2008. do 2018. godine s posebnim osvrtom na izdatke u području investicija i zdravstva, želeći pritom utvrditi korelacije između količine utroška i krajnjeg učinka spomenutih izdataka na gospodarstvo. Javni rashodi su kategorija državnog proračuna koja cilja zadovoljenju javnih potreba. Stoga, pod opseg pojma javnih rashoda ubrajamo sve izdatke koji se koriste za financiranje javnih potreba, a prikupljeni su iz prihoda i primitaka državnog proračuna. Temeljna obilježja pojma javnih rashoda najbolje opisuje Predmet ovog istraživanja bit će obrađen teorijskim pristupom i obradom osnovnih ekonomskih pojmova koje ovo istraživanje obuhvaća u smislu definiranja, općih obilježja te znanstvenih podjela uz prikaz javnih prihoda i rashoda kroz povijest. Cilj ovog istraživanja je sistematična analiza izdataka za investicije i zdravstvo iz domene javnih rashoda u dužem vremenskom periodu sa svrhom da se isti putem ispitivanja postavljenih hipoteza dovedu u formirane relacije sa gospodarskim rastom u navedenom razdoblju iz čega bi se moglo utvrditi postoje li zakonitosti po kojima određene stavke u javnim rashodima utječu na gospodarski rast. Namjera je utvrditi utječu li trendovi gospodarskog rasta na izdatke za zdravstvo i investicije u Republici Hrvatskoj ili obrnuto te postoje li konstantne zakonitosti u tom odnosu. The problem with the research of this paper is the analysis of the general trend of public expenditures of the Republic of Croatia from 2008 to 2018, with special emphasis on expenditures in the field of investments and health care, wishing to establish correlations between the amount of expenditure and the final effect of the said expenditures on the economy. Public expenditures are a category of the state budget aimed at meeting public needs. Therefore, under the scope of the concept of public expenditures we include all expenditures used for financing public needs, which are collected from the revenues and receipts of the state budget. The basic features of the concept of public expenditure best describes The subject of this research will be addressed by the theoretical approach and the processing of basic economic concepts covered by this research in terms of defining, general characteristics and scientific divisions with a view of public revenues and expenditures throughout history. The aim of this research is a systematic analysis of expenditures for investments and health care in the field of public expenditures over a long period of time, with the purpose of bringing the hypotheses into the established relations with economic growth in the stated period from which it would be possible to determine whether there are regularities under which certain items in public expenditure affect economic growth. The intention is to determine whether trends in economic growth affect health care expenditure and investments in the Republic of Croatia or vice versa, and whether there are constant regularities in this relationship.
- Published
- 2019
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