77 results on '"hormoonverstoorders"'
Search Results
2. Effect-Based Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Mixtures in Breast Milk and Possible Health Consequences for Human Infants
- Subjects
Hormoonverstoorders ,androgens ,human milk ,in vitro ,moedermelk ,humaan melk ,endogenous hormones ,CALUX ,breast milk ,androgenen ,estrogenen ,lichaamseigen hormonen ,bioassays ,Endocrine disruptors ,estrogens - Abstract
The research described in this thesis investigated the amount and potential effects of EDCs present in human milk using samples derived from the Norwegian HUMIS cohort. This work focused on three main actors of the endocrine system, the estrogens, androgens, and thyroid hormones. The first aim of the thesis was to develop a suitable method to properly extract EDCs from human milk samples, focusing on both polar and apolar endocrine active contaminants. The second aim was to perform a pilot study on a limited number of breast milk samples, using the existing ERα and AR CALUX bioassays, in agonistic and antagonistic mode. This phase was also used to evaluate the nature and origin of the observed EDC activity, as well as the contribution of endogenous hormones to the measurements. The third goal was to measure the EDC activity in a larger set of human milk samples to evaluate the potential association between anti-androgenic EDCs and an androgen-dependent deformity: cryptorchidism. The last objective was the development and application of novel thyroid hormone-based bioassays, TRβ CALUX and TTR-TRβ CALUX assays. These bioassays were used to evaluate the impact of breast milk contaminants, including well-known PFAS (perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA; perfluorooctane sulfonic acid or PFOS), on the thyroid system. The thesis is divided in two distinct parts: Chapter Two and Chapter Three focusing on sex steroid disruption, and Chapter Four and Chapter Five covering thyroid system interferences, respectively. In Chapter Two, the method developed to extract EDCs from breast milk samples, used throughout the thesis, is described. In this chapter, estrogenic, anti-estrogenic, androgenic, and anti-androgenic activities derived from ten human milk extracts were analyzed on the (anti-)ERα and (anti-)AR CALUX bioassays. To rule out the impact of endogenous hormones in the measured activity, a pooled breast milk sample presenting anti-androgenic activity was fractionated and screened for natural hormones and metabolites by means of non-target screening using time-of-flight mass spectrometry UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS. Chapter Three describes a larger-scale study involving 199 participants and presents results of anti-androgenic EDC activity in breast milk samples. In this chapter, we investigated the potential association between anti-androgenic activity in mothers’ milk and the occurrence of cryptorchidism, an androgen-dependent deformity, in the offspring. Moreover, we estimated the overall extent of exposure of a nursing child to anti-androgenic EDCs via breastfeeding. In Chapter Four, the TRβ CALUX bioassay, allowing screening of TRβ disrupting activity, and the TTR-TRβ CALUX assay, designed to detect competing properties towards T4 for TTR binding, were evaluated using well-known reference compounds. The performance of the TTR-TRβ CALUX assay was also evaluated during a short pilot study involving water samples. In Chapter Five the newly validated TRβ and TTR-TRβ CALUX bioassays were further used to assess a set of thirteen PFAS, known to affect the TH system (Chang et al. 2008; Thibodeaux et al. 2003) for thyroid-disrupting activities. Subsequently, ten breast milk extracts, with known PFOS and PFOA concentrations, were analyzed on the same assays. In this chapter, the impact of PFOS and PFOA levels was weighed in respect to thyroid-disrupting activity in breast milk. Furthermore, the average exposure to thyroid-disrupting EDCs during the first year of life of a nursing infant through breastfeeding was estimated. Finally, Chapter Six reviews and discusses the most important outcomes of the studies regarding hormonal-disruption derived from the presence of EDCs in Norwegian breast milk samples. General conclusions and an outlook on future perspective are presented.
- Published
- 2021
3. Exposure to and toxicity of methyl-, ethyl- and propylparaben : A literature review with a focus on endocrine-disrupting properties
- Subjects
toxiciteit ,levensmiddelen ,methylparaben ,ethylparaben ,cosmetics ,ethyelparabeen ,methylparabeen ,toxicity ,endocrine disruption ,blootstelling ,hormoonverstoorders ,parabens ,endocrine distruptors ,foodstuff ,RIVM report 2018-0011 ,geneesmiddelen ,RIVM report 2017-0028 ,exposure ,cosmetica ,parabenen ,medicinal products ,hormoonverstoring - Abstract
Parabenen zijn stoffen die als conserveermiddel in verschillende consumentenproducten kunnen worden gebruikt, zoals persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten, voedsel en medicijnen. Ze gaan de groei van schimmels en bacteriën tegen. Parabenen worden er van verdacht dat ze een hormoonverstorende werking hebben. Hormoonverstorende stoffen kunnen de hormoonhuishouding in de war brengen. Het RIVM heeft in een literatuurstudie voor de drie meest gebruikte parabenen (methyl-, ethyl- en propylparabeen) onderzocht of deze als een hormoonverstorende stof beschouwd kunnen worden. De beschikbare gegevens uit dierstudies die in de literatuur zijn beschreven, leveren echter onvoldoende informatie om hierover een conclusie te trekken. In de studie is ook bekeken of de mogelijke hormoonverstorende effecten zijn meegenomen in de wettelijke beoordelingskaders die van toepassing zijn. Omdat er onvoldoende gegevens zijn, is dat niet het geval bij de huidige risicobeoordeling. De blootstelling door persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten is behoorlijk goed onderzocht en lijkt in het algemeen het meest aan de totale blootstelling bij te dragen. De blootstelling vanuit voedsel blijkt verwaarloosbaar. Voor een acceptabele, eerste schatting van de blootstelling vanuit medicijnen is te weinig informatie beschikbaar. Uit de studie blijkt verder dat de mate waarin mensen aan de afzonderlijke parabenen worden blootgesteld naar schatting lager lijkt te zijn dan de hoeveelheid waarbij een gezondheidseffect kan worden verwacht. Voor deze blootstellingsschattingen zijn veiligheidshalve zeer ongunstige aannames gebruikt. In de praktijk worden mensen echter aan een combinatie van verschillende stoffen blootgesteld. Het is nog onduidelijk of en hoe deze gecombineerde blootstelling aan de verschillende parabenen meegenomen kan worden in de risicobeoordeling. Om hiaten in de kennis te vullen adviseert het RIVM om aanvullend onderzoek te doen naar de mogelijk hormoonverstorende werking van de parabenen en de blootstellingsschatting te verfijnen. Hiervoor worden aanbevelingen aangereikt.
- Published
- 2018
4. Exposure to and toxicity of methyl-, ethyl- and propylparaben : A literature review with a focus on endocrine-disrupting properties
- Author
Brand W, Boon PE, Hessel EVS, Meesters JAJ, Weda M, Schuur AG, CPV, and M&V
- Subjects
toxiciteit ,levensmiddelen ,methylparaben ,ethylparaben ,cosmetics ,ethyelparabeen ,methylparabeen ,toxicity ,endocrine disruption ,blootstelling ,hormoonverstoorders ,parabens ,endocrine distruptors ,foodstuff ,RIVM report 2018-0011 ,geneesmiddelen ,RIVM report 2017-0028 ,exposure ,cosmetica ,parabenen ,medicinal products ,hormoonverstoring - Abstract
Parabenen zijn stoffen die als conserveermiddel in verschillende consumentenproducten kunnen worden gebruikt, zoals persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten, voedsel en medicijnen. Ze gaan de groei van schimmels en bacteriën tegen. Parabenen worden er van verdacht dat ze een hormoonverstorende werking hebben. Hormoonverstorende stoffen kunnen de hormoonhuishouding in de war brengen. Het RIVM heeft in een literatuurstudie voor de drie meest gebruikte parabenen (methyl-, ethyl- en propylparabeen) onderzocht of deze als een hormoonverstorende stof beschouwd kunnen worden. De beschikbare gegevens uit dierstudies die in de literatuur zijn beschreven, leveren echter onvoldoende informatie om hierover een conclusie te trekken. In de studie is ook bekeken of de mogelijke hormoonverstorende effecten zijn meegenomen in de wettelijke beoordelingskaders die van toepassing zijn. Omdat er onvoldoende gegevens zijn, is dat niet het geval bij de huidige risicobeoordeling. De blootstelling door persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten is behoorlijk goed onderzocht en lijkt in het algemeen het meest aan de totale blootstelling bij te dragen. De blootstelling vanuit voedsel blijkt verwaarloosbaar. Voor een acceptabele, eerste schatting van de blootstelling vanuit medicijnen is te weinig informatie beschikbaar. Uit de studie blijkt verder dat de mate waarin mensen aan de afzonderlijke parabenen worden blootgesteld naar schatting lager lijkt te zijn dan de hoeveelheid waarbij een gezondheidseffect kan worden verwacht. Voor deze blootstellingsschattingen zijn veiligheidshalve zeer ongunstige aannames gebruikt. In de praktijk worden mensen echter aan een combinatie van verschillende stoffen blootgesteld. Het is nog onduidelijk of en hoe deze gecombineerde blootstelling aan de verschillende parabenen meegenomen kan worden in de risicobeoordeling. Om hiaten in de kennis te vullen adviseert het RIVM om aanvullend onderzoek te doen naar de mogelijk hormoonverstorende werking van de parabenen en de blootstellingsschatting te verfijnen. Hiervoor worden aanbevelingen aangereikt.
- Published
- 2018
5. Exposure to and toxicity of methyl-, ethyl- and propylparaben : A literature review with a focus on endocrine-disrupting properties
- Author
CPV, M&V, Brand W, Boon PE, Hessel EVS, Meesters JAJ, Weda M, Schuur AG, CPV, M&V, Brand W, Boon PE, Hessel EVS, Meesters JAJ, Weda M, and Schuur AG
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:Parabenen zijn stoffen die als conserveermiddel in verschillende consumentenproducten kunnen worden gebruikt, zoals persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten, voedsel en medicijnen. Ze gaan de groei van schimmels en bacteriën tegen. Parabenen worden er van verdacht dat ze een hormoonverstorende werking hebben. Hormoonverstorende stoffen kunnen de hormoonhuishouding in de war brengen. Het RIVM heeft in een literatuurstudie voor de drie meest gebruikte parabenen (methyl-, ethyl- en propylparabeen) onderzocht of deze als een hormoonverstorende stof beschouwd kunnen worden. De beschikbare gegevens uit dierstudies die in de literatuur zijn beschreven, leveren echter onvoldoende informatie om hierover een conclusie te trekken. In de studie is ook bekeken of de mogelijke hormoonverstorende effecten zijn meegenomen in de wettelijke beoordelingskaders die van toepassing zijn. Omdat er onvoldoende gegevens zijn, is dat niet het geval bij de huidige risicobeoordeling. De blootstelling door persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten is behoorlijk goed onderzocht en lijkt in het algemeen het meest aan de totale blootstelling bij te dragen. De blootstelling vanuit voedsel blijkt verwaarloosbaar. Voor een acceptabele, eerste schatting van de blootstelling vanuit medicijnen is te weinig informatie beschikbaar. Uit de studie blijkt verder dat de mate waarin mensen aan de afzonderlijke parabenen worden blootgesteld naar schatting lager lijkt te zijn dan de hoeveelheid waarbij een gezondheidseffect kan worden verwacht. Voor deze blootstellingsschattingen zijn veiligheidshalve zeer ongunstige aannames gebruikt. In de praktijk worden mensen echter aan een combinatie van verschillende stoffen blootgesteld. Het is nog onduidelijk of en hoe deze gecombineerde blootstelling aan de verschillende parabenen meegenomen kan worden in de risicobeoordeling. Om hiaten in de kennis te vullen adviseert het RIVM om aanvullend onderzoek te doen naar de mogelijk hormoonverstorende werking van, Parabens inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria and, as such, are substances that can be used as preservatives in a variety of consumer products, such as personal care products, food and medicines. Parabens, however, are suspected of having an endocrine-disrupting effect. Endocrine-disrupting substances can disturb the hormonal system. On the basis of a literature review, RIVM has investigated whether the three most commonly-used parabens (methyl-, ethyl- and propylparaben) can be considered as endocrine-disrupting substances. However, the available data from animal studies described in the literature do not provide sufficient information to be able to reach this conclusion. This report also examines whether the possible endocrine-disrupting effects are included in the applicable legal assessment frameworks. Because there are insufficient data, this is not the case within the current risk assessment. Exposure via personal care products has been examined in some detail and generally seems to be the greatest contributor to total exposure. Exposure via food appears to be negligible. Too little information is available for an acceptable estimate of exposure via medicines. The report also shows that the extent to which people are exposed to the individual parabens appears to be lower than the level at which a health effect can be expected. For safety reasons, exposure assessments have been performed with very unfavourable assumptions. However, in practice, people are exposed to a combination of substances. It is still unclear whether and how combined exposure to individual parabens can be included in risk assessment. In order to fill the knowledge gaps, RIVM recommends that additional research should be undertaken into the possible endocrine-disrupting effect of parabens and refinement of the exposure assessment methods. Recommendations for this are provided.
- Published
- 2018
6. Endocrine disrupting chemicals in the EU legal frameworks : Human health perspective
- Subjects
criteria ,wet en regelgeving ,RIVM rapport 2016-0137 ,regulatory framework ,extended one generation reproductive toxicity study ,legislation ,endocrine disrupting chemicals ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
7. Endocrine disrupting chemicals in the EU legal frameworks : Human health perspective
- Author
Graven C, Dang Z, Piersma AH, Hakkert B, VTS, and V&Z
- Subjects
criteria ,wet en regelgeving ,RIVM rapport 2016-0137 ,regulatory framework ,extended one generation reproductive toxicity study ,legislation ,endocrine disrupting chemicals ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
8. Proteomics as a tool to gain more insight into sub-lethal toxicological effects
- Author
Ingrid Miller, Wageningen University, Tinka Murk, A.C. Gutleb, and T. Serchi
- Subjects
eiwitexpressieanalyse ,WIMEK ,laboratoriummethoden ,toxic substances ,toxicologie ,Mariene Dierecologie ,sublethal effects ,animal experiments ,hormoonverstoorders ,Marine Animal Ecology ,endocrine disruptors ,proteomics ,dierproeven ,toxische stoffen ,food consumption ,subletale effecten ,voedselconsumptie ,laboratory methods ,toxicology - Abstract
This thesis focuses on a modern analytical method, proteomics, to investigate its use in the field of toxicological research. Proteomics is a high resolution method which separates all proteins present in a sample at a clearly defined state and compares this pattern to another one, under slightly different conditions (e.g. after exposure to a chemical). Protein changes may give rise to or reflect disease/harm of the individual and can be attributed to alterations in body functions/regulation systems. Analysis conditions and different varieties of proteomic methods are explained, and a brief introduction given where proteomics is already applied in toxicology. A specific investigation has been performed with the flame retardant HBCD (i.e. hexabromocyclododecane). It is a compound that accumulates in lipid tissue from where it is only slowly removed. Its mechanism of action is not yet completely understood and sometimes seems to be contradictory. Rats were exposed to HBCD in very low doses for just one week and liver proteins were compared to those of unexposed animals. As HBCD is suggested to disturb the thyroid system, both healthy and hypothyroid rats were investigated, of both genders. In female rats, not in males, some specific liver protein changes were seen in glucose/carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and also in some stress related proteins. Changes were not dependent on the thyroid function of the females. These results are in line with previous findings that female rats were more susceptible to HBCD than males. In a further step, protein patterns of unexposed animals of both genders were compared, revealing gender-dependent differences that exceeded the effects seen in any of the other comparisons, mainly in the pathways that were also affected by HBCD in females. A previous proteomic study on serum proteins has also shown clear gender-dependent concentration differences in rats. This underlines the importance of performing studies both in female and male individuals. The detection of considerable gender-dependent protein alterations confirms that proteomics is a biochemical tool with high sensitivity and large potential also in toxicological research.
- Published
- 2016
9. Endocrine disrupting chemicals in the EU legal frameworks : Human health perspective
- Author
VTS, V&Z, Graven C, Dang Z, Piersma AH, Hakkert B, VTS, V&Z, Graven C, Dang Z, Piersma AH, and Hakkert B
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:De Europese Commissie heeft concept criteria opgesteld waarmee kan worden bepaald of stoffen hormoonverstorend zijn. Het blijkt dat binnen de huidige wet- en regelgeving veelal de gegevens ontbreken om stoffen aan deze criteria te toetsen. Om aan te tonen of een stof hormoonverstorend is, moet hij een nadelig (of schadelijk) effect veroorzaken, zoals een verminderde vruchtbaarheid of mogelijke verstoring van het zich ontwikkelende zenuwstelsel. Vervolgens moet worden aangetoond dat het schadelijke effect een biologisch verklaarbaar gevolg is van een verstoring van het hormoonsysteem. Dit is doorgaans lastig aan te tonen. De regelgeving vereist informatie die aangeeft dat een stof veilig kan worden gebruikt. Deze informatie kan onder andere in de vorm van gestandaardiseerde dierproeven worden verkregen. De vereiste proefdierstudies zijn echter niet ontwikkeld om alle nadelige effecten als gevolg van hormoonverstoring aan te tonen. Deze studies zijn evenmin ontwikkeld om het achterliggende biologische mechanisme te achterhalen. De studie die op dit moment het beste in staat is om nadelige effecten als gevolg van een mogelijk hormonaal werkingsmechanisme op te pikken is de zogenoemde extended one generation-studie. Deze studie is echter nog lang niet in alle wettelijke kaders verplicht. Hetzelfde geldt voor gestandaardiseerde studies om het biologische werkingsmechanisme te testen. Om beter te kunnen beoordelen of een stof hormoonverstorend is op basis van de voorgestelde criteria pleit het RIVM ervoor om enkele dierproefstudies aan te passen en de extended one generation-studie te verplichten. Daarnaast wordt voorgesteld om de gestandaardiseerde studies naar werkingsmechanismen verplicht te stellen in de huidige regelgeving. Deze aanpassingen in de regelgeving zijn relatief eenvoudig uit te voeren en zijn belangrijk om stoffen met een hormoonverstorende werking op te sporen. Ook zijn nieuwe methoden voor studies nodig om de nog ontbrekende effecten en mechanismen rele, The EU Commission published the draft criteria for the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC). Currently the data requirements of the relevant legal frameworks are mostly insufficient to comply with these criteria. An EDC is defined as a substance which causes an adverse effect, like decreased fertility or effects on the developing nervous system. Additionally it must be shown that the adverse effect is biologically related to a disturbance of the function of the hormonal system. This is, in most cases, difficult. Legislation requires information for a safe use of a substance, among which animal studies are also required. Animal studies are, however, not specifically developed to show adverse effects caused by endocrine disruption (ED). These studies are also not developed to elucidate endocrine mechanisms of action (MOA). Currently the best study to investigate effects caused by ED is the extended one generation study (EOGRTS). Neither the EOGRTS nor studies specifically developed to investigate MOA mediated effects are currently required in most of legal frameworks. RIVM recommends to update several animal studies that can detect MOA mediated adverse effects and to oblige the EOGRTS in the data requirements of the relevant legal frameworks. These adoptions are relatively easy to fulfil and are important for the detection of EDC. Additionally it is recommended to develop test guidelines that can detect different endocrine MOAs and the related effects. Finally, it is imperative to develop a balanced guidance to evaluate which information fulfils the proposed criteria.
- Published
- 2016
10. Proteomics as a tool to gain more insight into sub-lethal toxicological effects
- Author
Murk, Tinka, Gutleb, A.C., Serchi, T., Miller, Ingrid, Murk, Tinka, Gutleb, A.C., Serchi, T., and Miller, Ingrid
- Abstract
This thesis focuses on a modern analytical method, proteomics, to investigate its use in the field of toxicological research. Proteomics is a high resolution method which separates all proteins present in a sample at a clearly defined state and compares this pattern to another one, under slightly different conditions (e.g. after exposure to a chemical). Protein changes may give rise to or reflect disease/harm of the individual and can be attributed to alterations in body functions/regulation systems. Analysis conditions and different varieties of proteomic methods are explained, and a brief introduction given where proteomics is already applied in toxicology. A specific investigation has been performed with the flame retardant HBCD (i.e. hexabromocyclododecane). It is a compound that accumulates in lipid tissue from where it is only slowly removed. Its mechanism of action is not yet completely understood and sometimes seems to be contradictory. Rats were exposed to HBCD in very low doses for just one week and liver proteins were compared to those of unexposed animals. As HBCD is suggested to disturb the thyroid system, both healthy and hypothyroid rats were investigated, of both genders. In female rats, not in males, some specific liver protein changes were seen in glucose/carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and also in some stress related proteins. Changes were not dependent on the thyroid function of the females. These results are in line with previous findings that female rats were more susceptible to HBCD than males. In a further step, protein patterns of unexposed animals of both genders were compared, revealing gender-dependent differences that exceeded the effects seen in any of the other comparisons, mainly in the pathways that were also affected by HBCD in females. A previous proteomic study on serum proteins has also shown clear gender-dependent concentration differences in rats. This underlines the importance of performing studies both in female and male i
- Published
- 2016
11. Persistent organic pollutants : aberrant DNA methylation underlying potential health effects
- Author
Murk, Tinka, Kampman, Ellen, Steegenga, Wilma, van Gils-Kok, Dieuwertje, van den Dungen, M.W., Murk, Tinka, Kampman, Ellen, Steegenga, Wilma, van Gils-Kok, Dieuwertje, and van den Dungen, M.W.
- Abstract
Wild caught fish, especially marine fish, can contain high levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In the Netherlands, especially eel from the main rivers have high POP levels. This led to a ban in 2011 on eel fishing due to health concerns. Many of the marine POPs have been related to adverse health effects such as endocrine disruption, neurodevelopmental problems, immune suppression and cancer. Although some mechanisms of action of POPs are clear, like dioxins binding to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and OH-PCBs binding to thyroid transport proteins, not all adverse health effects can be explained by these mechanisms of action. Epigenetic phenomena, such as DNA methylation, have been proposed as a possible molecular mechanism underlying adverse health effects. DNA methylation is a heritable modification, which refers to the addition of a methyl group to cytosine in a CpG dinucleotide. Observational studies have indeed shown that POPs can affect global DNA methylation, although results are inconsistent. Some animal studies as well as in vitro experiments suggest that POPs can affect gene-specific DNA methylation, however, the biological significance and relevance for humans is not clear. Therefore, this thesis aimed to 1) study the accumulation of POPs in men consuming eel from high-polluted areas 2) elucidate whether seafood-related POPs can induce aberrant DNA methylation and 3) to determine whether DNA methylation is related to functional endpoints and gene expression in vitro. For this purpose eight POPs that are abundantly present in seafood were chosen, namely 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), polychlorobiphenyl (PCB) 126 and 153, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), 2,2′,4,4′- tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47), tributyltin (TBT), and methylmercury (MeHg). Chapter 2 describes the in vitro effects of these POPs and mixtures thereof in H295R adrenocortical carcinoma cells. Relative responses for 13 steroid hormon
- Published
- 2016
12. An integrated assessment of estrogenic contamination and biological effects in the aquatic environment of The Netherlands
- Author
Astrid S. Bulder, A.A.M. Gerritsen, Guy C. M. Grinwis, Jacob de Boer, Juliette Legler, Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg, G.B.J. Rijs, Joost Lahr, Henk J. M. Verhaar, Raoul V. Kuiper, A.C. Belfroid, A. Dick Vethaak, Tinka A.J. Murk, S. Marca Schrap, Pim de Voogt, Earth Surface Science (IBED, FNWI), Animal Ecology, Institute for Environmental Studies, and Chemistry and Biology
- Subjects
Male ,waste-water ,Alkylphenol ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,netherlands ,Fresh Water ,Toxicology ,hormoonverstoorders ,e-screen assay ,Vitellogenins ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Bioassay ,aquatische ecosystemen ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,Water pollution ,Netherlands ,water pollution ,Aquatic ecosystem ,Fishes ,General Medicine ,RIVO Milieu en Voedselveiligheid ,Pollution ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,endocrine disruptors ,Environmental chemistry ,aquatic environment ,aquatisch milieu ,Environmental Monitoring ,Environmental Engineering ,Flounder ,alkylphenol polyethoxylates ,Biology ,sewage-treatment plants ,surface-water ,nederland ,Vitellogenin ,Estradiol Congeners ,Animals ,Environmental Chemistry ,degradation-products ,Estrogens, Non-Steroidal ,SDG 14 - Life Below Water ,Toxicologie ,aquatic ecosystems ,WIMEK ,hormones ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,hormonen ,Estrogens ,General Chemistry ,reporter gene assays ,biology.organism_classification ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,Nonylphenol ,monitoring ,chemistry ,sexual disruption ,biology.protein ,flounder platichthys-flesus ,waterverontreiniging ,Xenobiotic ,Water Pollutants, Chemical - Abstract
An extensive study was carried out in the Netherlands on the occurrence of a number of estrogenic compounds in surface water, sediment, biota, wastewater, rainwater and on the associated effects in fish. Compounds investigated included natural and synthetic hormones, phthalates, alkylphenol(ethoxylate)s and bisphenol-A. The results showed that almost all selected (xeno-)estrogens were present at low concentrations in the aquatic environment. Locally, they were found at higher levels. Hormones and nonylphenol(ethoxylate)s were present in concentrations that are reportedly high enough to cause estrogenic effects in fish. Field surveys did not disclose significant estrogenic effects in male flounder (Platichthys flesus) in the open sea and in Dutch estuaries. Minor to moderate estrogenic effects were observed in bream (Abramis brama) in major inland surface waters such as lowland rivers and a harbor area. The prevalence of feminizing effects in male fish is largest in small regional surface waters that are strongly influenced by sources of potential hormone-disrupting compounds. High concentrations of plasma vitellogenin and an increased prevalence of ovotestes occurred in wild male bream in a small river receiving a considerable load of effluent from a large sewage treatment plant. After employing in vitro and in vivo bioassays, both in situ and in the laboratory, we conclude that in this case hormones (especially 17α-ethynylestradiol) and possibly also nonylphenol(ethoxylate)s are primarily responsible for these effects. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2005
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13. Toxicological profiling of sediments with in vitro mechanisms-based bioassays for endocrine disruption
- Subjects
extracts ,rijn ,estuaria ,wildlife ,chemicals ,netherlands ,river rhine ,maas ,Toxicology ,expression assays ,hormoonverstoorders ,ecotoxicology ,nederland ,river meuse ,biotesten ,bioassays ,waterbodems ,estrogenic activity ,Toxicologie ,aromatic-hydrocarbons ,human transthyretin ,toxiciteit ,WIMEK ,hormones ,water bottoms ,ecotoxicologie ,toxicity ,hormonen ,toxic potency ,reporter gene assays ,estuaries ,rivers ,rivieren ,endocrine disruptors ,sediment ,exposure - Abstract
In vitro bioassays are valuable tools for screening environmental samples for the presence of bioactive (e.g., endocrine-disrupting) compounds. They can be used to direct chemical analysis of active compounds in toxicity identification and evaluation (TIE) approaches. In the present study, five in vitro bioassays were used to profile toxic potencies in sediments, with emphasis on endocrine disruption. Nonpolar total and acid-treated stable extracts of sediments from 15 locations in the Rhine Meuse estuary area in The Netherlands were assessed. Dioxin-like and estrogenic activities (using dioxin-responsive chemical-activated luciferase gene expression [DR-CALUX] and estrogen-responsive chemical-activated luciferase gene expression [ER-CALUX] assays) as well as genotoxicity (UMU test) and nonspecific toxic potency (Vibrio fischeri assay) were observed in sediment extracts. For the first time, to our knowledge, in vitro displacement of thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) from the thyroid hormone transport protein thransthyretin by sediment extracts was observed, indicating the presence of compounds potentially able to disrupt T4 plasma transport processes. Antiestrogenic activity was also observed in sediment. The present study showed the occurrence of endocrine-disrupting potencies in sediments from the Dutch delta and the suitability of the ER- and DR-CALUX bioassays to direct endocrine-disruption TIE studies.
- Published
- 2004
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14. Thyroid in a jar: towards an integrated in vitro testing strategy for thyroid-active compounds
- Author
Jomaa, B., Wageningen University, Ivonne Rietjens, Jac Aarts, and Ad Peijnenburg
- Subjects
thyroid hormones ,celgroei ,assays ,in vitro ,Toxicology ,thyroid diseases ,hormoonverstoorders ,endocrine disruptors ,BU Toxicologie, Novel Foods & Agroketens ,schildklierhormonen ,cell growth ,schildklierziekten ,BU Toxicology, Novel Foods & Agrochains ,Toxicologie ,VLAG - Abstract
Jomaa, B. (2015). Thyroid in a Jar: Towards an Integrated In Vitro Testing Strategy for Thyroid-Active Compounds. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, the Netherlands Abstract The aim of this thesis was to find in vitro and toxicogenomics-based alternatives to in vivo thyroid hormone disruption tests. In vitro alternatives can help reduce the amount of animal testing required under the European Union regulation for the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals (REACH). Moreover, with the use of human cell lines and human-identical synthetic proteins, interspecies differences can be reduced and in some cases eliminated. This thesis has shed light on the relevance of current in vitro assays for thyroid and pituitary cell proliferation, has led to the development of the TSH screen, a luminol-based thyroid peroxidase inhibition assay and the zebrafish-based general development score (GDS) for the detection of developmental toxicants, including those that act through the thyroid hormone system. Moreover, the microarray assay for real-time coregulator-nuclear receptor interaction (MARCoNI) assay was used to reveal the modulating effects of thyroid-active compounds on TRα and TRβ interactions with a peptide array representing 66 different coregulators. These developments along with an in-depth analysis of the thyroid hormone system and the presentation of the state of the art in thyroid disruption testing have highlighted the progress made and at the same time have underlined the challenges that lay ahead.
- Published
- 2015
15. Thyroid in a jar: towards an integrated in vitro testing strategy for thyroid-active compounds
- Subjects
thyroid hormones ,celgroei ,Novel Foods & Agrochains ,assays ,BU Toxicologie ,BU Toxicology ,in vitro ,Toxicology ,thyroid diseases ,Novel Foods & Agroketens ,hormoonverstoorders ,endocrine disruptors ,schildklierhormonen ,cell growth ,schildklierziekten ,Toxicologie ,VLAG - Abstract
Jomaa, B. (2015). Thyroid in a Jar: Towards an Integrated In Vitro Testing Strategy for Thyroid-Active Compounds. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, the Netherlands Abstract The aim of this thesis was to find in vitro and toxicogenomics-based alternatives to in vivo thyroid hormone disruption tests. In vitro alternatives can help reduce the amount of animal testing required under the European Union regulation for the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals (REACH). Moreover, with the use of human cell lines and human-identical synthetic proteins, interspecies differences can be reduced and in some cases eliminated. This thesis has shed light on the relevance of current in vitro assays for thyroid and pituitary cell proliferation, has led to the development of the TSH screen, a luminol-based thyroid peroxidase inhibition assay and the zebrafish-based general development score (GDS) for the detection of developmental toxicants, including those that act through the thyroid hormone system. Moreover, the microarray assay for real-time coregulator-nuclear receptor interaction (MARCoNI) assay was used to reveal the modulating effects of thyroid-active compounds on TRα and TRβ interactions with a peptide array representing 66 different coregulators. These developments along with an in-depth analysis of the thyroid hormone system and the presentation of the state of the art in thyroid disruption testing have highlighted the progress made and at the same time have underlined the challenges that lay ahead.
- Published
- 2015
16. Thyroid in a jar: towards an integrated in vitro testing strategy for thyroid-active compounds
- Author
Rietjens, Ivonne, Aarts, Jac, Peijnenburg, Ad, Jomaa, B., Rietjens, Ivonne, Aarts, Jac, Peijnenburg, Ad, and Jomaa, B.
- Published
- 2015
17. Vertoont binnenhuisstof in kleuterscholen hormoonverstorende activiteit?
- Author
Vandermarken, Tara, Analytische en Milieu Chemie, Scheikunde, and Analytisch- Milieu- & Geo-Chemie
- Subjects
Hormoonverstoorders ,Kleuterschool ,Stof ,EDC - Abstract
De onderzoeksgroep Analytische en milieuchemie (ANCH) op de Vrije Universiteit Brussel onderzocht het binnenhuisstof van 12 kleuterscholen op hormoonverstorende activiteit in opdracht van de partij Groen. Auteur: T. Vandermarken, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Published
- 2013
18. Verwijdering van hormoonverstorende stoffen in rwzi's
- Subjects
water pollution ,oestrogens ,hormones ,afvalwaterbehandeling ,surface water ,hormonen ,water treatment ,purification plants ,waterzuivering ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,hormoonverstoorders ,zuiveringsinstallaties ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,oppervlaktewater ,endocrine disruptors ,waste water treatment ,rioolafvalwater ,oestrogenen ,sewage effluent ,waterverontreiniging ,Wageningen Environmental Research - Abstract
Door de STOWA is eind vorig jaar een literatuurstudie naar de verwijdering van hormoonverstorende stoffen (ook wel endocrine disrupting chemicals of EDC's genoemd) in rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties verricht. Hieruit blijkt dat, ondanks een redelijke verwijdering in de rwzi, de concentraties van bepaalde EDC's in het effluent nog steeds kunnen leiden tot biologische effecten. De grootste risico's geven de oestrogene hormonen 17a-ethinyloestradiol ('de pil'), 17beta-oestradiol en oestron en de industriële detergenten nonylfenol en nonylfenolethoxylaten. Het is onduidelijk hoe de huidige rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties geoptimaliseerd kunnen worden om hormoonverstorende stoffen te verwijderen. Geavanceerde technieken lijken de beste resultaten op te leveren
- Published
- 2004
19. Endocrine disruption and human health: Workshop report on the state of the art
- Subjects
spermakwalieteit ,embryonale ontwikkeling ,geslachtshormonen ,vruchtbaarheid ,aangeboren afwijkingen ,hormoonverstoorders ,endocriene stoffen - Abstract
In het kader van het project 'endocriene verstoring humaan' worden onder meer actuele ontwikkelingen gerapporteerd over de relatie tussen endocriene verstoring en humane effecten. Dit rapport geeft een overzicht van de presentaties die over dit onderwerp gegeven werden tijdens een workshop, gehouden in mei 2000 in Kopenhagen, die werd georganiserd door prof. Niels Skakkebaek. De workshop bracht een niet onaanzienlijke groep expert wetenschappers op dit terrein bijeen. Zowel actuele overzichtsverhalen als nieuwe resultaten van lopende researchprojecten werden gepresenteerd. De workshop concludeerde dat endocriene verstoring een onderwerp van zorg blijft, hoewel causale relaties tussen blootstelling aan endocriene stoffen via het milieu en gezondheidseffecten bij de mens tot op heden niet zijn aangetoond. Er zijn met name meer humane blootstellingsgegevens nodig als basis voor een actuele risicoschatting voor de mens met betrekking tot endocriene verstoring.
- Published
- 2012
20. Endocrine disruption and human health: Workshop report on the state of the art
- Author
Piersma AH and LEO
- Subjects
spermakwalieteit ,embryonale ontwikkeling ,education ,geslachtshormonen ,vruchtbaarheid ,aangeboren afwijkingen ,hormoonverstoorders ,endocriene stoffen - Abstract
In het kader van het project 'endocriene verstoring humaan' worden onder meer actuele ontwikkelingen gerapporteerd over de relatie tussen endocriene verstoring en humane effecten. Dit rapport geeft een overzicht van de presentaties die over dit onderwerp gegeven werden tijdens een workshop, gehouden in mei 2000 in Kopenhagen, die werd georganiserd door prof. Niels Skakkebaek. De workshop bracht een niet onaanzienlijke groep expert wetenschappers op dit terrein bijeen. Zowel actuele overzichtsverhalen als nieuwe resultaten van lopende researchprojecten werden gepresenteerd. De workshop concludeerde dat endocriene verstoring een onderwerp van zorg blijft, hoewel causale relaties tussen blootstelling aan endocriene stoffen via het milieu en gezondheidseffecten bij de mens tot op heden niet zijn aangetoond. Er zijn met name meer humane blootstellingsgegevens nodig als basis voor een actuele risicoschatting voor de mens met betrekking tot endocriene verstoring.
- Published
- 2012
21. Development and validation of in vitro bioassays for thyroid hormone receptor mediated endocrine disruption
- Author
de Freitas, J., Wageningen University, Tinka Murk, Ivonne Rietjens, and J.D. Furlow
- Subjects
thyroid hormones ,endocrine system ,WIMEK ,endocrine disruptors ,endocrine system diseases ,schildklierhormonen ,biotesten ,in vitro ,Toxicology ,bioassays ,Toxicologie ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
Thyroid hormones regulate crucial processes in vertebrates such as reproduction, development and energy metabolism. Endocrine disruption via the thyroid hormone system is gaining more attention both from scientists and regulators, because of the increasing incidence of hormone-related cancers and developmental defects, and the requirement that newly marketed compounds are tested for thyroid hormone disruption. To reduce the number of experimental animals used and to increase the insight into the mechanisms of toxic interference with the thyroid hormone receptor function, we developed and validated functional in vitro bioassays for thyroid hormone receptor-mediated toxicity. These assays enable quick identification and quantification of specific thyroid hormone receptor disrupting potency of compounds and contribute to the further establishment of a battery of in vitro tests for hazard identification of thyroid active compounds.
- Published
- 2012
22. Development and validation of in vitro bioassays for thyroid hormone receptor mediated endocrine disruption
- Subjects
thyroid hormones ,endocrine system ,WIMEK ,endocrine disruptors ,endocrine system diseases ,schildklierhormonen ,biotesten ,in vitro ,Toxicology ,bioassays ,Toxicologie ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
Thyroid hormones regulate crucial processes in vertebrates such as reproduction, development and energy metabolism. Endocrine disruption via the thyroid hormone system is gaining more attention both from scientists and regulators, because of the increasing incidence of hormone-related cancers and developmental defects, and the requirement that newly marketed compounds are tested for thyroid hormone disruption. To reduce the number of experimental animals used and to increase the insight into the mechanisms of toxic interference with the thyroid hormone receptor function, we developed and validated functional in vitro bioassays for thyroid hormone receptor-mediated toxicity. These assays enable quick identification and quantification of specific thyroid hormone receptor disrupting potency of compounds and contribute to the further establishment of a battery of in vitro tests for hazard identification of thyroid active compounds.
- Published
- 2012
23. Hormoonverstoring in oppervlaktewater; waargenomen en veronderstelde effecten in de natuur
- Subjects
oestrogens ,effecten ,hormoonverstoorders ,ecotoxicology ,oppervlaktewater ,aquatische ecosystemen ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,effects ,fauna ,aquatic organisms ,aquatic ecosystems ,water pollution ,hormones ,ecotoxicologie ,surface water ,hormonen ,toxicologie ,nadelige gevolgen ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,endocrine disruptors ,oestrogenen ,adverse effects ,waterorganismen ,waterverontreiniging ,aquatic environment ,toxicology ,aquatisch milieu - Abstract
In laboratoria wordt het nodige onderzoek verricht naar de hormonale, of hormoonverstorende werking van een groot aantal stoffen. Van een aantal van deze stoffen is inmiddels aangetoond dat ze in risicovolle concentraties voorkomen in het watermilieu. Maar het is vaak niet bekend wat de daadwerkelijke, waarneembare effecten van deze hormoonverstorende stoffen zijn op (aquatische) organismen. Bij een aantal diersoorten is aangetoond dat de verhouding tussen het aantal mannetjes en vrouwtjes niet meer gelijk is en tevens dat er soms geslachtsverandering optreedt. Dit rapport vat samen wat er op dit ogenblik bekend is over de hormoonverstorende effecten van stoffen op aquatische organismen. Onderzoekers onderscheidden: schelpen en slakken, Kreeftachtigen en insecten, Vissen; Amfibieën; Vogels en zoogdieren (otters)
- Published
- 2009
24. Hormoonverstoring in oppervlaktewater; waargenomen en veronderstelde effecten in de natuur
- Author
Lahr, J. and de Lange, H.J.
- Subjects
oestrogens ,effecten ,hormoonverstoorders ,ecotoxicology ,oppervlaktewater ,aquatische ecosystemen ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,effects ,fauna ,aquatic organisms ,aquatic ecosystems ,water pollution ,hormones ,ecotoxicologie ,surface water ,hormonen ,toxicologie ,nadelige gevolgen ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,endocrine disruptors ,oestrogenen ,adverse effects ,waterorganismen ,waterverontreiniging ,aquatic environment ,toxicology ,aquatisch milieu - Abstract
In laboratoria wordt het nodige onderzoek verricht naar de hormonale, of hormoonverstorende werking van een groot aantal stoffen. Van een aantal van deze stoffen is inmiddels aangetoond dat ze in risicovolle concentraties voorkomen in het watermilieu. Maar het is vaak niet bekend wat de daadwerkelijke, waarneembare effecten van deze hormoonverstorende stoffen zijn op (aquatische) organismen. Bij een aantal diersoorten is aangetoond dat de verhouding tussen het aantal mannetjes en vrouwtjes niet meer gelijk is en tevens dat er soms geslachtsverandering optreedt. Dit rapport vat samen wat er op dit ogenblik bekend is over de hormoonverstorende effecten van stoffen op aquatische organismen. Onderzoekers onderscheidden: schelpen en slakken, Kreeftachtigen en insecten, Vissen; Amfibieën; Vogels en zoogdieren (otters)
- Published
- 2009
25. Markers of endocrine disruption in fish
- Subjects
WIMEK ,screening ,ecotoxicologie ,biomarkers ,surface water ,Toxicology ,Wageningen Marine Research ,hormoonverstoorders ,ecotoxicology ,oppervlaktewater ,endocrine disruptors ,oestrogenic properties ,screenen ,pimephales promelas ,oestrogene eigenschappen ,Toxicologie - Abstract
Het doel van het onderzoek in dit proefschrift was het bepalen van de gevoeligheid en bruikbaarheid van verschillende ‘markers’ voor onderzoek naar de hormoonverstorende potentie van chemische stoffen in toxiciteitstesten met de vis als testorganisme
- Published
- 2008
26. Markers of endocrine disruption in fish
- Author
Bogers, R., Wageningen University, Ivonne Rietjens, Tinka Murk, and J. Legler
- Subjects
WIMEK ,screening ,ecotoxicologie ,biomarkers ,surface water ,Toxicology ,Wageningen Marine Research ,hormoonverstoorders ,ecotoxicology ,oppervlaktewater ,endocrine disruptors ,oestrogenic properties ,screenen ,pimephales promelas ,oestrogene eigenschappen ,Toxicologie - Abstract
Het doel van het onderzoek in dit proefschrift was het bepalen van de gevoeligheid en bruikbaarheid van verschillende ‘markers’ voor onderzoek naar de hormoonverstorende potentie van chemische stoffen in toxiciteitstesten met de vis als testorganisme
- Published
- 2008
27. Development and validation of in vitro bioassays for thyroid hormone receptor mediated endocrine disruption
- Author
Murk, Tinka, Rietjens, Ivonne, Furlow, J.D., de Freitas, J., Murk, Tinka, Rietjens, Ivonne, Furlow, J.D., and de Freitas, J.
- Abstract
Thyroid hormones regulate crucial processes in vertebrates such as reproduction, development and energy metabolism. Endocrine disruption via the thyroid hormone system is gaining more attention both from scientists and regulators, because of the increasing incidence of hormone-related cancers and developmental defects, and the requirement that newly marketed compounds are tested for thyroid hormone disruption. To reduce the number of experimental animals used and to increase the insight into the mechanisms of toxic interference with the thyroid hormone receptor function, we developed and validated functional in vitro bioassays for thyroid hormone receptor-mediated toxicity. These assays enable quick identification and quantification of specific thyroid hormone receptor disrupting potency of compounds and contribute to the further establishment of a battery of in vitro tests for hazard identification of thyroid active compounds.
- Published
- 2012
28. Endocrine disruption and human health: Workshop report on the state of the art
- Subjects
spermakwalieteit ,embryonale ontwikkeling ,education ,geslachtshormonen ,vruchtbaarheid ,aangeboren afwijkingen ,hormoonverstoorders ,endocriene stoffen - Abstract
Within the project on endocrine disruption and human health one aim is to keep track with the state of the art as regards endocrine disrupter research relating to human health effects. This report summarizes the presentations given at the Workshop on the subject held in May 2000 in Copenhagen, which was organised by professor Niels Skakkebaek. The workshop brought together a considerable group of key scientists in the field. Both timely overviews as well as current research results were presented. The workshop concluded that endocrine disruption remains a matter of concern, although causal relationships between exposure to environmental endocrine disrupters and human health effects have not been proven to date. Particularly, human exposure data are needed to found a solid basis for actual human risk assessment in the field of endocrine disruption.
- Published
- 2007
29. Nieuwe verontreinigingen in de bodem : een verkennende literatuurstudie naar de mogelijke risico's van hormoonverstoorders en diergeneesmiddelen
- Author
Lahr, J.
- Subjects
bodemkwaliteit ,voedselkwaliteit ,soil pollution ,bodemverontreiniging ,literatuuroverzichten ,literature reviews ,drug residues ,veterinary products ,risk assessment ,food quality ,drugs ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,hormoonverstoorders ,risicoschatting ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,geneesmiddelenresiduen ,endocrine disruptors ,geneesmiddelen ,pollutants ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,soil quality ,veterinaire producten ,verontreinigende stoffen - Abstract
een verkennende studie van de wetenschappelijke literatuur naar het voorkomen en de mogelijke risico’s van hormoonverstorende stoffen (inclusief hormonen) en diergeneesmiddelen in het bodemmilieu. De belangrijkste conclusie is dat er nog veel onbekend is over het voorkomen van deze stoffen in de bodem. Dit komt vooral doordat er zeer weinig metingen zijn verricht. Omdat er geen inzicht bestaat in de concentratieniveaus en ook nauwelijks in de effecten, zijn de risico’s van deze stoffen voor bodemgezondheid, voedselkwaliteit en de gezondheid van landbouwhuisdieren moeilijk in te schatten. Verder is de omvang van de verontreiniging met de meeste van deze stoffen onbekend en kan dus de schaal van de problematiek moeilijk worden vastgesteld
- Published
- 2007
30. Nieuwe verontreinigingen in de bodem : een verkennende literatuurstudie naar de mogelijke risico's van hormoonverstoorders en diergeneesmiddelen
- Subjects
bodemkwaliteit ,voedselkwaliteit ,soil pollution ,bodemverontreiniging ,literatuuroverzichten ,literature reviews ,drug residues ,veterinary products ,risk assessment ,food quality ,drugs ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,hormoonverstoorders ,risicoschatting ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,geneesmiddelenresiduen ,endocrine disruptors ,geneesmiddelen ,pollutants ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,soil quality ,veterinaire producten ,verontreinigende stoffen - Abstract
een verkennende studie van de wetenschappelijke literatuur naar het voorkomen en de mogelijke risico’s van hormoonverstorende stoffen (inclusief hormonen) en diergeneesmiddelen in het bodemmilieu. De belangrijkste conclusie is dat er nog veel onbekend is over het voorkomen van deze stoffen in de bodem. Dit komt vooral doordat er zeer weinig metingen zijn verricht. Omdat er geen inzicht bestaat in de concentratieniveaus en ook nauwelijks in de effecten, zijn de risico’s van deze stoffen voor bodemgezondheid, voedselkwaliteit en de gezondheid van landbouwhuisdieren moeilijk in te schatten. Verder is de omvang van de verontreiniging met de meeste van deze stoffen onbekend en kan dus de schaal van de problematiek moeilijk worden vastgesteld
- Published
- 2007
31. Detecting the effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of thyroid hormone disrupting compounds on amphibian development
- Subjects
thyroid hormones ,endocrine disruptors ,WIMEK ,schildklierhormonen ,embryonale ontwikkeling ,embryonic development ,fetal development ,xenopus laevis ,Toxicology ,foetale ontwikkeling ,amphibia ,Toxicologie ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
Persistent organic pollutants such as PCBs have been hypothesized to contribute to the observed global decline of amphibian populations. Thyroid hormone (TH) disruption is one of the possible mechanisms for effects of xenobiotics on amphibian development. In addition to the important functions shared with other vertebrates, TH also has an important function in amphibians. The metamorphosis of amphibian larvae to froglet needs a TH surge shortly before the onset of metamorphosis to proceed. To study the potential disruption during two specific life-stages a bioassay with exposure during very early developmental stages and one for exposure of tadpoles just before the onset of TH dependent metamorphosis were developed. The assays were optimized, validated with PCBs as standards and applied for testing of realistic dosages of polluted sediment extracts. In addition, an in vitro assay using the TH dependent growth of a cell-line was established as a screening tool.The studies presented in this thesis reveal that the currently used early life stage test (FETAX) does not detect effects of the tested PCBs and apolar sediment extracts during the 96-hour test period whereas the newly developed prolonged-FETAX showed significant delayed effects of very low exposure concentrations on body weight, and on the period until- and percentage of animals finishing successful metamorphosis.In the so-called Synchronized Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay thiourea was used to synchronize tadpole development in NF stage 54 thereby starting experiments with a very homogenous group of animals. Significant effects of oral exposure to PCBs and apolar sediment extracts were found on the period until metamorphosis, and the distribution of the developmental stages of tadpoles that did not finish metamorphosis.The approach with exposing embryos (prolonged-FETAX) and tadpoles (Synchronized Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay) may finally better reflect environmental risks of apolar compounds than limiting the exposure to solely a single life-stage or water-exposure. The effects of the highly diluted apolar sediment extracts suggest the presence of TH disrupting compounds in the aquatic environment and possible effects of such compounds on development of amphibians and possibly other aquatic vertebrate species in the wild. The in vitro mode! showed its suitability and importance to study specific aspects of endocrine disrupting potency of toxic compounds.
- Published
- 2006
32. Novel in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays elucidating the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) on thyroid hormone action
- Subjects
thyroid hormones ,WIMEK ,endocrine disruptors ,schildklierhormonen ,in vitro culture ,xenopus laevis ,in vivo experimenten ,in vivo experimentation ,Toxicology ,in vitro kweek ,Toxicologie ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
The last years, both scientific and public concern about the possible threat of compounds in the environment that may affect endocrine functions has increased. Thus far, the majority of endocrine disruptor research has focused on the interference of compounds with the sex hormone homeostasis. Less attention has been paid to disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, despite the fact that several lines of evidence suggest that this system is also susceptible to disruption by compounds present in the environment. Disturbances in thyroid hormone (TH) homeostasis may lead to mosaic effects on development, growth patterns and metabolism in vertebrates including mammals and amphibians. Recent studies now indicate that the Thyroid hormone Receptors (TRs) also are targets of industrial compounds, but the effects and mechanisms are difficult to establish since suitable test assays are very limited. In part, this may be because research has generally focused on the ability of compounds to affect TH transport, TH metabolism and TH blood plasma levels but not on disruption of TR mediated TH-action.The research presented in this thesis aims to enhance insight into the mechanisms underlying the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) on TR-mediated TH-action. To this end, newly developed and validated in vitro and in vivo assays are applied in addition to an ex vivo assay using isolated tail tissue. This ex vivo model more resembles the natural situation for cells than in vitro assays, but excludes the feedback mechanisms from the TH axis orextracellularmetabolism which may obscure TR-mediated responses. In the assays exposure is performed in combination with TH in order to closer approach the exposure of cells under physiological conditions, where TH is present during important vertebrate fetal developmental periods. The in vitro , ex vivo and in vivo assay responses also are compared to study to what degree the in vitro and ex vivo assays can predict the in vivo thyroid hormone disrupting potency of compounds. Apart from the development of newtestsystemsfor thyroid hormone disruption, the studies presented in this thesis also provide indications for the mechanism ofEDCson the level of the TR. Furthermore, the results illustrate thatthe in vitro results are highly predictive for the effects as observed in vivo . Finally, it can be concluded that testing of compounds for potential TH disrupting effects, should be carried out in presence and absence of TH at its EC 50 .
- Published
- 2006
33. Detecting the effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of thyroid hormone disrupting compounds on amphibian development
- Author
Gutleb, A.C., Wageningen University, Ivonne Rietjens, and Tinka Murk
- Subjects
thyroid hormones ,WIMEK ,endocrine disruptors ,schildklierhormonen ,embryonale ontwikkeling ,embryonic development ,fetal development ,xenopus laevis ,Toxicology ,amphibia ,foetale ontwikkeling ,Toxicologie ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
Persistent organic pollutants such as PCBs have been hypothesized to contribute to the observed global decline of amphibian populations. Thyroid hormone (TH) disruption is one of the possible mechanisms for effects of xenobiotics on amphibian development. In addition to the important functions shared with other vertebrates, TH also has an important function in amphibians. The metamorphosis of amphibian larvae to froglet needs a TH surge shortly before the onset of metamorphosis to proceed. To study the potential disruption during two specific life-stages a bioassay with exposure during very early developmental stages and one for exposure of tadpoles just before the onset of TH dependent metamorphosis were developed. The assays were optimized, validated with PCBs as standards and applied for testing of realistic dosages of polluted sediment extracts. In addition, an in vitro assay using the TH dependent growth of a cell-line was established as a screening tool.The studies presented in this thesis reveal that the currently used early life stage test (FETAX) does not detect effects of the tested PCBs and apolar sediment extracts during the 96-hour test period whereas the newly developed prolonged-FETAX showed significant delayed effects of very low exposure concentrations on body weight, and on the period until- and percentage of animals finishing successful metamorphosis.In the so-called Synchronized Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay thiourea was used to synchronize tadpole development in NF stage 54 thereby starting experiments with a very homogenous group of animals. Significant effects of oral exposure to PCBs and apolar sediment extracts were found on the period until metamorphosis, and the distribution of the developmental stages of tadpoles that did not finish metamorphosis.The approach with exposing embryos (prolonged-FETAX) and tadpoles (Synchronized Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay) may finally better reflect environmental risks of apolar compounds than limiting the exposure to solely a single life-stage or water-exposure. The effects of the highly diluted apolar sediment extracts suggest the presence of TH disrupting compounds in the aquatic environment and possible effects of such compounds on development of amphibians and possibly other aquatic vertebrate species in the wild. The in vitro mode! showed its suitability and importance to study specific aspects of endocrine disrupting potency of toxic compounds.
- Published
- 2006
34. Novel in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays elucidating the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) on thyroid hormone action
- Author
Schriks, M., Wageningen University, Ivonne Rietjens, Tinka Murk, and J.D. Furlow
- Subjects
thyroid hormones ,WIMEK ,endocrine disruptors ,schildklierhormonen ,in vitro culture ,xenopus laevis ,in vivo experimenten ,in vivo experimentation ,Toxicology ,in vitro kweek ,Toxicologie ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
The last years, both scientific and public concern about the possible threat of compounds in the environment that may affect endocrine functions has increased. Thus far, the majority of endocrine disruptor research has focused on the interference of compounds with the sex hormone homeostasis. Less attention has been paid to disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, despite the fact that several lines of evidence suggest that this system is also susceptible to disruption by compounds present in the environment. Disturbances in thyroid hormone (TH) homeostasis may lead to mosaic effects on development, growth patterns and metabolism in vertebrates including mammals and amphibians. Recent studies now indicate that the Thyroid hormone Receptors (TRs) also are targets of industrial compounds, but the effects and mechanisms are difficult to establish since suitable test assays are very limited. In part, this may be because research has generally focused on the ability of compounds to affect TH transport, TH metabolism and TH blood plasma levels but not on disruption of TR mediated TH-action.The research presented in this thesis aims to enhance insight into the mechanisms underlying the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) on TR-mediated TH-action. To this end, newly developed and validated in vitro and in vivo assays are applied in addition to an ex vivo assay using isolated tail tissue. This ex vivo model more resembles the natural situation for cells than in vitro assays, but excludes the feedback mechanisms from the TH axis orextracellularmetabolism which may obscure TR-mediated responses. In the assays exposure is performed in combination with TH in order to closer approach the exposure of cells under physiological conditions, where TH is present during important vertebrate fetal developmental periods. The in vitro , ex vivo and in vivo assay responses also are compared to study to what degree the in vitro and ex vivo assays can predict the in vivo thyroid hormone disrupting potency of compounds. Apart from the development of newtestsystemsfor thyroid hormone disruption, the studies presented in this thesis also provide indications for the mechanism ofEDCson the level of the TR. Furthermore, the results illustrate thatthe in vitro results are highly predictive for the effects as observed in vivo . Finally, it can be concluded that testing of compounds for potential TH disrupting effects, should be carried out in presence and absence of TH at its EC 50 .
- Published
- 2006
35. Opnieuw: geneesmiddelen in het water
- Author
Roorda, J. and Roorda, J.
- Abstract
In de afgelopen jaren is de aanwezigheid van geneesmiddelen, hormonen, hormoonverstorende stoffen en andere ‘nieuwe stoff en’ in het watermilieu steeds meer in de belangstelling gekomen. Dit resulteerde in een groot aantal studies naar alle aspecten die daarbij een rol spelen: chemisch-analytisch, (eco)toxicologisch, monitoring, bronnenonderzoek, verwijderingstechnieken, enzovoorts. Ook in H2O kreeg het onderwerp in toenemende mate aandacht, zowel vanuit de drinkwater als afvalwaterhoek. In nummer 6 uit 2007 (‘Waterbeheer ná de Kaderrichtlijn Water’) en nummer 4 uit 2008 (‘Geneesmiddelen en andere nieuwe stoffen in het watermilieu als exportproduct’) zijn verschillende boeken op dit gebied gerecenseerd. De vraag is of er nog wat nieuws is te melden
- Published
- 2009
36. Vissen verwijven door de pil : hormoonverstorende stoffen maken vissen hermafrodiet
- Author
Verschoor, M. and Verschoor, M.
- Abstract
Vispopulaties zijn zeer kwetsbaar voor te grote concentraties hormoonverstorende stoffen in het watermilieu, zo blijkt uit Canadees onderzoek. Onder invloed van zogenaamde oestrogenen neemt de omvang van de populatie snel af of verandert deze van samenstelling. Zo zijn in de Dommel, Vecht en Aa mannelijke brasems en voorns aangetroffen met hermafrodiete eigenschappen. De chemische cocktail in ons oppervlaktewater vraagt om een gestructureerde aanpak in plaats van de huidige symptoom bestrijding
- Published
- 2009
37. De som der delen : rationale risioschatting van milieucontaminanten
- Author
Murk, A.J. and Murk, A.J.
- Published
- 2008
38. Markers of endocrine disruption in fish
- Author
Rietjens, Ivonne, Murk, Tinka, Legler, J., Bogers, R., Rietjens, Ivonne, Murk, Tinka, Legler, J., and Bogers, R.
- Abstract
Het doel van het onderzoek in dit proefschrift was het bepalen van de gevoeligheid en bruikbaarheid van verschillende ‘markers’ voor onderzoek naar de hormoonverstorende potentie van chemische stoffen in toxiciteitstesten met de vis als testorganisme
- Published
- 2008
39. Geneesmiddelen en andere nieuwe stoffen in het watermilieu als exportproduct
- Author
Roorda, J. and Roorda, J.
- Abstract
De laatste jaren groeit de aandacht voor relatief nieuwe stoffen, zoals geneesmiddelen(resten), hormoonverstorende stoffen, bestrijdingsmiddelen en oplosmiddelen. Dit is mogelijk dankzij een enorme vooruitgang die is geboekt in de mogelijkheden om deze stoffen ook daadwerkelijk in het watermilieu te kunnen aantonen en meten. Sinds de jaren '90 is op dit gebied een enorme vooruitgang geboekt. Ook op dit moment worden analysemethoden verbeterd om ook in de lagere concentraties (enkele ng/l) te kunnen meten. Maar van bijvoorbeeld de duizenden geneesmiddelen die bekend zijn, kan slechts enkele tientallen ook daadwerkelijk geanalyseerd worden. Laat staan dat over de afbraakproducten (metabolieten) van deze stoffen iets bekend is. Dit is mede de reden waarom daarnaast steeds meer testen ontwikkeld worden die het effect van een groep stoffen kunnen meten. In Nederland is bijvoorbeeld de ER-Caluxmethode om hormoonverstoring van een watermonster te kunnen bepalen, goed bekend
- Published
- 2008
40. Testcase glucocorticoïden als demonstratie van samenwerking in de watercyclus
- Author
Sulmann, G. and Sulmann, G.
- Abstract
In oppervlaktewater komen zeer lage concentraties hormoonverstorende glucocorticoïden voor. Voor drinkwater, lijkt dat vooralsnog geen probleem, maar dat kan op termijn veranderen, bijvoorbeeld door wijzigingen van het klimaat. Drinkwaterbedrijven moeten waakzaam blijven tegen glucocorticoïden en vergelijkbare vervuilingen; ze moeten kennis ontwikkelen over mogelijke gezondheidseffecten, verwijderingsmethoden en mogelijkheden om te voorkomen dat deze stoffen de drinkwaterbronnen bereiken. Dat laatste vergt een watercyclusbrede aanpak, afweging en onderzoeksprogrammering. Alleen dan wordt duidelijk wáár in de watercyclus een probleem het meest effectief en efficiënt is op te lossen. Zo luidden enkele conclusies van de jaarlijkse BTO-bijeenkomst bij KWR Watercycle Research Institute in Nieuwegein
- Published
- 2008
41. Nieuwe stoffen : dossier
- Abstract
Dossier met beknopte informatie over nieuwe stoffen. Tevens met verwijzingen naar kernpublicaties. Onder nieuwe stoffen worden verstaan de prioritaire stoffen uit de Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW), hormoonverstorende stoffen, geneesmiddelen en andere potentieel schadelijke stoffen die in het oppervlaktewater kunnen voorkomen, maar (nog) niet in het waterkwaliteitsbeleid worden meegenomen
- Published
- 2008
42. Verwijdering van hormoonverstorende stoffen in rwzi's
- Author
Loeffen, P., Lahr, J., Derksen, A., Uijterlinde, C., and Roeleveld, P.
- Subjects
water pollution ,oestrogens ,hormones ,afvalwaterbehandeling ,surface water ,hormonen ,water treatment ,purification plants ,waterzuivering ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,hormoonverstoorders ,zuiveringsinstallaties ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,oppervlaktewater ,endocrine disruptors ,waste water treatment ,rioolafvalwater ,oestrogenen ,sewage effluent ,waterverontreiniging ,Wageningen Environmental Research - Abstract
Door de STOWA is eind vorig jaar een literatuurstudie naar de verwijdering van hormoonverstorende stoffen (ook wel endocrine disrupting chemicals of EDC's genoemd) in rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties verricht. Hieruit blijkt dat, ondanks een redelijke verwijdering in de rwzi, de concentraties van bepaalde EDC's in het effluent nog steeds kunnen leiden tot biologische effecten. De grootste risico's geven de oestrogene hormonen 17a-ethinyloestradiol ('de pil'), 17beta-oestradiol en oestron en de industriële detergenten nonylfenol en nonylfenolethoxylaten. Het is onduidelijk hoe de huidige rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties geoptimaliseerd kunnen worden om hormoonverstorende stoffen te verwijderen. Geavanceerde technieken lijken de beste resultaten op te leveren
- Published
- 2004
43. Waterbeheer ná de Kaderrichtlijn Water [recensie]
- Author
Roorda, J. and Roorda, J.
- Abstract
Ook na de implementatie van de huidige Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water is het watersysteem chemisch gezien nog niet op orde. Althans, dat is de mening van een aantal onderzoeksgroepen in Europa. Er is nog onvoldoende aandacht geweest voor de toch wat 'vergeten' en meer onbekende nieuwe stoffen, zoals medicijnresten, hormoonresten, en (mogelijk) hormoonverstorende stoffen. In dit verband zijn in 2006 twee interessante boeken verschenen. 'Human Pharmaceuticals, Hormones and Fragrances - The Challenge of Micropollutants in Urban Water Management' en 'Personal Care Compounds in the Environment - Pathways, Fate, and Methods for Determination'
- Published
- 2007
44. Stand van zaken rond hormoonverstorende stoffen in oppervlaktewater
- Author
Derksen, A., Wal, B. van der, Palsma, B., Derksen, A., Wal, B. van der, and Palsma, B.
- Abstract
Uit contacten tussen STOWA en waterbeheerders blijkt dat behoefte bestaat aan een overzicht van het onderzoek naar hormoonverstorende stoffen in oppervlaktewater. Grontmij heeft zo'n overzicht opgesteld. Het vormt de basis voor dit artikel. De informatie is afkomstig van de monitoringsactiviteiten in Nederland én diverse buitenlandse onderzoeken
- Published
- 2007
45. Effecten van hormoonverstorende stoffen op kikkers
- Subjects
hormones ,reproductive organs ,ecotoxicologie ,hormonen ,toxicologie ,PE&RC ,amphibia ,mortality ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,dioxinen ,hormoonverstoorders ,ecotoxicology ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,endocrine disruptors ,Wildlife Ecology and Conservation ,dioxins ,estradiol ,biotesten ,voortplantingsorganen ,mortaliteit ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,bioassays ,toxicology - Abstract
Omdat de ontwikkeling van amfibieën sterk hormoon-gereguleerd is, is onderzocht in hoeverre de kikker een geschikte indicator is voor hormoonverstorende stoffen in het milieu. Hiertoe zijn in het laboratorium blootstellingstudies uitgevoerd met kikkerlarven en volwassen Rana kikkers, welke algemeen in Nederland voorkomen. Onderzocht is in hoeverre oestradiol (E2) en tetrachloordibenzo-p-dioxine (TCDD) de ontwikkeling, overleving, lichaams- en orgaangewichten, geslachtsorganen en -hormonen, en specifieke cytochroom P450 enzymen beïnvloeden. Ook is de onderlinge samenhang van deze ettectparameters bestudeerd. In een in-situ veldstudie zijn de overleving en ontwikkeling van larven van Rana Kikkers, die zijn uitgezet in de sterk verontreinigde Volgermeerpolder en een niet-verontreinigde referentielocatie, beschouwd. Naast dit alles zijn juveniele Rana kikkers gevangen uit beide locaties, waarin interne concentraties dioxine-achtige stoffen en activiteiten van specifieke cytochroom P450 enzymen zijn bepaald.
- Published
- 2003
46. Effecten van hormoonverstorende stoffen op kikkers
- Author
Lee-de Groot, M.B.E., van den Brink, N.W., van der Hout, A., de Bie, P.A.F., Stumpel, A.H.P., and Bosveld, A.T.C.
- Subjects
hormones ,reproductive organs ,ecotoxicologie ,hormonen ,toxicologie ,PE&RC ,amphibia ,mortality ,Centrum Ecosystemen ,dioxinen ,hormoonverstoorders ,ecotoxicology ,Centre for Ecosystem Studies ,endocrine disruptors ,Wildlife Ecology and Conservation ,dioxins ,estradiol ,biotesten ,voortplantingsorganen ,mortaliteit ,Wageningen Environmental Research ,bioassays ,toxicology - Abstract
Omdat de ontwikkeling van amfibieën sterk hormoon-gereguleerd is, is onderzocht in hoeverre de kikker een geschikte indicator is voor hormoonverstorende stoffen in het milieu. Hiertoe zijn in het laboratorium blootstellingstudies uitgevoerd met kikkerlarven en volwassen Rana kikkers, welke algemeen in Nederland voorkomen. Onderzocht is in hoeverre oestradiol (E2) en tetrachloordibenzo-p-dioxine (TCDD) de ontwikkeling, overleving, lichaams- en orgaangewichten, geslachtsorganen en -hormonen, en specifieke cytochroom P450 enzymen beïnvloeden. Ook is de onderlinge samenhang van deze ettectparameters bestudeerd. In een in-situ veldstudie zijn de overleving en ontwikkeling van larven van Rana Kikkers, die zijn uitgezet in de sterk verontreinigde Volgermeerpolder en een niet-verontreinigde referentielocatie, beschouwd. Naast dit alles zijn juveniele Rana kikkers gevangen uit beide locaties, waarin interne concentraties dioxine-achtige stoffen en activiteiten van specifieke cytochroom P450 enzymen zijn bepaald.
- Published
- 2003
47. Development of an endogenous androgen receptor-mediated luciferase expression assay (AR-LUX) for interactive androgenic action
- Author
Blankvoort, B.M.G., Wageningen University, J.H. Koeman, Jac Aarts, and R.J.T. Rodenburg
- Subjects
WIMEK ,androgens ,rundvee ,Toxicology ,anabole steroïden ,hormoonverstoorders ,growth promoters ,endocrine disruptors ,cattle ,androgenen ,groeibevorderaars ,anabolic steroids ,Toxicologie - Abstract
The research described in this thesis was aimed at developing an in vitro cell-based reporter gene system applicable to the detection of the illegal use of androgenic growth promoters in cattle, and the presence of potential endocrine disrupters present in surface waters and interfering with androgenic action. The system is based on a luciferase reporter gene placed under transcriptional control of an authenticated androgen-responsive element (ARE) and an endogenously expressed androgen receptor. This system allows for the integration of the effects of certain modulators of androgenic signal transduction. A second important goal of the research was to gain insight into the mechanisms underlying enhanced growth promotion by mixtures of androgenic and estrogenic compounds. The use of such mixtures, which results in activation and subsequent interaction of multiple steroid receptors, is occasionally observed in illegal hormonal treatments of cattle.When applied to the screening of calf urine samples for anabolic androgens, the developed AR-LUX assay was able to identify androgen-treated animals with similar results as obtained by standard GC-MS analysis. However, both techniques should be regarded as complementary rather than interchangeable screening tools. Liquid samples confiscated at cattle farms outside theNetherlandswere found to generate a very strong response in the AR-LUX assay despite the fact that GC-MS analysis did not detect the presence of any anabolic compounds. Possibly, the samples contained a mixture of conventional androgenic compounds, each at undetectably low amounts and/or (novel) unknown compounds not tested for by GC-MS. These results emphasize the additional value of the developed AR-LUX assay.Also, the AR-LUX assay was used to determine the androgenic activity of a number of aquatic environmental samples. A number of these samples were found to contain androgenic activity at varying concentrations. Interestingly, in 2 samples containing androgens, enhancing interactive mixture effects were observed, which were probably due to interactions by estrogenic compounds and estrogen receptor activation.Our research furthermore indicates that certain established progestagens are able to activate ARE-mediated luciferase expression via progesterone receptors; we hypothesise preferentially through the progesterone receptor-α isoform. This indicates that androgen reporter assays based on the activation of the androgen receptor alone rather than on activation of a response element might produce results quite different from those observed in assay systems featuring multiple steroid receptors. This further emphasizes the notion that the AR-LUX assay is not merely detecting activation of the androgen receptor by androgens, but also allows for the detection of other androgenic substances that regulate gene expression via alternative pathways leading to activation of an established androgen response element.
- Published
- 2003
48. Development of an endogenous androgen receptor-mediated luciferase expression assay (AR-LUX) for interactive androgenic action
- Subjects
growth promoters ,WIMEK ,endocrine disruptors ,cattle ,androgens ,rundvee ,androgenen ,groeibevorderaars ,Toxicology ,anabolic steroids ,anabole steroïden ,Toxicologie ,hormoonverstoorders - Abstract
The research described in this thesis was aimed at developing an in vitro cell-based reporter gene system applicable to the detection of the illegal use of androgenic growth promoters in cattle, and the presence of potential endocrine disrupters present in surface waters and interfering with androgenic action. The system is based on a luciferase reporter gene placed under transcriptional control of an authenticated androgen-responsive element (ARE) and an endogenously expressed androgen receptor. This system allows for the integration of the effects of certain modulators of androgenic signal transduction. A second important goal of the research was to gain insight into the mechanisms underlying enhanced growth promotion by mixtures of androgenic and estrogenic compounds. The use of such mixtures, which results in activation and subsequent interaction of multiple steroid receptors, is occasionally observed in illegal hormonal treatments of cattle.When applied to the screening of calf urine samples for anabolic androgens, the developed AR-LUX assay was able to identify androgen-treated animals with similar results as obtained by standard GC-MS analysis. However, both techniques should be regarded as complementary rather than interchangeable screening tools. Liquid samples confiscated at cattle farms outside theNetherlandswere found to generate a very strong response in the AR-LUX assay despite the fact that GC-MS analysis did not detect the presence of any anabolic compounds. Possibly, the samples contained a mixture of conventional androgenic compounds, each at undetectably low amounts and/or (novel) unknown compounds not tested for by GC-MS. These results emphasize the additional value of the developed AR-LUX assay.Also, the AR-LUX assay was used to determine the androgenic activity of a number of aquatic environmental samples. A number of these samples were found to contain androgenic activity at varying concentrations. Interestingly, in 2 samples containing androgens, enhancing interactive mixture effects were observed, which were probably due to interactions by estrogenic compounds and estrogen receptor activation.Our research furthermore indicates that certain established progestagens are able to activate ARE-mediated luciferase expression via progesterone receptors; we hypothesise preferentially through the progesterone receptor-α isoform. This indicates that androgen reporter assays based on the activation of the androgen receptor alone rather than on activation of a response element might produce results quite different from those observed in assay systems featuring multiple steroid receptors. This further emphasizes the notion that the AR-LUX assay is not merely detecting activation of the androgen receptor by androgens, but also allows for the detection of other androgenic substances that regulate gene expression via alternative pathways leading to activation of an established androgen response element.
- Published
- 2003
49. Novel in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays elucidating the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) on thyroid hormone action
- Author
Rietjens, Ivonne, Murk, Tinka, Furlow, J.D., Schriks, M., Rietjens, Ivonne, Murk, Tinka, Furlow, J.D., and Schriks, M.
- Abstract
The last years, both scientific and public concern about the possible threat of compounds in the environment that may affect endocrine functions has increased. Thus far, the majority of endocrine disruptor research has focused on the interference of compounds with the sex hormone homeostasis. Less attention has been paid to disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, despite the fact that several lines of evidence suggest that this system is also susceptible to disruption by compounds present in the environment. Disturbances in thyroid hormone (TH) homeostasis may lead to mosaic effects on development, growth patterns and metabolism in vertebrates including mammals and amphibians. Recent studies now indicate that the Thyroid hormone Receptors (TRs) also are targets of industrial compounds, but the effects and mechanisms are difficult to establish since suitable test assays are very limited. In part, this may be because research has generally focused on the ability of compounds to affect TH transport, TH metabolism and TH blood plasma levels but not on disruption of TR mediated TH-action.The research presented in this thesis aims to enhance insight into the mechanisms underlying the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) on TR-mediated TH-action. To this end, newly developed and validated in vitro and in vivo assays are applied in addition to an ex vivo assay using isolated tail tissue. This ex vivo model more resembles the natural situation for cells than in vitro assays, but excludes the feedback mechanisms from the TH axis orextracellularmetabolism which may obscure TR-mediated responses. In the assays exposure is performed in combination with TH in order to closer approach the exposure of cells under physiological conditions, where TH is present during important vertebrate fetal developmental periods. The in vitro , ex vivo and in vivo assay responses also are compared to study to what degree the in vitro and ex vivo assays can predict
- Published
- 2006
50. Detecting the effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of thyroid hormone disrupting compounds on amphibian development
- Author
Rietjens, Ivonne, Murk, Tinka, Gutleb, A.C., Rietjens, Ivonne, Murk, Tinka, and Gutleb, A.C.
- Abstract
Persistent organic pollutants such as PCBs have been hypothesized to contribute to the observed global decline of amphibian populations. Thyroid hormone (TH) disruption is one of the possible mechanisms for effects of xenobiotics on amphibian development. In addition to the important functions shared with other vertebrates, TH also has an important function in amphibians. The metamorphosis of amphibian larvae to froglet needs a TH surge shortly before the onset of metamorphosis to proceed. To study the potential disruption during two specific life-stages a bioassay with exposure during very early developmental stages and one for exposure of tadpoles just before the onset of TH dependent metamorphosis were developed. The assays were optimized, validated with PCBs as standards and applied for testing of realistic dosages of polluted sediment extracts. In addition, an in vitro assay using the TH dependent growth of a cell-line was established as a screening tool.The studies presented in this thesis reveal that the currently used early life stage test (FETAX) does not detect effects of the tested PCBs and apolar sediment extracts during the 96-hour test period whereas the newly developed prolonged-FETAX showed significant delayed effects of very low exposure concentrations on body weight, and on the period until- and percentage of animals finishing successful metamorphosis.In the so-called Synchronized Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay thiourea was used to synchronize tadpole development in NF stage 54 thereby starting experiments with a very homogenous group of animals. Significant effects of oral exposure to PCBs and apolar sediment extracts were found on the period until metamorphosis, and the distribution of the developmental stages of tadpoles that did not finish metamorphosis.The approach with exposing embryos (prolonged-FETAX) and tadpoles (Synchronized Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay) may finally better reflect environmental risks of apolar compounds than limiting the
- Published
- 2006
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