RESUMEN. El trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el rendimiento productivo y contenido de nutrientes de tres especies de gramíneas del Forraje Verde Hidropónico (FVH) de Zea mayz (maíz), Avena strigosa (avena) y Triticum vulgare (trigo). Para el efecto se procedió a extraer muestras representativas a los 10 y 12 días de iniciado el experimento, luego se pesó el material fresco y se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: maíz: 3,91 kg/m², 4,64 kg/m²; avena: 4,44 kg/m², 4,96 kg/m² y trigo: 8,18 kg/m², 10,73 kg/m². Los resultados laboratoriales de materia seca (MS) a los 10 y 12 días fueron: maíz: 25,55%, 19,24%; avena: 16,12%, 13,75% y trigo: 7,97%, 8,68%; proteína bruta (PB): maíz: 12,93%, 12,89%; avena: 24,25%, 24,88% y trigo: 21,46%, 22,10%, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p ? 0,05) en el contenido de MS del FVH de maíz, avena y trigo del día 10 en relación al día 12. ABSTRACT. The work was done in the Production Unit Hydroponic Green Forage (FVH) Department of Animal Production Faculty of Veterinary Science-A and had as its overall objective to evaluate the productivity of hydroponic forage oat, wheat and corn. For this purpose we proceeded to extract representative samples of corn, oats and wheat at 10 and 12 days into the experiment, then the fresh material was weighed and the following results at 10 and 12 days respectively were obtained: Corn: 3,91 kg/m², 4.64 kg/m²; Oats: 4.44 kg/m², 4.96 kg/m² and wheat: 8.18 kg/m², 10.73 kg/m². Then each sample was identified and sent to the Laboratory of the Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Animal Nutrition for their analysis. The laboratory results of dry matter at 10 and 12 days respectively were: Corn: 25.55%, 19.24%; Oats: 16.12%, 13.75% and wheat 7.97%, 8.68%; As for crude protein in the laboratory at 10 and 12 days respectively results were: Maize: 12.93%, 12.89%; Oats: 24.25%, 24.88% and wheat 21.46%, 22.10%. The results showed statistically significant differences (p ? 0.05) in the dry matter content of hydroponic green fodder corn, oats and wheat day 10 compared to day 12. The use of hydroponic green fodder in animal feed is recommended , considering its content of crude protein, dry matter and the high productivity of biomass. more...