Put razvoja video igara nabijen je i pun drastičnih promjena. Rast i jačanje tehnologija i porast inovacija u tehnološkom sektoru, neminovno su doveli do jačanja i rasta ove industrije koja danas postiže neočekivane, zavidne rezultate. Osnovna ljudska potreba za zabavom i druženjem pridonosi popularnosti video igara. Danas, video igre igraju ljudi svih uzrasta i spolova, a najčešći razlozi igranja video igara su zabava, druženje, učenje i rješavanje stresa, no video igre omogućuju i interaktivnu zabavu, za razliku od knjige, filma ili predstave. Popularnosti videoigara svjedoče brojne zajednice na društvenim mrežama putem kojih profesionalni igrači dijele svoja iskustva, savjete te recenzije videoigara, a tu su i statistike koje potkrepljuju ovu popularnost i rast. Mogućnosti koje nudi industrija video igara nije potrebno naročito naglašavati jer rezultati, statistike i oduševljeni igrači govore sami za sebe. Ovaj rad se bavi ponašanjem potrošača koji igraju video igre. Cilj je utvrditi glavna obilježja korisnika tj. igrača video igara, te prepoznati i odrede navike korisnika i trendovi koji utječu na korisnike. Potrošač je društveno i kulturno biće. On je u isto vrijeme individua za sebe, član obitelji, pripadnik grupe ili određene društvene klase ili sloja, predstavnik određene nacije, rase, vjere, državljanin određene zemlje i dr. Potrošač je osoba koja posjeduje novac (sredstva) i volju za kupovinom proizvoda i usluga. U ovom radu, navedene definicije potrošača će se staviti u korelaciju s tržištem video igara, s industrijom koja obuhvaća različite oblike moderne zabave. Pokazuje se da su tehnologija i novi načini zabave prisutni među svima, te da se potrebno prilagoditi vremenu u kojem živimo. Igranje nekog oblika video igara je postala normalna aktivnost svakog normalnog modernog pojedinca. The video game development path is full of drastic changes. The growth and strengthening of technology and the growth of innovation in the technology sector have inevitably led to the growth of this industry, which today achieves unexpected, enviable results. The basic human need for entertainment and socializing contributes to the popularity of video games. Today, video games are played by people of all ages and genders, and the most common reasons for playing video games are fun, socializing, learning, and solving stress, but video games also provide interactive entertainment, unlike books, movies or theatre performances. The popularity of video games is witnessed by numerous communities on social networks through which professional gamers share their experiences, tips and video game reviews, and there are statistics that support this popularity and growth. The features offered by the video game industry do not need to be particularly emphasized because results, statistics and enthusiastic players speak for themselves. This paper deals with the demographics and behaviour of consumers playing video games. The aim is to identify the main features of the user, video game players, and to identify and determine user habits and trends affecting users. The consumer is a social and cultural being. At the same time, he is an individual for himself, a member of a family, a member of a group or a certain class or class of society, a representative of a particular nation, race, religion, nationality of a particular country, etc. The consumer is a person who has the money (assets) and will to buy the goods or a service. In this paper, the above consumer definitions will be brought into correlation with the video game market, with an industry that encompasses various forms of modern entertainment. It is shown that technology and new modes of entertainment are present among all, and that we need to adjust the time we live in. Playing some kind of video games has become the normal activity of any normal, modern individual.