1. Glass Produstion in Styria in the19th Century
- Author
Stojnšek, Sanja and Kos Zabel, Mateja
- Subjects
steklarne ,decay of glassworks ,glass products ,glassworks ,razvoj obratov ,development of plants ,owners and founders ,export of products ,stekleni izdelki ,proizvodni postopki ,steklo ,lastniki in ustanovitelji ,udc:666.1(497.412)"18"(043.2) ,propad steklarn ,Glass ,izvoz izdelkov ,production procedures - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava steklarne, ki se delovale na Štajerskem območju v 19. stoletju. Zaradi boljšega razumevanja teme sem v začetnih poglavjih na kratko predstavila postopke, ki so potrebni za izdelovanje steklenih izdelkov, opisala sem tudi surovine, iz katerih pridobivajo steklo. Sledi potek razvoja posameznih steklarn ter analiza njihovega delovanja. Seveda je bilo samo delovanje steklarn v takratnem času odvisno tako od lastnikov kot tudi od ustanoviteljev ter tudi lokacije steklarn. Čeprav so vse steklarne imele dokaj podobne proizvodne postopke, so se kljub temu pojavile razlike pri samih končnih izdelkih. Steklarstvo se ni prvič pojavilo v 19. stoletju, ampak so se glažute na območju Štajerske pojavile že v 16. stoletju. Najprej so se nahajale sredi gozdov, daleč stran od naseljenih območij. Posledično so v bližini glažut zgradili tudi stanovanjska poslopja, ki so bila namenjena delavcem in njihovim družinam. Sprva so glažute ustanavljali podjetniki in gozdni veleposestniki, katerih glavni namen je bil, da so izkoristili gozdne površine. Nekoliko kasneje (natančneje v sredini 19. stoletja) pa so steklarne, ki so se nahajale na višinskih predelih, začeli zapirati in so jih na novo odprli na novih, bolj dostopnih lokacijah. The diploma thesis describes glassworks that were active in Styria in the 19th Century. For better understanding of the topic, I have presented the procedures in the first chapters, which are needed for making of glass products I have described the raw materials needed for production of glass. Then I have described the development of the individual glassworks and I have done an analysis of their working. Working of the glassworks at that time depended on their owners and founders of the factories as well as location of the glassworks. Even though all glassworks had similar production procedures, there were differences with their final products. Glass industry did not first appear in the 19th Century but small glassworks had appeared in Styria already in the 16th Century. They were first built in the middle of forests, far from the inhabited areas. Consequentially, they started to build buildings for living as well, which were meant for workers and their families. First, small glassworks were established by businessmen and big forest landowners whose purpose was to take advantage of forests. Later on (precisely in the middle of the 19th Century) they started to close the glassworks, which were located higher, and started the new ones on new, easier accessible locations.
- Published
- 2015