322 results on '"kalk"'
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2. Biogene Festbrennstoffe in der InterCal Austria GmbH: Umstellung des Kalkofens in Peggau auf CO2-neutrale Brennstoffe
- Author
Sachs, Gerald
- Published
- 2024
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3. Reaktoren für Fluid-Feststoff-Reaktionen: Drehrohröfen
- Author
Seitz, Mathias, Hoffmann, Claudia, and Reschetilowski, Wladimir, editor
- Published
- 2020
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4. Materialegenskaper hos fogbruk till nygotiska murverk
- Author
Strandberg, Paulien, Balksten, Kristin, Strandberg, Paulien, and Balksten, Kristin
- Published
- 2024
5. Lime application reduces potassium and nitrate leaching on sandy soils.
- Author
Motesharezadeh, Babak, Bell, Richard, and Qifu Ma
- Subjects
- *
SOIL leaching , *SANDY soils , *POTASSIUM nitrate , *LEACHING , *SOIL management , *LEACHATE - Abstract
Potassium (K) leaching is common in light-textured soils and reduces soil available K to plants. This study examined the effect of lime application and K rates (nil, 20, 60 kg K/ha) on K leaching and other leachate parameters of four sandy soils in Western Australia. Three out of four soils did not differ in K leaching between the rates of nil and 20 kg K/ha, whereas 60 kg K/ha increased K leaching in all four soils. For the Merredin soils, lime application markedly delayed K leaching at 60 kg K/ha, showing K leaching peak at 4.75 pore volume (PV) in the limed soil (pHCaCl2: 6.20) but at 3 PV in the non-limed soil (pHCaCl2: 4.50), and liming also reduced total amount of leached K and NO3. Similarly, the peak of K leaching occurred at 2-3 PV in the other two non-limed soils. Maximum leachate NO3 concentrations at 60 kg K/ha were 46 mg/L at 2 PV with lime versus 110 mg/L at 1.25 PV without lime, while the amount of leached NO3 from nil K soils was greater than from the K treated soils. The results suggest that liming of an acid sand can slow down and reduce K and NO3 leaching and have significant implication for K-fertilizer management on such soils. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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6. Komparace lexika v českých překladech Míšeňské právní knihy.
- Author
Spáčilová, Libuše
- Abstract
The study presents the results of research aimed at comparing selected lexemes, primarily in the area of municipal law, used in 19 (Old) Czech translations of the Law Book of Meissen from the years 1400-1516 and in the German version of this legal document written between 1357-1387 in the central part of the German language area. This law book served as an important municipal legal document not only in various German towns, but also in many towns founded by German colonists in the Czech Lands. German terms for the study were chosen from the edited manuscript of the Law Book of Meissen written in German (the so-called manuscript B) and from three other manuscripts used in Olomouc at that time. In the analysis, primarily the diachronic aspect was applied; the diasituative and diastratic aspects were also taken into consideration, however. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Åström, Louise and Åström, Louise
- Abstract
Från bruksort till BRUKA, med kalkbrottet som gemensam nämnare. Stora Vika har historiskt bestått av en symbiotisk relation mellan ortens tre ”ben”: kalkbrottet, cementindustrin och bostadsområdet. Idag präglas orten av att kopplingen mellan dessa tre element gått förlorad. Visionen med BRUKA är att väcka liv i platsens historiska koppling mellan människa och industri, med kalken som “cementerande” element. Till skillnad från bruk - ett substantiv med fokus på maskin och industri så är BRUKA ett imperativ: en mänsklig handling, en plats för folket att göra till sin. BRUKA förvaltar Stora Vikas arv av att bruka platsens unika råvara, kalken, men istället för den historiska produkten cement är kalken i BRUKA en källa till kunskap för geologiska forskare. BRUKA gjuter nytt liv i Stora Vika bygd i form av arbetstillfällen, aktiviteter samt ekonomiskt tillskott för att stötta upp andra insatser i närområdet och i kommunen i stort. BRUKA visar vikten av att luckra upp gränser och göra bruk av mötet mellan människa och natur. BRUKA sätter återigen ortens ”grande dame”, den unika urkalkstenen, i förgrunden, och låter den bli en generator för arbetstillfällen, kunskapsproduktion, kunskapsdelning och bildning, kreativt skapande och lärande., From the industrial village to BRUKA, the limestone quarry serves as a common denominator. Stora Vika has always had a symbiotic relationship between its three "legs": the lime quarry, the cement industry, and the residential area. Today, the town is distinguished by the fact that the connection between these three elements has been lost. The aim of BRUKA is to revive the site's historical link between man and industry, using lime as the "cementing" element. Unlike "bruk", the Swedish term for "industry" focused on machinery and production, BRUKA is an imperative: a human action. BRUKA honors Stora Vika's tradition of using the site's unique raw material, limestone, but instead of being turned into concrete, the lime in BRUKA serves as a source of knowledge for geological researchers. BRUKA breathes new life into the Stora Vika village through jobs, events, and financial contributions to other community and governmental projects. BRUKA demonstrates the necessity of bridging boundaries and leveraging the combined power of man and environment. BRUKA brings the local "grande dame," the unique primordial limestone, back into the spotlight and enables it to become a generator of jobs, information production, knowledge exchange and education, creativity and learning.
- Published
- 2023
8. Istrsko pogovorno in narečno (za) dobro roko
- Author
Metka Furlan
- Subjects
fraza ,kalk ,sklop ,pomenski arhaizem ,slovensko istrsko narečje ,istrobeneščina ,obredni novoletni obhodi ,koledovanje ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Besedna zveza za dobro roko se kot hapaks legomenon pojavlja v romanu Ženska drugje pisateljice Maje Gal Štromar, izvira pa iz slovenske narečne istrske govorice, kjer je (za) dobro roko kalk istrskobeneškega *(par) la bonaman. Italijanska narečna beseda (la) bonaman izvira iz severnoitalijanskega območja, kjer je bila prvotno del pozdravne formule pri obrednih novoletnih obhodih, ki so na Slovenskem znani kot koledovanje.
- Published
- 2019
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9. Kalkbruk : Styrka över tid
- Author
Ek, Malin
- Subjects
Art History ,Konstvetenskap ,Kalk ,Kalkbruk ,Naturligt hydraulisk kalk ,NHL ,Reparationsbruk ,Tryckhållfasthet ,Böjdraghållfasthet ,Hållfasthetsförändring ,Styrketillväxt ,Standard ,Hållfasthetsbestämning - Published
- 2023
10. Medeltida murbrukstraditioner längs norrlandskusten : Från Nordmaling till Nederluleå
- Author
Huzell, Klara and Huzell, Klara
- Abstract
Stenbyggnadstraditionen kom sent till Norrland. När dessa byggnadstekniker slutligen spreds sig norrut så var det kyrkan som förde med sig kunskapen och uppförde kyrkor i sten längs kusten. Murbruksprover har insamlats från fem olika medeltida kyrkor längs norrlandskusten för att bättre förstå och jämföra det använda byggnadsmaterialet. Proverna har analyserats som tunnslip för att kunna tolka innehåll och sammansättning. Kyrkornas likheter jämförs och diskuteras. Dessutom genomförs en genomgång av Norrlands byggnadstradition från förhistorisk tid för att bättre förstå varför det länge byggdes annorlunda här jämfört med resten av landet och hur koloniseringen av landet tedde sig., The stone building tradition was slow to arrive in Norrland. And when there building techniques finally spread north over it was the church who brought the knowledge of the material and erected churches along the coastline. Mortar samples have been collected from five different medieval churches along the coastline of Norrland. The samples have then been analyzed as barrel slips to uncover components of the mortar. The churches similarities have been compared and discussed. In addition, there is an in-depth part of Norrland’s building traditions from prehistoric time to better understand why the stone building tradition was so late and why people built different up here. This part also discusses the colonization of the land and the population growth.
- Published
- 2022
11. Tvorba termina u francuskom jeziku iz oblasti učenja na daljinu
- Author
Mirić, Milica and Mirić, Milica
- Abstract
Način na koji savremeni čovek stiče saznanja, uči i istražuje, drastično je izmenjen neslućenim mogućnostima koje nose nove tehnologije, ali i društveno-ekonomskim promenama kroz koje svet prolazi u XXI veku. Učenje na daljinu danas je u fokusu istraživača u mnogim oblastima zbog činjenice da su se nastavne aktivnosti doskoro sprovodile samo na ovaj način usled pandemije korona virusa. Kako se na osnovu dostupnih informacija može zaključiti da sistematsko istraživanje francuskih termina ove oblasti nije sprovođeno u našoj sredini, odlučili smo se da ispitivanje terminologije u domenu učenja na daljinu započnemo analizom njihovih morfo-sintaksičkih osobenosti. Nakon uvida u komunikativnu teoriju terminologije kao osnovu za sprovođenje analize, kao i teorijskog osvrta na neologiju, a posebno na pozajmljivanje kao jedan od njenih vidova, u radu se analiziraju francuski termini iz oblasti učenja na daljinu sa ciljem da se utvrde mehanizmi njihove tvorbe. Prikupljanje korpusa vršeno je prvo Gugl pretragom po ključnim rečima formation en ligne i lexique koja je rezultirala je trima glosarima iz kojih je potom izvršeno manuelno ekscerpiranje 260 termina iz ispitivane oblasti na francuskom jeziku. Termini su razvrstani prema kategorijama reči, a zatim i na osnovu njihove strukture. Anglicizmi su izdvojeni u zasebnu grupu termina i nisu bili predmet tvorbene analize. Očekuje se da će istraživanje pokazati da u ovoj terminologiji preovladavaju imenice nastale slaganjem, zatim kompleksne terminološke jedinice i konačno pozajmljenice iz engleskog jezika., The unbelievable possibilities brought by the new technologies and socio-economic changes the world has been going through in the 21st century have considerably changed the way people acquire knowledge, learn, and carry out researches today. Researchers in different fields are focused on the topic of distance learning, especially since until recently teaching activities were conducted only in this way due to the corona virus pandemic. Based on the available information, it was determined that no systematic research of French terms in the field of distance learning had been carried out in Serbia, so we decided to start the study by analyzing their morpho-syntactic characteristics. The theoretical introduction discusses the communicative theory of terminology, which was the basis for the research, as well as neology and borrowing as one of its types. The paper explores French terms related to distance learning with the aim of determining the mechanisms of their formation. The corpus formation of French terms in this field was first performed by Google search, using the key words formation en ligne and lexique, which resulted in three reference glossaries, from which 260 terms were manually extracted. The terms were classified according to word classes, and then in relation to their structure. Anglicisms were categorized into a separate group of terms and were not subject to morphosyntactic analysis. It is expected that the findings will reveal that distance learning terminology shows a predominance of compound nouns, followed by complex terminological units, and finally loanwords from the English language, Les possibilités incroyables offertes par les nouvelles technologies et les changements socio-économiques que traverse le monde au 21ème siècle ont considérablement changé la façon dont on acquiert des connaissances, on apprend ou on fait de la recherche aujourd’hui. Des chercheurs de différents domaines se concentrent sur le sujet de l’enseignement à distance d’autant plus que jusqu’à récemment, les activités d’enseignement n’étaient menées que de cette manière en raison de la pandémie de coronavirus. Les informations disponibles ont démontré qu’aucune recherche systématique des termes français dans le domaine de l’enseignement à distance n’a été réalisée en Serbie, et par conséquent nous avons décidé d’en commencer l’étude en analysant leurs caractéristiques morpho-syntaxiques. Dans l’introduction à l’article on discute la théorie communicative de la terminologie, qui a servi de base à la recherche, ainsi que la néologie et notamment l’emprunt comme l’un de ses types. Dans cet article les termes français liés à l’enseignement à distance ont été analysés dans le but de déterminer les mécanismes de leur formation. La constitution du corpus de termes français dans ce domaine a d’abord été effectuée par la recherche Google à l’aide des mots-clés formation en ligne et lexique, ce qui a abouti à trois glossaires de référence, dont 260 termes ont été extraits manuellement. Les termes ont été répartis selon les classes de mots, puis en fonction de leur structure. Les anglicismes ont été classés dans un groupe de termes distinct et n’ont pas fait l’objet d’une analyse morphosyntaxique. On s’attend à ce que les résultats révèlent que la terminologie de l’enseignement à distance montre la prédominance des noms composés, suivis des unités terminologiques complexes et enfin des emprunts à la langue anglaise.
- Published
- 2022
12. Bindemedel till mur- och putsbruk : En introduktion
- Author
Lindmark, Sture, Strandberg, Paulien, Lindmark, Sture, and Strandberg, Paulien
- Published
- 2022
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Croatica et Slavica Iadertina is the property of University of Zadar, Department of Croatian & Slavic Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
14. Zum Kalksteinabbau rechts der Elbe bei Zitschewig, Naundorf und Kötzschenbroda (heute Radebeul)
- Author
Boeck, Helmut-Juri and Mitka, Lutz
- Subjects
Radebeul (Region) ,Kalk ,Kalksteinabbau ,Geschichte ,unbekannter Bergbau, Kalkbergbau, Kalk, Sachsen, Zitschewig, Naundorf, Kötzschenbroda ,ddc:554 - Published
- 2022
15. Zum Kalksteinabbau rechts der Elbe in der Region um Hohnstein, bei Saupsdorf und bei Hinterhermsdorf
- Author
Boeck, Helmut-Juri and Mitka, Lutz
- Subjects
Sebnitz-Saupsdorf ,Kalksteinabbau ,unbekannter Bergbau, Kalkbergbau, Kalk, Sachsen, Saupsdorf und Hinterhermsdorf ,Hohnstein ,Hohnstein (Region) ,Kalk ,Geschichte ,Sebnitz-Hinterhermsdorf ,Hohnstein-Zeschnig ,ddc:554 - Published
- 2022
16. Zum Kalksteinabbau hinter Obermittweida: Die Flößzeche 'Treue Freundschaft'
- Author
Boeck, Helmut-Juri and Mitka, Lutz
- Subjects
Markersbach (Raschau-Markersbach) ,Kalk ,Kalksteinabbau ,Geschichte ,ddc:554 ,Kalk, Kalkbergbau, Flößzeche, unbekannter Bergbau, Obermittweida, Kalksteinabbau - Published
- 2022
17. Medieval mortartradition along the coastline of Norrland
- Author
Huzell, Klara
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,murat ,Kulturstudier ,murbruk ,stenbyggnader ,kalk ,medeltida kyrkor ,Byggnadstradition ,murbrukstradition ,norrlandskusten - Abstract
Stenbyggnadstraditionen kom sent till Norrland. När dessa byggnadstekniker slutligen spreds sig norrut så var det kyrkan som förde med sig kunskapen och uppförde kyrkor i sten längs kusten. Murbruksprover har insamlats från fem olika medeltida kyrkor längs norrlandskusten för att bättre förstå och jämföra det använda byggnadsmaterialet. Proverna har analyserats som tunnslip för att kunna tolka innehåll och sammansättning. Kyrkornas likheter jämförs och diskuteras. Dessutom genomförs en genomgång av Norrlands byggnadstradition från förhistorisk tid för att bättre förstå varför det länge byggdes annorlunda här jämfört med resten av landet och hur koloniseringen av landet tedde sig. The stone building tradition was slow to arrive in Norrland. And when there building techniques finally spread north over it was the church who brought the knowledge of the material and erected churches along the coastline. Mortar samples have been collected from five different medieval churches along the coastline of Norrland. The samples have then been analyzed as barrel slips to uncover components of the mortar. The churches similarities have been compared and discussed. In addition, there is an in-depth part of Norrland’s building traditions from prehistoric time to better understand why the stone building tradition was so late and why people built different up here. This part also discusses the colonization of the land and the population growth.
- Published
- 2022
18. Auslegung und experimentelle Untersuchung eines Calciumoxid-basierten thermochemischen Stromspeichers
- Author
Herberg, Rainer
- Subjects
Stromspeicher ,thermochemischer Speicher ,Calciumoxid ,Calciumhydroxid ,Kalk ,Dotierung - Published
- 2022
- Author
Kostić-Tomović, Jelena
- Abstract
Copyright of Communication & Culture Online / Komunikacija i Kultura Online is the property of FOKUS: Forum za Interkulturnu Komunikaciju and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Marija Turk
- Subjects
tvorba riječi ,kalk ,imenice ,hrvatski jezik ,strani jezik ,Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian languages ,PG1-9665 - Abstract
U članku se prikazuju tvorbeni tipovi kalkiranih imenica. Izbor tvorbenog načina uvjetovan je tvorbenim uzorkom stranojezičnog predloška i tvorbenim zakonitostima hrvatskoga jezika. Tvorbeni se model stranog predloška može prenositi vjerno ili se od njega odstupa. Odstupanja su uvjetovana ograničenjima koja zadaje tradicionalna hrvatska tvorba riječi. Unatoč ograničenjima koja postoje u tradicionalnoj tvorbi, kalkovi su utjecali na nastanak novih tvorbenih tipova. O vrsti prijenosa tvorbenog modela razlikuje se više tipova kalkova.
- Published
- 2001
21. Stabilization of fine-grained soils in cold environment and exposed to seasonal frost : By-products as hydraulic binders
- Author
Rothhämel, Mirja and Rothhämel, Mirja
- Abstract
This doctoral thesis deals with the stabilization of fine-grained soils using by-product originated hydraulic binders. The use of fine-grained soils as subsoil for infrastructure projects is often limited because of the risk for instability. Another reason why building on these soils is not desired is insuÿcient serviceability of the final structure caused by settlements or frost heave that occur in fine-grained soils. Therefore, these soils are often excavated, transported and landfilled. By means of stabilization with hydraulic binder, fine-grained soils can be improved and thereby utilized on site. In case by-products can be used as binders, the method of stabilization combines di˙erent sustainability aspects (reduced carbon footprint of the binder, reduced need of excavation, transport and landfilling as well as quarrying). The method of deep stabilization is often used in Sweden to increase the bearing capacity and to reduce settlements. In countries with more moderate climate than Sweden, stabilization is regularly used also to reduce the frost susceptibility of fine-grained soils in the frost active part of the subsoil.However, the influence of the combination of low curing temperature and freezing and thawing on stabilized soils is unclear, which leads to reduced applicability of this method of stabilization in regions with longer seasonal frost and low annual mean temperature. This thesis focuses on how curing at low temperatures (mean temperature +4› to+7› ) combined with freezing and thawing cycles influences the stabilizing reaction of by-product originated hydraulic binders in fine-grained soil.Three di˙erent combinations of inorganic fine-grained soils with by-product originated hydraulic binders were investigated in laboratory studies. The testing program included curing at +4› for 14, 28 and 90 days, twelve freezing and thawing cycles as well as 28 days of additional curing time after the last thawing. The results of the three laboratory studies were analyzed st
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Makišova, Ana
- Abstract
The object of our research are both written and spoken statements of Slovaks in Vojvodina. The Slovak language in Vojvodina is in constant contact with the Serbian language which has a significant influence on the style of expression of participants in communication. The influence of the Serbian language is particularly evident with the younger population when it comes to using new titles and expressions, which they take from the Serbian language. The contact of Slovak and Serbian is natural and inevitable. Slovaks from Vojvodina have good command of both languages (Slovak and Serbian) in everyday communication. We live in a bilingual environment, therefore, besides Slovak, we also use the Serbian language which greatly influences our expression. Professor Marija Mijavec is the one who has researched this area the most. She has published several monographs regarding this particular area. One group of Slovak words which have been taken from Serbian has been put into group of loan translation words (pridať - odovzdať; Slováčka - Slovenka; prepustiť - zabudnúť; tlačiarnička vo farbe - farebná tlačiarnička). Other group of words are interlinguistic homonyms. These are the words that have the same form in both languages but their meaning, semantics, is not equivalent in the languages in question (vychovávateľka, predškolská uztanovizeň, osobný preukaz). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
- Author
MustapiĆ, Lidija
- Abstract
Copyright of HUM: Journal of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Mostar is the property of University of Mostar, Faculty of Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
24. Environmental footprint study of mortar, render and plaster formulation / Studie über die Umweltauswirkungen von Mörtel.
- Author
Schlegel, Thomas and Shtiza, Aurela
- Subjects
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MORTAR , *ARCHITECTURAL rendering , *ENVIRONMENTAL impact analysis - Abstract
A comparative environmental assessment study focusing on the stages of mortar production and carbonation through hardening has been conducted by the European Lime Association in collaboration with mortar producers from various EU countries on 17 formulations of mortars, renders and plasters. The results of the 'cradle-to-gate' for mortar and renders indicated that: There are no significant differences between products with low and high lime contents and depending on the lime content in the products, the contribution of the hydrated lime to the different environmental indicators can range between 0 % and about 20 %. However, there are clear differences in the environmental footprints of gypsum or lime based plasters. Based on the plaster composition investigated in this study, it appears that lime based plasters have the lowest environmental footprint for some of the impacts (primary energy consumption, abiotic depletion and water eutrophication), whereas for the remaining indicators the gypsum based plasters have the lowest environmental footprint. Depending on the lime content in the plasters, the contribution of the hydrated lime to the different environmental indicators can vary in a wide range, i. e. between 0 and 40 %. The differences in the environmental impacts of mortars, renders and plasters produced in integrated or non-integrated mortar plants are generally rather small The lime carbonation process lowers the overall carbon footprint during the first period of the use phase of the mortars in buildings. This impact shall be taken into account in holistic LCA studies. If not, this leads to a wrong interpretation of the environmental impact of the mortars. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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25. Angleško-slovenska rokometna terminologija
- Author
Čebron, Peter and Vrbinc, Marjeta
- Subjects
term formation ,terminografija ,domači termin ,rokomet ,sposojenka ,calque ,categorization ,terminography ,borrowing ,native term ,besedotvorje ,kategorizacija ,terminology ,kalk ,handball ,terminologija - Abstract
V magistrskem delu je zbrana in analizirana rokometna terminologija v angleščini in slovenščini. Glavni poudarek raziskave je na oblikovanju terminov v ciljnem jeziku. Termini v obeh jezikih so bili zbrani iz uradnega rokometnega pravilnika in drugih znanstvenih člankov. Slovenski termini so bili nato razvrščeni glede na vrsto tvorjenke. Razdeljeni so bili v tri kategorije: domači termini, kalki in sposojenke. Najpogostejša kategorija so domači termini, sledijo kalki in nato sposojenke. Terminologija je bila dodatno analizirana glede na dolžino termina in prijaznost do uporabnika. Slovenski termini so običajno daljši od angleških, kar pomeni, da so tudi manj prijazni do uporabnika. Izvedena je bila anketa med igralci slovenskih klubov. Njihovi odgovori so pokazali, da so pogovorne sopomenke bolj priljubljene kot domači termini. Pri izbiri terminov igra pomembno vlogo tudi komunikacijska situacija. Domači termini so najprimernejša izbira v formalnih situacijah in v pisnem diskurzu. Pogovorne sopomenke se običajno uporabljajo v neformalnih situacijah. This master’s thesis deals with handball terminology in English and Slovene. The main focus of research is on the term formation from the point of view of origin. Terms in both languages were extracted from the official rulebook and other scientific articles. Slovene terms were then grouped according to the term formation process used. Three categories were identified: native terms, calques and borrowings. The most common category are native terms. They are followed by calques and then borrowings. Handball terminology was further examined based on its length and user-friendliness. Slovene terms are usually longer than their English variants, which means they are also less user-friendly. A survey was conducted amongst the players in Slovenian clubs. Their answers showed that given the option, colloquial synonyms are more popular than the native terms. Communicative situation also plays an important part in the choice of terms. Native terms are the preferred choice in formal situations and in written discourse. Colloquial synonyms tend to be used in informal situations.
- Published
- 2020
26. Entwicklung alternativer Entschwefelungsmittel und eines Zugabeverfahrens in der Gießereiindustrie zur nachhaltigen Substitution von Magnesium
- Author
Kahrl, Andreas, Deike, Rüdiger, and Deike, Rüdiger (Akademische Betreuung)
- Subjects
cupola ,Kalk ,magnesium ,slag ,soda ash ,calcium fluoride ,Maschinenbau ,Gießerei ,substitution ,Kalziumoxid ,lime ,desulfurisation ,sodium carbonate ,Entschwefelung -- Substitution -- Magnesium -- Kalk -- Kalziumoxid -- Einblasen -- Schlacke -- Gießerei -- Kupolofen -- Schwefel -- Gusseisen -- Soda -- Natriumkarbonat -- Flussspat -- Kalziumfluorit -- desulfurisation -- substitution -- magnesium -- lime -- calcium oxide -- injection process -- slag -- foundry -- cupola -- sulfur -- cast iron -- soda ash -- sodium carbonate -- fluorspar -- calcium fluoride ,fluorspar ,Entschwefelung ,Gusseisen ,Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften » Institut für Technologien der Metalle ,Kupolofen ,calcium oxide ,Schlacke ,Einblasen ,cast iron ,injection process ,Natriumkarbonat ,sulfur ,ddc:620 ,Soda ,Kalziumfluorit ,foundry ,Schwefel ,Flussspat - Abstract
Entwicklung alternativer Entschwefelungsmittel und eines Zugabeverfahrens in der Gießereiindustrie zur nachhaltigen Substitution von Magnesium Diese Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung eines alternativen Entschwefelungsmittels für den Einsatz in der Gießereiindustrie, sowie die Ermittlung eines dafür geeigneten Einbringungs- verfahrens, unter Berücksichtigung einer maximalen Behandlungszeit von 10 Minuten und einer zu behandelnden Schmelzmasse von 2-10 Tonnen. Diese Entwicklung ist von Interesse, da der Markt des bisher zu Entschwefelung eingesetzten Magnesiums sehr volatil ist und die Abhängigkeit von China, ein potenzielles Problem für die Versorgungssicherheit darstellt. Die Entschwefelung von Eisen mit den unterschiedlichsten Entschwefelungsmitteln und Einbringungsverfahren stellt, gerade im Bereich der Stahlerzeugung, ein sehr gut erforschtes Gebiet dar. Das in der Gießereiindustrie eingesetzte Kupolofeneisen hebt sich von dem in der Stahlindustrie eingesetzten Roheisen besonders durch den hohen Siliziumgehalt ab, welcher die Entschwefelungswirkung vieler Entschwefelungsmittel stark eingeschränkt. Dies macht es schwer, die zur Erzeugung von GJS und GJV geforderten Endschwefelgehalte von 150ppm respektive 200ppm, mit den bereits bekannten Magnesiumalternativen einzuhalten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, wurden Labor- Technikums- und Industrieversuche geplant, durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Die erfolgversprechendsten ermittelten Entschwefelungsmit- tel konnten in einem Industrieversuch erfolgreich getestet werden., Sustainable Substitution of Magnesium in Foundries by Developing an Alternative Desulphurization Process In this thesis the developement of an alternative desulfurization agent for foundary use, as well as different insertion methods for said agent are discussed, considering a maximum treatment time of 10 minutes and a ladle mass of 2 - 10 tons. This research is of deeper interest, due to the market being very volatile, due to the resulting dependency on China. In steelmaking the desulfurization of iron with different agents and delivery methods is well developed. Especially due to its higher silicon content the cupola iron used in foundries differs from pig iron used in steelmaking, which limits the desulfurization capability of commonly used magnesium replacements and makes it difficult to reach the specified sulfur content of 150ppm respectively 200ppm needed for the production of SGI and CGI. During this thesis, experiments in three different stages: laboratory, prototype and industrial, were planed, performed and evaluated. The most promising of the developed agents were successfully tested in industrial scale.
- Published
- 2020
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27. Einfluss von Kalkung und pH-Wert im Boden auf Kornertrag und Eiweißgehalt von Lupinus angustifolius L.
- Author
Gisela Jansen, Fred Eickmeyer, and Volker Michel
- Subjects
Kalk ,pH-Wert ,Kornertrag ,Eiweißgehalt ,Lupinus angustifolius L. ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
In einem Freilandversuch wurde der Einfluss von Standorten mit einem sauren Boden (pH-Wert von 5,8) und einem alkalischen Boden (pH-Wert von 7,1) auf das Wachstum, den Kornertrag und den Proteingehalt von 12 verschiedenen deutschen Blauen Lupinensorten (Lupinus angustifolius) in einem 2-jährigen Versuch untersucht. Auf dem alkalischen Boden nahm mit zunehmendem Vergilbungsgrad die Wuchshöhe ab, wobei keine signifikante Beziehung (Spearman, P ≥ 0,05) nachgewiesen werden konnte. Der Vergilbungsgrad korrelierte ebenfalls nicht mit dem Kornertrag (Spearman, P ≥ 0,05). Auf dem sauren Boden lag der Durchschnittsertrag der untersuchten Sorten im Jahr 2004 bei 31 dt/ha und dem alkalischen Boden bei 20 dt/ha. Im Jahr 2005 war das Ertragsniveau der Blauen Lupinen auf beiden Standorten mit durchschnittlich 29 dt/ha auf dem sauren Boden bzw. 7 dt/ha auf dem alkalischen Boden niedriger. Die Ertragsunterschiede der Sorten auf dem Standort mit hohem pH-Wert gegenüber dem Standort mit niedrigem pH-Wert schwankten zwischen 1 dt/ha und 31 dt/ha. Zwischen den Standorten mit verschiedenem pH-Wert waren die Ertragsunterschiede signifikant. Der mittlere Proteingehalt der Samenkörner im Lupinensortiment auf dem sauren Boden betrug 2004 30,8% und 2005 30,9% und auf dem alkalischen Boden 20,7% bzw. 20,2%. Damit war der Proteingehalt auf dem Standort mit hohem pH-Wert in beiden Jahren im Mittel etwa 10% geringer. Die Standortunterschiede waren signifikant. In einem weiteren Freilandversuch wurden die Auswirkungen einer Kalkung auf einem sauren Boden in 2 Stufen im Vergleich zu einer ungekalkten Variante bezüglich Kornertrag und Proteingehalt von 10 Blauen Lupinen in einem 2-jährigen Feldexperiment untersucht. Durch Kalkgaben von 3 t/ha und 6 t/ha konnte der pH-Wert des ungekalkten Bodens (Kontrolle) mit einem pH-Wert von 5,8 auf 6,1 bzw. 6,4 angehoben werden. Im Mittel der Jahre und auch in den Einzeljahren 2007 und 2008 wurden durch eine Kalkung auf einem sauren Boden bei den untersuchten Blauen Lupinen keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Ertrag und im Proteingehalt festgestellt.
- Published
- 2010
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28. Hydrauliskt kalkbruk : Komparativ studie av bindemedlets inverkan på murverkets egenskaper
- Author
Boström, Dan and Boström, Dan
- Abstract
Hydrauliskt kalk är ett bindemedel i mur- och putsbruk som idag främst används vid restaureringar. Likt bruk med cement som bindemedel härdar hydrauliskt kalkbruk även under vatten. Hydrauliskt kalkbruk når en högre hållfasthet än luftkalkbruk men lägre än cementbruk. Enligt EU:s avfallsdirektiv ska återanvändning eller materialåtervinning ske av merparten av icke-farligt avfall en avfallsgrupp till vilket tegel och murbruk hör. Likt luftkalkbruk kan tegel murat med hydrauliskt kalkbruk rensas från bruket och sedan återbrukas i nyproduktion. Denna möjlighet tillsammans med god hållfasthet och de hydrauliska egenskaperna gör det intressant att titta på hydrauliskt kalkbruk som ett alternativ till de idag vanligt förekommande bruken på marknaden. Syftet med denna rapport är att redogöra för egenskaperna hos hydrauliskt kalkbruk och jämföra dessa med de cementbaserade bruk som framförnallt används idag. Typiska faktorer som påverkar valet av murbruk är ekonomi, funktion, tillgång, hållfasthet samt fukttekniska och andra byggnadsfysikaliska egenskaper. Arbetet utfördes genom litteraturstudie samt genom ett praktiskt försök genom provning av den kapillära absorptionsförmågan. Provningen utfördes för att bestämma fukttekniska egenskaper hos bruket och se om de liknar det diffusionsöppna luftkalkbruket. Försöket utfördes med hydrauliskt kalkbruk samt två referensbruk i tegelmurar. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att ingående kartlägga egenskaperna hos hydrauliskt kalkbruk. Brukets sammansättning studerades och uppbyggnadens påverkan på brukets fuktbetingelser analyserades. Denna analys låg till grund för genomförandet av absorptionsproven. De viktigaste egenskaperna vid val av bruk sammanställs även för andra, typiskt förekommande, brukssorter och jämförs med det hydrauliska kalkbruket. Vid proven simulerades slagregn mot fasaden genom att en testplatta fästes vid murverkets yta. Genom ett stigrör anslutet till plattan tillfördes vatten varpå murens absorption skulle b, Much like mortars with cement binders mortar with hydraulic lime hardens in contact with water. Eventually, as the process of carbonation starts, the hardening will be more similar to that of non-hydraulic lime. The compresive strength of hydraulic mortar lies inbetween the weaker non-hydraulic lime and the stronger mortars with Porland cement as binder. According to the european union directive 2006/12/EC on waste 70% of all non-hazardous waste should be reused, recykled or in other ways material recovered. Bricks layed with lime binders can be scraped of hardened mortar and reused in new buildings. This trait together with the strengthand hydraulic properties of hydraulic lime opens up for the mortar as a more widely used alternative to the more commonly used mortars of today containing cement as binders. This project aims to give a thorough presentation of the properties of hydraulic lime and give a comparison with mortars containing Portland cement as binder. Price and access together with strength and functionare all traits that can be of interest in regard to properties of mortar. By performing absorption test on hydraulic lime mortar together with two cement based mortars the moisture movement through mortar joints are compared. The tests are perfomed on multiple sample walls consisting of three different facade clay bricks with low, normal and high suction after 28 days of curing. A litterature study has been performed in support of the experimental study in wich the structure of hydraulic lime has been analysed. The absorption and desorption and it’s connection to the porus structure of mortar is investigeted. This is the basis for the absorption tests performedby the use of test plates applied to the masonry. Wind driven rain is simulated with the use of RILEM-tubes connected to the test plates afterwhich the absorption can be determined. Unfortunaly the experiment did not result in conclusive data because of problems with the equipment. It was not possibl
- Published
- 2020
29. Analys av röda missfärgningar i Gåsgruvans marmor
- Author
Hesser, Sarina and Hesser, Sarina
- Abstract
Detta arbetes mål har varit att hjälpa företaget SMA Mineral att utreda de rödamissfärgningar som allt oftare påträffats i deras marmor. Rapporten är högst visuellpå mikroskopisk nivå, och avhandlar vad missfärgningarna beror på. Provmaterialhar undersökts och karakteriserats mineralogiskt och geokemiskt, och typer avmissfärgningen har identifierats. Även en förklaring över de geologiska processersom ger upphov till missfärgningarna har formats. De metoder som använts underarbetet är egna undersökningar med komplement av en litteraturstudie påavhandlingar som handlar om just missfärgningar i marmor. Provmaterial harinhämtats från tre olika platser i gruvan, dessa har sågats och tvättats och några haräven slipats och polerats. Detta material har sedan använts genom hela arbetet.Optiska observationer med hjälp av binokulär har dokumenterats digitalt, detta gavinformation om att missfärgningen ligger mellan karbonatkristallerna, och sannolikthar varit av en mer löslig karaktär i ett tidigare skede. Utifrån detta kategoriserasmissfärgningen till två olika typer. Typ A förekommer som asymmetriska,koncentrerade fläckar på och mellan kristaller men till synes oregelbundet, medantyp B följer mikrofina sprickor och kan ses i bandade regelbundna formationer imaterialet. Järnrika kristaller upptäcktes i missfärgningarnas omedelbara närhet ochhär skapades hypotesen om att det är järnoxider som orsakat föroreningarna. ÄvenSEM-analyser har gjorts för att kunna identifiera den geokemiska sammansättningenav missfärgningarna. Resultaten från SEM- och XRF-analyserna bekräftade tesen, dåjärn förekom i varierande grad i samtliga analyser utom en. Dessutom hittadeshematit som i sig lämnar röda spår, samt ren rost i form av goetit. Ävenlitteraturstudien bekräftade att förekomster av järnrika mineral i marmor förr ellersenare kommer att orsaka missfärgningar., The goal of this project has been to assist SMA mineral, a limestone producer, tofind the source of red discolourations found in their crystalline limestone. Thediscolouration has appeared on a more regular basis than before and is starting tobecome a problem for the company.This is a highly visual report focused on a microscopical level, that follows thestudy and finding of the origin of the red discolourations. Specimens from threedifferent locations in the quarry have been collected, then cut to proper sizes to fitthe needs for the scans and examinations suited for the project. Some of the sampleswere polished to fit the requirements of SEM. The material has been opticallyanalysed through a binocular microscope and documented with high resolutionimages. This was the first major breakthrough, since the discolouration showed tobe placed between the carbonate crystals, and appeared to have been more of asolution-like substance at some point. Based on the findings, the discolourationcould be categorised inte two types, type A appears as an irregular spotting oncrystal surfaces with a deeper red colour, whilst type B can be found in fine cracksin the material and follows a more regular pattern. Lots of minerals rich in ironwere also found in close proximity to the discolourations, which led to a hypothesisthat iron oxides might be the source of the problem. The thesis was confirmed bySEM- and XRF analyses of the material. Iron in different weight-percentages wasfound in all of the analyses except for one.The mineralogical and geochemical properties of the discolouration has beendefined, and the geological process that leads to the discolouration is explained.
- Published
- 2020
30. Från Havsbruk till Murbruk
- Author
Fajerson, Frida and Fajerson, Frida
- Abstract
Mitt i Öresund ligger Ven, denna ö välkomnar och vinkar av alla förbipasserande fartyg i sundet, med den skånska kusten som sin östra horisont, och den själländska danska kusten till väster. Här möts Nordatlantens saltvatten med Östersjöns sötvatten, strömmarna skiftar i samma takt som vinden i seglen ändrar riktning. Här har jag spenderat många somrar, med min mormor, med vänner, och med kusiner. Precis som de andra sommargästerna har jag cyklat runt på öns gula cyklar, lika gula som rapsen som växer på de omkringliggande fälten. Under vinterhalvåret har jag endast betraktat ön på avstånd; hur ön möter stormvindarna med sina dramatiska backafall, dess siluett som försvinner när dimman tätnar, och som sen lyser upp när solen tittar fram mellan molnen. Här lyser stjärnorna klart, framförallt förut, på stjärnskådaren och astronomen Tycho Brahes tid. En stjärnskådare som behövde ett pappersbruk för alla sina kartor och fynd, på en ö som alltid har saknat skog och virke. I en vik på Vens sydvästra kust anlade han därför en damm, där bäcken kunde driva möllan med kraften från vattnet. Pappersbruket och dess mölla är sen länge borta, men dammen och bäcken finns kvar. Här, vid Pappersmöllebäcken, blev platsen för mitt examensarbete. Mitt projekt utgår från blåmusselskalen som blåser upp på våra stränder, och så även på Ven. Tidigt i projektet såg jag den danske tv-bonden bränna kalk på musselskal. Det var just detta som satte fart på min nyfikenhet, tänk vilken potential det finns hos musslorna! Förutom att de är där på stränderna är det också möjligt att få mer musslor genom odling i havet, ett havsbruk. Havsbruket för blåmusslorna blev grunden och ramverket för mitt projekt. Jag har utforskat de arkitektoniska möjligheterna hos blåmusslorna och vilka material en skulle kunna få fram. Musslorna används i sin helhet, både synliga och dolda i materialen i projektet. De har lett processen i de gestaltade nedslagen, från havsbruk, till restaurang, till kalkugn och murbruk. Bl, Situated in the heart of Öresund is Ven, this Island welcomes and says farewell to all passing ships. It has the Scanian Swedish coast on its eastern horizon, and the Zealandic Danish coast to its west. This is where the saltwater from the North Atlantic sea blends with the freshwater from the Baltic Sea, where the currents change as the winds in the sails change its direction. On this Island the stars shine bright, more so then, when the astonomer and starwatcher Tycho Brahe lived. As an astronomer he needed to produce lots of paper, for all his starry maps and finds. At the southwest coast of Ven he therfore had a dam made, the stream from which could run the papermill The papermill is long gone, but the dam and the stream remains. Here on this island, by the papermill stream, I have chosen my site for this project. It is based on the shells of blue mussels that is washed upon our beaches, and likewise on the beaches of Ven . Early in the project, I saw the Danish TV farmer burn lime from mussel shells. This was what sparked my curiosity, just imagine the potential of the mussels! Besides being already available on the sandy brim of the sea, it is also possible to get more mussels through cultivation in the sea, as an aquaculture. An aquaculture for the mussels became the foundation and framework for my project. I have explored the architectural possibilities of the mussels and what materials could be obtained from them. The mussels are used in their entirety, both visible and hidden in the materials of the project. They have led the process in the designed elements, from aquaculture, to restaurant, to kiln oven and mortar. The blue mussels have guided the project, in how I have shaped my project along the stream and how something from the sea could meet the land. The project has become tectonic and shaped elements that in different ways accentuate and contrast the water in the landscape. The historical context has come to life again, when the papermill stream onc
- Published
- 2020
31. Grundkalkung stark schwefelsaurer Kippsande des Braunkohlebergbaus - ein praxisnaher Technikversuch.
- Author
Knoche, Dirk and Haubold-Rosar, Michael
- Subjects
- *
CARBONATE rocks , *ACID sulfate soils , *LIMESTONE , *SOIL acidification , *MINE soils , *AGRICULTURAL productivity - Abstract
Reclamation of acid sulphurous substrates of lignite mining needs amelioration with limestone. Good agronomic results are achieved with an amelioration depth of 100 cm. However, in reclamation practice the result of amelioration is often insufficient. Therefore, on the basis of a field experiment technological aspects of amelioration, especially of limestone incorporation, are discussed. On sandy mine soils a working depth of 100 cm is achieved with conventional deep rotary tillers. In contrast, even under favourable conditions none of the tested tillers ensures an adequate incorporation depth of limestone. With respect to the acidification potential of the substrates sufficient amounts of limestone are incorporated to a depth of 60 cm, below there is no appreciable effect on pH at present. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
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32. Komparace lexika v českých překladech Míšeňské právní knihy
- Author
Libuše Spáčilová
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,meissen law book ,nominal phrases ,compound ,Philosophy ,translation ,Germanism ,calque ,Language and Linguistics ,Míšeňská právní kniha ,germanismus ,lcsh:Philology. Linguistics ,překlad ,lcsh:P1-1091 ,germanism ,kompozitum ,kalk ,Theology ,Calque ,nominální fráze - Abstract
The study presents the results of research aimed at comparing selected lexemes, primarily in the area of municipal law, used in 19 (Old) Czech translations of the Law Book of Meissen from the years 1400–1516 and in the German version of this legal document written between 1357–1387 in the central part of the German language area. This law book served as an important municipal legal document not only in various German towns, but also in many towns founded by German colonists in the Czech Lands. German terms for the study were chosen from the edited manuscript of the Law Book of Meissen written in German (the so-called manuscript B) and from three other manuscripts used in Olomouc at that time. In the analysis, primarily the diachronic aspect was applied; the diasituative and diastratic aspects were also taken into consideration, however.
- Published
- 2020
33. Analysis of red discolouration found in crystalline limestone in Gåsgruvan quarry
- Author
Hesser, Sarina
- Subjects
mineral ,järnrik ,marble ,crystallined ,missfärgning ,dolomit ,iron ,röd ,kalcit ,marmor ,Mineral and Mine Engineering ,kalk ,Mineral- och gruvteknik ,förorening ,calcite ,discolouring ,limestone - Abstract
Detta arbetes mål har varit att hjälpa företaget SMA Mineral att utreda de rödamissfärgningar som allt oftare påträffats i deras marmor. Rapporten är högst visuellpå mikroskopisk nivå, och avhandlar vad missfärgningarna beror på. Provmaterialhar undersökts och karakteriserats mineralogiskt och geokemiskt, och typer avmissfärgningen har identifierats. Även en förklaring över de geologiska processersom ger upphov till missfärgningarna har formats. De metoder som använts underarbetet är egna undersökningar med komplement av en litteraturstudie påavhandlingar som handlar om just missfärgningar i marmor. Provmaterial harinhämtats från tre olika platser i gruvan, dessa har sågats och tvättats och några haräven slipats och polerats. Detta material har sedan använts genom hela arbetet.Optiska observationer med hjälp av binokulär har dokumenterats digitalt, detta gavinformation om att missfärgningen ligger mellan karbonatkristallerna, och sannolikthar varit av en mer löslig karaktär i ett tidigare skede. Utifrån detta kategoriserasmissfärgningen till två olika typer. Typ A förekommer som asymmetriska,koncentrerade fläckar på och mellan kristaller men till synes oregelbundet, medantyp B följer mikrofina sprickor och kan ses i bandade regelbundna formationer imaterialet. Järnrika kristaller upptäcktes i missfärgningarnas omedelbara närhet ochhär skapades hypotesen om att det är järnoxider som orsakat föroreningarna. ÄvenSEM-analyser har gjorts för att kunna identifiera den geokemiska sammansättningenav missfärgningarna. Resultaten från SEM- och XRF-analyserna bekräftade tesen, dåjärn förekom i varierande grad i samtliga analyser utom en. Dessutom hittadeshematit som i sig lämnar röda spår, samt ren rost i form av goetit. Ävenlitteraturstudien bekräftade att förekomster av järnrika mineral i marmor förr ellersenare kommer att orsaka missfärgningar. The goal of this project has been to assist SMA mineral, a limestone producer, tofind the source of red discolourations found in their crystalline limestone. Thediscolouration has appeared on a more regular basis than before and is starting tobecome a problem for the company.This is a highly visual report focused on a microscopical level, that follows thestudy and finding of the origin of the red discolourations. Specimens from threedifferent locations in the quarry have been collected, then cut to proper sizes to fitthe needs for the scans and examinations suited for the project. Some of the sampleswere polished to fit the requirements of SEM. The material has been opticallyanalysed through a binocular microscope and documented with high resolutionimages. This was the first major breakthrough, since the discolouration showed tobe placed between the carbonate crystals, and appeared to have been more of asolution-like substance at some point. Based on the findings, the discolourationcould be categorised inte two types, type A appears as an irregular spotting oncrystal surfaces with a deeper red colour, whilst type B can be found in fine cracksin the material and follows a more regular pattern. Lots of minerals rich in ironwere also found in close proximity to the discolourations, which led to a hypothesisthat iron oxides might be the source of the problem. The thesis was confirmed bySEM- and XRF analyses of the material. Iron in different weight-percentages wasfound in all of the analyses except for one.The mineralogical and geochemical properties of the discolouration has beendefined, and the geological process that leads to the discolouration is explained.
- Published
- 2020
34. Hydraulic lime mortar : A comparative study of the properties of mortar binders
- Author
Boström, Dan
- Subjects
fukt ,hydraulic lime ,hydrauliskt kalkbruk ,Civil Engineering ,Samhällsbyggnadsteknik ,bruk ,masonry ,murverk ,properties ,mortar ,egenskaper ,lime ,kalk ,torkning ,absorption - Abstract
Hydrauliskt kalk är ett bindemedel i mur- och putsbruk som idag främst används vid restaureringar. Likt bruk med cement som bindemedel härdar hydrauliskt kalkbruk även under vatten. Hydrauliskt kalkbruk når en högre hållfasthet än luftkalkbruk men lägre än cementbruk. Enligt EU:s avfallsdirektiv ska återanvändning eller materialåtervinning ske av merparten av icke-farligt avfall en avfallsgrupp till vilket tegel och murbruk hör. Likt luftkalkbruk kan tegel murat med hydrauliskt kalkbruk rensas från bruket och sedan återbrukas i nyproduktion. Denna möjlighet tillsammans med god hållfasthet och de hydrauliska egenskaperna gör det intressant att titta på hydrauliskt kalkbruk som ett alternativ till de idag vanligt förekommande bruken på marknaden. Syftet med denna rapport är att redogöra för egenskaperna hos hydrauliskt kalkbruk och jämföra dessa med de cementbaserade bruk som framförnallt används idag. Typiska faktorer som påverkar valet av murbruk är ekonomi, funktion, tillgång, hållfasthet samt fukttekniska och andra byggnadsfysikaliska egenskaper. Arbetet utfördes genom litteraturstudie samt genom ett praktiskt försök genom provning av den kapillära absorptionsförmågan. Provningen utfördes för att bestämma fukttekniska egenskaper hos bruket och se om de liknar det diffusionsöppna luftkalkbruket. Försöket utfördes med hydrauliskt kalkbruk samt två referensbruk i tegelmurar. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att ingående kartlägga egenskaperna hos hydrauliskt kalkbruk. Brukets sammansättning studerades och uppbyggnadens påverkan på brukets fuktbetingelser analyserades. Denna analys låg till grund för genomförandet av absorptionsproven. De viktigaste egenskaperna vid val av bruk sammanställs även för andra, typiskt förekommande, brukssorter och jämförs med det hydrauliska kalkbruket. Vid proven simulerades slagregn mot fasaden genom att en testplatta fästes vid murverkets yta. Genom ett stigrör anslutet till plattan tillfördes vatten varpå murens absorption skulle bestämmas. Resultat från litteraturstudien visar på god hållfasthet och god tillgång till råvara samt indikerar miljömässiga fördelar jämfört med cementbaserade bruk. Priset och kunskapsbrist hos projektörer och entreprenörer ligger idag i den andra vågskålen, till det hydrauliska kalkbrukets nackdel.Provningen resulterade tyvärr inte i någon användbar data. Problem med tätning mellan utrustningen och murverket ledde till ofullständiga och osäkra resultat. Någon slutsats om absorptionen hos det hydrauliska kalkbruket jämte murcement- och kalkcementbruk i oliksugande tegel kan således inte dras. Ytterligare försök vore intressanta, under rätt för-utsättningar, genom absorptionstest eller genom uttorkningsprov för att bestämma det hydrauliska kalkbrukets fuktegeskaper. De allt större miljömässiga kraven som ställs i samhället och i byggbranchen kan öppna uppför ett ökat användande av hydrauliskt kalkbruk i framtiden. Much like mortars with cement binders mortar with hydraulic lime hardens in contact with water. Eventually, as the process of carbonation starts, the hardening will be more similar to that of non-hydraulic lime. The compresive strength of hydraulic mortar lies inbetween the weaker non-hydraulic lime and the stronger mortars with Porland cement as binder. According to the european union directive 2006/12/EC on waste 70% of all non-hazardous waste should be reused, recykled or in other ways material recovered. Bricks layed with lime binders can be scraped of hardened mortar and reused in new buildings. This trait together with the strengthand hydraulic properties of hydraulic lime opens up for the mortar as a more widely used alternative to the more commonly used mortars of today containing cement as binders. This project aims to give a thorough presentation of the properties of hydraulic lime and give a comparison with mortars containing Portland cement as binder. Price and access together with strength and functionare all traits that can be of interest in regard to properties of mortar. By performing absorption test on hydraulic lime mortar together with two cement based mortars the moisture movement through mortar joints are compared. The tests are perfomed on multiple sample walls consisting of three different facade clay bricks with low, normal and high suction after 28 days of curing. A litterature study has been performed in support of the experimental study in wich the structure of hydraulic lime has been analysed. The absorption and desorption and it’s connection to the porus structure of mortar is investigeted. This is the basis for the absorption tests performedby the use of test plates applied to the masonry. Wind driven rain is simulated with the use of RILEM-tubes connected to the test plates afterwhich the absorption can be determined. Unfortunaly the experiment did not result in conclusive data because of problems with the equipment. It was not possible to achieve a tight seal between the equipment and the masonry so water leaked out during testing. As a result it was not possible to draw any conclusions regarding the moisture properties of hydraulic lime. Future testing should be done in better conditons or by using another method.
- Published
- 2020
35. Progression der Koronarsklerose als Monitoring des Therapieerfolgs bei Hperlipidämie.
- Author
Schwermund, Axel and Erbel, Raimund
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2001
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36. Zum Kalkabbau im Heidelbachtal bei Wolkenstein
- Author
Boeck, Helmut-Juri and Mitka, Lutz
- Subjects
unbekannter Bergbau, Kalkbergbau, Bergbau, Sachsen, Kalk, Montanforschung ,Sachsen ,Wolkenstein (Erzgebirgskreis ,Region) ,Kalk ,Kalksteinabbau ,ddc:550 - Published
- 2019
37. Experimentelle Untersuchung struktureller Veränderungen von Calcium-basierten Materialien für die thermochemische Energiespeicherung
- Author
Bisdorf, Matthias
- Subjects
Kalk ,Wärmespeicher ,Reaktion ,Schüttung - Published
- 2019
38. Zum Kalksteinabbau im Striegistal bei Kaltofen und Berbersdorf
- Author
Mitka, Lutz and Boeck, Helmut-Juri
- Subjects
Kalkbergbau, unbekannter Bergbau, Kalk, Berbersdorf, Kaltofen, Arnsdorf ,ddc:550 ,Sachsen ,Kaltofen ,Striegistal-Berbersdorf ,Region ,Bergbau ,Kalk ,Kalksteinabbau - Published
- 2019
39. Der Kalksteinbergbau um Neunzehnhain
- Author
Boeck, Helmut-Juri and Mitka, Lutz
- Subjects
ddc:550 ,unbekannter Bergbau, Kalk, Kalkbergbau, Neunzehnhain, Kalkwerk ,Sachsen ,Lengefeld (Erzgebirgskreis) ,Region ,Bergbau ,Kalk ,Kalksteinabbau - Published
- 2019
40. Zum Kalksteinabbau am Fuß des Fichtelbergs: Die Kalksteinbrüche bei Hammerunterwiesenthal
- Author
Boeck, Helmut-Juri, Mitka, Lutz, Boeck, Helmut-Juri, and Mitka, Lutz
- Subjects
Bergbau, Kalkbergbau, Kalk, Kalkbrennen, unbekannter Bergbau ,ddc:550 ,Sachsen ,Erzgebirge ,Oberwiesenthal-Hammerunterwiesenthal ,Region ,Kalk ,Kalksteinabbau ,Kalkbrennen ,Geschichte - Published
- 2019
41. Report 'Directly plastered straw bale elements for building-class 4' - Part 'Fire performance'
- Author
Deutschland. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Znetrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand, and Braunschweiger Brandschutz-Tage am 25. und 26.09.2019 - Symposium Heißbemessung am 24.09.2019
- Subjects
Brandschutz ,timber ,Strohballen ,Strohballenbau ,Strohballen -- Strohballenbau -- Holzbau -- Putz -- Lehm -- Kalk -- Brandschutz -- straw bale (buildings) -- timber -- plaster -- clay -- lime -- fire protection ,clay ,Kalk ,Putz ,plaster ,Lehm ,fire protection ,ddc:6 ,Veröffentlichung der TU Braunschweig ,lime ,ddc:62 ,ddc:620 ,straw bale (buildings) ,Holzbau - Abstract
Der Abschlussbericht fasst die Ergebnisse der brandschutztechnischen Untersuchungen an direktverputzen Strohballenbauteilen für die Gebäudeklasse 4 zusammen. So kann den Gefahren, resultierend aus der Verwendung brennbarer Dämmstoffe in der Bauteilebene, durch Brandschutzbekleidungen mit erhöhten Anforderungen begegnet werden. Zur Quantifizierung dieser erhöhten Anforderungen wurde die Grenztemperatur der thermischen Zersetzung von Strohballen ermittelt. Sie beträgt 200 °C. Im Forschungsvorhaben wurden zur Erfüllung der ermittelten Anforderungen Brandschutzbekleidungen aus Lehm und Kalk als ökologische Alternativen zu Gipsbekleidungen entwickelt. Weiter wurden für Ausführungsdetails wie Installationsführungen Lösungen erarbeitet. Im Bericht werden die durchgeführten Brandversuche, inklusive des abschließenden Großbrandversuchs, ausführlich beschrieben. Weiter finden sich im Bericht Anforderungen an die Ausführungsqualität der Brandschutzbekleidungen. Eine auf den Anwendungsfall angepasste Risikomethode hat zum Ergebnis, dass für eine risikogerechte Realisierung mehrgeschossiger Strohballenbauten je nach Nutzung neben den Brandschutzbekleidungen mit erhöhten Anforderungen weitere Brandschutzmaßnahmen erforderlich sind wie ein Rauchmelderschutz, der über Heimwarnmelder hinausgeht, da noch keine Langzeiterfahrungen zu den neuentwickelten Bekleidungen vorliegen., The use of combustible materials in (multi-storey) buildings is limited in Germany. In case of combustible insulation, researches showed that not only ignition but even thermal decomposition must be prevented. To reach this objective the surfaces of the straw bale walls will be protected by coatings. In this research project the fire protection properties of lime and clay were investigated as coating materials with different aggregates and thicknesses.
- Published
- 2019
42. Zum Kalksteinbergbau am Fuß des Scheibenbergs: Die Kalkwerke bei Oberscheibe und bei Walthersdorf
- Author
Boeck, Helmut-Juri, Mitka, Lutz, Boeck, Helmut-Juri, and Mitka, Lutz
- Subjects
ddc:550 ,Bergbau, Kalkbergbau, Kalkbrennen, Kalk, unbekannter Bergbau ,Sachsen ,Erzgebirge (West) ,Kalk ,Kalksteinabbau ,Kalkbrennen ,Geschichte - Published
- 2019
43. Zum Kalksteinabbau im oberen Zschopautal: Die Marmorbrüche bei Crottendorf
- Author
Mitka, Lutz and Boeck, Helmut-Juri
- Subjects
Kalkbergbau, unbekannter Bergbau, Bergbau, Kalk, Sachsen ,Sachsen ,Obere-Zschopau-Tal ,Kalk ,Kalkbergwerk ,ddc:550 ,Crottendorf (Region) ,Marmorbergbau - Published
- 2019
44. Das Kalkwerk Herold in Thum
- Author
Mitka, Lutz and Boeck, Helmut-Juri
- Subjects
ddc:550 ,unbekannter Bergbau, Kalk, Kalkbergbau, Herold, Kalkwerk ,Sachsen ,Bergbau ,Thum ,Region ,Kalk ,Kalksteinabbau - Published
- 2019
45. Stabilization of Soft Soil with Lime and PetritT-An Experimental Study
- Author
Söderlund, Olov and Söderlund, Olov
- Published
- 2018
46. Skalkvalitet af spiseløg spiseløg – Effekt af kalk og bor
- Author
Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard
- Subjects
skalkvalitet ,løg ,bor ,kalk - Published
- 2018
47. Data report on Rørdal chalk
- Author
Nielsen, Søren Dam, Peri, Elena, and Nielsen, Benjaminn Nordahl
- Subjects
Parametre ,Klassifikationsforsøg ,Konsolidering ,Consolidation Tests ,Kalk ,Geotechnical Engineering ,Rørdal ,Classification Tests ,Oedometer ,Geoteknik ,Compression Tests ,Parameters ,Unfonfined Compression Tests ,Chalk ,Trykprøvning ,Oedometer Tests - Abstract
This data report presents laboratory test results on chalk from Rørdal. Conducted tests are various classification tests, consolidation tests and unconfined compression tests.
- Published
- 2018
48. Effect of calcium citrate crystal formation by varying the process conditions
- Author
Strieg, Dominik
- Subjects
tri Calcium di Citrat ,downstream processing ,sulphuric acid process ,citrate precipitation ,Citrat Fällung ,tri calcium di citrate ,lime ,Kalk ,citric acid ,Aufreinigung ,Schwefelsäure Verfahren ,Zitronensäure - Abstract
In dieser Diplomarbeit wird der klassische Zitronensäure Aufreinigungsschritt, das sogenannte Kalk/Schwefelsäure Verfahren, näher beleuchtet um eine schwankende Leistung in Bezug auf Qualität und Durchsatz zu minimieren. Der Prozessschritt Fällung als Calciumsalz wurde über Jahrzehnte ständig optimiert, um sowohl die Ausbeuten, als auch die Effizienz der Abtrennung der Nebenprodukte zu steigern. Nichts destotrotz gibt es nach wie vor Verbesserungspotential durch geänderte Fällungsbedingungen, wobei das tri Calcium di Citrat nicht als pastöses wasserhaltiges Salz gefällt wird, sondern als amorphes jedoch sehr trockenes Calciumsalz. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Arbeit sollte es sein ein stabiles Verfahren zu entwickeln, welches ermöglicht reproduzierbar „trockenes“ tri Calcium di Citrat herzustellen. Durch diese geänderten Bedingungen, ist es möglich die Effizienz der Abtrennung der Nebenprodukte signifikant zu steigern. This Master Thesis investigates the classic citric acid purification step, the so called lime/sulphuric acid process, to decrease an unstable performance in relation to quality and capacity. The process step precipitation as a calcium salt was optimized continuously over decades to increase the yield, as well as to increase the efficiency of the separation of the by-products. Nevertheless, there is still some potential for improvements of changed precipitation conditions, when the tri calcium di citrate is not being precipitated as a pasty hydrous salt, but as an amorphous very dry calcium salt. The overriding aim should be to develop a stable process, which makes it possible to reproduce "dry" tri calcium di citrate. Because of those changed conditions, it is possible to increase the efficiencies of the separation of by-products significantly. vorgelegt von: Dominik Strieg Masterarbeit Wien, FH Campus Wien 2017
- Published
- 2017
49. Zu Leben und Wirken von Helmut Kroh und dessen Dokumentation über die Kalkschieferzone Flöha-Falkenau
- Author
Baldauf, Lutz and Mitka, Lutz
- Subjects
Flöha-Falkenau ,Kalk ,Kalkbergwerk ,Geschichte ,Kroh ,Helmut ,Mineraloge ,Biografie ,ddc:550 ,unbekannter bergbau, Bergbau, Kalkbergbau, Bergbau in Sachsen, Bergbau im Zschopautal - Published
- 2017
- Author
Marinić, Ivana and Pavičić Takač, Višnja
- Subjects
kalk ,konceptualizacija ,strani jezik ,rječnik ,kalk, konceptualizacija, strani jezik, rječnik - Abstract
U hrvatskom medijskom prostoru javljaju se dvije prevedenice složenice helicopter parent iz engleskoga jezika: helikopter roditelj i roditelj helikopter. Uz to je vezano nekoliko problema. Prije svega, češće upotrebljavani oblik helikopter roditelj nije prototipan za hrvatski jezik što analiziramo metodama kognitivne gramatike. Drugo, bez jasnog objašnjena nejasno je koje se osobine helikoptera pripisuju roditeljima. Hrvatski govornici sintagmu tumače različito, npr. ‘roditelj koji se ne brine za svoje dijete’ ili ‘sposoban roditelj koji sve stiže’, dok je pravo značenje sintagme ‘roditelj koji je pretjerano zaštitnički nastrojen prema djeci’. Konceptualizaciju originalnog značenja i ostalih tumačenja sintagme analiziramo pomoću teorije konceptualne integracije. Statističkom analizom pokazujemo da ni napredni govornici engleskoga jezika, ako nisu upoznati sa značenjem izvorne složenice, ne razumiju značenje kalka. Zaključujemo da je potrebno odabrati prijevodni ekvivalent i uvesti ga u internetski rječnik Hrvatski jezični portal te isto tako postupiti i s ostalim prevednicama koje se svakodnevno pojavljuju u hrvatskom jeziku.
- Published
- 2017
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