Submitted by Sara Ribeiro ( on 2020-06-18T21:10:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandoCesarBotaroFrenedaDissertacao2020.pdf: 2866715 bytes, checksum: 7ee7a649e15c3b5ac882a9b63916e88a (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro ( on 2020-06-18T21:10:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandoCesarBotaroFrenedaDissertacao2020.pdf: 2866715 bytes, checksum: 7ee7a649e15c3b5ac882a9b63916e88a (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2020-06-18T21:10:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandoCesarBotaroFrenedaDissertacao2020.pdf: 2866715 bytes, checksum: 7ee7a649e15c3b5ac882a9b63916e88a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2020-03-11 Taking into consideration the countries participating in the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Brazil presents itself as one of the most unequal and worrying educational scenarios today. The Country has one of the highest failure indexes in the ranking presented and has school performance rates that do not match the investment per capita made by the government in the cost / student, according to the results of PISA 2015 (OECD, 2016). In order to mitigate the issue, in the last decades, the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anisio Teixeira (INEP) has been proposing evaluative instruments to try to help Brazilian educational institutions in the search for more expressive results in the school routine. With this axis of action as a point of attention, this study aimed to analyze school performance through determinant (promoters), influencing and / or conditioning and to identify the measures of these affecting factors through INEP microdata. The research methodological procedures were quantitative-descriptive. Data collection was performed on the open data from the School Census (Basic Education) and the National High School Examination (ENEM), for the 2017-2018 biennium, particularized in a single Federation Unit (UF), in this case the Federal District (DF), through exploratory and documentary analysis. The research studies covered the direct and / or indirect influences on the student's development, considering the dispositions between capitals (social, economic and cultural) and resources (material and educational), related to families, teachers and educational institutions. The analysis of the content found showed relevant points, among other complementary ones, with emphasis on the dissimilarity of capital among the institutional actors studied. The aspects examined, include: a) in relation to families, educational levels, professional responsibilities and wages achieved; b) in relation to teachers, the levels of academic training and the continuity of professional improvements; and c) in relation to educational institutions, investment levels, mainly in the infrastructural aspects, and actions to promote balanced management, especially democratic, on the organizational factors of schools. It is intended, as a result of this work, to show relationships with potential to raise the level of success of the student inserted in this context. Em rela????o aos pa??ses participantes da OCDE (Organiza????o para a Coopera????o e Desenvolvimento Econ??mico), o Brasil se apresenta como aquele com um dos cen??rios educacionais mais desiguais e preocupantes na atualidade. O Pa??s disp??e de um dos maiores ??ndices de reprova????o no ranking apresentado e possui taxas de rendimento escolar que n??o condizem com o investimento per capita realizado pelo governo na rela????o custo/aluno, de acordo com os resultados do PISA 2015 (OECD, 2016). No intuito de abrandar a quest??o, nas ??ltimas d??cadas, o Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais An??sio Teixeira (INEP) vem propondo instrumentos avaliativos para tentar auxiliar as institui????es educacionais brasileiras na busca de resultados mais expressivos no cotidiano escolar. Tendo esse eixo de atua????o como ponto de aten????o, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar o desempenho escolar por interm??dio dos m??ltiplos fatores determinantes (promotores), influenciadores e/ou condicionantes e identificar as medidas desses fatores afetantes por meio dos microdados do INEP. Os procedimentos metodol??gicos da pesquisa foram de abordagem quantitativa-descritiva. A coleta de dados foi realizada sobre os dados abertos do Censo Escolar (Educa????o B??sica) e do Exame Nacional do Ensino M??dio (ENEM), relativos ao bi??nio 2017-2018, particularizada em uma ??nica Unidade da Federa????o (UF), no caso o Distrito Federal (DF), por meio de an??lises explorat??ria e documental. Os estudos abrangeram as influ??ncias diretas e/ou indiretas no desenvolvimento do aluno, considerando as disposi????es entre os capitais (social, econ??mico e cultural) e recursos (materiais e educacionais), relacionados ??s fam??lias, aos docentes e ??s institui????es de ensino. As an??lises dos conte??dos apurados demonstraram pontos de relev??ncia, entre outros complementares, com destaque para a dissemelhan??a de capitais entre os atores institucionais estudados. Sobre os aspectos examinados, est??o: a) em rela????o ??s fam??lias, os n??veis de escolaridade, as responsabilidades profissionais e os sal??rios alcan??ados; b) em rela????o aos docentes, os n??veis de forma????o acad??mica e as continuidades dos aperfei??oamentos profissionais; e c) em rela????o ??s institui????es de ensino, os n??veis de investimentos, principalmente nos aspectos infraestruturais, e a????es de fomento sobre uma gest??o equilibrada, especialmente democr??tica, sobre os fatores organizacionais das escolas. Pretende-se, como resultado desse trabalho, evidenciar rela????es com potencial de elevar o n??vel de ??xito do aluno inserido nesse contexto.