In organically grown sweet peppers, aphids are the most important pest. The wide range of natural enemies of aphids, that are commercially available, is not a guarantee for successful control but rather an indication that this problem is difficult to tackle. Strategies for control vary among organic growers and it is still not known which natural enemy complexes give the best results. When releasing natural enemies for aphid control, it is important to consider the possible interactions with other pest species and natural enemies present. Within man-made natural enemy communities for multiple pest control, direct and indirect interactions occur which can enhance or disrupt biological control, such as predators eating other predators, behavioural changes, plant responses or apparent competition. Here we investigated the effects of the generalist predatory bugs Orius laevigatus and Orius majusculus on biological control of green peach aphids, Myzus persicae, by the predatory midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza in the absence or presence of thrips. Our results showed that intraguild predation of aphidophageous midges by generalist predatory bugs is a realistic phenomenon, but the risk of disruption of aphid control seems to be limited. The addition of thrips and O. majusculus to predatory midges even enhanced the suppression of aphids. We conclude that a broad system view with predator-prey complexes is required for identifying successful natural enemy complexes for aphid control. INTRODUCTION Aphids are the most destructive pest species in organically grown sweet peppers. The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), especially the red phenotype, is notorious for its fast reproduction and tendency to colonize flowers and young leaves. This behaviour directly results in reduction in growth of the plant and fruit production. Moreover, the honeydew secreted by these aphids pollutes leaves and fruit, which consequently facilitates growth of sooty mould. Another damaging aphid species in sweet pepper is the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach). This species typically induces strong plant responses such as yellow necrotic spots and leaf deformation, which can occur at low aphid densities. At higher densities, aphid-induced damage can result in leaf drop. Biological control of these aphids is mainly based on weekly releases of the parasitoids, Aphidius colemani Viereck and Aphidius ervi Haliday, and the predatory midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani). Additionally, growers release the slower reproducing wasps Aphelinus abdominalis (Dalman) and chrysopid, syrphid or coccinellid predators. Despite releases of mulitple natural enemies, biocontrol programs often do not succeed. One reason could be that these natural enemies interact with biocontrol agents that are released to control other pest species, such as generalist predatory mites and predatory bugs for the control of thrips. We recently showed that predatory mites strongly disrupt the biological control of aphids using the predatory midge, A. aphidimyza, because of hyperpredation of the midge eggs (Messelink et al., a Proc. First IC on Organic Greenhouse Hort. Eds.: M. Dorais and S.D. Bishop Acta Hort. 915, ISHS 2011 172 2011). Another threat for predatory midges could be the predation by generalist Orius bugs, which are mainly used for controlling thrips. These predators are known to feed not only on thrips, but also on aphids and the aphidophagous predator A. aphidimyza (Christensen et al., 2002). Such interactions have been referred to as intraguild predation (Fig. 1), which occurs when one predator species (the intraguild predator) kills and eats another predator species (the intraguild prey) with whom it also competes for shared prey (Polis et al., 1989; Holt and Polis, 1997). In theory, intraguild predation can disrupt biological control (Rosenheim et al., 1995), but in practice, results are mixed (Janssen et al., 2006, 2007; Vance-Chalcraft et al., 2007). Here we examine the effects of Orius laevigatus (Fieber) and Orius majusculus (Reuter) on the biological control of aphids with predatory midges in the presence of thrips as an alternative prey for Orius. Furthermore, we discuss the role of species interactions in developing management strategies for aphid control in sweet pepper. MATERIALS AND METHODS Rearing Sweet pepper plants, Capsicum annuum L. ‘Ferrari’ (Enza Zaden), were grown in rockwool blocks in a greenhouse compartment. We used the red phenotype of the green peach aphid, M. persicae, which was cultured on sweet pepper plants. Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), were cultured on flowering chrysanthemum plants, ‘Mirimar’. The predatory midge, A. aphidimyza, and predatory bug, O. laevigatus (Fieber), were obtained from Koppert Biological Systems (Berkel en Rodenrijs, The Netherlands), whereas the predatory bug, O. majusculus, was obtained from Biobest NV (Westerlo, Belgium). Greenhouse Experiment A cage experiment was carried out to assess the effects of predatory bugs on the suppression of aphids, in the presence of the predatory midge A. aphidimyza. Thrips were introduced to a subset of cages to provide an alternative prey for the predatory bugs. Individual flowering sweet pepper plants, ca. height 30 cm with 15–17 leaves, were put into a single cage (diameter 30 cm, height 40 cm, top with side-openings covered with insect gauze). Cages were placed on tables and maintained, at an average of 21°C, in one greenhouse compartment. The lower plant stem and roots in rockwool extended through a sealed hole at the bottom of the cages in order to allow automatic supply of a standard nutrient solution with an ebb-and-flow system. There were 8 treatments, with 4 replicates per treatment: (1) aphids only, (2) aphids + O. laevigatus + thrips, (3) aphids + O. majusculus + thrips, (4) aphids + A. aphidimyza, (5) aphids + A. aphidimyza + O. laevigatus, (6) aphids + A. aphidimyza + O. majusculus, (7) aphids + A. aphidimyza + O. laevigatus + thrips and (8) aphids + A. aphidimyza + O. majusculus + thrips. Each plant was infected with 20 aphids of mixed age, which were collected with a fine brush from the culture on sweet pepper. Adult thrips were introduced three times in the destined treatments in densities of 20, 20 and 40 females per plant after 1, 11 and 23 days post aphid release, respectively. Repeated releases of thrips were necessary because thrips proved to be controlled effectively. The predatory midge A. aphidimyza was introduced 10 days after aphid release by adding 10 pupae per cage in humid vermiculite. The adult midges emerged within 4 to 7 days, and no mortality of pupae was observed. Ten adult female predatory bugs were introduced 17 days after aphid release in each cage. The densities of all insects were assessed once, 28 days after aphid release, by checking all parts of each plant under a stereomicroscope (40x). For statistical analyses, we performed a standard ANOVA on the log transformed densities of insects. Differences among treatments were tested at the 5% level using Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD) method.