Efficiency of production directly related on the quality of gilts in the farm. For this reason it would be necessary to replace non-productive sows. By monitoring and control of the growth intensity in the performance test make possibility to provide selection effect and get gilts adequate age and weight at insemination. The paper present analyzes of growth traits from birth until the end of the performance test. The investigations included 825 gilts, of which 414 Landrace and 411 Yorkshire, which were obtained from 17 sires (9 of Landrace and 8 of Yorkshire breed).Data of 886 hybrid (F1) gilts between then are progeny of 10 boars (5 of each breed of L and Y). The gilts that had a smaller weight at birth, showed a smaller daily gain and body weight realized at the end of the test. Lactation duration were of 31 at purebred and 29 at hybrid one days. The weights at weaning were over 7 kg, biggest at hybrid females. It can be concluded that heterosis effect was shown. During the test of 85 days, the realized average weight was 76 kg, with a gain of 0.90 kg for Landrace gilts, while Yorkshire had smaller one (72 kg) with smaller daily gain (0.84 kg). For the same period Hybrid gilts grown 78 kg and an average age life gain of 0,85 kg. with age of gilts of 161 days, Landrace gilts reached weight of 108 kg, with an average life gain of 0.67 kg, while the Yorkshire gilts reached weight of 103 kg, with an average life gain of 0.62 kg. At the same time Hybrid gilts had 105 kg with life gain of 0,65 kg. Tests of significance showed that the sire, breed and weight at birth of piglets have a highly significant impact on most of the observed traits and represent a significant source of phenotypic variability in growth traits of tested gilts. It seem that optimum weight of piglets at birth is 1,4 kg and more. So, management and feeding regime of gilts and sows are very important during gestation period to get piglets with higher birth weight., Proizvodnja rasplodnih grla, prasadi i tovljenika u farmi direktno ovisi od kvalitetnih nazimica, jer upravo sa njima treba zamijeniti neproduktivne krmače. Kontrolom intenziteta porasta u testu, dobivaju se nazimice adekvatne dobi i tjelesne mase na osjemenjavanju. Nazimice koje nemaju adekvatnu dob i masu ne donose profit farmeru (manje od 30 zalučene prasadi po krmači godišnje), već samo gubitke, i zbog toga su veoma važna mjerenja koja se vrše u toku uzgoja rasplodnih nazimica. U radu su analizirana svojstva porasta od rođenja do kraja testa 825 nazimica (414 landras nazimica, i 411 jorkšir) te 886 F1 nazimica iz međusobnog parenja ove dvije pasmine, dobivene od 9 nerastova pasmine landras i 8 pasmine jorkšir te 10 nerastova (5 landras i 5 jorkši). Nazimice koje su imale manju masu na rođenju, imale su i manji dnevni prirast i manju postignutu tjelesnu masu na kraju testa. Trajanje laktacije od 31 dana je uobičajeno u primjeru čistih pasmina u nukleusu te 29 dana za F1 grla. Masa na zalučenju nije bila ispod 7 kg kod najlakše prasadi na rođenju u svih genotipova. Proizlazi da je za dobar rezultat, optimalna težina prasadi na rođenju minimum 1,4 kg i više. Za vrijeme trajanja testa od 85 dana, prosječna ostvarena masa bila je 76 kg, sa prirastom od 0,90 kg kod landras nazimica, dok su jorkšir nazimice ostvarile manju tjelesnu masu (72 kg) i manji dnevni prirast (0,84 kg). F1 nazimice imale su rezultat između roditeljskih genotipova landrasa i jorkšira (74kg i 0,85kg dnevni prirast). Sa prosječnom dobi nazimica od 161 dana, landras nazimice su postigle masu od 108 kg, sa prosječnim životnim prirastom od 0,67 kg, dok su jorkširke ostvarile masu od 103 kg, sa prosječnim životnim prirastom od 0,64 kg. Hibridne nazimice su za isto vrijeme ostvarile 105 kg i 0,65kg životnog prirasta. Testovi značajnosti su pokazali da otac, pasmina tj. kombinacija parenja i masa na rođenju imaju visoko signifikantan utjecaj na većinu promatranih osobina te predstavljaju značajan izvor fenotipske varijabilnosti osobina porasta testiranih nazimica.