Land, water, and food resources are essential for human survival, economic development, and social stability. Water and land are the basic resources in irrigated agricultural systems. Sustainable agricultural development entails effective management of the land-water-food nexus. The complex relationship in land-water-food nexus, with large uncertainties encompassed therein. Approaches that interconnect Land-Water-Food have grown significantly in scope and intricacy. In evaluating solutions to accomplish Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the contexts of rising demands, resource paucity, and climate change, nexus techniques are helpful. The nexus analysis includes the important interlinkages that could be addressed. In the water-food-land nexus system, optimization approach can increase irrigation water production and optimise the allocation of scarce resources. Model optimisation considers the uncertainties in the systems to help decision-makers devise effective strategies for allocating water and land resources effectively. Integrated modelling with efficient optimization methods aid in solving real-world nexus management issues and provides the results that could serve as the basis for effective management of land-water-food nexus and formulation of agricultural policies.