1,188 results on '"paléontologie"'
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2. Geoložka RNDr. Vladimíra Jašková (1959–2024).
- Author
Lehotský, Tomáš
- Abstract
On the beginning of October of this year, RNDr. Vladimíra Jašková, a significant person of the central Moravian geology, museology and nature protection, has passed away. She dedicated her whole professional life to the museum of Prostějov. As a curator of the geological collection, she participated on the professional, publication and presentation activities of the museum. This article shortly summarizes her work including the overview of her bibliography and exhibition acivities. The intention of this text is to never forget Vladimíra Jašková, her personality, life and work. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
3. Přehled paleontologických výzkumů ve spodním karbonu myslejovického souvrství Drahanské vrchoviny.
- Author
Kováček, Martin and Lehotský, Tomáš
- Abstract
The beginnings of geological and paleontological research of the culm formations of the Drahany Upland date back to the end of the 19th century. During almost 132 years of research in this area many conclusions have been made. From the initial reports informing about the geologically uninteresting area, it was gradually discovered that this is one of the richest palaeontological sites in Moravia. In particular, the work of the Viennese geologist Karl Patteisky contributed to a closer understanding of the Moravian-Silesian culm, which subsequently led to expansion of mining of slate and greywacke as a building stone, in case of roofing slates more or less in the area of Nízký Jeseník Mts. The proximity of the Ostrava-Karviná coalfield also contributed to this. However, slate mining did not get established much in the Drahany Upland. Today only a few active quarries for mining to different grain fractions and for cement works have been preserved. Veleslav Lang, a teacher from Vyškov, began to work intensively in the field of paleontology in this area and began to consult his amateur collections with prominent experts, including Ivo Chlupáč and Otakar Kumpera. On the basis of this cooperation, the foundations were laid for many publications not only on the fossils and biostratigraphy of the culm but also on the phytostratigraphy and fossil flora of the Drahany Culm facies. The area still provides occasional finds. The ongoing work on the classification of Lang‘s collections kept in the deposit of the Regional Museum in Olomouc also provides new insights and determinations of fossil organisms as well as knowledge about the paleoecology of the foreland culm turbidite basin. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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The paper presents seven species of the genus Aspidoceras Zittel 1868 and three species of the genus Pseudowaagenia Spath 1931, found in the "Acanthicum Beds" Formation, from the Ghilcoș Kimmeridgian (Hăghimaș Mountains, Romania). In addition to the species previously described by other authors (Neumayr, Herbich and Preda), six more species have now been highlighted that complete this association: Aspidoceras sesquinodosum, A. uninodosum, A. hystricosum, A. rogoznicense, Pseudowaagenia micropla and P. acanthomphala. At the same time, the specimens described by previous authors were also reviewed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
5. Destin et desseins du vivant dans Les Fossiles de Louis Bouilhet.
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NATURALISTS ,STORYTELLING ,HUMAN beings ,POETS ,POETRY (Literary form) ,FATE & fatalism ,NATURAL law - Abstract
In the poem Les Fossiles (1854), Louis Bouilhet tells the story of the evolution of life. Inspired by various naturalists, he imagines the emergence of life on Earth, the birth of species, and their extinction followed by the emergence of new forms of life. The destiny of humankind is subordinate to this law of nature: humans will be supplanted by more perfect beings. The purpose of this article is to consider the influence of Charles Bonnet's palingenetic philosophy on Bouilhet from the perspective of epistemocritical methodology, allowing the identification of epistemological transfers between the work of the naturalist and that of the poet. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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6. Les enregistrements stratigraphique et paléontologique ordoviciens et siluriens d'Anticosti comme valeur universelle exceptionnelle.
- Author
Desrochers, André
- Subjects
ORDOVICIAN Period ,MASS extinctions ,PROVINCIAL governments ,PROTECTED areas ,FOSSILS - Abstract
Copyright of Naturaliste Canadien is the property of La Societe Provancher and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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7. Les restes de Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 (Carnivora, Mustelidae) du gisement Pléistocène inférieur de Montoussé 5 (Hautes-Pyrénées, France).
- Author
THABARD, Camille and FOURVEL, Jean-Baptiste
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The palaeontological site of Montoussé (Montoussé, Hautes-Pyrénées, France) was discovered by Édouard Harlé in 1892. Montoussé Breccia 5 is dated from the Early Pleistocene (1.2-1.5 Ma). It has yielded a large number of small to medium-sized species, including a homogeneous series and important sample of small mustelids. We provide here a morphological and metrical analysis of these 52 mustelid specimens in order to provide identification keys that differentiate the weasel Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766, the stoat Mustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758, and their fossil relatives Mustela praenivalis Kormos, 1934 and Mustela palerminea Pétenyi, 1864. The specific identifications are discussed in chrono-climatic context. These small carnivores are particularly sensitive to climatic variations and a correlation is established between their size and the environment. A better knowledge of inter- and intra-specific variability of these species could lead to making them valid paleoenvironmental markers. The study of variability in the fossil forms raises doubts about their specific value. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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The paper presents description of the eleven species of the subgenus Taramelliceras (Taramelliceras) Del Campana 1904 found in the Formation of "Acanthicum Beds" (Kimmeridgian) from Ghilcoș (Hăghimaș Mountains, Romania). The species T. trachinotum (Opp.), T. erycinum (Gemm.), T. mikoi (Herb.) and T. pugile (Neum.) have been previously described from this region by previous authors, the last two (T. mikoi and T. pugile) being recorded for a first time and one, (T. pugile pseudopugile Sarti), is determined on the base of specimens from Preda Colection In addition to the species listed, now there are six other species that enrich the association: T. greenackeri (Moesch), T. pseudoflexuosum (Fav.), T. cf. platyconcha (Gemm.), T. af. subcallicerum (Gemm.) and T. pugilepugiloides (Canav.), unknown in the region until now. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
9. Nová přírodovědná expozice Příroda - od počátku bez konce.
- Author
Hrochová, Magda Bábková, Adamík, Peter, Kočendová, Jitka, and Kováček, Martin
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LIFE cycles (Biology) , *SPECIES diversity , *ZOOLOGY , *EARTH sciences , *PALEONTOLOGY - Abstract
The new exhibition called “Nature - the Never Ending Story” was opened on September 1, 2022. It is connected spatially to the popular exhibition “Nature of the Olomouc Region”, opened in 2012, which obtained the Gloria Musaealis award, and is still profusely visited. Thus, a whole fl oor devoted to nature was created in the museum. The new exhibition introduces the knowledge from the sciences about the Earth, paleontology, botany and zoology. It demonstrates illustratively the creation of the rocks and minerals, the main stages of the development of life on the Earth, how the complicated processes like photosynthesis or life cycles of various organisms take place. It presents the species diversity and the signifi cant representatives of fl ora, fungi and fauna. For teachers the exhibition off ers a unique possibility of linkage with their classes. Exclusively fi lmed nature documentaries, 1540 exhibits, dozens of models, interactive games and haptic items are there to be experienced. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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The paper is a review of the species Taramelliceras compsum Oppel, which has been assigned various other forms / species (OLORIZ, 1978; SAPUNOV, 1979; SART1 1993) as subspecies, morphotypes or varieties. Here we considered most of the forms under the morphotypes rank: T (T) compsum compsum. T (T) compsum holbeini, T (T) compsum franciscanum. T (T) compsum hemipleurum. T (T) compsum kochi and two more new ones are proposed subspecies T (T) compsum bicostatum and T (T) compsum tuberculatum, all forms/subspecies found in the same formation "Beds with Acanthicum", from the Kimmeridgian from Ghilcoș (Hăghimaș Mountains, Romania). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
11. L'histoire de la géologie dans la Revue d'histoire des sciences de 1947 à 2022.
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- Abstract
Copyright of Revue d'Histoire des Sciences is the property of Librairie Armand Colin and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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Species from the ammonites genera Taramelliceras and Hemihaploceras, from the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian deposits in Ghilcoș (Hăghimaș Mountains, Romania) are described and figured. Taramelliceras (Metahaploceras) strombecki, T. (M.) nodosiusculum, T. karreri, Hemihaploceras (Hemihaploceras) nobile, H. (Zitteliceras) schwageri, are species described previously from this area by NEUMAYR (1873), HERBICH (1878) and PREDA (1973), are reviewed here. Species recorded here for a first time are also described: T. (M.) subnereus, T. (Fontannesiella) nov. sp. aff. T. (F.) valentinum, T. acallopistum, T. intersistens and a rare species, Hemihaploceras (H.) loczyi, described earlier only by JEKELIUS (1916) from the Bucegi Mountains. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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MEUNIER, Mathias, STOETZEL, Emmanuelle, SOUTTOU, Karim, SEKOUR, Makhlouf, MOUSSA, Hadjoudj, BOUKHEMZA, Mohammed, DOUMANDJI, Salaheddine, and DENYS, Christiane
- Abstract
Copyright of Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France is the property of Societe Zoologique de France and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
14. Oog in oog met een Carboonbos. Fossil Grove in Glasgow
- Author
J. Kriest and J. Kriest
- Abstract
In een park in Glasgow, Schotland, is een aantal fossiele boomstronken uit het Boven-Carboon te vinden . Hoe die bomen zo goed bewaard zijn, wordt hier beschreven.
- Published
- 2023
15. De fossiele zeezoogdieren van Nederland. Van minizeehond tot reuzenpotvis, door K. Post & N. Peters (boekbespreking)
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J.W.M. Jagt and J.W.M. Jagt
- Abstract
Dit boek beschrijft de vele verschillende soorten zeezoogdieren waarvan fossielen te vinden zijn in Nederland. De mogelijke vindplaatsen van die fossielen, en de musea waarin ze tentoongesteld zijn, worden ook vermeld.
- Published
- 2023
16. Dinosaurussen, door Dean Lomax (boekbespreking)
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G.J. Boekschoten and G.J. Boekschoten
- Abstract
Dit boek geeft informatie over dinosauriërs, hun verspreiding, levenswijze, uitsterven etc.
- Published
- 2023
17. De laatste lente van de dinosauriërs, door Melanie During (boekbespreking)
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C. de Jong and C. de Jong
- Abstract
Behalve de bespreking van het boek over het uitsterven van de dinosauriërs aan het eind van het Krijt, geeft de auteur een overzicht van hoe men in het verleden fossielen interpreteerde.
- Published
- 2023
18. Geonieuwtjes
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A.J. van Loon and A.J. van Loon
- Abstract
Drie nieuwtjes over oplossingsholten in fossiele bladeren, 'look alikes' van pyriet, en Ordovicische mini-fossielen in Wales.
- Published
- 2023
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SCHOOL field trips , *WORLD War II , *EARTH (Planet) , *MUSEUM visitors , *HISTORICAL museums - Abstract
Chlupáč's Museum of Earth History is a unique academic museum focusing on the development of the planet Earth from the perspective of both living and inanimate nature, which is primarily intended for teaching university students. However, its clarity, and, in a sense, its compactness, allows it to be used to educate students at lower levels of education, especially if accompanied by explanatory commentary. The museum was created on the basis of original geological-paleontological collections amassed at the Faculty of Science of Charles University, after World War II, from several Prague universities. The collections were inaccessible to the public until the turn of the millennium, when it was decided to renovate and rebuild the museum and open it to the public for at least a limited amount of time. The museum's (own) exhibition is a comprehensive set of fossil materials, illustrative models, and information posters describing the evolution of the Earth from its origins to the present day. It is supplemented by examples of some paleoecological relationships in selected periods and unique visual reconstructions. Since its official opening, the museum has been used by numerous schools (especially secondary schools) to supplement or replace geological science teaching. Currently, students on school excursions are key visitors to the museum. In addition to lectures organized by the museum, students can also complete worksheets, which make the material easier to interpret and memorize. In the future, the museum could certainly be used more intensively to complement the teaching of geology, which is a very neglected area at secondary schools. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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20. The Pleistocene Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) from The Bahamas.
- Author
Patel, Ajay M. and Steadman, David W.
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Caribbean Ornithology is the property of Society for the Conservation & Study of Caribbean Birds and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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21. Scientific life of a French catholic missionary: Henri Fontaine (1924–?).
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Hoang, Thi Than
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This article relates the long scientific life of the French catholic missionary, Father/Doctor Henri Fontaine. He is also a geologist, a palaeontologist, an expert on Paleozoic corals and an archeologist. The year 2018 marked his 94th birthday, 70th sacerdotal year and 64 years of his scientific career. He has devoted most of his life to scientific activities in East and Southeast Asia: from 1954 to late 1975 in Viet Nam as geologist-expert, from 1978 to 2013 in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam, within the framework of the Coordinating Committee for Coastal and Offshore Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) and afterwards as a volunteer once he had retired. Until 2018, he published nearly 300 articles about geology, palaeontology and prehistory, mostly as sole author or main author. Although he initially intended to be priest living among villagers somewhere in Asia, his life evolved, in spite of himself, following spiritual, political and scientific events. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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22. Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of mid-Carboniferous Sequences at Phu Bo Bit in Loei Province, Thailand.
- Author
Kavinate, Sathaporn, Udchachon, Mongkol, and Fontaine, Henri
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STRATIGRAPHIC geology , *PALEONTOLOGY , *SEQUENCE stratigraphy , *MARINE sediments , *SHALE , *LIMESTONE - Abstract
The rocks from the Phu Bo Bit section consist of shale and limestone along with an abundant and diverse invertebrate fauna consisting of brachiopods, corals, bryozoans and crinoids, interpreted as having been deposited in shallow marine or shelf environments. At Phu Bo Bit, thick limestone lenses in shale contain microfossils. Based on the foraminiferan and algae assemblage, the stratigraphic sequence of Phu Bo Bit extends from the late Bashkirian to the early Moscovian. According to lithofacies and palaeontology, the Phu Bo Bit section represents the change from carbonate to siliciclastic sedimentation, which provides new evidence on the marine regression during the mid-Carboniferous. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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Species of the ammonite genus Glochiceras from the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian deposits of Ghilcoş (Hăghimaş Mts, Romania) are described and figured. In addition to specimens from the author’s collection, previously reported occurrences of this genus from the same area described by NEUMAYR (1873), HERB1CH (1878) and PREDA (1973) are discussed. Five species of the genus Glochiceras are reported from the Hăghimaş Mts for the first time: Glochiceras (Glochiceras) lens, G. {Lingulaticeras) modestum, G. (L.) semicostatum, G. (L.) lingnlalum and G. (L.) procurvum. Special attention is paid to insufficiently known species G. jugens, G. balanense and G. tenuifalcatum described by NEUMAYR (1873). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
24. Geology as a Metaphor in Graham Swift’s Ever After (1992)
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Isabelle Roblin
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crise religieuse ,intertextualité ,palaeontology ,Urology ,ichthyosaure géologie ,paléontologie ,Ever After ,ichthyosaurus geology ,intertextuality ,Nephrology ,Graham Swift ,Lyell ,crisis of faith ,roman néo-victorien ,Darwin ,neo-Victorian novel - Abstract
In Ever After, Graham Swift’s fifth novel, Matthew Pearce, the main narrator’s ancestor, is a Victorian surveyor who chronicles in his Notebooks how his reading of Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology (1830-1833) and Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859) shattered his vision of the world, opening up “epistemological fault lines” and “yawning fractures” in his “teleological understanding” of human life: “If Lyell is right”, he exclaims, “if the world existed so long without Man upon it, why should we suppose . . . that we occupy any special and permanent place in Creation?” (Ever After, 135). This of course echoes the seismic debates between “creationists” and “evolutionists” that bisected Victorian society and which are often represented in neo-Victorian fiction. However, this is not the only fault line in the novel. The text itself of the Notebooks is fragmented, presented achronologically, used by the main late twentieth-century narrator, Bill Unwin, for his own ends, creating a feeling of unease and uncertainty in the reader, who feels the fictional ground beneath his/her feet moving and his/her reading comfort zone shaken. Geology and fault lines are thus very much an essential component of Swift’s novel, both literally and metaphorically. Dans Ever After, le cinquième roman de Graham Swift, Matthew Pearce, l’ancêtre victorien du narrateur principal, est géologue. Dans ses Carnets, il relate comment la lecture des Principles of Geology de Lyell (1830-1833) et de On the Origin of Species de Charles Darwin (1859) a complètement bouleversé sa vision du monde, révélant des «“lignes de failles épistémologiques” et des “fractures béantes” dans sa “compréhension téléologique” de la vie humaine. : “Si Lyell a raison”, s’exclame-t-il, “et que le monde a existé si longtemps sans que l’être humain ne l’habite, pourquoi devrions-nous supposer que nous occupons un place spéciale et permanente au sein de la Création ?” (Ever After 135). Cela fait bien sûr écho aux débats sismiques entre “créationnistes” et partisans de la théorie de l’évolution qui ont secoué la société victorienne et sont souvent représentés dans la fiction néo-victorienne. Cependant, ce n’est pas la seule ligne de failles du roman. Le texte même des Carnets est fragmenté, présenté de manière achronologique, et utilisé par Bill Unwin, le narrateur de la fin du xxe siècle, pour servir ses propres fins. Cela créée un sentiment de malaise et d’incertitude chez le lecteur, qui sent le socle de la fiction bouger sous ses pieds et ébranle sa zone de confort de lecture. La géologie et les lignes de failles sont donc une partie tout à fait essentielle du roman de Swift, aussi bien littéralement que métaphoriquement.
- Published
- 2023
25. Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle
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Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (France) and Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
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Collections éditoriales ,Europe ,Paleontologie ,Stratigraphie - Published
- 1993
26. From Charles Darwin’s comments to the first mention of South American giant fossil birds: Auguste Bravard’s catalogue of fossil species from Argentina (1860) and its significance
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Buffetaut Eric
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Bravard ,Catalogue ,Argentine ,Paléontologie ,Darwin ,Lyell ,Phorusrhacidae ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
In 1860, the French geologist and palaeontologist Auguste Bravard (1803-1861) circulated a small number of copies of a hand-written and lithographed catalogue of the fossils he had collected in various parts of Argentina over a period of about eight years. Although the existence of this catalogue has been mentioned by various authors, it has never been really published in full. A facsimile reproduction is provided here. The contents of the catalogue and reactions to them are discussed, with special attention to comments in the correspondence between Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin. These comments were largely about Bravard’s identification among his fossils from Argentina of the genera Palaeotherium and Anoplotherium, well known components of the Late Eocene mammal fauna from the Montmartre gypsum, in the Paris Basin. This identification was later shown to be erroneous by Gervais, Burmeister and Ameghino. Bravard’s catalogue also includes what appears to be the first mention of fossil giant ground birds (Phorusrhacidae) in South America.
- Published
- 2016
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27. Waziers le Bas-Terroir (plaine de la Scarpe, nord de la France) : synthèse des études sur les observations 2011-2015 et mise en évidence d’un enregistrement sédimentaire continu de la fin du saalien (SIM 6) à l’optimum eemien (SIM 5e)
- Author
Deschodt, Laurent, Hérisson, David, Antoine, Pierre, Locht, Jean‑Luc, Gauthier, Agnès, Limondin‑Lozouet, Nicole, Auguste, Patrick, Bahain, Jean‑Jacques, Ghaleb, Bassam, maréchal, Chloé, Vallin, Luc, Lebreton, Loïc, Audiard, Benjamin, Hulin, Guillaume, Jamet, Guillaume, Shao, Qingfeng, Falguères, Christophe, Lécuyer, Christophe, Amiot, Romain, Stoetzel, Emmanuelle, Bailon, Salvador, Masson, Bertrand, Coutard, Sylvie, Sévêque, Noémie, Louguet, Sophie, Petite, Yann, and Virmoux, Clément
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palaeontology ,plaine de la Scarpe ,geochronology ,archaeology ,Eemian ,Formation de Waziers ,paléontologie ,Waziers Formation ,Northern France ,géochronologie ,Saalian ,Scarpe plain ,palaeoenviron- ments ,Saalien ,Eemien ,paléoenvironnements ,archéologie ,Nord de la France - Abstract
La Formation de Waziers est constituée d’un dépôt alluvial limoneux surmonté de tuf calcaire et de tourbe. Elle est conservée dans un petit paléo-chenal de la rivière Scarpe-Scarbus, reconnu sur plusieurs centaines de mètres de long à l’entrée de la plaine de la Scarpe et daté de la fin du Saalien (SIM 6) et de l’Eemien (SIM 5e). La Formation de Waziers a été préservée à la faveur d’une défluviation ultérieure à son dépôt puis de son scellement par des dépôts fluvio-éoliens de la fin du Pléniglaciaire weichselien (SIM 2). La synthèse de l’ensemble des données et études (lithologie, paléontologie, géochronologie, reconstitution des paléotem- pératures) fournit une image cohérente de l’évolution de la zone depuis la fin du Saalien vers 130 000 ans environ jusqu’à la fin du Pléniglaciaire weichselien. À la base, les alluvions sablo-graveleuses (témoignant d’écoulements dynamiques) puis limoneuses (Membre 1) se déposent dans le fond de vallée à la fin du glaciaire saalien dans un contexte d’amorce de reconquête forestière. Un plan d’eau se développe ensuite, permettant le dépôt d’une craie lacustre dans un marais à Characées puis d’une tourbière (Membre 2, env. 1,5 m d’épaisseur) dans un contexte forestier. Un cours d’eau chenalisé circule encore dans la tourbière, au moins par intermittence, érodant et déposant localement des alluvions limoneuses. La partie inférieure du Membre 2 enregistre la transition du glaciaire Saalien (fin SIM 6) à l’Interglaciaire eemien (début SIM 5e) dans un contexte de sédimentation continue de plus en plus organique. La partie supérieure du Membre 2 enregistre l’optimum climatique eemien dans un faciès de tourbe typique, puis l’amorce d’une dégradation climatique. Au toit du Membre 2 (et celui de la Formation) est observée la limite d’une érosion majeure qui n’a pas permis l’enregistrement de la fin de l’Interglaciaire eemien. À la base du Membre 3 (env. 3 m d’épaisseur), des écoule- ments concentrés dans des ravines profondes sur sol gelé démantèlent et remanient les dépôts sous-jacents. Ensuite, des écoulements (attribués au Pléniglaciaire weichselien) déposent une nappe de graviers de craie sur l’ensemble du site dans une bande active plus large (probable tressage). La majeure partie du Membre 3 est constituée de dépôts limono-sableux fluvio-éoliens et d’un mince dépôt loessique terminal. La qualité de l’enregistrement sédimentaire de la formation de Waziers, avec notamment un dépôt continu au moment de la transition climatique du Saalien à l’Eemien, et l’abondance des éléments paléontologiques (bois et macrorestes végétaux, macro et méso-faune, microfaune, avifaune, malacofaune…) dans les dépôts eemiens font de celle-ci un témoin exceptionnel pour les recons- titutions paléoenvironnementales et paléoclimatiques de cette période. La présence de niveaux témoignant d’occupations humaines récurrentes dans les Membres 1 et 2 (éclats isolés, amas de débitage, traces d’actions anthropiques sur faune) font de ce site et de cette séquence une référence pour la compréhension des dynamiques de peuplement humain entre le SIM 6 (Saalien) et le SIM 5e (Eemien) dans le Nord de la France et plus largement dans le Nord-Ouest de l’Europe. The Waziers Formation consists of a silty alluvial deposit topped by calcareous tuff and peat. It is preserved in a small palaeo- channel of the Scarpe-Scarbus river, recognised over several hundred metres long at the edge/entrance of the Scarpe river plain and dated to the end of the Saalian (SIM 6) and the Eemian (SIM 5e). The Waziers Formation was preserved by a later defluviation and the sealing by fluvio-aeolian deposits of the late Weichselian Pleniglacial (SIM 2). The synthesis of all the data and studies (lithology, palaeontology, geochronology, reconstruction of palaeotemperatures) provides a coherent picture of the evolution of the area since the end of the Saalian around 130,000 years ago to the end of the Weichselian Pleniglacial. At the base, sandy-gravelly (indicating dynamic flows) and then silty alluvium (Member 1) was deposited in the valley bottom at the end of the Saalian glacial period in a context of incipient forest reconquest. A water body then develops, allowing the sedimentation of a lacustrine chalk deposited in a Characeae marsh, followed by a peat bog (Member 2, ca. 1.5 m thick) in a forest context. A channelled stream still flows through the bog, at least intermittently, locally eroding and depositing silty alluvium. The lower part of Member 2 records the transition from the Saalian glacial (end of MIS 6) to the Eemian interglacial (beginning of MIS 5) in a context of continuous sedimentation with increasing organic content. The upper part of Member 2 records the Eemian climatic optimum in a typical peat facies, followed by the onset of climatic degradation. At the top of Member 2 (and that of the Formation) is the limit of a major erosion that did not allow the recording of the end of the Eemian interglacial. At the base of Member 3 (ca. 3 m thick) flows concentrated in deep gullies on frozen ground dismantle and rework the underlying deposits. Subsequently, flows (attributed to the Weichselian Pleniglacial) deposit a sheet of chalk gravels over the whole site in a wider active band (likely braiding). Most of Member 3 consists of fluvio-aeolian silty-sandy deposits and a thin terminal loessic deposit. The quality of the sedimentary record, with in particular continuous depo- sition at the time of the climatic transition from the Saalien to the Eemian, and the abundance of palaeontological elements (wood and plant macro-remains, macro- and meso-fauna, microfauna, avifauna, malacofauna...) in the Eemian deposits ensure the Waziers Formation is an exceptional testimony for the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions. The presence of levels testying to recurrent human occupations in Members 1 and 2 (with isolated flakes, heaps of debitage, traces of anthropic actions on fauna) make this site and sequence a reference for the understanding of the human settlement dynamics from the MIS 6 (Saalian) to the MIS 5e (Eemian) in Northern France but also broadly in North-Western Europe.
- Published
- 2023
28. Fauna, environment and human presence during MIS5 in the North of Spain: The new site of Valdavara 3.
- Author
Vaquero, Manuel, van der Made, Jan, Blain, Hugues-Alexandre, Ibáñez, Nuria, López-García, Juan Manuel, Rivals, Florent, Alonso, Susana, Ameijenda, Alicia, Bennàsar, Maria, Fernández-García, Mónica, de Lombera-Hermida, Arturo, and Valverde, Irene
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Abstract Valdavara 3 is a new early late Pleistocene paleontological and archeological cave site in northwestern Iberia. Over 1400 fossils have been collected, representing about 40 species. The fauna is of interglacial aspect and is in accordance with the OSL dates from the fossiliferous layer, which indicate an age of 103–113 ka. The great taxonomical diversity indicates a varied landscape. A small collection of lithic artifacts was found associated with the fossils, demostrating presence of humans and suggesting short non-residential visits to the cave. The fossiliferous site was predominantly formed by natural processes. Many fossil localities have short or biased faunal lists, but the fossil fauna recovered from Valdavara 3 is remarkably diverse and may reflect the fauna which once lived there. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
SASU, Maria Iulia, PANĂ, Radu Ştefan, and TRIF, Nicolae
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2018
30. Civettictis braini nov. sp. (Mammalia: Carnivora), a new viverrid from the hominin-bearing site of Kromdraai (Gauteng, South Africa).
- Author
Fourvel, Jean-Baptiste
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A new Plio-Pleistocene viverrid species is described based on two newly discovered maxillae (KW 10141 and KW 10383) from the recent excavations at the hominin-bearing site of Kromdraai (Gauteng, South Africa). This major site allows us to address the conundrum of Paranthropus and Homo origins in South Africa and presents a highly diverse carnivore spectrum (at least 22 species) including herpestids and viverrids. Civettictis braini nov. sp. is a viverrid species comparable in size to the extant African civet Civettictis civetta (Schreber, 1776). However C. braini nov. sp. differs significantly from the extant species in its dental proportions. Its canine and three premolars (P1–P3) are relatively robust, while its carnassials (P4) and two molars (M1, M2) are extremely reduced. This new species supplements our knowledge on carnivore taxonomic diversity and paleoecology in Southern Africa about 2 millions of years ago. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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AMMONOIDEA , *FOSSIL cephalopoda , *TAXONOMY , *KIMMERIDGIAN Stage ,HASMAS Mountains (Romania) - Abstract
This paper deals with the taxonomic study of the oppeliidas (Streblitinae) and haploceratidas from the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian deposits from Ghilcos and Ciofronca (Haghimas Mts). Fore species of Streblitinae are now described in addition to those known to date from these localities and haploceratidas previously described by PREDA (1973) are reviewed. For the first time species belonging to Semiformiceras Spath, 1925 are described from the studied region. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
32. Connaître le passé pour comprendre le présent : histoires d'arbres et d'oiseaux dans l'espace méditerranéen.
- Author
BLONDEL, Jacques
- Abstract
Copyright of Ecologia Mediterranea is the property of Ecologia Mediterranea and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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33. Chapitre 1. Présentation générale
- Author
Defleur, Alban, Casta, Lucien, and Onoratini, Gérard
- Subjects
Ursus thibetanus ,rongeur ,datation radiométrique ,Pléistocène moyen ,paléontologie ,Sud-Est de la France ,industrie lithique ,Plionys gr. episcopalis ,Archaeology ,trace de boucherie ,cenogramme ,Microtus brecciensis ,oiseau ,grotte des Cèdres ,reste humain ,Hemitragus cedrensis ,grand mammifère - Abstract
Le pillage du modeste témoin stratigraphique de la grotte des Cèdres (Le Plan‑d’Aups, Var), ménagé par les fouilles de M. Escalon de Fonton réalisées en 1951, a suscité une intervention de sauvetage de la part de A. Defleur en février 1987. Les fouilles ont permis la mise au jour d’un matériel archéologique original étudié par une équipe pluridisciplinaire. La grotte de dimensions modestes s’ouvre sur le flanc nord de la chaîne de la Sainte‑Baume dans un contexte biogéographique particulièrement original, véritable enclave médio‑européenne dans le domaine méditerranéen. Le témoin situé au fond de la cavité a permis l’observation, sous un niveau sépulcral chalcolithique, d’une séquence stratigraphique de quatre couches pléistocènes séparées par deux encroûtements calcaires. L’étude sédimentologique a permis de distinguer deux ensembles sédimentaires, le premier (couches II et III) de tendance plutôt froide, le second (couches IV et V) plus tempéré. The robbing of the remaining standing stratigraphic section at la grotte des Cedres (Le Plan‑d’Aups, Var) left in place after the excavations carried out in 1951 by M. Escalon de Fonton, necessitated a rescue excavation. This was directed by A. Defleurin February 1987. These excavations produced an interesting artefact assemblage which has been studied by a multidisciplinary team. The cave, of most dimensions, opens out on to the northern side of the Sainte‑Baume ridge in a bio‑geographical context of particular interest, a real middle‑European enclave within a Mediterranean context. The section excavated, situated at the back of the cavity, brought to light, beneath a level containing Chalcolithic burials, a stratigraphical sequence of four Pleistocene levels separated by two limestone formations. A study of the sediment has enabled two distinct deposits to be distinguished, the first (levels II and III) a cold period, the second (levels IV and V) a warmer period.
- Published
- 2022
34. Conclusion
- Author
Defleur, Alban and Crégut-Bonnoure, Évelyne
- Subjects
Ursus thibetanus ,rongeur ,datation radiométrique ,Pléistocène moyen ,paléontologie ,Sud-Est de la France ,industrie lithique ,Plionys gr. episcopalis ,Archaeology ,trace de boucherie ,cenogramme ,Microtus brecciensis ,oiseau ,grotte des Cèdres ,reste humain ,Hemitragus cedrensis ,grand mammifère - Abstract
Les apports de cette étude sont multiples et relèvent de plusieurs domaines de la recherche préhistorique. La synthèse des données permet de proposer une nouvelle datation du gisement, en attribuant la majeure partie de son remplissage à la fin du Pléistocène moyen. D’un point de vue anthropologique, la dent d’enfant découverte au sommet de la couche II complète nos connaissances sur le peuplement anténéandertalien du Midi méditerranéen. La grotte des Cèdres prend place désormais parmi les ra...
- Published
- 2022
35. Le gisement paléolithique moyen de la grotte des Cèdres (Var)
- Author
Ajaja, Omar, Bez, Jean‑François, Camps, Gabriel, Casta, Lucien, Crégut-Bonnoure, Évelyne, Crégut‑Bonnoure, Evelyne, Defleur, Alban, Desclaux, Emmanuel, Falgueres, Christophe, Giraud, Yves, Onoratini, Gérard, Radulescu, Constantin, Vandermeersch, Bernard, Vilette, Philippe, Defleur, Alban, and Crégut-Bonnoure, Évelyne
- Subjects
Ursus thibetanus ,rongeur ,datation radiométrique ,Pléistocène moyen ,paléontologie ,Sud-Est de la France ,industrie lithique ,Plionys gr. episcopalis ,Archaeology ,trace de boucherie ,cenogramme ,Microtus brecciensis ,oiseau ,grotte des Cèdres ,reste humain ,Hemitragus cedrensis ,grand mammifère - Abstract
Située en basse Provence occidentale, dans le massif de la Sainte Baume, à une trentaine de kilomètres de Marseille, la grotte des Cèdres a fait l’objet dans les années 50 d’une première campagne de fouilles reprises en 1987 sur un témoin stratigraphique parfaitement conservé. Ces dernières ont permis de reconnaître deux niveaux d’occupation humaine de faible durée située dans un environnement frais de la fin du Pléistocène moyen. La mise en évidence d’une industrie lithique originale, la découverte du plus grand nombre de restes de Tahr (Ongulé) rissien trouvés en Europe, appartenant à une nouvelle espèce et la détermination de nouvelles sous-espèces de Rongeurs et de Lapin confèrent à ce gisement une place de première importance en Europe méditerranéenne. L’intérêt du site est encore accru par la présence d’un reste humain. Situated in South-Western Provence in the massif of Sainte-Baume, some thirty kilometres from Marseille, the Grotte des Cèdres (Var) was first excavated during the 1950s. In 1987 re-excavation took place and comprised the reexamination of conserved standing stratification. This re-examination permitted the identification of two human occupation levels, both of short periods, situated in a cool environment at the end of the Middle Pleistocene. With the identification of a new lithic industry. the discovery of the largest quantity of Tahr Rissien remains in Europe belonging to a new species, and the determination of new sub-species of Rodents and Rabbit, this site is now to be placed amongst those of major importance for the Mediterranean Europe, which is further increased by the presence of a human remain.
- Published
- 2022
36. Chapitre 2. Les activités humaines
- Author
Defleur, Alban, Giraud, Yves, and Bez, Jean‑François
- Subjects
Ursus thibetanus ,rongeur ,datation radiométrique ,Pléistocène moyen ,paléontologie ,Sud-Est de la France ,industrie lithique ,Plionys gr. episcopalis ,Archaeology ,trace de boucherie ,cenogramme ,Microtus brecciensis ,oiseau ,grotte des Cèdres ,reste humain ,Hemitragus cedrensis ,grand mammifère - Abstract
L’industrie lithique peu abondante et de facture médiocre provient essentiellement de la couche II. Taillée à partir de calcaires siliceux et de nodules de silex chailleux de l’Albien local, elle peut se définir comme un Moustérien de débitage non Levallois riche en racloirs et en denticulés. Le trop petit nombre de pièces retouchées n’a pas permis de comparaison véritable avec les ensembles moustériens de la période et de la région concernées. L’étude des surfaces osseuses a mis en évidence la présence de stries de boucherie sur les restes appartenant à l’Ours du Tibet, au Tahr, au Sanglier, au Chevreuil et au Chamois. The lithic Industry, limited in number and poor in quality, comes mostly from level II. Worked from siliceons limestone and nodules of siliceons concretion of the local Albien, the industry can be described as a non Levallois Mousterian debitage industry rich in scrapers and denticulates. The very small number of retouched pieces has not allowed a real comparison with the Mousterian assemblages of the period and the region concerned. The study of the bones’ surface showed butchering marks on remains of Ursus thibetanus, Hemitragus cedrensis, Sus scrota, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus.
- Published
- 2022
37. Chapitre 4. La faune
- Author
Crégut‑Bonnoure, Evelyne, Vilette, Philippe, Desclaux, Emmanuel, Falgueres, Christophe, Ajaja, Omar, Defleur, Alban, and Radulescu, Constantin
- Subjects
Ursus thibetanus ,rongeur ,datation radiométrique ,Pléistocène moyen ,paléontologie ,Sud-Est de la France ,industrie lithique ,Plionys gr. episcopalis ,Archaeology ,trace de boucherie ,cenogramme ,Microtus brecciensis ,oiseau ,grotte des Cèdres ,reste humain ,Hemitragus cedrensis ,grand mammifère - Abstract
Le site a livré une faune de grands Mammifères peu abondante mais bien conservée. L’étude met en évidence une association dominée par le Tahr (Hemitragus cedrensis). Les analyses conduisent à préciser la morphométrie de l’espèce et débouchent sur la question des isolats géographiques. La présence du Glouton (Gulo) et du Bœuf musqué (Ovibos) est définitivement infirmée. La liste révisée permet d’établir aux côtés du Tahr la présence de Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Ursus arctos, Ursus thibetanus ssp., Ursus spelaeus, Lynx spelaea, Felis silvestris, Equus sp., Sus scrofa, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Rangifer tarandus, Bos primigenius, Bison sp., Rupicapra rupicapra. Le Renne, élément rare des faunes provençales, suggère une détérioration climatique au sommet du remplissage, alors que la base renferme une association plus tempérée. Les résultats sont confrontés aux données actuelles de l’environnement immédiat du site qui a de nos jours un caractère relique. Les restes de Lagomorphes sont abondants et représentés par une seule espèce de Lapin. Il s’agit d’une nouvelle sous‑espèce (Oryctolagus cuniculus baumensis nov. ssp.). Les Rongeurs, plus rares, sont représentés par une association à Marmota marmota mesostyla, Apodemus sylvaticus, Pliomys gr. episcopalis, Terricola duodecimcostatus, Microtus agrestis cf. jansoni, Microtus brecciensis et Arvicola sapidus. Ces deux dernières formes appartiennent à deux nouvelles sous‑espèces : Microtus brecciensis defleuri et Arvicola sapidus aupsensis. Cette microfaune permet de placer le site dans un intervalle chronologique postérieur au remplissage d’Orgnac 3 (Orgnac‑l’Aven, Ardèche) et contemporain ou légèrement plus ancien que celui du Lazaret (Nice, Alpes‑Maritimes). L’avifaune, rare, est rapportée à cf. Alectoris graeca, Columba cf. livia, cf. Turdus torquatus, Coccothraustes coccothraustes, cf. Nucifraga caryocatactes, Garrulus glandarius, Pyrrhocorax graculus cf. vetus. L’ensemble de la faune étudié par la méthode des cénogrammes permet de reconstituer un environnement ouvert et humide. L’ensemble des données paléontologiques permet de dater le remplissage de la fin du Pléistocène moyen, attribution chronologique qui n’est pas confirmée par les datations radiométriques (datations U‑Th). The site has produced a small amount of well preserved remains of large Mammals. Analyses has brought into evidence an association dominated by wild Goat (Hermitragus cedrensis). Identification has lead to precisions concerning the morphology and size of the species and to the question of geographical isolation. The presence of Gulo and Ovibos is definitively invalidated. The revised list now allows us to establish the presence with wild goat of: Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Ursus arctos, Ursus thibetanus ssp., Ursus spelaeus, Lynx spelaea, Fells silvestris, Equus sp., Sus scrota, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Rangifer tarandus, Bos primigenius, Bison sp., Rupicapra rupicapra. Reindeer, a rare element in Provencal fauna assemblages, suggests a climatic deterioration in the higher levels, while the lower levels seal a group indicating a warmer period. These results are compared with those of the immediate environment of the site today which even now has a relic character. Remains of Lagomorphes are abundant and represented by a single species of Rabbit, a new sub‑species (Oryctolagus cuniculus baumensis nov. ssp.). Rodents, much rarer, are represented by an association of Marmota marmota mesostyla, Apodemus sylvaticus, Pliomys gr. episcopalis, Terricola duodecimcostatus, Microtus agrestis cf. jansoni, Microtus brecciensis et Arvicola sapidus. These last two species belong to a new sub‑species: Microtus brecciensis defleuri et Arvicola sapidus aupsensis. This microfauna allows us to situate the site in a chronological interval which appears to be later than the filling of Orgnac 3 (Orgnac‑l’Aven, Ardeche) and contemporary to or slightly earlier than that of Lazaret (Nice, Alpes‑Maritimes). The bird fauna, rare, is represented by cf. Alectoris graeca, Columba cf. livia, cf. Turdus torquatus, Coccothraustes coccothraustes, cf. Nucifraga caryocatactes, Garrulus glandarius, Pyrrhocorax graculus cf. vetus. The study of the fauna through the cenogramm method helps to reconstruct an open and humid environment. The paleontological evidence suggests a date at the end of the middle Pleistocene, a chronological attribution which is not confirmed by absolute dating (U‑Th dating).
- Published
- 2022
38. Chapitre 5. Synthèse des données
- Author
Defleur, Alban and Crégut‑Bonnoure, Evelyne
- Subjects
Ursus thibetanus ,rongeur ,datation radiométrique ,Pléistocène moyen ,paléontologie ,Sud-Est de la France ,industrie lithique ,Plionys gr. episcopalis ,Archaeology ,trace de boucherie ,cenogramme ,Microtus brecciensis ,oiseau ,grotte des Cèdres ,reste humain ,Hemitragus cedrensis ,grand mammifère - Abstract
La nature du matériel recueilli lors des fouilles nous permet d’attribuer la totalité des vestiges des couches V et IV à la seule activité des Carnivores alors que ceux des couches III et II peuvent être attribués à l’action combinée des Carnivores et de deux occupations humaines de très courte durée. The nature of the material recovered during excavations enables us to attribute the totality of the artefact of levels V and VI to the exclusive activity of Carnivores. That of level III and II can be attributed to the combined action of Carnivores and two human occupations of short length.
- Published
- 2022
39. Chapitre 3. L’Homme étude d’une incisive déciduale
- Author
Vandermeersch, Bernard
- Subjects
Ursus thibetanus ,rongeur ,datation radiométrique ,Pléistocène moyen ,paléontologie ,Sud-Est de la France ,industrie lithique ,Plionys gr. episcopalis ,Archaeology ,trace de boucherie ,cenogramme ,Microtus brecciensis ,oiseau ,grotte des Cèdres ,reste humain ,Hemitragus cedrensis ,grand mammifère - Abstract
Le sommet de la couche II a livré une incisive déciduale attribuable à un enfant de deux ans environ dont la morphométrie s’accorde avec celle des Néandertaliens. On the surface of level II was found a deciduous incisor of a two years old child. Following a study of its morphology and size, it has been considered of Neanderthal type.
- Published
- 2022
40. Voor U gelezen: The palaeontological and archaeological finds from the bottom of the North Sea
- Author
Dick Mol, Bert van der Valk, Dick Mol, and Bert van der Valk
- Abstract
In deze Staringia is een keur aan interessante artikelen opgenomen (11 verschillende bijdragen en een uitvoerige gezamenlijke literatuurlijst) over de zoogdierpaleontologie van zowel de land- als de zeezoogdieren, over vogels, vissen, amfibieën en reptielen, mollusken, archeologische objecten uit de steentijd, de geologie, de paleo-botanie, 14 C dateringen op en stabiele isotopen gevonden in fossiele botten.
- Published
- 2022
41. The Fossil Woman. A Life of Mary Anning, door Tom Sharpe (boekbespreking)
- Author
E.W.A. Mulder and E.W.A. Mulder
- Abstract
Biografie over Mary Anning, een bekende 19e eeuwse verzamelaar van fossielen rond het Engelse Lyme Regis.
- Published
- 2022
42. Origine, évolution et extinction de Sylviornis neocaledoniae, oiseau non-volant de Nouvelle-Calédonie
- Author
Riamon, Ségolène, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre, Planètes, Environnement (LGL-TPE), École normale supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Étienne (UJM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, Antoine Louchart, and Sébastien Steyer
- Subjects
Morphology ,Oiseaux fossiles ,Paléoprotéomique ,[SDV.BID.EVO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE] ,Paléoneuroanatomie ,Palaeoecology ,Paleontology ,Paléoécologie ,Paléontologie ,Paleoproteomics ,Fossil birds ,Paleoneuroanatomy ,[SDU.STU.PG]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Paleontology ,Sylviornithidae ,Morphologie - Abstract
Sylviornis neocaledoniae is a flightless bird present during the Holocene in New Caledonia (on the Grande-Terre and the Isle of Pines). This bird is a giant Galliformes, known since the 1980s, still very enigmatic; its ecology, its biology, its cognitive abilities are poorly known. This thesis therefore proposes to provide answers on these points in order to better understand this bird through a multidisciplinary approach, combining studies of paleontology, morphology, paleoneuranatomy, isotopic geochemistry, paleoproteomics. We were able to determine that S. neocaledoniae was a crepuscular bird with a developed sense of smell and tactile beak and visual ability suitable for low-light environments. At the same time, his diet was studied through a study of isotopic geochemistry, making it possible to conclude on a carnivorous durophage diet, based on marine and terrestrial molluscs. A paleoproteomic study has, for the first time, revealed five peptide sequences specific to S. neocaledoniae, which will help to position it phylogenetically within the Galliformes and to better understand its kinship relationships and its evolution.; Sylviornis neocaledoniae est un oiseau non-volant présent durant l'Holocène en Nouvelle-Calédonie (sur la Grande-Terre et l'Île des Pins). Cet oiseau est un Galliformes géant, connu depuis les années 1980, qui reste encore très énigmatique ; son écologie, sa biologie, ses capacités cognitives sont mal connues. Cette thèse propose donc d'apporter des réponses sur ces points afin de mieux comprendre cet oiseau grâce à une approche pluridisciplinaire, combinant des études de paléontologie, de morphologie, de paléoneuroanatomie, de géochimie isotopique, et de paléoprotéomiques. Nous avons pu déterminer que S. neocaledoniae était un oiseau crépusculaire avec un sens de lâodorat et tactile du bec développés, et une capacité visuelle adaptée aux environnements de faible luminosité. Parallèlement, son régime alimentaire a été étudié grâce à une étude de géochimie isotopique, permettant de conclure sur une alimentation carnivore durophage, basée sur des mollusques marins et terrestres. Une étude paléoprotéomique a permis, pour la première fois, de mettre en évidence cinq séquences peptidiques propre à S. neocaledoniae, qui permettront de le positionner phylogénétiquement au sein des Galliformes et de mieux comprendre ses relations de parenté et son évolution.
- Published
- 2022
43. Les restes de Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 (Carnivora, Mustelidae) du gisement Pléistocène inférieur de Montoussé 5 (Hautes-Pyrénées, France)
- Author
Camille THABARD, Jean-Baptiste FOURVEL, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (UT2J), Université de Toulouse (UT), Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe-Afrique (LAMPEA), and Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Ministère de la Culture (MC)
- Subjects
Morphology ,Pléistocène inférieur ,Palaeontology ,Paleontology ,Osteometry ,Ostéométrie ,Mustela ,Montoussé ,Paléontologie ,[SDU.STU.PG]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Paleontology ,Morphologie ,Early Pleistocene - Abstract
International audience; Remains of the weasel Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the Early Pleistocene breccia of Montoussé 5 (Hautes-Pyrénées, South-West France). The palaeontological site of Montoussé (Montoussé, Hautes-Pyrénées, France) was discovered by Édouard Harlé in 1892. Montoussé Breccia 5 is dated from the Early Pleistocene (1.2-1.5 Ma). It has yielded a large number of small to medium-sized species, including a homogeneous series and important sample of small mustelids. We provide here a morphological and metrical analysis of these 52 mustelid specimens in order to provide identification keys that differentiate the weasel Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766, the stoat Mustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758, and their fossil relatives Mustela praenivalis Kormos, 1934 and Mustela palerminea Pétenyi, 1864. The specific identifications are discussed in chrono-climatic context. These small carnivores are particularly sensitive to climatic variations and a correlation is established between their size and the environment. A better knowledge of inter- and intra-specific variability of these species could lead to making them valid paleoenvironmental markers. The study of variability in the fossil forms raises doubts about their specific value.; Le gisement paléontologique de Montoussé (Montoussé, Hautes-Pyrénées, France), découvert par Édouard Harlé en 1892, est daté du Pléistocène inférieur (1,2-1,5 Ma) pour la brèche 5. Elle renferme un grand nombre d’espèces de petite à moyenne taille, dont une série homogène et importante en terme de restes de petits mustélidés. Cet article se concentre sur leur analyse morphologique et ostéométrique à travers un corpus de 52 restes. Nous proposons ici une analyse morphologique et métrique, afin de produire des clefs d’identification discriminant la belette Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 de l’hermine Mustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758, ainsi que leurs formes fossiles respectives Mustela praenivalis Kormos, 1934 et Mustela palerminea Pétenyi, 1864. Cette identification spécifique est discutée à la lumière du contexte chrono-climatique. En effet, ces petits carnivores sont particulièrement sensibles aux variations climatiques et une corrélation est établie entre leur taille et l’environnement. Une meilleure connaissance de la variabilité inter et intraspécifique de ces espèces pourrait conduire à en faire des marqueurs paléoenvironnementaux valables. L’étude de la variabilité chez les formes anciennes remet en question leur valeur spécifique.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
SASU, Maria Iulia
- Subjects
PRESERVATION of cultural property ,NATURAL history museums - Abstract
Copyright of Acta Musei Brukenthal is the property of Brukenthal National Museum and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
45. Výstavy připravené oddělením paleontologie Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci v roce 2019.
- Author
Lehotský, Tomáš
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In 2019, many exhibitions were prepared by the paleontological department of the Regional Museum in Olomouc. The exhibitions were presented in the main museum building and also in museum institutions. Author's exhibitions include Fossils, the Archive of Life; The Trace-fossils in stones; Volcanoes in the Geological History of Moravia and Silesia. The other projects – Giants of the Ice Age and cooperation on the Venus of Věstonice exhibition. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
46. Chapitre 5. Contexte temporel : l’apport des différents supports de datation
- Author
Clottes, Jean and Geneste, Jean-Michel
- Subjects
Paléolithique supérieur ,HD ,hydrogéologie ,archéologie ,conservation ,paléontologie ,art pariétal ,paléoenvironnement ,Archaeology ,grotte Chauvet ,géomorphologie ,cartographie ,géologie ,Ardèche ,grotte ornée ,France ,Aurignacien ,SOC003000 ,géoarchéologie - Abstract
5.1. Introduction Hélène Valladas, Anita Quiles, Jean-Jacques Delannoy, Dominique Genty, Benjamin Sadier, Pierre Guibert, Jean Clottes, Jean-Michel Geneste, Julien Monney La grotte Chauvet-Pont d’Arc a fait l’objet, dès sa découverte, de plusieurs campagnes de datations vouées à déterminer les périodes de fréquentation humaine de la cavité et de réalisation des entités graphiques. On connaît l’impact international qu’ont eu les premières datations par le carbone 14 (14C) en spectrométrie de...
- Published
- 2022
47. Carte 4. Base de l’Éboulis d’Entrée
- Author
Gély, Bernard, Debard, Évelyne, Ferrier, Catherine, Delannoy, Jean-Jacques, Kervazo, Bertrand, and Philippe, Michel
- Subjects
Paléolithique supérieur ,HD ,hydrogéologie ,archéologie ,conservation ,paléontologie ,art pariétal ,paléoenvironnement ,Archaeology ,grotte Chauvet ,géomorphologie ,cartographie ,géologie ,Ardèche ,grotte ornée ,France ,Aurignacien ,SOC003000 ,géoarchéologie - Abstract
Carte intégrée des sols, Carte 4 Integrated map of the floors, Map 4 Emplacement de la Carte 4 au sein de la grotte Location of Map 4 in the cave Importance des objets d’étude en Carte 4 Relative proportions of observed objects on Map 4 Désignations et angles de prise de vue Designations and camera angles Coupe transversale AA’ Cross section AA’ Ce secteur correspond à la transition entre l’ancienne zone du porche qui était soumise aux influences extérieures (cf. supra, Carte 1 ; Carte 2...
- Published
- 2022
48. Carte 20. Salle du Fond (partie nord) et Galerie de la Sacristie
- Author
Clottes, Jean, Azéma, Marc, Baffier, Dominique, Feruglio, Valérie, Fritz, Carole, Le Guillou, Yanik, and Tosello, Gilles
- Subjects
Paléolithique supérieur ,HD ,hydrogéologie ,archéologie ,conservation ,paléontologie ,art pariétal ,paléoenvironnement ,Archaeology ,grotte Chauvet ,géomorphologie ,cartographie ,géologie ,Ardèche ,grotte ornée ,France ,Aurignacien ,SOC003000 ,géoarchéologie - Abstract
Carte intégrée des sols, Carte 20 Integrated map of the floors, Map 20 Emplacement de la Carte 20 au sein de la grotte Location of Map 20 in the cave Importance des objets d’étude en Carte 20 Relative proportions of observed objects on Map 20 Désignations et angles de prise de vue Designations and camera angles Coupe transversale AA’ Cross section AA’ La Salle du Fond marque la fin de la grotte Chauvet et une forme d’aboutissement tant dans le paysage souterrain que par les œuvres pariét...
- Published
- 2022
49. Chapitre 2. La carte intégrée des sols : principes et sémiologie
- Author
Delannoy, Jean-Jacques, Debard, Évelyne, Ferrier, Catherine, Kervazo, Bertrand, Jaillet, Stéphane, Perrette, Yves, Perroux, Anne-Sophie, and Sadier, Benjamin
- Subjects
Paléolithique supérieur ,HD ,hydrogéologie ,archéologie ,conservation ,paléontologie ,art pariétal ,paléoenvironnement ,Archaeology ,grotte Chauvet ,géomorphologie ,cartographie ,géologie ,Ardèche ,grotte ornée ,France ,Aurignacien ,SOC003000 ,géoarchéologie - Abstract
2.1. Introduction Une des premières priorités de l’équipe scientifique a été de disposer de topographies de bonne qualité (cf.supra, chapitre 1). Cette exigence était double : il s’agissait de garantir la protection tant intérieure (définition des cheminements) qu’extérieure (vulnérabilité de la zone d’entrée) de la grotte (cf. infra, chapitre 8), et de disposer d’un référentiel pour localiser les observations et les éléments majeurs de la cavité. La qualité sémiologique des premiers document...
- Published
- 2022
50. Carte 12 bis. Galerie Rouzaud
- Author
Delannoy, Jean-Jacques
- Subjects
Paléolithique supérieur ,HD ,hydrogéologie ,archéologie ,conservation ,paléontologie ,art pariétal ,paléoenvironnement ,Archaeology ,grotte Chauvet ,géomorphologie ,cartographie ,géologie ,Ardèche ,grotte ornée ,France ,Aurignacien ,SOC003000 ,géoarchéologie - Abstract
Carte intégrée des sols, Carte 12 bis Integrated map of the floors, Map 12 bis Emplacement de la Carte 12 bis au sein de la grotte. Location of Map 12 bis in the cave Désignations et angles de prise de vue. Designations and camera angles Dans le prolongement nord de la Galerie des Panneaux Rouges, la Galerie Rouzaud présente un paysage souterrain singulier tant par sa géométrie que par l’imbrication des remplissages qui y sont présents. Au fur et à mesure du cheminement, la galerie perd pr...
- Published
- 2022
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