This study examines strategies implemented by UAE schools to enhance Emirati student achievement while fostering a strong sense of national identity and cultural heritage. Guided by the UAE 2015 School Inspection Framework, which emphasizes essential elements of quality education and social and cultural understanding, this research explores how schools balance academic rigor with cultural identity reinforcement. The study analyzed inspection reports from nine diverse UAE schools, using a mixed-methods approach that combined quantitative data on Emirati student performance in Arabic, Islamic Studies, and Social Studies with qualitative data on school-based cultural initiatives. Quantitative findings revealed that student achievement ratings across these subjects were consistently high, suggesting that culturally integrative practices positively impact Emirati student performance across disciplines. The qualitative analysis identified three primary strategies for promoting cultural identity: curriculum integration, community engagement, and parental involvement. Schools that embedded UAE cultural themes into the curriculum, organized community events, and actively involved parents in cultural activities demonstrated higher levels of student engagement and academic success. Statistical tests, including ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis H-tests, confirmed that these strategies produced uniform positive effects across subjects, highlighting the effectiveness of a holistic approach to cultural education. These findings have important implications for UAE educational policy, suggesting that schools benefit from policies that support curriculum adaptations, community-based learning, and parent-school partnerships. The study recommends expanding professional development for teachers on culturally responsive teaching, increasing funding for community engagement initiatives, and refining curriculum standards to emphasize cultural themes. By fostering a strong connection to heritage, UAE schools not only support academic achievement but also contribute to the broader national vision of developing globally competent, culturally rooted citizens.