15 results on '"powerful HF radio wave"'
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2. Features of artificial ionosphere turbulence induced by the O- and X-mode HF heating near the F2-layer critical frequency
- Author
Borisova T. D., Blagoveshchenskaya N. F., and Kalishin A. S.
- Subjects
high-latitude ionosphere ,f-region ,powerful hf radio wave ,electric field ,electron density enhancement ,langmuir wave ,ion-acoustic wave ,incoherent scatter radar ,eiscat ,Astrophysics ,QB460-466 - Abstract
We present experimental results from the studies of large-scale inhomogeneities along the external magnetic field with increased electron density, electron temperature, and excitation of elongated plasma waves (Langmuir and ion-acoustic), induced by the ordinary (O-mode) and extraordinary (X-mode) HF heating near the F2-layer critical frequency, in the high-latitude ionospheric F-region. The experiments have been carried out at the EISCAT/Heating facility (Tromsø, Norway). Powerful HF radio waves radiated towards the magnetic zenith through a step change in the effective radiated power at frequencies fH near and below the F2-layer critical frequency fₒF2. The EISCAT incoherent scatter radar (930 MHz), co-located with the EISCAT/Heating facility, was utilized for diagnostics of ionospheric modification effects. We calculated the electric field of a powerful HF radio wave near the reflection altitude, taking into account the non-deflective absorption along the propagation path. We determined the conditions for electric field generation and its threshold (minimum) values required for electron density enhancements in a wide altitude range, excitation of Langmuir and ion-acoustic plasma waves under fH~fₒF2 and fH
- Published
- 2023
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3. Simultaneous Action of X- and O-Mode HF Pump Waves on the High-Latitude Upper (F-Region) Ionosphere at EISCAT
- Author
Nataly Blagoveshchenskaya, Tatiana Borisova, Alexey Kalishin, Ivan Egorov, Tim Yeoman, and Ingemar Haggstrom
- Subjects
powerful HF radio wave ,high latitude ionosphere ,nonlinear process ,instability ,plasma waves ,stimulated electromagnetic emission ,Elementary particle physics ,QC793-793.5 - Abstract
We report experimental results from multi-instrument diagnostic tools related to phenomena in the high latitude ionosphere F-region, induced by the simultaneous action of powerful extraordinary (X-mode) and ordinary (O-mode) polarized HF radio waves at EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATter) during magnetically quiet background geophysical conditions. HF pump waves were injected towards the magnetic zenith at a frequency of 5.423 MHz, which was just below the critical frequency of the F2 layer when the excitation of X- and O-mode phenomena was possible. In the course of the experiment, the effective radiated power (ERP) of the X-mode wave was 130.5 MW, while the portion of the O-mode ERP was 29.9 MW (about 20% of the full ERP). It was found that simultaneous action of the X- and O-mode pump waves lead to the excitation of effects typical for both X- and O-mode HF pump waves. Namely, the excitation of small-scale field-aligned irregularities due to the thermal parametric (resonance) instability and a downshifted maximum (DM) component in the wideband stimulated electromagnetic emission (WSEE) spectra, typical for the O-mode HF pumping, was observed, together with multiple ion gyro-harmonic structures in the narrowband stimulated electromagnetic emission (NSEE) spectra. These latter results were recorded at a large (more than 1000 km) distance from the EISCAT/heating facility, typical only for an X-mode HF pumping. The results obtained are compared with “pure” O-mode heating and discussed in detail.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Пороговые мощности волны накачки при Ои Х нагреве с частотой близкой критической частоте слоя F2 и гирогармонике электронов при возбуждении плазменных волн
- Subjects
Высокоширотная ионосфера ,EISCAT ,ленгмюровская волна ,Langmuir wave ,powerful HF radio wave ,incoherent scatter ,ионно-акустическая волна ,ion-acoustic wave ,High latitude ionosphere ,электрическое поле ,радар некогерентного рассеяния радиоволн ,мощная КВ радиоволна ,electric field - Abstract
Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований возбуждения продольных плазменных волн (ленгмюровских и ионно-акустических) в высокоширотной F области ионосферы, вызванных воздействием мощных КВ радиоволн обыкновенной (О-мода) или необыкновенной (Х-мода) поляризации. Частота излучения комплекса fH EISCAT/Heating (г. Тромсе, Норвегия) была близка критической частоте слоя F2 fH ~ foF2 и частоте гирорезонанса электронов fH ~ nfce. Определены пороговые (минимальные) значения электрического поля волны накачки, необходимые для возбуждения плазменных (ленгмюровских) ЕionPL и ионно-акустических ЕionIL волн., We present experimental results related to the studies of the excitation of elongated plasma waves (Langmuir and ion-acoustic) in the high latitude ionosphere F-region induced by the ordinary (Omode) and extraordinary (X-mode) HF heating near the critical frequency of the F2 layer and electron gyroresonance frequency. Experiments have been carried out at the EISCAT/Heating facility located near Tromsø by using the power stepping of effective radiated power. The threshold values of the electric field required for the excitation of Langmuir and ion-acoustic plasma waves, were determined.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Пороги возбуждения узкополосного искусственного радиоизлучения ионосферы при Х-нагреве стенда EISCAT/Heating
- Subjects
narrowband stimulated electromagnetic emission ,high-latitude ionosphere ,powerful HF radio wave ,heating facility ,мощная КВ радиоволна ,узкополосное искусственное радиоизлучение ионосферы ,нагревной комплекс ,высокоширотная ионосфера - Abstract
Выполнена оценка порогов возбуждения и анализ зависимости спектральных характеристик узкополосного искусственного радиоизлучения ионосферы (УИРИ) от напряженности электрического поля волны накачки необыкновенной поляризации (Х-мода) стенда EISCAT/Heating. Регистрация УИРИ выполнялась в двух пунктах: Ленинградской и Мурманской областях на расстоянии 1140 и 660 км, соответственно. Выполнены расчеты напряженности электрического поля мощной КВ-радиоволны вблизи высоты отражения с учетом неотклоняющего поглощения. Определены пороговые (минимальные) значения электрического поля, необходимые для возбуждения УИРИ., Assessment of the excitation threshold and the dependence of the narrowband SEE spectrum upon electric field strength of the extraordinary polarized (X-mode) high power HF wave are made. The narrowband SEE was registered in two places: Lenigradskaya oblast and Murmanskaya oblast. The distance between the narrowband SEE source and receiver in Lenigradskaya oblast was 1140 km. The distance between the narrowband SEE source and receiver in Murmanskaya oblast was 660 km. There were also calculations made of electric field strength of high power HF wave nearby reflection point height, taking into account non-deviation absorption. The threshold (min.) values of the electric field strength required for the narrowband SEE excitation have been determined.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Влияние ширины диаграммы направленности антенны КВ нагревного стенда EISCAT/Heating на характеристики искусственных возмущений в высокоширотной верхней ионосфере (F-область)
- Subjects
продольные плазменные волны ,elongated plasma waves ,искусственные неоднородности ,powerful HF radio wave ,incoherent scatter radar ,радар некогерентного рассеяния радиоволн ,artificial irregularity ,мощная КВ радиоволна ,высокоширотная ионосфера ,high latitude ionosphere - Abstract
Представлены результаты исследований влияния ширины диаграммы направленности антенны КВ нагревного стенда EISCAT/Heating на характеристики явлений в высокоширотной верхней (F-область) ионосфере, вызванных воздействием мощных КВ радиоволн необыкновенной (Х-мода) поляризации. Выполнено сравнение характеристик мелкомасштабных искусственных ионосферных неоднородностей, электронной концентрации и температуры, ленгмюровских и ионно-акустических плазменных волн, а также узкополосного (в полосе ± 1кГц относительно частоты нагрева) искусственного радиоизлучения ионосферы при излучении мощной КВ радиоволны на фазированные антенные решетки с шириной 5 6° и 10 12° (на уровне – 3 дБ)., The results of investigations of the influence of the HF antenna beam width of EISCAT/Heating facility on characteristics of artificial disturbances in the high latitude upper (F-region) ionosphere induced by the powerful extraordinary (X-mode) polarized HF radio waves are presented. The comparison between features of artificial field-aligned irregularities, electron density and temperatures, Langmuir and ion-acoustic plasma waves, and narrowband (± 1кHz from the heater frequency) stimulated electromagnetic emission induced by HF pumping on the phased Arrays with the beam width of 5 6° и 10 12° (at – 3 dB level is performed.
- Published
- 2023
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7. Характеристики узкополосного искусственного радиоизлучения ионосферы при воздействии КВ радиоволн обыкновенной и необыкновенной поляризации
- Subjects
field-aligned artificial irregularities ,narrowband stimulated electromagnetic emission ,polarization ,high-latitude ionosphere ,поляризация ,powerful HF radio wave ,мощная КВ радиоволна ,мелкомасштабные искусственные неоднородности ионосферы ,electron density ,узкополосное искусственное радиоизлучение ионосферы ,концентрация электронов ,высокоширотная ионосфера - Abstract
Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований характеристик спектров узкополосного искусственного радиоизлучения ионосферы, вызванных воздействием мощных КВ радиоволн обыкновенной (О-мода) и необыкновенной (Х-мода) поляризации. Исследования выполнялись по данным дистанционных наблюдений излучения КВ нагревного стенда EISCAT/Heating (г. Тромсе, Норвегия). Рассмотрены характеристики спектров искусственного радиоизлучения при частоте нагрева выше критической частоты слоя F2., We present experimental results related to the investigation of the spectral structure of the narrowband stimulated electromagnetic emission in the high latitude ionosphere F-region induced by ordinary (O-mode) and extraordinary polarized (X-mode) powerful HF radio waves depending on а ratio of a pump wave frequency to F2-layer critical frequency.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Условия генерации и характеристики каналов повышенной электронной плотности в высокоширотной F-области ионосферы, вызванных воздействием мощных КВ радиоволн необыкновенной поляризации
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polarization ,high-latitude ionosphere ,электронная плотность ,радар некогерентного рассеяния радиоволн ,powerful HF radio wave ,поляризации ,duct ,мощная КВ радиоволна ,electron density ,канал ,incoherent scatter radar ,высокоширотная ионосфера - Abstract
Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований условий генерации и характеристик каналов (дактов) повышенной электронной плотности в F-области высокоширотной ионосферы, вызванных воздействием мощных КВ радиоволн необыкновенной (Х-мода) поляризации. Исследования выполнялись по данным радара некогерентного рассеяния радиоволн, пространственно совмещенного с КВ нагревным стендом EISCAT/Heating (г. Тромсе, Норвегия). Рассмотрены характеристики каналов для различных частот нагрева (от 5.4 до 8 МГц) и отношений частоты нагрева к критической частоте слоя F2., We present results of investigations of features and generation conditions of ducts with enhanced electron density in the high latitude ionospheric F-region induced by extraordinary polarized HF pump wave. Experiments were carried out at the EISCAT/Heating facility at Tromsø, Norway, by using the incoherent scatter radar co-located with the heating facility. Features of ducts were analyzed for different pump frequencies (from 5.4 to 8 MHz) and ratios of the pump frequency to the critical frequency of the F2 layer.
- Published
- 2022
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9. Условия генерации и характеристики каналов повышенной электронной плотности в высокоширотной F-области ионосферы, вызванных воздействием мощных КВ радиоволн необыкновенной поляризации
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polarization ,high-latitude ionosphere ,электронная плотность ,радар некогерентного рассеяния радиоволн ,powerful HF radio wave ,incoherent scatter radar ,поляризации ,duct ,мощная КВ радиоволна ,electron density ,канал ,высокоширотная ионосфера - Abstract
характеристик каналов (дактов) повышенной электронной плотности в F-области высокоширотной ионосферы, вызванных воздействием мощных КВ радиоволн необыкновенной (Х-мода) поляризации. Исследования выполнялись по данным радара некогерентного рассеяния радиоволн, пространственно совмещенного с КВ нагревным стендом EISCAT/Heating (г. Тромсе, Норвегия). Рассмотрены характеристики каналов для различных частот нагрева (от 5.4 до 8 МГц) и отношений частоты нагрева к критической частоте слоя F2., We present results of investigations of features and generation conditions of ducts with enhanced electron density in the high latitude ionospheric F-region induced by extraordinary polarized HF pump wave. Experiments were carried out at the EISCAT/Heating facility at Tromsø, Norway, by using the incoherent scatter radar co-located with the heating facility. Features of ducts were analyzed for different pump frequencies (from 5.4 to 8 MHz) and ratios of the pump frequency to the critical frequency of the F2 layer.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Характеристики искусственной ионосферной турбулентности в высокоширотной верхней (F-область) ионосфере при воздействии мощными КВ радиоволнами
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мощность излучения ,high-latitude ionosphere ,experiment ,powerful HF radio wave ,turbulence ,radiated power ,эксперимент ,мощная КВ радиоволна ,турбулентность ,высокоширотная ионосфера - Abstract
Выполнен анализ характеристик, особенностей эволюции во времени и порогов возбуждения искусственной ионосферной турбулентности в F-области высокоширотной ионосферы мощными КВ радиоволнами нагревного стенда EISCAT/Heating (г. Тромсе, Норвегия). В период экспериментов нагревной стенд излучал на фиксированных частотах в диапазоне fH = 5.4 8.0 МГц при высоких эффективных мощностях излучения (Рэфф > 250 МВт). Проведено сравнение эффектов, возникающих при Ои Х-нагреве F-области высокоширотной ионосферы., The analysis of features, temporal evolution and excitation thresholds for the HF-induced turbulence in the high latitude ionospheric F-region has been carried out. The EISCAT/Heating facility at Tromsø, Norway was used for the ionospheric modification. In the course of experiments it run at high pump frequencies in the range fH = 5.4 8.0 MHz under high effective radiated power (Рeff > 250 MW). The comparison between effects induced by the ordinary (O-mode) and extraordinary (X-mode) polarized HF pump waves in the high latitude ionosphere F-region was made.
- Published
- 2021
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11. Simultaneous Action of X- and O-Mode HF Pump Waves on the High-Latitude Upper (F -Region) Ionosphere at EISCAT.
- Author
Blagoveshchenskaya, Nataly, Borisova, Tatiana, Kalishin, Alexey, Egorov, Ivan, Yeoman, Tim, and Haggstrom, Ingemar
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IONOSPHERIC observations , *ZENITH distance , *PLASMA waves , *ELECTROMAGNETIC radiation , *NONLINEAR analysis - Abstract
We report experimental results from multi-instrument diagnostic tools related to phenomena in the high latitude ionosphere F-region, induced by the simultaneous action of powerful extraordinary (X-mode) and ordinary (O-mode) polarized HF radio waves at EISCAT (European Incoherent SCATter) during magnetically quiet background geophysical conditions. HF pump waves were injected towards the magnetic zenith at a frequency of 5.423 MHz, which was just below the critical frequency of the F2 layer when the excitation of X- and O-mode phenomena was possible. In the course of the experiment, the effective radiated power (ERP) of the X-mode wave was 130.5 MW, while the portion of the O-mode ERP was 29.9 MW (about 20% of the full ERP). It was found that simultaneous action of the X- and O-mode pump waves lead to the excitation of effects typical for both X- and O-mode HF pump waves. Namely, the excitation of small-scale field-aligned irregularities due to the thermal parametric (resonance) instability and a downshifted maximum (DM) component in the wideband stimulated electromagnetic emission (WSEE) spectra, typical for the O-mode HF pumping, was observed, together with multiple ion gyro-harmonic structures in the narrowband stimulated electromagnetic emission (NSEE) spectra. These latter results were recorded at a large (more than 1000 km) distance from the EISCAT/heating facility, typical only for an X-mode HF pumping. The results obtained are compared with "pure" O-mode heating and discussed in detail. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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12. Artificial field-aligned irregularities in the nightside auroral ionosphere
- Author
Blagoveshchenskaya, N.F., Borisova, T.D., Kornienko, V.A., Leyser, T.B., Rietveld, M.T., and Thidé, B.
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IONOSPHERE , *RADIO frequency , *UPPER air temperature distribution , *ATMOSPHERIC thermodynamics - Abstract
Abstract: Experimental results from two Tromsø HF heating experiments in the nightside high latitudinal F region are examined. Bi-static scatter measurements of HF diagnostic signals were carried out on the London–Tromsø–St. Petersburg and Pori–Tromsø–St. Petersburg paths using a Doppler spectral method. The properties and behaviour of artificial field-aligned small-scale irregularities (striations) in the nightside high latitudinal F-region in course of the Tromsø ionospheric modification experiments are studied. Experimental studies have been performed by the use of phased array 1 with a beamwidth of 6° instead of 12–14° in phased array 2, more often used in Tromsø ionospheric modification experiments. The comparison between two experiments carried out in the same background geophysical conditions, shows the strongest striations in the field-aligned position of the heater beam. Possible explanation for this angular dependence is self-focusing of HF pump waves on striations causing the energy to be distributed asymmetrically. A principal question related to HF heating experiments is how is the disturbed auroral ionosphere modified. The results obtained on two paths simultaneously have shown that the strong heater-induced striations were observed along with natural ones. Velocities of heater-induced striations were quite different at different parts of the heated volume. It is suggested that the heater-induced striations can be grouped in two patches at different heights possibly due to the temperature-gradient-driven instability. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2006
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13. Artificial field-aligned irregularities in the nightside auroral ionosphere
- Author
Blagoveshchenskaya, N. F., Borlsova, T. D., Kornienko, V. A., Leyser, Thomas, Rietveld, M. T., Thidé, Bo, Blagoveshchenskaya, N. F., Borlsova, T. D., Kornienko, V. A., Leyser, Thomas, Rietveld, M. T., and Thidé, Bo
- Abstract
Experimental results from two Tromso HF heating experiments in the nightside high latitudinal F region are examined. Bi-static scatter measurements of HF diagnostic signals were carried out on the London-Tromso-St. Petersburg and Pori-Tromso-St. Petersburg paths using a Doppler spectral method. The properties and behaviour of artificial field-aligned small-scale irregularities (striations) in the nightside high latitudinal F-region in course of the Tromso ionospheric modification experiments are studied. Experimental studies have been performed by the use of phased array I with a beamwidth of 6 degrees instead of 12-14 degrees in phased array 2, more often used in Tromso ionospheric modification experiments. The comparison between two experiments carried out in the same background geophysical conditions, shows the strongest striations in the field-aligned position of the heater beam. Possible explanation for this angular dependence is self-focusing of HF pump waves on striations causing the energy to be distributed asymmetrically. A principal question related to HF heating experiments is how is the disturbed auroral ionosphere modified. The results obtained on two paths simultaneously have shown that the strong heater-induced striations were observed along with natural ones. Velocities of heater-induced striations were quite different at different parts of the heated volume. It is suggested that the heater-induced striations can be grouped in two patches at different heights possibly due to the temperature-gradient-driven instability.
- Published
- 2006
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- Author
Калишин А.С., Благовещенская Н.Ф., Борисова Т.Д., Йоман Т., Калишин А.С., Благовещенская Н.Ф., Борисова Т.Д., and Йоман Т.
- Abstract
Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований характеристик узкополосного искусственного радиоизлучения ионосферы (УИРИ) при воздействии на высокоширотную верхнюю ионосферу мощных КВ радиоволн необыкновенной поляризации нагревного комплекса EISCAT/Heating в г. Тромсе, Норвегия. Выполнен анализ условий возбуждения и спектральных характеристик УИРИ в зависимости от частоты нагрева и угла излучения волны накачки., We present experimental results concerning the investigations of the features of the narrowband stimulated electromagnetic emission (NSEE) in the high latitude upper ionosphere induced by the extraordinary polarized powerful HF radio waves from the EISCAT/Heating facility at Tromsø, Norway. The analysis of the generation conditions and spectral features of the NSEE depending on the heater frequency and the HF pump wave radiation angle is made.
- Author
Благовещенская Н.Ф., Борисова Т.Д., Калишин А.С., Хаггстрем И., Йоман Т., Благовещенская Н.Ф., Борисова Т.Д., Калишин А.С., Хаггстрем И., and Йоман Т.
- Abstract
Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований времени развития и пороговых мощностей возбуждения ленгмюровской и ионно-акустической турбулентностей в высокоширотной верхней ионосфере при воздействии мощными КВ радиоволнами необыкновенной поляризации (комплекс EISCAT/Heating в г. Тромсе, Норвегия). Выполнено сравнение характеристик турбулентностей, вызванных воздействием волны накачки необыкновенной и обыкновенной поляризаций., Experimental results concerning the evolution in time and thresholds of excitation of the Langmuir and ion-acoustic turbulences in the high latitude upper ionosphere induced by the extraordinary polarized HF pump waves from the EISCAT/Heating facility at Tromsø, Norway, are presented. The comparison between the turbulence features under the action of HF pump waves with the extraordinary and ordinary polarization is made.
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