411 results on '"právnická osoba"'
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2. Právnická osoba ako poškodený subjekt v trestnom konaní a jej súhlas poškodeného.
- Author
Mihálik, Stanislav
- Subjects
LEGAL liability ,CRIMINAL procedure ,CRIMINAL law ,CRIMINAL liability ,COMPARATIVE method - Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
3. Porovnanie slovenskej a českej právnej úpravy trestnej zodpovednosti právnických osôb.
- Author
Korček, Filip
- Abstract
Copyright of Projustice is the property of Business Intelligence Club, o.z. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
4. Odpovědnost za jednání s péčí řádného hospodáře z pohledu teorií právnických osob
- Author
Lucie Novotná Krtoušová
- Subjects
Člen statutárního orgánu ,odpovědnost ,péče řádného hospodáře ,právnická osoba ,zastoupení. ,Law - Abstract
Občanský zákoník obsahuje povinnost člena statutárního orgánu jednat při výkonu funkce s péčí řádného hospodáře a s jejím porušením spojuje mimo jiné povinnost nahradit právnické osobě škodu způsobenou při výkonu funkce. Cílem tohoto článku je zodpovědět otázku, zda členové statutárních orgánů právnických osob odpovídají za jednání s péčí řádného hospodáře objektivně nebo subjektivně. Skutečnost, zda bude odpovědnost členů statutárních orgánů právnických osob chápána jako subjektivní či objektivní, je rozhodná z hlediska posouzení kritérií, na jejichž základě tyto osoby budou či nebudou povinny k náhradě škody. Autorka nejdříve připomíná právní úpravu odpovědnosti členů statutárních orgánů obchodních společností před rekodifikací soukromého práva, která je potřebná pro pochopení jádra současného sporu o koncepci odpovědnosti, a diskutuje dopady rekodifikace soukromého práva do oblasti právní úpravy postavení členů statutárních orgánů a jejich odpovědnosti. Autorka zastává tezi, že pro vyřešení problému konstrukce soukromoprávní odpovědnosti za jednání s péčí řádného hospodáře je třeba se nejdříve zabývat otázkami, jak právnická osoba jedná, jak je jednání právnické osoby ovlivněno teoriemi právnických osob a jakým způsobem se teorie právnických osob projevují v platné právní úpravě, proto věnuje pozornost teoriím právnické osoby a jejich současnému nahlížení. Na tomto teoretickém základě se pak zabývá recentními rozporuplnými názory doktríny a judikatury na povahu zastoupení právnické osoby členem statutárního orgánu a odpovědnosti za jednání s péčí řádného hospodáře.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
- Subjects
LEGAL liability ,CRIMINAL liability ,CRIMINAL procedure ,CONFLICT of interests ,WITNESSES ,RIGHTS - Abstract
The criminal liability of legal person is connected with many problems. The problem of acting on behalf of company in criminal proceedings is very topical especially if the statutory representative is in conflict of interest. The article looks just their conflict of interest if they and their company are in position of accused or a witness. The work tried to offer such an interpretation that takes into account the purpose of criminal proceedings and the right to defense. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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- Subjects
This article deals with the institute of liberation, that is, exempting a legal person from a liability for a misdemeanor in the event of a breach of law, but the offender has made every effort to avoid this, the purpose of which is to mitigate the consequences of strict strict liability. It is pointed out that this is a measure which can be taken into account only in exceptional cases, and any demonstration of the existence of such reasons lies with the accused of the offense. Attention is focused on cases where the law excludes liberation and under which circumstances it may be considered. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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7. Komparace daně z příjmů fyzických a právnických osob ve vybraných zemích EU
- Author
Šmíd, Martin, Festová, Lucie, Šmíd, Martin, and Festová, Lucie
- Abstract
Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na porovnání daně z příjmů fyzických a právnických osob v České republice, na Slovensku a v Rakousku. V rámci daně z příjmů se jedná konkrétně o zdanění příjmů ze samostatné činnosti. Teoretická část se zabývá popisem daňových soustav vybraných zemí a podrobně popisuje problematiku daně z příjmů fyzických a právnických osob v České republice, na Slovensku a v Rakousku. V praktické části je provedena analýza jednotlivých systémů zdaňování příjmů formou praktických příkladů, které mají ukázat dopady daňového zatížení na osoby samostatně výdělečně činné jako daňového poplatníka a právnické osoby. Příklady mají poukázat na nejvýraznější rozdíly ve zdaňování příjmů mezi těmito srovnávanými zeměmi., This bachelor's thesis focuses on the comparison of personal and corporate income tax in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria. In the context of income tax, this is specifically the taxation of income from independent activities. The theoretical part deals with the description of the tax systems of selected countries and describes in detail the issue of personal and corporate income tax in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria. In the practical part, an analysis of individual income tax systems is carried out in the form of practical examples to show the effects of the tax burden on the self-employed as a taxpayer and legal entities. Examples are to highlight the most striking differences in income taxation between these comparison countries, Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka představila svou bakalářskou práci a pokusila se zodpovědět otázku položenou vedoucím práce. Tedy proč neprováděla komparaci pomocí procent. K tomuto dotazu vedoucího, ale i komise nebyla schopna studentka odpovědět. Komise shledala v bakalářské práci řadu nedostatků, a proto se rozhodla ohodnotit bakalářskou práci totožně jako vedoucí práce., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2023
8. Criminal Proceedings against Legal Entities
- Author
Andree, Jean, Pelc, Vladimír, and Vokoun, Rudolf
- Subjects
criminal procedure ,právnická osoba ,trestní řízení ,trestní právo procesní ,criminal proceedings ,legal entity - Abstract
Criminal proceedings against legal entities Abstract Criminal lability of legal entities and criminal proceedings against them are still relatively new concepts to the Czech law and their interpretation and application causes numerous issues. Questions and debates are caused both by the wording of the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings Against Them, as well as the extent and manner of application of the general legislation, i.e., in the procedural matters the Act No. 141/1961 Coll., on the Criminal Proceedings (the Code of Criminal Procedure). The aim of this thesis is to analyze legislature regarding the procedural part of criminal proceedings against legal entities lex lata, assess the rationality and quality of solutions adapted, point out some of the interpretation issues and eventually propose possible solutions lex ferenda. The thesis is divided into two main parts - general part and specifics of criminal proceedings against legal entities (special part). In the first part, the author introduces basic legal and jurisprudential frame regarding the problematics of legal entities, criminal proceedings, and criminal proceedings against legal entities. In the second part, which is the merit of this work, he then focuses on specific institutes and procedures...
- Published
- 2023
9. Může být právnická osoba svéprávná?
- Author
Beran, Karel
- Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
10. Osoba v právu z hlediska Vídeňské a Brněnské právní školy
- Author
Karel Beran
- Subjects
Osoba ,personifikovaný soubor norem ,bod přičitatelnosti ,právnická osoba ,přirozená osoba ,Brněnská právní škola ,Law - Abstract
Cílem článku je popsat přístup čisté právní vědy k osobě jako personifikovanému souboru právních norem. Z toho důvodu je třeba též vysvětlit přístup právního normativismu k subjektivnímu právu jako k právní normě. Právní normativismus bývá často ztotožňován s Vídeňskou školou a zejména se jménem Hanse Kelsena. Proto je dalším cílem tohoto článku ukázat, že i Brněnská škola, jmenovitě pak František Weyr ale zejména i prakticky neznámý český normativista Josef Slezák přinesla k otázce osoby v právu mnoho originálních a důležitých poznatků.
- Published
- 2017
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11. Praxe finančního úřadu při ukončení činnosti právnických osob
- Author
Šmíd, Martin, Votkeová, Dita, Šmíd, Martin, and Votkeová, Dita
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na různé formy ukončení činnosti obchodních společností. Převážná část je věnována zrušení právnické osoby s likvidací. V závěrečné části práce je provedena analýza vybraných judikátů a na několika právnických osobách je prezentován pohled na správní praxi., The bachelor thesis focused on the various forms of termination of business companies. The major part discusses the dissolution of the legal entity with liquidation. In the final part of the thesis, an analysis of selected case law is performed and a view of administrative practice is presented on several legal entities., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Bakalantka přednesla obhajobu své závěrečné práce s názvem Praxe finančního úřadu při ukončení činnosti právnických osob. Otázky k obhajobě: O1: Na straně 46 uvádíte doporučení pro likvidátora, které by mohlo vést ke zjednodušení administrativního procesu. Máte (aspoň hrubou) představu, nakolik by toto doporučení mohlo skutečně snížit zátěž finančních úřadů (jaký podíl představují řízení, u nichž by nebylo nutné žádat o souhlas s výmazem správce daně)? O2: Seznámila jste finanční úřad s Vaší prací? Využije finanční úřad nějakým způsobem výsledky Vaší práce? Bakalantka odpověděla na otázky stanovené v posudku vedoucího bakalářské práce., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2022
- Author
- Abstract
The aim of this article is to answer the question why we do not need "a man" in the legislative definition of a physical person. The author shows that in the Czech legal order we can identify two different possible approaches how to define according to the law what should be understood as a physical person. The first concept is based on a man to whom belong obligations and rights, while the latter concept is based on the ability to be a bearer of rights and obligations which belong not to a man, but to a physical or juristic person. The author believes that the second construction of a person is based on the pure legal science, which influenced precisely the construction of a person contained in the Civil Code of 1964 -- this definition did not need "a man" to define the concept of a person. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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- Abstract
International Obligations of the Czech Republic to Introduce Criminal Liability of Legal Persons This paper deals with the Czech Republic's commitments connected with the requirement to establish the criminal liability of legal persons, arising from international agreements and legislation of European Union. The author analyzes various international and European documents, and also evaluates the fulfillment of its obligations under these documents before and after the moment, when the Czech Republic adopted the law on criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them. Finally, chapter gives the summary of international documents and legal acts of the European Union, in which the requirement to establish the criminal liability of legal persons for signatory states or Member States is enshrined. The paper also reflects recent changes in Czech counter terrorism legislation and its concordance with the international obligations of the Czech Republic. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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14. Ústavní hodnoty a autonomie vůle v právním jednání v soukromém právu
- Author
Pavel Ondřejek
- Subjects
právní jednání ,hodnoty v právu ,poměřování ,horizontální účinky základních práv ,právnická osoba ,Law - Abstract
Článek analyzuje horizontální působení základních práv na základě strukturální analýzy souboru hodnot a systémových, případně protisystémových elementů v právu. Dotýká se tak relevance dichotomie soukromého a veřejného práva, kterou popisuje na kauze přípustnosti bankovních poplatků, jejíž řešení v českém a německém právu se podstatně lišilo. Přijmeme-li jako východisko ústřední roli právních principů a hodnot v současném právu a rozšíříme-li Jestaedtovu tezi o ústavě „za“ (psanou) ústavou na obecnější myšlenku existence práva v podobě nepsaných normativních standardů na pozadí psaného práva, pak naznačený konflikt mezi smluvní autonomií a základními právy je nutné vnímat šířeji: nejen jako konflikt pozitivněprávních úprav v ústavě a zákonech soukromého práva, ale i fundamentálních zásad a hodnot v obou těchto právních odvětvích.
- Published
- 2016
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15. Krátké zamyšlení nad dvěma úskalími uplatnění, přiznání a následného vymáhání nároku poškozeného
- Author
Jolana Sedláčková
- Subjects
poškozený ,insolvenční řízení ,náhrada škody ,adhezní řízení ,trestní řízení ,právnická osoba ,Law - Abstract
Autorka se ve svém článku zaměřuje na praktické aspekty uplatnění a přiznání náhrady škody poškozeným v rámci adhezního řízení a následné vymáhání práv a nároků poškozeného (věřitele) vůči odsouzenému (dlužníkovi), který se nachází v úpadku. Problematiku popisuje na vzorovém případu insolvenčního řízení formou oddlužení a možnosti uplatnění nároku na náhradu škody v trestním řízení s ohledem na paralelně probíhající řízení insolvenční.
- Published
- 2016
16. Liability of legal entity for an administrative delict
- Author
Bazsová, Melinda, Prášková, Helena, and Adamec, Martin
- Subjects
přechod odpovědnosti ,attributability ,legal person ,právní nástupce ,přičitatelnost ,právnická osoba ,přestupek ,transfer of liability ,odpovědnost za přestupky ,liability for administrative delicts ,successor in title ,administrative delict - Abstract
The topic of this Master's thesis is the liability of legal entities for administrative delicts. With the adoption of Act No. 250/2016 Coll., on liability for administrative delicts and the proceedings thereon, the legal regulation of administrative delicts and misdemeanours has been unified under a single category, which is misdemeanours. This legislation thus includes both the regulation of delicts committed by natural persons and the regulation of delicts committed by legal persons. The aim of this thesis is to explain the prerequisites for the liability of legal persons for misdemeanours with regard to the specific nature of legal persons and to point out the close connection between the provisions of civil law (in particular the Civil Code) and the legal regulation of the liability of legal persons for misdemeanours under the Misdemeanours Act. The first chapter briefly introduces the sources of legal regulation of administrative punishment in general. The second chapter deals with the regulation of legal persons contained in private law, taking into account the liability of legal persons for offences. It analyses the status issues of legal persons, as well as the individual conceptual features of legal persons and addresses the issue of attributability of acts of natural persons to legal...
- Published
- 2022
17. Defence of a legal person in criminal proceedings and issues related to the defence
- Author
Kalousová, Simona, Jelínek, Jiří, and Šelleng, Dalibor
- Subjects
defence ,obhajoba ,Criminal law ,právnická osoba ,trestní řízení ,criminal proceedings ,Trestní právo ,legal entity - Abstract
Defence of a legal person in criminal proceedings and issues related to the defence Abstract The rigorous thesis deals with the definition of problems of the procedural part of the law on criminal liability of legal persons and related problems arising from the Criminal Procedure Code. Problems related to the criminal liability of legal persons appear in the Czech legislation and in the legislation of other countries of the continental legal culture mainly due to the adoption of the institute from the Anglo-American legal culture. The Czech legal system was based on the criminal liability of natural persons only and the incorporation of the new institute thus requires a certain adaptation of the legal system. Moreover, the nature of a legal person is inherently problematic given its specific nature. The author selects the most important problems of the procedural part of the law, analyses them and assesses the suitability of the current legal regulation. Subsequently, the author compares the identified problems with foreign legislation of the countries of the continental legal system. The author considers the most significant problems of the Czech legislation to be the absolute exclusion of the institute of necessary defence for legal persons, problems related to the person of the guardian and problems...
- Published
- 2022
18. Criminal proceedings against legal persons
- Author
Gebauer, Jan, Pelc, Vladimír, and Hořák, Jaromír
- Subjects
legal person ,právnická osoba ,trestní řízení ,trestní právo procesní ,criminal proceedings ,criminal procedural law - Abstract
1 Abstract The thesis deals with selected procedural issues of criminal proceedings against legal persons, especially those procedural institutes that are controversial in theory or application. The aim of this thesis is to point out and analyse these procedural shortcomings, which stem not only from the strict legal regulation of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them. To this end, the legal regulation is evaluated and the author bases his interpretation on the opinions of the professional public. To achieve this goal, the method of description, analysis, including linguistic interpretation is used. This thesis is divided into 4 parts in which the author elaborates on the procedural aspects of criminal proceedings against legal persons. The introductory part describes the basic concepts that are necessary to grasp the procedural issues and without which the interpretation would not be complete. The second part is devoted initially to the substantive law institute of "evolving from criminal liability" of a legal person, which, however, has an overlap into the procedural law context and thus deals in detail with the problem of shifting the burden of proof to a legal person, and in its conclusion states that it cannot be accepted in criminal proceedings...
- Published
- 2022
19. Selected Issues of Criminal Proceedings against a Legal Entity
- Author
Čabrádek, Josef, Mulák, Jiří, Gřivna, Tomáš, and Bohuslav, Lukáš
- Subjects
právnická osoba ,trestní řízení ,criminal proceedings ,principles of criminal proceedings ,zásady trestního řízení ,legal entity - Abstract
Selected Issues of Criminal Proceedings against a Legal Entity Abstract As the name implies, this work deals with selected issues of criminal proceedings against a legal entity. In the presented work, the author aims to draw attention to some difficulties that may arise in criminal proceedings due to the typical nature of legal entities, and to the selected institute of criminal procedural law comparison of the application of principles of criminal proceedings between natural person and legal entities. In fact, the initial problem may be that the current criminal law relating to legal entities is launched briefly. Therefore, this work reflects the current special legislation governing criminal proceedings against legal entities in the sense of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., of criminal liability of legal entities and proceedings against them, applying the relationship of subsidiarity to the general legislation of criminal procedural law, namely Act No. 141/1961 Coll., of Criminal Procedure. At first, the author briefly addresses the question of whether the principles of criminal proceedings apply to criminal proceedings against a legal entity. For the purposes of further formulation of this work, the author simultaneously discusses in the first chapter the principle of equality before the law. In other parts of...
- Published
- 2022
20. Logistický plán vybraných právnických osob ovlivněných krizovým stavem a jejich reakce na vyhlášená krizová a mimořádná opatření
- Author
ŠŤÁSTKA, Jaroslav
- Subjects
logistický plán ,logistics plan ,crisis measures ,state of emergency ,právnická osoba ,covid-19 epidemic ,krizový stav ,krizová opatření ,mimořádná opatření ,epidemie covid-19 ,legal entity ,emergency measures ,company ,obchodní společnost - Abstract
The diploma thesis deals with the relationship between selected legal entities and their logistical planning, which could be affected by the crisis situation and related reactions to announced crisis and emergency measures. The aim of the work was to analyze the reactions of selected legal entities to the announced crisis situation, procedures and activities of selected legal entities within the framework of crisis and extraordinary measures outside and in society with the help of legal regulations, measures, decisions and logistical, or other relevant plans. The theoretical part contains the basic definition of concepts, definitions and terminology in the areas of logistics, characteristics of legal entities, legal regulations related to the Czech Republic, crisis management and the covid-19 epidemic. The practical part is devoted to a questionnaire survey, where respondents were approached as representatives of selected legal entities, who answered a set of questions regarding the relationship between legal entities and logistical planning in the context of reactions and activities within the framework of crisis and emergency measures. Furthermore, a clear information resource was created in the form of a checklist, which takes into account a set of activities connected with crisis or emergency measures. The created draft of the logistics plan complements and takes into account a comprehensive view of the issue and characterizes the selected legal entity. The diploma thesis and its content can be implemented in practice in the form of the use of one of the legal entities, or it can be used as study material for crisis management in legal entities such as trading companies.
- Published
- 2022
21. Podnikatelský záměr: Penzion při Biofarmě Rašovice
- Author
- Subjects
podnikání ,BCG matice ,SWOT analysis ,business ,SWOT analýza ,právnická osoba ,enterprise ,entrepreneur ,podnikatel ,legal entity ,BCG matrix ,fyzická osoba ,Podnikatelský záměr ,natural person ,Business plan ,podnik - Abstract
The bachelor's thesis deals with the creation of a business plan for the establishment of a pension for an organic farm. The work is divided into two parts: a literature re-view and an application part. The literature review defines the individual concepts of the business plan and the terms that belong to the business plan. In the application part, a business plan for a boarding house for a certain organic farm is developed. Analytical methods such as: SWOT analysis and Fuller's triangle are used here.
- Published
- 2022
22. KOMERCIALIZACE PRÁVNICKÝCH OSOB? (k použitelnosti pravidla podnikatelského úsudku nejen ve světě fundací).
- Author
Havel, Bohumil
- Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
23. Trestná zodpovednosť právnických osôb.
- Author
Csóka, Samuel and Čelár, Maroš
- Abstract
Copyright of Projustice is the property of Business Intelligence Club, o.z. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
24. First instance proceedings on administrative infrantions of legal entities
- Author
Bubelíny Černá, Barbora, Prášková, Helena, and Kopecký, Martin
- Subjects
proceeding ,legal person ,právnická osoba ,přestupek ,řízení ,administrative offence - Abstract
1 Proceeding on administrative offences of legal persons in first instance Abstract: The administrative law represents wide and significantly fragmented area of the law system. There is no doubt the part of administrative law are also rules of administrative punishment including the corresponding procedural regulation. This thesis provides the basic analyses of selected aspects of the legal regulation of the proceeding on administrative offences of legal persons in first instance affective in Czech Republic. The basic source of law in this area is Act no. 250/2016 Coll., on the responsibility for administrative offences and on procedure on it, as amended (in this thesis also referred only as "act on administrative offences"). However, that act is not the only on regulation governing the proceeding on administrative offences. The special partial regulation of proceeding on administrative offences may be basically found in all acts within the area of administrative law which rule the administrative offences. This shall be not considered as exclusive mark of administrative law. The fragmentation, however not so significant is also present in the criminal law. Under the section 5 of the act on administrative offences as the administrative offence shall be understood socially harmful unlawful act which is as...
- Published
- 2021
25. Criminal Liability of Legal Persons
- Author
Pokorná, Lucie, Jelínek, Jiří, and Šelleng, Dalibor
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,legal person ,criminal law ,právnická osoba ,trestní právo ,criminal liability - Abstract
Title of diploma thesis in English language, abstract in English language and 3 keywords in English language Title of diploma thesis in English language: Criminal liability of legal persons Abstract in English language: In this diploma thesis, the author deals in more detail with the criminal liability of legal persons. Although Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, has been in force for nine years, the topic of criminal liability of legal persons is still very topical and frequently discussed. Due to the fact that the legal regulation in this area is relatively extensive, the author focuses only on some institutes of criminal liability of legal persons, which she dealt with in more detail. The first part of this thesis covers private law, where the concept of legal person, the characteristics of a legal person and the characteristics of individual legal persons are approached. In this part of the thesis, the author points out in particular that a correct understanding of the concept of legal person is necessary for a proper understanding of the criminal liability of legal persons and the reasons that led to its entrenchment. In the second part, the author deals with individual arguments that are not only in favour but also against the introduction...
- Published
- 2021
26. Comparison of legislation concerning criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic
- Author
Kubala, Tomáš, Tejnská, Katarína, and Bohuslav, Lukáš
- Subjects
comparison ,komparace ,právnická osoba ,criminal liability ,legal entity ,trestní odpovědnost - Abstract
Comparison of legislation concerning criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic Abstract This master thesis deals with a very recent phenomenon of criminal liability of legal entities. Its recent implementation into national legislation of the Czech and the Slovak Republic provides evidence of its current relevance, which is followed by relentless criticism, lack of clarity and application difficulties confirms its currency. Nevertheless, discourse about its implementation by legislations of various countries around the globe can be seen in ancient history. Therefore, the first part of this thesis deals with the introduction of historical background and analyses in detail the development of this doctrine. Furthermore, it also examines the development of international discussion and lays down several international legal documents which serve either as recommendations or impose obligation onto the parties to introduce proper liability of legal entities. The most relevant part of this thesis consists of the comparison of current national legislation of the criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech and the Slovak Republic. But it also doesn't avoid the necessary line of reasoning of social essentiality of this doctrine including the disproval of reasoning which...
- Published
- 2021
27. Criminal Proceedings against Legal Entities
- Author
Košňar, Václav, Pelc, Vladimír, and Hořák, Jaromír
- Subjects
criminal procedure ,právnická osoba ,Trestní řízení ,trestní právo procesní ,Criminal proceedings ,legal entity - Abstract
Criminal proceedings against legal entities Abstract Regarding the character of a legal entity as a fiction, criminal proceedings against legal entities differ in many ways in comparison with standard criminal proceedings against a natural person. The aim of this work is to analyze certain specific institutes, whose interpretation and application is problematic with respect to the interweaving of the procedural regulation contained in Act No. 418/2011 Coll. on penal liability of legal entities and proceedings against them, with the classic regulation contained in the Criminal Procedure Act. This thesis is divided into two main parts. The theoretical one, which serves as the introduction of the whole work, briefly discusses traditional topics related to the substance of penal liability of legal entities, i.e. reasons for its adoption, its concept, its sources and legislation, including their ongoing changes. The merit of the work is, however, its special part, which in six chapters deals with specific institutes and issues of criminal proceedings against legal entities. Gradually, in the special part of this thesis, the issue of the representation of a legal entity in proceedings is analyzed and individual subject that can perform acts on behalf of a legal entity in criminal proceedings are discussed....
- Published
- 2021
28. Criminal Liability of Legal Entities in Health Care
- Author
Kováčiková, Veronika, Bohuslav, Lukáš, Pelc, Vladimír, and Hořák, Jaromír
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,právnická osoba ,zdravotní služba ,legal entity ,criminal liability ,healthcare service - Abstract
Criminal Liability of Legal Entities in Health Care Abstract The submitted diploma thesis deals with the institute of criminal liability of legal entities in health care. The main objective of this thesis is to define all the requirements and essential elements of criminal responsibility of legal persons, especially healthcare providers. We also look into the most critical aspects of providing healthcare services in which a criminal offense may be committed. Concepts of criminal law are considered in the context of medical law. Thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first chapter focuses on conditions of criminal liability taking into account the specifics of the topic. Attention will also be paid to attributability of a crime to a legal person as well as to legal regulation in United Kingdom and France. In the second chapter we describe the most common circumstances excluding illegality in medicine. We particularly focus on medical intervention, research and experiment. These are not only accepted but also beneficial. The third chapter deals with the main concepts of medical law. If healthcare providers comply with related legal provisions, they significantly reduce the risk of committing an act against the law. Special emphasis is placed on lege artis procedure as an objective measurement of...
- Published
- 2021
29. Theoretical concept of legal acts of juristic person
- Author
Holcová, Eliška, Beran, Karel, and Tryzna, Jan
- Subjects
právní jednání ,legal acts ,theories of juristic persons ,právnická osoba ,juristic person ,teorie právnických osob - Abstract
Theoretical concept of legal acts of juristic person Abstract This diploma thesis aims to analyze the legal acts of juristic persons from a theoretical point of view and also what practical implications this concept brings. It is divided into three chapters, while the first chapter is divided into three subchapters and is devoted to basic concepts in law and their concept in connection with juristic person. The first subchapter deals with legal personality, especially the subjectivity of a juristic person. The second subchapter deals with legal acts and how legal acts differs from behavior. The third subchapter focuses on legal capacity. Particular emphasis is placed on the legal capacity of juristic persons and on whether it is possible to speak of legal capacity in their context. The second chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first subchapter concerns the development of the very concept of a juristic person. The second subchapter describes selected theories of juristic persons. These are theories of will, interest, combined and modern theories, with emphasis on the theory of fiction and organic theory. The conclusion of the second chapter consists of a treatise on how the theory of fiction and organic theory have been reflected in the Czech legal system over time. The third chapter deals with...
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Havel, Bohumil
- Subjects
COMMERCIAL law ,CIVIL law ,CIVIL rights ,JURISTIC persons ,CORPORATION law - Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Eliáš, Karel
- Subjects
CIVIL law ,CIVIL rights ,MARXIST philosophy ,JURISTIC persons ,JURISPRUDENCE - Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
32. Sanctioning of legal persons
- Author
Karnet, Vojtěch, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Vokoun, Rudolf
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,Legal person ,Právnická osoba ,criminal liability ,sanction ,sankce - Abstract
Sanctioning of legal persons Abstract The criminal liability of legal persons was introduced into the legal system of Czech republic by the Act no. 418/2011 Coll., Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings against them which came into effect on the 1st of January 2012. It is a problematic that was highly debated even before the respective law was created and its introduction into the legal system was closely followed by most of our experts in the field of criminal law. We can still see a big interest in how this problematic functions to this day, more than 8 years after its adoption. This interest became the main motivation for the creation of this thesis. This thesis focuses mainly on the 3rd part of the above stated Act which means it concetrates on the individual sanctions applicable in relation to legal persons and how they are being used in the decision-making process of the courts of Czech republic. The demonstrate these outcomes a statistic of sanctions applied against legal persons was created. This statistic then serves as a basis for authors conclusions in relation to individual sanctoins as well as a more complex conclusions regarding the whole problematic of sanctioning of legal persons in Czech republic. There were many sources used in order to create this thesis such as...
- Published
- 2020
33. Criminal liability of health-care providers
- Author
Miřejovská, Martina, Sovová, Olga, and Císařová, Dagmar
- Subjects
physician ,trestní odpovědnost ,legal person ,právnická osoba ,health-care provider ,trestný čin ,lékař ,criminal liability ,poskytovatel zdravotních služeb ,criminal offence - Abstract
Criminal liability of health-care providers Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the criminal liability of the health-care providers. Its main objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamental issues, such as who can be a provider, what is the definition of healthcare services and what are the possible conditions of criminal liability. Another aim is to provide an overview of selected offenses that can be committed in connection with providing healthcare services and summary of the relevant legislation in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in the Federal Republic of Germany. In this thesis, I mostly use the methods of description, analysis and comparison. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which follow a logical order. The first chapter explains the key concepts. Specifically, it is the definition of healthcare services, facilities and providers, lege artis procedure, informed consent and criminal liability. The second chapter focus on the criminal liability of natural persons, on the definition of a criminal offence and also the relevant circumstances excluding liability from the provision of healthcare point of view. The third chapter deals with the criminal liability of legal persons and their possible exculpation. The fourth chapter analyses selected...
- Published
- 2020
34. Criminal Liability of Legal Persons
- Author
Keltnerová, Lucie, Jelínek, Jiří, and Vanduchová, Marie
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,criminal law ,právnická osoba ,trestní právo ,legal entity ,criminal liability - Abstract
Criminal liability of legal entities In the presented thesis the author deals with the topic of criminal liability of legal entities. Considering the complexity and extensiveness of this topic this thesis is only focused on the substantive law regulating this area and so it does not deal with the criminal sanctioning of legal entities or the criminal proceedings against them. The author aims to explore the criminal liability of legal entities starting from the basic questions of possible ways to even sanction legal entities for unlawful conduct to the questions of the current law in force, its problems and the possible solutions of these problems. The first part of this thesis addresses the ways in which it is possible to sanction a legal entity for unlawful behaviour, it compares these ways and considers which of these ways is the most suitable for the situation in the Czech Republic. The second part of the thesis provides in its first chapter a closer look at the historical development of law regulating the criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic starting from the year 2000 until today, or rather until 2016, when the Act No. 183/2016 coll. was passed. This act brought some significant changes to the law that was in force at that time. The second and third chapter of this part...
- Published
- 2020
35. Selected issues of criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany
- Author
Kučerová, Kateřina, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Gřivna, Tomáš
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,legal person ,criminal law ,právnická osoba ,criminal liability ,trestní právo - Abstract
Selected issues of criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany Abstract In this diploma thesis, the author deals with the issue of criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany. The aim of the thesis is to define certain key issues of the legal regulation of criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic and within them to analyze controversial points, including the proposal of possible options of de lege ferenda solutions. In this context, the thesis is also focused on a comprehensive treatise on the legal regulation of tortious liability of legal persons in the Federal Republic of Germany. The work consists of three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the general definition of criminal liability of legal persons and its basic concepts, the historical development of criminal liability of legal persons within continental and Anglo-Saxon legal culture and international legal obligations of the Czech Republic arising from international treaties and European Union legislation. The second chapter focuses on the substantive legal regulation of criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic, specifically on its basic characteristics, the scope of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on criminal...
- Published
- 2020
36. Criminal Proceedings against Legal Entilities
- Author
Kajnová, Adéla and Mulák, Jiří
- Subjects
criminal procedure ,právnická osoba ,Trestní řízení ,trestní právo procesní ,Criminal proceedings ,legal entity - Abstract
This diploma thesis is focused on a comprehensive analysis of criminal proceedings against legal entities using Act No. 141/1961 Coll., On Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Code) in combination with Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them. The adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them, introduced criminal liability of legal entities into the legal order of the Czech Republic since 1st January 2012 but the institute of criminal liability of legal entities is constantly evolving to respond to the needs of society. The diploma thesis is conceived from a procedural point of view with the current use of the substantive bases of the issue of criminal liability of legal entities. The thesis further explains important terms and outlines the development of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of phases of criminal proceedings against legal entities and to evaluate selected problematic aspects of the legal regulation which are accordance with the interpretation of the professional public and with the developing jurisprudence of the domestic courts. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first three are...
- Published
- 2020
37. Sanctioning of legal persons
- Author
Kratochvílová, Kateřina, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Vokoun, Rudolf
- Subjects
Criminal liability of legal persons ,legal person ,právnická osoba ,Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob ,sankcionování ,sanctioning - Abstract
Sanctioning of legal persons Abstract This thesis focuses on criminal responsibility of legal persons, with an emphasis on sanctioning. The thesis examines the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and the Proceedings against them (hereinafter as "the Act"). Further it evaluates how is the Act applied by the courts and what are the problems resulting from the application of the Act, with focus on sanctioning. The thesis further proposes ideas for improvements, including changes in legislation de lege ferenda. The diploma thesis consists of three parts. In the first part the author addresses the basic concepts of criminal responsibility of legal persons, its roots in foreign and international law, and the development of the concept in the Czech Republic. This part further describes the basic institutes of corporate criminal liability, including imputability of criminal act to the legal person, followed by explanation of the concept of exculpation and related case law. Part Two focuses on sanctioning of legal persons from the theoretical perspective. It addresses the basic institutes of sanctioning of legal persons, the purpose and the principles of sanctioning, followed by the analysis of each sanction included in the Czech Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and the...
- Published
- 2020
38. Acting on behalf of a legal entity
- Author
Čápová, Martina, Dvořák, Jan, and Lederer, Vít
- Subjects
invalidity of legal acts ,teorie fikce ,právní jednání ,legal representation ,zastoupení ,právnická osoba ,neplatnost právního jednání ,legal entity ,legal acting ,fiction theory - Abstract
Acting on behalf of a legal entity Abstract The rigorous thesis deals with acting on behalf of a legal entity after the recodification of private law. This recodification has brought a number of changes which is not different in the area of acting on behalf of a legal entity as well. The concept of a legal entity as a fictitious subject of law is intertwined with the whole concept of the institute of acting on behalf of a legal entity. The content of the thesis is structured into seven main chapters, which are elaborated in more detail in subchapters. After the introduction, which clarifies the reason for choosing the topic of this work and it's outline, in the first chapter I deal to a general and necessary extent with basic terminology related to the topic of the work and then the legal proceedings themselves. The second chapter is devoted to a general description of legal entities, theories applied to the concept of legal entities and the basic division of legal forms of legal entities in our private law, not only in o.z., but also in ZOK. In the third chapter I approach the basic topic of this work, ie acting on behalf of a legal entity. I have divided this chapter into a general introduction to the actions of a legal entity in relation to representation and actions prior to the establishment of a legal...
- Published
- 2020
39. Sanctioning of legal entities
- Author
Gvozdek, Filip, Jelínek, Jiří, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Fenyk, Jaroslav
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,právnická osoba ,sankcionování ,criminal liability ,legal entity ,sanctioning - Abstract
tv anglickém jazyce The subject matter and aim of this thesis is to analyse the positive criminal law regulation of sanctioning of legal entities in the light of the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings Against Them (hereinafter as "the Act"), its critical assessment and possible de lege ferenda suggestions. As a result, this thesis can be perceived as a comprehensive assessment of issues related to sanctioning of legal entities in the Czech Republic. The dissertation thesis is divided into eleven parts. The first part takes into account the international legal aspects of corporate liability, the concept of criminal liability of legal entities, arguments for and against the adoption of the Act and the legislative process leading to the adoption of the Act. Issues related to sanctioning of legal entities are dealt with in parts 2 to 11, which at the beginning discuss the basic terms of sanctioning, then analyse individual punishments and protective measures which can be imposed on legal entities, then also analyse abandonment of punishment, enforcement of punishments and effacement of conviction. Particularly interesting is the eighth part, which in addition to the treatise on the Criminal Register contains statistical overviews of the current application...
- Published
- 2020
40. Criminal liability of legal entities
- Author
Filipovičová, Gabriela, Jelínek, Jiří, and Tejnská, Katarína
- Subjects
criminal lability of legal entities ,zákon č. 418 ,2011 Sb ,Act No. 418 ,criminal law ,právnická osoba ,2011 Coll ,trestní odpovědnost právnických osob ,trestní právo ,legal entity ,přechod trestní odpovědnosti na právního nástupce ,transfer of criminal liability to a legal successor - Abstract
Criminal lability of legal entities Abstract The diploma thesis is focused on criminal lability of legal entities, which was incorporated into Czech law by Act No. 418/2011 Coll, on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceeding Againts Them (hereinafter "the Act"), which came into effect on 1 January 2012. The phenomenon of criminal liability of legal entities is a controversial topic, because it conflicts with many traditional principles of criminal law in the continental legal culture, which also includes the Czech Republic. Even after eight years since the introduction of criminal liability of legal entities into the Czech legal order, this topic is given constant attention in the field of doctrine and practice. The aim of the diploma thesis is to present a complex issue of the rise and expiry of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic and to evaluate the practical and theoretical problems that this law institute brings. The diploma thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter presents the reasons that led the legislature to introduce criminal liability of legal entities and presents also counter-arguments of opponents that the legislature had to deal with. The circumstances of the legislative process of the adoption of the Act and its subsequent amendments are also...
- Published
- 2020
41. Criminal liability of legal entities
- Author
Šťastný, Petr, Musil, Jan, Bohuslav, Lukáš, Kuchta, Josef, Jelínek, Jiří, and Osmančík, Otakar
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,imputability ,přičitatelnost ,právnická osoba ,compliance ,exculpation ,trestní odpovědnost právnických osob ,criminal liability ,legal entity ,exkulpace ,criminal liability of legal entities - Abstract
CRIMINAL LIABILITY OF LEGAL ENTITIES Abstract Although it has been more than seven years since the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal entities and proceedings against them, by criminal liability of legal entities which the Czech legislators introduced, it remains a controversial issue. Thus the aim of this thesis is not only to analyse this legislation and provide a comprehensive and clear interpretation, including a critical evaluation of selected institutes, but also to introduce the process leading to its adoption, including a comparison of the arguments in favour of adopting such a decision with the arguments presented by the opponents of the criminal liability of legal entities. An equally important aim of the thesis is an analytical evaluation of application knowledge and the presentation of potential de lege ferenda proposals. However, such considerations require a sufficient command of terminology, as well as of the basic principles of criminal law, which is the content of Chapter One of the thesis. Chapter Two is dedicated to the fundamental change in the concept of legal entities brought about by the new Civil Code, which leans towards the theory of fiction, thereby causing considerable tension. On a global scale, the institute of the liability of legal entities...
- Published
- 2019
42. Liability of legal entity for an administrative delict
- Author
Kukla, Lukáš, Prášková, Helena, and Millerová, Ivana
- Subjects
Právnická osoba ,přestupek ,odpovědnost za přestupky ,Legal entity ,liability for administrative delicts ,administrative delict - Abstract
The topic of this Master's thesis is the liability of legal entities for administrative delicts. With the adoption of the act number 250/2016, on the liability for administrative delicts and the proceedings on them, a legal regulation regulating administrative delicts and misdemeanours was unified under a single category of administrative delicts. This act newly regulates the administrative liability of legal entities. The aim of this thesis is to analyse individual factors of liability of legal entities for administrative delicts. The first chapter outlines the historical development of the administrative liability of legal entities from antiquity to the current legal regulation with a focus on the development of this legislation in our country after the year 1918. The chapter concludes with the reform of administrative punishment. The second chapter offers a brief discussion of the sources of legal regulation of liability for administrative delicts. The third chapter focuses solely on the concept of a legal person from the point of view of the Civil Code and of the term administrative delict, its material and formal aspect. The fourth chapter deals with the basics of liability of a legal entity for a delict. It focuses on the conditions under which a legal entity is the perpetrator of a delict....
- Published
- 2019
43. Criminal proceedings against law entities
- Author
Jonák, Martin, Pelc, Vladimír, and Tejnská, Katarína
- Subjects
Criminal proceedings against legal entities ,acts of legal persons ,výkon trestů ,zajišťovací opatření ,právnická osoba ,execution of punishments ,Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám ,legal entity ,provisional and protective measures ,úkony právnické osoby - Abstract
Criminal proceedings against law entities Summary The Act no. 418/2011 Coll., Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings Against Them came into force on 1st January 2012. Up until that point the legal entities could not have been prosecuted for crimes, because we had only personal liability in our country. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to research the procedural part of Act no. 418/2011 Coll., the criminal liability of legal entities and proceedings against them in more detailed way, especially discuss the specific differences in criminal procedure against legal entities, which differ from the general provisions in criminal procedure against natural persons. These specific differences contain provisions of provisional and protective measures, acts of legal entities, defense of legal entities and specific executions of punishments, which can be inflicted only to legal entities. This thesis mentions legal acts of international law, legal acts of European Union law and legal acts of national law. Moreover, the thesis contains references to articles and publications by notorious Czech criminal law experts, who research the problematics of the criminal responsibility of legal entities. This thesis includes some important judicial decisions, which were issued and are related to criminal...
- Published
- 2019
44. Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Compliance Program
- Author
Bureš, Richard, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Tejnská, Katarína
- Subjects
ZTOPO,compliance program ,trestní odpovědnost ,criminal law ,právnická osoba ,ZTOPO ,trestní právo ,compliance program ,legal entity ,criminal liability - Abstract
The author of this thesis discusses the subject of criminal liability of legal persons and focuses primarily on the analysis of the most important substantive provisions of the Act. No. 418/2011 coll., which describe criminal liability of legal entities and proceedings against them (hereinafter ZTOPO) and entered into force on 1st January 2012. This act is still well- discussed and current even after 6 years of being in force, which can be seen by the number of amendments done to it since it became effective. This thesis aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the issue of criminal liability of legal persons and at the same time tries to capture the most important changes that have been made due to these 9 amendments. The thesis is divided into five parts. In the first part, the author deals with the historical background of criminal liability of legal persons. This part also contains path to the adoption of ZTOPO. The second and the third parts are the core of this paper. In the second part, the author analyses the imputability and the structure of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic. One part of this section is dedicated to the scope of criminalization of legal entities. The third part of the thesis deals with the possibility of legal entity to be exculpated through the...
- Published
- 2019
45. Criminal Proceedings against Legal Entities
- Author
Findejsová, Adéla, Pelc, Vladimír, and Tejnská, Katarína
- Subjects
criminal procedure ,právnická osoba ,Trestní řízení ,trestní právo procesní ,Criminal proceedings ,legal entity - Abstract
This diploma thesis is focused on a comprehensive analysis of criminal proceedings against legal entities using Act No. 141/1961 Coll., On Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Code) in combination with Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them. The adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them, introduced criminal liability of legal entities into the legal order of the Czech Republic since 1st January 2012 but the institute of criminal liability of legal entities is constantly evolving to respond to the needs of society. The diploma thesis is conceived from a procedural point of view with the current use of the substantive bases of the issue of criminal liability of legal entities. The thesis further explains important terms and outlines the development of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of phases of criminal proceedings against legal entities and to evaluate selected problematic aspects of the legal regulation which are accordance with the interpretation of the professional public and with the developing jurisprudence of the domestic courts. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first three are...
- Published
- 2019
46. Criminal proceedings against legal entities
- Author
Miklóš, Denis, Pelc, Vladimír, and Tejnská, Katarína
- Subjects
Criminal procedure ,Právnická osoba ,Criminal proceedings against legal entities ,Trestní právo procesní ,Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám ,Legal entity - Abstract
1 Abstract Criminal proceedings against legal entities This diploma thesis focuses on procedural provisions of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them, which has undergone many changes since the 1st January 2012 and is constantly evolving since the criminal liability of legal persons is in the legal order of the Czech Republic still a relatively novelty and therefore a current topic. The Act has been subject to criticism prior to its entry into force, which in some aspects is still up to date even today. Simultaneously with the development and changes of the law itself, the opinions of the professional public and professional literature are developing, which responds to these changes, but on some issues, it still awaits the relevant case law of higher courts. The work is divided into three parts. The first chapter deals with general issues of criminal liability of legal persons and their development in the Czech Republic. This part contains also a brief summary of the development of the Slovak regulation of the criminal liability of legal persons, which has been influenced and inspired by the Czech legislation, and it is interesting to see their mutual development in the future as well. In the second chapter, the diploma thesis deals with reasons of...
- Published
- 2019
47. Odpovědnost právnických osob za trestné činy vs. přestupky – (ne)zjištění fyzické osoby jednající za právnickou osobu
- Author
Svatoš, Roman
- Subjects
přestupek ,natural person ,offence ,právnická osoba ,legal person ,zásada legality ,fyzická osoba ,principle of legality ,zásada oficiality ,principle of officiality - Abstract
V roce 2016 došlo k rekodifikaci přestupkového práva, kdy k 1. 7. 2017 nabyl účinnosti nový zákon o odpovědnosti za přestupky a řízení o nich. Do tohoto právního předpisu byla včleněna jak problematika odpovědnosti za přestupky fyzických osob, tak odpovědnosti za přestupky právnických osob (podnikajících fyzických osob), ale i procesněprávní úprava. Některá ustanovení tohoto zákona se však jeví jako problematická, konkrétně pokud jde o nestanovení povinnosti správním orgánům při řešení podezření z přestupku právnické osoby zjišťovat konkrétní fyzickou osobu, která jednala za právnickou osobu a která se sama svým jednáním mohla dopustit korespondujícího přestupku. In 2016, there was a recodification of an offence law, when the new act of offences and proceedings took effect on the 1st July 2017. The issue of liability of natural persons for offences as well as of legal persons (natural persons doing business) but also procedural regulation were incorporated into this legal regulation. However, some of provisions of this act appear to be problematic, specifically as regards not providing of an obligation for administrative authorities to resolve a suspected offence of legal person, to identify a specific natural person, who presented the legal person and who itself, by its action, could commit a corresponding offence.
- Published
- 2019
48. Sanctioning of legal person
- Author
Hron, David, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Tejnská, Katarína
- Subjects
Criminal Liability of Legal Persons ,Legal Person ,Právnická osoba ,Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob ,Sanction ,Sankce - Abstract
1 Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the issue of sanctioning of legal persons as well as with selected aspects of criminal liability of legal persons. The main reason why I chose this topic is my deep interest in analyzing the discussed issues together with the evaluation of the current state of the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and the Proceedings against them, and on the basis of this evaluation to submit proposals for improvement. At the beginning of this work, the reader will find a presentation of the basic structure, along with an outline of the main goals of the thesis, and then it will be divided into five basic chapters. The first chapter defines the basic concepts of criminal liability of legal persons related to their sanctioning. There is a theoretical definition of a legal person due to the absence of a definition of this term in czech criminal law. After defining the theoretical basis of criminal liability of legal persons, the development of this institute is outlined, together with the question of sanctioning the legal persons that are primarily involved in this work. The second chapter focuses on the development of criminal liability of legal persons. Due to the fact that origin of the criminal liability of legal persons is in the...
- Published
- 2019
49. Liability of members of governing bodies of juristic persons
- Author
Novotná Krtoušová, Lucie, Beran, Karel, Kühn, Zdeněk, Havel, Bohumil, and Tryzna, Jan
- Subjects
legal representative ,subjektivní odpovědnost ,pravidlo podnikatelského úsudku ,limitace odpovědnosti ,fault-based liability ,právnická osoba ,člen statutárního orgánu ,péče řádného hospodáře ,standard of conduct ,business judgement rule ,povinnost loajality ,zákonný zástupce ,members of a governing body ,duty of loyalty ,juristic person ,liability limitation ,standard chování ,due managerial care - Abstract
Liability of members of governing bodies of juristic persons Mgr. Lucie Novotná Krtoušová Abstract The aim of the presented doctoral thesis entitled "Theoretical Concept of Liability of Members of the Governing Bodies of Juristic Persons" is to determine what requirements can be placed on natural persons who act as members of the governing bodies of juristic persons, and to specify the substance of due managerial care as a legal basis for potential liability. The Civil Code lays down the duty of a governing body member to act with due managerial care in the discharge of his/her office in its general part; the relevant provisions thus apply to members of the governing bodies of all juristic persons under both private and public law, provided that this is compatible with their legal nature. Compliance with the duty of due managerial care - in cases where the governing body members act as representatives of the juristic person - is the decisive criterion for determining whether or not they will be liable to the juristic person for any damage caused in the discharge of their office. However, it is questionable whether this is a case of fault-based liability for breach of a legal duty or strict liability for breach of a contractual obligation. The question of whether we will conceive liability of members of...
- Published
- 2019
50. Privilege against self-incrimination of legal entity in administrative proceedings
- Author
Švásta, Pavel, Prášková, Helena, Průcha, Petr, and Staša, Josef
- Subjects
administrative proceedings ,právnická osoba ,self-incrimination ,zásada nemo tenetur ,sebeobvinění ,privilege against self-incrimination ,state supervision ,legal entity ,dohled ,správní řízení - Abstract
This thesis deals with the topic of privilege against self-incrimination of legal entity in administrative proceedings and in offence proceedings. The following reasons led me to the choice of this topic. First of all, it is a multidisciplinary topic involving criminal law, criminal administrative law, constitutional law, and private law, especially the regulation of legal entities. Furthermore, with the exemption of decision-making praxis of courts, and a few academic essays, attention hasn't been paid to this topic in its complexity. For this reason, this topic has offered novelty and the possibility of observing the progressive development of judicature, especially the decision-making praxis of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic as well as the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the European Court of Human Rights. The first part deals with the historical origins of privilege against self-incrimination and development of the criminal proceedings over the centuries. Special attention is paid to the fact, that privilege against self-incrimination was originally part of criminal proceedings until the 12th century, when this privilege was removed from the canon law and replaced with the inquisitional process which was linked with the...
- Published
- 2019
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