Imunski sistem ščiti telo pred okužbami, boleznimi in škodljivimi snovmi, kot so virusi, bakterije in paraziti ter ohranja ravnovesje med obrambo telesa in preprečevanjem prekomernega vnetja ali avtoimunskih odzivov. To doseže z zaznavanjem in nevtraliziranjem patogenov ter nadzorovanjem popravila tkiv in celjenja. Prehranska podpora imunskemu sistemu je ključnega pomena za vzdrževanje optimalnega zdravja in preprečevanje bolezni. Osredotočanje na makrohranila, kot so beljakovine, ogljikovi hidrati in maščobe, pomaga zagotavljati temelje uravnotežene prehrane, ki podpira imunsko funkcijo. Beljakovine igrajo pomembno vlogo pri podpori imunskega sistema, saj so osnovna gradbena enota za rast in obnovo tkiv ter proizvodnjo protiteles in imunskih celic. Uživanje kakovostnih virov beljakovin, kot so pusto meso, ribe, mlečni izdelki, stročnice in oreščki, zagotavlja esencialne aminokisline, ki so potrebne za vzdrževanje zdravega imunskega sistema. Ogljikovi hidrati so glavni vir energije za imunske celice, ki se borijo proti okužbam. Dobra prehranska izbira ogljikovih hidratov vključujejo živila z visoko vsebnostjo vlaknin, kot so polnozrnate žitarice, stročnice, sadje in zelenjava. Prehranske vlaknine prispevajo k zdravju črevesja, ki je pomemben dejavnik pri podpori imunske funkcije, saj je velik del imunskega sistema lociran v črevesju. Maščobe, zlasti nenasičene maščobne kisline, igrajo pomembno vlogo pri uravnavanju imunskega odziva in zmanjševanju vnetja. Omega-3 in omega-6 maščobne kisline, ki jih najdemo v mastnih ribah, oreščkih, semenih in rastlinskih oljih, so bistvene za delovanje imunskih celic in tvorbo protivnetnih spojin. Vzdrževanje uravnotežene prehrane, bogate s kakovostnimi beljakovinami, kompleksnimi ogljikovimi hidrati in zdravimi maščobami, je ključnega pomena za optimalno delovanje imunskega sistema in ohranjanje splošnega zdravja. The immune system protects the body from infections, diseases, and harmful substances such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, and maintains a balance between the body's defense and preventing excessive inflammation or autoimmune responses. It achieves this by detecting and neutralizing pathogens and controlling tissue repair and healing. Nutritional support for the immune system is essential for maintaining optimal health and preventing disease. Focusing on macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats helps provide the foundation for a balanced diet that supports immune function. Proteins play an important role in supporting the immune system, as they are the basic building block for growth and tissue repair and the production of antibodies and immune cells. Consuming quality protein sources such as lean meat, fish, dairy products, legumes, and nuts, provides essential amino acids needed to maintain a healthy immune system. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for immune cells fighting infections. Good dietary choices for carbohydrates include high-fiber foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Dietary fiber contributes to gut health, which is an important factor in supporting immune function, as a large part of the immune system is located in the gut. Fats, especially unsaturated fatty acids, play an important role in regulating the immune response and reducing inflammation. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, found in fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils, are essential fort he functioning of immune cells and the formation o fanti-inflammatory compounds. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats is essential for optimal immune system function and overall health.