19 results on '"provinění"'
Search Results
2. Local People Courts (1961-1970) - Socialist Experiment inTheory and Practice
- Author
Špergl, Jindřich, Kuklík, Jan, Šouša, Jiří, and Salák, Pavel
- Subjects
provinění ,local people's court ,Místní lidové soudy ,socialist democracy ,offense ,socialistická demokracie - Abstract
LOCAL PEOPLE COURTS (1961-1970) - SOCIALIST EXPERIMENT IN THEORY AND PRACTICE. Abstract The dissertation deals with the Local People's Courts (LPC), which were the basic element of the judicial system of Czechoslovakia between 1961 and 1970. After defining the historical and ideological reasons for the LPC, including a reference to their predecessors, the Comrades Courts, the work also deals with the legal regulation of these courts. Here is outlined the way they were set up, their composition, their jurisdiction and the procedure before them. After describing the legal framework of the LPC, there follows a list of the factual deficiencies of it such as uncertainty in a number of legal questions, the participation of a laic element only in decision-making and the inequality of the offenders in the LPC system. Part of the work captures the LPC periodical evaluation in the professional press as well as the authorities of the ruling Communist Party. The last theoretical part of the work is devoted to the abrogation of LPC and its reasons. The theoretical part is followed by the practical part, which is a probe into the life of LPC in one region. This provides a comparison between theory and practice. Based on authentic archive materials, it provides insight into the decision-making practice and internal...
- Published
- 2022
3. The issues of juvenile criminal justice
- Author
Veselá, Tereza, Hořák, Jaromír, and Pelc, Vladimír
- Subjects
offenses ,Juvenile ,mládež ,provinění ,protective upbringing ,imprisonment ,opatření ,odnětí svobody ,measures ,youth ,Mladistvý ,ochranná výchova - Abstract
Problems of juvenile justice In my diploma thesis I deal with the issue of criminal justice over youth. Using the research analytical method, I try to describe juvenile delinquency, its causes, the development of juvenile delinquency in our territory and current legislation. I also devote other parts of the work to specific means of sanctioning young people, especially protective upbringing and imprisonment in its unconditional form. I am also subjecting the current legal regulation of these institutes to a comparison with other European regulations, from which we could be inspired when regulating the system of criminal justice over young people. I supplement the theoretical basis with statistics on juvenile delinquency and the administration of juvenile justice in the years 2016-2020 in order to provide an overview of not only the theoretical side, but also current practice. Keywords: Juvenile, youth, offenses, measures, protective upbringing, imprisonment
- Published
- 2021
4. Top of the french classical tragedy in Racine's work
- Author
Procházková, Laura, Jamek, Václav, and Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva
- Subjects
death ,provinění ,tragédie ,volba ,choice ,passion ,conflict ,vášeň ,offence ,smrt ,tragedy ,konflikt - Abstract
Work is introduced with a characterization of French Classical Tragedy of the 17th century and other contemporaneous dramatic production. Following brief description of historical development and connotations explains the formation of French classical dramatic norms and rules. Their appearance and assertion is consequently confirmed in an analysis of selected works of Jean Racine, major representative of French Classical Tragedy. Diversity of tragic conflicts and originality of Racine's dramatic and aesthetic forms is demonstrated in concluding confrontation with Pierre Corneille. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
- Published
- 2015
5. The Role of the Social Worker in current conditions
- Author
Bosáková, Gabriela, Procházková, Jana, and Vágnerová, Marie
- Subjects
Offenses ,Kurátor pro mládež ,measures ,provinění ,děti a mladistvý ,Social worker for youth ,Youth criminal responsibility ,opatření ,social worker ,sociální pracovník ,sociální práce ,delikvence ,orgán sociálně-právní ochrany dětí ,Children and adolescents ,social work ,delinquency ,authority child protection ,trestní odpovědnost mládeže - Abstract
BOSÁKOVÁ, Gabriela: The Role of the Social Worker in current conditions. Bachelor thesis. Charles University in Prague, Hussite Theological Faculty, Social Pedagogy. Supervisor: PhDr. Jana Procházková. 2015. 71 s. ABSTRACT: The thesis is divided into theoretical part, in which there are defined basic concepts. Curator for youth is then discussed in a separate chapter, which sets out the legislation with which it operates. It is it also describes his job description, including cooperation in criminal matters and youth cooperation with other agencies and organizations. It also presents a risk group of clients. The third chapter deals with the criminal responsibility of young people, together with the possibilities of measures imposed to young offenders. The last chapter is a practical part of this work, which includes the main research questions, process and method data obtained and subsequently the results of the findings. This is a research probe.
- Published
- 2015
6. Pojetí viny u Sigmunda Freuda a Martina Bubera
- Author
Pacovská, Kamila, Prázný, Aleš, Vaníčková, Andrea, Pacovská, Kamila, Prázný, Aleš, and Vaníčková, Andrea
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou viny u Sigmunda Freuda a Martina Bubera. Tato problematika je analyzována v kontextu Freudovy psychoanalýzy a Buberovy kritiky psychoterapie spolu s následnou obhajobou ontické povahy viny. První část se zaměří na analýzu pocitu viny v díle Sigmunda Freuda. Nejprve bude představen vývojový model osobnosti, kde zjistíme, za jakých okolností a kdy se podle Freuda s tímto pocitem u člověka setkáváme, dále jaké jsou zdroje tohoto pocitu a proč Freud uznává existenci prvotní viny jako dědičného hříchu. V této části budeme také řešit otázku, zda Freudova koncepce předpokládá nějakou morální hodnotu. Druhá část se zaměří na pojetí viny u Martina Bubera, konkrétně na jeho kritiku psychoterapeutického přístupu k vině a následnou obhajobu ontické povahy viny. Budeme řešit otázku, jak vina v člověku vzniká a jakým způsobem se s ní člověk může vyrovnat a na vhodném příkladu si ukážeme Buberův brilantní postřeh o posunu chápání viny. Poslední část pak blíže objasní, jaký vztah podle Bubera zaujímá člověk ke světu. Buber tvrdí, že každý člověk je odpovědný sám za sebe v tom smyslu, že jestliže se proviní, tak za své činy nese odpovědnost on a ne nikdo jiný. Je pouze na něm, zda se bude chtít se svou vinou vypořádat a pokračovat správnou cestou, cestou pravé existence., This diploma thesis deals with the problem of guilt by Sigmund Freud and Martin Buber. This problem is analysed within the context of Freud´s psychoanalysis and Buber´s criticism of psychoterapy and his consequent defence of the ontic nature of guilt. The first part is focused on an analysis of guilt feelings in Sigmund Freud´s work. First of all, the evolutionary model of personality is introduced, in which we find circumstances of guilt feelings that Freud identifies. Then we inquire what sources of these feelings are and why Freud admits the existence of a primary guilt as Original Sin. In this part we consider a question whether Freud´s conception presupposes an existence of moral value. The second part is focused on Buber´s conception of quilt in particular on his criticism of psychoterapeutic approach of guilt and on the consequent defence of the ontic nature of guilt. We also tackle the question how a human guilt arises and in which way a man can cope with it. Using an example we show Buber´s briliant observation about a shift of guilt conception. The last part clarifies in which relation man´s being stands against the world in Buber´s theory. Buber argues that each single person is responsible for himself and in case of any offence it is only man himself who takes a guilt. It is only up to man whether he wants to deal with a guilt by himself and keep on going in the right way, the way of true existence., Katedra filosofie, Obhajoba proběhla v pořádku, studentka zodpověděla položené otázky., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2015
7. Punishing of teenagers in the Czech Republic
- Author
- Subjects
juvenile ,provinění ,criminal procedure ,probační úředník ,probation officer ,mladistvý ,offense ,trestní řízení - Abstract
The bachelor's thesis deals with the criminal prosecution of juvenile offenders in Czech Republic and is mainly based on the Act on Juvenile Justice. The case study of the juvenile offender's criminal procedure is based on documents from the trial court with a juvenile offender from Czech Republic. It draws more information from interviews with probation officials, social workers from the Department of imprisonment in a prison in Všehrdy and the South Bohemian police spokesman.
- Published
- 2014
8. Youth crime
- Author
- Subjects
offense ,rodina ,school ,nezletilí ,mladiství ,family ,age ,trestný čin ,crime ,delikvence ,minors ,věk ,Dítě ,čin jinak trestný ,Child ,provinění ,delinquency ,offense or criminal ,adolescents ,kriminalita ,škola - Abstract
Bachelor thesis " Juvenile delinquency " is a compendium of information on the origin and causes of children and youth. The main goal of this work is to outline the issues of child crime , to identify factors associated with the increase in juvenile crime and to remedy their shortcomings . In addition to performances by Act No. 218/2003 Coll . Liability for unlawful acts of Youth and Juvenile Justice , introduces the possibility of punishment for juvenile offenders and focuses on the causes of criminal behavior among juveniles . The first part consists of a historical perspective on the criminal liability of minors and its evolution . This thesis presents among other important concepts in the legislative field of juvenile delinquency are thus specified statistical outputs Police and examples of police practice. Of course there are also the prevention of juvenile criminal responsibility from the perspective of Police of the Czech Republic. The practical part of the thesis is the result of research that was carried out between police officers in London. A short questionnaire was distributed to several district The Department of Police and associates it anonymously completed.
- Published
- 2014
9. 'Guilt and Wrongdoing: The Problem of Responsibility'
- Author
Pacovská, Kamila, Barabas, Marína, Kohák, Erazim, and Cowley, Christopher
- Subjects
vina ,sebeklam ,akrasie ,akrasia ,provinění ,character ,etika ,intention ,self-deception ,guilt ,úmysl ,wrongdoing ,identita ,charakter ,jednání ,ethics ,identity ,náhoda ,zodpovědnost ,responsibility ,action ,luck - Abstract
(in English) This dissertation explores the notions of guilt and wrongdoing in the context of contemporary analytic ethics. It draws upon the critique, advanced in the second half of the 20th century, of a one-sided interest in episodic action and its rightness or wrongness. Thanks to the revival of virtue ethics during this time, the subject matter of ethics was extended to take account of human character and human life as such. As a result, the domain of moral psychology and of contingent aspects of moral experience started to be explored again. This development in ethics is outlined in the first chapter and the second chapter addresses the impact of this changed understanding of ethics upon our conception of moral judgment and responsibility. I suggest that the concept of responsibility divides in two: responsibility for the agent's (inner) fault and responsibility for the wrongdoing itself. Whereas the remainder of chapter two deals with the former, the rest of the thesis focuses upon the latter i.e. upon responsibility for the wrongdoing and upon two problems which are generated by the intricate bearing of luck and contingency on the concept of responsibility. The first of these problems concerns the relation of the person to her guilt. Guilt arises through a condemnable action for which the...
- Published
- 2013
10. Educational and Psychological Profiling of the Juvenile Delinquent
- Author
Brodská, Hana, Krykorková, Hana, and Koťa, Jaroslav
- Subjects
juvenilní delikvence ,Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic ,juvenile ,provinění ,juvenile delinquency ,Probační a mediační služba ČR ,mladistvý ,offense - Abstract
The thesis presents the educational and psychological profiling of the juvenile delinquent. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of the juvenile delinquency, its specifics and developmental trends in this field. Next, it deals with the description of the juvenile's profiling from the perspective of the developmental psychology and then with the explanation where juvenile delinquency stems from. The empirical part deals with the results of the qualitative research collected in the center of the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic. The research is realized by the combination of three methods - the content analysis of documents, the semi structured interview and Tarter questionnaire in order to get anamnestic data about chosen clients of the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic and to find out the most hazardous areas of their lifes.
- Published
- 2013
11. Cause of juvenile delinquancy and forms of recourse
- Author
- Subjects
juvenile ,measures ,provinění ,příčina trestné činnosti ,opatření ,juvenile court ,mladistvý ,soud pro mládež ,offense ,cause of delinquancy - Abstract
Criminal activity of juvenile delinquents is a subject discussed by specialists and employed widely by media. The public often condemn such offenders, under a strong influence of media presenting the issue of criminal activity of young persons from the point of view of consequences only and not from the point of view of causes thereof, without knowing the reason, which led juvenile delinquents to committing criminal activity, and requests fair punishment. Application of repressive, specifically disciplinary, preventive and retributive measures, however, not always serves its purpose. For these reasons, it is necessary, for effective solution of this issue, to determine causes of criminal activity committed by young persons, among which there are genetic predispositions, individual's personality, family, school, peer group, habit-forming substances or the aforementioned media. Actually, based on discovering and knowing the reasons, for which young persons commit criminal activity, it is possible to set effective prevention of such behaviour. The theoretical section of the thesis focuses on definition of the criminal activity structure in addition to causes of criminal activity?s commission by young persons arising from biological, psychological and social predispositions, measures, which can be imposed on young persons for their offence against the law, and entities, which collaborate in the solution of this issue. The determined goal, which lies in mapping of and detailed elaboration on the issue of criminal activity of juvenile delinquents and in describing the influence and importance of disciplinary, preventive and retributive measures which may be imposed on a juvenile delinquent, is followed by four research questions dealing with the most frequent cause, the most frequently committed criminal activity, relapse and form of delinquent activity's commission. Answers to the research questions resulted in hypotheses derived from the research based on the analysis of documents, specifically the secondary analysis of data acquired from ten case reports provided by guardians for young persons and probation officers. Conclusions of the bachelor's thesis should provide the public with integral information concerning the issue of criminal activity of young persons, in particular, should inform of the causes of such criminal activity and of the possibilities of effective sanctions for delinquent activity committed by juvenile delinquents.
- Published
- 2012
12. Juvenile Delinquency in České Budějovice compared with Juvenile Delinquency in the Surrounding Communities
- Author
ŠPOK, Ondřej
- Subjects
educational measure ,protective measure ,Provinění ,crime/offense ,juveniles ,Závažnost trestné činnosti ,Trestní opatření ,Trestný čin ,Ochranné opatření ,severity of crime ,Criminality ,offense ,Mladiství ,Výchovné opatření ,penal measure ,Kriminalita - Abstract
The aim of the work is to determine the current status of juvenile delinquency in the district of České Budějovice. For the process of this work is used the method of secondary data analysis. As resources are utilized statistical data obtained from the South Bohemian branch of the Czech Statistical Office and Crime statistics of Police Administration in the South Region. All resources relate to year 2009. In the work are compared values ??of juvenile delinquency in the city České Budějovice with the values in communities around the České Budějovice.
- Published
- 2011
13. Criminal activity of the juvenile offenders
- Author
- Subjects
Probační a mediační služba ,Mladistvý pachatel ,Pohnutka ,Provinění ,Family ,Rodina ,Statute of justice in the matters of juveniles ,Offence ,Criminal code ,Juvenile offender ,Probation and Mediation Service ,Zákon o soudnictví ve věcech mládeže ,Motive ,Trestní zákoník - Abstract
The theoretical part of my thesis focuses on explaining the concepts, including definition of responsibilities, and on development of work with offenders from retributive to restorative justice. It deals with the characteristics of youth crime, in particular by biological factors, age, gender, family and education. The practical part of my thesis utilises the methods of quantitative and qualitative combined research. The techniques included semi-standardised interviews completed with a non-aligned observation and secondary and content analysis of data from the files. The research sample consisted of clients of the Probation and Mediation Service in České Budějovice, who committed a criminal act in teen age. The research mostly focused on theft, quiet, whole and functional family background and students of the Secondary Technology and Automobile School in České Budějovice. The research has shown that young offenders are happy not to be in prison, and that they do not have sufficient legal awareness. All the set objectives have been achieved. Two of initial three hypotheses were confirmed, one was not. Hypotheses specified on the basis of research are: 1.) the most frequent motive of juvenile offenders to commit a criminal act is a sudden ?straying?, 2.) students of the Secondary Technology and Automobile School in České Budějovice, Skuherského Street 3, are the most common perpetrators of criminal acts in the district of České Budějovice, 3.) actively cooperating clients of the Probation and Mediation Service in České Budějovice are the most likely that the court would conditionally stop their prosecutions, and 4.) adolescents have low legal awareness. The thesis can be utilised for processing in professional magazines and publications or for the needs of further research, bachelor, diploma and other scientific works. Another possible use I see for the needs of practical application within the prevention of crime and for teaching purposes.
- Published
- 2010
14. Health and social aspects of the decrease of age limit of the criminal responsibility
- Author
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,offence ,dítě mladší patnácti let ,mladistvý ,provinění ,criminal responsibility ,child under the age of fifteen years ,youthful - Abstract
The name of the thesis is "Health and social aspects of the decrease of age limit of the criminal responsibility." The thesis describes the historical development of the criminal and legal liability of the youth and the present legal regulation, especially the Declaration of Basic Rights and Freedoms, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children, Family Act, Criminal Law, Penal Proceedings Act, Act on Judicial System in the Matters of Youth, Act on execution of institutional education or protective education in school facilities and preventively educational care in school facilities and Act on Probation and Medication Service as amended. Moreover it describes the age limit of the criminal liability in the Czech Republic and abroad. The thesis deals with cause and manifestation of youth criminality. The target number 1 was to find out, based on opinions of experts from the field of the social and legal protection of children and judicial system in the matters of youth, if the decrease of the limit of criminal liability would be suitable, or by how many years the limit of the criminal liability should be decreased. The target number 2 was to set and to characterise the possible health and social consequences of the possible decrease of the criminal liability limit. The research was performed by the qualitative method the base of which was a talk with experts from the branch of social and legal protection of children and judicial system in the matters of youth. The base was asking half-closed questions prepared in advance. The research file included: judge for the youth, state prosecutor, lawyer, 6 employees of probation and mediation service and 5 employees of the body for social and legal protection of children. It follows from the research that the prevailing part of the addressed experts agrees to the current legal regulations concerning the limit of criminal liability. Based on acquired information and achieved goals, the thesis could be a good contribution to the lasting discussion concerning preserving or decreasing the limit of criminal liability and bring arguments for the given statements especially from the health and social viewpoint.
- Published
- 2009
15. Juvenile Delinquency
- Author
MACÁK, Pavel
- Subjects
provinění ,nezletilý ,mladistvý ,prevence ,čin jinak trestný ,represe ,motiv ,kriminalita - Abstract
Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce s názvem {\clqq}Kriminalita mládeže`` je vymezení příčin a struktury kriminality mládeže, dále pak rámcová charakteristika osobnosti pachatele (zjištění motivů k páchání trestné činnosti, okolnosti vytváření osobnosti pachatele {--} sociokulturní prostředí atd.). Způsoby represe vůči mladistvím a nezletilým pachatelům trestné činnosti. Dílčím cílem práce je zmapování programů prevence kriminality mládeže prováděné v rámci Policie České republiky.
- Published
- 2009
16. Violence as a manifestation of criminal activities of juveniles
- Author
- Subjects
juvenile ,provinění ,násilí ,agrese ,violence ,trestný čin ,crime ,criminality ,mladistvý ,aggression ,delinquency ,kriminalita - Abstract
Aggression and inclination to violent behaviour inhere in every one of us, not excepting children and juveniles. It is important to realize what aggression and violence are, and why and how they arise so that we are able to understand, control and explain the behaviour. When committed by juveniles, this behaviour is much more serious since juveniles, as persons who are not mature yet, often do not realize incurred consequences. The causes of violent behaviour are hidden in particular in their vicinity, in the environment in which they grow up and shape up. Thus it is very important to work with juveniles in order to prevent their violent behaviour. However, if the work is inefficient, a legal regulation not forgetting juveniles is needed. In rather serious cases it intervenes and attempts to remove incurred damage and prevent recurrence of unlawful conduct. The objective of the research was to examine and confront violent criminal activities committed by juveniles and adults. A qualitative method was used to obtain the results. It was a method of a directed interview with the respondents working in the criminality section, competent to speak about the issue due to their expert knowledge and experience. The purpose of the work was to ascertain features and manifestations of violent criminal activities of juveniles and adults. Subsequently, these groups were compared in order to reveal existing conformities and differences that were disclosed in a part of the interviews. The objective of the work was fulfilled. For confirmation or invalidation of the hypotheses that were raised in the part titled Discussion it would be suitable to interview a larger number of respondents.
- Published
- 2009
17. Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Jindřichův Hradec
- Author
Nováčková, Pavla, Sedláková, Jaroslava, and Bohmová, Alena
- Subjects
mládež ,provinění ,trestná činnost ,prevence ,offence ,youth ,criminality ,deliquency ,kriminalita ,prevention - Abstract
This thesis is basically an overview of juvenile deliquency development over the past years, centering on the Czech Republic, Southern Bohemia and the region of Jindrichuv Hradec. The thesis concentrates on mapping the causes of the most frequent kinds of juvenile deliquency in Jindrichuv Hradec. It takes into account all factors that have an impact on criminal behavior of youths. The research is based on 50 documents stored within the probation and mediation agency of Jindrichuv Hradec. The research concluded, that the main causes of youth deliquency are unorganized free time together with family problems. There's also a considerable influence from the peers. Taking these facts into account, the thesis goes on to outline preventive measures, mainly free time activities, improving legal awareness among the targeted group, teachers' education and strengthening cohesion within a family.
- Published
- 2007
18. Imprisonment of minor offenders
- Author
VÁVROVÁ, Kateřina
- Subjects
juvenile ,provinění ,prevence ,offence ,opatření ,criminality ,trial ,custody ,prevention ,mladistvý ,kriminalita ,action ,řízení ,child younger than 15 years ,dítě mladší 15 let ,vazba - Abstract
Youth criminality is a constant problem which a number of specialists, legislative bodies, and the whole public deal with. A number of negative phenomenons occurring in the area of this population, e.g. spreading of drugs among younger and younger age groups and related increase of criminality undoubtedly play a leading role. However, it is known that bare repression is ineffective and means of educational activities are much more effective. Occurrence of social pathological phenomenons, their dynamics and changes are an indivisible part of the society. Grounds enabling occurrence of these phenomenons change very little. Heritability, constitutional factors, family, school, peer pressure, inappropriate spending free time as well as media influence and ethnical origin have an impact. Responsibility of the youth for unlawful acts is laid down by the Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on the Liability of Youth for Unlawful Acts and on Justice in Matters of Youth and Amending Certain Acts (Act on Justice in Matters of Youth). The purpose of the Act is defined particularly from the view of prevention of unlawful activities of the youth that is a basic group to which the attention of the whole justice and society is to be paid, so that every member of this group who committed an illegal act, no matter he is a juvenile or a child younger than fifteen years, is treated in accordance with this Act, he contributes to rectifying the injury resulting from the unlawful act within his strengths and abilities, a convenient and appropriate measure is imposed on him, and he finds a social asserting corresponding to his abilities and intellectual and moral development as a definitive result. Preventive activities aimed against youth criminality always and in the whole scope require respecting basic children rights and rights for privacy of their family. Children rights must be observed from primary to tertiary prevention, from searching threatened children and their families to treatment of guilty children. The most significant tool of social prevention is education of children in families and education of children at school. The aim of the thesis was to find out grounds leading to custodial detention of a juvenile offender and to find indications which could help to positively or negatively affect educational impact on the juvenile in the prison.
- Published
- 2007
19. Sociální a právní specifika přípravného řízení ve věcech mládeže
- Author
Pinková, Martina and Pinková, Martina
- Abstract
Diplomová práce na téma "Sociální a právní specifika přípravného řízení ve věcech mládeže" se v šesti kapitolách snaží přehledně a pokud možno úplně postihnout a analyzovat přípravné řízení ve věcech mládeže, popsat jeho sociální a právní specifika, odlišnosti od přípravného řízení proti dospělým pachatelům trestných činů a poukázat na některé komplikace a nejasnosti, které změny v oblasti trestního práva mladistvých přinesly a s nimiž se musí orgány činné v trestním řízení vypořádat., The diploma thesis "Social And Legal Specifics Of A Pre-trial Proceeding in Youth Cases" in its six chapters seeks to cover and analyze the pre-trial proceeding in youth cases in the most concise and complete way possible referring to its social and legal specifics and differences from the criminal proceeding against adult perpetrators of crimes and pointing out several complications and ambiguities brought about by modifications in the field of juvenile criminal law that have to be taken into account by investigative, prosecuting and adjudicating bodies., Institut mezioborových studií, obhájeno
- Published
- 2010
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