Tema disertacije je izrada opšteprimenljivog sistema za obradu artefakata od okresanog kamena po kome se mogu obrađivati nalazi koji imaju istu, ili drugačiju tehnolušku tradiciju i hronološku pripadnost. Sa ujednačenim načinom obrade daje se osnova za uspešno poređenje sadržaja nalaza sa većeg broja lokaliteta, kako onih koji pripadaju istoj kulturnoj grupi, tako i onih koji potiču iz različitih kultura. Istim pristupom obradi dobija se bolja osnova za sagledavanje tehnoloških uticaja arheoloških kultura koje istovremeno traju, ili onih koje neposredno slede u prelaznim periodima. Primenom ovoga sistema može se izgraditi arhiv podataka za lokalitete iz jednog regiona, što daje široke mogućnosti za praćenje sadržaja na većem broju istraživačkih nivoa. Za obradu nalaza različitih tehnoloških tradicija neophodno je uneti veliki broj atributa. Ali, brojnost atributa sama po sebi ne bi mogla izgraditi opšteprimenljiv sistem. Osnovni uslov za to je razvrstavanje atributa po grupama sa jasno određenim sadržajem. Upravo je mešanje atributa, što je čest slučaj u poznatim klasifikacijama, ono što onemugućava izgradnju opšteprimenljivog sistema obrade. Ako su atributi jasno razdvojeni po grupama, uspešnije je poređenje pojedinačne vrste atributa za nalaze iz većeg broja skupina sa lokaliteta iste ili različite kulturne grupe. Raznovrsnost i brojnost atributa omogućava da se detaljnije prikaže operativni lanac izrade alatki. Prikupljanje podataka je organizovano u pet nivoa. Prvi nivo je kontekst nalaza koji pored stratigrafske i prostorne pozicije artefakta obuhvata i podatke o očuvanosti stratigrafskih slojeva, arheološkim celinama i o orijentaciji artefakata. Drigi nivo se odnosi na tehnološke, morfološke, metričke podatke odbitaka i svojstva sirovine za neretuširane i retuširane artefakte. Unešene su 22 grupe atributa koje su dalje podeljene na uže celine. Treći nivo su podaci o atributima retuša svrstani u 10 grupa atributa. Četvrti nivo je obrada morfološke tipologije retuširanih artefakata koja se sastoji iz 15 grupa atributa. Pored tipova unešeni su i podtipovi i varijacije atributa, jer alatke koje pripadaju istom tipu nisu istovetne, već se razlikuju po prisutnim varijacijama. Ove razlike mogu biti odraz tehnološke tradicije, ali i u vezi sa primenjenom ekonomijom, kao i individualnog pristupa u izradi. U okviru tipoloških grupa unešen je 171 tip alatki. Peti nivo obuhvata obradu jezgara i sačinjen je od 15 grupa atributa koje se odnose na svojstva sirovine, tehnologiju izrade, dimenzione vrednosti i njihovu tipologiju. Kod nekih grupa atributa data je podela na drugačiji način nego što je uobičajeni pristup (npr. kod vrste odbitaka, retuša,tipova alatki i dr.), a što je proizašlo iz nastojanja da se atributi razvrstaju po svom sadržaju u odgovarajuće grupe. Prikazana tipologija je takođe dobrim delom drugačija od uobičajene. Nastojalo se da se, koliko je to moguće, podela zasniva na istim odrednicama za raznovrsne tipološke grupe, a to je prvenstveno položaj retuša u odnosu na ivice odbitka. Dalja razrada tipova urađena je prema razlikama u grupama atributa koji sačinjavaju tip alatke. Naporedo sa organizacijom podataka i izradom tipologije, radilo se i na izgradnji terminologije na srpskom jeziku. Pojedini termini na srpskom jeziku odstupaju od onih koji se uglavnom koriste. Kod predloženih naziva se težilo da odražavaju glavno svojstvo atributa. Kako bi se pronašlo odgovarajuće rešenje, praćena je terminologija na nekoliko jezika. U tekstu su naporedo sa srpskim nazivima navedeni i nazivi na engleskom, u nekim slučajevima na francuskom i nemačkom. Za svaki nivo obrade navedene su najčešće korišćene klasifikacije različitih istraživača sa prednostima i nedostacima njihovih sistema. Potom je predstavljen sistem koji autor ovog rada predlaže, sa obrazloženjem iznešenog pristupa. U uvodnom delu su navedeni ciljevi izgradnje ovakvog sistema i kakvi se rezultati očekuju njegovom primenom. Prikaz istorijata otkrića i izučavanja kamenih alatki dat je u drugom poglavlju. Tehnike odbijanja, mehanizam odbijanja i tehnološke tradicije, kao i atributi odbitaka su sadržaj trećeg poglavlja. U četvrtom su opisani načini obrade koji se odnose na redukciju jezgara i retuširanih odbitaka i na analizu tipologije i funkcije. Peto poglavlje obuhvata organizaciju podataka po sistemu iznešenom u ovome radu. U šestom poglavlju je prikazana primena sistema obrade na nalazima iz različitih perioda: ranog neolita, mezolita i musterijena. Takođe je izvedena uporedna analiza iz dva perioda koja uzastopno slede na istoj teritoriji (mezolit-rani neolit). U prilogu 1 je predstavljen kodirani klasifikacioni sistem atributa koji obuhvataju pet grupa podataka: kontekst nalaza, tehno-morfološki podaci, atributi retuša, morfološka tipologija i podaci o jezgrima. Sistem je otvoren za svaku grupu atributa, te je moguće unošenje novih. U prilogu 2 su dati kodni listovi za unošenje podataka. Tekst prati 85 ilustracija, 39 tabela, 5 grafikona i 6 kodnih listova za unošenje podataka Metoda istraživanja zasnovana je prvenstveno na rezultatima rada autora do kojih se došlo tokom višegodišnje obrade većeg broja skupina nalaza različite kulturne pripadnosti. Sa druge strane, izučavani su klasifikacioni sistemi koje istraživači koriste za obradu kamenih arefakata. Analizom poznatih sistema i rezultata svog rada, autor je izgradio sistem koji omogućava obradu okresanog kamena od najranijegvremena postojanja ove industrije do njenog kraja, a to je preko dva i po miliona godina. Očekuje se da će primena predloženog sistema obrade nalaza od okresanog kamena dati dobru osnovu za razne vrste analaza, a pre svega, za uprednu obradu nalaza sa većeg broja lokaliteta. Time će se omogućiti da se uspešnije sagledaju tehnološke sličnosti i razlike preistrijskih zajednica kroz prostor i vreme. Dissertation subject is creation of generally applicable system for the analysis of chipped stone artifacts that could be used to study finds, which have identical or different technological tradition and chronological attribution. Standardized method of the analysis provides the basis for successful comparison of assemblages from many sites, as well as those belonging to the identical cultural group and those originating from different cultures. Identical approach to the analysis offers better basis for comprehension of technological influences of archaeological cultures, which are concurrent or those immediately following in the transition periods. By using this system it is possible to make the data archive for the sites within distinct region, thus offering wide possibilities for observing the contents at larger number of investigation levels. For studying the finds of diverse technological tradition it is necessary to enter large number of attributes. Nevertheless, quantity by itself could not provide generally applicable system. Main condition for that is classification of attributes within groups with clearly determined contents. Actually, mixing of attributes as is the frequent case in known classifications is the element, which makes creation of generally applicable system of analysis impossible. If the attributes are clearly distinguished in groups, comparison of one type of attribute for the finds from larger number of assemblages from sites of identical or different cultural group is more successful. Diversity and quantity of attributes make possible detail presentation of the operational chain of tool production. The data gathering is organized at five levels. First level is the finding context, which includes besides stratigraphic and spatial position of the artifact also information about preservation of stratigraphic layers, archaeological entities and orientation of the artifact. Second level relates to technological, morphological, metric facts of flakes and characteristics of the raw material for unretouched and retouched artifacts. Twenty-two attribute groups further divided into smaller groups have been entered. Third level includes information about retouch attributes classified into 10 attribute groups. Forth level is the analysis of morphological typology of retouched artifacts that includes 15 groups of attributes. In addition to the types also sub-types and variations of attributes are entered because the tools identified as one type are not identical but differ according certain variations. These diversities could be the result of technological tradition but also related to the applied economy and also individual approach to manufacture. There are 171 types of tools included into typological groups. Fifth level includes analysis of cores and consists of 15 groups of attributes regarding raw material characteristics, production technology, dimensions and their typology. Within certain groups of attributes the division is suggested in a different way than it is common (e.g. types of flakes, retouch, types of tools etc) and it is the result of an attempt to classify attributes into corresponding groups according to its contents. Presented typology also differs to a great extent from the usual one. We tried as much as it was possible to base the classification on the same characteristics for diverse typological groups and that is primarily the position of retouch in relation to the flake's edges. Further distinction of types was made according to differences in the groups of attributes composing the tool type. Along with the organization of data and making of typology we also worked on creation of terminology in Serbian. Certain terms in Serbian deviate from the commonly used terms. When suggesting the terms we tried to illustrate main characteristic of the attribute. In order to find best solution we consulted terminology in few languages. So, in the text terms in English are quoted parallely with Serbian terms and in some cases also terms in French and German. For every level of analysis we quoted mostly used classifications by various authors with advantages and shortages of their systems. Then we presented the system proposed by this author with explanation of suggested elements. In the introductory part are quoted goals in creation of such system and what results are expected by its use. Second chapter includes history of investigation and study of stone tools. Techniques of knapping, flaking mechanism and technological traditions as well as the attributes of flakes are included in the third chapter. In the forth chapter are explained working methods concerning reduction of cores and retouched flakes and the analysis of typology and function. Fifth chapter includes data organization according to the system presented in this work. Application of the system of analysis on the finds from different periods (Early Neolithic, Mesolithic and Mousterian) is presented in the sixth chapter. There is also presented comparative analysis for two successive periods on the one territory (Mesolithic-Early Neolithic). In the appendix 1 is presented coding classification system of attributes including five groups of data: finding context, techno-morphological data, retouch attributes, morphological typology and data about cores. System is open for each group of attributes so it is possible to add new attributes. In appendix 2 are presented code sheets for data entering. Text is accompanied by85 illustrations, 39 tables, 5 graphs and 6 code sheets for data entering. Investigation method is based mostly on working results of the author that were obtained during many years of studying large number of assemblages of diverse cultural provenance. On the other hand we studied classification systems used by explorers for analysis of stone artifacts. By analyzing well-known systems and using the results of her work author created system, which makes possible studying chipped stone from the earliest times of existence of that industry to its very end and it is over two and a half million years. We expect that application of proposed system of analysis of chipped stone finds would provide good basis for various kinds of analyses and first of all for comparative analysis of finds from large number of sites. That would make possible better comprehension of technological similarities and differences of prehistoric communities through space and time.ADissertation subject is creation of generally applicable system for the analysis of chipped stone artifacts that could be used to study finds, which have identical or different technological tradition and chronological attribution. Standardized method of the analysis provides the basis for successful comparison of assemblages from many sites, as well as those belonging to the identical cultural group and those originating from different cultures. Identical approach to the analysis offers better basis for comprehension of technological influences of archaeological cultures, which are concurrent or those immediately following in the transition periods. By using this system it is possible to make the data archive for the sites within distinct region, thus offering wide possibilities for observing the contents at larger number of investigation levels. For studying the finds of diverse technological tradition it is necessary to enter large number of attributes. Nevertheless, quantity by itself could not provide generally applicable system. Main condition for that is classification of attributes within groups with clearly determined contents. Actually, mixing of attributes as is the frequent case in known classifications is the element, which makes creation of generally applicable system of analysis impossible. If the attributes are clearly distinguished in groups, comparison of one type of attribute for the finds from larger number of assemblages from sites of identical or different cultural group is more successful. Diversity and quantity of attributes make possible detail presentation of the operational chain of tool production. The data gathering is organized at five levels. First level is the finding context, which includes besides stratigraphic and spatial position of the artifact also information about preservation of stratigraphic layers, archaeological entities and orientation of the artifact. Second level relates to technological, morphological, metric facts of flakes and characteristics of the raw material for unretouched and retouched artifacts. Twenty-two attribute groups further divided into smaller groups have been entered. Third level includes information about retouch attributes classified into 10 attribute groups. Forth level is the analysis of morphological typology of retouched artifacts that includes 15 groups of attributes. In addition to the types also sub-types and variations of attributes are entered because the tools identified as one type are not identical but differ according certain variations. These diversities could be the result of technological tradition but also related to the applied economy and also individual approach to manufacture. There are 171 types of tools included into typological groups. Fifth level includes analysis of cores and consists of 15 groups of attributes regarding raw material characteristics, production technology, dimensions and their typology. Within certain groups of attributes the division is suggested in a different way than it is common (e.g. types of flakes, retouch, types of tools etc) and it is the result of an attempt to classify attributes into corresponding groups according to its contents. Presented typology also differs to a great extent from the usual one. We tried as much as it was possible to base the classification on the same characteristics for diverse typological groups and that is primarily the position of retouch in relation to the flake's edges. Further distinction of types was made according to differences in the groups of attributes composing the tool type. Along with the organization of data and making of typology we also worked on creation of terminology in Serbian. Certain terms in Serbian deviate from the commonly used terms. When suggesting the terms we tried to illustrate main characteristic of the attribute. In order to find best solution we consulted terminology in few languages. So, in the text terms in English are quoted parallely with Serbian terms and in some cases also terms in French and German. For every level of analysis we quoted mostly used classifications by various authors with advantages and shortages of their systems. Then we presented the system proposed by this author with explanation of suggested elements. In the introductory part are quoted goals in creation of such system and what results are expected by its use. Second chapter includes history of investigation and study of stone tools. Techniques of knapping, flaking mechanism and technological traditions as well as the attributes of flakes are included in the third chapter. In the forth chapter are explained working methods concerning reduction of cores and retouched flakes and the analysis of typology and function. Fifth chapter includes data organization according to the system presented in this work. Application of the system of analysis on the finds from different periods (Early Neolithic, Mesolithic and Mousterian) is presented in the sixth chapter. There is also presented comparative analysis for two successive periods on the one territory (Mesolithic-Early Neolithic). In the appendix 1 is presented coding classification system of attributes including five groups of data: finding context, techno-morphological data, retouch attributes, morphological typology and data about cores. System is open for each group of attributes so it is possible to add new attributes. In appendix 2 are presented code sheets for data entering. Text is accompanied by85 illustrations, 39 tables, 5 graphs and 6 code sheets for data entering. Investigation method is based mostly on working results of the author that were obtained during many years of studying large number of assemblages of diverse cultural provenance. On the other hand we studied classification systems used by explorers for analysis of stone artifacts. By analyzing well-known systems and using the results of her work author created system, which makes possible studying chipped stone from the earliest times of existence of that industry to its very end and it is over two and a half million years. We expect that application of proposed system of analysis of chipped stone finds would provide good basis for various kinds of analyses and first of all for comparative analysis of finds from large number of sites. That would make possible better comprehension of technological similarities and differences of prehistoric communities through space and time.Dissertation subject is creation of generally applicable system for the analysis of chipped stone artifacts that could be used to study finds, which have identical or different technological tradition and chronological attribution. Standardized method of the analysis provides the basis for successful comparison of assemblages from many sites, as well as those belonging to the identical cultural group and those originating from different cultures. Identical approach to the analysis offers better basis for comprehension of technological influences of archaeological cultures, which are concurrent or those immediately following in the transition periods. By using this system it is possible to make the data archive for the sites within distinct region, thus offering wide possibilities for observing the contents at larger number of investigation levels. For studying the finds of diverse technological tradition it is necessary to enter large number of attributes. Nevertheless, quantity by itself could not provide generally applicable system. Main condition for that is classification of attributes within groups with clearly determined contents. Actually, mixing of attributes as is the frequent case in known classifications is the element, which makes creation of generally applicable system of analysis impossible. If the attributes are clearly distinguished in groups, comparison of one type of attribute for the finds from larger number of assemblages from sites of identical or different cultural group is more successful. Diversity and quantity of attributes make possible detail presentation of the operational chain of tool production. The data gathering is organized at five levels. First level is the finding context, which includes besides stratigraphic and spatial position of the artifact also information about preservation of stratigraphic layers, archaeological entities and orientation of the artifact. Second level relates to technological, morphological, metric facts of flakes and characteristics of the raw material for unretouched and retouched artifacts. Twenty-two attribute groups further divided into smaller groups have been entered. Third level includes information about retouch attributes classified into 10 attribute groups. Forth level is the analysis of morphological typology of retouched artifacts that includes 15 groups of attributes. In addition to the types also sub-types and variations of attributes are entered because the tools identified as one type are not identical but differ according certain variations. These diversities could be the result of technological tradition but also related to the applied economy and also individual approach to manufacture. There are 171 types of tools included into typological groups. Fifth level includes analysis of cores and consists of 15 groups of attributes regarding raw material characteristics, production technology, dimensions and their typology. Within certain groups of attributes the division is suggested in a different way than it is common (e.g. types of flakes, retouch, types of tools etc) and it is the result of an attempt to classify attributes into corresponding groups according to its contents. Presented typology also differs to a great extent from the usual one. We tried as much as it was possible to base the classification on the same characteristics for diverse typological groups and that is primarily the position of retouch in relation to the flake's edges. Further distinction of types was made according to differences in the groups of attributes composing the tool type. Along with the organization of data and making of typology we also worked on creation of terminology in Serbian. Certain terms in Serbian deviate from the commonly used terms. When suggesting the terms we tried to illustrate main characteristic of the attribute. In order to find best solution we consulted terminology in few languages. So, in the text terms in English are quoted parallely with Serbian terms and in some cases also terms in French and German. For every level of analysis we quoted mostly used classifications by various authors with advantages and shortages of their systems. Then we presented the system proposed by this author with explanation of suggested elements. In the introductory part are quoted goals in creation of such system and what results are expected by its use. Second chapter includes history of investigation and study of stone tools. Techniques of knapping, flaking mechanism and technological traditions as well as the attributes of flakes are included in the third chapter. In the forth chapter are explained working methods concerning reduction of cores and retouched flakes and the analysis of typology and function. Fifth chapter includes data organization according to the system presented in this work. Application of the system of analysis on the finds from different periods (Early Neolithic, Mesolithic and Mousterian) is presented in the sixth chapter. There is also presented comparative analysis for two successive periods on the one territory (Mesolithic-Early Neolithic). In the appendix 1 is presented coding classification system of attributes including five groups of data: finding context, techno-morphological data, retouch attributes, morphological typology and data about cores. System is open for each group of attributes so it is possible to add new attributes. In appendix 2 are presented code sheets for data entering. Text is accompanied by85 illustrations, 39 tables, 5 graphs and 6 code sheets for data entering. Investigation method is based mostly on working results of the author that were obtained during many years of studying large number of assemblages of diverse cultural provenance. On the other hand we studied classification systems used by explorers for analysis of stone artifacts. By analyzing well-known systems and using the results of her work author created system, which makes possible studying chipped stone from the earliest times of existence of that industry to its very end and it is over two and a half million years. We expect that application of proposed system of analysis of chipped stone finds would provide good basis for various kinds of analyses and first of all for comparative analysis of finds from large number of sites. That would make possible better comprehension of technological similarities and differences of prehistoric communities through space and time.