26 results on '"rink"'
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2. Die Nullstufe der Bühne: Spielfläche und Schranken als historische Aufführungsdispositive im spätmittelalterlichen Theater
- Author
Velten, Hans Rudolf
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Shodmonov Golib Dustmurodovich, Chuyanov Dustmurod Shodmonovich, and Ergashov G'ayrat Khudoyorovich
- Subjects
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SOWING , *TILLAGE , *AGRICULTURAL technology , *FARM mechanization , *AGRICULTURAL engineering - Abstract
A soil-saving, energy-resource-saving technology for preparing soil for sowing gourds and a combined machine for its implementation are proposed. It is established that the use of a combined machine reduces labor costs by 48-51%, fuel consumption by 54-59% and operating costs by 62-67% compared to existing machines. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Bedić, Katja and Pogačar, Kaja
- Subjects
TAM ,outdoor swimming ,industrijska cona Tezno ,udc:728.5.012 ,kopališče ,drsališče ,paviljoni ,rink ,industrial zone ,pavilions - Abstract
Projektna naloga obsega kratek pregled zgodovine industrijskega razvoja mesta Maribor ter razvoj industrijskih con, natančneje popisuje industrijsko cono Tezno, v kateri se nahaja lokacija nekdanjega kopališča TAM (Tovarna avtomobilov Maribor). Iz pridobljenih načrtov smo analizirali zgodovinsko, materialno in arhitekturno zasnovo kopališča in predstavili idejni projekt nadaljnjega širjenja rekreacijskega centra TAM iz leta 1970. V prilogah je dodan predlog nove ureditve letnega kopališča in drsališča, ki temelji predvsem na urbanistični zasnovi celotnega območja ter arhitekturni zasnovi posameznih paviljonov in bazenskega kompleksa, ki bi v prostoru delovali kot »zelena oaza« znotraj industrijske cone. The thesis explores the history of Maribor's industrial development, the development of the industrial zones, esp. the industrial zone Tezno, where the former TAM outdoor swimming complex is located. On the base of the acquired maps, the historical, material and architectural design of the complex has been analysed. In addition, the preliminary design for the further expansion of the TAM leisure centre is presented, which unfortunately remained just on paper. The appendices contain a proposal for the renovation based on an urban development of individual pavilions and the pool complex giving the impression of a “green oasis” in the middle of an industrial zone.
- Published
- 2013
5. Analisys and energy saving measures of kastvallen ice hockey rink arena
- Author
Igual Bueno, Mario, Bielsa Azcona, José Enrique, and Hansson, Peter
- Subjects
Skating rinks -- Equipment and supplies ,analysis ,Calefacció -- Aparells i accessoris ,Ice hockey ,Hoquei -- Aparells i instruments ,Heating from central stations ,refrigeration cycle ,energy saving measures ,Edificació::Instal·lacions i acondicionament d'edificis::Instal·lacions de climatització [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Heating -- Equipment and supplies ,Energies::Gestió de l'energia::Estalvi energètic [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Energy conservation ,Pistes de gel -- Aparells i instruments ,Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery ,Hockey -- Equipment and supplies ,Refrigeració i màquines frigorífiques ,Energia -- Estalvi ,rink ,Energy Systems ,energy ,Energisystem - Abstract
Nowadays efficiency measures are more and more important because the price of the energy is increasing every year. Moreover, saving energy it is also important for decrease the environmental impact. Kastvallen is a hockey arena built in 1997 that cools the hockey rink with electric compressors. The changing rooms are heating by using district heating. Actually the total invoice of electricity is above the 800000 SEK. Meanwhile the district heating invoice reaches the 60000SEK. The aim of this project is reducing the amount of the electricity and heat invoice promoting smart energy improvements. The improvements proposals can be divided in three sections; energy savings of the changing rooms, efficiency increase of the compressors and dehumidifier energy savings. For heat the tap water and the changing room’s ventilation it is suggested to take profit from the heat released at the condenser and so reduce its heat load requirements. For this proposal two different configurations are studied. In order to increase the efficiency of the compressors the possibility of reducing the condenser temperature will be studied. Three proposals will be studied to carry out this commitment; Installing a condensing temperature control, installing a evaporate cooler and having a snow storage. Finally, one of the largest consumers of electricity in Kastvallen ice hockey rink is the dehumidifier. The current dehumidifier works with a desiccant wheel. The desiccant material extract the moisture from the processed air flow, after that the desiccant has to be reactivated with ‘fresh air’. This reactivation air needs to be heated 95ºC, so the waste air released after the reactivation of the desiccant is air at high temperature. The first proposal is preheat the reactivation air with the hot waste air in order to reduce the heating requirements, conducting this proposal the total money saved each year would be 41811 SEK with a Pay-back around 1 year. The second step is studied the possibility of heating the air with district heating, taking into account that district heating is three times cheaper than electricity, conducting this proposal the total money saved each year would be 45629 SEK with a Pay-back around 1 year. The last proposal is to combine preheating and heating with district heating, conducting this proposal the total money saved each year would be 61553 SEK with a Pay-back around 1.6 years. All the previous energy improvements proposals are studied with empirical and analytical methods and using the knowledge gained during the previous years of studies. The study concludes that the best proposal for the dehumidifier is combine the preheating and heating with district heating. In addition of the money saved, this measure allows to save 2.71 Tm of CO2 each year. For the refrigeration cycle, the study concludes that installing a controlled temperature control is the best option if the price of that is lower than 334726 SEK. If not the best option is heating the rooms and the ventilation with the condenser of the refrigeration cycle. These measures could reduce between 8% and 20% of the total energy invoice plus a considerable reduction of CO2 emissions. Evaporative cooling and snow storage would be studying after with the data of the first year of the condensing temperature control; if it is installed.
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Igual Bueno, Mario, Bielsa Azcona, Jose Enrique, Igual Bueno, Mario, and Bielsa Azcona, Jose Enrique
- Abstract
Nowadays efficiency measures are more and more important because the price of the energy is increasing every year. Moreover, saving energy it is also important for decrease the environmental impact. Kastvallen is a hockey arena built in 1997 that cools the hockey rink with electric compressors. The changing rooms are heating by using district heating. Actually the total invoice of electricity is above the 800000 SEK. Meanwhile the district heating invoice reaches the 60000SEK. The aim of this project is reducing the amount of the electricity and heat invoice promoting smart energy improvements. The improvements proposals can be divided in three sections; energy savings of the changing rooms, efficiency increase of the compressors and dehumidifier energy savings. For heat the tap water and the changing room’s ventilation it is suggested to take profit from the heat released at the condenser and so reduce its heat load requirements. For this proposal two different configurations are studied. In order to increase the efficiency of the compressors the possibility of reducing the condenser temperature will be studied. Three proposals will be studied to carry out this commitment; Installing a condensing temperature control, installing a evaporate cooler and having a snow storage. Finally, one of the largest consumers of electricity in Kastvallen ice hockey rink is the dehumidifier. The current dehumidifier works with a desiccant wheel. The desiccant material extract the moisture from the processed air flow, after that the desiccant has to be reactivated with ‘fresh air’. This reactivation air needs to be heated 95ºC, so the waste air released after the reactivation of the desiccant is air at high temperature. The first proposal is preheat the reactivation air with the hot waste air in order to reduce the heating requirements, conducting this proposal the total money saved each year would be 41811 SEK with a Pay-back around 1 year. The second step is studied the possibilit
- Published
- 2012
7. Sphagnum subsecundum Nees
- Author
51 - New Zealand, Hutton, and Rink
8. Sportovní centrum Královo Pole
- Author
Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, Kouřilová, Monika, Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, and Kouřilová, Monika
- Abstract
Vlastní objekt je navržen jako volně stojící dvoupodlažní stavba. Výchozím bodem pro návrh byla snaha vytvořit objekt slučující všechny požadované funkce. Půdorysná stopa stavby se odvíjí od tvaru kluziště. Celkovou hmotu tvoří dva zaoblené stoupající, od sebe odsazené tvary. Jeden z vnitřní strany kluziště začínající přístupovou rampou a končící terasou v patře u kavárny a tvar druhý, který z pohledu z kluziště kopíruje tvar první s tím, že už od začátku stoupání je navýšen o jedno podlaží. Objekt je ze severozápadní strany, jež je nejvíce viditelná z přístupové komunikace, celý “obalen” perforovaným plechovým pláštěm. Plášť graficky znázorňuje stylizované krystaly vody - ledu. Tato strana tedy přináší jakési tajemství o tvaru, výšce a barvě objektu., Design of building is one solitaire two-floors object. The main purpose of design was effort to conect all required functions. The shape of the building is derived from the shape of the rink. The total mass consists of two rounded raising shapes which are indented. The first shape represents the inner side of the rink which starts with an access ramp and ends with the final terrace at a café. The second shape copies the first one with the fact that it is increased for one floor from the very beginning of rising. The building is situated in the northwest side, which is the most visible side from the access communication. The entire building is covered in perforated sheet coat. Moreover, the coat graphically illustrates stylized crystals of water - ice. This page therefore demonstrates the secret of the shape, height and colour of the object.
9. Konstrukce zastřešení kluziště
- Author
Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, Pospíšilová, Lenka, Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, and Pospíšilová, Lenka
- Abstract
Tento dokument se zabývá návrhem střešní konstrukce pro dané rozměry kluziště. Byla navržena a zhodnocena tři řešení zastřešení – ocelová příhradová deska, betonový oblouk s vnějším předpětím a předpjaté příhradové střešní vazníky s betonovými střešními panely. Byla vybrána jedna varianta – předpjatý příhradový vazník. Tato varianta byla dále podrobně rozpracována. Na počátku bylo vypracováno několik návrhů geometrie respektující nároky na daný typ konstrukce. V rámci statického výpočtu byl vytvořen matematický model konstrukce v programu Scia Engineer. Pomocí tohoto modelu byly získány potřebné hodnoty pro posouzení jednotlivých prvků konstrukce a také posouzení konstrukce jako celku pro mezní stav únosnosti a použitelnosti. Dle navržené geometrie a posudků částí konstrukce byla zpracována výkresová dokumentace konstrukce jako celku a také jednotlivých částí konstrukce řešených v této diplomové práci. Jako poslední byl návrh konstrukce vizualizován společně s jednotlivými fázemi výstavby v programu ArchiCAD a renderován v Artlantise., This document describes the design of the roof structure for the dimensions of the rink. It was designed and evaluated three roofing solutions – steel truss structure, concrete arch with external prestress and prestress truss roof girder with concrete roof panel. One option was selected – prestress truss girder. This variant has been further developed. In the beginning was drafted several proposals geometry respecting the demands on the type of construction. Within the static calculation was created a mathematical model of the structure of the program Scia Engineer. Using this model were obtained values needed for the assessment of individual elements of construction and design assessment as a whole for the ultimate limit state and usability. According to the proposed geometry and opinions parts of the structure was drawing documentation structure as a whole and individual parts of the structure solved in this thesis. The last proposal was visualized structures together with the phases of the construction by program ArchiCAD and rendered by program Artlantis.
10. Konstrukce zastřešení kluziště
- Author
Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, Pospíšilová, Lenka, Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, and Pospíšilová, Lenka
- Abstract
Tento dokument se zabývá návrhem střešní konstrukce pro dané rozměry kluziště. Byla navržena a zhodnocena tři řešení zastřešení – ocelová příhradová deska, betonový oblouk s vnějším předpětím a předpjaté příhradové střešní vazníky s betonovými střešními panely. Byla vybrána jedna varianta – předpjatý příhradový vazník. Tato varianta byla dále podrobně rozpracována. Na počátku bylo vypracováno několik návrhů geometrie respektující nároky na daný typ konstrukce. V rámci statického výpočtu byl vytvořen matematický model konstrukce v programu Scia Engineer. Pomocí tohoto modelu byly získány potřebné hodnoty pro posouzení jednotlivých prvků konstrukce a také posouzení konstrukce jako celku pro mezní stav únosnosti a použitelnosti. Dle navržené geometrie a posudků částí konstrukce byla zpracována výkresová dokumentace konstrukce jako celku a také jednotlivých částí konstrukce řešených v této diplomové práci. Jako poslední byl návrh konstrukce vizualizován společně s jednotlivými fázemi výstavby v programu ArchiCAD a renderován v Artlantise., This document describes the design of the roof structure for the dimensions of the rink. It was designed and evaluated three roofing solutions – steel truss structure, concrete arch with external prestress and prestress truss roof girder with concrete roof panel. One option was selected – prestress truss girder. This variant has been further developed. In the beginning was drafted several proposals geometry respecting the demands on the type of construction. Within the static calculation was created a mathematical model of the structure of the program Scia Engineer. Using this model were obtained values needed for the assessment of individual elements of construction and design assessment as a whole for the ultimate limit state and usability. According to the proposed geometry and opinions parts of the structure was drawing documentation structure as a whole and individual parts of the structure solved in this thesis. The last proposal was visualized structures together with the phases of the construction by program ArchiCAD and rendered by program Artlantis.
11. Sportovní centrum Královo Pole
- Author
Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, Kouřilová, Monika, Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, and Kouřilová, Monika
- Abstract
Vlastní objekt je navržen jako volně stojící dvoupodlažní stavba. Výchozím bodem pro návrh byla snaha vytvořit objekt slučující všechny požadované funkce. Půdorysná stopa stavby se odvíjí od tvaru kluziště. Celkovou hmotu tvoří dva zaoblené stoupající, od sebe odsazené tvary. Jeden z vnitřní strany kluziště začínající přístupovou rampou a končící terasou v patře u kavárny a tvar druhý, který z pohledu z kluziště kopíruje tvar první s tím, že už od začátku stoupání je navýšen o jedno podlaží. Objekt je ze severozápadní strany, jež je nejvíce viditelná z přístupové komunikace, celý “obalen” perforovaným plechovým pláštěm. Plášť graficky znázorňuje stylizované krystaly vody - ledu. Tato strana tedy přináší jakési tajemství o tvaru, výšce a barvě objektu., Design of building is one solitaire two-floors object. The main purpose of design was effort to conect all required functions. The shape of the building is derived from the shape of the rink. The total mass consists of two rounded raising shapes which are indented. The first shape represents the inner side of the rink which starts with an access ramp and ends with the final terrace at a café. The second shape copies the first one with the fact that it is increased for one floor from the very beginning of rising. The building is situated in the northwest side, which is the most visible side from the access communication. The entire building is covered in perforated sheet coat. Moreover, the coat graphically illustrates stylized crystals of water - ice. This page therefore demonstrates the secret of the shape, height and colour of the object.
12. Sportovní centrum Královo Pole
- Author
Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, and Teplý, Vladimír
- Abstract
Vlastní objekt je navržen jako volně stojící dvoupodlažní stavba. Výchozím bodem pro návrh byla snaha vytvořit objekt slučující všechny požadované funkce. Půdorysná stopa stavby se odvíjí od tvaru kluziště. Celkovou hmotu tvoří dva zaoblené stoupající, od sebe odsazené tvary. Jeden z vnitřní strany kluziště začínající přístupovou rampou a končící terasou v patře u kavárny a tvar druhý, který z pohledu z kluziště kopíruje tvar první s tím, že už od začátku stoupání je navýšen o jedno podlaží. Objekt je ze severozápadní strany, jež je nejvíce viditelná z přístupové komunikace, celý “obalen” perforovaným plechovým pláštěm. Plášť graficky znázorňuje stylizované krystaly vody - ledu. Tato strana tedy přináší jakési tajemství o tvaru, výšce a barvě objektu., Design of building is one solitaire two-floors object. The main purpose of design was effort to conect all required functions. The shape of the building is derived from the shape of the rink. The total mass consists of two rounded raising shapes which are indented. The first shape represents the inner side of the rink which starts with an access ramp and ends with the final terrace at a café. The second shape copies the first one with the fact that it is increased for one floor from the very beginning of rising. The building is situated in the northwest side, which is the most visible side from the access communication. The entire building is covered in perforated sheet coat. Moreover, the coat graphically illustrates stylized crystals of water - ice. This page therefore demonstrates the secret of the shape, height and colour of the object.
13. Konstrukce zastřešení kluziště
- Author
Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, Klusáček, Ladislav, and Pinkas, Karel
- Abstract
Tento dokument se zabývá návrhem střešní konstrukce pro dané rozměry kluziště. Byla navržena a zhodnocena tři řešení zastřešení – ocelová příhradová deska, betonový oblouk s vnějším předpětím a předpjaté příhradové střešní vazníky s betonovými střešními panely. Byla vybrána jedna varianta – předpjatý příhradový vazník. Tato varianta byla dále podrobně rozpracována. Na počátku bylo vypracováno několik návrhů geometrie respektující nároky na daný typ konstrukce. V rámci statického výpočtu byl vytvořen matematický model konstrukce v programu Scia Engineer. Pomocí tohoto modelu byly získány potřebné hodnoty pro posouzení jednotlivých prvků konstrukce a také posouzení konstrukce jako celku pro mezní stav únosnosti a použitelnosti. Dle navržené geometrie a posudků částí konstrukce byla zpracována výkresová dokumentace konstrukce jako celku a také jednotlivých částí konstrukce řešených v této diplomové práci. Jako poslední byl návrh konstrukce vizualizován společně s jednotlivými fázemi výstavby v programu ArchiCAD a renderován v Artlantise., This document describes the design of the roof structure for the dimensions of the rink. It was designed and evaluated three roofing solutions – steel truss structure, concrete arch with external prestress and prestress truss roof girder with concrete roof panel. One option was selected – prestress truss girder. This variant has been further developed. In the beginning was drafted several proposals geometry respecting the demands on the type of construction. Within the static calculation was created a mathematical model of the structure of the program Scia Engineer. Using this model were obtained values needed for the assessment of individual elements of construction and design assessment as a whole for the ultimate limit state and usability. According to the proposed geometry and opinions parts of the structure was drawing documentation structure as a whole and individual parts of the structure solved in this thesis. The last proposal was visualized structures together with the phases of the construction by program ArchiCAD and rendered by program Artlantis.
14. Sportovní centrum Královo Pole
- Author
Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, and Teplý, Vladimír
- Abstract
Vlastní objekt je navržen jako volně stojící dvoupodlažní stavba. Výchozím bodem pro návrh byla snaha vytvořit objekt slučující všechny požadované funkce. Půdorysná stopa stavby se odvíjí od tvaru kluziště. Celkovou hmotu tvoří dva zaoblené stoupající, od sebe odsazené tvary. Jeden z vnitřní strany kluziště začínající přístupovou rampou a končící terasou v patře u kavárny a tvar druhý, který z pohledu z kluziště kopíruje tvar první s tím, že už od začátku stoupání je navýšen o jedno podlaží. Objekt je ze severozápadní strany, jež je nejvíce viditelná z přístupové komunikace, celý “obalen” perforovaným plechovým pláštěm. Plášť graficky znázorňuje stylizované krystaly vody - ledu. Tato strana tedy přináší jakési tajemství o tvaru, výšce a barvě objektu., Design of building is one solitaire two-floors object. The main purpose of design was effort to conect all required functions. The shape of the building is derived from the shape of the rink. The total mass consists of two rounded raising shapes which are indented. The first shape represents the inner side of the rink which starts with an access ramp and ends with the final terrace at a café. The second shape copies the first one with the fact that it is increased for one floor from the very beginning of rising. The building is situated in the northwest side, which is the most visible side from the access communication. The entire building is covered in perforated sheet coat. Moreover, the coat graphically illustrates stylized crystals of water - ice. This page therefore demonstrates the secret of the shape, height and colour of the object.
15. Konstrukce zastřešení kluziště
- Author
Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, Klusáček, Ladislav, and Pinkas, Karel
- Abstract
Tento dokument se zabývá návrhem střešní konstrukce pro dané rozměry kluziště. Byla navržena a zhodnocena tři řešení zastřešení – ocelová příhradová deska, betonový oblouk s vnějším předpětím a předpjaté příhradové střešní vazníky s betonovými střešními panely. Byla vybrána jedna varianta – předpjatý příhradový vazník. Tato varianta byla dále podrobně rozpracována. Na počátku bylo vypracováno několik návrhů geometrie respektující nároky na daný typ konstrukce. V rámci statického výpočtu byl vytvořen matematický model konstrukce v programu Scia Engineer. Pomocí tohoto modelu byly získány potřebné hodnoty pro posouzení jednotlivých prvků konstrukce a také posouzení konstrukce jako celku pro mezní stav únosnosti a použitelnosti. Dle navržené geometrie a posudků částí konstrukce byla zpracována výkresová dokumentace konstrukce jako celku a také jednotlivých částí konstrukce řešených v této diplomové práci. Jako poslední byl návrh konstrukce vizualizován společně s jednotlivými fázemi výstavby v programu ArchiCAD a renderován v Artlantise., This document describes the design of the roof structure for the dimensions of the rink. It was designed and evaluated three roofing solutions – steel truss structure, concrete arch with external prestress and prestress truss roof girder with concrete roof panel. One option was selected – prestress truss girder. This variant has been further developed. In the beginning was drafted several proposals geometry respecting the demands on the type of construction. Within the static calculation was created a mathematical model of the structure of the program Scia Engineer. Using this model were obtained values needed for the assessment of individual elements of construction and design assessment as a whole for the ultimate limit state and usability. According to the proposed geometry and opinions parts of the structure was drawing documentation structure as a whole and individual parts of the structure solved in this thesis. The last proposal was visualized structures together with the phases of the construction by program ArchiCAD and rendered by program Artlantis.
16. Sportovní centrum Královo Pole
- Author
Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, and Teplý, Vladimír
- Abstract
Vlastní objekt je navržen jako volně stojící dvoupodlažní stavba. Výchozím bodem pro návrh byla snaha vytvořit objekt slučující všechny požadované funkce. Půdorysná stopa stavby se odvíjí od tvaru kluziště. Celkovou hmotu tvoří dva zaoblené stoupající, od sebe odsazené tvary. Jeden z vnitřní strany kluziště začínající přístupovou rampou a končící terasou v patře u kavárny a tvar druhý, který z pohledu z kluziště kopíruje tvar první s tím, že už od začátku stoupání je navýšen o jedno podlaží. Objekt je ze severozápadní strany, jež je nejvíce viditelná z přístupové komunikace, celý “obalen” perforovaným plechovým pláštěm. Plášť graficky znázorňuje stylizované krystaly vody - ledu. Tato strana tedy přináší jakési tajemství o tvaru, výšce a barvě objektu., Design of building is one solitaire two-floors object. The main purpose of design was effort to conect all required functions. The shape of the building is derived from the shape of the rink. The total mass consists of two rounded raising shapes which are indented. The first shape represents the inner side of the rink which starts with an access ramp and ends with the final terrace at a café. The second shape copies the first one with the fact that it is increased for one floor from the very beginning of rising. The building is situated in the northwest side, which is the most visible side from the access communication. The entire building is covered in perforated sheet coat. Moreover, the coat graphically illustrates stylized crystals of water - ice. This page therefore demonstrates the secret of the shape, height and colour of the object.
17. Konstrukce zastřešení kluziště
- Author
Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, Klusáček, Ladislav, and Pinkas, Karel
- Abstract
Tento dokument se zabývá návrhem střešní konstrukce pro dané rozměry kluziště. Byla navržena a zhodnocena tři řešení zastřešení – ocelová příhradová deska, betonový oblouk s vnějším předpětím a předpjaté příhradové střešní vazníky s betonovými střešními panely. Byla vybrána jedna varianta – předpjatý příhradový vazník. Tato varianta byla dále podrobně rozpracována. Na počátku bylo vypracováno několik návrhů geometrie respektující nároky na daný typ konstrukce. V rámci statického výpočtu byl vytvořen matematický model konstrukce v programu Scia Engineer. Pomocí tohoto modelu byly získány potřebné hodnoty pro posouzení jednotlivých prvků konstrukce a také posouzení konstrukce jako celku pro mezní stav únosnosti a použitelnosti. Dle navržené geometrie a posudků částí konstrukce byla zpracována výkresová dokumentace konstrukce jako celku a také jednotlivých částí konstrukce řešených v této diplomové práci. Jako poslední byl návrh konstrukce vizualizován společně s jednotlivými fázemi výstavby v programu ArchiCAD a renderován v Artlantise., This document describes the design of the roof structure for the dimensions of the rink. It was designed and evaluated three roofing solutions – steel truss structure, concrete arch with external prestress and prestress truss roof girder with concrete roof panel. One option was selected – prestress truss girder. This variant has been further developed. In the beginning was drafted several proposals geometry respecting the demands on the type of construction. Within the static calculation was created a mathematical model of the structure of the program Scia Engineer. Using this model were obtained values needed for the assessment of individual elements of construction and design assessment as a whole for the ultimate limit state and usability. According to the proposed geometry and opinions parts of the structure was drawing documentation structure as a whole and individual parts of the structure solved in this thesis. The last proposal was visualized structures together with the phases of the construction by program ArchiCAD and rendered by program Artlantis.
18. Sportovní centrum Královo Pole
- Author
Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, Kouřilová, Monika, Odvárka, Antonín, Pěnčík, Jan, Teplý, Vladimír, and Kouřilová, Monika
- Abstract
Vlastní objekt je navržen jako volně stojící dvoupodlažní stavba. Výchozím bodem pro návrh byla snaha vytvořit objekt slučující všechny požadované funkce. Půdorysná stopa stavby se odvíjí od tvaru kluziště. Celkovou hmotu tvoří dva zaoblené stoupající, od sebe odsazené tvary. Jeden z vnitřní strany kluziště začínající přístupovou rampou a končící terasou v patře u kavárny a tvar druhý, který z pohledu z kluziště kopíruje tvar první s tím, že už od začátku stoupání je navýšen o jedno podlaží. Objekt je ze severozápadní strany, jež je nejvíce viditelná z přístupové komunikace, celý “obalen” perforovaným plechovým pláštěm. Plášť graficky znázorňuje stylizované krystaly vody - ledu. Tato strana tedy přináší jakési tajemství o tvaru, výšce a barvě objektu., Design of building is one solitaire two-floors object. The main purpose of design was effort to conect all required functions. The shape of the building is derived from the shape of the rink. The total mass consists of two rounded raising shapes which are indented. The first shape represents the inner side of the rink which starts with an access ramp and ends with the final terrace at a café. The second shape copies the first one with the fact that it is increased for one floor from the very beginning of rising. The building is situated in the northwest side, which is the most visible side from the access communication. The entire building is covered in perforated sheet coat. Moreover, the coat graphically illustrates stylized crystals of water - ice. This page therefore demonstrates the secret of the shape, height and colour of the object.
19. Konstrukce zastřešení kluziště
- Author
Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, Pospíšilová, Lenka, Klusáček, Ladislav, Pinkas, Karel, and Pospíšilová, Lenka
- Abstract
Tento dokument se zabývá návrhem střešní konstrukce pro dané rozměry kluziště. Byla navržena a zhodnocena tři řešení zastřešení – ocelová příhradová deska, betonový oblouk s vnějším předpětím a předpjaté příhradové střešní vazníky s betonovými střešními panely. Byla vybrána jedna varianta – předpjatý příhradový vazník. Tato varianta byla dále podrobně rozpracována. Na počátku bylo vypracováno několik návrhů geometrie respektující nároky na daný typ konstrukce. V rámci statického výpočtu byl vytvořen matematický model konstrukce v programu Scia Engineer. Pomocí tohoto modelu byly získány potřebné hodnoty pro posouzení jednotlivých prvků konstrukce a také posouzení konstrukce jako celku pro mezní stav únosnosti a použitelnosti. Dle navržené geometrie a posudků částí konstrukce byla zpracována výkresová dokumentace konstrukce jako celku a také jednotlivých částí konstrukce řešených v této diplomové práci. Jako poslední byl návrh konstrukce vizualizován společně s jednotlivými fázemi výstavby v programu ArchiCAD a renderován v Artlantise., This document describes the design of the roof structure for the dimensions of the rink. It was designed and evaluated three roofing solutions – steel truss structure, concrete arch with external prestress and prestress truss roof girder with concrete roof panel. One option was selected – prestress truss girder. This variant has been further developed. In the beginning was drafted several proposals geometry respecting the demands on the type of construction. Within the static calculation was created a mathematical model of the structure of the program Scia Engineer. Using this model were obtained values needed for the assessment of individual elements of construction and design assessment as a whole for the ultimate limit state and usability. According to the proposed geometry and opinions parts of the structure was drawing documentation structure as a whole and individual parts of the structure solved in this thesis. The last proposal was visualized structures together with the phases of the construction by program ArchiCAD and rendered by program Artlantis.
20. O. A. C. Review Volume 20 Issue 1, October 1907
- Author
Ontario Agricultural College, Rose, David M., Campbell, A. D., Bowes, L. A., Vaughan, Miss K., Slater, A. E., Sirett, H., Winslow, W. M., Turney, A. G., Curran, G. B., LeLacheur, G., University of Guelph, and Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
- Subjects
alumni ,Manitoba Agricultural College ,editorial ,cricket club ,personals ,faculty ,college ,local news ,athletics ,field day ,mining ,Y. M. C. A. Niagara Conference ,Macdonald College ,Ontario Agricultural Societies ,advertising ,marriage ,agriculture ,Winter Fair 1906 ,Ontario ,Alberta O. A. C. Association ,horticulture ,Quebec ,Rockies ,Guelph ,enrollment ,potato industry ,O. A. C. uniform ,O. A. C. class 1907 ,initiation ,freshman reception ,Toronto Fair ,College news ,rink ,summer sports ,OAC Review ,poetry - Abstract
This issue starts the new school year with an overview of Ontario Agricultural Societies and profiles of two agricultural colleges: Macdonald College in Quebec and Manitoba Agricultural College. Agricultural articles review the Ontario potato industry and personal perspective on the 1906 Winter Fair in Guelph. The Horticultural column started a series of articles on experimental horticulture in Canada. Campus articles pertain to a student's experience working in a mine, the freshman initiation and athletics and Y. M. C. A. reports. Alumni news is available in the Our Old Boys column and this issue profiles each member of the O. A. C. class of 1907. The future of Ontario's Agricultural Societies I Loved My Art The Macdonald College Manitoba Agricultural College Is there room for the boy? Agriculture A review of some aspects of our potato industry Reminiscences of the Winter Fair at Guelph, December, 1906 Horticulture Experimental horticulture in Canada Editorial October College Life Impressions of the Niagara Conference Athletics Our Old Boys The Class of 1907 The Alberta O. A. C. Boy's Association Hymeneal Notes and doings Locals advertising
- Published
- 1907
21. O. A. C. Review Volume 20 Issue 8, May 1908
- Author
Ontario Agricultural College, Campbell, A. D., Nunnick, F. C., Bowes, L. A., Vaughan, Miss K., Slater, A. E., Caldwell, Miss S., Winslow, R. M., Turney, A. G., Curran, G. B., LeLacheur, G., Sirett, H., Jones, J. W., Rose, David M., University of Guelph, and Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
- Subjects
alumni ,baseball ,forest flora ,editorial ,economic prosperity ,personals ,athletic concert ,college ,local news ,entomology ,farming ,reading ,waste lands ,Speed River ,rural education ,advertising ,agriculture ,insect pests ,colour theory ,Macdonald Institute Choir ,spring flowers ,Guelph ,student essay ,Macdonald Institute ,Tennyson's poetry ,manufacturing ,sophomore banquet ,gymnasium team 1908 ,College news ,domestic science ,rink ,alumnae ,forest reclamation ,OAC Review ,poetry ,college life - Abstract
This issue has diverse articles ranging from economic prosperity of the farmer, farming entomology, spring flowers, forest reclamation, to the poetry of Tennyson. Also published is the prize-winning senior student's essay on farmer's education. On campus, the school year ends with the Athletic Association concert, the awarding of Easter honours, and the sophomore banquet. Articles regarding domestic science, colour theory and climbing Rocher de Naye are in the Macdonald Institute column. Alumni news is available in the Our Old Boys column and this issue features the homes of distinguished alumni. Agriculture in its relation to manufacturers A voice form the sea Outlook The study of insects an essential part of farming Tennyson's use of nature in "In Memoriam" The reforestation of waste lands Our early spring flowers The passing of the forest in relation to the flora Reading in the farm home Book reviews Editorial The Sower College Life Athletics The covered rink Our Old Boys Macdonald The progress of domestic science Color harmony My first mountain Locals advertising
- Published
- 1908
22. O. A. C. Review Volume 19 Issue 6, March 1907
- Author
Ontario Agricultural College, Rose, David M., Campbell, A. D., Barton, H., McLennan, Miss Kate, Slater, A. E., McGill, H. W., Bunting, T. G., Frier, G. M., Curran, G. B., McLaren, A., University of Guelph, and Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
- Subjects
alumni ,editorial ,personals ,courage ,local news ,Adelaide Hoodless ,agricultural bulletins ,Poultry Institute ,Union Literary Society ,Pringle Cup ,photograph ,rural life ,Conversat ,inter-collegiate hockey ,horticultural education ,forester ,Entomological Society ,basketball ,Dominion Forestry Department ,horses ,agriculture ,Lucerne ,Macdonald Literary Society ,Alfalfa clover ,agricultural college ,Guelph ,temperament ,experiments ,co-operative ,Macdonald Institute ,Conversazione ,photographs ,Y. M. C. A ,College news ,Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union ,domestic science ,rink ,alumnae ,OAC Review ,poetry - Abstract
This issue's articles address agricultural colleges and their contribution to rural education, occupations in forestry, the disposition of horses in the urban environment, developing Alfalfa Clover in Canada, and an overview of horticultural education. The editorial advocates for a rink on campus and comments on the legislation of amusements at agricultural fairs. Campus news reports on the Y. M. C. A., the Union Literary Society, a successful Conversazione, the Poultry Institute, and the O. A. C.'s involvement in the Inter-Collegiate Hockey League. The Macdonald Institute column features an article on Adelaide Hoodless and domestic science. Alumni news is available in the Our Alumni column. The agricultural college and rural life Discouragement What does a forester do? Pavements Agriculture Horse courage Experimental Lucerne or Alfalfa Clover Co-operative experiments in agriculture for 1907 New bulletins Horticulture Horticultural education Editorial College Life Y. M. C. A. The Poultry Institute A Rainy Day Athletics Inter-Collegiate Hockey League Our Alumni Macdonald The growth of domestic science Locals
- Published
- 1907
23. O. A. C. Review Volume 20 Issue 4, January 1908
- Author
Ontario Agricultural College, Campbell, A. D., Nunnick, F. C., Bowes, L. A., Vaughan, Miss K., Slater, A. E., Sirett, H., Winslow, W. M., Turney, A. G., Curran, G. B., LeLacheur, G., University of Guelph, and Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
- Subjects
alumni ,baseball ,editorial ,personals ,college ,banquet ,local news ,athletics ,President Falconer ,women's education ,Farmer's Institutes Ontario ,Union Literary Society ,Bronze Bull trophy ,International Stock Show Chicago ,Ontario Horticultural Exhibition ,horticultural education ,basketball ,advertising ,agriculture ,Chicago ,Ontario Agricultural And Experimental Union ,International Live Stock Exposition ,Philharmonic concert ,Guelph ,Rothampstead Experimental Station ,stock-judging ,Spoor trophy ,women's enfranchisement ,hockey ,dairy ,College news ,rink ,food science ,Provincial Winter Fair ,alumnae ,collegiate debate ,OAC Review ,poetry - Abstract
This winter issue highlights the victory the O. A. C.'s stock-judging team at Chicago with the winning of the Spoor Trophy. Agricultural articles include the benefits of dairy research, Farmer's Institutes in Ontario, the Provincial Winter Fair in Guelph, and the International Live Stock Exposition in Chicago. The Experimental articles pertain to the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union's annual meeting and a history of the Rothampstead Experimental Station. The Horticultural series continues with an article on current horticultural education and the Ontario Horticultural Exhibition. Campus articles report on the events of the Union Literary Society, Y. M. C. A., and indoor athletic activities. Professor Reynolds contributes an article on women's enfranchisement in the Macdonald Institute column. Alumni news is available in the Our Old Boys column. The victory at Chicago Extracts from President Falconer's speech The Meadow Lands A few things science has done to help dairymen Farmer's Institutes in Ontario At The Window Agriculture The Winter Fair The International Carnations In Winter Experimental The Union Rothampstead Experiment Station - its history and work Horticulture The college teaching of horticulture The Ontario Horticultural Exhibition Editorial College Life Union Literary Meeting Athletics First year indoor meet Our Old Boys Macdonald The position of women in modern society Locals advertising
- Published
- 1908
24. O. A. C. Review Volume 29 Issue 6, February 1917
- Author
Ontario Agricultural College, O'Neill, L. E., Lawson, E. V., Gandier, B. P., Guild, A. W., Wilson, G. R., Neff, H., Munro, J. B., Zavitz, R. J., Odell, F. C., Sullivan, H. J., Birkett, Mary, Geddes, W. F., Ruttan, Mildred, University of Guelph, and Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
- Subjects
vegetables ,alumni ,annual meeting ,forage plants ,editorial ,Valentine's Day ,personals ,Hamilton Ontario ,local news ,athletics ,seed oats Ontario ,shortage ,Ottawa Experimental Farm ,women's initiation ,56th O. A. C. Battery ,gasoline engine ,agricultural business ,Short Courses ,tomatoes ,swimming ,greenhouse vegetables ,agriculture ,Ontario Agricultural Experimental Union ,literary meeting ,soil fertility ,Fancy Dress Carnival ,skating party ,agricultural marketing ,Guelph ,apiculture ,Cosmopolitan Club ,Macdonald Institute ,lettuce ,dairy herd O. A. C ,Vineland Experiment Station ,experimental work ,coal oil fuel ,hockey ,radish ,College news ,rink ,alumnae ,women's athletics ,OAC Review ,poetry - Abstract
This issue's agricultural articles feature the poor supply of seed oats in Ontario for the 1917 season, a report of the O. A. C. dairy herd, how to start a modern beehive, and adapting gasoline engines to burn coal oil. Articles on experimental work include work with vegetables at the Vineland Experiment Station, and the opportunities of working with forage plants at the Ottawa Experimental Farm. Extracts from other articles are practical hints for growing greenhouse vegetables, soil fertility management by H. G. Bell, and the middleman in agricultural business. Campus news includes an article on the art of swimming and reports on the Fancy Dress Carnival, the literary meeting, and the Freshman Red Cross Skating Party. The Macdonald column summarizes the Macdonald Hall initiation and the observance of St. Valentine's Day. The Alumni column contains alumni news including who attended the Ottawa Valley O. A. C. Alumni Association reunion. The prospective supply of seed oats for Ontario Some practical hints on lettuce, radishes and tomatoes grown under glass Report of the dairy herd at O. A. C. Soil fertility management Making a start with bees Bereavement of the Fields The middleman and his products Experimental work in vegetable growing at the Vineland Experiment Station Adapting gasoline engines to burn coal oil as fuel Gleanings from a summer's work The Farm of To-day Editorial Alumni Athletics College life The Song of the Season Macdonald Locals
- Published
- 1917
25. O. A. C. Review Volume 20 Issue 3, December 1907
- Author
Ontario Agricultural College, Rose, David M., Campbell, A. D., Bowes, L. A., Vaughan, Miss K., Slater, A. E., Sirett, H., Winslow, W. M., Turney, A. G., Curran, G. B., LeLacheur, G., University of Guelph, and Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
- Subjects
The Review staff photograph ,football ,alumni ,editorial ,personals ,Y. W. C. A ,college ,local news ,flour work ,Literary Society ,political economics ,Philharmonic Society ,Short Courses ,cereal cross-pollination ,rugby ,hybridization ,advertising ,agriculture ,cheese ripening ,horticulture ,West coast logging ,cross country run ,Guelph ,farm management ,horticultural science ,Macdonald Institute ,Athletic Association ,nutrition ,photographs ,hockey ,Y. M. C. A ,College news ,Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union ,domestic science ,rink ,alumnae ,OAC Review ,poetry - Abstract
This issue contains articles on political economy, logging on the West Coast, and cheese manufacturing. The agricultural articles pertain to farm management, the Short Courses offered by the College, and the Experimental Union's work on cereal hybridization. The Horticultural series continues with an article on current horticultural research. Campus articles summarize the work of the four student organizations: the Philharmonic Society, the Literary Society, the Y. M. C. A., and the Athletic Association. The Macdonald Institute column has articles on domestic science and the field of nutrition in food science. Alumni news is available in the Our Old Boys column. Some comments on current tendencies The Moon A glimpse of the West Coast Idleness Commercial value of modern cheese ripening Empire Agriculture Farm management The short courses as seen by those who have been there Experimental Natural Cross-fertilizing of cereals Experimental Union Annual Meeting Horticulture The present status of scientific investigation in horticulture Editorial College Life The four presidents Athletics O. A. C. vs Trinity College The rink fund The hockey outlook Our Old Boys Macdonald Flour work Y. W. C. A. cooking classes Domestic science in a factory Locals advertising
- Published
- 1907
26. O. A. C. Review Volume 29 Issue 4, December 1916
- Author
Ontario Agricultural College, Neale, J. C., O'Neill, L. E., Geddes, W. F., Lawson, E. V., Gandier, B. P., Guild, A. W., Wilson, G. R., Neff, H., Munro, J. B., Zavitz, R. J., Odell, F. E., Sullivan, H. J., Birkett, Mary, University of Guelph, and Literary Society of the Ontario Agricultural College
- Subjects
football ,alumni ,margarine ,editorial ,winter eggs ,faculty ,Canadian Field Artillery ,irrigation ,Alberta ,56th O. A. C. Battery ,short story ,agriculture ,56th O. S. Battery ,obituary ,Guelph ,Walden Pond ,Macdonald Institute ,Student's Co-operative Association election ,simplify ,annual Review competition ,rink ,Christmas customs ,alumnae ,short story prize winner ,Billie Green ,poetry ,personals ,poetry prize winner ,local news ,athletics ,women's education ,photograph ,Union Literary Society ,Short Course ,Halloween dance ,marriage ,photographs prize winner ,Kenora District ,military letters ,successful farming ,agricultural education ,Christmas dinner ,rural schools ,Canadian Patriotic Fund ,College news ,mock parliament ,farm landscaping ,clover seed ,cartoon prize winner ,OAC Review - Abstract
This Christmas issue's agricultural articles feature how to be a successful farmer, the impact of margarine on the dairy industry, the production of winter eggs, clover seed production in Kenora, the impact of irrigation on Albertan agriculture, and the landscaping of rural properties. Articles that focus on an agriculture education address increasing agricultural education in rural schools, and the advantage of an agricultural education provided by a Short Course. Other articles include the simple life of Thoreau, and the Canadian Patriotic Fund. Christmas articles feature Christmas festivities of other lands, suggestions for a Christmas dinner, and a Christmas short story. This issue printed the winners of the O. A. C. Review's competition in short stories, poetry, photographs, and cartoons. Campus news reports on the new skating rink, the Student Co-operative Association election results, the Union Literary Society meetings, and the football games. There is also an obituary for the Minister of Agriculture. The Macdonald column reports on the Halloween masquerade. The Alumni column contains alumni news including additions to the honour roll, those killed in action, and letters from the Front. A New Year's message The unsuccessful farmer A letter an ordinary man might write Simplify! Simplify! More agriculture for rural schools Imitation butter The production of winter eggs Why a Short Course? Clover seed production in Kenora District Irrigation in Alberta The beautifying of our rural districts Works and wants of the Canadian Patriotic Fund Yuletide festivities Suggestions for the Christmas dinner Christmas at hillacres The Review competition In Pursuit of a Fly To My Pipe To the New Year Editorial Christmas Alumni Athletics College life Macdonald As You Think Locals
- Published
- 1916
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