Parents often provide care to their dependent offspring, like the provision of shelter and food. Nestlings of birds typically solicit and compete for limited care by displaying conspicuous begging behaviour. Begging nestlings open their beaks and call while reaching up by stretching their legs and neck. Remarkably, it has been found that nestlings beg more intensely in the presence of unrelated competing nestmates (Boncoraglio & Saino, 2008; Boncoraglio et al., 2009). This finding appears congruent with kin selection theory which suggests that individuals should act more selfishly when interacting with conspecifics to which they are less related (Hamilton, 1964a, 1964b). In many bird species, extra-pair offspring, which are sired by males outside the pair-bond, frequently occur (Brouwer and Griffith, 2019). This results in among-nest variation in the average relatedness of nestmates. It would be adaptive for nestlings to adjust their begging intensity depending on their relatedness with competing nestmates. However, while there is some evidence for such adjustment of begging behaviour (Boncoraglio & Saino, 2008; Boncoraglio et al., 2009), it is unclear how nestlings may be able to recognise kin and detect the presence of nestmates of lower relatedness. Body odours have been shown to hold information on genetic relatedness in mammals (Stoffel et al., 2015) and birds (Leclaire et al., 2012). Additionally, recent studies suggest that birds, like mammals, have a well-developed sense of smell and can discriminate between the body odours of different individuals (Caspers et al., 2017; Grieves et al., 2019). Potentially, olfaction may provide a mechanism through which nestlings adjust their begging to the relatedness of their nestmates. In a previous experiment on blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), it was found that nestlings begged longer in standardised behavioural assays when presented with the odour of unrelated and unfamiliar conspecific nestlings (from a different nest) compared to the odour of related and familiar conspecific nestlings (from the same nest) (Rossi et al., 2017). This suggests that olfaction could play a role in modulating the begging intensity of nestlings depending on their relatedness to their nestmates - which varies among natural broods due to extra-pair paternity. However, the interpretation of Rossi et al.’s (2017) results was restricted by some limitations in the design of their study. In their odour discrimination experiment, Rossi et al. presented two contrasting odour stimuli that differed not only in relatedness (related versus unrelated) and familiarity (familiar versus unfamiliar) but also in the nest of origin (own nest versus foreign nest). Furthermore, the familiar/related odour stimulus also contained the focal nestlings’ own body odour, resulting in a contrast between own versus other individuals’ odour. Therefore, in Rossi et al.’s study, it was not possible to disentangle whether differences in relatedness, familiarity, nest of origin, and/or between own versus other individuals’ odour caused the observed difference in begging duration in response to the two experimental odour stimuli. The results of Rossi et al. provide evidence that blue tit nestlings change their begging behaviour in response to olfactory cues from conspecifics. However, these results do not necessarily demonstrate that blue tit nestlings modify the intensity of their begging in response to odours from individuals that differ in relatedness only. In natural broods, as a result of extra-pair paternity, relatedness of nestmates varies among nests, while nestmates are of course always familiar. Therefore, olfaction could only act as a mechanism in adaptive adjustment of nestling begging in a natural setting if nestlings can discriminate between odours of conspecifics solely based on differences in relatedness. In this follow up study, we aim to exclude differences in familiarity, nest of origin, and own versus other individuals’ odour when testing for differences in begging responses to odours of related versus unrelated nestlings. To this end, we will cross-foster two nestlings between broods the day after hatching. Thereby, we will create broods in which native nestlings grow up with both related and cross-fostered unrelated nestmates. We will then investigate whether nestlings show different begging responses to the odour samples of related versus unrelated nestmates, which are both familiar. For this, we will carry out an odour-discrimination experiment in which we will stimulate 7-day-old nestlings to beg while alternatingly presenting them with an odour sample originating from two siblings (kin) and two familiar (raised in the same nest) but unrelated cross-fostered nestmates (non-kin). We will follow the exact procedures used by Rossi et al. (2017) when conducting the odour discrimination tests, and we will process and analyse the begging data in the same way. References Boncoraglio, G., Caprioli, M., & Saino, N. (2009). Fine-tuned modulation of competitive behaviour according to kinship in barn swallow nestlings. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1664), 2117–2123. Boncoraglio, G., & Saino, N. (2008). Barn swallow chicks beg more loudly when broodmates are unrelated: Begging and relatedness in barn swallows. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21(1), 256–262. Brouwer, L., & Griffith, S. C. (2019). Extra-pair paternity in birds. Molecular Ecology, 28(22), 4864–4882. Caspers, B. A., Hagelin, J. C., Paul, M., Bock, S., Willeke, S., & Krause, E. T. (2017). Zebra Finch chicks recognise parental scent, and retain chemosensory knowledge of their genetic mother, even after egg cross-fostering. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 12859. Grieves, L. A., Gloor, G. B., Bernards, M. A., & MacDougall-Shackleton, E. A. (2019). Songbirds show odour-based discrimination of similarity and diversity at the major histocompatibility complex. Animal Behaviour, 158, 131–138. Hamilton, W. D. (1964a). The genetical evolution of social behaviour. I. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 7(1), 1–16. Hamilton, W. D. (1964b). The genetical evolution of social behaviour. II. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 7(1), 17–52. Leclaire, S., Merkling, T., Raynaud, C., Mulard, H., Bessière, J.-M., Lhuillier, É., Hatch, S. A., & Danchin, É. (2012). Semiochemical compounds of preen secretion reflect genetic make-up in a seabird species. 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