U cilju osavremenjivanja nastave stranih jezika struke i povećanja motivacije studenata, neprestano se teži poboljšanju kako nastavnih materijala, tako i uvođenju različitih sredstava u nastavni proces. Shodno tome, u radu se razmatraju prednosti primene audio-vizuelnih sredstava u didaktičke svrhe. Za potrebe istraživanja sprovedena je anketa među predavačima stranog jezika struke na Univerzitetu u Beogradu, kao i među studentima druge godine osnovnih studija koji su pohađali nastavu stranog jezika struke na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Predmet istraživanja rada podrazumeva ispitivanje stava predavača i studenata stranog jezika struke prema primeni audio-vizuelnih sredstava u nastavi. Cilj istraživanja sastoji se u sagledavanju (ne)postojanja preduslova za primenu audio-vizuelnih sredstava u nastavi stranih jezika struke. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na brojne prednosti primene audio-vizuelnih sredstava u nastavi stranog jezika struke i potrebu za njihovim korišćenjem i neophodnosti daljih istraživanja u ovoj oblasti. Kako predavači tako i studenti smatraju da je upotreba audiovizuelnih sredstava u nastavi veoma korisna jer pre svega čini nastavu zanimljivijom a gradivo jasnijim, te na taj način motiviše studente za učenje stranog jezika struke. In order to modernise the teaching of languages for specific purposes (LSP) and increase the motivation of students, a constant effort is made to improve both teaching materials and introduce various tools. In this regard, the paper discusses the advantages of using audio-visual resources for didactic purposes. For this research, a survey was conducted among LSP practitioners at the University of Belgrade, as well as among second-year undergraduate students who attended LSP classes at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. The subject of the research is to examine the attitude of LSP practitioners and students of languages for specific purposes towards the application of these resources in LSP classes. The research aims to consider the (non)existence of preconditions for the application of audio-visual resources in the teaching of languages for specific purposes. These results indicate numerous advantages of the application of audio-visual resources and the need for their application, as well as for further research in this area. LSP practitioners, as well as students, believe that the use of audiovisual resources in teaching is beneficial because, above all, it makes teaching more interesting and the material clearer, and thus motivates students to learn a foreign language for specific purposes.