
Your search keyword '"stressi"' showing total 385 results

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385 results on '"stressi"'

Search Results

1. Kosketuksen vaikutus pikkukeskosen stressiin - Integroitu kirjallisuuskatsaus.

2. Psychosomatic Connections

3. Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön sosiaalisen tuen, stressin ja koulutustaustan yhteydet 3–6-vuotiaiden lasten itsesäätelyn haasteisiin

4. Ohjausvuorovaikutuksen laatu ja esiopettajien työhyvinvointi: kontekstitekijöiden ja työstä palautumisen merkitys

5. Mihin työelämä on menossa?

6. Psychosomatic Connections

7. Online Guided ACT Intervention for Enhancing the Psychological Well-being of Female Soccer Players in Pre-season

8. The Quality of Teacher-child Interactions and Teachers’ Occupational well-being in Finnish Kindergartens: A Person-centered Approach

9. Isien stressi vastasyntyneiden teho- ja tarkkailuosastoilla.

10. Parental Burnout Across the Globe During the COVID-19 Pandemic

11. Tavoitteet ja huolet koronapandemian aikana: Perfektionistiset taipumukset opiskelustressin ja siitä selviämisen selittäjänä

12. Oksidatiivinen stressi diabeettisessa retinopatiassa

13. Eye-tracking indicators of workload in surgery – a systematic review

14. Does work intensification relate to work engagement?

15. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Group Intervention for Parents of Children with Disabilities (Navigator ACT): An Open Feasibility Trial

16. A new approach to stress of conscience's dimensionality : Hindrance and violation stressors and their role in experiencing burnout and turnover intentions in healthcare

17. Profiles of early career insecurity and its outcomes in adolescence : A four‐wave longitudinal study

18. Teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect in relation to their general occupational well‐being

19. Differential associations of leisure music engagement with resilience : A network analysis

20. Is work intensification bad for employees? A review of outcomes for employees over the last two decades

21. Teachers’ situational physiological stress and affect

22. Examining the longitudinal relationship between visibility and persistence on stress and technology-assisted supplemental work

23. Adolescents’ Stress and Depressive symptoms and Their Associations with Psychological Flexibility before Educational Transition

24. Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön työhyvinvointi ja vaikutusmahdollisuudet

25. When nerves hit : The effect of trait anxiety, situational stress, and task mastery on the perception and interpersonal accuracy of musical expressiveness

26. Depressive Symptoms and Mortality : Findings from Helsinki Birth Cohort Study

27. Robotizing meaningful work

28. Sport Coaches Burnout as a Threat to Professional Success, Mental Health and Well-Being

29. Reading Skills, Social Competence, and Physiological Stress in the First Grade

30. Development and validation of the Brief Parental Burnout Scale (BPBS)

31. Lapsen toksinen stressi - riski- ja suojatekijät, ennaltaehkäisy ja auttaminen

32. Mental Health Status of Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak

33. Teachers’ Focus of Attention in First-grade Classrooms: Exploring Teachers Experiencing Less and More Stress Using Mobile Eye-tracking

34. Sleep-time physiological recovery is associated with eating habits in distressed working-age Finns with overweight: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial

35. Estimating Stress in Online Meetings by Remote Physiological Signal and Behavioral Features

36. Effects of operational assessment of the 4:4 and 4:4/6:6 watch systems on sleepiness, fatigue, and stress responses during patrolling on a navy missile patrol boat

37. Short-term responses of Rana arvalis tadpoles to pH and predator stress: adaptive divergence in behavioural and physiological plasticity?

38. Stressaavien elämäntapahtumien yhteys psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen kuntatyöntekijöillä

39. 'Jos tekee hommat kunnolla,niin ei jaksa ei.' Noviisiopettajien käsityksiä stressinhallinnasta ja stressistä sekä niiden muutoksista valmistumisen jälkeen

40. Effects of overnight military training and acute battle stress on the cognitive performance of soldiers in simulated urban combat

41. Unen saamisen tai ylläpitämisen vaikeuksien yhteys koettuun stressiin,kompetenssiin ja opinnoissa jaksamiseen korkeakouluopiskelijoilla

42. The self-reported stress and stressors in tram and long-haul truck drivers

43. Estimating salinity stress via hsp70 expression in the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus): implications for further range expansion

44. Meaningful Work Protects Teachers’ Self-Rated Health under Stressors

45. School Satisfaction and School Pressure in the WHO European Region and North America: An Analysis of Time Trends (2002–2018) and Patterns of Co-occurrence in 32 Countries

46. Psychological Detachment as a Mediator Between Successive Days Job Stress and Negative Affect of Teachers

47. Sport Participation in Early and Middle Adolescence: The Interplay Between Self-Perception and Psychobiosocial Experiences in Predicting Burnout Symptoms

48. Kronotyypin yhteydet stressiin ja koettuun työstä palautumiseen kotihoidon työntekijöillä

49. Dog-Owner Relationship, Owner Interpretations and Dog Personality Are Connected with the Emotional Reactivity of Dogs

50. Työssä koettujen ponnisteluiden ja palkkioiden välisen epätasapainon yhteys psyykkisen oireilun ilmaantuvuuteen suomalaisilla kuntatyöntekijöillä


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