1. Evaluation of suppliers in Unior d.d
- Author
Šoba, Samo and Završnik, Bruno
- Subjects
metode ,suppliers [Keywords] ,purchasing market ,dobavitelji ,udc:658.7 ,konkurenčna prednost ,nabavni trg ,competitive advantage ,methods - Abstract
Vsako podjetje, ki teži k uspešnosti in razvijanju mora vedno paziti pri izbiri materiala/stvari, ki se uporabljajo pri samem poslovanju. Podjetje, ki teži v razvijanju in uspešnosti mora predvidevati korake v prihodnosti in, če to uspe uspešno, potem na takšen način doseže določeno konkurenčno prednost. Sama nabava v podjetju je zelo pomembna, sploh pa v današnjih časih, kjer podjetja težijo k izbiri takšnih dobavitevljev, ki imajo določene produkte, ki ne škodujejo okolju in olajšajo samo poslovanje podjetja ter tako dosežejo konkurenčno prednost. Nabavna služba mora iskati zelo veliko informacij o samih dobaviteljih in izbrati način kako to presoditi. Vsako podjetje ima različne načine presoje svojih dobaviteljev, v mojem primeru ima podjetje Unior d.d. zelo posebne metode, ki jih bom opisal v nadaljevanju. Odločitve za pravega dobavitelja so lahko ključen člen za razvoj in obstoj samega podjetja. Izbira dobaviteljev je ključnega pomena za podjetje prav tako tudi izbira samega nabavnega trga, zato je potrebno zelo dobro preučiti razne tržne priložnosti in probleme glede nabavnega trga. Dobavitelji, ki imajo pogoj za sodelovanje se tako znajdejo na listi odobrenih dobaviteljev. Podjetja vedno bolj težijo v dolgoročnemu sodelovanju z dobavitelji, da ni potrebno iskati vedno novih in potem takem povečati stroške iskanja informacij o posameznih dobaviteljih. V teoretičnem delu vam bom predstavil pomembne informacije o sami nabavi, nabavnem trgu in samem ocenjevanju dobaviteljev. Praktični del je sestavljen iz opisa Unior d.d., kako ocenjujejo dobaviteljev in po katerih metodah presojajo dobavitelje. Sama nabavna služba od Unior d.d. se veliko posveča že obstoječim dobaviteljem (redno preverjanje njihove kakovosti) in pa seveda tudi iskanju novih dobaviteljev. Every business aspiring to thrive and develop should always be careful about the material / things that are used in the business itself. A firm aspiring to develop and succeed must anticipate steps in the future and, if successful, then achieve a certain competitive advantage in this way. Purchasing in the company itself is very important, but especially in the present day, where companies tend to choose such supplies, which have certain products that do not harm the environment and facilitate the business operations of the company and thus achieve a competitive advantage. The purchasing department needs to look for a great deal of information about the suppliers themselves and choose how to judge it. Each company has different ways of judging its suppliers, in my case Unior has a d.d. very specific methods that I will describe below. Deciding on the right supplier can be a key link in the development and existence of the business itself. The choice of suppliers is crucial for the company as well as the choice of the purchasing market itself, so it is necessary to study very different market opportunities and problems regarding the purchasing market. Suppliers who are eligible to participate thus appear on the approved supplier list. Companies are increasingly striving for long-term cooperation with suppliers, so that there is no need to look for new ones and then increase the cost of finding information about individual suppliers. In the theoretical part, I will present important information about the procurement itself, the purchasing market and the supplier evaluation itself. The practical part consists of a description of Unior d.d., how they evaluate suppliers and by what methods they evaluate suppliers. The purchasing service itself from Unior d.d. a lot of attention is paid to existing suppliers (regular checking of their quality) and, of course, to finding new suppliers.
- Published
- 2019