It is the fact that actions and activities of the young are determined by the system of value of the community they belong to. Different egzogenic factors direct their act and determine the position of the young in the community. First of all, we think about the influence of the family, school, peers and the media. In this paper we are dealing with the issues of preventive dealing, concerning creation of the positive climate for the development of each individual in the community. This means the conditions which will enable a young person to develop into the active citizen, without any prejudice about other people, who are different, but belonging to the same community. Our intention is to present the programmes which provoke their participation, development of attitudes and values such as solidarity, peace, tolerance, social justice and consciousness about the surroundings. These programmes exist within preservice in Serbia. Children and the young gain knowledge through them develop skills and adopt values. This is the only way they can contribute to dealing with some changes in the life of the young in the community, both locally and globally., Činjenica je da su ponašanja i aktivnosti mladih određeni sistemom vrednosti zajednice kojoj pripadaju. Različiti egzogeni činioci usmeravaju njihovo ponašanje i određuju njihov položaj u zajednici. Tu, pre svega, mislimo na uticaj porodice, škole, vršnjaka i medija. U ovom radu bavimo se pitanjima preventivnog delovanja u smislu stvaranja povoljne klime za razvoj svakog pojedinca u zajednici, a to podrazumeva uslove u kojima će se mlada osoba razviti u aktivnog građanina, bez predrasuda o drugim ljudima koji su nekada drugačiji od nje, a pripadaju istoj zajednici. Namera nam je da predstavimo programe za mlade koji podstiču njihovu participaciju, razvoj stavova i vrednosti kao što su solidarnost, mir, tolerancija, društvena pravda i svest o okolini. Ovakvi programi postoje i u sistemu formalnog obrazovanja u Srbiji. Kroz njih deca i mladi stiču znanja, razvijaju veštine i usvajaju vrednosti. Samo tako mogu doprineti da se dese određene promene u životu mladih u zajednici, kako lokalno, tako i globalno.