225 results on '"trestný čin"'
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2. K vymáhání práv duševního vlastnictví v kyberprostoru - problém sdělování díla veřejnosti formou internetových odkazů na chráněný obsah jiných webových stránek.
- Author
Strakoš, Jan
- Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Geschwandtnerová, Sandra
- Abstract
In the beginning of the contribution, I address the theoretical basis of drug crimes. With reference to the previous years, there is almost no amendment of the legal regulation of drug crimes, which means ignoring the needs of application practice. After many years of effort, there is a high potential for drug policy to undergo a certain evolution on the part of the legislator, which would be subsequently reflected in a major amendment to the Criminal Code in the conditions of the Slovak Republic for the future. In the following text of the contribution, I partially analyze a current policy of sanctioning drug crimes and the trend of its future direction. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
- Author
- Subjects
CIVIL service ,CRIMINAL convictions ,PUBLIC administration ,STATUS (Law) ,CRIMINAL procedure ,INTEGRITY ,CRIME - Abstract
Laws regulating the legal status of individuals who professionally perform tasks of public administration (such as civil servants, police officials, appointed or elected representatives of administrative authorities, etc.) impose certain requirements on these individuals. One of these requirements is criminal integrity, which means that these individuals should not have a criminal conviction. The laws regulating the legal status of various categories of public employees differ in terms of whether they prohibit individuals convicted of intentional crimes from performing public tasks, or if they also include individuals convicted of criminal negligence. Furthermore, different laws handle the consequences of initiating criminal proceedings differently. This paper examines the laws that regulate the legal status of different categories of public employees and highlights the common elements and differences among these laws. The analysis concludes by outlining general rules that should be applied to all public employees. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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5. Pohlavní styk s osobou stejného pohlaví a jeho trestní postih v socialistickém Československu
- Author
Milan Dobeš
- Subjects
Homosexualita ,trestní právo ,trestný čin ,pachatelé ,prostituce ,příživnictví ,Law - Abstract
Článek se zabývá právněhistorickým vývojem trestního postihu homosexuálních styků v Československu po druhé světové válce s důrazem na trestný čin pohlavního styku s osobou téhož pohlaví podle trestního zákoníku z roku 1961. Pro tento delikt byli stíháni ti pachatelé, kteří se pohlavně stýkali s osobou stejného pohlaví mladší 18 let nebo zneužili závislosti druhé osoby, či pachatelé, kteří poskytovali nebo přijímali za stejnopohlavní styk úplatu, jakož i pachatelé, kteří svým homosexuálním stykem vzbudili veřejné pohoršení. Hlavním cílem tohoto článku je přiblížení specifik tohoto trestného činu na konkrétních příkladech jeho aplikace Obvodním soudem pro Prahu 1.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Vymezení okruhu trestných činů, jejichž pachatelům by měla být odebírána DNA pro účely budoucí identifikace a stanovení doby uchování profilu DNA v Národní databázi DNA
- Author
Renáta Boráková
- Subjects
DNA ,profil ,vzorek ,trestný čin ,právo na soukromí ,recidiva ,Law - Abstract
Článek se zabývá vymezením okruhu trestných činů, jejichž pachatelům by měla být odebírána DNA pro účely budoucí identifikace, a stanovením doby uchování profilu DNA v Národní databázi DNA u osob obviněných ze spáchání úmyslného trestného činu nebo u osob, kterým bylo sděleno podezření ze spáchání úmyslného trestného činu, a u osob ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody za spáchání úmyslného trestného činu s ohledem na poměrně nedávný návrh na zrušení části zákona o Policii ČR, týkající se odběru biologických vzorků. Hlavním cílem je zhodnocení současné právní úpravy, poměřování proti sobě stojících legitimních cílů, návrh de lege ferenda a zhodnocení nálezu sp. zn. Pl. ÚS 7/18.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Pandemie nemoci covid-19, nouzový stav a rozsudek trestního kolegia Nejvyššího soudu ze dne 16. 3. 2021
- Author
Pavel Kotlán
- Subjects
Nouzový stav ,trestný čin ,ohrožující událost ,Nejvyšší soud. ,Law - Abstract
Článek se zabývá nedávným rozsudkem Nejvyššího soudu ze dne 16. 3. 2021, sp. zn. 15 Tdo 110/2021, který má zásadní význam pro aplikační praxi. Rozsudek se týká velmi aktuálního problému vztahu nouzového stavu a naplnění znaku kvalifikované skutkové podstaty „za… události vážně ohrožující život nebo zdraví lidí, veřejný pořádek nebo majetek“ v případě pandemie nemoci covid-19. Hlavním cílem pojednání je zhodnocení tohoto rozsudku a prezentace správné interpretace oné „ohrožující události“ aplikací příslušných metod nalézání práva. Řešení problému je spojeno s návrhy de lege ferenda, které jsou rovněž součástí práce.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Spor o podstatu trestní odpovědnosti.
- Author
Kotlán, Pavel
- Subjects
CRIMINAL liability ,LEGAL research ,SUBSIDIARITY ,RESEARCH methodology - Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
9. Porovnanie slovenskej a českej právnej úpravy trestnej zodpovednosti právnických osôb.
- Author
Korček, Filip
- Abstract
Copyright of Projustice is the property of Business Intelligence Club, o.z. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
10. Subsidiarita trestní represe v nálezu Ústavního soudu ČR ze dne 26. 5. 2020, sp. zn. Pl. ÚS 46/18
- Author
Pavel Kotlán
- Subjects
Subsidiarita ,trestný čin ,trestní odpovědnost ,Ústavní soud. ,Law - Abstract
Článek se zabývá nedávným rozhodnutím Ústavního soudu ČR ze dne 26. 5. 2020, sp. zn. Pl. ÚS 46/18. Rozhodnutí se rovněž dotýká principu subsidiarity trestní represe. Hlavním cílem této práce je právě správná interpretace tohoto principu, s ohledem na základy trestní odpovědnosti. Metody právní interpretace vedou k závěru, že subsidiarita může být aplikována pouze prostřednictvím zákonných znaků trestného činu.
- Published
- 2020
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11. Osobitosti dokazovania drogových trestných činov.
- Author
Slabý, Martin
- Abstract
Copyright of Projustice is the property of Business Intelligence Club, o.z. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
12. Trestný čin zkrácení daně, poplatku a podobné povinné platby
- Author
Kovářová, Barbora, Němcová, Kristýna, Kovářová, Barbora, and Němcová, Kristýna
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zabývá popisem trestného činu zkrácení daně, poplatku a podobné povinné platby v oblasti českého trestního práva. V teoretické části jsou na úvod popsány daně, poplatky a podobné povinné platby. Dále se teoretická část zabývá trestným činem zkrácení daně, poplatku a podobné povinné platby, skutkovou podstatou, popisem možných sankcí za spáchání trestného činu a účinnou lítostí. Praktická část se zabývá problematikou daňových rájů a porovnáním dvou vybraných daňových rájů., The bachelor thesis deals with the description of the crime of reducing tax, fee and similar mandatory payment in the area of Czech criminal law. In the theoretical part, taxes, fees and other similar mandatory payments are described. Further, the theoretical part deals with the offence of tax evasion, fee and similar mandatory payment, the facts of the case, the description of possible sanctions for committing the offence and effective remorse. The practical part deals with the issue of tax havens and a comparison of two selected tax havens., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka představila svou bakalářskou práci a odpověděla na otázku vedoucího. Komise se dále dotazovala na možnost analýzy judikatury a provazbu mezi daňovými ráji a trestným činem zkrácením daně. Studentka byla upozorněna, že daňové ráje nebyly součástí v cíle., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2023
13. Sociální práce s pachateli trestných činů
- Author
Kopecká, Monika, Kmentová, Kateřina, Moravcová, Karolína, Kopecká, Monika, Kmentová, Kateřina, and Moravcová, Karolína
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zabývá sociální prací s pachateli trestných činů. Tato práce se standartně skládá z teoretické a praktické části. Teoretická část obsahuje vymezení základních pojmů, které souvisí s daným tématem, dále penitenciární péčí v České republice, ke které se váže Vězeňská služba, její charakteristika a fungování, prizonizace a profese sociálního pracovníka ve věznici, jeho činnosti a kompetence. Další kapitola se zabývá postpenitenciární péčí. Praktická část se věnuje cíli bakalářské práce. Jejím hlavním cílem bylo zjistit, jaký je subjektivní pohled sociálního pracovníka ve věznici na výkon jeho profese, a to jednak z pohledu samotné práce a jednak z pohledu bezpečnosti profese. Dalším cílem práce bylo porovnat vnímání bezpečnosti profese z pohledu rodiny a blízkého okolí a samotného pracovníka. V praktické části jsou uvedeny fáze kvalitativního průzkumného šetření a jsou zde popsána data, která jsou výsledkem polostrukturovaných rozhovorů se sociálními pracovníky věznic České republiky., The bachelor thesis deals with social work with offenders. This thesis consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part includes the definition of basic concepts related to the topic, as well as penitentiary care in the Czech Republic, to which the Prison Service is related, its characteristics and functioning, prizonization and the profession of a social worker in prison, its activities and competences. The next chapter deals with post-penitentiary care. The practical part deals with the objective of the bachelor thesis. Its main objective was to find out what is the subjective view of the social worker in prison on the performance of his profession, both from the perspective of the work itself and from the perspective of the safety of the profession. Another aim of the thesis was to compare the perception of the safety of the profession from the perspective of the family and close environment and the worker himself. In the practical part, the stages of the qualitative research investigation are presented and the data resulting from semi-structured interviews with social workers in prisons in the Czech Republic are described., Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Student/ka úspěšně obhájil/a bakalářskou práci, odpověděl/a na doplňující otázky oponenta., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2023
14. Trestný čin poškodzovania veriteľa: komparatívny pohľad.
- Author
Beleš, Andrej
- Abstract
Copyright of Právník is the property of Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of State & Law and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
15. Zneužití postavení v bankovním (obchodním) styku
- Author
Novotný, Jiří
- Subjects
banking business ,abuse of position in business ,zákaz konkurence ,bank ,crime, abuse of position in banking ,bankovní obchod ,zneužití postavení v obchodním styku ,trestný čin ,banka ,prohibition of competition ,zneužití postavení v bankovním styku - Abstract
Obchodování ve svůj prospěch (selftrading) je jednáním, kdy pachatel zneužívá své postavení ve dvou či více podnikatelských subjektech, které jsou vůči sobě v konkurenčním postavení, a to s cílem obohatit sebe či jinou osobu. Jedním z významných podnikatelských subjektů na finančním trhu jsou banky, které v rámci své obchodní činnosti poskytují klientům bankovní obchody. Banky se obvykle vůči obdobnému jednání svých zaměstnanců, či jiných osob u nich působících, chrání konkurenční doložkou, která těmto osobám zakazuje působit pro jiné banky. V případě, že pachatel zneužije své postavení ve dvou či více bankách, nemusí jen porušit zmíněný soukromoprávní zákaz konkurence, ale jeho jednání může naplnit znaky skutkové podstaty trestného činu zneužití postavení v obchodním styku dle ust. § 255a trestního zákoníku. Tento příspěvek je zaměřen na zneužití postavení v obchodním styku, k jejímuž naplnění může docházet při realizaci bankovních obchodů. Self-trading is an act in which an offender abuses his position in two or more business entities that are in a competitive position with each other, in order to enrich himself or another person. One of the major business entities in the financial market is banks, which provide clients with banking transactions as part of their business activities. Banks usually protect themselves against similar conduct of their employees or other persons working with them by a competition clause, which prohibits these persons from operating for other banks. In the event that the offender abuses his position in two or more banks, he may not only violate the said private law prohibition of competition, but his actions may fulfill the facts of the criminal offense of abuse of position in business dealings under Section 255a of the Criminal Code. This contribution is focused on the abuse of business position, the fulfillment of which may occur in the implementation of banking transactions.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Crime scene reconstruction
- Author
Suková, Kristýna, Krupička, Jiří, and Dvořák, Marek
- Subjects
důkazní prostředek ,Means of Evidence ,rekonstrukce trestného činu ,Crime ,Crime Scene Reconstruction ,trestný čin - Abstract
Crime scene reconstruction Abstract The theme of this Diploma thesis is crime scene reconstruction (also known as crime reconstruction). The author if this thesis focused primarly on Czech law. Crime scene reconstruction is type of criminalistic reconstruction. It is a forensic science discipline based on reconstruction of events and situations that occured as crime was being commited. Crime scene reconstruction is mainly used for cases of severe crime activity such as rape or muder. It was reglemented to Czech Criminal Procedure Code as one of "Special Means of Evidence" in 2001 when the so called "the big novelization" of Criminal Procedure Code took place. The other special means of evidence reglemented alongside with reconstruction were confrontation, recognition, investigation attempt and on site examination. The main aim of this diploma thesis is to thouroughly describe crime recontruction as one of the means of evidence. Leading method used in this project is the descriptive method followed by the comparative method. Finally analysis is also used in attempt to bring some new perspectives on the theme. Secondary aim of this diploma thesis is to compare reconstruction with other chosen Means of Evidence reglemented in the Criminal Procedure Code. Lastly next supporting aim is an attemt on analysis of...
- Published
- 2023
17. Trestná činnosť počas núdzového stavu v Slovenskej republike
- Author
Geschwandtnerová, Sandra
- Subjects
pachatel ,emergency ,trestný čin ,virus ,perpetrator ,nouzový stav ,crime - Abstract
Cieľom príspevku je analýza trestnej činnosti páchanej počas núdzového stavu v Slovenskej republike so zreteľom na jednotlivé druhy kriminality. V úvode autorka definuje núdzový stav, jeho špecifiká a zároveň predmetnú právnu úpravu. Keďže problematika núdzového stavu prešla počas jeho vyhlásenia novelizáciou, čiastkovým cieľom príspevku je poukázať na jednotlivé zmeny v právnej úprave. V závere príspevku sa autorka venuje šíreniu nebezpeč nej nákazlivej ľudskej choroby a aplikačným otázkam s tým súvisiacimi.
- Published
- 2023
18. Public liability of members of municipal bodies in public administration decision-making process
- Author
- Subjects
trestní odpovědnost ,členové orgánů ,offence ,crime ,municipality ,trestný čin ,přestupek ,representatives ,criminal liability ,members of the bodies ,administrative liability ,újma ,damage ,obec ,správní odpovědnost ,zastupitelstvo - Abstract
The thesis focuses on the issue of public liability of persons in relation to their membership and decision-making in elected bodies of local governments. The work presents theoretical background related to the issue of public liability of individual members of municipal bodies, while these theoretical findings are further applied in the practical part, which contains the characteristics of available statistics of crimes committed by persons in this position. The overall data is then supplemented by the data obtained in fifty municipalities of the South Bohemia Region, on the basis of which the current situation and developing tendencies in this area are derived, including a demonstration of the possible negative financial impact on municipal finances. The resulting conclusions are critically evaluated with suggestions of examples of adequate responses to the current situation and its improvement in the future.
- Published
- 2023
19. Crime of murder and killing under Section 140 and 141 of the Czech Criminal Code
- Author
Zelenka, Michal, Hořák, Jaromír, and Pelc, Vladimír
- Subjects
murder ,zabití ,trestný čin ,crime ,vražda ,manslaughter - Abstract
The title of the thesis: Crime of murder and manslaughter under section 140, 141 of the criminal code Abstract: This thesis focuses on the offences of murder and manslaughter under sections 140 and 141 of Act No. 40/2009 Coll., The Criminal Code. The crimes of murder and manslaughter are classified among the most serious crimes against life and both of these crimes can be subsumed under the broader term of intentional killings. The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the crimes of murder and manslaughter, with particular emphasis on demonstrating the fundamental differences between these offences and also what makes the offence of manslaughter a privileged offence over the offence of murder. The aim of this thesis is also, among the other things a brief excursion and comparison of the differences between the domestic legislation of these offences and the English legislation. The first part of the thesis deals with the development of the legal framework of intentional killings in the Czech Republic from the time of Great Moravia until the adoption of the current Criminal Code. Increased attention is then paid to the most important legal regulations, whether of later or more recent date. The second part of the thesis deals with the general characteristics of the individual...
- Published
- 2023
20. Analýza vývinových tendencií a súčasného stavu delikvencie mladistvých v Slovenskej republike a Banskobystrickom kraji s osobitným zreteľom na rodinné prostredie
- Author
Jolana Hroncová
- Subjects
delikvencia ,kriminalita ,deviácia ,sociálno-patologické javy ,trestný čin ,maloletý ,Education ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
V príspevku je analyzovaný súčasný stav a vývinové tendencie delikvencie detí a mladistvých v Slovenskej republike a Banskobystrickom kraji, s osobitným zreteľom na rodinné prostredie.
- Published
- 2017
21. Trestní odpovědnost při hospodaření s veřejným majetkem a výkon pravomoci úřední osoby
- Author
František Púry and Martin Richter
- Subjects
Úřední osoba ,zneužití pravomoci úřední osoby ,trestný čin ,hospodaření s majetkem ,veřejný majetek ,obec ,Law - Abstract
Příspěvek se zabývá trestní odpovědností za nikoli řádné hospodaření s majetkem státu nebo územních samosprávných celků osobami, které jsou v postavení úřední osoby. Zejména s poukazem na situaci v obecní samosprávě se autoři snaží odlišit případy, v nichž se má uplatnit trestní odpovědnost jen za majetkový trestný čin, a případy, kde jde vedle toho nebo jen samostatně o trestný čin zneužití pravomoci úřední osoby. Své úvahy ilustrují i některými rozhodnutími Nejvyššího soudu.
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Stříteský, Matěj
- Abstract
The presented article focused on the notification duty of workers in helping professions on criminal activities of their clients. The author presents the notification duty as a legal and ethical issue. The article includes results of a pilot study on knowledge of psychologists about the notification duty. The author concludes that psychologists tend to report more criminal activities than the law requires. Possible complications connected with this reporting are discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
23. Výsledky trestnoprávneho stíhania porušení autorských práv na Slovensku
- Author
Laura Bachňáková Rózenfeldová
- Subjects
judikatúra ,autorské právo ,case law ,porušenie autorských práv ,copyright ,criminal offence ,Právnická fakulta UPJŠ ,trestný čin ,copyright infringement ,Košické dni súkromného práva IV - Abstract
Príspevok analyzuje možnosti trestnoprávneho stíhania porušení práv duševného vlastníctva, osobitne autorských práv, v kontexte aplikovateľnej medzinárodno-právnej ako aj vnútroštátnej právnej úpravy. Predmetom tohto príspevku je posúdenie prístupu vnútroštátnych súdov Slovenskej republiky k trestnoprávnemu postihovaniu prípadov porušovania autorských práv prostredníctvom trestného činu porušovania autorských práv, ktorý je upravený v § 283 zákona č. 300/2005 Z. z. Trestný zákon. Osobitne sa v príspevku prihliada na výsledok rozhodnutí prijímaných príslušnými súdmi v trestnoprávnych konaniach, ktorých predmetom je vymedzený trestný čin. URL: https://unibook.upjs.sk/ This paper examines the possibilities of criminal law sanctioning of intellectual property rights infringements, specifically as regards copyright, in the context of the applicable international as well as domestic law. This paper analyses the approach of the national courts of the Slovak republic as regards the criminal sanctioning of cases of copyright infringements through the criminal offence of copyright infringement defined in the Article 283 of the Act No. 300/2005 Coll. Criminal Code. Specifically, this paper considers the results of the decisions adopted by the relevant courts in criminal proceedings, the subject matter of which is the specified criminal offence.
- Published
- 2022
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24. The crime of pimping under Section 189 of the Criminal Code
- Author
Imre, David, Vokoun, Rudolf, and Bohuslav, Lukáš
- Subjects
pimping ,kuplířství ,trestný čin ,prostitution ,prostituce ,criminal offence - Abstract
§ 189 zákona č. 40/2009 Sb. Trestní zákoník - pimping Abstrakt The diploma thesis is devoted to the crime of pimping under Section 189 of Act No. 40/2009 Coll. of the Criminal Code. The first part of the thesis defines the concept of prostitution, the reasons why prostitution is a sociopathological phenomenon and the different types of ways in which the legal systems react to prostitution. Subsequently, the historical development of the legal regulation of prostitution in the Czech Republic since the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic is described. Then, the facts of the crime of pimping under the current legislation are analysed in detail, where the individual terms used in the basic facts of this crime and in its individual qualified facts are explained with the help of case law and doctrine. Furthermore, the possibilities of a single-act concurrence with other offences contained in the Criminal Code are discussed, namely with the offence of trafficking in human beings under Section 168 of the Criminal Code, the offence of rape under Section 185 of the Criminal Code, the offence of sexual coercion under Section 186 of the Criminal Code, the offence of enticement to sexual intercourse pursuant to Section 202 of the Criminal Code and the offence of endangering the upbringing of a child pursuant to...
- Published
- 2022
25. The issue of cruelty and other inappropriate treatment of animals and their protection through criminal law
- Author
Průcha, David, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Vokoun, Rudolf
- Subjects
puppy mills ,Zvíře ,trestný čin ,crime ,ochrana zvířat ,animal cruelty ,Animal ,Welfare ,animal protection ,týrání zvířat ,množírny - Abstract
The issue of cruelty and other inappropriate treatment of animals and their protection through criminal law This thesis is focused on the protection of animals against cruelty and other inappropriate treatment, and its securing through criminal law within the legal order of the Czech Republic. The aim of this work was to evaluate the current level of legislation concerning animal cruelty in the sense that it is possible, especially in criminal law, but also in administrative law, to effectively detect, sanction and prevent its recurrence in the future. The aim of this thesis was also to evaluate the changes in the protection of animals against cruelty, which occurred with the adoption of Act no. 114/2020 Coll., amending Act no. 40/2009 Coll., Penal Code, as amended, and some other laws. The content of this thesis consists of a total of 10 chapters, which are further divided into subchapters. Defining the basic terms, outlining the development of legislation on animal protection and animal Welfare in the world and in the Czech Republic, and insight into supranational legislation in the field of animal protection, both at the international level and at the level of the Council of Europe and the European Union, is the content of the first four chapters, which are not crucial for the purposes of this...
- Published
- 2022
26. The criminal offence of dangerous threatening under Section 353 of the Criminal Code
- Author
Lotterová, Helena, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Vokoun, Rudolf
- Subjects
nebezpečné vyhrožování ,trestný čin ,dangerous threatening ,důvodná obava ,legitimate concern ,criminal offence - Abstract
The criminal offence of dangerous threatening under Section 353 of the Criminal Code The topic of this diploma thesis is the offence of dangerous threatening pursuant to Section 353 of the Criminal Code. The thesis, which is divided into seven parts, focuses on a comprehensive presentation of this topic and provides an insight into the jurisprudence and the legislation in other states. The first part describes the historical development of the crime of dangerous threating, first with a brief mention of the early beginnings, which is followed by a more detailed regulation in the Czech Republic and Czechoslovak Republic. The second part of the thesis is focused on the general concepts of criminal law, especially on the concept of a criminal offence. The aim of this part is to present the basic definition of key concepts, which are further worked on in the third part of the thesis. The third part, which is the main part of this Master thesis, is devoted to the regulation of this criminal offence, its classification within the criminal law, international and constitutional context and its detailed characteristics. The Czech court case law is also taken into account, especially with regard to questions related to the arousing of legitimate concern. The fourth part is devoted to the relationship of the...
- Published
- 2022
27. Daňová kriminalita se zaměřením na krácení spotřebních daní
- Author
Kovárník, Jaroslav, Dymáková, Jana, Kovárník, Jaroslav, and Dymáková, Jana
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se věnuje daňové kriminalitě se zaměřením na krácení spotřebních daní. První část se zabývá hospodářskou kriminalitou a daňovou kriminalitou, která je její součástí. Po vysvětlení daňových pojmů následuje klasifikace daní na přímé a nepřímé, konkrétně spotřební, kterými se zabývá další kapitola. Cílem práce je analyzovat daňovou kriminalitu a vývoj daňových trestných činů v průběhu čtyř let. V další kapitole jsou představena opatření, která stát využívá v boji proti daňové kriminalitě v oblasti spotřebních daní, doplněna dalšími návrhy, jak s touto kriminalitou bojovat. Závěr práce se soustředí na dva konkrétní případy, související s krácením spotřební daně, které byly odhaleny a šetřeny na území ČR., The bachelor thesis deals with the tax crime with the focus on excise tax evasion. The first part deals with economic crime and tax crime, which is part of it. Following after explaining the tax concepts is a division of taxes into direct and indirect taxes with the focuse on excise taxes. The aim of this thesis is to analyze tax crime and development of tax crimes over four years. In the next chapter there are presented the measures which our state uses in the fight against tax crime with the focus on excise taxes. Then another suggestions will be written how to fight with tax crime. The conclusion of the thesis focuses on two specific proposals which happened in the Czech Republic., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka představila komisi svou bakalářskou práci s názvem Daňová kriminalita se zaměřením na krácení spotřebních daní. Cílem práce bylo analyzovat daňovou kriminalitu v této oblasti, charakterizovat opatření státu, která by měla vést k její eliminaci a navrhnout další možnosti, jak s daňovou kriminalitou bojovat. V rámci prezentace studentka popsala cíl, postup a výsledky zpracované analýzy. Následně byly studentce během rozpravy položeny následující dotazy: Otázka 1. V grafu č. 3 je uvedeno, že v roce 2016 byl počet padělání a pozměňování kolků a známek 67, ale v dalších letech počet těchto trestných činů klesl na 1, resp. dokonce na 0. Jak si tuto situaci vysvětlujete? Otázka 2. Používáte zkratku mil. Kč a hovoříte o miliardách. Co tedy platí? Otázka 3. Zjednodušila se v ČR daňová legislativa za posledních 5 let? Otázka 4. Používáte termín uchráněno, co to znamená? Studentka uvedené dotazy zodpověděla., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2021
28. Trestná zodpovednosť právnických osôb.
- Author
Csóka, Samuel and Čelár, Maroš
- Abstract
Copyright of Projustice is the property of Business Intelligence Club, o.z. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
29. A Personal Story of Drug Addiction
- Author
- Subjects
recidiva ,drugs ,trest ,závislost ,trestný čin ,punishment ,pervitin ,drogy ,resocializace ,sociálně patologické jevy ,recidivism ,meth ,crime ,social pathologies ,addiction ,resocialization - Abstract
The bachelor's thesis "The Life Journey of a Convict: A Biographical Approach" deals with the story of a man who was not only an active drug user, but also repeatedly found guilty of criminal offences. In this thesis, I also deal with the issue of the convicted man and the possibilities of rehabilitation. The method of interview followed by analysis was used to find out this issue. At the end of the bachelor's thesis there is an actual evaluation of the problems of the topic from all the findings and the sources mentioned. The theoretical part is focused on defining the concepts that are important for this thesis and encompasses the basic relevant concepts with the issue. These are concepts such as social pe-education, socially pathological phenomena, punishment, crime, resocialization and recidivism. I have further enriched these topics with the issue of drugs and defining methamphetamine. The research part focuses on an interview with a man who tells about his life journey, which was accompanied not only by experimentation with drugs but also by a prison sentence. The qualitative methodology is in the form of biographical research, which aims to find out what impact a person's criminal past has on his life and how to ensure a successful return to social life without signs of recidivism. To investigate whether the respondent's different life stages may have affected his personality. Throughout, I am guided by the respondent's key events that have affected him the most in his life.
- Published
- 2021
30. Methodology of investigating specific homicides (focused on staged suicides)
- Author
Záhorová, Štěpánka, Musil, Jan, and Krupička, Jiří
- Subjects
homicide ,suicide ,criminological traces ,methodology of investigating ,trestný čin ,crime ,sebevražda ,vražda ,metodika vyšetřování ,kriminalistické stopy - Abstract
Methodology of investigating specific homicides (focused on staged suicides) This diploma thesis deals with the methodology of investigating homicides and suicides, it determines the common and divergent traces left on a victim's body as well as on a crime scene and examines circumstances which motivate a perpetrator to stage a suicide. Last but not least, the thesis describes specific features of individual investigative acts. The aim of the thesis is not to bring a summary of the methodology of homicide investigation but it aims to draw the attention to the procedures typical for the investigation of murders which appear to be suicides and describes the ways how to distinguish staged suicides from the real ones. The thesis consists of six chapters. The first three chapters sum up the definitions of the terms homicide and suicide in criminal law and criminology, examine the circumstances prompting a murder perpetrator to stage a suicide, and describe the typical ways of committing homicides and suicides. The fourth chapter, which examines the important traces left on a victim's body and a crime scene, forms the core of the thesis. It brings the overview of the common and divergent traces in homicide and suicide cases and also the most frequently manipulated and faked traces in staged cases. The...
- Published
- 2021
31. Bullying - inconspicuous acts, profound consequences
- Author
Rothová, Kristýna, Richterová, Magdalena, and Syřiště, Ivo
- Subjects
psyche ,school ,psychika ,aggressor ,sacrifice ,oběť ,trestný čin ,crime ,bullying ,prevention ,šikana ,agresor ,prevence ,škola - Published
- 2021
32. Employing people in imprisonment
- Author
- Subjects
work ,offender ,zaměstnávání ,trest ,odsouzený ,trestný čin ,convicted ,employing ,věznice ,prison ,práce ,crime ,pachatel ,punishment - Abstract
This diploma thesis is focused on employing of persons serving a sentence of imprisonment. The aim is to make the reader familiar with prison issues, with the types of prisons, to get acquainted with the actual execution of imprisonment and employing of persons serving a custodial sentence, who are interested in working while serving a sentence of imprisonment. The theoretical part clarifies special terms such as socialization, resocialization, treatment as well as a treatment program, rewards and penalties, output department. There is also a chapter on social work and prison issues. The practical parts of this thesis deals with qualitative research through interviews with a total of three research groups, which are employed convicts, social workers and people who focus on the course of occupying of convicts.
- Published
- 2021
33. Domestic violence and its solution with the Police of the Czech Republic and other organizations helping victims of domestic violence
- Author
BÍNA, Martin
- Subjects
Domácí násilí ,offender ,oběť ,trestný čin ,crime ,victim ,pachatel ,Domestic violence - Abstract
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce the issue of domestic violence, with the focus on the people affected by domestic violence as a target group. The subsequent goal of this thesis is to identify possible solutions in organizations helping the victims of domestic violence. Another goal is to publish current statistics of the increase or decrease in cases of domestic violence in the Czech Republic since the validity of the institute of expulsion pursuant to Act No. 273/2008 Coll., On the Police of the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part presents a comprehensive view of the current state of domestic violence. In this part of the thesis, domestic violence is defined as such and the individual features of domestic violence are described in detail. It also focuses on the characteristics of all participants in domestic violence. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, attention is paid to professional assistance to victims of domestic violence. The aim of the practical part is to describe the issue of domestic violence with the focus on the target group. Another goal is to identify possible solutions in organizations helping the victims of domestic violence. In this part of the thesis, official statistics about domestic violence is presented. This bachelor thesis could serve not only to police officers, students, but also to the general public to obtain more expert knowledge about domestic violence and its comprehensive approach. Moreover, it offers solutions to domestic violence with the Police of the Czech Republic and other organizations that help victims of domestic violence. The thesis can be used as a suitable source of information not only for employees and clients of intervention centres, but also for the general public.
- Published
- 2021
34. Juristic, social and criminogenic aspects of violent crime
- Author
POLATOVÁ, Kateřina
- Subjects
seniors ,zvlášť zranitelné oběti ,especially vulnerable victims ,násilí ,senioři ,violence ,Násilná kriminalita ,trestný čin ,crime ,Violent crime ,kriminalita - Abstract
This bachelor thesis aims to find out what are the causes of violent crime on particularly vulnerable victims. The theoretical part in the first chapter defines the legal aspects of violent crime, the definition of selected crimes, the definition of crime victims and particularly vulnerable victims. The second chapter defines the concept of criminology, criminological concept of violence, characteristics of violent acts, phenomenology of violent crime, causes and conditions of violent crime, aspects of choosing a senior as a victim of crime, prevention, and repression. Finally, the impact of violent crime in society and on individuals is defined. The main goal of the practical part was to find out the causes of violent crime on particularly vulnerable victims using their own questionnaire and to confirm or refute the hypotheses that victims of violent crime are more often victims of particularly vulnerable victims than others and whether most violence is committed to parties of their loved ones.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Jozef Suchoža, Ján Husár, Regina Hučková, and (eds.)
- Subjects
ľudské práva ,zmluvy ,umelá inteligencia ,Právnická fakulta UPJŠ ,trestný čin ,zborník vedeckých prác ,daňové predpisy - Abstract
Rok 2020 je takmer od svojho začiatku celosvetovo poznačený bezprecedentnou situáciou spojenou so šírením ochorenia Covid-19. V úvode aktuálneho kalendárneho roka, keď sa postupne rozbiehali aktivity organizačného tímu na príprave ďalšieho ročníka, sme sa ešte nádejali, že do tradičného termínu našej jesennej konferencie je ešte ďaleko a v tomto maximálnom optimizme sme rozbehli organizáciu jubilejného 10. ročníka našej už tradičnej konferencie. Konferencie, ktorá je stabilnou súčasťou vedecko-odborných konferenčných podujatí v tuzemských podmienkach a ktorá sa stala stabilnou súčasťou pracovných programov mnohých nás. Rok 2020 je takmer od svojho začiatku plný obmedzení, pričom obmedzenia sa dotkli aj organizácie konferenčných podujatí. Za „obeť“ súčasnej situácií padol aj náš 10. ročník konferencie Právo – obchod – ekonomika, ktorý sme boli nútení „so zaťatými zubami“ zrušiť. Situácia nám neumožňuje nič iné len dúfať, že v roku 2021 nám bude umožnené stretnúť sa na tradičnom mieste vo Vysokých Tatrách. Tieto stretnutia už berieme ako samozrejmosť, pričom ak na nič iné táto situácia nie je dobrá, tak aspoň na spomalenie a na uvedomenie si našej vlastnej zraniteľnosti. URL:https://unibook.upjs.sk/
- Published
- 2020
36. Aký bude dopad súdnych žalôb na prácu lekárov?
- Author
Oto, Masár and Katarína, Fedorová
- Subjects
- *
INDICTMENTS , *PHYSICIAN malpractice , *CRIMINAL complaints , *CRIMINAL procedure , *MEDICAL care - Abstract
In recent years an increasing number of criminal charges and claims of inadequate health care provided by doctors have been observed. The driver of this increased number of claims and criminal charges is not usually based on poor quality of work, but is a result of targeted negative campaigns directed to strengthening the legal awareness of a patient by encouraging patients to lodge complaints and criminal claims against doctors in order to achieve compensation for alleged injury. The article gives some advice about how physicians should behave when facing allegations by the legal system. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
37. Criminal Law Instruments of Environmental Protection
- Author
Fabšíková, Tereza, Damohorský, Milan, Stejskal, Vojtěch, Tomoszková, Veronika, and Sobotka, Michal
- Subjects
trestněprávní nástroje ,trestní odpovědnost ,ochrana životního prostředí ,means of criminal law ,trestný čin ,crime ,environment ,životní prostředí ,criminal liability ,protection of environment - Abstract
Criminal Law Instruments of Environmental Protection The dissertation deals with the possibilities of criminal law in relation to the protection of the environment. It presents the analysis of the most significant instruments of criminal law from the sphere of the international, European and Czech law, particularly the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on the protection of the environment through criminal law, and the Czech Criminal Code (Act No 40/2009 Coll.) Apart from the analysis of the most important legal norms and the subsequent formation of proposals de lege ferenda, the dissertation is concerned with the characteristics of environmental crime and the specifics of criminal law in environmental protection. The dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the issue of the role of criminal law in environmental protection and the peculiarities of creation criminal rules in this area. The second chapter concentrates on the characteristics of environmental crime and the description of its specific features. The third chapter refers to the current state of the international criminal law and the possibilities of environmental protection through international criminal law...
- Published
- 2020
38. Aktuální aspekty trestného činu podvodu podle § 209 TZ
- Author
Hruška, Jiří, Gřivna, Tomáš, and Bohuslav, Lukáš
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDSOCIETY ,ComputingMilieux_LEGALASPECTSOFCOMPUTING ,podvod ,fraud ,trestný čin ,modus operandi ,crime - Abstract
Current aspects of the fraud crime under section 209 criminal code of the Czech republic Abstract The author deals with theoretical and practical issues related to the fraud crime, which is one of the enriching property crimes. After the theft and damage to a thing of another, fraud has been the third most frequently committed property crime in the Czech Republic. Except of its topicality, the reason for choosing the topic of the Master's thesis is mainly the considerable variability of this crime. Law enforcement authorities encounter different modes of committing (modus operandi) this crime in practice. The presented work describes the historic developmental tendencies of codification of fraud and then looks into the individual changes (amendments) of criminal code in the Czech Republic related to fraud crime. Furthermore, there is a detailed analysis of fraud crime under section 209 of the Criminal Code and the interpretation of selected legal features. For this purpose it was mainly drawn from current precedens (case law) that significant influences the practice of law enforcement authorities. The author of the thesis subsequently presents a concept of obvious carelessness that could easily avoid by the injured person. The concept is applicable in legal qualification of the act. In adition the mentioned...
- Published
- 2020
39. Resocialization of juvenile offenders in the practice of probation and mediation service
- Author
BÖHM, Bohumír
- Subjects
mediation ,restrictive and restorative justice ,juvenile person ,postpeniterciární péče ,probation program ,probation supervision ,akreditovaný probační program ,resocialization ,accredited program ,Trest ,post-penitentiary care ,trestný čin ,criminal offense ,mladistvá osoba ,restributivní a restorativní justice ,probace ,mediace ,probation ,probační dohled ,Punishment ,resocializace - Abstract
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to map the procedures of the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic both in criminal proceedings conducted with juvenile offenders and in their re-socialization. The work will be divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part, the author defines the basic legal concepts in the field of youth justice, the diversity of concepts of retributive and restorative justice, the issue of punishment and imposition of educational measures for juvenile offenders and external evaluation of their activities from the wiew of Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic and Authority for social and legal protection of children and juveniles. The practical part will be investigated by the method of qualitative analysis of structured interviews with probation officers and with juvenile offenders, who undergo accredited re-socialization programs, their attitudes and the process of their re-socialization. In particular, attention will be paid to the question of how these programs are perceived, evaluated by minors themselves, and how they have influenced their lives. The sample will consist of clients and staff of the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic in Jindřichův Hradec, Třebíč, Tábor and České Budějovice.
- Published
- 2020
40. The role of modus operandi in criminalistics
- Author
Pivná, Tereza, Konrád, Zdeněk, and Krupička, Jiří
- Subjects
a crime ,Modus operandi ,kriminalistika ,trestný čin ,criminalistics - Abstract
The role of modus operandi in criminalistics Abstract The reflection of a person's personality can be observed in every single one of his actions and criminal activity is no exception. The modus operandi of a crime is currently a very neglected topic within the professional public. The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe in detail the concept of modus operandi of a crime and to outline its criminal significance. The secondary goal of the thesis is then to show in practical cases whether the assumption of perseverance of the offender is true. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the history of the perception of this issue by criminologists across the centuries, the very definition of the term modus operandi of a crime, its systematic classification, its definition and its possible understanding in other fields and countries. It also describes the components of the modus operandi of a crime and their possible division, discusses the determinants of modus operandi of a crime, both subjective and objective, and the mechanisms that contribute to the formation of modus operandi a crime. The last chapter, the fourth chapter, of the theoretical part deals with the possible importance of modus operandi of a crime for criminalistics, namely the...
- Published
- 2020
41. Criminal liability of health-care providers
- Author
Miřejovská, Martina, Sovová, Olga, and Císařová, Dagmar
- Subjects
physician ,trestní odpovědnost ,legal person ,právnická osoba ,health-care provider ,trestný čin ,lékař ,criminal liability ,poskytovatel zdravotních služeb ,criminal offence - Abstract
Criminal liability of health-care providers Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the criminal liability of the health-care providers. Its main objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamental issues, such as who can be a provider, what is the definition of healthcare services and what are the possible conditions of criminal liability. Another aim is to provide an overview of selected offenses that can be committed in connection with providing healthcare services and summary of the relevant legislation in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in the Federal Republic of Germany. In this thesis, I mostly use the methods of description, analysis and comparison. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which follow a logical order. The first chapter explains the key concepts. Specifically, it is the definition of healthcare services, facilities and providers, lege artis procedure, informed consent and criminal liability. The second chapter focus on the criminal liability of natural persons, on the definition of a criminal offence and also the relevant circumstances excluding liability from the provision of healthcare point of view. The third chapter deals with the criminal liability of legal persons and their possible exculpation. The fourth chapter analyses selected...
- Published
- 2020
42. Obstruction of justice
- Author
Dobrovičová, Michaela, Vokoun, Rudolf, and Bohuslav, Lukáš
- Subjects
justice ,trestný čin ,crime ,obstruction ,maření ,spravedlnost - Abstract
Obstruction of justice Abstract In the introduction, this rigorosum thesis introduces to its readers the issue of the crime of obstruction of justice under the provisions of the Section 347a, Act No. 40/2009 Sb. Criminal Code, as amended, outlines the structure of the thesis and its main goals. Subsequently, the thesis is divided into nine chapters. In the first chapter I ponder about different perceptions of the term "justice". In the second chapter I analyze the theoretical context of evidence, which is fundamental for the further argumentation in the next chapters. Although the emphasis in the thesis is put on criminal proceedings, attention is also paid to civil proceedings. I analyze the types of legal evidence, where I deal more closely with with interrogation of the accused and witnesses, as well as documentary and material evidence. I also do not leave out the issue of onus and burden of proof. After all, an attempt to carry them may be the motive for the perpetrator to commit the crime of obstruction of justice. In the third chapter I describe the evolution of legal opinions on the criminal liability of lying and the presentation of falsified and altered evidence in time. On the base of the historical insight into this issue, I analyze the case law development over the last 15 years. I pay...
- Published
- 2020
43. Criminal Proceedings in the news coverage of ČTK
- Author
Kuchař, Roman, Trunečková, Ludmila, and Šmíd, Milan
- Subjects
zpravodajství ,news coverage ,soud ,trestný čin ,trestní řízení ,criminal proceedings ,Česká tisková kancelář ,Czech News Agency ,court ,criminal act - Abstract
The Czech News Agency (ČTK) is a media institution that collects, processes and provides its customers with information on domestic and foreign events. It represents an important source of information (not only) for other media. However, trying to provide prompt information on interesting events may lead to inaccuracies and excessive simplification, especially in areas where there is a specialised element. One of them is criminal proceedings, which take place within the limits set by law. Therefore, this diploma thesis aims to map the form of criminal proceedings taking place before the Czech courts, as depicted in the ČTK news, and possibly to draw attention to their shortcomings in terms of legal standards and ČTK's ethical rules. The diploma thesis is divided into five basic parts. The introductory part briefly describes the concept of criminal proceedings, its course, selected basic principles and terminology. The following part outlines the importance of news for criminal proceedings (public control over the lawfulness of the criminal proceedings) and the boundaries between protecting freedom of speech on the media's part and the personal rights of prosecuted people and the victims. ČTK, its legal status and structure, ethical rules (ČTK Code) and a text report as a basic research unit of...
- Published
- 2020
44. Criminal law regulation of public procurement
- Author
Mikula, Tomáš, Púry, František, and Tejnská, Katarína
- Subjects
důkazní prostředek ,Public procurement ,Veřejná zakázka ,trestný čin ,evidence ,criminal offence - Abstract
1 CRIMINAL LAW REGULATION OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ABSTRACT The Objective of this rigorous work is primarily to present the basic features of criminal activities related to public procurement, to analyse the offences that are either directly related to the award of public contracts or to which the Commission may The context of public procurement and, last but not least, the analysis of certain specific means of proof in the case of such offences. The Rigorous work is thematically divided into seven chapters and possibly other subchapters. The Subject of the first chapter (Generally for public procurement) is an analysis of the issue of public procurement, the definition of the concept of public procurement, the outline of the basic principles of procurement, the definition of the concept of contracting authority and Supplier and not least an analysis of the types of procurement procedures and their comparison in the framework of the former Public Procurement Act and the current Public Procurement Act. The Subject of the second chapter (Generally for criminal regulation of public procurement) is to outline the criminal law basis for the following chapters; Therefore, the introduction of offences directly related to the award of public contracts, offences which may arise in connection with the award of public...
- Published
- 2020
45. Criminal liability of physician for a non lege artis medical procedure
- Author
Zmeková, Veronika, Sovová, Olga, and Císařová, Dagmar
- Subjects
physician ,lege artis ,trestněprávní odpovědnost ,trestný čin ,lékař ,criminal liability ,non lege artis ,criminal offence - Abstract
Criminal liability of physician for a non lege artis medical procedure Abstract This diploma thesis is focused on the issue of the criminal liability of physician for a non lege artis medical procedure. The main objective of submitted thesis is to define all the requirements and elements of criminal liability of the physician, therefore, to find an answer to under what conditions and in what situations the physician will be criminally responsible, and in what situation he will not be criminally responsible. Another objective of the thesis is to provide a definition of what can be considered as a lege artis procedure, what will be considered as a non lege artis procedure, who will assess such a procedure and what will be the consequences for the assessment of the criminal liability of a physician. In this thesis it was used mostly the method of description, analysis, deduction and a partial comparison. Thesis is divided into four main chapters, which are further divided into relevant subchapters. The first chapter is focused on the definition of all prerequisites for the criminal liability of a physician and also deals with the question of possible criminal liability of a legal person who is authorized to provide health services. The second chapter defines individual circumstances excluding illegality. The...
- Published
- 2020
46. Kriminalita v pracovním prostředí
- Author
Šmíd, Martin, Hutlová, Veronika, Šmíd, Martin, and Hutlová, Veronika
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zabývá kriminalitou páchanou v pracovním prostředí na území ČR. Práce analyzuje pracovněprávní, trestněprávní a správněprávní pohled na danou věc. V rámci praktické části je provedeno vyhodnocení dotazníku, který vyplňovali zaměstnavatelé a vedoucí pracovníci z různých odvětví zaměstnání., This thesis aims at the criminal activity in the working environment in Czech Republic. This work analyzes labor law, criminal law and administrative law view on the given matter. The practical part evaluates the questionnaire filled in by employers and leaders from various sectors of employment., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka seznámila členy komise se svou bakalářskou prací na téma: Kriminalita v pracovním prostředí. Komise položila otázky: Které formy preventivních opatření proti trestné činnosti ze strany zaměstnavatele považujete za nejdůležitější a proč? Může se zaměstnavatel dopustit trestného činu vůči zaměstnanci? Autorka na otázky odpovídala bez obtíží.
- Published
- 2019
47. The crime of robbery in comparison with selected crimes against personal freedom
- Author
Wachtlová, Nikola, Jelínek, Jiří, and Pelc, Vladimír
- Subjects
svoboda ,loupež ,trestní odpovědnost ,property protection ,pachatel ,Trest ,trestný čin ,crime ,offender ,ochrana majetku ,criminal liability ,personal freedom ,robbery ,freedom ,osobní svoboda ,punishment ,kriminalita - Abstract
The crime of robbery in comparison with selected crimes agains personal freedom This rigorous work focuses on the crime of robbery comparison with selected crimes against personal freedom. It deals primarily with the crime of robbery in terms of the criminal law. This thesis is systematically classified so that it contains the historical context of legal regulation of robbery in the territory of today's Czech Republic. In addition, the basic concepts, which are in the main a crime as such and freedom, like freedom, not only as the freedom of an individual, but also the protection of property, including the very innocuousness of the dwelling, which, of course, is part of the concept of freedom. After a historical excursion and general interpretation, a more detailed analysis of the crime of robbery de lege lata follws, i.e. in accordance with the applicable law, namely robbery and robbery qualified. The next chapter of this work deals with criminal liability and the associated fault and the same time in this chapter we find a brief description of the circumstances excluding illegality, which are related to criminal law. In the following chapter, the thesis deals with the descripsion of the obligatory features of the facts of each crime, which are the object, the objective page, the subject, the...
- Published
- 2019
48. Regulationship between delicts and criminal offences
- Author
Parýzková, Julie, Prášková, Helena, and Millerová, Ivana
- Subjects
administrative offence ,trestný čin ,přestupek ,dekriminalizace ,decriminalisation ,criminal offence - Abstract
Relation between Administrative and Criminal Offenses Abstract This thesis deals with the analysis of the relation between two public offenses; administrative offenses as delicts of administrative law to criminal offenses as delicts of criminal law. The thesis introduces the historical development in the Czech lands, illustrating the origin of the division of offenses of public law and its gradual transformation over time. The chapter on history concludes with the description of the models of relation between administrative and criminal offenses which have arisen in civil law over the course of history. It is followed by an analysis of the conceptual features of offenses de lege lata, in which the definition of an administrative offense is compared to the definition of a crime. The main topic of the thesis is the boundary between administrative offenses and criminal offenses, which compares the current legal regulation with the theoretical basis and further analyses the aspects of the division of public-law offenses with the indication of alternative possibilities of this division. The thesis also looks at criminal records and the influence of European Union law in determining the boundary between offenses and crimes. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the comparison of administrative and criminal...
- Published
- 2019
49. The Crime of Dangerous Threatening under s. 353 Criminal Code
- Author
Friedrich, Milan, Bohuslav, Lukáš, and Vokoun, Rudolf
- Subjects
Dangerous threatening ,nebezpečné vyhrožování ,trestný čin ,USA ,Crime - Abstract
The crime of Dangerous threatening under s. 353 Criminal Code Abstract This thesis is focused on the crime of Dangerous threatening under s. 353 Criminal Code (Act no. 40/2009 Coll.) and firstly aims to analyze and interpret its elements in the light of the relevant case law. Further, this thesis aims to find corresponding crimes in the U.S. legal system, namely under the common law, the Model Penal Code and under the Florida Statutes, then this thesis aims to compare such American crimes with Dangerous threatening, to point out main differences between the jurisdictions, to evaluate Czech Dangerous threatening and finally to propose recommendations de lege ferenda. Firstly, this thesis analyzes the classification of Dangerous threatening within the Czech criminal law and focuses on the history and evolution of the crime of Dangerous threatening on the territory of the Czech Republic starting with the Austrian Criminal Code from 1852. Further, this thesis analyzes the crime of Dangerous threatening and interprets its elements in the light of the relevant case law, whereas a particular attention is paid to the actus reus, in particular to the interpretation of threatening to cause other serious harm and the ability of a threat to raise reasonable fear. Subsequently, this thesis focuses on the punishing the...
- Published
- 2019
50. The possibilities of criminal's reintegration into society
- Author
- Subjects
propuštěný ,vězení ,offender ,condemned ,trest ,integrace ,criminal offence ,odsouzený ,punishment ,probace ,prison ,probation ,person released from prison ,integration ,pachatel ,trestný čin - Abstract
The bachelor thesis is focused on the possibility of integrating criminals back into society. In the theoretical part are introduced the main terms and issues to layman, thanks to the literature and acquired information. In the practical part will be described the process of data collection up to the results of the research. The main aim of the bachelor thesis on "Possibilities of social integration of criminals back into society"is to clarify the integration of the perpetrator of criminal activity back into society after release from imprisonment. In a secondary goal will be found out whether the needs of released prisoners, when they are reintegrated into society, correspond to the possibilities provided by our society.
- Published
- 2019
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