1. Phase equilibria of ternary system diethyl fumarate/CO2/organic solvent
- Author
Deželak, Blaž and Škerget, Mojca
- Subjects
ternarni sistem ,etanol ,superkritični CO2 ,udc:544.344(043.2) ,fazno ravnotežje ,ethanol ,phase equilibrium ,dietil fumarat ,diethyl fumarate ,ternary system ,supercritical CO2 - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obsega raziskave faznega ravnotežja za sistem dietil fumarat, etanol in ogljikov dioksid, pri konstantnem tlaku 150 bar in pri temperaturah 125 in 180 °C. Kadar je stisljiv medij izpostavljen visokemu tlaku in temperaturi in dosežemo kritično točko, govorimo o superkritičnih fluidih (supercritical fluid – SCF). Značilne lastnosti superkritičnega fluida sta zelo visoka stisljivost in gostota. V prvem delu smo pripravili vzorec dietil fumarata in etanola ter ga aplicirali v rezervoar visokotlačne optične celice, dodali še tekoči CO2 ter vzpostavili konstanten tlak in temperaturo. Raztopino v celici smo najprej mešali, nato smo pustili, da se fazno ravnotežje vzpostavi, sledilo je vzorčenje. Preučevali smo, kako vplivajo na topnost CO2 v tekoči fazi različna razmerja etanola in dietil fumarata. Določili smo porazdelitveni koeficient in separacijski faktor. Na koncu smo izračunali še standardno napako meritev in jo argumentirali. Za izris faznega diagrama ternarnega sistema smo uporabili program OriginPro. Ugotovili smo, da se z višajem temperature topnost CO2 v tekoči fazi pri konstantnem tlaku zniža. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da pri temperaturi 125 °C večina meritev vsebuje večjo napako, saj ravnotežje ni bilo povsem vzpostavljeno. Zato smo drugi set meritev izvajali pri temperaturi 180 °C. Rezultate diplomskega dela smo prikazali v obliki tabel in grafov. Thesis comprises the research of phase equilibrium for system diethyl fumarate, ethanol, carbon dioxide, at constant pressure of 150 bar at temperatures from 125 °C to 180 °C. When a compressible (media) is exposed to high pressure and high temperature and a critical point is reached, this fluid is called supercritical fluid (SCF). Characteristic properties of SCF are very high density and compressibility. In first part of the thesis a sample of diethyl fumarate in ethanol has been prepared and injected into a high pressured optical cell. Afterwards liquid CO2 was added and constant pressure and temperature have been established. The solution in the cell has been mixed in order to establish phase equilibrium, and afterwards the sampling has been performed. We studied how the ratio of ethanol and diethyl fumarate influences the solubility of CO2 in the liquid phase. Based on the solubility data the distribution coefficients and separation factors have been determined. Furthermore, standard error of measurements has been calculated and commented. For constructing a phased diagram of ternary system we used the program OriginPro. We came to the conclusion that the solubility of CO2 decreases with increasing temperature at constant pressure. Based on obtained results we observed that standard error of measurements which were made at temperature of 125 °C is high because equilibrium between phases wasn’t completely established, therefore the second set of measurements was performed at temperature of 180 °C. Results obtained have been presented in the form of graphs and tables.
- Published
- 2015