1. Predlog rekonstrukcije baročnega parka v Črncih
- Author
Kozar, Tadej and Kučan, Ana
- Subjects
reconstruction ,park in Črnci ,rekonstrukcija ,Freudenau Manor ,park v Črncih ,dvorec Freudenau ,udc:712.253(043.2) ,garden heritage ,vrtnoarhitekturna dediščina - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava zgodovinski park v Črncih, ki velja za enega prvih baročnih parkov na slovenskih tleh in slogovnega predhodnika parkovnim zasnovam na ozemlju vzhodne Slovenije, tudi najslovitejšemu slovenskemu baročnemu parku ob dvorcu Dornava. Posestvo je zavarovano kot kulturni spomenik lokalnega pomena, vendar trenutno stanje ne odseva njegove zgodovinske pomembnosti. Dvorec Freudenau, katerega ime je prvič omenjeno v listini iz leta 1615, danes pa ga domačini imenujejo Meinlov grad, je skozi leta služil kot rezidenca številnim pripadnikom višjega sloja, ki so skrbeli, da se je dvorec skupaj s parkom do začetka II. svetovne vojne razvijal in spreminjal svojo podobo. Rezultati preučevanja zgodovinskih virov in vrednotenje izvedenih analiz kažejo, da je park, kljub pomanjkanju podatkov, znotraj svojega razpoložljivega prostora in ob ohranjenih elementih mogoče rekonstruirati. Vsi zbrani podatki in njihovo vrednotenje so pripomogli h ključnim odločitvam pri oblikovanju predloga, katerega namen je rekonstrukcija nekdanjega parka ob vključitvi njegove ohranjene grajene spomeniške substance. Predlog rekonstrukcije, ki bo na temelju dostopnih virov in ohranjenih originalnih elementov ter potez začrtal osnovne gabarite, bo služil kot izhodišče za možno nadaljnje načrtovanje zgodovinskega vrta. Predlog se ustrezno odzove na obstoječe robne pogoje v neposredni okolici, zato je v zaključku dela predstavljen še idealni predlog rekonstrukcije, ki daje prednost geometrijski čistosti zasnove. The master's thesis discusses the historical park in Črnci, which is considered to be one of the first Baroque parks in Slovenia. It is a stylistic precursor to park designs in the eastern Slovenian region, including the most famous Slovenian Baroque park at the Dornava Manor. The estate is protected as a cultural monument of local importance, but its current state does not reflect its historical significance. The Freudenau Manor, first mentioned in a document from 1615 and now called the Meinl Castle by the locals, served as residence for a number of members of the upper class over the years, who ensured that the manor and its park continued to develop and change its appearance until the beginning of World War II. Studying historical sources and evaluation of the analyses carried out have shown that, despite the lack of information, the park could be reconstructed within its available space limits and with the elements that have been preserved. The data gathered and its evaluation have contributed to making key decisions in the formulation of the proposal, which aims to reconstruct the former park whilst incorporating its preserved historical monument substance. The reconstruction proposal, which is based on the available sources and the preserved original elements and features, will determine the primary height dimensions and serve as a starting point for possible further planning of the historic garden. As the proposal responds appropriately to the existing boundary conditions in the immediate surroundings, an ideal reconstruction proposal, which gives priority to geometric purity of the design, is presented in the conclusion of the thesis.
- Published
- 2022