41 results on '"vakanties op de boerderij"'
Search Results
2. Van informeren naar doorvertellen : praktische tips voor het vinden en binden van gasten
- Author
Vijn, M. and Vijn, M.
- Abstract
Steeds meer mensen hebben belangstelling voor een vakantie op het platteland. Daar liggen kansen voor agrarische ondernemers. Maar hoe vind je mensen die op jouw bedrijf willen verblijven en misschien nog wel belangrijker: hoe zorg je ervoor dat ze terugkomen? Wageningen University & Research heeft hier onderzoek naar gedaan en komt met een aantal praktische handvatten.
- Published
- 2017
3. Van informeren naar doorvertellen : Praktische tips voor het vinden en binden van gasten
- Subjects
farm holidays ,multifunctional agriculture ,OT Team Agriculture & Society ,recreatie op het platteland ,ondernemerschap ,vakanties op de boerderij ,rural recreation ,multifunctionele landbouw ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,entrepreneurship ,farm management ,OT Team Landbouw & Samenleving - Abstract
Steeds meer mensen hebben belangstelling voor een vakantie op het platteland. Daar liggen kansen voor agrarische ondernemers. Maar hoe vind je mensen die op jouw bedrijf willen verblijven en misschien nog wel belangrijker: hoe zorg je ervoor dat ze terugkomen? Wageningen University & Research heeft hier onderzoek naar gedaan en komt met een aantal praktische handvatten.
- Published
- 2017
4. Achtergronddocument Driemeting : Verantwoording van de berekeningen en gemaakte keuzes voor het komen tot de omzet van de multifunctionele landbouw 2013
- Subjects
Performance and Impact Agrosectors ,inkomen van landbouwers ,OT Team Agriculture & Society ,farmers' income ,multifunctionele landbouw ,social care farms ,supplementary income ,Performance en Impact Agrosectoren ,multifunctional agriculture ,on-farm sales ,vakanties op de boerderij ,bedrijfsvoering ,Green Economy and Landuse ,omzet ,agri-environment schemes ,farm holidays ,neveninkomsten ,zorgboerderijen ,turnover ,farm management ,Rural Sociology ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,boerderijwinkels ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,agrarisch natuurbeheer ,Rurale Sociologie ,OT Team Landbouw & Samenleving ,management - Abstract
Neveninkomsten op de boerderij door: Agrarisch natuurbeheer, boerderijeducatie, agrarische kinderopvang, zorglandbouw, recreatie of boerderijverkoop
- Published
- 2015
5. Achtergronddocument Driemeting : Verantwoording van de berekeningen en gemaakte keuzes voor het komen tot de omzet van de multifunctionele landbouw 2013
- Author
Veen, E.J., Schoutsen, M.A., van der Meulen, H.A.B., Voskuilen, M.J., and Vijn, M.P.
- Subjects
Performance and Impact Agrosectors ,inkomen van landbouwers ,OT Team Agriculture & Society ,farmers' income ,multifunctionele landbouw ,social care farms ,supplementary income ,Performance en Impact Agrosectoren ,multifunctional agriculture ,on-farm sales ,vakanties op de boerderij ,bedrijfsvoering ,Green Economy and Landuse ,omzet ,agri-environment schemes ,farm holidays ,neveninkomsten ,zorgboerderijen ,turnover ,farm management ,Rural Sociology ,Groene Economie en Ruimte ,boerderijwinkels ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,agrarisch natuurbeheer ,Rurale Sociologie ,OT Team Landbouw & Samenleving ,management - Abstract
Neveninkomsten op de boerderij door: Agrarisch natuurbeheer, boerderijeducatie, agrarische kinderopvang, zorglandbouw, recreatie of boerderijverkoop
- Published
- 2015
6. Plattelandstoerisme in Nederland: een markt met potentie!
- Author
van Haaster-de Winter, M.A. and Vijn, M.P.
- Subjects
farm holidays ,active recreation ,OT Team Agriculture & Society ,rural tourism ,ondernemerschap ,plattelandstoerisme ,farm tourism ,multifunctionele landbouw ,entrepreneurship ,consumentenonderzoeken ,boerderijtoerisme ,LEI Consumer & behaviour ,LEI Consument en Gedrag (CONS & GEDRAG) ,multifunctional agriculture ,actieve recreatie ,LEI Consument and Behaviour ,vakanties op de boerderij ,LEI Consument & Gedrag ,OT Team Landbouw & Samenleving ,consumer surveys - Abstract
In dit onderzoek is de marktpotentie van plattelandstoerisme (recreatief verblijven op de boerderij)onderzocht door middel van een consumentenonderzoek. Doel van dit consumentenonderzoek was om ondernemers in het plattelandstoerisme een beter inzicht te geven in de markt voor deze vorm van toerisme. Met de resultaten kunnen ondernemers keuzes maken voor hun bedrijfsontwikkeling door in te spelen op de wensen van de consument.
- Published
- 2013
7. Plattelandstoerisme in Nederland: een markt met potentie!
- Subjects
farm holidays ,active recreation ,OT Team Agriculture & Society ,rural tourism ,ondernemerschap ,plattelandstoerisme ,farm tourism ,multifunctionele landbouw ,entrepreneurship ,consumentenonderzoeken ,boerderijtoerisme ,LEI Consumer & behaviour ,multifunctional agriculture ,LEI Consument en Gedrag (CONS & GEDRAG) ,actieve recreatie ,LEI Consument and Behaviour ,vakanties op de boerderij ,LEI Consument & Gedrag ,OT Team Landbouw & Samenleving ,consumer surveys - Abstract
In dit onderzoek is de marktpotentie van plattelandstoerisme (recreatief verblijven op de boerderij)onderzocht door middel van een consumentenonderzoek. Doel van dit consumentenonderzoek was om ondernemers in het plattelandstoerisme een beter inzicht te geven in de markt voor deze vorm van toerisme. Met de resultaten kunnen ondernemers keuzes maken voor hun bedrijfsontwikkeling door in te spelen op de wensen van de consument.
- Published
- 2013
8. Hoeve in ere hersteld : omgebouwde Alfonsinehoeve brengt nieuwe dimensie in bedrijf : kerstspecial Boeren binnen grenzen
- Author
Debergh, A. and Debergh, A.
- Abstract
Met drie vakantiewoningen herstelde de familie Van Marsenille de Alfonsinehoeve in de eer en glorie van weleer. Het melkveebedrijf krijgt met jaarrond plezier en vertier een extra dimensie.
- Published
- 2013
9. Boeren met de blik naar buiten : familie Breemersch heeft ISO-gecertificeerd bedrijf : bedrijfsreportage
- Author
Debergh, A. and Debergh, A.
- Abstract
Verantwoord maatschappelijk ondernemen. Die opdracht trachten Kris en Jaklien Breemersch uit Klemskerke meervoudig vorm te geven met een zorgtak, vakantiewoning en ISO-certificering.
- Published
- 2013
10. 'Er komt veel op je af' : logeerboerderij Van der Flier in het Groningse Beerta
- Author
Pouwels, M. and Pouwels, M.
- Abstract
Een theeschenkerij of een bed & breakfast? Bijna tien jaar geleden overwoog Corry van der Flier om écht iets voor zichzelf te beginnen. Ze had haar man Diek ruim dertig jaar geholpen en toen hun zonen geleidelijk aan het grondverzetbedrijf overnamen, kwam er ruimte en gelegenheid.
- Published
- 2012
11. ‘Andere dimensie aan boerenbestaan’ : opening eerste FarmCamps-locatie
- Author
Hietkamp, D. and Hietkamp, D.
- Abstract
De vlag hangt in de top. De eerste FarmCamps-locatie is open. Met veel enthousiasme nemen Johan en Lucie Wijnsma de gasten in ontvangst. Zij gaan avontuurlijk kamperen op de boerderij, maar wel in een luxe tent. “Deze nieuwe campingformule geeft een extra dimensie aan ons boerenbestaan.”
- Published
- 2012
12. Positionering : plattelandstoerisme binnen de gastvrijheidindustrie
- Author
Lukken, G. and Lukken, G.
- Abstract
Handout van een powerpointpresentatie over de positie van plattelandstoerisme binnen de gastvrijheidsindustrie.
- Published
- 2011
13. Aanzet programma Agrarische Recreatie & Toerisme
- Abstract
Opzet voor een uitvoeringsprogramma van de Taskforce voor Recreatie.
- Published
- 2009
14. Zuid-Franse Nederland
- Abstract
Doelgroepen, marketing en communicatie van minicamping De Klaverweide, camping 't Beekdal en groepsaccomodatie De Kiek.
- Published
- 2009
15. Kamperen bij de boer waarom?
- Abstract
Doelgroepen en marketing Camping t Eyveld en Het Betere Boerenbed in Beesel.
- Published
- 2009
16. Economische effecten agrotoerisme : eindrapport
- Abstract
Onderzoek naar de mogelijke beïnvloeding van de aanwezigheid van agrotoeristische logiesaccomodaties op die van de reguliere veblijfsrecreatiebedrijven op het platteland. De studie brengt de mogelijkheden, beperkingen en de economische toegevoegde waarde van reguliere verblijfsrecreatie in het landelijk gebied, ten opzichte van agrotoeristische logiesaccommodaties in kaart en vergelijkt deze onderling
- Published
- 2005
17. Kamperen bij de boer in trek
- Author
Siemes, H. and Siemes, H.
- Abstract
Agro-toerisme is een groeisector en biedt vaak al een goede inkomensbron. De verdere ontwikkeling wordt geremd door de Wet Openlucht Recreatie die maximaal 10 'kampeermiddelen' toestaat. De kampeerboeren willen een uitbreiding tot minimaal 15 en liefst naar 25 tot 40 kampeerplaatsen om de campings rendabel te maken en willen de kwaliteit en de professionaliteit verbeteren
- Published
- 2004
18. Steeds meer neveninkomsten voor boeren
- Author
Hiethaar, S., Pierik, C., Hiethaar, S., and Pierik, C.
- Abstract
Terwijl het aantal boerenbedrijven in een steeds hoger tempo daalt, neemt het aantal boeren met neveninkomsten toe. Vooral huisverkoop van eigen boerderijproducten, caravanstalling en het verhuren van verblijfsaccommodatie voor toeristen zijn in trek
- Published
- 2004
19. Plattelandstoerisme Gelderland Overijssel
- Abstract
Plattelandstoerisme is een thematisch concept, waarbij de beleving en de sfeer van het platteland centraal staan. Volgens het Gelders Overijssels Bureau voor Toerisme (GOBT) sluit het goed aan op trends en is er aantoonbare belangstelling vanuit binnen- en buitenland voor “boerderijvakanties”. Er zijn goede kansen voor promotie. Het landelijk gebied van de provincies Overijssel en Gelderland biedt volop mogelijkheden voor dit type toerisme. Op dit moment is er een aantal knelpunten, waardoor het voor een plattelandstoeristische ondernemer niet eenvoudig is om zijn (innovatieve) ideeën waar te maken. De markt vraagt om meer spreiding en differentiatie in het plattelandstoeristisch aanbod. Het GOBT doet in haar “Masterplan Plattelandstoerisme” aanbevelingen aan de provincies Overijssel en Gelderland hoe om te gaan met de ontwikkeling van plattelandstoerisme
- Published
- 2004
20. Goedkoop logies eerder lucratief
- Author
Siemes, H. and Siemes, H.
- Abstract
Logies bieden op het boerenbedrijf lijkt lucratief maar je kunt je snel rijk rekenen. Twee rekenvoorbeelden voor het opzetten van bed & breakfast geven inzicht in de te maken kosten
- Published
- 2003
21. Schapen brengen mensen tot ontwikkeling ; schapen voor mensen
- Author
Berendsen, S. and Berendsen, S.
- Abstract
De mini - camping en de huisverkoop van lamsvlees vormen een goede combinatie met de schapenhouderij. Schapenhouders annex akkerbouwers in Swifterband hopen volgend jaar te starten met de opvang van kankerpatiewntjes op hun schapenbedrijf. Een kudde schapen als trekpleister voor toeristen
- Published
- 1997
22. is leuk om te doen, maar een tweede tak is het niet' : Jan en Ria de Jong exploiteren professionele minicamping
- Author
Wal, H. van der and Wal, H. van der
- Abstract
Ervaringen van boerenechtpaar in Rutten met een minicamping
- Published
- 1996
23. Flevolands platteland wordt ontsloten voor toeristen : steeds meer agrariers spelen op deze ontwikkeling in
- Author
Wal, H. van der and Wal, H. van der
- Abstract
In 1995 is het project Plattelandstoerisme, met financiele steun van de provincie Flevoland en de Europese Unie, van start gegaan. Het doel is om kleinschalige campings en bed and breakfast-adressen te creeren
- Published
- 1996
24. Nieuw inrichtingsplan verblijfsterrein De Paasheuvel, samenvatting van het onderzoek
- Author
Bongers, S.A., Delen, F.M.L., and Bakker, J.G.
- Subjects
green belts ,farm holidays ,public gardens ,kampeerplaatsen ,farmhouse accommodation ,netherlands ,openluchtrecreatie ,landhuizen ,openbare parken ,nederland ,Ruimtelijke planvorming ,groene zones ,outdoor recreation ,kampeerboerderij ,recreatiegebieden ,vakanties op de boerderij ,publieke tuinen ,amenity and recreation areas ,Spatial Analysis, Planning and Design ,veluwe ,country houses ,camp sites ,gelderland ,public parks - Published
- 1992
25. Nieuw inrichtingsplan verblijfsterrein De Paasheuvel, samenvatting van het onderzoek
- Subjects
green belts ,Spatial Analysis ,farm holidays ,public gardens ,kampeerplaatsen ,farmhouse accommodation ,netherlands ,openluchtrecreatie ,landhuizen ,openbare parken ,nederland ,Ruimtelijke planvorming ,groene zones ,outdoor recreation ,kampeerboerderij ,Planning and Design ,recreatiegebieden ,vakanties op de boerderij ,publieke tuinen ,amenity and recreation areas ,veluwe ,country houses ,camp sites ,gelderland ,public parks - Published
- 1992
26. Recreatie op de boerderij : een literatuurstudie
- Author
Zonneveld, M.M. and Zonneveld, M.M.
- Published
- 1989
27. Kamperen als neventak : een onderzoek op Zeeuwse landbouwbedrijven
- Author
Voskuilen, M.J., van Elk, C.M., Voskuilen, M.J., and van Elk, C.M.
- Abstract
Rapport over het bedrijfseconomisch belang van een kampeergelegenheid als neventak op een agrarisch bedrijf en de invloed van deze vorm van verblijfsrecreatie op de ontwikkeling van de landbouwsector in Zeeland. Het rapport biedt daarnaast een profiel van de landbouw- en kampeertak op de bedrijven van kampeerboeren en geeft ook de plannen en verwachtingen van deze agrariers weer. De resultaten zijn grotendeels gebaseerd op een in 1987 gehouden enquete onder 96 boer(inn)en met een kampeergelegenheid op Schouwen-Duiveland, Walcheren of in West Zeeuws-Vlaanderen
- Published
- 1989
28. Recreatie en platteland : een explorerende studie over de ontwikkeling van de recreatieve functie van het platteland, de betrokkenheid bij deze ontwikkeling van de bewoners van het platteland en hun houding ten opzichte van deze functie
- Author
Hofstee, E.W., Kerstens, A.P.C., Hofstee, E.W., and Kerstens, A.P.C.
- Abstract
Due to urbanisation and industrialisation the countryside in the Netherlands is becoming more and more important for outdoor recreation and as a tourist attraction for city dwellers, in addition to its original and, until now, dominant agricultural role.The most important problem discussed in this study is: What influence does the development of recreation and tourism have on the living conditions for the population in those rural areas?In order to study this problem completely it would be necessary to carry out investigations among the population of many rural districts. Only two areas have been studied during this research.Broadly speaking, the factors influencing rural living conditions, concerning the effects of recreation, can be divided into three groups.The first group may be considered as: 'The ways in which outdoor recreation and tourism are developed'. The rate at which these functions have developed, the number of people seeking recreation and where they come from, the length of stay, their motives for going to the countryside and whether they return regularly, where they stop, e.g. in the villages or in isolated 'enclaves', are included in this group. These questions are dealt with in the first part of this investigation.The second group may be considered as: 'The effects of the development of outdoor recreation in the countryside on the countryside itself'. What spatial and scenic effects occur due to this development? What accommodation is constructed? What new economic possibilities are created if an area is turned into a tourist attraction? Is there a great deal of money flowing into the area in question, in the form of subsidies, for the development of the infrastructure for tourism and recreation? What social effects does the development of tourism have on the area in question? Is the existing community spirit lost? Is there much contact between the country-dwellers and the tourists? What cultural influence takes place? Do the inhabitants of rural
- Published
- 1973
29. Recreatieve verblijfsmogelijkheden op landbouwbedrijven : een orienterend onderzoek op de Veluwe
- Author
de Noord, F.M. and de Noord, F.M.
- Abstract
Verbreding van de landbouw
- Published
- 1970
30. Recreatie op de boerderij : een literatuurstudie
- Subjects
kampeerplaatsen ,farmhouse accommodation ,kampeerplaatsen voor caravans ,overzichten ,Soil and Water Research ,netherlands ,openluchtrecreatie ,camping ,nederland ,reviews ,Staring Centrum ,vakanties op de boerderij ,trekken met de caravan ,agriculture ,farm holidays ,caravan sites ,farm management ,landhuizen ,caravanning ,outdoor recreation ,landbouw ,kampeerboerderij ,Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,country houses ,camp sites ,kamperen - Published
- 1989
31. Functie verandering van boerderijen
- Subjects
farm holidays ,farmhouse accommodation ,schoolboerderijen ,school farms ,openluchtrecreatie ,landhuizen ,farms ,outdoor recreation ,landbouwbedrijven ,bedrijfssystemen ,kampeerboerderij ,bibliographies ,vakanties op de boerderij ,Centrum voor Landbouwpublicaties en Landbouwdocumentatie ,farming systems ,country houses ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1978
32. Kamperen als neventak : een onderzoek op Zeeuwse landbouwbedrijven
- Subjects
farm holidays ,nevenactiviteiten ,farmhouse accommodation ,ancillary enterprises ,netherlands ,recreation ,openluchtrecreatie ,farm management ,landhuizen ,toerisme ,nederland ,Wageningen Economic Research ,outdoor recreation ,landbouw ,kampeerboerderij ,vakanties op de boerderij ,tourism ,zeeland ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,country houses ,recreatie ,agriculture - Abstract
Rapport over het bedrijfseconomisch belang van een kampeergelegenheid als neventak op een agrarisch bedrijf en de invloed van deze vorm van verblijfsrecreatie op de ontwikkeling van de landbouwsector in Zeeland. Het rapport biedt daarnaast een profiel van de landbouw- en kampeertak op de bedrijven van kampeerboeren en geeft ook de plannen en verwachtingen van deze agrariers weer. De resultaten zijn grotendeels gebaseerd op een in 1987 gehouden enquete onder 96 boer(inn)en met een kampeergelegenheid op Schouwen-Duiveland, Walcheren of in West Zeeuws-Vlaanderen
- Published
- 1989
33. Functie verandering van boerderijen
- Author
- Subjects
farm holidays ,farmhouse accommodation ,schoolboerderijen ,school farms ,openluchtrecreatie ,landhuizen ,farms ,outdoor recreation ,landbouwbedrijven ,bedrijfssystemen ,kampeerboerderij ,bibliographies ,vakanties op de boerderij ,Centrum voor Landbouwpublicaties en Landbouwdocumentatie ,farming systems ,country houses ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1978
34. De houding van het platteland ten aanzien van de recreatie
- Subjects
farm holidays ,vrije tijd ,farmhouse accommodation ,vrijetijdsactiviteiten ,recreation ,openluchtrecreatie ,farm management ,landhuizen ,outdoor recreation ,kampeerboerderij ,bibliographies ,leisure ,vakanties op de boerderij ,Centrum voor Landbouwpublicaties en Landbouwdocumentatie ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,country houses ,recreatie ,leisure activities ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1970
35. Recreatie en platteland : een explorerende studie over de ontwikkeling van de recreatieve functie van het platteland, de betrokkenheid bij deze ontwikkeling van de bewoners van het platteland en hun houding ten opzichte van deze functie
- Author
Kerstens, A.P.C., Wageningen University, and E.W. Hofstee
- Subjects
farm holidays ,vrije tijd ,recreatie op het platteland ,vrijetijdsactiviteiten ,openluchtrecreatie ,Rural Sociology ,outdoor recreation ,leisure ,vakanties op de boerderij ,regional planning ,rural recreation ,regionale planning ,leisure activities ,Rurale Sociologie ,gaasterland ,kempen - Abstract
Due to urbanisation and industrialisation the countryside in the Netherlands is becoming more and more important for outdoor recreation and as a tourist attraction for city dwellers, in addition to its original and, until now, dominant agricultural role.The most important problem discussed in this study is: What influence does the development of recreation and tourism have on the living conditions for the population in those rural areas?In order to study this problem completely it would be necessary to carry out investigations among the population of many rural districts. Only two areas have been studied during this research.Broadly speaking, the factors influencing rural living conditions, concerning the effects of recreation, can be divided into three groups.The first group may be considered as: 'The ways in which outdoor recreation and tourism are developed'. The rate at which these functions have developed, the number of people seeking recreation and where they come from, the length of stay, their motives for going to the countryside and whether they return regularly, where they stop, e.g. in the villages or in isolated 'enclaves', are included in this group. These questions are dealt with in the first part of this investigation.The second group may be considered as: 'The effects of the development of outdoor recreation in the countryside on the countryside itself'. What spatial and scenic effects occur due to this development? What accommodation is constructed? What new economic possibilities are created if an area is turned into a tourist attraction? Is there a great deal of money flowing into the area in question, in the form of subsidies, for the development of the infrastructure for tourism and recreation? What social effects does the development of tourism have on the area in question? Is the existing community spirit lost? Is there much contact between the country-dwellers and the tourists? What cultural influence takes place? Do the inhabitants of rural areas orientate themselves (even more) to the modern dynamic culture of the urban world outside the countryside? These questions are discussed in the second part of this investigation.The third group concerns: 'The social-economic and cultural development of the countryside'. Those areas already well developed towards an open relationship with the outside world will be influenced differently by tourism than those areas which can be classed as 'shut-off'. Are the people (still) strongly attached to agriculture? Are they still strongly connected to the local community? Is an area developing in a social, economic and demographic manner or is it stagnating in various ways? These questions are discussed in the third part of this investigation.When, in a few rural areas, investigations are carried out into the effects of the development of recreation on the living conditions of those areas, they can only be carried out indirectly, namely by obtaining the views of the inhabitants.The first part of this study is an investigation into the way in which the development of recreation in the countryside occurs. This is achieved not only by analysing statistical data of the movement towards the rural areas, in the form of day-trips, week-end-visits and holidays, but also by considering opinions concerning the role of the countryside and by proposing theories which could be developed from these opinions or which are related to them. It is apparent that the important theoretical considerations of recreation in general and of the role of rural areas in outdoor recreation in particular are not yet well-developed. The opinions and theories prevalent at the present time are either unrealistic or are in, need of considerable modification.It is possible to consider the development of recreation from the historical standpoint and also from the way in which recreation has progressed in different areas.According to CHRISTALLER (1955), we have been involved in the fifth phase of the development of outdoor recreation and tourism since 1930. In this phase a so-called 'trend to the periphery' occurs and through this tourism and recreation bring about economic levelling, social integration and cultural exchange. As result of this 'trend to the periphery' various countries and rural areas become involved in the development of tourism and recreation which were not previously concerned with the earlier phases of the development.The study of the development of recreation and tourism, as it has occurred in different areas, reveals obvious differences. Several indications could be found for the accuracy of the so-called 'moving-up theory', or at least different facts could be noted which could be considered as support for this theory. The idea behind the 'moving-up theory' is that a certain area is 'discovered' by people from the upper strata of society and is later visited en masse by people from the lower strata; as a result these areas develop a different character, then new areas are 'discovered' and the same thing occurs again. There is an initial phase, a development phase, a maturing phase, a saturation phase and a decline. The idea that the development outlined in this model must be avoided by constructive planning before it reaches completion is gaining greater impetus.In the second part of this study the effect of the development of recreation on the general development of the countryside has been considered. In this case the scenic and spatial effects, economic and man-made morphological effects and other social and cultural effects have been distinguished from each other. The importance of the influence on the living conditions of a rural area can only be determined by finding out the opinions of the inhabitants of the area in question.The third part of this study is the report of an investigation into what influence the development of recreation has on the living conditions for the inhabitants of two rural areas. The investigation was in the form of an attempt to 'measure' the attitude of these inhabitants to this development.In the first instance it was necessary to find out if the inhabitants of the rural areas are aware of the social object, namely 'the outdoor recreational function of the countryside', in other words, do they feel involved? The two areas chosen for investigation, Gaasterland in the south-west comer of the province of Friesland and de Kempen in the central-southern part of the province of North Brabant, differ considerably from each other in this respect. The inhabitants of Gaasterland were far more aware of the development of recreation in the area than those of de Kempen, who did not really feel involved and where there was much less initiative to develop the economic possibilities offered by this new function of the countryside. This was not the case in Gaasterland where much effort was being made to take advantage of these possibilities. One of the most important reasons for these differences was that Gaasterland, from an economic and thus a demographic point of view, is a stagnating area and de Kempen, on the other hand, especially in recent times, has shown a certain growth both by an increase in the availability of work in de Kempen itself and in the surrounding areas, and by the influx of reasonably large number of new inhabitants in this area.One of the most important reasons for the differences can be traced to the differences in the culture of the areas; the culture in Gaasterland is much less concerned with the countryside than that of de Kempen, where the population is probably less involved with the city and with urban life. In Gaasterland much thought has been given to the development of recreation in the different information campaigns and moreover many inhabitants see the development of recreation as the last chance to stimulate the economy of the area. According to experts the expected stimulation of the economy has been overestimated.Another important difference could be that the inhabitants of Gaasterland have been involved with recreation for a longer time than those of de Kempen where this development has clearly only recently started. Also connected with this is the origin of the tourists. For some time now Gaasterland has been involved with regional recreation and, although some changes are occurring, this is still the case, while de Kempen, has primarily been involved with recreation for people living in the southern 'randstad' (especially Rotterdam); the cultural difference between the 'visitor' and his 'host' is thus considerably greater in de Kempen than in Gaasterland.As far as the attitude of the inhabitants with regard to the recreational function of their area is concerned, three hypothetically ideal typical country- dwellers can be distinguished; namely primary, secondary and tertiary countrydwellers. The primary country-dwellers are (still) deeply involved in the old countryside and see tourism as an intrusion in the countryside where agriculture has, and still should have, the dominant role. The various changes such as those caused by the development of recreation, if they are noticed at all, are seen as a danger to their living conditions. The expansion and diversification of the supporting services are not considered by them as progress because their needs are not yet sufficiently emancipated for these changes to be appreciated.The secondary country-dwellers have mostly been born and bred in the country but are less involved with the old countryside than the primary countrydwellers, or are possibly completely uninterested in the old countryside and view the development of recreation as an important possibility of improving *their living conditions. For example the facilities for relaxation which are created during this development are appreciated by them because they see the need for them. These secondary country-dwellers are in favour of the development of recreation in the countryside because as it is 'opened up' they will benefit economically and in general their living conditions will be improved.The tertiary country-dwellers regard the development of outdoor recreation as more of a threat to the living conditions of their area than as an improvement. On the one hand they will encourage the improvement in the spatial and scenic structure of their area but on the other hand will disapprove, or at least will view with some mistrust any important increase in the number of visitors to their area. They see this increase as though it is in competition with their own recreational interests. They would like to keep the area rural and maintain the same atmosphere which existed when they first arrived there. In this case nostalgia (based on an idealised countryside) and deceptive conservatism often play a not to be underestimated role. Also anti-urbanism, which plays an important part in the image of the countryside as a recreationpossibility, could be a basic reason for this.In the Gaasterland and de Kempen areas respectively 16 and 20% of the people answering the enquiry took a negative attitude to the development of a recreational function in their area. A large number, 16 and 35 % respectively, took what could be called an equivocal attitude to the recreation; they see both advantages and disadvantages to tourism in their areas. The resistance can probably be traced mainly to the primary country-dwellers. Eventually, however, more objections will be heard from the tertiary country-dwellers. The objections will thus clearly come more from the primary and tertiary countrydwellers. The reasons behind these objections are, however, different; the objections of the primary country-dwellers arise from their feeling for tradition, whereas the objections offered by the tertiary country-dwellers arise from a sentimental rural bias; any further development of tourism competes with their own recreational needs.
- Published
- 1972
36. De houding van het platteland ten aanzien van de recreatie
- Author
- Subjects
farm holidays ,vrije tijd ,farmhouse accommodation ,vrijetijdsactiviteiten ,recreation ,openluchtrecreatie ,farm management ,landhuizen ,outdoor recreation ,kampeerboerderij ,bibliographies ,leisure ,vakanties op de boerderij ,Centrum voor Landbouwpublicaties en Landbouwdocumentatie ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,country houses ,recreatie ,leisure activities ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1970
37. Recreatieve verblijfsmogelijkheden op landbouwbedrijven : een orienterend onderzoek op de Veluwe
- Subjects
farm holidays ,vrije tijd ,farmhouse accommodation ,netherlands ,vrijetijdsactiviteiten ,recreation ,openluchtrecreatie ,farm management ,landhuizen ,nederland ,Wageningen Economic Research ,outdoor recreation ,kampeerboerderij ,leisure ,vakanties op de boerderij ,veluwe ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,country houses ,recreatie ,leisure activities ,gelderland - Abstract
Verbreding van de landbouw
- Published
- 1970
38. Vakantie op de boerderij
- Subjects
farm holidays ,vrije tijd ,farmhouse accommodation ,vrijetijdsactiviteiten ,recreation ,openluchtrecreatie ,farm management ,landhuizen ,outdoor recreation ,kampeerboerderij ,bibliographies ,leisure ,vakanties op de boerderij ,Centrum voor Landbouwpublicaties en Landbouwdocumentatie ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,country houses ,recreatie ,leisure activities ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1973
39. Vakantie op de boerderij
- Author
- Subjects
farm holidays ,vrije tijd ,farmhouse accommodation ,vrijetijdsactiviteiten ,recreation ,openluchtrecreatie ,farm management ,landhuizen ,outdoor recreation ,kampeerboerderij ,bibliographies ,leisure ,vakanties op de boerderij ,Centrum voor Landbouwpublicaties en Landbouwdocumentatie ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,country houses ,recreatie ,leisure activities ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1971
40. Recreatie en platteland : een explorerende studie over de ontwikkeling van de recreatieve functie van het platteland, de betrokkenheid bij deze ontwikkeling van de bewoners van het platteland en hun houding ten opzichte van deze functie
- Subjects
farm holidays ,vrije tijd ,recreatie op het platteland ,vrijetijdsactiviteiten ,openluchtrecreatie ,Rural Sociology ,outdoor recreation ,leisure ,vakanties op de boerderij ,regional planning ,rural recreation ,regionale planning ,leisure activities ,Rurale Sociologie ,gaasterland ,kempen - Abstract
Due to urbanisation and industrialisation the countryside in the Netherlands is becoming more and more important for outdoor recreation and as a tourist attraction for city dwellers, in addition to its original and, until now, dominant agricultural role.The most important problem discussed in this study is: What influence does the development of recreation and tourism have on the living conditions for the population in those rural areas?In order to study this problem completely it would be necessary to carry out investigations among the population of many rural districts. Only two areas have been studied during this research.Broadly speaking, the factors influencing rural living conditions, concerning the effects of recreation, can be divided into three groups.The first group may be considered as: 'The ways in which outdoor recreation and tourism are developed'. The rate at which these functions have developed, the number of people seeking recreation and where they come from, the length of stay, their motives for going to the countryside and whether they return regularly, where they stop, e.g. in the villages or in isolated 'enclaves', are included in this group. These questions are dealt with in the first part of this investigation.The second group may be considered as: 'The effects of the development of outdoor recreation in the countryside on the countryside itself'. What spatial and scenic effects occur due to this development? What accommodation is constructed? What new economic possibilities are created if an area is turned into a tourist attraction? Is there a great deal of money flowing into the area in question, in the form of subsidies, for the development of the infrastructure for tourism and recreation? What social effects does the development of tourism have on the area in question? Is the existing community spirit lost? Is there much contact between the country-dwellers and the tourists? What cultural influence takes place? Do the inhabitants of rural areas orientate themselves (even more) to the modern dynamic culture of the urban world outside the countryside? These questions are discussed in the second part of this investigation.The third group concerns: 'The social-economic and cultural development of the countryside'. Those areas already well developed towards an open relationship with the outside world will be influenced differently by tourism than those areas which can be classed as 'shut-off'. Are the people (still) strongly attached to agriculture? Are they still strongly connected to the local community? Is an area developing in a social, economic and demographic manner or is it stagnating in various ways? These questions are discussed in the third part of this investigation.When, in a few rural areas, investigations are carried out into the effects of the development of recreation on the living conditions of those areas, they can only be carried out indirectly, namely by obtaining the views of the inhabitants.The first part of this study is an investigation into the way in which the development of recreation in the countryside occurs. This is achieved not only by analysing statistical data of the movement towards the rural areas, in the form of day-trips, week-end-visits and holidays, but also by considering opinions concerning the role of the countryside and by proposing theories which could be developed from these opinions or which are related to them. It is apparent that the important theoretical considerations of recreation in general and of the role of rural areas in outdoor recreation in particular are not yet well-developed. The opinions and theories prevalent at the present time are either unrealistic or are in, need of considerable modification.It is possible to consider the development of recreation from the historical standpoint and also from the way in which recreation has progressed in different areas.According to CHRISTALLER (1955), we have been involved in the fifth phase of the development of outdoor recreation and tourism since 1930. In this phase a so-called 'trend to the periphery' occurs and through this tourism and recreation bring about economic levelling, social integration and cultural exchange. As result of this 'trend to the periphery' various countries and rural areas become involved in the development of tourism and recreation which were not previously concerned with the earlier phases of the development.The study of the development of recreation and tourism, as it has occurred in different areas, reveals obvious differences. Several indications could be found for the accuracy of the so-called 'moving-up theory', or at least different facts could be noted which could be considered as support for this theory. The idea behind the 'moving-up theory' is that a certain area is 'discovered' by people from the upper strata of society and is later visited en masse by people from the lower strata; as a result these areas develop a different character, then new areas are 'discovered' and the same thing occurs again. There is an initial phase, a development phase, a maturing phase, a saturation phase and a decline. The idea that the development outlined in this model must be avoided by constructive planning before it reaches completion is gaining greater impetus.In the second part of this study the effect of the development of recreation on the general development of the countryside has been considered. In this case the scenic and spatial effects, economic and man-made morphological effects and other social and cultural effects have been distinguished from each other. The importance of the influence on the living conditions of a rural area can only be determined by finding out the opinions of the inhabitants of the area in question.The third part of this study is the report of an investigation into what influence the development of recreation has on the living conditions for the inhabitants of two rural areas. The investigation was in the form of an attempt to 'measure' the attitude of these inhabitants to this development.In the first instance it was necessary to find out if the inhabitants of the rural areas are aware of the social object, namely 'the outdoor recreational function of the countryside', in other words, do they feel involved? The two areas chosen for investigation, Gaasterland in the south-west comer of the province of Friesland and de Kempen in the central-southern part of the province of North Brabant, differ considerably from each other in this respect. The inhabitants of Gaasterland were far more aware of the development of recreation in the area than those of de Kempen, who did not really feel involved and where there was much less initiative to develop the economic possibilities offered by this new function of the countryside. This was not the case in Gaasterland where much effort was being made to take advantage of these possibilities. One of the most important reasons for these differences was that Gaasterland, from an economic and thus a demographic point of view, is a stagnating area and de Kempen, on the other hand, especially in recent times, has shown a certain growth both by an increase in the availability of work in de Kempen itself and in the surrounding areas, and by the influx of reasonably large number of new inhabitants in this area.One of the most important reasons for the differences can be traced to the differences in the culture of the areas; the culture in Gaasterland is much less concerned with the countryside than that of de Kempen, where the population is probably less involved with the city and with urban life. In Gaasterland much thought has been given to the development of recreation in the different information campaigns and moreover many inhabitants see the development of recreation as the last chance to stimulate the economy of the area. According to experts the expected stimulation of the economy has been overestimated.Another important difference could be that the inhabitants of Gaasterland have been involved with recreation for a longer time than those of de Kempen where this development has clearly only recently started. Also connected with this is the origin of the tourists. For some time now Gaasterland has been involved with regional recreation and, although some changes are occurring, this is still the case, while de Kempen, has primarily been involved with recreation for people living in the southern 'randstad' (especially Rotterdam); the cultural difference between the 'visitor' and his 'host' is thus considerably greater in de Kempen than in Gaasterland.As far as the attitude of the inhabitants with regard to the recreational function of their area is concerned, three hypothetically ideal typical country- dwellers can be distinguished; namely primary, secondary and tertiary countrydwellers. The primary country-dwellers are (still) deeply involved in the old countryside and see tourism as an intrusion in the countryside where agriculture has, and still should have, the dominant role. The various changes such as those caused by the development of recreation, if they are noticed at all, are seen as a danger to their living conditions. The expansion and diversification of the supporting services are not considered by them as progress because their needs are not yet sufficiently emancipated for these changes to be appreciated.The secondary country-dwellers have mostly been born and bred in the country but are less involved with the old countryside than the primary countrydwellers, or are possibly completely uninterested in the old countryside and view the development of recreation as an important possibility of improving *their living conditions. For example the facilities for relaxation which are created during this development are appreciated by them because they see the need for them. These secondary country-dwellers are in favour of the development of recreation in the countryside because as it is 'opened up' they will benefit economically and in general their living conditions will be improved.The tertiary country-dwellers regard the development of outdoor recreation as more of a threat to the living conditions of their area than as an improvement. On the one hand they will encourage the improvement in the spatial and scenic structure of their area but on the other hand will disapprove, or at least will view with some mistrust any important increase in the number of visitors to their area. They see this increase as though it is in competition with their own recreational interests. They would like to keep the area rural and maintain the same atmosphere which existed when they first arrived there. In this case nostalgia (based on an idealised countryside) and deceptive conservatism often play a not to be underestimated role. Also anti-urbanism, which plays an important part in the image of the countryside as a recreationpossibility, could be a basic reason for this.In the Gaasterland and de Kempen areas respectively 16 and 20% of the people answering the enquiry took a negative attitude to the development of a recreational function in their area. A large number, 16 and 35 % respectively, took what could be called an equivocal attitude to the recreation; they see both advantages and disadvantages to tourism in their areas. The resistance can probably be traced mainly to the primary country-dwellers. Eventually, however, more objections will be heard from the tertiary country-dwellers. The objections will thus clearly come more from the primary and tertiary countrydwellers. The reasons behind these objections are, however, different; the objections of the primary country-dwellers arise from their feeling for tradition, whereas the objections offered by the tertiary country-dwellers arise from a sentimental rural bias; any further development of tourism competes with their own recreational needs.
- Published
- 1972
41. Vakantie op de boerderij
- Subjects
farm holidays ,vrije tijd ,farmhouse accommodation ,vrijetijdsactiviteiten ,recreation ,openluchtrecreatie ,farm management ,landhuizen ,outdoor recreation ,kampeerboerderij ,bibliographies ,leisure ,vakanties op de boerderij ,Centrum voor Landbouwpublicaties en Landbouwdocumentatie ,agrarische bedrijfsvoering ,country houses ,recreatie ,leisure activities ,bibliografieën - Published
- 1971
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