Početak radiologije smatra se otkrićem X zraka koje je otkrio Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1895.godine. Te zrake su bile nepoznate, nevidljive zrake koje su prolazile kroz materiju te su zbog toga dobile naziv X zrake. To otkriće dogodilo se 8.11.1895.godine u gradu Wirzburgu i od tada do danas rtg zračenje se kontinuirano koristi u medicinske svrhe. Svojstva rendgenskih zraka određena su: valnom duljinom i frekvencijom, te se po njima rendgenske zrake razlikuju od ostalih vrsta zračenja. Najznačajnija svojstva rendgenskih zraka su: rasap, apsorpcija, prodornost, fotografski učinak, fluorescentni učinak, ionizacija i biološki učinak. Imaju svojstvo da u sudaru s materijom izazivaju ionizaciju tj.pojavu koja nastaje nakon apsorpcije energije zračenja, pri čemu električni neutralni atomi i molekule postaju pozitivni i negativni ioni. Izlaganje stanica zračenju dovodi do unosa energije u stanice, što uzrokuje niz različitih promjena kemijskih i bioloških strukturnih elemenata ovisno o količini i vrsti energije zračenja. Na zračenje su osjetljivije mlađe osobe (naročito plod u maternici i mala djeca), te muškarci u odnosu na žene. Osobito su osjetljive spolne stanice, a među njima najosjetljivije su spermatogonije čime nastaju genetska oštećenja potomstva. Zaštita od zračenja podrazumijeva skup svih mjera i postupaka kojima se izlaganje zračenju pojedinaca i pučanstva svodi na najmanju moguću mjeru uz ostvariv poželjan dijagnostički učinak. Mjere prevencije i zaštite profesionalaca uključuju dobru stručnu izobrazbu prije početka rada, primjenu propisanih zaštitnih sredstava te nošenje osobnih dozimetara za kontrolu doza izloženosti zračenju, a pacijenata poštivanje algoritama pretraga i zaštita onih dijelova tijela koja nisu u fokusu zračenja. . Vrlo bitno je poznavati granice dozvoljenog izlaganja stanovništva ionizirajućem zračenju. Ozračenje osoba koje rade s izvorima ionizirajućih zračenja tijekom rada ne smije biti iznad 100 mSv u razdoblju pet uzastopnih godina, odnosno 20 mSv prosječno u svakoj godini, uz uvjet da ni u jednoj godini petogodišnjeg razdoblja ozračenje ne smije biti iznad 50 mSv. The beginning of radiology is considered to be the discovery of X rays discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. These rays were unknown, invisible rays that have passed through matter and are therefore given the name of X-rays. This discovery occurred at 8.11.1895. in Wirzburg and since then until today x-rays are continuously used in medical purposes. Properties of X-rays are determined by: wavelength and frequency, and by it X-rays are different from other types of radiation. The most important properties of X-rays are: scattering, absorption, penetration, photographic effect, fluorescent effect, ionization and biological effect. Their common feature is that the impact of the matter cause the ionization ie. appearance that occurs after absorption of radiation energy, where electrical neutral atoms and molecules become positive and negative ions. Exposing cells to radiation results in the input power into the cells, causing a variety of changes of chemical and biological structural elements depending on the amount and type of radiation energy. On the radiation sensitive are young people (especially fetus and young children), and men compared to women. Particularly sensitive are gametes, among them the most sensitive are spermatogonia which causes genetic defects to progeny. Protection from radiation means the set of all measures and procedures by which exposure of individuals and the population is reduced to a minimum with achievable desirable diagnostic effect. Measures of prevention and protection of all these professionals include good professional training before starting work, the application of prescribed protective equipment and wearing personal dosimeters to control the dose of radiation exposure. It also includes patient obeying algorithms of diagnostic and protection of parts of body which are not in the focus of radiation. It is very important to know the limits of permissible exposure to ionizing radiation. Irradiation of persons working with sources of ionizing radiation during work shall not exceed 100 mSv in the period of five consecutive years, or an average of 20 mSv in any year, provided that in any year of the five-year period of irradiation should not exceed 50 mSv. is considered to be the discovery of X rays discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. These rays were unknown, invisible rays that have passed through matter and are therefore given the name of X-rays. This discovery occurred at 8.11.1895. in Wirzburg and since then until today x-rays are continuously used in medical purposes. Properties of X-rays are determined by: wavelength and frequency, and by it X-rays are different from other types of radiation. The most important properties of X-rays are: scattering, absorption, penetration, photographic effect, fluorescent effect, ionization and biological effect. Their common feature is that the impact of the matter cause the ionization ie. appearance that occurs after absorption of radiation energy, where electrical neutral atoms and molecules become positive and negative ions. Exposing cells to radiation results in the input power into the cells, causing a variety of changes of chemical and biological structural elements depending on the amount and type of radiation energy. On the radiation sensitive are young people (especially fetus and young children), and men compared to women. Particularly sensitive are gametes, among them the most sensitive are spermatogonia which causes genetic defects to progeny. Protection from radiation means the set of all measures and procedures by which exposure of individuals and the population is reduced to a minimum with achievable desirable diagnostic effect. Measures of prevention and protection of all these professionals include good professional training before starting work, the application of prescribed protective equipment and wearing personal dosimeters to control the dose of radiation exposure. It also includes patient obeying algorithms of diagnostic and protection of parts of body which are not in the focus of radiation. It is very important to know the limits of permissible exposure to ionizing radiation. Irradiation of persons working with sources of ionizing radiation during work shall not exceed 100 mSv in the period of five consecutive years, or an average of 20 mSv in any year, provided that in any year of the five-year period of irradiation should not exceed 50 mSv.